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  P L A N E T A R Y  A P P L E  (II)  U S E R S  G R O U P

The May 1997 PAUG Online Meeting Brought You:

                  ** Party, Party, Party at KFest '97 **

For the May 1997 online meeting, PAUG took steps to prepare the attendees to
partake of the pleasures and pageantry of KansasFest, paving their path to Avila
College and KFest '97. We at PAUG are convinced that this year's KFest will be
the stuff that legends are made of, and if you are coming, then make sure you
read this PAUG transcript! The excitement, the anticipation, and the non-stop
preparations for the biggest Apple II event of the year all served to get us in the
spirit, which for those of you not able to attend, will certainly go a long way to
being the next best thing to actually attending! Read the transcript of the PAUG
meeting that took place in the Apple II RoundTable Real Time Conference Room
on Sunday, May 18, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern. 

The following is a copyrighted transcript of the Real Time Conference on Genie.
This transcript may be distributed electronically worldwide, for free, and is
Copyright 1997 by Syndicomm, Inc and Genie Online Services, Inc. 

Planetary Apple Users Group
Notice on door: Today we're talking about Kfest '97. 

Cindy - BTW, just to say something about KFest - has everyone signed up? 

Cindy - I was waiting until Tuesday to decide for sure, but I think I can safely
say - KFest '97 will happen!! 

Speccie - Well K'Fest '97 will be the anniversary of SIS being born.. 

PATZ.PIX - We better mention that InSync and Proterm are Kfest sponsors. 

Ryan - InTrec :) InSync's not been around in a few years :) 

PATZ.PIX - Oh gosh! There I go again. Old habits are the hardest to break. 

Bruce //e - Is there going to be a roastee? 

Cindy - Yes, Richard Bennett has graciously agreed to be roasted. 

Doug C - Roast Australian this year. :-) 

Bruce //e - Who is the keynote speaker? 

Cindy - David Kerwood is keynote 

Speccie - Well if a certain Dr. T does get there, you can have a real live

Bruce //e - I guess we will have pizzas Saturday night? 

Gena - I even noticed a bbq thing on the balcony...maybe we can use that to make

Cindy - Oh shoot... I've got to answer him still. 

Cindy - Saturday night is Jess and Jim's, or whereever you want. 

Bruce //e - I faxed in my response and used a credit card. I guess that makes me
signed up. 

Cindy - You are signed up Bruce! 

Gena - Oh, I know what I might do! Take the kfest logo from Cindy's page, and
make it into a desktop pattern for a Mac for all the Mac users here that are

Bruce //e - I mac only guy posted the message send to him about Kfest (for the
Houston Area Apple Uers Group) on the local club BBS. This happened this last
week. Maybe we can get my a car mate for my ride up to Kansas City. 

The Trivial Dan - Right now I'm running the Arizona basketball stuff.. my
daughter is going to attend the Universtity at Tuscon. 

Cindy - They are already several in the Delphi Power library, Gina. A QT
movie, too. 

Bruce //e - Boy I cannot spell, can anyone make any sense out of that message? 

Gena - oh, ok...you were ahead of me :) 

Cindy - Univ of Arizona Wildcats is the right one. 

The Trivial Dan - I take it, I missed the PAUG meeting. 

Gena - not yet, it's going on now, Dan :) 

Cindy - They did pretty well in men's basketball this year. 

Bruce //e - I thought it was 6 to 8, Central time. 

Bruce //e - Yep. 

Cindy - We could talk about KFest, just so David Kerwood will be happy and
can use the transcript. 

Bruce //e - Kfest, oh yes. 

The Trivial Dan - I'm taking a big chunk of time away from work, the week
before and after KFEST. 

Cindy - You need that long to recover? :) 

Bruce //e - That's right, TSU means Texas Southern, as if Texas weren't
southern already. 

Hooperman - Speccie hanamed after the program? 

Bruce //e - I'm wondering what will be there for a guy w/o a running gs. 

Speccie - Of course... 

Cindy - Speccie wrote the program. :) 

Bruce //e - But I'm hoping to stay up all night most of the time this year. 

Cindy - Bruce, I can assure that there will be no sleep for a guy w/o a IIgs. :) 

Hooperman - So Speccie works for Seven Hills 

Gena - I can even bring my spare IIGS for you Bruce, if I have room :) 

Bruce //e - Gena: That's ok. 

