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From: Cyrus Roton <croton@ridgecrest.ca.us>
Subject: Apple ii Comm programs
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The subject keeps coming up. Maybe this will help some folks.

Apple II Communications Programs

TIC - Talk is Cheap

TIC is a ProDOS based terminal program for the Apple //e and Apple //c pers=
onal computers with an Apple Super Serial card or equivalent in slot 2 and =
an optional printer attached to slot 1.  TIC also supports the Apple IIgs w=
ith either an Apple Super Seri
al card plugged into slot 2 or using the built-in IIgs serial port.

TIC can do screen emulation of many popular terminals. The default is TTY (=
no emulation). You may use the supplied DEFTERM basic program to define you=
r own terminals. Note that TIC can only emulate terminals that are based on=
 binary codes. This leaves out
 the VT-100/VT-200 series since they are based on ascii codes. This may be =
a serious handicap for Internet uses, but perhaps one of the supplied emula=
tion would be useable.

This program supports file transfer protocols: xmodem, xmodem crc, ymodem, =
ymodem crc, turbo xmodem/ymodem and Ascii Express (tm USII) protocol for Pr=
oDOS file transfers. Ascii text uploads are also supported using x-on/x-off=
 protocol with user selectable
 prompt, character, and line delays.

This is a Shareware program. In return for $30 you get a nice manual, techn=
ical support, and update notices. The downloaded version includes an abbrev=
iated documentation file intended to give you enough information about TIC =
to let you try it out, and the
 program isn't quite all inclusive either'.

Don Elton
3207 Berkeley Forest Drive
Columbia, SC  29209-4111
803 776 3936 (300-2400 baud)

Comm.System v1.8  (COMM 8)

This Apple II freeware Comm.System runs on the II Plus (64K), IIe, IIc, IIc=
 Plus and IIgs, automatically determining the cpu type and activating any P=
roDOS-recognized 80 column card. It runs in 40 columns on the II Plus and I=
Ie if no 80 column card is fou

Apple IIc and IIgs computers have built-in modem ports that Comm.System can=
 use. All other systems require either the Apple Super Serial Card or compa=
tible interface in slot 2, or the Applied Engineering DataLink 2400 in slot=
 2. Comm.System does NOT suppo
rt any other interfaces. If you have a IIgs, it assumes you have an externa=
l modem connected to the modem port and will not support any other configur=
ation. But, it should work with just about any Hayes compatible modem.

Comm.System always uses 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit to communica=
te, and works in full duplex (no echo), or half duplex (echo).


DCOM 3.3

DCOM does one thing, it emulates a VT100 (or VT200) terminal without the ad=
ditional fluff of file transfer or keyboard macros. It does allow printing =
the screen.

DCOM is written entirely in 6502 assembly language and is started from a sm=
all BASIC program at boot time. It does not use interrupts and can operate =
at speeds as fast as 7200 baud when using =D2dumb=D3 interface cards. What =
that means is, you can set the bau
d rate on the card, and DCOM will not change it. If you use a "smart" card,=
 DCOM will let you set the baud rate at 300, 1200, 2400. (Editor note: I ha=
ve modified a copy to set 9600 baud on a Super Serial Card, and to ignore c=
ommands to change it. One thin
g about DCOM, it is not difficult to modify. The documentation gives enough=
 info to allow re-programming.)

Before you can successfully run DCOM, you must know a few things about the =
hardware connected to your computer.=20

 If you don't have a true upper/lower case keyboard, you MUST have the shif=
t key of the keyboard wired to paddle button number two in order to get upp=
ercase letters.)

If your 80 column card does not emulate one of the devices on the list, the=
n you cannot use DCOM. Please see the section about writing your own driver=
 at the end of the manual.

If your serial card does not appear on the list, experiment with the =D2Gen=
eric Pascal Compatible=D3 driver or the ALS dispatcher driver. They usually=
 work with most anything. If you aren't running on a //c you will be asked =
what slot your serial card is loca
ted in.

DCOM needs to know how to dial your modem. If you are connected directly to=
 a network or host, those options are available. If you're not sure, choose=
 the =D2DUMB=D3 option from the menu and dial the phone manually.

When you type =D4S=D5 your settings will be saved to the disk and loaded ev=
erytime the computer is powered up.


Z-Link is a program for the Apple // that is small, fast, and powerful. It =
includes everything you'd expect from a good modem program - capture buffer=
, terminal emulation, a split-screen person to person chat mode, and the ab=
ility to transmit and receive=20
files using several different protocols including XMODEM/Checksum, XMODEM/C=
RC-16, YMODEM/CRC-16, and YMODEM/Batch and compatability with Ascii Express=
 Pro/Mousetalk file transfer. Soon, there will be a Binary II transfer mode=
.. The program currently runs o
n an Apple //c, Apple //e, or Apple //GS under ProDOS 8.

Z-Link will work on a //c, a //GS, or an enhanced //e with a 128k 80 column=
 board in slot 3 and Super Serial Card (or *exact* equivalent).  If your ca=
rd can't generate interrupts, then Z-Link won't work as it wholly depends o=
n them for every aspect of the

If you are using an internal modem (such as the DataLink by Applied Enginee=
ring), be sure that it "looks" like a Super Serial Card and it is capable o=
f generating interrupts. (I really don't know which internal modems are cap=
able of what and how compatibl
e they each may be).=20

Z-Link comes with a terminal emulator that can handle Heath h19 (otherwise =
known as VT52) and VT100 (or ANSI) terminals. The vt100 emulation is curren=
tly quite robust, but bugs exist. If you locate a bug, let the author know.=

Upload a file (Send):  The default upload prefix is displayed, and you may =
simply type the name of a file which is in that directory, or you may type =
in a comlete pathname.=20

Option 1 is the standard Xmodem transfer mode.

Option 2 is an Ascii Express compatable transfer mode. The AE protocol is a=
 slight addition to the XMODEM/Checksum protocol in that it sends ProDOS fi=
le attributes after the file is sent. AE will step down to XMODEM/Checksum =
if the other end doesn't seem=20
to want to talk.

Option 3 is similar to XMODEM/CRC except that it uses 1k data packets. This=
 reduces the time overhead when sending huge files.

Option 4 is a new batch transfer protocol developed by Chuck Forsberg. The =
UNIX programs rb and sb support YMODEM/Batch, as do several programs in the=
 IBM world. It allows the transfer of several files (hence Batch) while ret=
aining all file attributes.=20

Option 5 is a straight ASCII dump. It is intended for sending text files on=

Download a file (Receive): This is very much like the Upload section, excep=
t that you can't do ASCII receive here (you would noramlly use the Capture =

Hit OA-? and the help screen will pop up.=20

The Macro Editor

There is a separate macro editor written and graciously donated by David Ly=
ons (of DAVEX fame) which will allow you set up macros to do just about any=
thing. Any key or key+modifier (such as Closed Apple) can be turned into a =
macro key.


P.S. Don't forget the $25 shareware fee.=20

Dave Whitney
450 Memorial Drive
Cambridge MA 02139

Cyrus Roton   croton@ridgecrest.ca.us
Ridgecrest Apple User Group