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IRC log started Mon Nov 14 20:29
- ** Value of LOG set to ON
<new1> Thanks...
<new1> And your mom did what...?
<klann> i'm win the twin cities byw
<Kuen> justin: that's sounds great.
<klann> i'm in
<Justin1> klann: Neat. Where is that?
<klann> volunteered our family to recieve them
<Justin1> Kuen: It was I'm on a spiritual high. It would show more, but I'm very tired.
<klann> minnesota (minneaplois st. paul)
<new1> CAn u tell me your whole name?
<klann> me?
<Justin1> klann: ah, ok.
<klann> Barry Klann
<new1> or your Mom's
<klann> Marty Klann
<Justin1> Barry is short for Richard?
<klann> (dad) Richard
<Justin1> Ah, ok.
<klann> he's the one with the money
<Justin1> :-)
<Justin1> I think I'm definately going to advertise on soc.religion.bahai.
<klann> you should do that
<new1> Well, don;t forget to mention to your Mom that they're too grateful for your hospitality over there and my Baha'i greetings..
<klann> ppl will come
<Justin1> new1: What system are you on? I don't reconize the CL domain.
<klann> i will new1
- ** JeffH (~hensley@man_o_war.mcs.utulsa.edu) has joined channel #bahai
<Justin1> How old are you klann?
<Justin1> Jeffh: Allah'u'Abha Friend!
<klann> btw new1: do you speek spanish too... how did you come to live in chile?
<new1> I am in Chile, South America, Justin1
<JeffH> Justin: Allah'u'Abha! And hello again.
<klann> justin:15
<Justin1> klann: Great. I'm 16 and 1 month. :-)
<new1> klann: I amnative Chilena
- ** klann is now known as barry_
<Kuen> Hi there JeffH....
<barry_> new1: cool
<new1> Allah-u-Abha JeffH
<JeffH> Howdy all!
<barry_> greetings jeffh
<Kuen> Allah'u'Abha!!..JeffH where are you from?
<JeffH> Kuen: I am in Tulsa, Oklahoma
<barry_> where is everyone fromm
- barry_ is from rochester minnesota
<new1> Chile, South America
<Justin1> Charlotte, NC, USA.
<new1> And the others?
<Kuen> I'm from Guam..
<barry_> how about you Kuen?
<barry_> ok
<new1> Nearly every1 is from USA, except Kuen, ain't they?
<barry_> yup
<new1> Well, I'm from Chile...
<Justin1> new1: Would you like to be on the Baha'i IRC Fireside mailing list? It's a mailing list that discusses firesides on IRC.
<barry_> +
<new1> Kuen: When could I talk to you to know more about your country?
<barry_> ooops
- Christphr* hello
- ** You have been killed by operator Christphr furrball.catt.ncsu.edu!Christphr (read the /motd)
IRC log ended Mon Nov 14 20:42
IRC log started Mon Nov 14 20:46
- ** Value of LOG set to ON
<Kuen> new1: what time is it there?
<JeffH> We're disappearing&sIi
<JeffH> 4~nVbhw</j)^nXK{!
- ** Signoff: JeffH (Connection reset by peer)
<barry_> is the fireside going to start
<barry_> wha?
<Kuen> new1: around this time is good and I am flexable..
- ** Justin1 (jinevill@server0.cybernetics.net) has joined channel #baha'i
- ** Justin1 (jinevill@server0.cybernetics.net) has joined channel #bahai
<Kuen> Guys...be back in 5 minutes..
<Justin1> ok, I'm back.
<Justin1> ok Kuen.
<Justin1> I accidentally broke a rule on an IRC server, I had to fix it up before I got back on.
<barry_> where is new1?
<Justin1> I don't know. It may be a net split.
- ** VISA (~COMP112Q1@camins.Camosun.BC.CA) has joined channel #bahai
<barry_> darn
<Justin1> It's about the time of day for them to start happening.
<Justin1> Hello Visa.
<barry_> VISA!!!!
<barry_> alla'u'abha
<VISA> Hi everyone!
<VISA> How are things going?
<barry_> visa: have you communicated with jason yet?
<Justin1> No non-Baha'is. I really need to advertise in s.r.bahai.
<VISA> Barry: nope! I don't have his address.
<Kuen> I'm back everyone!!!!
<barry_> advertize on different religious forums too
<Kuen> hi there visa..
<VISA> Hi Kuen
<Justin1> barry_: Yes, that should come soon too.
<barry_> darn he wouldn't give it to me when i gave yours to him
- ** VISA (~COMP112Q1@camins.Camosun.BC.CA) has joined channel #baha'i
<barry_> re kuen
<Kuen> Justin: need help in that?