Speccie - No, I am freelance... 

Bruce //e - Good 

Hooperman - Under contract for Seven Hills? 

The Trivial Dan - Sleep!.. you can sleep when you return home. :) 

Speccie - SevenHills has no programmers on its staff, we are all freelance.. They
just market our material. But, we do develop the material in partnership under
the close watch and direction of Dave Hecker. 

Hooperman - What language did you use ? 

Speccie - ORCA/M 

Cindy - Nelson, are you going to make it to KFest this year? 

Hooperman - Most likely not 

The Trivial Dan - I've always been intrigued with the name of a little town in
Texas, called.. Snook. 

Bruce //e - How about Cut-n-Shoot 

Hooperman - So you didn't secede yet Ray 

Ray - Nope. 

Hooperman - Speccie you're an englishman? 

Speccie - No a Scotsman... Living in England... 

Hooperman - So you're speaking to us live via the U.K 

Hooperman - What happened to the ringleader of that movement? 

The Trivial Dan - I kept watching to see if Harold did. 

Ray - He's still in jail awaiting trial, as far as I know. 

Bruce //e - The ringleader surrendered. 

Hooperman - And the ringleader wasn't even from Texas 

Bruce //e - Hooperman: Is that right? He was just a rabblerouser making a
bunch of money by fraud? 

Hooperman - Yeah ,and I forgot what state he really came from. He even had
his own webstite (it figures) 

Cindy - Ewen, just try to have it rain while I'm there. 

Speccie - Why do you want it to rain? It is grey and cold then... 

Cindy - I bought an umbrella today. First one I've had in 20 years. :) 

Cindy - I like grey and cold. It is a wonderful change from hot and sunny. :) 

Stan - Boy! Talk about wishful thinking! ;) 

The Trivial Dan - "Well, it never rains in southern, Kansas City." 

Hooperman - Go to LA Cindy 

Speccie - You don't want it to rain, sightseeing is awful then, and the snaps don't
look so good. I like the sun, it makes a wonderful change form dreary old cold
and damp where the mildew grows on everything... 

Cindy - OK, how about if it rains at night? :) 

Speccie - Raining at night is OK... 

Cindy - Deal! Rain at night. 

The Trivial Dan - If memory serves, KFesters last year were.. "Riders on the

Hooperman - How many people are going to Kfest? 

Cindy - 22 have signed up as of Friday, and the Big Cheese has pronounced it a

Stan - Yay!! 

Cindy - I know of about 5 more for sure. 

Cindy - Bruce, if you have something specific in mind for a non-IIgs class at
Kfest, let Godzilla (MAC.BB) know about it. He's in charge of the schedule. 

Bruce //e - Cindy: I posted him some ideas on the roundtable. 

Hooperman - Who's the "Big Cheese" 

Cindy - Moi 

The Trivial Dan - Is Woz coming? 

Cindy - NOT that I know of Dan. 

Bruce //e - Is Auri comng? He was a hoot. 

Ray - I thought you were discouraging children? 

Cindy - Yes to Auri. 

Hooperman - What is featured there? 

Cindy - LOL Ray 

Hooperman - How about Scully? 

Cindy - What is featured? Insomniacs! 

The Trivial Dan - And if it storms, I'll take Ms. Hunt. 

Bruce //e - Are we having an Apple computer representative like last year? 

Hooperman - No just good ole' Howard 

Cindy - I hope so... thanks for the reminder. I need to ask Steve about that 

Bruce //e - Yeah, is Harold Hilsop going to be there? 

Hooperman - You mean Apple is still interested in the II? 

Stan - Sure they are! They gotta keep up with the competition! ;) 

Speccie - K'Fest is an Apple event, not an Apple II event 

Cindy - Right, Ewen 

Cindy - Howard was hungry at 2 am, and 12 people went to Denny's with him.
THAT's Kfest!! 

The Trivial Dan - 12 people.. piled in the same car.. good thing they didn't go
through drive-up. 

Cindy - I didn't say in the same car. I just said to Denny's. 

Cindy - But maybe this year, we can all get into 1 car. :) 

Bruce //e - How about a van, 12 in a van? 

The Trivial Dan - I can see it now. All of us squashed and smiling, on the
cover of the Kansas City News. 

Hooperman - I thought it was exclusively Apple II related. 

