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Apple II Hardware Forum Conference - August 19, 1989
Guest: Dr. Ken Buchholz on building a "Vanilla" hard disk drive!

AFL TracyP Good evening everyone!  Welcome to the AppleLink Pippin
           Auditorium and the Apple II Hardware Forum Conference!  Your
           hosts tonight are Tracy Poe [AFL TracyP], Leader of the
           Apple II Hardware Forum, ably assisted by Gayle Keresey
           [AFA GayleK], on loan from the Apple II Education Forum.
           (Not really, she volunteered :).  We have a great show
           tonight, including a special guest, but before we begin,
           let's quickly run through how the auditorium works.
AFL TracyP  
           The Pippin Auditorium is one of a unique group of
           rooms here on AppleLink.  Its large capacity allows you to
           attend special events like this one with hundreds of other
           AppleLink members.  The number at the top left of your
           screen shows the number of onstage participants.  The number
           at the top right tells you how many are in the audience with you.  
           To minimize confusion and keep the event running
           smoothly, the chat line at the bottom of your screen has
           been disabled.  However, we welcome and encourage your
           questions and comments during the course of the conference.

AFL TracyP To send us a question or comment, just select the "Ask a
           Question" option from the "Auditorium" choice on the menu
           bar at the top of your screen.  Since it's possible for
           several people to send items at the same time, there may be
           a delay in broadcasting your questions or comments.
AFL TracyP In the last few months, a new concept has been sweeping the
           Apple II world:  Build Your Own Hard Disk Drive.  Given that
           pre-built drive mechanisms have been readily available, the
           only thing the end user has to do is build up the subsystem.
           It's a comparatively easy task, and among those spearheading
           the campaign to get every Apple II user to build a hard
           drive is our guest tonight, Dr. Ken Buchholz.

           Dr. Ken, through regular contributions to AppleLink-Personal
           Edition, and via his Washington Towne Crier BBS in New
           Jersey has been "spreading the gospel" of Vanilla SCSI Drive
           building since early this year.  Recently, Dr. Ken has dug
           up information on building your own SCSI Tape Backup, and
           will also share that with us tonight.
           Ken, it's good to have you with us tonight!!
DrKen      Thank you Tracy.  Glad to be here!
AFL TracyP What got you started on the idea of building your own hard drive?
DrKen      To be honest, cost.  When WTC needed a larger (65 meg) hard drive
           I couldn't see spending another $950 mail order.  I also was
           evnious of the Blue World's cheap peripherals, and decided
           to give it a go myself.  Hence the Vanilla drives - at about
           a $300 savings!
AFL TracyP Quite impressive!
DrKen      A friend brought over a generic Seagate drive he placed in a
           generic case and we connected it to my CMS card, and it
           worked like a charm.  I ordered the Seagate ST277N SCSI drive
           and Tulin case, and away I went.  The first one cost me about
           oh, $650.
AFL TracyP Did you go right away to the Seagate drives, or did you consider
DrKen      Well, I opened up my CMS drive and noticed they were using Seagate
           drives.  It appeared that they did nothing special to the
           drive - nothing on the board was altered.  If that were the
           case, which is was, then they did all the interfacing with
           their card.  Thus, I purchased a second CMS card and went with
           Seagate drives.  Seagate provides a 1 year warranty, so I
           wasn't concerned with warranty issues on building my own.
AFL TracyP OK, we have a couple of questions from the audience...
AFA GayleK LanceG wants to know about the //c, DrKen.   He says
Question   will this tell how to build a hard drive for a iic ?
DrKen      Unfortunately, I know of no way to build a vanilla hard drive
           for the //c.  The vanilla drives I assemble use the Apple or CMS
           SCSI interface cards, which can not be used in the //c.
AFL TracyP The only drive I know about for the IIc is the CT-20c, made by
DrKen      That's correct at this time.
AFL TracyP It uses their standard SCSI-type drive, then they built a 
           proprietary translator circuit that translates the SCSI
           protocol to Smartport protocol for the IIc.  It also plugs
           into the smart port on a GS.
AFA GayleK ChrisMIPS has a general question tonight. He asks
Question   Ken, where did the term 'Vanilla' come from?
DrKen      Its my favorite flavour!  Actually, the term "vanilla" means
           "generic" or no-frills "brand".
AFA GayleK JayJ 89m has a related question. He says
Question   How reliable is a 'Vanilla' drive?
