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What's DOS?


DOS is Apple's "Disk Operating System".  Without it, your

Apple simply does not know how to perform any function that

involves a disk--load a program form disk, catalog, tell you

"FILE NOT FOUND", access a text file, etc., let alone start

the actor on your disk drive.  Without DOS, your Apple DOES

know how to execute BASIC functions (I assume you are using

Applesoft or Integer BASIC), because BASIC is BUILT IN to

your Apple in the form of unchangeable hardware, or "ROM"

(Read Only Memory), DOS (rhymes with "boss", by the way) is

actually a complex machine-language PROGRAM that is entered

into your Apple's memory in "RAM" (Random Access Memory)

each time you boot a disk.  DOS normally remains in memory

as long as your Apple is turned on and is not affected or

changed by anything you ordinarily do--programming, loading,

saving, deleting, etc.

So, after you boot a disk (load DOS), your Apple knows TWO

sets of instructions, BASIC and DOS.  When you enter an

instruction through the keyboard, the Apple checks it FIRST

to see if it is a DOS command, THEN to see if it is a BASIC

command.  If you type "ABCFED" with a carriage return, for

example, the Apple checks its entire 28 word DOS command

vocabulary (words like "CATALOG", "INIT", "DELETE", etc.) to

see if it knows "ABCFED".  If it doesn't, it then checks its

BASIC vocabulary (words like "LIST", "GOTO", "AND", "NEXT",

"POKE", etc.). If it can't find "ABCFED" there, it gives up

and prints "?SYNTAX ERROR" or "*** SYNTAX ERR".  If it DOES

know the word that you have typed, it executes the command

according to the instructions that reside in memory, either

DOS or BASIC, depending on where the command was found.  All

of the above takes approximately no time at all.

What's DOS BOSS?

Since DOS is an ACCESSIBLE written program in RAM and not a

permanent collection of hardware like BASIC, you can CHANGE

it to suit your desires and to have more control over your

computer.  DOS BOSS is the key to making these changes.

With DOS BOSS, you will have immediate access to DOS's most

visible functions and features.  With this book, you will

have even further control, and learn a bit more about what

goes on inside your Apple's "brain".  I have written as much

as possible from a beginner's viewpoint, assuming that you

know nothing of machine level programming or the way a

computer works.  Technical details, whenever possible, have

been omitted or written in English.  Let's get on with it

and have some fun!


DOS BOSS is easy to use.  Let's use it!


Boot the DOS BOSS disk.  You are now operating under normal

DOS conditions with your normal Apple.  Now type RUN DOS

BOSS and hit "return".


In a few seconds, you will see the DOS BOSS MENU, showing

the DOS change options available to you.  To the left of

each option is a letter of <> brackets.  This indicates that

only one keypress is needed to select the option.  Most of

what you do with DOS BOSS will be done with one keypress (no

"return" is necessary).

You will need to return to the MENU each time you want to

select another DOS BOSS feature.  to do so, simply type an M

or an M + carriage return (cr) from almost any part of DOS

BOSS.  If you wanted to, you could even hit RESET and RUN

DOS BOSS again without losing the DOS changes you had made

so far.  DOS BOSS's "variables" are actually memory values

in DOS and will not be cleared when you RUN any program or

change languages because DOS is tucked safely above HIMEM,

the highest memory location accessible by your BASIC

(Applesoft or Integer) programs,

Let's cover the DOS BOSS features--


Select C from the MENU and you will soon be presented with

Apple's 28 DOS COMMANDS, ready to be changed.  To the right

of each command should be the word "SAME".  This means that

each command is in its standard form (CATALOG will catalog;

LOAD will load, etc.).  If all the commands are not marked

"SAME", you may standardize them at any time by entering a $


Let's change a command; Select "CATALOG" as a test command

by pressing the R key (no need to press "return").  Now,

type in a new command, seven characters or shorter (no

spaces, commas or colons allowed in commands!), and hit

"return".  In a few seconds, you will see your new command

in inverse to the right of CATALOG.  During the pauses

between your inputs, the Apple is making room for the new

command, inserting the new command in DOS, and "sliding" all

other commands up or down to be adjacent.  See "CRUISING

THROUGH DOS" later in this book for a memory layout of the

DOS commands.

For a test, enter "CAT" as the new CATALOG command.  Exit

the COMMAND CHANGE MODE by pressing M for MENU and exit DOS

BOSS my pressing Q for QUIT.  Now try to CATALOG a disk.

The word CATALOG gives you a SYNTAX ERROR (the Apple thinks

it means CATALOG ALOG), BUT the word CAT catalogs your disk!

Much easier to type, right?  How about changing the command

to CC?  Simpler yet!  Type RUN now and change it.

There are 132 character location set aside for DOS commands.

The total length of all 28 commands may not exceed 132

characters.  DOS BOSS will let you lengthen a short command

IF you have shortened another and have the spare characters

available.  To lengthen the FP command to the word

APPLESOFT, for example, you could shorten CATALOG to CAT and

VERIFY to VER.  You have created seven spare characters, and

now you can lengthen FP to APPLESOFT.  Each new command may

be as long as the number of underscores (----) shown before

you enter the new word.  DOS BOSS will not allow a command

longer than nine characters.  In DOS BOSS, on certain long

commands, the new command will overwrite the original on the

left.  This was done in the interest of saving screen space.



You may want to change all or just a couple of commands to

cover a given situation.  Let's take a look at just a few

change ideas.  More command change ideas appear in the Error

Message section of this book.

CATALOG -- Shorten it.  See above.

INIT -- Accidentally typing INIT could prove disastrous!

