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About; how to make the Demo disk, what it MUST be named,
how to select your Apple II model specific program set up
and the DTP general help information for Publish It! 3 Demo.

First: Use ShrinkIt to unshrink the archive to either; a
ProDOS format - 800k 3.5 disk named: PUBLISH.IT.DEMO or
to an 800k RAM disk that was initialized as ProDOS named:


Second: Boot the 3.5 disk or RAM disk

Third: Select your specific setup to match your Apple II
model and it's atributes such as memory, load fonts, etc.

Follow on-screen instructions and enjoy the Publish It DEMO.

Note: most functions and options are active. Some minor
options and functions are disabled in this DEMO.

DTP General Help

Text Editing

To activate the EDIT menu, you must first select the I-beam
Tool from the Tool Box.  Some editing options only work on
selected text.  Text may be selected (highlighted) in
several ways:

- DRAG the I-beam over text to select it.
- DOUBLE-CLICK on a word to select that word.
- -[.] (period) to select the entire sentence. (Pressing
this option again will select the next sentence.)
- -[RETURN] to select the entire paragraph.  (Pressing
this option again will select the next paragraph.)
- Choose Select To End (-[E]) option from the EDIT menu
to select all the text from the current cursor position to
the end of the article.

Cut -- Choose Cut (-[X]) from the EDIT menu to remove
selected text from the screen and move it to the clipboard
for use with the Paste command.  Pressing the [DELETE] key
will also Cut text from a document however text cut by this
method will not be placed in the clipboard.  Text cut to the
clipboard will remain in memory and may be pasted back into
the same or another document.  Information cut to the
clipboard may not exceed approximately 1K in size.

Copy -- Choose Copy (-[C]) from the EDIT menu to move a
copy of the selected text to the clipboard for use with the
Paste command.  Text copied to the clipboard will remain in
memory and may be pasted back into the same or another
document.  Information copied to the clipboard may not
exceed approximately 1K in size.

Paste -- When you wish to paste information which has
previously been Cut or Copied into a document, position the
Insertion Point where you want the first character of text
to be pasted.  Select the Paste option (-[V]) from the EDIT

Find -- To search for a word or phrase, move the Insertion
Point to the top of the column to be searched.  Select the
Find option and enter the characters you wish to search for.

Find Next -- To find the next occurrence of a word or
phrase, choose the Find Next option (-[F]) AFTER the first

Replace -- Replace will search for the first occurrence of a
word or phrase with the option of replacing it with a
predetermined replacement string.  Move the Insertion Point
to the top of the column to be searched and choose the
Replace option from the EDIT menu.  Enter the characters to
be found and the characters you wish to replace them with.

Replace & Find -- Choose the Replace & Find option (-[R])
AFTER the first Replace.  This will replace the highlighted
word or phrase with the word or phrase entered in the
Replace... Dialog Box.  Now begin searching for the next
occurrence of the search string.  It is important to
remember that both Find and Replace options are restricted
to one page.  If you have an article which spans two or
three pages, you must perform the Find and Replace on each

Text Formatting

To change the text format for the entire page, use the
options on the PAGE menu.  To change formatting in an
individual paragraph, highlight the paragraph using the
I-beam tool and use the selections from the FORMAT menu.
Non-standard formats may be changed quickly to the PAGE
format simply by clicking on the Use Page Standard option.

Justification -- Choosing this option brings up a dialog box
with four alignment options available:  Left, Right, Center,
or Full (both margins are aligned).

Spacing -- Use this option to change letter, word, or line
and paragraph spacing.

Margins/Indents -- Use this option to change the left and
right margins or first line indentation.  If you choose
Hanging, the value in First Line is SUBTRACTED from the Left
Margin value.  If you choose Indented, the value in First
Line is ADDED to the Left Margin value.

Fonts -- To change the face or style of text, highlight the
block of text to be changed, then choose an option from the
FONT menu.  If no text is highlighted, the Text Insertion
Point takes on the new characteristics and all subsequent
text entered will be in the new face or style.