<VISA> so, what's happening?
<Justin1> Kuen: Advertising you mean?
<Kuen> yes..
- ** JeffH (~hensley@man_o_war.mcs.utulsa.edu) has joined channel #bahai
<barry_> visa: the fireside should start soon
<Justin1> Kuen: Well, not at the moment, but I'll keep you in mind. Thanks for the offer.
<barry_> re jeffh
- ** mfoster (~mfoster@tyrell.net) has joined channel #bahai
<mfoster> Hi
<Kuen> your welcome..
<Justin1> IT technically has started...
<barry_> hello mfoster
<Justin1> Hello Mfoster!
<VISA> Good
<VISA> Hi mfoster.
<Kuen> hi mfoster..
<mfoster> <nice crowd, good>
<barry_> justin1: is this the small talk portion
<barry_> alla'u'abha all!!
<Justin1> barry_: :-), Just that no non-Baha'is have joined in.
<mfoster> Oh, we are all Baha'is in here?
<barry_> :( we need more of them
<Justin1> I'll jump into #christianity and #athiest and tell them about this chan, ok?
<barry_> yuo
<Justin1> mfoster: Yes.
<barry_> yup
<barry_> ok
<mfoster> That sometimes happens in the virtual firesides I conduct on CompuServe, but it will get better in time
<mfoster> As more folks get used to it, they will log on just to attend.
<mfoster> The firesides on Prodigy and America on Line are also going fabulously.
<Justin1> mfoster: You do the CompuServe ones?
<mfoster> I am going to the America on Line Fireside in an hour
<mfoster> Yes, I am the Baha'i section leader on CompuServe.
<Justin1> PLease tell me who does the AOL and CIS ones.
<mfoster> I do the ones on CIS.
<Justin1> mfoster: ok, so you run the firesides
<Justin1> ?
<Justin1> ok
<Justin1> Thans.
<Justin1> Thanks, even.
<mfoster> The ones on Prodigy are conducted by myself and Greg Woods
<mfoster> America on Line by Three of us.
<Justin1> ok, I know about Greg.
- ** Mode change "+mi" on channel #bahai by barry_
<barry_> oops
- ** Mode change "-mi" on channel #bahai by barry_
- ** TRAMMIE (U12733@UICVM.UIC.EDU) has joined channel #baha'i
<mfoster> Are we connected?
<Justin1:#baha'i> Hello Trammie.
<TRAMMIE:#baha'i> *knoxk knock* wh's here?
<VISA> Hi trammie
<TRAMMIE:#baha'i> hi justin (:
<TRAMMIE:#baha'i> nlfsjldne
- ** bakri (zjk2h@fulton.seas.Virginia.EDU) has joined channel #baha'i
<TRAMMIE:#baha'i> ahh no back space..
<TRAMMIE:#baha'i> long time no c justin (: yo g slkdfbakri
<mfoster> What does mode change mean?
<Justin1:#baha'i> Hello Bakri.
<bakri:#baha'i> hi justin, trammie, visa
<bakri:#baha'i> hows all ?
<Justin1> It set rights and privs in a chan basically.
<mfoster> IC
<barry_> i put a restriction on this channel accedentally
<Justin1:#baha'i> Good, and how about yourself?
<mfoster> I thought that the channel suddenly fell apart <g>.
<bakri:#baha'i> life is good
<TRAMMIE:#baha'i> why is everyone in two channels bahai and baha'i?????
<JeffH> Mark: How many people (roughly) participate on the AOL firesides?
- ** Signoff: TRAMMIE (TRAMMIE)
<mfoster> AOL - varies
<Justin1:#baha'i> #bahai is the main chan.
<bakri:#baha'i> visa what is ur email address ?
<mfoster> People come and go constantly
<barry_> sorry :) it could have been worse
<mfoster> Generally, about 10
<mfoster> We had 15 at the last CompuServe fireside
<mfoster> Our next one on CIS is tomorrow night
<JeffH> What is CIS?
<mfoster> CompuServe
<Justin1> Compuserve Info. Service.
<mfoster> Yes
<JeffH> IC
<JeffH> Well, I'm in a great mood!
<mfoster> We are really taking advantage of this medium! It is exciting.
- ** TRAMMIE (U12733@UICVM.UIC.EDU) has joined channel #bahai
<TRAMMIE> ok i'm here...
<barry_> so whats the topic for this fireside?