Bruce //e - Hooper they talk about the future of Apple. But they still have a little
interest in A2. 

Hooperman - So I guess Cindy will have a little booth 

Cindy - Nelson, KFest is a computer event. We have classes on Macs, Apple II's,
Newtons, and we even allow PC's in the dorm. 

Gena - Nelson, it started out as an Apple II developer conference, changed into
an Apple II general thing, and grew into Apple (Mac and II) 

Hooperman - PC's = sacriligious 

Cindy - KFest is wonderful!! KFest is an experience! 

The Trivial Dan - I know Cindy.. sorry, I just think of these weird things when
I think of KFest. 

Gena - it's an event you don't want to miss! 

Bruce //e - I don't mind pc's. Hey they are winning the numbers war. 

Hooperman - I mind Pc's apple is the best. Why invite the enemy? 

Gena - How about a few years ago when we all had to brave the Great Midwest
Flood to get there? 

Ray - Apparently Hooperman is to PC as Dracula is to the Cross. 

Hooperman - Yes , Ray , I can't stand Windows, PC's etc 

Cindy - Last year, the sky was black and raining like crazy, and Kellers opened
the fire exit at Jess and Jim's just so I could see some real rain. 

Bruce //e - That's when I left, after it started to rain. I watched the beautiful
lightning all the way out of Kansas. 

Cindy - Folks, I'm here, but need to take a break from typing for awhile. :/ 

Ray - Bruce, do you remember the driving time from Houston to KC? 

Bruce //e - I left about 6:00 AM from Houston and arrived about 6:00 (I think)
at KC Masterpiece. I left about 10 (I think). I missed most of the rain, but
watched it to the north. It was an all day run. 

Ray - What was route: from Houston to Dallas and up I-35? 

Gena - actually, Ray, I-25 goes through Dallas, no? 

Ray - No Gena, it's I-35 from San Antonio all the way to KC. 

Cindy - I-20, I-30 and I-35 

Cindy - Oh, I know! I-25 is the one that runs through Denver. 

Russ - I 35 to Dallas 

Bruce //e - Ray: You are straining my brain. Yes, that's how I went but then I
did something to avoid paying the toll. 

Gena - oh...thought 25 went through Dallas...oops 

Bruce //e - I don't think there is an I-25 any more. 

Gena - I got the rain...in Aurora, IL last year :( Going home, we had the 'honor'
of getting stuck for nearly three hours due to a big accident :( 

The Trivial Dan - Better than you being the accident, Gena. 

Cindy - 'Tis Richard, the Roastee! 

Richard - :P 

Hooperman - Is Ryan going to be there? 

Russ - I signed up 2 weeks ago, Ryan said he is comming 

The Trivial Dan - In all his glory. 

Hooperman - So those who are attending Kfest will go by car? 

Bruce //e - Me 

Cindy - Not me Nelson, I fly to KC. 

Ray - Considering same _IF_ I can get there. 

The Trivial Dan - is my 15 seconds up yet? 

Cindy - Ryan usually goes by plane too. 

Richard - I go by car. 

Ray - The bridge for Ryan hasn't been completed yet. 

Hooperman - So when is the date for Kfest 

Bruce //e - Ray: I took some lesser road east and then north to avoid the toll
road in south Kansas. 

Cindy - (got your macro, Ray?) 

Hooperman - He can go by boat ,then take a car 

Russ - It takes me three hours from St. Louis.. 

Ray - maybe, let me check...... 

Bruce //e - Very nice Russ. 

Ray - KansasFest for 1997 will be held from Wednesday, July 30, 1997 to
Sunday, August 3, 1997. Wednesday and Sunday for arrival and departure only,
no official activities. Plan to arrive in time for dinner on Wednesday. 

Gena - since I have to pick up Tony N. of Chicago Dave won't get home until 9
p.m., so I figure we can be in IL by midnight or a little later; grab a couple hours
sleep, pick up Tony and head out 

Bruce //e - Can I stay in the dorm Tuesday night? 

Stan - Bruce, the dorms won't be open on Tuesday night. :) 

Bruce //e - That's right. 

Cindy - Bruce, we can't get into the dorm until Wednesday afternoon. 

Hooperman - Stan are you heading for kfest? 

Stan - Oh yeah! 

Bruce //e - Stan: How are you coming? 

