💾 Archived View for station.martinrue.com › eph › tinylog captured on 2024-08-18 at 22:28:14. Gemini links have been rewritten to link to archived content
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author: eph
Man tone 7 is fun. Difficult, but fun. I definitely messed up the nişâbûr axion estin tho, gotta practice a lot more.
Ἐν τῇ Γεννήσει τὴν παρθενίαν ἐφύλαξας, ἐν τῇ Κοιμήσει τὸν κόσμον οὐ κατέλιπες Θεοτόκε
Σώσον τὸν λαόν σου, Κύριε!
Definitely a plagal 2 sorta day
Spent some good time with a friend on Sunday, got a lot of mosquito bites tho
Went to an Iraqi maqam concert yesterday night, great stuff! Amir ElSaffar the jazz musician and santour player was amazing, and I loved talking with him about maqamat and Byzantine modes
Hot summer’s day\
Cool air-conditioned office\
Natural sunlight
Volunteering at a summer camp is exhausting, and it was only for a week!
Happy Pentecost!
Jazz festival
Ĝenerale, mi ŝatas mian novan oficejan laboron
Φίλοι δεν είμαστε μετά από το ραντεβού, πως δυστυχώς· πραγματικά δεν νιώθω δυστυχισμένος επειδή το
The statue got me high!
Ангел вопияше Благодатней: чистая Дево, радуйся! И паки реку: радуйся! Твой Сын воскресе тридневен от гроба и мертвыя воздвигнувый, людие, веселитеся.
Does anyone have a link to the Gemini version of Oblique Strategies? I remember a capsule that hosted a version a little while ago and all the search engines I use are down
Ὅσον ζῇς, φαίνου,
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ.
πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ ταὸ ζῆν,
Τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν,
θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας,
καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι,
ζωὴν χαρισάμενος!
Christ is risen! Happy Pascha!
Nicodemus, Joseph
and the bodiless hosts
come together now to bear Thee, the Infinite,
in their arms into a narrow grave of stone.
Looking forward to Holy Week hymnography, gotta pack after work today!
Saw Dune Part Two for the second time today, what a great film! I really want to learn Chakobsa and use it with my friends as a secret language.
Goal before Pascha: nail down the repeating sticheraric Mode 2 melodies and read through Petros Lampadarios’ compositions
Anyone been reading a good book lately? I’ve been rereading Dune.
Either my phone’s cell modem is breaking or the network is malfunctioning, because I’m getting slow speeds again. Grateful for Gemini’s low bandwidth requirements
I saw Dune part 1 and I thought it was great. The aesthetics of the film are excellent. I’ve heard they tone down the religion and family aspects in the second part, but I haven’t seen it yet.
Бит должен да употребјаш τα μαρτυρία когда спеваш
она мне сказала после вечерној службы. Хотех јеј да одповем
Знаеш одкуд јесм был за рети месецев? И чего јесм учити се?
Back to work, probably should write a post on my gemlog but I know that a million customers will arrive all at once when I start writing 😝
Damn, I miss her a lot.
Иꙁнова ѥсм пробꙋжєны прєꙁмєрно поꙁдно, ах. Ѥсм встал в 5 ꙋтром и бyдy спати снова ꙋтром. Ꙗ трєба ꙁаснꙋти ныне.
I’ve been getting into Mežduslovjansky recently.
Ako někako realcija protiv novogrečskomu, ja interesuju se so mežduslovjanskym. Konečno, infinitivy!
Ξύπνησα αργά κ δεν ξέρω αν υπάρχει μια διαμαρτυρία στο κέντρο
Greka kafo estas tre bona tipo de kafo precize ĉar ĝi bezonas paciencon por oni ĝin ĝui.
Καλή Κυριακή!
Vsekratno ja jedu s avtobusom v tutom gradu, jesm blagodarny za njih, zato že toj grad imajet mnogo gorky i užasne dragy
ⲥⲉ ⲧⲟ ⲡⲁⲛⲉⲡⲓⲥⲧⲏⲙⲓⲟ, ⲕⲁⲧⲁⲗⲏⲯⲏⲛ ⲉⲭⲟⲙⲉⲛ ⲥⲏⲙⲉⲣⲁ ⲕ︦ ⲭⲑⲉⲥ
po mojemu mněnju, poddrživanje državy v blizkom istoku, ktora nenavidi susědov, jest nedobry pomysl
Jesm zaspany človek
Modern web services and application have such a low tolerance for slow or high-latency connections.