For me, it resembles "INIT", the  Integer command just a bit

too much.  Why not change INIT to KILL or a longer code word


FP -- Beginners have a hard time remembering this one.  A/S

or APPLESOFT ] (shift-M) might make more sense to you.

EXEC -- I use EX.  I have a Text File called LIST that turns

on my printer, sets it up for 80 character per line, lists a

program, then turns the printer off.  To list any program on

my printer, I simply type EXLIST (meaning EXEC the file name

LIST), and my printer goes to work with my program still

intact!  The BASIC LIST command, of course, still lists on

the screen in the normal manner.

BRUN -- Typing HELP can BRUN a user instruction file names

LP if you rename the BRUN command HE (HELP then means BRUN

LP).  Try it.  There's a sample LP program on the DOS BOSS

disk which runs the ASSISTANCE program.

VERIFY -- VV is perfect here; much shorter (and REAL hard to


LOAD & SAVE -- Special commands!  If you rename them, you

must name other commands "LOAD" and "SAVE" or your system

will freeze if they are accidentally typed, thinking you are

doing a cassette LOAD or SAVE>  More later in the Error

Message Section.

RUN -- RUN bu itself is a BASIC command.  With anything

following it other than a carriage return, it is a DOS

command.  It is best not to mess with DOS's RUN command...

Oh, GO AHEAD!! It's fun to confuse your Apple!  If you

rename RUN, R, for example, your Apple could misinterpret

the BASIC command RUN as RUN  UN.  If things get totally out

of hand while you're experimenting, you can always re-boot.


1.  If you have changed a command (say CATALOG to CAT) and

encounter a ctrl-D execution of that command in its REGULAR

FORM in a program (like PRINT CHR$(4); "CATALOG"), the

program will bomb with a SYNTAX ERROR or ?SYNTAX ERROR.

Boot normal DOS of you aren't familiar with a program.


letter that no other command starts with.

3.  Giving a DOS command a BASIC command name will make the

BASIC command unusable.  Change CATALOG to LIST, for

example, to make your programs un-LISTable.  Remember, Apple

checks DOS, THEN BASIC for commands.

4.  Don't use spaces in commands.  If you want a two-word

command like CAT LIST, enter it in DOS BOSS as CATLIST.  The

Apple is trained to ignore spaces-> For example, the normal

CATALOG command will execute fine as CAT A LOG or CATAL OG.

5.  Don't put commas or colons in commands.  apple's INPUT

function won't allow them, so DOS BOSS won't either.

6.  All DOS commands except CATALOG, CLOSE, INT & FP must be

followed by other words or characters, usually a file name,

to be valid.  Just thought I'd mention it.

7.  With duplicate DOS commands, only the first one will



You can quickly print all DOS commands in their current form

without having to enter the Command Change mode--

1.  Quit DOS BOSS with a Q.

2.  Type RUN 22222 ("return").

If you see some inverse +'s, those are spare characters.


Error Message changes are made just like Command changes.

Select the message and type in a new one.  When you are

finished, hit M for MENU.  Changing error messages is


BOSS, on certain long error messages, your new message will

overwrite the original on the left.  This was allowed in the

interest of saving screen space.


To see if your altered error messages are printing the way

you want, you can trigger each with the following (standard)

DOS command:

     LANGUAGE NOT AVAILABLE-- LOAD an INT file with an

Applesoft-only Apple.


     WRITE PROTECTED-- SAVE FILE with a write-protected


     END OF DATA-- WRITE an empty Text File, TFILE, and then


     FILE NOT FOUND-- LOCK X (no program X on disk).

     VOLUME MISMATCH-- LOCK X, V123 (123 is wrong volume


     I/O ERROR-- CATALOG with no disk in drive.

     DISK FULL-- SAVE X with a full disk.

     FILE LOCKED-- SAVE FILE where FILE is locked.



file, and CATALOG.


Applesoft or Integer.

     PROGRAM TOO LARGE-- Lower HIMEM to 3000 and LOAD large



Come on gang!  Loosen up your Apple!  Life is too short for

those D-U-L-L error messages!

     DISK FULL-- Maybe make it BURP!  Instead.





     ANYTHING-- How about BUMMER!

                Or RATS!

                Or CAN'T YOU SPELL?

                Or HUH?

SYNTAX ERROR-- Should be renamed DOS ERROR or anything not

resembling Applesoft's ?SYNTAX ERROR or Integer's *** SYNTAX

ERR.  When a DOS error is encountered, you should instantly

be able to recognize it as such.


This is fun!  I'll give you some examples, and you take it

from there.  These changes may all be appended to any

program (more later in the "SAVING DOS CHANGES" section,

page 10).

     1.  Change the SAVE command to KEEP.

     2.  Change the VERIFY command to CATAL.

     3.  Change the FILE NOT FOUND message to *** TYPE


Here, the Apple thinks CATALOG means VERIFY file OG, can't

find file OG, and prints the instructions for your new

CATALOG command!  Handy if a stranger is using your DOS

BOSSed Apple and wants to catalog.


     1.  Change the READ command to LIST.

     2.  Change the NOT DIRECT COMMAND message to NOT


Another in a long series of ways to Non-listify your

programs to frustrate beaky people!


You can quickly print all DOS error messages in their

current form without entering the Error Message Change


     1.  Quit DOS BOSS with a Q.

     2.  Type RUN 22333 ("return").


It can be frustrating when all of your file names won't show

on the screen at one time.  23 is the normal maximum.  DOS

BOSS's Catalog Formatter can increase this to 88!  Enter

this mode from the MENU with an X.  You can re-layout your

catalogs as indicated by the chart on the screen.  Try all

of the options.  Each selection will instantly show you your

new catalog format, so BE SURE YOU HAVE A DISK IN YOUR

DRIVE.  Options 3 & 4 will eliminate your language codes

(A,I,B & T) and sector numbers for added horizontal space.