- ** Bretoner (~ddjoe@PANACEA.PHYS.UTK.EDU) has joined channel #baha'i
<barry_> alla'u'abha trammie
<TRAMMIE> fire fire.. ahhh.....
- TRAMMIE takes out the fire extinquisher (:
<mfoster> BTW, how does one change one's handle (nickname) here?
<VISA> Hi again trammie
- ** Bretoner has left channel #baha'i
<TRAMMIE> `type /nick <newnick>
<barry_> /nick ____
<TRAMMIE> yo visa (:
- ** Bretoner (~ddjoe@PANACEA.PHYS.UTK.EDU) has joined channel #bahai
<VISA> Hi bretoner!
<mfoster> Hey, Trammie <with sort of Southern accent>
<Bretoner> Hullo folks
<TRAMMIE> is the fire out (;
<barry_> welcome bretoner
<mfoster> Hi, Bretoner
<VISA> Hi Bretoner!
<TRAMMIE> howdy.. mfoster (:
<Bretoner> whas up people
<Kuen> hi, Bretoner..
<mfoster> Howdy ;-)
<TRAMMIE> whas up... new york accent (:
<mfoster> I am originally from NYC, too.
- barry_ takes out his zippo and lights the fire " the flame of baha u llah can never be extinguished
<Bretoner> ney york ha i'm a Cape Bretoner!!!
<mfoster> Does anyone know how to change one's nickname here?
<TRAMMIE> i gota go ppl have fun ("
<Bretoner> trye /nick
<mfoster> Mfoster looks strange
<mfoster> OK
- ** Signoff: TRAMMIE (TRAMMIE)
<barry_> typr /nick _______
<Kuen> Bye Trammie
- ** mfoster is now known as Realityma
<barry_> 9 characters only :<
- ** Realityma is now known as Realitymn
- VISA pats barry on the back and tell him he is creative...
<JeffH> Mark: Why not choos Realitypa?
<Realitymn> OK
<Realitymn> hahaha
<Realitymn> I use that handle on AOL and Prodigy.
<bakri:#baha'i> bye all... gotta run
- ** bakri has left channel #baha'i
<JeffH> I couldn't use such a nickname and maintain any level of modesty!
<Bretoner> weel whas up people
<barry_> is that supposed to mean realityman?
<Realitymn> I do it because I operate a BBS with a similar name.
<Realitymn> It is named after the BBS.
<JeffH> I understand
<JeffH> Bretoner: Where are you?
<barry_> ok
IRC log started Mon Nov 14 21:16
- ** Value of LOG set to ON
<JeffH> Kuen: what time is it, chez vous?
<Kuen> it's 12:20 in the afternoon.
<JeffH> Aargh! It's tomorrow!?!?!
<Kuen> Tuesday...
<barry_> its tuesday there right?
<barry_> yes
<Kuen> yes, it is..
<JeffH> So, what's new with everyone? I'm in a GREAT mood! Our community has a new Baha'i as of yesterday....
<Realitymn> A new declarant?
<Justin1> JeffH: That's great. How many Baha'is are in your community?
<Realitymn> Or someone moved in?
<JeffH> Yes! One of those people who has been hanging around firesides at my house for about a year.
<barry_> i declared thre days ago!!!!
<Realitymn> Wow! Welcome.
<Bretoner> congrats barry
<JeffH> barry!!! Welcome!!!
- ** Mode change "+o barry_" on channel #baha'i by bozI
<barry_> on fire!!
<Bretoner> Allah'u'abha
<Realitymn> Gee, whiz.
- ** Mode change "+oo Justin1 JustinLog" on channel #baha'i by bozI
<barry_> thank you
<Kuen> JeffH: That's good news to all of us...
<Justin1> That's great.
<Realitymn> How did you find out about these firesides so soon???
<Realitymn> You are working fast, Barry
<Realitymn> Great
<JeffH> barry: Can you tell us about how you became a Baha'i
<barry_> sure
<Bretoner> barry: would you be the "new" baha'i in jeff's community?
<barry_> i've been in a bahai family all my life....
<Realitymn> IC
<barry_> come my 15th birthday i did some signing
<JeffH> Bretoner: No, he's not "our" new Baha'i
<barry_> no i am not
<Bretoner> ok
<JeffH> I used to be 15 once....
<Bretoner> i declared bout two years ago myself i was 20 at the time
<barry_> heh heh
<Realitymn> Me, too ( I think)
- ** VISA (~COMP112Q1@camins.Camosun.BC.CA) has joined channel #bahai
<Realitymn> I declared when I was 14.
<barry_> how old is jeff?
