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Date: 	Wednesday, October 7, 1998 12�1�11 
From: 	St.Nick@stnick.net
Subj: 	Here's something you might want:
To: 	cturley2@aol.com

Here is the Source code to control the TWGS, ZipGS accelerators.

It is ORCA/C

St. Nick


 * Speed.CC - Set CPU speed (current, normal, fast, accelerated)
 * by Michael Guitton
 * Original ASM code taken from GS+ AutoPilot by Josef W. Wankerl.
 * Note : Speed.CC did not work reliably and crashed (!?) when
 *        optimized... This has been fixed today: I had forgotten
 *        rtl operation codes in asm functions!

#pragma keep "speed"
#if 0
#define _DEBUG_
#pragma debug 25
#pragma optimize -1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <types.h>

/*- Speed Constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/

#if 0
#define Current         0x00     /* Current speed */
#define Normal          0x01     /* Normal speed  */
#define Fast            0x02     /* Fast speed    */
#define Maximum         0x03     /* Maximum speed */

#define None            0x00
#define TWGS            0x01
#define ZipGSX          0x02

 * Apple IIGS
#define sysSpeed        0x0020
#define SpeedReg        0xE0C036 /* Apple IIGS speed register */

 * TransWarp
#define TransWarpID     0xBCFF00 /* TransWarp GS ID bytes             */
#define GetMaxSpeed     0xBCFF10 /* Get maximum TWGS speed frequency  */
#define GetNumISpeed    0xBCFF14
#define GetCurSpeed     0xbcff20 /* Get TWGS speed based on frequency */
#define SetCurSpeed     0xBCFF24 /* Set TWGS speed based on frequency */
#define GetCurISpeed    0xbcff28 /* Get TWGS speed based on index     */
#define SetCurISpeed    0xBCFF2C /* Set TWGS speed based on index     */
#define GetTWConfig     0xBCFF3C

#define TW              0x5754   /* "WT" */
#define GS              0x5347   /* "SG" */

 * ZipGSX
#define DisableZip      0x00     /* Turn Zip GS off         */
#define UnlockZip       0x50     /* Unlock Zip GS registers */
#define LockZip         0xA0     /* Lock Zip GS registers   */

#define GeneralReg      0xE0C059 /* Zip GS register */
#define LockReg         0xE0C05A /* Zip GS register */
#define EnableReg       0xE0C05B /* Zip GS register */
#define SetSpeedReg     0xE0C05D /* Zip GS register */

#if 0
#define zip100_00       0x00
#define zip93_75        0x01
#define zip87_50        0x02
#define zip81_25        0x03
#define zip75_00        0x04
#define zip68_75        0x05
#define zip62_50        0x06
#define zip56_25        0x07
#define zip50_00        0x08
#define zip43_75        0x09
#define zip37_50        0x0A
#define zip31_25        0x0B
#define zip25_00        0x0C
#define zip18_75        0x0D
#define zip12_50        0x0E
#define zip6_25         0x0F

/*- Typedefs ----------------------------------------------------------------*/

typedef unsigned char byte;

/*- Macros ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#define ShortM          sep #0x20
#define LongM           rep #0x20

#define _WriteBParam    ldx #0x0B03
#define ToolEntry       0xE10000

#define char2hex(c)     (('0' <= (c) && (c) <= '9') ? ((c) ^ 0x30) :\
                        ('A' <= (c) && (c) <= 'F') ? (((c) ^ 0x40) + 0x09) :\
                        ('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'f') ? (((c) ^ 0x60) + 0x09) : 0)

/*- Routines ----------------------------------------------------------------*/

asm void SlowGS(void)
   pea 0x0000                 ; Give normal IIGS speed indicator
   pea sysSpeed               ; Prepare to set system speed battery RAM
   jsl ToolEntry              ; Set battery RAM to indicate normal

   ShortM                     ; Make accumulator 8 bits wide

   lda >SpeedReg              ; Get the IIGS speed register
   and #0x7F                  ; Clear the fast bit
   sta >SpeedReg              ; Save the new IIGS speed register

   LongM                      ; Make accumulator 16 bits wide


} /* SlowGS() */

asm void FastGS(void)
   pea 0x0001                 ; Give fast IIGS speed indicator
   pea sysSpeed               ; Prepare to set system speed battery RAM
   jsl ToolEntry              ; Set battery RAM to indicate fast

   ShortM                     ; Make accumulator 8 bits wide

   lda >SpeedReg              ; Get the IIGS speed register
   ora #0x80                  ; Set the fast bit
   sta >SpeedReg              ; Save the new IIGS speed register

   LongM                      ; Make accumulator 16 bits wide


} /* FastGS() */

byte FindTWGS(void)
   byte found = 0;

   asm {
      lda >TransWarpID        ; Get TWGS low ID word
      cmp #TW                 ; Check against real TWGS low ID
      bne ExitFindTWGS        ; If no ID found, exit
      lda >TransWarpID+2      ; Get TWGS high ID word
      cmp #GS                 ; Check against real TWGS high ID
      bne ExitFindTWGS        ; If no ID found, exit
      inc found               ; Got a better idea?