Select Font -- To change the type face or size, choose
Select Font.  A dialog box will appear with all available
fonts.  The current font will have a check mark next to it.

Next Size -- To quickly change the size of the current type
face, select the Next Size option (-[N]).  Repeated use of
this option will cause the program to cycle through all
available point sizes for the selected font.

Next Typeface -- To quickly change the typeface, select the
Next Typeface (-[T]) option.

Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, Shadow, Superscript or
Subscript and Color can be applied to any font for added
emphasis.  For more information on the use of color, see the
Color section in this Help file.

Choosing the Plain (-[Y]) option will return the
highlighted text to the basic style of a face.  To
selectively turn off a specific style, simply select the
style twice.


To manipulate objects (graphics, text columns, and graphic
frames), use the options from the OBJECTS menu.  Some
OBJECTS menu options require you to first select an object.
Objects are selected using one of two methods:

- LASSO the objects by selecting the Pointer Tool and
dragging a box around the desired objects to select them.
Groups of objects may be selected simply by lassoing around
all objects you want to be grouped.
- CLICK on an object by selecting the Pointer Tool and
clicking within the object.  Groups of objects may be
selected by depressing the mouse button on each object,
while holding down the [] key.

Cut -- Choose Cut (-[X]) from the EDIT menu to remove a
selected object or group of objects from the screen and move
them to the clipboard for use with the Paste command.
Pressing the [DELETE] key will also Cut objects from a
document however objects cut by this method will not be
placed in the clipboard.  Objects cut to the clipboard will
remain in memory and may be pasted back to the same or
another document.

Copy -- Choose Copy (-[C]) from the EDIT menu to move a
copy of the selected object or group of objects to the
clipboard for use with the Paste command.  Objects copied to
the clipboard will remain in memory and may be pasted back
into the same or another document.

Paste -- When you wish to paste information which has
previously been Cut or Copied into a document, select the
Paste option (-[V]) from the EDIT menu.  A Pasted object
will be placed in the relative position of the original
Cut/Copied object.

Move to Front -- Choose Move to Front to bring a selected
object or group of objects to the front of other overlapping

Move to Back -- Use this option to send a selected object or
group of objects beneath a series of overlapping objects.
If the selected object is smaller than the objects in front
of it, it may not be visible.

Show Specifications -- Choose the Show Specifications option
(-[M]) to determine and modify the exact size and
attributes of an object.  A dialog box will appear with the
Left Start, Top Start, Width, and Height (where applicable)
of the selected object.  In addition, the user can modify
certain attributes of an object.  However, not all objects
will have the same attributes available.

- Locked: This option will force the selected object or text
frame to the specific location in which it resides.  A
Locked object cannot be modified in any form with the
exception of Text Frames, which will allow the user to enter

- Don't Print: While the program will display this object or
text frame on the screen, it will not be sent to the printer
or displayed in the Print Preview.

- Don't Runaround: Objects with this attribute activated
will cause text frames beneath to flow  through the object
rather than around the object.

- Frame Border: When selected, a Frame border will appear
around the text or graphic frame.  All objects on a page
must have the same size border, however borders can be
turned on or off on an object-by-object basis.  Specify the
size and offset of Frame borders from the PAGE menu.

- Transparent:  When selected, objects "behind" the
transparent text column will show through.

- PostScript:  With this option activated, Publish It! will
interpret any information contained in the text frame as a
PostScript Language command.  DO NOT USE THIS OPTION UNLESS

- Color:  When selected, objects will be printed as color.

Text frames will allow you to modify all of the above
attributes with the exception of the Color attribute.

Objects can only have the Locked, Don't Print and Don't
Runaround options active.  In addition to this, the current
Pen Color and Fill Color will be displayed for the selected

Graphic frames will allow you to modify all of the above
attributes with the exception of the PostScript attribute..