Bonan tagon de la greka lingvo, nun mi daŭras je lekcio pri ĝi kaj mi ne komprenas multan.
Ek mia vidpunkto, moderna standarda greklingvo ŝajnas esti iomete planlingva, tamen mi lernas nur la standardan de Ateno, ne la familiaran.
I discovered the source of my slow internet woes: macOS was constantly trying to download several large, high-resolution videos to use as screensavers ∴ completely saturating my bandwidth
Surprize, esperanto estis pli utila lingvo ol mi anticipis por lerni la grekan ĉar ili kunhavigas similetajn strukturojn. Tamen, la greka havas multajn prepoziciojn, kiojn mi ne scias kiel uzi bone. Ofte mi forlasas ilin kaj mi fidas tro multe je la minimala kazmarkado de moderna greklingvo. Ĝi estas sekvo de studado de slavaj lingvoj, miaopinie.
εν τῷ τέλει ημέρας τῆς καλής
Postvespermanĝe mi faris kuron kaj nun miaj kruroj doloretas 😣 ne forgesu streĉi antaŭ ol kuro!
Πήγα στήν λειτουργία και μετά με φίλοι πήγαμε για καφέ, πολύ ωραία ήταν
καλή νύχτα ἐκ τάς Αθήνας
Just installed Segoe UI into Lagrange, getting wild Windows Phone flashbacks. What a pleasant font.
Mi trovis novan klavaron por iOS nomiĝitan “Poeto”-n. Interese, ĝi uzas duan majuskan (alia-igan?) klavon por la cirkumfleksaj literoj.
Bonan Teofanion!
Merry Christmas! 🎄 Hristos se Naște! 🎄 Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
hodiaŭ mi sentas lacege, kaj mi esperas, ke mi ne malsaniĝas tro proksime al Kristnasko
Workin on a conlang 😁
Plagal 3 is nice, but nothing beats a good a-na-nes na-na ne-an-es
I should be grateful to have an Internet connection, but I’m annoyed at the very slow speed. ~200kbps with 990+ ms is annoying. Big web software doesn’t really know how to handle such slow speeds.
web browser opinion:
linluwi li kama pi tenpo suli la seamonkey li pona
Μου αρέσουν τα ελληνικά 🇬🇷
Ŝajnas, ke nenion en Grekujo komencas akurate. Denove mi atendas ekster la leciona ĉambro por proksimume 25 minutoj kj nenio okazas. Ĉu mi malrafis mesaĝon el la prof-ino?
Thinken about buying a cheapo phone with Sailfish OS on it (I don’t want to spend money lol)
Μαθαίνω ελληνικά, αλλά πιο μιλάω βαρβαριστί
Malfeliĉete, hodiaŭ mi vekis malfrue iri al la kirko do mi kantis preĝejojn ĉe hejmo mia. Almenaŭ mi havas antídōron el la lastaj 2aj dimanĉoj.
Currently working with an extremely slow (for 2023) Internet connection (e.g. downlink approx. 306.442 Kbps). Gemini is a lifesaver in that I can still keep up to date with things that I care about without having constant timeout errors and dropped connections.
Just took a Greek language placement test — I can confidently say I do not know many Greek words but I believe I have a good handle on the cases. Maybe. There’s only so much help ἡ κοινὴ διάλεκτος can help with
I really love baroque music!!
Hai să campăm!
I miss my Windows Phone
Silly idea of the day: spelling ‘Minneapolis’ in Greek using an eta where the ‘e’ is, e.g. Μινηάπολις
Τον Δεσπότην και Αρχιερέα ημών Κύριε φύλλαττε· εις πολλά έτη' Δεσποτά
Λα γρέκα ἂλφὰπέτω ἒστάς μια πλέϊ ϸὰτάτὰ ἂλφὰμπέτω· ϡη ἂκὸμὸδὶϡέμὰ ἒστάς
man alive do I like Byzantine music
Mi trinkis iomet da tro multe hieraŭ
I like working with text files, but no unicode font has proper support for byzantine notation yet
I had an exam today! I didn't know I'd have an exam, but I know I did well (the prof said so lol).
Bonan Ĉieliratagon!
It’s so nice outside today ☀️
Hodiaŭ pluve estas, kaj mi ankoraŭ decidis promeni ĉirkaŭ la kvartalo 🌧️
I got my ancient Haiku system on Gemini!! It’s just browsing for now, as the WiFi card is way too unreliable for it to be a server.