DrKen      The vanilla drive is just as reliable as a "brand name" drive
           which uses the Seagate drive mechanism.  Seagate offers the 1 yr
           warranty, as do most of the commercial vendors.  You lose nothing
           going the vanilla route, except you will have to deal directly
           with Seagate should the drive itself sour on you.  Other than
           that, you're covered - remember, you ARE using brand name
           components (Seagate, Apple) - the "brand name" on a
           commercially-assembled drive is just that - the brand name of the 
           vendor who does the assembly...
AFL TracyP I understand that you've done several presentations at user 
           groups, usually with someone who has purchased the components, and 
           you demonstrate the ease with which the drive can be assembled.
DrKen      That's correct.  I have a member (or memberS) purchase the 
           components beforehand, and at the presentation, they join me 
           on-stage.  I never touch the hardware once we begin the assembly - 
           they do it entirely themselves.  (Just to prove I have no 'magic 
AFL TracyP As near as you can in this "faceless" medium, can you run through
           the necessary steps, beginning, if you can, with how to shop
           for the components?
DrKen      Sure thing.  First, shopping for a drive.  If you are going with
           Seagate, you want a drive whose id number is STxxxN, such as the
           ST277N (65 meg size).  Buy from a well-established firm, such as
           Hard Drives International.  Also, you need a case with power
           supply - Tulin makes a nice case, and there are several other 
           vendors.  In purchasing a case, get one with at least 30 watts
           power supply (if you are only going to use it with 1 drive).  If
           you will be going with 2 drive eventually, get a 60+ watts power
           supply.  Also get one with a fan, if possible, and the best case
           design is one in which the hot air from the power supply is
           NOT drawn over the drive bay(s) themselves.  I recently picked
           up a beautiful case for $40 with 60 watts power supply -
           it was originally made for IBM type dual floppy drives.  Check
           the computer faires and flea markets - bargains can be had!
           On the assembly - a piece of cake.  If you can use a Philipshead
           screwdriver, you CAN do it yourself in 10-15 minutes tops.  Here's
           the abbreviated cookbook directions:
           (I'm going to assume using a Tulin case - other cases are quite
           similar and the general directions are the same)
           First, you need to mount the drive in the case.  Usually 4 screws 
           do the trick and are usually provided with the case you purchase.
           Next, you need to connect the communications (ribbon) cable
           from the back of the case (where the external connector is) to
           the drive itself.  When the drive is facing you with its board
           facing down, the red line on the ribbon cable goes on your
           right side.  Usually the connector coming from the back plate
           had a notch on top, and the connector on the back of the drive
           is notched-out so that the connection can only be made in the
           correct way.  Next, connect the 4-prong power connector from
           the power supply to the drive.  This is a D-shaped connector and
           can only be connected one way.  Fool-proof!  Finally, if your case
           allows setting the SCSI ID numbers from dip switches or jumpers 
           on the back of the case, connect the cable coming from this to
           the back of the Seagate drive.  The Seagate manual describes
           this connector.  If your case does not have this feature, you
           can simply leave the SCSI ID pins blank (empty - not jumped)
           and this will do you just fine.  Once you have these connections
           made, you can close up the case and you're ready to connect to
           your Apple SCSI Interface Card.  Its THAT easy.
AFL TracyP You recommend the Apple SCSI card now?
DrKen      Most definitely.  The one nice feature of the CMS card that is
           absent on the Apple card is the ability to turn ON both hard drive
           and CPU simultaneously.  The CMS card will "wait" until the drive 
           is up to speed before continuing.  The Apple card does NOT have
           this feature, and thus you must turn the hard drive ON and allow
           it to come up to speed BEFORE turning your computer ON.  But, the
           Apple card allows you to take full advantages of GSOS System 5.0,
           so if you're using a //gs, go with the Apple card.
AFA GayleK G00fy Guy is interested in saving money. (Aren't we all? :) He
Question   How much money would you save (percentage-wise) in building your
           own drives?
DrKen      Hi Guy.  I have seen prices for the Seagate ST277N 65 meg drive
           for about $489.  If you add a Tulin case/power supply for $119
           and an Apple SCSI card for about $100, you come up with $708.
           You can then add another drive later on for simply the cost of
           another drive - the Tulin case and Apple SCSI card will allow 2
           drives (Apple card will allow up to 7 drives actually), so the
           cost of adding another hard drive later on (or a tape backup
           system) is then fairly cheap.  Compare $700 to the price of
           commercial 65 meg drives for the difference.