ExitFindTWGS:  return found;

} /* FindTWGS() */

asm void SlowTWGS(void)
   ldx #0x0000                ; Prepare to switch to normal speed
   jsl >SetCurISpeed          ; Switch to normal speed

} /* SlowTWGS() */

asm void NoTWGS(void)
   ldx #0x0001                ; Prepare to switch to fast speed
   jsl >SetCurISpeed          ; Switch to fast speed

} /* NoTWGS() */

asm void FastTWGS(void)
   jsl >GetMaxSpeed           ; Find TWGS maximum speed
   jsl >SetCurSpeed           ; Switch to maximum speed

} /* FastTWGS() */

byte FindZip(void)
   byte found = 0;

   asm {
      ShortM                  ; Make accumulator 8 bits wide

      lda #UnlockZip          ; Prepare to unlock the Zip registers
      sta >LockReg            ; Store the unlock value...
      sta >LockReg            ; ...four times to make the...
      sta >LockReg            ; ...Zip registers available...
      sta >LockReg            ; ...for tampering

      ldy #0x00AE             ; Prepare to cache the code
CacheThis:  lda CacheThis,y   ; Cache code
      dey                     ; Decrement cache counter
      bne CacheThis           ; Cache code until counter is zero

      lda >GeneralReg         ; Get Zip GS status register
      tax                     ; Save status register
      eor #0xF8               ; Flip non-essential status bits
      sta >GeneralReg         ; Save flipped status register
      cmp >GeneralReg         ; Check to see if save worked
      php                     ; Save the save worked flag
      txa                     ; Un-flip non-essential status bits
      sta >GeneralReg         ; Restore old status register

      plp                     ; Restore the save worked flag
      bne ExitFindZip         ; If no Zip found, do not set Zip speed

      inc found               ; Got a better idea?

ExitFindZip:   LongM          ; Make accumulator 16 bits wide

   return found;

} /* FindZip() */

asm void NoZip(void)
   ShortM                     ; Make accumulator 8 bits wide

   lda #DisableZip            ; Prepare to turn off the Zip
   sta >LockReg               ; Turn off the Zip

   lda #LockZip               ; Prepare to lock the Zip registers
   sta >LockReg               ; Lock the Zip registers

   LongM                      ; Make accumulator 16 bits wide

} /* NoZip() */

void FastZip(byte speed)
   asm {
      ShortM                  ; Make accumulator 8 bits wide

      lda >EnableReg          ; Get the Zip enabled register
      and #0xEF               ; Clear the Zip disabled flag
      sta >EnableReg          ; Save the new Zip enabled register

      lda speed               ; Prepare to set appropriate speed
      sta >SetSpeedReg        ; Switch the Zip to appropriate speed

      lda #LockZip            ; Prepare to lock the Zip registers
      sta >LockReg            ; Lock the Zip registers

      LongM                   ; Make accumulator 16 bits wide

} /* FastZip() */

void SetSpeed(byte whatSpeed)
   byte accelerator = (FindZip() ? ZipGSX : (FindTWGS() ? TWGS : None));
   byte zipSpeed = whatSpeed & 0xF0;

   switch(whatSpeed & 0x0F) {
      case Normal:
         switch(accelerator) {
            case TWGS:
               SlowTWGS(); /* Switch the TWGS to slow speed */
            case ZipGSX:
               NoZip();    /* Switch off the Zip GS */
         SlowGS(); /* Switch the IIGS to normal speed */
      case Fast:
         switch(accelerator) {
            case TWGS:
               NoTWGS();   /* Switch off the TWGS */
            case ZipGSX:
               NoZip();    /* Switch off the Zip GS */
         if (0)            /* Jump to FastGS() call! */
      case Maximum:
         switch(accelerator) {
            case TWGS:
               FastTWGS(); /* Switch the TWGS to maximum speed */
            case ZipGSX:
#ifdef _DEBUG_
               printf("0x%02X\n", zipSpeed);
               FastZip(zipSpeed); /* Switch the Zip GS to appropriate speed */
         FastGS(); /* Switch the IIGS to fast speed */

} /* SetSpeed() */

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
   if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) {
      printf("Usage : speed howFast [zipSpeed]"
             "\nwhere howFast is a value in range 0..3"
             "\n      0 - Current"
             "\n      1 - Normal"
             "\n      2 - Fast"
             "\n      3 - Accelerate"
             "\n      zipSpeed is a value in range 0..F\n");

   switch(argv[1][0]) {
      case '0' :
      case '1' :
      case '2' :
      case '3' :
         SetSpeed(char2hex(argv[1][0]) | (char2hex(argv[2][0]) << 4));
      default :
         printf("Please enter a value in range 0..3.\n");


That's all Folks :)