These codes are usually not necessary anyway.

One drawback to the two and four-column catalogs is that

file names longer than the maximums shown on the right of

the screen will be chopped off when presented.  You must

either shorten these file names (the best solution) or

REMEMBER them so you can access them by their real titles.

DOS BOSS creates these multi-columned catalogs by simply

removing the carriage returns after each file name.

Three-columned catalogs are not possible using this

procedure, since an odd number of characters would be

required on each line, and it takes 40 characters

horizontally to fill the screen.  See "Making Changes

Without DOS BOSS" a few pages from here for more.

Don't use file names with hidden control characters with the

split catalogs; the columns will get out of alignment.  Two

and four-column catalogs will sometimes look better if you

make the LOCK and UNLOCK codes INVERSE with DOS BOSS.  See



To me, Apple's "DISK VOLUME 254" message is clunky, and

takes up too much screen space.  DOS BOSS will permit you to

replace the heading with anything you want, UP TO 16

CHARACTERS IN LENGTH.  You can also eliminate OR include the

Volume Number itself.  Select V from the MENU for a test


A sample of the current heading will be displayed on the

screen.  To remove or include the Volume Number, press #.

To change the message, press C, and type in a new heading

followed by "return".  "Return" alone will restore the

standard (even if it IS clunky!) DISK VOLUME  heading.  You

may also select N, I, or F for a Normal, Inverse, or

Flashing heading.  The Volume Number, when visible, must

always be Normal.

Special characters may be used to create trick titles.  The

@ will print as a carriage return for multi-line titles.

The ^ will do a line feed.  And the > will let you indent a

title, nice in Inverse (normally, the Apple ignores a

leading space on an INPUT; the > remedies the problem!)  The

< acts as a backspace.  Fool around with these special

characters, and you'll see the results.  ALL CATALOGS WILL

HAVE THIS TITLE under another disk is booted, or until a new

title has been injected into DOS.


1.  Make your heading GEORGE'S DISK@V- and you will get a

nice two-line heading with a V-254 (or whatever Volume

Number the disk was INITed with) on the second line.

2.  Try A^B^C^<D^<<E^<<F in inverse with no volume Number!

I like to use >BEAGLE@>BROS.> in Inverse.

3.  Or *A 002 HELLO with no Volume Number.  A phony program!

See "Making Changes Without DOS BOSS" later on regarding

removing the carriage return and blank line after the


4.  Omit the Volume Number, and make the heading >>>>>

(blank).  Who needs it, anyhow?


Your A, I, B and T file codes as well as your * and " " lock

& unlock codes may be any ASCII screen character you want,

Inverse, Flashing, or Normal.  change them as indicated on

the screen in the File Code Change mode.


1.  Alter your file codes or make them ALL INVISIBLE

(spaces) to disguise your files from unauthorized users.

2.  Make Applesoft's A, a ], Integer's I, a >, Binary's B, a

BOSS disk uses this set.  Make up your own.  See Note 4


3.  Make the LOCK and UNLOCK codes Inverse to give your

catalogs a left border.  This helps visually separate

columns if you are set up with DOS BOSS's multi-columned


4.  If you are using Key-Cat (page 11), YOU MUST USE ALL



Press S from the menu for DOS BOSS's two Save Options.


The easiest way to save DOS changes is to create the set-up

you like with DOS BOSS, load or create a new "Hello"

program, and INIT A NEW DISK with your DOS change in memory.

Booting that disk will format your new DOS for you.


Another way to save your new DOS is to use DOS BOSS to

create "Poke-Files" which may be appended to any BASIC

program.  When executed, these pokes will change the values

necessary to structure your new DOS.

a.  Press P.  you will be asked which TYPES OF CHANGES you

want to save; Commands, Error Messages, and/or Catalog

changes.  The Catalog changes include fIle Code, Disk Volume

Heading, and Column changes.

b.  Press Y for each Change Type you want to save, and press

S.  A text file will be created for each.  This will take 30

seconds or so, and you can watch the action.

c.  Press Q to exit DOS BOSS and catalog your disk.  You

will see three text files in the catalog; ERR-POKES and


d.  Type NEW, and LOAD or create any BASIC program.  BE SURE

LINES 30000-30999 ARE NOT USED.  That is where data from the

Poke Files will be appended.

e.  EXEC the appropriate files.  EXEC COM-POKES if you are

saving Command changes.  EXEC ERR-POKES if you are saving

Error Message changes.  EXEC CAT-POKES if you are saving

Catalog Format changes.  Each file you EXEC will be appended

to your program.

f.  Put a GOSUB 30000 in your program and an END before the

pokes if necessary.  Now this program will format DOS as you

have designed it!  It can be a "Hello" program if you want.

Just delete an existing Hello program and SAVE this new

program under the same name.

Try the above procedure and save your results.  There is a

program on the DOS BOSS Disk called NORMALIZER, RUNning it

will normalize DOS BOSS changes for you (if you don't want

to re-boot).

NOTE:  Only NON-STANDARD error messages will be poked in by

DOS BOSS's SAVE feature.  All other error messages,

including any existing non standard messages, will remain


Also on the DOS BOSS disk



STOP!!  If you have altered certain DOS commands in memory

with DOS BOSS, rename the strings in LINE 10 of Bait-Cat and


BRUN and EXEC commands must be six characters or shorter for

Key-Cat.  Multi Columns, non-standard file codes and other

DOS BOSS changes will also disable Key-Cat.