AFA GayleK Coach101 wants to know
Question   What are the risks/problems in swapping the "innards" of an Apple
           20SC with a larger/faster drive from SeaGate?  Is there a common 
           form factor for the SeaGate STxxxN series?
DrKen      Coach - Well, I'm not too intimately familar with the Apple drives
           but from what I know, if they use a Seagate drive, you should be 
           able to swap it with a larger Seagate STxxxN drive with no 
           problems that I know of.  Without the drive proper, the rest is 
           simply case, power supply and fan.
AFA GayleK ChrisMIPS is also interested in saving money. He asks
Question   Concerning the Tulin A-Hive...is it cheaper to simply build your
           own power supply and box from parts rather than buying the 
           pre-assembled A-Hive?
DrKen      Chris - Yes it is.  But check out local computer faires and shows.
           The $40 case I purchased - originally for dual IBM floppy drives -
           can't be beat for price.  The cost of the power supply alone is
           worth more than $40!
AFA GayleK G00fy Guy wants to know
Question   Can you take an internal hard drive and make it into an external
           hard drive?
DrKen      Depends on which internal hard drive you're talking about.  If
DrKen      you're talking about a Vulcan or one of the others for the Apple
           // line, its either not easily done or can't be done.  I'll turn
DrKen      the tables on you and ask why you would want to do something
           like that...
AFA GayleK JayJ is interested in Tape Backups. He asks
Question   I've heard about the Vanilla Tape Backup and Tim Grams tape backup
           program from your BBS, but is that as cheap and easy as the 
           Vanilla Hard Drive?
DrKen      Hi Jay.  The key to assembling a tape backup system is (1) the
DrKen      "right" tape drive and (2) finding a case with power supply
           which does not give interference.  The Tulin case works just fine, 
           but the CMS, MacCrate and the generic case I purchased do not - 
           too much interference.  But other than that, it is as easy as the 
           hard drive.
AFL TracyP Tim, BTW is in the audience....
           And now he's onstage!  Hi Tim!
Tim Grams  Hi Tracy and everyone.
DrKen      Hello Tim!  BTW, I forgot to respond to Jay's second question -
           and yes, it is actually cheaper for the tape drive than the
           hard drive.  We got our tape drives (new) for $299 for the 40
           meg size.
AFL TracyP I thought since we were on the subject, we'd give you a chance
           to mention about how people can get your Tape backup program.
Tim Grams  HDTAPE is available directly from me for $35.
           PO Box 462283
           Garland, TX  75046
AFL TracyP Great!  Can you give us a quick rundown on its operation? 
           Is it a "driver?"
Tim Grams  It is a combination driver and tape backup utility. This was done 
           because it was the easiest and fastest way to make a tape backup 
           program available to the Apple II user.  It is basically an image 
           backup/restore.  It runs under ProDOS 8, but you can backup any 
           partition on the SCSI bus.  You can backup any standard ProDOS 
           volume for that matter.  In addition to backup and restore, HDTAPE
           now has a tape/disk compare feature as well as a tape readability
           verify.  Also present on the GS version is an installable driver 
           to allow you to extract a file off of the archive tape with Cat 
           Doctor, CopyIIplus... etc.  The //e version (which is spinning 
           tape but not finished) will have to have its own file utility 
           program I'm afraid.  Its why its taking so long to get that out.  
DrKen      Tim - What's the per meg backup time for hard drives?
Tim Grams  I believe it around 2.5 to 3 min/meg.  On the //e, the lower clock
           speed will result in times around 5 min/meg.  On a future GS/OS 
           version,  I hope to cut that of course.
AFL TracyP Back to user questions...
AFA GayleK Tim, AFL FrankD has a question for you. He asks
Question   For Tim:  If it runs under ProDOS 8, then it won't backup the last
           two volumes on a HD formatted for 4 partitions in one slot, right?  
           And if that's true, any plans to upgrade it to allow that?
Tim Grams  Even though it runs under ProDOS 8, I access the card firmware
           directly so that you can get to the other partitions no problem.
DrKen      (Tim's one smart cookie!)
Tim Grams  blush..
AFL TracyP Indeed!! :)
AFA GayleK Tim and Ken, JayJ has a question about Tape Backup systems. He
Question   Tim or Ken, Can the tape backup system be used as a normal device
           like a hard drive or a disk drive?