Just got a deck of hanafuda 🎴 !
Absolutely in love with microtonal music, especially King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, though nothing beats a good Tone 3 doxology lol
I sang so much and so intensely over Pascha that my voice is sore 🥲
Χριστός ἀνέστη!
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν,
θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας,
καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι,
ζωὴν χαρισάμενος!
Have you guys heard of the RESTRICT Act that's being proposed by the US Congress? It looks really bad for open use of the Internet.
The fool, who is unwilling to realize
his honorable state,
prefers to become just an animal,
rather than a person,
so that, without incurring judgement,
he may serve naught but his lusts. But had there been sown in animals
just a little
of the sense of discernment,
then long ago would the wild donkeys have lamented and wept at their not
having been human.
Time for a concert!
I should write more poetry, maybe even start working on a novel or something.
Ĉio povas esti resumita en Estetiko kaj Politiko Ekonomia.
Solarpunk: A Brighter Perspective is a great album.
Also the train is like, 5 hours late
Looks like smol.pub is down again 🥲
The train I’m on is 6 hours late! I’m not complaining though, it’s very comfortable. Someone’s playing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, the car is warm, and I’m content.
Do you have a favorite poem? If yes, would you share it?
Got back from a small gathering with friends: iom da ili fumis nefiltritajn cigaredojn kaj cigarojn. Mi ne ŝatas la odoron de fumo, tamen la diskuto interesiĝis.
Thinking about buying BallisticNG, though I’ve never played Wipeout. The aesthetics are great, but aesthetics don’t make a game good alone. 🏎️
ho ve mi fartas malsane kaj lacege – kaj ĝi ne estas pro l'alkoholo el la novjaro
Happy new year! An noul fericit! С Новым годом! Novjaron feliĉan! 🎆
Kristo naskiĝas!
Δόξα ἐν ὑψίστοις Θεῷ καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς εἰρήνη ἐν ἀνθρώποις εὐδοκία.
Oh house of Ephratha,
thou holy city,
glory of the prophets,
beautify the house
in which the Divine One is born!
My left name is tremendous savings, Ms. America!
t. Senor Cardgage
Sang an advent concert, now I’m at a 24hr diner to eat dinner 🐟
Winter reminder for those in the snowy northern hemisphere: don’t overdrive the weather, I got the car stuck in the snow going around a corner at ~30mph/~48kph and had to get unstuck with the help of 2 other people. I’m grateful for their help 😅
Went to a Christmas market with some friends 🎄
Why did nobody tell me that Haskell could be so cool?!
pretty sure I got frostbit at the football game on Saturday ❄️
Just installed a really nice y2k-ish font for Lagrange called Republika. I think it looks good as a header font paired with (of course) Alegreya
Mi ĵus diris al eksdunganto mia doni al mi la monon por kilometraĵo. Kiel Ĵokero diras
Ne temas pri la mono, ĝi temas pri sendado de mesaĝo.
Man, it's getting really cold again
Mi murdos ĉi tiu presilon
(ne kolera mi estas, evidente :^) .)
Kion farus vi, kiam via ĉefulo estas nekompetenta? T.e., ekzemple, li al vi sendus planon por bonigeco persona, kiu enhavas liston pri la eraroj, ke vi faris; sed la plano mem el via ĉefulo estas misliteruma!
Haha iras mi al la kafozono
The cat woke me up way too early again.
Stillness and patience create safety
the Jewel of the World preserves itself.
Torn-up flowers die in unskilled hands
and perverse gardeners flourish
exclaiming on the merits of barren pools.
Truly, cleanliness is a blessed gift to be thankful for.
Happy (ecclesiastical) new year!
my mouse right clicks way too much,
Mogami river
I'm on an extremely limited connection so the snappiest networking I'm experiencing is Gemini lol
Just found a nifty little text replacement program called espanso, I like it a lot so far.
Check it out here ↓
No GUI yet, but if you're on Gemini you're probably OK with configuration files.
alas, smol.pub is down and I must poast
First time playing WITW, guess right immediately 😜 (it was a very recognizable country)
Where In The World? • Puzzle #18 • 2022-08-18
tre frusta estas mi ĉe mia laboro, ĉar la presiloj je oficejo malrapide presas 😣
каждоденно припоминанје:
Заоутра буде лучше неж вчера.