- ** VISA (~COMP112Q1@camins.Camosun.BC.CA) has joined channel #baha'i
<Bretoner> hull ovisa
<Justin1:#baha'i> Thanks for the ops.
<barry_> hey visa
<JeffH> Jeff is an old man -- 37
<Realitymn> Hi, Visa
<JeffH> I think
<Realitymn> I am 38, Jeff
<VISA> Hey all.
<barry_> jeff is older than dirt !
<Realitymn> Not too old <g>
<barry_> heh heh
<barry_> hey visa
<JeffH> Ah, so Realitymn and I can hold down the old folks section tonight!
<VISA> Hey Barry...
- ** Mode change "+o VISA" on channel #baha'i by bozI
<Realitymn> Are we actually the oldest people on this channel?
<VISA> Thanks bozI
<Realitymn> My goodness!
<Justin1> Whois running BozI anyone know?
<barry_> justin: bakri is
<VISA> I have to go now sorry.....
<barry_> bye visa
<Kuen> Isn't it wonderful that our Baha'i community (world-wide) is growing in numbers everyday...
<Justin1> visa: Allah'u'Abha, thanks for coming.
<Realitymn> Ok, Visa
<Realitymn> Take care
<Realitymn> Have a good night.
<Bretoner> later eh
<Justin1> Kuen: I love to see the latest Baha'i Announce stats, they keep rising.
<JeffH> Kuen: Absolutely! It's marvelous that our Baha'i community extends worldwide
<Bretoner> Allah'u'abha
<Justin1> barry_: Are you on the BYW mailing list?
<Justin1> electronic mailing list that is.
<Kuen> Bye visa..
<barry_> justin1: no i want to be though
<Realitymn> BYW = IRC list?
- VISA Alla'u'abha all.... Nice talking to you.... take care.
<barry_> justin1:i'm on the bircf list
<Bretoner> gotta do somethin before i catch the bus later folks
<barry_> farewell visa!!!!!
<Realitymn> Bye, Bretoner
<Justin1> barry_: I'll be managing it soon, but for now email "byw-request@justice.medford.ma.us".
- ** Signoff: Bretoner (Leaving)
<Realitymn> What is byw?
<JeffH> I've got to go too (unfortunately). I love chatting with you all. Next time!
- ** Signoff: VISA (Leaving)
<Realitymn> Never heard of that list.
<Justin1> Baha'i Youth Workshop.
<Realitymn> Oh, IC
<Justin1> Bye JeffH, thanks for coming.
<Kuen> its amazing how many people becomes Baha'is in one day.
<Realitymn> Yes, I have heard of it.
- ** Signoff: JeffH (Connection reset by peer)
<Kuen> same to you visa...
<Kuen> Bye JeffH..and take care...
<Realitymn> Things have quieted down....
<barry_> well, I must leave now... i will see you all very soon ALLA'U'ABHA!!!!!
<Realitymn> Well, folks, I need to get ready for the AOL fireside. I must go.
<Justin1> Barry_: How many people are in your Workshop?
<Kuen> Bye Barry..
<Realitymn> Will try to be here next week.
<Realitymn> Bye Barry.
<Realitymn> And bye everyone.
- ** Signoff: Realitymn (Leaving)
<barry_> 40 and rising every week!!!
<Kuen> Bye Realitymn..Allah'u'Abha.. and wish you luck
- ** Signoff: barry_ (...God is greater than every great one...)
<Justin1> Anyone besides me going to the National Youth Conference in Pheonix this December or it's sister conference for adults?
<Justin1> Realitymn: Cya, thanks for coming.
<Kuen> Justin: I am not going..
<Kuen> its only you and you, everyone left..
<Kuen> sorry
<Kuen> you and me
<Justin1> heh, ok.
<Justin1> Yeah.
<Justin1> :-)
<Kuen> Sorry i can't make it
<Justin1> Do you get lots of email?
<Kuen> :(
<Justin1> Kuen: THat's ok. I was just trying to get an idea of how many ppl were going ot be there.
<Kuen> Sometimes...yes.
<Justin1> the National TEaching Committee of the NSA of the Baha'is of the U.S. told me they expected about 4,000 youth, but were suprised at the # that had already registered.
<Justin1> Kuen: Like how many messages average per day?
<Justin1> I'm just wondering to see if I get alot relatively or not.
<Justin1> I really get too much, for me to keep up with
<Kuen> I would say between 5 to 10 average.
<Justin1> oh, ok. Thanks.
<Justin1> I need to register. I think I'll fill that out tonight. :-)
<Kuen> That's a big number and sound like lots of fun.