KEY-CAT is a little BASIC program that will make programs

easier to select from the catalog.  It is especially handy

for non-typers and people not familiar with computers.  RUN

it and you will see a catalog of your disks.  To the left of

each filename will be a letter.  Press the letter next to

the file you want, and Key Cat will RUN, BRUN or EXEC it for


If you have more than 17 file names on your disk, the

catalog will pause as usual when the screen is full.  Press

any key to continue, OR, if you see the file name you want

on the screen, PRESS THE "RETURN" KEY, and the selection

letters will appear.

Type # as your selection and sectors used (SEC USED) and

sectors free (SEC FRE) will appear on the screen.  Z will

let you escape Key-Cat.

Key Cat makes long file names more practical, since you

don't have to type the file name to use it.  You can use a

file name like STAR TREK #9 WITH NEW MONSTERS.  The dots on

the right of Key Cat catalog indicate Apple's maximum

30-character file name length.

RENAME KEY-CAT, N and you will only have to type RUNN to

change programs.  Or RENAME KEY-CAT, DOWN and use RUNDOWN!

(Also see NU below).



RUN BAIT CAT to see your files separated by file types; B,

A, I and T.  If your want to rearrange the order of your

files or eliminate certain types, CHANGE CO$ IN LINE 150 OF

BAIT CAT.  Only B, A, I and T are allowed, any order you




LP is a jokey little program to demonstrate a possible use

of DOS BOSS's Command Change feature.  With DOS BOSS, change

BRUN to HE.  Then typing HELP will BRUN LP (LP runs a

program called ASSISTANCE).  You could provide user

instructions of your own design this way.



NU will RUN KEY CAT for you.  Change EXEC to ME and the EXEC

String in Key Cat (Line 50) to "ME".  Now, simply typing

MENU will EXEC NU which RUN's KEY CAT!

Changing DOS without DOS BOSS


Your Apple's changeable memory (RAM) consists of

approximately 48,000 changeable memory locations, (32,000 if

32k).  Each location or address is assigned a value from 0

to 255.  It is easy to PEEK or look at a value at any

location (Example:  PRINT PEEK(300) will produce a number,

0-255, and PIKE in a new one if you want (Example:  POKE

300, 123 will change that number to 123).  DOS BOSS

re-arranges DOS according to your commands by poking or

inserting new values into memory for you.  Additional

possibilities are endless-- Here are a few catalog

customizations you can make on your own.  Any of them may be

entered directly or made part of a program.  If you want to

keep one of these features, INIT with it poked in, or add

the pokes to THE END OF your appended poke-file (see "Saving

DOS Changes").



Messing around in DOS can cause S-T-R-A-N-G-E things to

happen, and before you finish this section, you (or I) may

have a malfunctioning computer.  Fear not!  To fix things,

simply turn off the power and re-boot.  Remember, no

permanent harm can ever be done to your Apple itself by just

pressing keys.

BEWARE AGAIN!-> There is also a slight chance that you COULD

foul up a disk as well (if you typed other than the pokes

given here), so use an expendable disk (a copy) to play

around with.  If the disk does get messed up, you can always

erase and re-use it by INITing it.  Before trying each new

poke below, I advise you to poke back in the original values

listed after each example.

ATTENTION OUT THERE!  The size of your Apple's memory

determines where DOS resides.  On the following DOS

experiments, use the first set of pokes if you have 48k

(doesn't everybody?)  Use the second set if you have 32K.

PRINT PEEK (44611)

or PRINT PEEK (28227) (if 32k)

Your Apple should answer with a 2. Let's change it to a 1--

POKE 44611, 1

or POKE 28227, 1 (if 32K)

Now Peek again, and there's your 1!  Now CATALOG a disk and

notice the change you have made.  This poke changes the

number of digits in your catalog sector numbers to 2 instead

of 3.  Have you ever seen a file bigger than 99 sectors?

Not very often, right?  So why clutter up the catalog with

extra 0's?  (Note: If you REALLY like clutter, poke in a 4

or an 11!)  A possible drawback to 2 digit sector numbers:

You will scramble your VOLUME NUMBER (on the screen, not in

memory).  A solution:  OMIT the number with DOS BOSS.

Another drawback:  If you are using DOS BOSS's multi-column

catalog, this poke will really make a temporary mess of your

columns!  (Normal value:  2. Poke a 2 back in to 44611 or

28227, and continue.)

POKE 44459,234:  POKE 44460,234:  POKE 44461,234

POKE 28075,234:  POKE 28076,234:  POKE 28077,234 (if 32K)

These two pokes will eliminate the blank line after the word

CATALOG.  234's mean "do nothing", and these pokes do

nothing instead of printing a carriage return.  (Normal

values: 32, 47, 174, if 48K, or 32, 47, 110 if 32K)

POKE 44486,234:  POKE 44487,234:  POKE 44488,234

POKE 28068,24:  POKE 28103,234:  POKE 29104,234 (if 32K)

This will eliminate the blank line after the Disk Volume

heading.  (Normal values:  32,47,174 if 48K, or 32,47,110 if


POKE 44452,24:  POKE 44605,23

POKE 28068,24:  Poke 28221,23  (if 32K)

These pokes will let 20 file names appear before stopping

for a keypress instead of the normal 18.  Poke in any

numbers.  Always make the first poke value one number larger

than the second.  (Normal values:  22,21)

POKE 44451,173:  POKE 44559,186

POKE 28157,173:  POKE 28175,186 (if 32K)

The first poke replaces the space (value 160) after the

file-type code with a hyphen.  The second one puts a colon

after the sector numbers.  Experiment with other values from

the ASCII Screen Chart in the Dos Boss Book Appendix.

