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I noticed when reading the A2 News and Notes July 2000 that a NEW IIgs ROM
extraction and save to file program was announced - see the quote on it below:
- ** Sarah Shepherd (a.k.a. mrs_sheppy) has released her first program! GS ROM
Grabber is a $5 shareware utility to capture ROM images of both the ROM_01 and
ROM_3 IIgs for use with emulators such as Sweet16 and Bernie ][ The Rescue.
Available now at http://sarah.sheppyware.net/
It may be of interest to note that a public domain release IIgs ROM extractor
program named GRC was made available by me several years ago. It is a ProDOS 8
system application which can extract and save as a binary file any IIgs ROM
ROM 00, ROM 01 or ROM 3.
The ShrinkIt archive is available from the following URL:
The documentation and release text file for it follows:
About the ShrinkIt archive, GRC.SHK
Author: Anonymous
Status: Public domain - with merlin src. codes included
The archive unshrinks with any ShrinkIt program - versions; 3.4 and/or ShrinkIt
GS v1.1 - to a folder titled 'GRC', containing a P8 system program GRC.SYSTEM
(2k) and the Merlin src. code file GRC.S (4k).
The program is only for use with a Apple IIgs, is simple and very user friendly
also. Follow the program screen prompts and you can't make a mistake. It will
extract and save an exact binary file image of any Apple IIgs ROM, for use with
any Apple IIgs emulator program that requires a IIgs ROM image to function.
The GRC.SHK archive was first presented in the August issue of A2-2000, within
the folder GS.ONLY. I'm placing it here as a single archive for the public
needs, as any individual sees fit to use it.
Cheers & Enjoy!
Charles T. 'Dr. Tom' Turley
Editor - A2-2000
Email: cturley@grin.net
The merlin src. codes for the program are listed below. They are also included
with the program archive.
lst off
org $2000
dsk grc.system
typ sys
mli equ $bf00
mli_bye equ $65
mli_create equ $c0
mli_open equ $c8
mli_write equ $cb
mli_close equ $cc
init equ $fb2f
home equ $fc58
rdkey equ $fd0c
crout equ $fd8e
prbyte equ $fdda
cout equ $fded
idroutine equ $fe1f
setnorm equ $fe84
setkbd equ $fe89
setvid equ $fe93
begin cld
ldx #$f8
jsr setkbd
jsr setvid
jsr setnorm
jsr init
jsr home
jsr idroutine
bcc found_gs
jsr print_message
HEX 8d8d
hex 00
jsr rdkey
jmp done
found_gs sty rom_version
lda #$fe
ldx #$02
cpy #$03
bne not_rom_3
lda #$fc
ldx #$04
not_rom_3 sta first_bank
stx number_banks
jsr print_message
asc "GS ROM Capture v1.0"
hex 8d8d
asc "This Apple IIgs has ROM version $"
hex 00
lda rom_version
jsr prbyte
jsr crout
jsr print_message
asc "with "
hex 00
lda rom_version
cmp #$03
beq show_256
jsr print_message
asc "128"
hex 00
jmp size_done
show_256 jsr print_message
asc "256"
hex 00
size_done jsr print_message
asc "K of ROM."
hex 8d8d00
lda rom_version
ora #$30
sta pathname+4
jsr mli
dfb mli_create
dw create_parms
bcs done
jsr mli
dfb mli_open
dw open_parms
bcs done
lda ref_num
sta write_parms+1
sta close_parms+1
lda first_bank
sta current_bank
bank_move lda #$00
jsr move_chunk
jsr mli
dfb mli_write
dw write_parms
bcs abort
lda #$80
jsr move_chunk
jsr mli
dfb mli_write
dw write_parms
bcs abort
inc current_bank
dec number_banks
bne bank_move
abort jsr mli
dfb mli_close
dw close_parms
done jsr mli
dfb mli_bye
dw quit_parms
move_chunk clc
rep #$30
and #$00ff
lda current_bank
and #$00ff
sta $08
sta $06
ldy #0
:1 lda [$06],y
sta $3000,y
cpy #$8000
bcc :1
print_message pla
sta $06
sta $07
ldy #0
:1 inc $06
bne :2
inc $07
:2 lda ($06),y
beq :3
ora #$80
jsr cout
jmp :1
:3 lda $07
lda $06
create_parms dfb 7
dw pathname
dfb $c3
dfb $00
dw $0000
dfb $01
ds 4
open_parms dfb 3
dw pathname
dw $1000
ref_num ds 1
write_parms dfb 4
ds 1
dw $3000
dw $8000
ds 2
close_parms dfb 1
ds 1
quit_parms dfb 4
ds 6
pathname str 'ROMx'
rom_version ds 1
first_bank ds 1
number_banks ds 1
current_bank ds 1
Just thought I should bring this public domain program to the attention of
the Apple II community for their needs - again!