Russ - This will be my third, really like it.. 

Stan - Don't know yet...may be driving. 

Bruce //e - This will be my second. Let's see is my roommate from last year
coming ... I'm forgetting his name. 

Hooperman - Russ, you're from Limbaugh's home state, Russ Limbaugh 

Gena - Joyce um...can't remember her last name, emailed me asking if I'd be her
roommate again...I told her yep! 

Cindy - Sullivan 

Gena - right...me and names don't always get along good :( 

Russ - Wow!! 

Bruce //e - BTW: Is Harold Hislop coming, he said he might come last year but
had family health problems. 

Cindy - He hasn't signed up yet. 

Stan - I haven't heard Harold say...he's been having his own health problems, this
year. :/ 

Bruce //e - Sorry to hear that. But before he left Genie he was saying he was in
a lot of pain a lot. 

Hooperman - I know ,just a little bit of a name change there 

Cindy - Nelson, you really should go!! 

Hooperman - You mean I should leave this rt after that lousy joke 

Cindy - NO, no no!! Go to KFest!! 

Russ - Yes go to Kfest 

Hooperman - I would love to Cindy, but maybe next time 

Bruce //e - Oh, Touched by an Angel is on, I might vacate the computer a few

Bruce //e - You'll love Kfest Nelson. 

Cindy - That's the one show I try to watch, Bruce. 

Carl K - Hi all. Not as crowded as I expected. 

Cindy - Carl is going! 

Carl K - To KFest? Yes! 

Cindy - People have been in and out for the past hour. 

Carl K - Well, I live in NE, but I could care less about football. Yes, I know,
I'm a heritic. 

Russ - Have to go to supper, Just wanted to say "Hi to all and see you at KFest
this year !!!! 

Carl K - I would have been here sooner, but I had a lot of Roundtable messages
to read first. 

Cindy - I heard something on TV the other day. "There is nothing between
Nebraska and the North Pole except a barbed wire fence." They must have built
that fence since I was in KS, because it never stopped the wind when i was there. 

Cindy - Night Russ. See you in KC! 

Hooperman - I thought you ewere originally from TX Cindy 

Cindy - I was, but I went to college in Kansas. 

Hooperman - Ah I see, so you and Ray ,Bruce have alot in common 

Cindy - Right, we all have Apple II computers! 

Hooperman - The Lone Stars 

Bruce //e - I remember what the Sooners used to say about why the wind blows
into Kansas. 

Bryce - I wish I could go to a Kansasfest, but they're too expensive, and at a bad

Carl K - Still waiting for that magic number? 

Cindy - Nope!! We've made it! 

Carl K - Hurray!!!! 

Bruce //e - Yep. 

Bruce //e - Hey I paid by CC, now I have to pay off the CC?@?!!? 

Carl K - That CC is taking me to KFest and Branson this year, and got me a Zip.

Cindy - Busy CC Carl. :) 

Carl K - Too busy. 

Gena - BTW, I invested in a 'little toy' last weekend... a digital camera...so if
you all want, we can create an 'interactive' kfest site :) for those who can't be

Carl K - Not much help with SIS users. 

Gena - No, Carl, but they can STILL get the images with lynx 

Carl K - Yep, Lynx is handy that way. 

Cindy - Now we just need to get more people to sign up so it will be more fun. 

Cindy - I was thinking about getting one too, Gina. SIS is cool!! 

Gena - Cindy, I got a Casio QV11 for $299 that's NOT a bad price. 

Bruce //e - All six in my family are going to a separate retreat this summer.
Most were paid for by CC. This one was cheaper than most. 

Cindy - Steve, you have your work cut out for you. KFest is a GO!! 

Steve - How's it going? Sorry I'm late but:( 

Greg in WI - Ok, let's cut to the crunch. How many are registered for KFest? :)

Carl K - Enough! 

Greg in WI - yaay! 

Bruce //e - All of us? 

Cindy - LOL What Carl said! 

Cindy - Well, not all of us -- yet 

Carl K - The more the merrier, though. 

Stan - Mine goes in the mail tomorrow! :) 

Cindy - YEah!!! 

Bruce //e - Good 

Cindy - Greg? are you making a ghostly appearance this year? 

Bruce //e - So I should travel up on Wednesday. I might not get there as fast as
last year. That was quite a trip! I may take it a bit easier this year. 