(Normal values:  160,160)

POKE 44567,12

POKE 28183,12 (if 32K)

Will shorten your maximum file name length to 13 characters

(on the screen, NOT in memory).  Normally this number is 29,

for 30 maximum characters.  The number of characters is

always one less than the number poked in.  Every file name

shorter than the maximum fills the remaining space with

spaces.  (Normal value: 29)

POKE 44578,234: POKE 44579,234: POKE 44580,234

POKE 28194,234: POKE 28195,234: POKE 28196;234 (if 32K)

Cancels all carriage returns after file names.  With these

234's poked in, play with poking some small numbers (like 2

or 12; only certain numbers will work) in at 44567 (28183 if

32K), and you can have your own version of the

multi-columned catalog.  (Normal values: 32,47,174 if 48K,

or 32,47,110 if 32K)

POKE 44505,234: POKE 44506,234

POKE 28121,234: POKE 28122,234 (if 32K)

Shows deleted files in your catalog, and throws in a free

bonus inverse character to the right of the each.  (Normal

values:  48,74)





POKE 44596,234: POKE 44597,234: POKE 44598,234

POKE 28212,234: POKE 28213,234: POKE 28214,234 (if 32K)

Will prevent your catalog from stopping when the screen is

full.  Normal values: 206,157,179 if 48K, or 206, 157,115 if


POKE 44599,234: POKE 44600,234

POKE 28215,234: POKE 28216,234 (if 32K)

Stops your catalog at each file name, waiting for a keypress

on each one (Normal values: 208,8)

POKE 50,128

Makes your catalog invisible (in case you're embarrassed by

it).  Lists are invisible too!  (Normal value: 255)

POKE 44617,234: POKE 44618,234: POKE 44619,234

POKE 29236,234: POKE 29237,234: POKE 28235,234 (if 32K)

Makes all sector numbers and your volume number appear as

000's!  (Normal values: 217,164,179 if 32K, or 217,164,115

if 32K)

POKE 45620,234: POKE 45621,234

POKE 29236,234: POKE 29237,234 (if 32K)

Repeats your first file name forever!  (Normal values:


FOR X=43439 TO 43443: POKE X,7: NEXT X

FOR X=27055 TO 27059: POKE X,7: NEXT X (if 32K)

This obnoxious change replaces the word FILE (+space) with

five ctrl-G beeps in the FILE NOT FOUND error messages.  You

can poke beeps (7), carriage returns (13), line feeds (10),

or anything into any error message as well as the Volume

Message and other unusual places.  Each poke, of course,

replaces whatever character was there.  (Normal values:


POKE 43378,42

POKE 26994,42 (if 32K)

Now you've replaced all DOS error message beeps (invisible,

but audible ctrl-G's) with visible, but inaudible asterisks!

(Normal value: 7)

DOS & Non-DOS Tips and Tricks

This section is for fun; a collection of unconnected Apple

goodies from here and there, some useful, some useless, ALL

kind of interesting.


Applesoft sometimes limits you in your use of "IF"

statements.  That is, if an IF statement is not true,

Applesoft jumps to the next line number.  NOT TRUE if you're

dealing with certain types of information!  Instead of...

     10 INPUT A


     30 IF A>O THEN POKE 50,255: REM NORMAL

     40 PRINT "BEAGLE"

you could say...

     10 INPUT A: POKE 50,63 + 192 * (A > O): PRINT "BEAGLE"

The IF statement here is really inside the parentheses which

takes on a value of 1 or O depending on the truth of A>O.

If A>O then the POKE becomes POKE 50,(63+192) or POKE 50,255

(normal).  IF not true, it's POKE 50,63  (inverse), AND THE

REST OF THE LINE IS STILL READ!  A very simple example, but

some complex things can be accomplished (like speeding up

programs and SAVING SPACE) using this trick.


Using the method above, flush right numbers are easy.


     10 FOR X= 5 TO 1055 STEP 50

     20 PRINT SPC(X>1000; SPC(X<100); SPC(X>10;X

     30 NEXT X



(We don't explain 'em, we just find 'em!)



Turn off DOS by booting with no disk and hitting reset, and


     10 GET G$: V=VAL(G$): PRINT V

RUN and enter a digit, 1-9 for G$. Look at the answer!

Inserting a "G$=G$" after "GET G$" seems to clear things up.

The explanation for this is really boring.  Re-boot to




PRINT 7 * 7 AND PRINT 7^2 will produce different answers!!

Watch this...

     10 TEXT: HOME


     30 PRINT "------ -------  -----"

     40 POKE 34,2

     50 FOR X=0 TO 255: PRINT X;

     60 HTAB 9: PRINT X^2:

     70 HTAB 21: PRINT X^3: NEXT X



Add this line to the beginning of any Applesoft program:

     10 IF N>99 THEN N=1: PRINT "CATALOG"

(There is a control-D hidden between the first quote mark

and the C of CATALOG.)

Now try to LIST.  You can't!  Notice you are presented with

a DOS ERROR (SYNTAX ERROR if you haven't used DOS BOSS)

instead of a ?SYNTAX ERROR.  Applesoft can't seem to stand

having a ctrl-D at HTAB 1 without trying to EXECUTE the

commands following it!  To make it execute, REMOVE THE LAST

QUOTE MARK (completely legal in Applesoft).  Now the LIST

command will CATALOG!!  The IF N>99, etc., is just filler to

get the ctrl-D on the left of the second line.  Creative (or

destructive) possibilities:  Change CATALOG to FP, and a

LIST command will murder the program!  Suits that guy right

for trying to list your prized SUPERDATABASE program, right?

