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Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2.programmer
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From: mattd@apple.com (Matt Deatherage)
Subject: Re: Extended Keyboard II lights control
Sender: news@gallant.apple.com
Message-ID: <mattd-220993105545@deatherage.apple.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 17:56:39 GMT
References: <27ij4q$kp@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu> <27p5va$206@pith.uoregon.edu>
Organization: Developer Support Center, Apple Computer, Inc.
Followup-To: comp.sys.apple2.programmer
Lines: 223

I make absolutely _no_ guarantee this works, or that it will work on all
systems.  It was written in 1989 by an Apple II DTS engineer.

         GEN   ON
         LONGA ON
         LONGI ON

Entry    START

DeRef    equ   $0                       ;temp storage for derefing handle
MyHandle equ   DeRef+4                  ;storage of handle
MyPtr    equ   MyHandle+4               ;MyHandle dereferenced to MyPtr
UserID   equ   MyPtr+4                  ;MM application UserID
ADBPtr   equ   UserID+2                 ;Ptr to ADB data buf in completion
ADBStat  equ   ADBPtr+4                 ;status for ADB device
MyPtr2   equ   ADBStat+2                ;MyPtr+100, for SendInfo buffer

Talk     equ   $000C                    ;talk mask for ADB calls
R0       equ   $0000                    ;Reg 0 mask for ADB calls
R1       equ   $0001                    ;Reg 1 mask for ADB calls
R2       equ   $0002                    ;Reg 2 mask for ADB calls
R3       equ   $0003                    ;Reg 3 mask for ADB calls
Addr0    equ   $0000                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr1    equ   $0010                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr2    equ   $0020                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr3    equ   $0030                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr4    equ   $0040                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr5    equ   $0050                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr6    equ   $0060                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr7    equ   $0070                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr8    equ   $0080                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr9    equ   $0090                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr10   equ   $00A0                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr11   equ   $00B0                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr12   equ   $00C0                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr13   equ   $00D0                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr14   equ   $00E0                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
Addr15   equ   $00F0                    ;Address 0 mask for ADB calls
ADBBusy  equ   $0982                    ;ADB busy error (command pending)

         bra   Setup
ERROR    brk   $AB                      ;off with their header

SetUp    lda   #$FFFF                   ;set ADBStat to clear status
         sta   ADBStat                  ;put into our stat

LetsDoIt _TLStartUp                     ;start up the tool locator

         pea   $0000                    ;put space on stack for result
         _MMStartUp                     ;start up the memory manager
         pla                            ;pull User ID off stack
         sta   UserID                   ;save for shutdown

         _ADBStartUp                    ;start up the ADB tool set

GetMem   pea   $0000                    ;space for handle
         pea   $0000                    ;space for handle
         PushLong  #1000                ;get $1000 bytes of space
         lda   UserID                   ;get UserID for MM
         pha                            ;put onto stack
         PushWord  #attrLocked+attrFixed+attrNoCross+attrPage   
         PushLong  #0                   ;space for locationPtr (unused)
         _NewHandle                     ;get a handle for our space
         bcs   ERROR                    ;if error, die horribly

DeRefIt  pla                            ;get first part of handle
         sta   MyHandle                 ;save for later
         sta   DeRef                    ;save to dereference it
         pla                            ;get second part of handle
         sta   MyHandle+2               ;save for later
         sta   DeRef+2                  ;save to dereference it

         ldy   #2                       ;set Y for upper word of PTR
         lda   [DeRef],Y                ;get upper word of PTR from handle
         tax                            ;save it in X for now.
         lda   [DeRef]                  ;get lower word of PTR from handle
         sta   MyPtr                    ;save lower into pointer
         stx   MyPtr+2                  ;save upper into pointer

SaveDir  tdc                            ;save off our direct page
         sta   >SaveDP                  ;put it into our Comp Rtn
         lda   #$0100                   ;how many bytes to add to our ptr
         ADD4  ,MyPtr,MyPtr2            ;add A to MyPtr, store in MyPtr2

SendFlus pea   $0000                    ;0 bytes in table
         PushLong #0                    ;Push nil for no pointer
         PushWord #$0003                ;send a flush command to device
         _SendInfo                      ;Send information to keyboard

;DBStats PushWord #Talk+R2+Addr2        ;extended keyboard status & LED Reg
ADBStats PushLong #CompRtn              ;push addr of completion rtn
         PushWord #$00E2                ;Talk Reg2, Device #2
         lda   #0000                    ;clear out A
         sta   >Boolean                 ;save to boolean flag for comp rtn
         _AsyncADBReceive               ;recieve data from ADB device
         bcs   ADBStats                 ;if error, keep calling

IsItDone lda   >Boolean                 ;get our flag from comp rtn
         beq   IsItDone                 ;wait for it to be none zero, then
go on