Tim Grams  As a matter of fact, once you install the P8 driver you can read
           and write from any P8 program.  Writing to tape is very very slow
AFL TracyP That's why we left cassettes behind so long ago, right??? :)
Tim Grams  I do want to say though that you can't do it from MSDOS!
AFL TracyP ()()()()
AFL TracyP :)
AFA GayleK AFL FrankD asks
Question   If you leave all the SCSI # jumper pins blank, what SCSI# does the
           drive default to?  This could get important under utilities like 
           Prosel 16. :)
AFA GayleK He has another question for you. He asks
Question   You mentioned power supply interference in some of the brand name
           cases... What KIND of interference?  Looked at it on a scope?  And 
           have you tried building a power supply filter to remove the 
DrKen      SCSI ID 0 is given with all pins left open...
Tim Grams  Magnetic interference is a problem too. Watch how close the CRT's 
           are etc.
DrKen      It appears to me to be magnetic interference since aluminum foil 
           wrapped around the drive sometimes alleviates the problem...
AFA GayleK AFL Dennis asks
Question   On GSOS - alot of backup progs are having problems with the new
           resource forks.  Have you overcome that?
Tim Grams  No.  The GS/OS version will have to address that.
           The image backup/restore is ok though.
AFL TracyP Ken, you mentioned using Seagate drives in your Vanilla package.
           What, if any, differences would there be if a person wanted
           to use another type drive, say a Conner, a Western Digital, 
           etc etc.....?
DrKen      I have no personal experience with other than Seagate, but
           others I know have indeed used non-Seagate SCSI drives with no
           problems.  Miniscribe and Quantum seem to be popular these days...
Tim Grams  I'm using a Miniscribe drive.
AFL TracyP Would those manufacturers have information included in the package 
           on how to build a system with one of the enclosures you mentioned?
DrKen      Most, like Seagate, do but its geared toward IBM...
           I didn't fully read your question: building a vanilla system
           using one of the cases I mentioned - no, the info provided by the
           drive manufacturers is usually geared to installation in an IBM
           PC/clone...  sorry 'bout that!
AFL TracyP OK, we've run out of questions and time simultaneously...:)
           For more information about building your own Vanilla SCSI
           drive and tape backup, see the Apple II Hardware Forum
           library files on the subject.  You'll find them in the "New
           Files" or "Articles and Transcripts" libraries.
AFL TracyP  
           For continuing discussion of topics such as this one we
           invite you to the "Let's Discuss.." message board in the
           Apple II Hardware Forum.  There, you can read what others
           have to say about problems, solutions, tips, etc. and post
           your own questions and comments.  There is a wealth of
           information on the message boards.
AFL TracyP  
           The complete transcript of this and all previous Hardware
           conferences will be (are) available in the Apple II Hardware
           Forum Software Library under the "Articles and Transcripts"
           or "New Files" category.  To reach the Hardware Forum
           quickly, press "Open-Apple-K" and use Keyword-AHW.
AFL TracyP  
           Weekly informal chats are held in the Apple II Hardware
           Conference Room on Saturday nights at 9:00 PM Eastern.  We
           welcome your frequent attendance at these informal meetings
           where the ideas and debates can sometimes get really
           exciting! :)  Next week we'll be back in the normal and
           informal Hardware Conference Room holding an Open Forum.
           Our topic will be "Inside the Box: Anything related to your
           main Apple II Computer!"  See you there!
AFL TracyP  
           Special thanks tonight to AFA GayleK for pinch hitting
           as question puller tonight!! ()()()()()
           Also thanks to Tim Grams for jumping in with some timely
AFA GayleK Always glad to help you out, Tracy. :)
AFL TracyP  
           The next Apple II Hardware Forum Auditorium Event will be
           Saturday, September 9th at 9pm Eastern here in the Pippin
           Auditorium.  Our special guest that night will be Michael
           Wagner of Video Technology, makers of Laser Computers.
           Laser just introduced a new Apple compatible computer, and
           Mike will be here to discuss it, and hopefully share some
           good news about being able to log onto AppleLink-PE with a
           Laser Computer!
AFL TracyP  
           Thank you for being with us tonight.  And a special thank
           you to Dr. Ken Buchholz for helping us learn the secrets of
           building our own Vanilla SCSI hard drive!  Goodnight!!

AFL TracyP Glad you could all be here! It's been a GREAT show!!
DrKen      Thanks for having me Tracy and Gayle!
Tim Grams   Happy to make it.  Good show.