Carl K - I'll have to bug a couple of friends about it. And maybe Historian as

Stan - Bruce, if I drive up I plan to make it an overnight trip, myself. 

Cindy - Just plan on ariving in time to go out to dinner 

Greg in WI - Cindy- not sure on my KFest plans yet :/ 

Cindy - Better yet, arrive by 4 pm to make check-in easier. 

Carl K - I'll leave about 8am and be at the airport by noon. In case anyone needs
a ride from there. 

Cindy - That is super Carl 

Gena - once again, I can offer to keep my cell phone on if someone needs to call
and get a ride from the airport...although it's very difficult to judge exactly
WHEN I'll be in the area 

Bruce //e - Cindy: That's my problem, too late to register, too early for dinner.
Last year I figured everyone would be at KC so I went there first. But I could
have gone to Avila and registered before. I just was betwixt and between. 

Carl K - I don't have a Cell phone, so they have to tell me in advance. 

Bruce //e - Cindy: I was sorry to have to put you out so late at night last year. 

Cindy - Check in is 1-4, if at all possible. :) After that, the Avila staff has to be

Cindy - That's OK Bruce, it's part of the cheesey job I have. 

Bruce //e - Should I give you a tip? 

Cindy - Sure!! 

Bruce //e - Ok, buy low sell high, (good tip huh?) 

Cindy - :) 

Cindy - Steve, any word on what sessions you already have lined up? 

Steve - Not at home right now.Let's see... 

Cindy - David Kerwood is Keynote, and Richard Bennett is the rostee. 

Steve - Geoff Weiss, Ryan Suenaga, Max Jones, Hank Levinson, Dave Kerwood,
(a few others)

Cindy - Hank who? :) 

Steve - Levinson - from Rutgers. 

Cindy - He hasn't signed up yet. :) 

Steve - Math graphics and socketing chips, I think. 

Cindy - as of Friday. 

Cindy - But then, I know a few others that haven't signed up yet either. :) 

Steve - He said he was gonna meet the 20th deadline. 

Steve - Hey, it went out in the mail LAST week!!! 

Cindy - I bet we get a bunch in the next few days. 

Gena - more than likely :) 

Cindy - LOL You didn't think I was talking about YOU, did you? 

Gena - hehehe 

Steve - Of course NOT:) 

Gena - LOL! 

Cindy - :) 

Bruce //e - Am I still on? 

Cindy - Yup! 

Gena - yes, you're still here :) 

Cindy - But I do feel better know the schedule-meister is planning on being

Cindy - He must have been having troubles. 

Cindy - I'm excited about KFEst!!! I can hardly wait. 

Bruce is back - I'm looking forward to it. I hope to bring some money and get
some deals! 

Cindy - Just to "plump up" the transcript, does anyone having any questions, or
hints for newbies? 

Greg in WI - 1. Don't let anything surprise you. :) 

Greg in WI - in a good way, of course. :) 

Cindy - Linens are provided, but I bring my own towels. 

Bruce is back - I think I will try to hang around with the
programmers/developers after hours to try to pick up good, inside information. 

Carl K - Yes, I believe we only got one set of towels last year. 

Cindy - I also bring a robe to make the trips to the bathroom a little less
revealing. :) 

Stan - Are there laundry facilities available, or should we just bring plenty of
clothes? ;) 

Gena - we're supposed to have t'storms here, too, but haven't heard any yet 

Gena - there are washing machines there... in the dorms. 

Cindy - There are washers, but bringing enough clothes is better. 

Cindy - Especially if you're driving. 

Carl K - I get by with a pair of shorts. 

Bruce//e - There are modem lines in the rooms, so come with your modem.
Somewhere I got some local phone numbers last year but I don't know where
they are now. Can someone post Genie connect phone numbers and also some
local BBS numbers in the area. 

Gena - the only problem is there is only ONE phone line/room :( at least as of
last year that was true 

Steve - will be in the handouts,Bruce. 

Cindy - You can get Genie numbers by typing PHONES at a main prompt, but
they will be in the handout too. (Right STeve?) 

Cindy - Delphi numbers too would be good. 

Carl K - I hope they have plenty of lines in KC. 

Gena - bring extra phone lines and couplers, incase you have to string it into the
room next door! 

Carl K - I'll have to use Genie to get to Delphi. 