Frame Border -- When selected, a Frame border will appear
around the object.  All objects on a page must have the same
size border; however borders can be turned on or off on an
object-by-object basis.  Specify the size and offset of
Frame borders from the PAGE menu.

Align -- You must have two or more objects selected to use
this option.  In the dialog box that appears, select one
choice from the left column and one from the right column.

Set Line Weight -- Choose this option to select from one of
six line widths.  This affects the size of the outline of a
circle or box graphic shape.

Set Pen Pattern -- Choose this option to select from 24
patterns or 10 gray scales for the outline of a filled box
or circle.  In addition to this, you may specify the color
of the pen pattern.

Set Fill Pattern -- Choose this option to select from 24
patterns or 10 gray scales for the interior of a graphic
shape.  In addition to this, you may specify the color of
the fill pattern.

Define Pattern -- Choose this option to modify any one of
the last eight fill patterns.  A dialog box will appear
allowing you to change the pattern by clicking pixels on or
off in the magnified view.  All objects with the modified
pattern active will be modified also.


Color Printing

Publish It! supports color printing with an ImageWriter II
with a color ribbon or any Okidata or Epson printer capable
of color printing.


Text may be printed in color by highlighting the section of
text with the I-Beam tool and selecting the Color option
under the FONT menu.  You may choose from black, yellow,
red, orange, blue, green, or purple.  As Publish It! is a
monochrome based program, text which contains color will not
display on-screen in the color selected.  Text in a color
other than black selected will appear with an overline (a
line over the character or group of characters).  If you are
unsure of what color a section of text is, you may check by
highlighting the section of text and re-selecting the Color
option under the FONT menu.  This will display the current
color setting for that section of text.


Single and double high resolution picture files can be
imported in color or black and white.  Super high resolution
graphics are always imported in color.  With a color
monitor, you will see the color while the cropping box is
visible, but once imported into your document, all pictures
are displayed in black and white.  If you decide to print a
color picture in black and white, select the frame with the
Pointer and change the Color option in Show Specifications
(of the OBJECT menu) to Off.

In order to print in color, you MUST turn on the Color
option in the Print Document Dialog Box.


New File -- To name a document before beginning or to
abandon the one you are currently working on, choose the New
File (-[Z]) option.  A box will appear with a blank line to
enter the file name you want to create.  If an illegal file
name is entered, the program will alert you and highlight
the file name displayed.

The File Selector -- All file activity originates from the
File Selector, which appears after selecting an option from
the FILE menu.  It shows the current slot, drive and ProDOS
path along with a list of applicable file names.

With the File Selector displayed, click on:

DRIVE to access another on-line drive.
DISK to re-read the currently selected drive.
OPEN to access the highlighted file or sub-directory.
CLOSE to go back to the previous sub-directory.
CANCEL to abort any action.

You can also double-click on the file name to open the file,
or click on the displayed ProDOS path name to go back to the
previous sub-directory.

Open File -- Select the Open File (-[O]) option to work
with a previously saved file.

Save File -- Choose this option or press -[S] to save the
document under the current path and file name.  If the file
has not been previously saved, Publish It! will allow you to
select a specific drive/sub-directory to save to.

Save File as -- Choose this option or press -[A] to save
the document under a different file name, or to a different
drive or sub-directory.

Import Text File -- You must have a Text Column and an
Insertion Point before you can import any text.  Text will
be imported at the Insertion Point.  When you choose this
option, only the names of text files and sub-directories
will appear in the File Selector.

Import AppleWorks File -- When you choose this option, only
the names of sub-directories and AppleWorks word processor
files will be displayed.  Select an AppleWorks file and it
will be imported at the Insertion Point.