<Justin1> Yeah, it should be great. IT's called the "Army of Light Boot Camp". Great name I think.
<Kuen> Yeah..
- ** Signoff: Justin1 (dewey.cc.utexas.edu hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu)
- ** Current channel #bahai
- ** You are on the following channels:
- ** #baha'i +n (irc.uiuc.edu): JustinLog bozI
- ** #bahai + (irc.uiuc.edu): JustinLog Kuen
<Kuen> are you still there?
> Net split.
> My logger is still here, because it's on a dif. server.
IRC log ended Mon Nov 14 21:38
IRC log started Mon Nov 14 21:44
- ** Value of LOG set to ON
- ** Current channel #baha'i
- ** You are on the following channels:
- ** #baha'i +n (irc.uiuc.edu): Justin1 bozI hooman
- ** #bahai + (irc.uiuc.edu): Justin1 Kuen
<hooman> how big is the bah'i comunity over there
<Kuen:#bahai> That would be great...can you forward his e-mail number to me once he gets one..
> About 150. Where are you at?
<Kuen:#bahai> I think I have his fax and phone number.
>#bahai> Sure, he's a real neat guy! I'm meeting him in person in January.
<hooman> at Cookeville,TN.
- ** hooman is HR9887@gemini.tntech.edu (<Human Rahmanian >)
- ** on channels: #baha'i
- ** on irc via server irc.uoknor.edu (SOONER ALPHA SERVER, SOONER THAN THE REST!)
- ** Kuen is ~kevint@kuentos.guam.net (Kevin Tagey)
- ** on channels: #bahai
- ** on irc via server irc.colorado.edu (Univ of Colorado Server (2.8.*))
<Kuen:#bahai> Well, give him my best regards...
> Can you switch to the channel '#bahai' there is another Baha'i in there.
- ** You are now talking to channel #bahai
> Yeah, ok.
> Does he know you?
<Kuen> No...
<hooman:#baha'i> sure
> oh, ok.
> There is a Baha'i joining from #baha'i called Hooman.
<Kuen> And maybe he is not familier where is Guam either..
<hooman:#baha'i> join #bahai
> heh, yeah. :-)
- ** hooman (HR9887@gemini.tntech.edu) has joined channel #bahai
> there we go.
- ** Current channel #bahai
- ** You are on the following channels:
- ** #baha'i +n (irc.uiuc.edu): Justin1 bozI hooman
- ** #bahai + (irc.uiuc.edu): Justin1 Kuen hooman
<Kuen> Greeting hooman..
<hooman> hi
> Where exactly in Tennesse do you live Hooman?
> East or West side?
- ** Current channel #bahai
- ** You are on the following channels:
- ** #baha'i +n (irc.uiuc.edu): Justin1 bozI hooman
- ** #bahai + (irc.uiuc.edu): Justin1 Kuen hooman
> Kuen: You could join the BYW, I'm sure too. Seems like you're very interested in them, are you already on the BYW list?
> Kuen: Are you involved with a Baha'i Youth Workshop therein Guam?
<hooman> midle tennesse in Cookeville about 80 miles from Nashville
> Hooman: oh, ok. Still not too far from Charlotte, NC.
<Kuen> yes..
> yes to which question? :-)
<hooman> what is BYW?
> Baha'i Youth Workshop.
<hooman> ok I've got that
> Hooman: There is one in Nashville is there not?
<hooman> that's right
<hooman> is there any BYWchanel?
> No, not on IRC.
- ** Kuen is ~kevint@kuentos.guam.net (Kevin Tagey)
- ** on channels: #bahai
- ** on irc via server irc.colorado.edu (Univ of Colorado Server (2.8.*))
> Kuen, are you still with us?
<Kuen> yess..
<hooman> yes it is and they are indeed very active
> Kuen: ARe you involved with a Workshop there in Guam?
<Kuen> Yes.. I am
<hooman> ok
> Hooman: That's great. I'm in the Charlotte BYW.
> Kuen: Great, what is your roll?
<Kuen> Director and Coordinator
<hooman> kuen how is the baha'i comunity over there?
> Oh great. Are you on the BYW mailing list?
<Kuen> Wonderful...
<Kuen> Yes, i am on the mailing list..
> oh, ok. Cool.
<Kuen> The Faith is pretty well know here.
- ** Kuen is ~kevint@kuentos.guam.net (Kevin Tagey)
- ** on channels: #bahai
- ** on irc via server irc.colorado.edu (Univ of Colorado Server (2.8.*))
<Kuen> Even all the government officals know about it.
> That's truely neat!!
IRC log ended Mon Nov 14 21:58