Steve - I'll be adding them! 

Bruce//e - Yeah, I do remember that. If I get organized. Please Steve, list the
numbers. I think it late Friday when the number got posted last year. But also
post local BBS numbers if you get some, esp. mac/appleII BBS's. 

Carl K - I have plenty of wire. 

Gena - I create a 'KFest Care Kit' each year with xtra phone wire, and odds and

Bruce//e - Gena: I can do that. 

Cindy - Bruce, it's going to be in the handout you get when you check in. 

Gena - heck, I think I have an entry in PT for KC's node 

Cindy - If you have a Zip drive, be sure to bring it. 

Gena - I never took it out from last year! 

Bruce//e - I think newbies should expect to stay up late, plan on it. 

Carl K - Of course I'll bring the Zip drive. 

Stan - I expect to, Bruce! ;) 

Cindy - I usually bring blank 3.5" disks too. 

Gena - I'll bring my zip, my powerbook, 2 IIgs's, and my printer (if there's

Carl K - Sleep is optional. 

Steve - Should be in the handout you got LAST year also. You DID save that
work of art, didn't you? :) 

Gena - I can bring a TON of 3.5" DD disks...they're getting rid of 'em at work 

Bruce//e - Stev: I may have it, but it is piled up somewhere. I'd better start

Steve - I can post them here too. 

Cindy - It's "free" to go to PHONES on Genie. 

Bruce//e - I'm sure I "saved" it but I don't think it was in last year's handout. 

Carl K - A year ago, DD disks were hard to find. Now every disk dealer has
some. They may be few compared to HD, but they are there. 

Gena - I'll have to go to delphi via Genie in KC also...no local node for my ISP 

Bruce//e - He said he might lose it. 

Cindy - Gina, maybe you should bring some to sell on Saturday if you have lots. 

Bruce//e - I got about 20 DD disks that I need prodos formatted. If I haven't
done it by then you think someone can help me this year? I hope so. 

Cindy - Everyone is welcome to sell stuff at the vendor fair. 

Stan - Hmmm...I could bring some IIe's... :) 

Gena - I just might do that...I'll have to buy labels, and check 'em all out 

Carl K - I'll have all my drives along, so I can format disks. 

Gena - Bruce, no problem...anyone of us that has say Photonix can do it in a
flash or if you know of anyone with a Mac, they can do it too (running 7.5 or
greater system) 

Cindy - Stan, you're a newbie. Do you have any questions? 

Stan - I already asked it, Cindy. :) 

Bruce//e - I bought one of those HD disk drives that cannot format 800k disks.
So when I do a disk of the month, I need to get someone to format one for me.
My mac ruins them with a fork that the //e will not handle. :-( 

Gena - it does? I format prodos disks all the time on my Mac which works nicely
in the IIGS (even with prodos 8 programs) 

Bruce//e - Do you use them on a //e? 

Gena - not on a //e, but with p8 programs 

Steve - Should work on either a GS or //e. 

Cindy - You can't format a HD on a IIgs as an 800k and have a mac read it. 

Bruce//e - I think it matters, but I should try it again. That problem was several
Mac O/S upgrades ago. 

Gena - no, but you should be able to format a DD on a Mac (prodos) and have a
II read it 

Cindy - Right 

Gena - that's what he says he can't do 

Cindy - Bruce, just make sure you weren't trying to use a HD disk 

Gena - that was going to be my next ? 

Bruce//e - Oh I know the difference. 

Cindy - Anymore KFEst questions or comments? 

Carl K - I just had an AOL disk that I couldn't read in my HD drive. I wonder if
they did it with Win95. I had to format it in the 800k drive and then reformat it
in the HD drive. 

Steve - Well, just can't wait!! 

Gena - neither can I! 

Stan - Me neither! 

Cindy - Carl, AOL disks are often bad. 

Cindy - OK, then I call PAUG to a close for this month. (Save it, Gina!) 

John Gotti - It's a wrap! 

This RTC transcript is copyright 1997, Syndicomm, it is freely distributable as
long as no part of this file is altered in any way. 

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Got a suggestion, question, or comment for PAUG? Email your queries to Cindy
(cindy.a@genie.com). We appreciate your help and interest!

Got a suggestion, tip, or comment for this PAUG web page? Email your queries
to David (dkerwood@delphi.com).