Of course, NO ONE would be ROTTEN enough to change the

command to DELETE SUPERDATABASE.  (...and INIT




A POKE 2049,1 in an Applesoft program will prevent a LIST if

the program has been run.  Try it in a boot program.



CALL-1184 will retrieve a message for you from the Autostart




As mentioned earlier, POKE 50,128 will make a listing or

catalog (except for inverse file names) invisible.

This program reveals all the POKE 50 possibilities--Anyone

for secret codes?

     10 FOR X=O TO 255

     20 POKE 50,255: PRINT "POKE 50,";X;":";

     30 POKE 50, X: PRINT "TESTING 1,2,3,4,5..."

     40 NEXT X: POKE 50,255: END



You can convert a hex number to decimal in the monitor.  Say

you want to convert 056E to decimal.  From Applesoft, enter

the monitor with CALL -151, and type:

     *45: 05 6E N ED246 (return)

Your decimal answer, 1390 in this case, will appear!  Use

the N ED246 for converting any number (from Applesoft only).

You can ADD and SUBTRACT hex in the monitor too--Just type

the equation, say "AF+3E" (don't type "PRINT") and hit

return.  Apple even throws in a free equal sign!



This little program does tricks with your hi-res screen by

shifting memory.  First, RUN B.B. LOGO from the DOS BOSS

disk.  Enter the monitor with a CALL -151, and type:

     *2000<2005.3FFFM (return)

     *2000<2010.3FFFM (return)

     *2000<2025.3FFFM (return)

These commands tell the Apple to MOVE MEMORY from the

address range on the right to the range starting with the

address on the left.  Substitute your own number after the

"<".  Fun, huh?



To find the amount of memory still available to you, PRINT

FRE(O) or FRE(any number).  If you get a negative answer,

add 65536.  Try printing FRE(O) before and after booting

DOS.  The program below will show you how many SECTORS a

program in memory will occupy according to how such free

memory you have left:

     10 TEXT: HOME

     20 PRINT "SEC MEM   FRE(O)"

     30 PRINT "--- ---  ------------------------------"

     40 POKE 34,2

     50 MEM=35329: REM 18945 IF 32K

     60 FOR SEC=O TO 137

     70 MEM=1 + INT<<.5+SEC) *256/1000)

     80 MHI=MEM-256*SEC

     90 MLO=MHI-255

     100 PRINT SPD (SEC<100); SPC(SEC<10); SPC(1)

     110 PRINT SPC(MEM<10); MEM;  "K"; SPC(2)

     120 PRINT MLO;";";MHI;

     130 IF MHI<32767 THEN PRINT "                


     140 PRINT: NEXT SEC



Here's an easy way to type directly to the screen in inverse

(or flash):


     20 INPUT A$: PRINT A$;: GOTO 20

BUT you have to RUN the program and remain in the program

for it to work.  Run the program below and you will get

inverse alphabetical characters after you are out of the


     10 DATA 201,141,240,21

     20 DATA 234,234,234,234

     30 DATA 201,192,144,13,201,224,176,9,72,132,53,56,233

     40 DATA 192: REM 128 FOR FLASH

     50 DATA 76,249,253,76,240,253

     60 FOR I=768 TO 795: REM $300 TO $31B

     70 READ N: POKE I,N: NEXT

     80 POKE 54,0: POKE 55,3




Make the following changes to the above program to expose

all control characters except U's (forward spaces) and M's

(carriage returns):

     30 DATA 201,128,144,13,201,160,176,9,72,132,53,56,233

     40 DATA 128: REM 64=FLASH, O=NORMAL

RUN it (nothing happens).  Now type GARBAGE (return) or

something misspelled.  You will SEE, but NOT HEAR a "?SYNTAX

ERROR" with an inverse "G" instead of the usual beep!  You

can type control characters as inverse directly to the

screen (or flashing if you change line 40 to DATA 64 in the

above program).  Backspaces are a bit frustrating to use

since they appear as inverse H's and don't usually

backspace.  Save control characters into your file names if

you want, and reveal them by running this program followed




After minutes of extensive research, my Uncle Louie finally

came up with his finest achievement, INVERSE REM STATEMENTS

(flashing if you want!)! Maybe not as practical as your

normal kind of REM, but they sure do SHOW UP!  Here's what

you do:  Type in the Inverse Typer program from above and

make the CONTROL-FIND corrections.  Be sure line 40 is 40

DATA 128.  RUN it. Now type an inverse REM in any program.

Say, 5000 REM A TEST.  Now LIST and you've got it!!  Oh, one

thing.. the characters after "REM" are CONTROL CHARACTERS

(ctrl-Z, space, ctrl-T, ctrl-E, ctrl-S, ctrl-T).  The

inverse REMs will only show if you have RUN the control-find

program above.  Hitting reset or Pr#O will kill the effect.

Also, your REMs won't be able to contain any M's, U's, or

X's (A's & S's too if you use the P.L.E.).  This is a good

way to hide your name or secret info in a program!  Thanks,

Uncle Louie!



You never know when this might come in handy...

     10 H$=CHR$(8)+CHR$(8)

     20 VTAB 23: HTAB 40

     30 GET P$: PRINT P$;H$;

     40 GOTO 30



We know a guy who chucked his Autostart ROM in the disposal

just because it makes RESET return him to BASIC instead of

the monitor.  He should have typed:

     ]CALL -151

     *3F2: 69 FF 5A

Make the 5A and 51 and RESET will RE-BOOT! (Normal is *3F2:

00 97 32)



File names, according to the DOS Three-Point-Whatever Manual

must start with a LETTER. Not so!  Shifted letters (N, P,

and M) work too, as well as \ and [.  Nice for

differentiating types of files in your catalogs.