GetStat  lda   [MyPtr]                  ;get word from our buffer
         sta   ADBStat                  ;save status for later
         and   #$4000                   ;clear all but delete key
         beq   exit                     ;exit if delete key pressed

Main     lda   ADBStat                  ;get current values for ADB lights
A        lda   #$FFFE                   ;OFF OFF ON
         xba                            ;swap bytes for SendInfo
         sta   [MyPtr2]                 ;store them into MyPtr2 for
         jsr   SendIt                   ;output value!
         jsr   Timer                    ;delay
B        lda   ADBStat                  ;get current values for ADB lights
         lda   #$FFFD                   ;OFF ON OFF
         xba                            ;swap bytes for SendInfo
         sta   [MyPtr2]                 ;store them into MyPtr2 for
         jsr   SendIt                   ;output value!
         jsr   Timer                    ;delay
C        lda   ADBStat                  ;get current values for ADB Lights
         lda   #$FFFB                   ;ON OFF OFF
         xba                            ;swap bytes for SendInfo
         sta   [MyPtr2]                 ;store them into MyPtr2 for
         jsr   SendIt                   ;output value!
         jsr   Timer                    ;delay
D        lda   ADBStat                  ;get current values for ADB Lights
         lda   #$FFFD                   ;OFF ON OFF
         xba                            ;swap bytes for SendInfo
         sta   [MyPtr2]                 ;store them into MyPtr2 for
         jsr   SendIt                   ;output value!
         jsr   Timer                    ;delay
ClrAll   lda   #$FFFF                   ;set all LEDs off!
         sta   [MyPtr2]                 ;store them into MyPtr2 for
         jsr   SendIt                   ;output value!
         bra   ADBStats                 ;continue til stopped

SendIt   pea   $0002                    ;2 bytes in table
         PushLong MyPtr2                ;put SendInfo Ptr comand onto stack
         PushWord #$00A2                ;transmit 2 bytes to dev2, reg2
         _SendInfo                      ;Send information to keyboard
         rts                            ;return back to caller

Timer    lda   #$8000                   ;get counter value
Timer2   dec   a                        ;a=a-1
         nop                            ;delay 2 clocks
         nop                            ;delay 2 clocks
         bne   Timer2                   ;continue till timer = 0
         rts                            ;return back to caller

exit     lda   #$8000                   ;value for delay
next     dec   a                        ;a=a-1
         nop                            ;delay 2 clocks
         nop                            ;delay 2 clocks
         bne   next                     ;do til done
         lda   #$FFFF                   ;turn it all off
         sta   [MyPtr2]                 ;save to ADB buffer area
         jsr   SendIt                   ;restore original value to keyboard

ADBOff   _ADBShutDown                   ;kill off the ADB Toolset

ByeBye   lda   UserID                   ;get UserID so we can stop MM
         pha                            ;push on stack to shut down MM
         _MMShutDown                    ;shutdown the Memory Manager

         _TLShutDown                    ;shutdown the Tool Locator

         rtl                            ;return to where ever!

CompRtn  ANOP                           ;
         LONGA OFF                      ;
         LONGI OFF                      ;
         phd                            ;save off DP of system
         phb                            ;save current DBR
         phk                            ;load our PBR
         plb                            ;make it the DBR
         php                            ;save processor status for restore
         rep   #$30                     ;set 16 bit m and x
         LONGA ON                       ;
         LONGI ON                       ;
         lda   >SaveDP                  ;get our DP from bottom of this seg
         tcd                            ;put it into D
         lda   $08,s                    ;get upper 2 bytes of ptr off stack
         sta   ADBPtr                   ;save off to our DP
         lda   $0A,s                    ;get lower 2 bytes of ptr off stack
         sta   ADBPtr+2                 ;save off to our DP
         plp                            ;restore 8 bit m and x
         LONGA OFF                      ;
         LONGI OFF                      ;
         lda   [ADBPtr]                 ;get length byte of the ADB buffer
         tay                            ;save it off as an index
         iny                            ;add one to account for length byte
GetNext  lda   [ADBPtr],y               ;get a byte from ADB data buffer
         sta   [MyPtr],y                ;save into our buffer area
         dey                            ;index=index-1
         bne   GetNext                  ;do until done!
         plb                            ;get back system DBR
         pld                            ;get back system DP reg
         lda   #$FF                     ;get our flag value
         sta   >Boolean                 ;set flag to be done!
         rtl                            ;exit completion rtn
SaveDP   DS    2                        ;Storage for our DP
Boolean  DS    2                        ;Storage for Comp Rtn Flag

Matt Deatherage, Developer Support Center, Apple Computer, Inc.
Personal mail only -- please POST technical questions, questions about
Apple and its policies, where to find documents and related inquiries.
The opinions I express don't represent Apple, which makes us both happy.