Lucky me, I tested positive for coronavirus today. No coughing yet, just a tickle in my throat and a lot of fatigue. Here we go lol 🎢
En la mondon venis nova sento,
tra la mondo iras forta voko;
per flugiloj de facila vento
nun de loko flugu ĝi al loko.
Ne al glavo sangon soifanta
ĝi la homan tiras familion:
al la mond' eterne militanta
ĝi promesas sanktan harmonion.
Bonan Esperantatagon al ĉiuj!
Ĉu ŝi min ŝatas?
Delta Airlines’ free in-flight messaging WiFi blocks Gemini access, but Air France doesn’t. 🇫🇷 🛰
I should get back into space trucking in Elite one of these days 🚀
Kafon mi amas,
sed tro malsanigas,
mia CNS-o akceliĝas ⚡
Their proclamation went forth into all the earth,
And their words to the ends of the world.
In the sun He set His tabernacle;
And it rejoices exceedingly
Like a bridegroom coming forth from his bridal chamber,
Like a strong man to run a race.
Lift up the gates, O ye princes,
And be lifted up, you everlasting doors,
And the King of glory shall enter.
the cat licked my arms
her tongue is so very rough
now she is snoozing
my živemo v koncu historije
ale budučnost egzistujuča ješče
Thought of the day: Interrogate experts.
Ευλογητος ει Χριστε ο Θεος ημων Ο πανσοφους τους αλιεις αναδειξας κατα πεμψας αυτοις το Πνευματο αγιον και δι' αυτον την Οικουμενην σαγηνευσας φιλανθρωπε Δοξα Σοι
☧ Christ is risen! Today is the Leavetaking of Pascha, the last day we sing the troparion and use the festal hymns.
This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! 🌅
smol.pub is down
Which books have you read recently? If you haven't read any recently, which books would you like to read?
Font check! Which fonts do you use when you read Geminispace?
I like Manrope for headings, Iosevka or Cousine for monospace, and Alegreya for body text in Lagrange; outside of Lagrange I use whichever monospace font is the default in the terminal (or a serifed font lol)
I hooked up a keyboard to my phone and am pleasantly surprised at how well Lagrange works with a keyboard!
There's something really nice about hot water, procrastination, and Carbon Based Lifeforms
Some vices miss what is right because they are deficient, others because they are excessive, in feelings or in actions, while virtue finds and chooses the mean.
— Aristotle
"Nichomachean Ethics"
المسيح قام
Am I misremembering keyboard shortcuts, or was F5 the refesh shortcut in most web browsers until recently?
Once a man has changed the relationship between himself and his environment, he cannot return to the blissful ignorance he left. Motion, of necessity, involves a change in perspective.
-- Commissioner Pravin Lal, "A Social History of Planet"
ქრისტე აღსდგა!
Come, let us drink not miraculous water drawn forth from a barren stone, but a new vintage springing from the tomb of Christ, in Him we are established!
O Life, how canst Thou die?
Or abide in a grave?
For Thou dost destroy the kingdom of death, O Lord, and raisest up the dead of Hades’ realm.
Thy bridal chamber I see adorned, O my Savior, and I have no wedding garment that I may enter. O Giver of Light, enlighten the vesture of my soul, and save me.
Lagrange 1.12 is great!
Have you heard or Orion's Arm? It's a big, collaborative sci-fi writing project that has been around forever. I'd love to see it mirrored on Gemini 😅
Check it out here: https://www.orionsarm.com
[POLL Which comment arrangement do you prefer: Oldest at the top, or oldest at the bottom?] Oldest at the top | Oldest at the bottom
old pond
frog leaps in
water's sound
t. Matsuo Bashō
Station idea: comments under a log should proceed downward chronologically, that is, oldest comments should be closest to the original post, newest comments should follow
Someday I'd really like to convert my undergrad linguistics papers into gemtext, alas — LaTeX glosses and examples do not translate easily, and there are no tables in Gemtext.
The most beautiful city in the world is Tbilisi.
Coffee appreciation post — ☕
Do you drink coffee? If yes, how do you take yours?
Toată ziua am ascultat pe muzica populară 🎺
Power's out at work lol
Hey! Check out this post from Andre Garzia responding to Marius. I was going to write my own response, but I think this article covers everything I was going to say.
Happy Sunday! Hope today is restful and good for you :)
Hey everyone! Is gemini://smol.pub down for anyone else? I haven't been able to connect to it at all today, and I need to poast