You will probably ignore this hint; I know I do--If you are

going to leave disks all over your desk, you should place

them face UP so that they aren't damaged by dirt, etc. on

your desk.  The disk drive head reads the BOTTOM of your

disk through the oval hole.  The hole on top is for the

pressure pad.



Have you noticed that to get into this computer stuff,

you've got to be constantly CONVERTING things?  Decimal to

hex, hex to decimal, 3.2 to 3.3, Applesoft to Integer,

machine code to BASIC, screen characters to ASCII code,

negative memory addresses to positive, 32K to 48K...Good


Here are two rules-of-pinky that I'll pass along at no

charge:  4 SECTORS used in a program = approximately 1K of

memory (a 24 sector program is about 6K).  Also, 4000

decimal = 1000 hex.



You can purposely or accidentally have a file take up more

space on a disk than it really occupies in memory.  To prove


(say 2 sectors). SAVE LARGE PROGRAM.  And finally, RENAME


sectors in the catalog!



If you need more space on a disk, consider deleting your

Hello Program to save the amount of space it occupies.  you

won't be able to boot the disk, but you can still use it!



This program WON'T catalog a disk:

     10 D$=CHR$(4): REM CTRL-D

     20 PRINT "WATCH...";

     30 PRINT D$;"CATALOG"

The problem is that D$ (ctrl-D) in line 30 is at HTAB 9

because of the semi-colon in line 20.  One remedy that

always gets your D

s at HTAB 1 where it will function is:

     10 D$=CHR$(13) + CHR$(4): REM CARRIAGE RETURN + CTRL-D



Most of the write-protect tabs I have used come off or get

messed up going in and out of my disk drives.  A handy new

product called SCOTCH TAPE works much better!  Some

computers other than Apple rely on a beam of light to check

for write-protection, so their tabs would have to be opaque

to work.



SURE you can use both sides of your "single sided" disks.

This can save you both money and storage space.  Use a

regular paper punch to make a half-circle notch on the edge

of a disk jacket EXACTLY OPPOSITE the original write-protect

notch.  Then INIT the second side just like you did the

first.  Disk manufacturers don't usually test both sides of

disks, so you do run the risk of a bad sector now and then

and you COULD lose some data.  If you make back-up copies

anyhow, this shouldn't be a problem.  By the way, the small

off-center hole in the disk jacket isn't used by Apple's




You can't PLOT X, Y where X > 39, BUT you can PRINT

SCRN(X,Y) with values of X up to 47!  Check it out.  It

seems that there's an invisible lo-res screen to the right

of the visible screen that's 48 plots high by 8 plots wide.

Maybe Apple is tooling up for CinemaScope!



Applesoft thinks ? means PRINT.  Try ?2+2.  If you use ? in

a program and LIST, the ?'s will be converted to PRINTs!



Applesoft doesn't require an end quote mark in most cases.

Try PRINT "HELP.  (Think of the time you'll save!)



There are four basic methods a person will use for copying

your software:

     1.  LOAD and SAVE after booting your disks.

     2.  LOAD and SAVE after booting another disk.

     3.  use the FID program form the System Master disk.

     4.  Use a COPY program to copy your entire disk, DOS

     and all.

Using DOS BOSS and the following trick, you can foil methods

1,2 and 3. And method 4 has its drawbacks.  The trick

involves forcing the user to BOOT WITH YOUR DOS.  The effect

is this--suppose Joe Blow wants to make an unauthorized copy

of your fantastic new game.  After trying method 1 above, he

encounters a (beep!) "NOT COPYABLE" message.  Joe then tries

method 2 and 3, both of which seem to work, but when he

tries to run any program on the copied disk, it won't work

and crashes into the monitor.  Joe is getting discouraged.

Perhaps he gives up, or perhaps he goes on to method 4 and

copies your entire disk.  tHis works fine, bit every time he

catalogs your disk, he gets your bold copyright message in

the heading, reminding him of his dishonesty.  Also, he has

had to use up a whole disk, with your darn personalized DOS

on it.  Joe is sorry he ever messed with you!

The procedure to make the above happen goes like this:

a.  Run DOS BOSS

b.  Change the READ command to SAVE and the SAVE command to


c.  Replace the NOT DIRECT COMMAND error message with NOT


d.  Personalize your Disk Volume Heading.  Make it 15

characters or less.

e.  Quit DOS BOSS and type NEW (return)

f.  Type POKE 45995,96 (return).  If you have 32K, make it


g.  Insert a new disk and type INIT HELLO (return).  Your

new personal DOS will be on this new disk.

h.  Copy your programs onto the new disk, using method 2 or

3 above.

i.  Somewhere in each program, several times if you want,

insert a CALL 45995, either with a line number, like:

     1000 CALL 45995

or tucked amidst your existing program statements, like:

     1234 INPUT "O.K?";A$:CALL 45995: IF A$="Y" THEN GOTO 10

The CALL in Step 1 is like a "GOSUB" to a machine language

routine at memory location 45995.  The 96 you poked in in

Step f is actually a machine language "RETURN".  If the 96

is encountered at 45995, nothing happens and your program

continues, which is what you want.  If any other number is

encountered (meaning your disk was not booted) the program

crashes!  An equally good command, instead of CALL 45995,

would be IF PEEK (45995)<>96 THEN NEW.  This will ERASE the

program if your disk wasn't booted!

Have fun! And let's hope that Joe Blow doesn't have DOS




You have probably noticed our catalog titles in our

multi-game disks, where we separate Applesoft games from



     DISK VOLUME 123


     *I 053 TEXTTRAIN

     *I 036 SUB SEARCH

     *I 033 PICK-A-PAIR


     *A 053 TEXTTRAIN/A

     *A 036 SUB SEARCH/A

     *A 033 PICK-A-PAIR


The flush left underlined INTEGER & APPLESOFT headings help

organize the catalog and separate one group of files from

the other.  Here's how we do it!

     10 D$ = CHR$(4): H$ = CHR$(8)

     20 H$ = H$ + H$ +H$ + H$ + H$ + H$ + H$ + H$

     30 FILE$ = "X" + H$ + "APPLESOFT"

     40 PRINT D$; "SAVE ";FILE$

Substitute the word you want for your titles in line 30.

You can also replace SAVE in line 40 with DELETE, LOAD or

whatever.  Access to these "title" is difficult without a

program similar to the one above.

Another effective way to make file headings in the catalog

is to use inverse or flashing file names.  See page 26 of

the Winter 80-81 Beagle Bros. Tip Book.



In an Applesoft program, an INPUT A$ or INPUT A will print a

? and a flashing cursor.  If you don't want the ?, change

your command to INPUT " ";A$ or INPUT " ";A.



Hey everybody! DOUBLE-SPACE YOUR CATALOGS with a POKE 33,37!

Mail your reasons for doing this along with $1 to :


     c/o BEAGLE BROS.

     4315 SIERRA VISTA

     SAN DIEGO, CA  92103

Cruising Through DOS


Let's take a cruise through DOS!  The usual "trip" of this

kind would be in the monitor, looking at a bunch of

two-digit hex numbers; a real drag.  Let's make things more

interesting!  First, boot a normal disk whose DOS hasn't

been altered by DOS BOSS.  Now write this little program:

     10 FOR X=43380 TO 43401: REM

        FOR X=26996 TO 27017 IF 32K

     20 PRINT PEEK (X);" ";

     30 NEXT X

RUN it, and you will see a string of numbers.  Pretty

exciting, huh?  Now, CHANGE LINE 20 to:

     20 PRINT CHR$(PEEK(X));

and RUN it again!  "LANGUAGE NOT AVAILABLE" magically

appears!  What's this?  You have just uncovered DOS's first

error message in the monitor!  CHR$(PEEK (X)) means the

"character whose ASCII value is X".  Now change line 10 to:

     10 FOR X-43380 TO 43581: REM

        FOR X=26996 TO 27197 IF 32K


together!  To further examine these mysterious characters,

let's add two more lines to our program:


     25 IF PEEK(X)>127 THEN PRINT

RUN again, and you'll notice that the LAST CHARACTER of

every error message is INVERSE. Actually, Line 15 TELLS it

to be inverse IF it has an ASCII value higher than 127.

Each Apple keyboard character and control-character has TWO

ASCII values, sometimes called the "low-byte" value and the

"high-byte" value.  The high-byte character at the end of

each error message tell the Apple where the end of the

message is and when to quit printing letters to the screen.

Now try these immediate mode commands--


You get a "FILE NOT FOUND", unless you have a program named

"ZZYZX".  Now...

     POKE 43452,68

     (or POKE 27068,68 if 32K)


You should get a DOUBLE error message, because you have

POKed IN or CHANGED the high-byte "D" in "FOUND" to a

low-byte "D" (value 68 at location 43452 or 27068).  Now the

Apple thinks that error message #5 is "FILE NOT FOUNDVOLUME

MISMATCH".  It prints until it finds a high-byte character,

the "H" in

"MISMATCH" instead of the "D" in "FOUND""!  Repair the

damage before continuing by poking the high-byte value for

"D" (196) back in where it belongs:

     POKE 43452,196

     (or POKE 27068,196 if 32K)

There are other places to look, of course.  If you want a

really LONG trip through ALL parts of memory, change Line 10


     10 FOR X=O TO 65535

You will see ALL KINDS of stuff: beeps, backspaces, line

feeds, carriage returns, little pictures of animals (just

kidding), and the big feature every so often:  REAL WORDS!

If you've been running some programs, you'll probably see

parts of old program listings.  If you've just BRUN or

BLOADed the 3.3 MASTER CREATE Program, you'll even find a

funny message from the author somewhere between locations

2500 $ 3900, only meant to be seen by prying eyes.  So go

ahead and pry:  SAVE your program:  BLOAD MASTER CREATE.

LOAD your program and RUN.

Back to DOS, change the values in Line 10 to 43140 and 43338

(26756 and 26954 if 32K) and you'll find the 28 DOS commands

followed by some garbage and "VDSLRBACIO".  Those are the

initials for VOLUME, DRIVE, SLOT, LENGTH, etc.  the

one-letter codes used in DOS!  Poke in new letter values if

you want.

Change Line 10's numbers to 43700 and 43715 (27316 and 27331

if 32K).

That's "APPLESOFT", the name of the program Apple tries to

run if you type "FP" and don't have Applesoft in ROM!

Now, change Line 10 to:

     10 FOR X=46120 TO 45991 STEP-1" REM

        FOR X=29736 TO 29607 STEP-1 IF 32K

RUN it and "DISK VOLUME BARSBAIT" appears!  That's where

Apple gets the message to print at the top of your catalogs!

"BARS" seem to be throwaway characters, so we've used them

in DOS BOSS to lengthen the "Disk Volume" message.   have

you guessed "BAIT" yet?  How about Binary, Applesoft,

Integer and Text, the codes for your catalog files!

Look around some more; DOS goes clear up to 49151 in 48K;

32767 in 32K.  Above 49151 is BASIC.  You can look there too

if you want!  It's YOUR computer!