Import Bank St. File -- Choosing this option displays all
available Bank Street Writer files.  The version of Bank
Street Writer which Publish It! supports is the ProDOS
version.  Users of the DOS 3.3 version of Bank Street Writer
must copy the files from the DOS 3.3 data disk to a ProDOS
data disk using a copy program such as Copy II Plus, by
Central Point Software.  Bank Street Writer files cannot be
distinguished from picture files, so be careful when
selecting the file name.  If you do select a picture file,
no damage will be done, but Publish It! will try to
interpret the picture data as text.  This results in a
column full of unintelligible characters.  Delete the
column, recreate it, then re-import the current file.

Import ProDOS Picture -- A graphic frame must be drawn and
selected before you can import a picture.  Select this
option and the File Selector will show all available picture
files.  Use this option to import any ProDOS Single Hi-res,
Double Hi-res, Super Hi-res, and PrintShop GS graphic files.
Upon selecting a graphic, the picture will be imported to
the Cropping Screen.

Import DOS 3.3 Picture -- A graphic frame must be drawn and
selected before you can import a picture.  Select this
option and the File Selector will show all available picture
files.  Use this option to import any DOS 3.3 Single Hi-res,
Double Hi-res, PrintShop, and Newsroom graphic files.  If
you have more than 85 files on the disk, you will need to
copy some of them to another disk as only 85 file names can
be displayed in the File Selector.  Upon selecting a
graphic, the picture will be imported to the Cropping

Upon selecting a file to import, you will be asked whether
the file is a color or black and white picture.  However,
with Super Hi-resolution and PrintShop GS graphics, Publish
It! will assume the graphic is color.  If this is not the
case, you may turn off the color option by selecting the
graphic and de-selecting the Color button in the Object
Specifications Dialog Box after the graphic has been

After a file has been selected, you will be shown the
graphic, along with the Cropping Box allowing you to edit
how much of graphic you will import.  The current size of
the Cropping Box is displayed in proportion to the size of
the graphic frame you are importing into.  Any change in the
size of the Cropping Box will be reflected in the size of
the graphic frame.

You may resize the Cropping Box using two different methods.
You may crop using the  and arrow keys.  When resizing with
the keyboard, the lower right corner of the Cropping Box
remains stationary.  You may move the Cropping Box to a
different location of the graphic using the arrow keys.
Alternatively, you may use the mouse.  To resize the
Cropping Box, move the mouse pointer to one of the four
resizing handles and then click and hold mouse button.
Dragging the mouse will resize the Cropping Box to your
specifications.  The Cropping Box may be moved to a
different location of the graphic by clicking and dragging
with the mouse pointer in the center of the Cropping Box.
In the case of Single Hi-res, Double Hi-res, PrintShop and
Newsroom graphics, you may flip the graphic either
horizontally or vertically using the [H] and [V] keys
respectively.  Pressing [Return] will import the cropped

When importing both standard Super Hi-resolution and
PrintShop GS pictures, the graphic will not be displayed as
you would see it on an Apple //gs.  This is basically due to
the screen resolution differences between Publish It! and
Super Hi-resolution graphics.  You will not be able to see
the entire graphic on the screen.  To move the Cropping Box
to an unseen location of the graphic, simply scroll the
Cropping Box using the arrow keys or depress the  key when
clicking and dragging the Cropping Box using the mouse.

Delete File -- To remove a file from your data disk, choose
the Delete File option.  You can only delete one file at a
time.  Select the file name from the File Selector that


Print -- To print your document, choose the Print (-[P])
option from the FILE menu.  A dialog box will appear with
printing options.  Make your selections and then click on
OK.  Printing can be canceled by pressing [ESCape], or
paused at any time by pressing [RETURN].

Preview -- Select the Preview (-[K]) option from the FILE
menu to see EXACTLY how your document will appear on a
dot-matrix printer.  The portion of the document displayed
corresponds to the full-size view.  Within this option you
can scroll the display using the arrow keys.

Select Printer -- Choose Select Printer from the APPLE menu.
In the dialog box that appears, click on the name of your
printer, then click on OK.  Use the dot-matrix font widths
unless you have a laser printer.

Select Interface -- Choose Select Interface from the APPLE
menu.  In the dialog box that appears, click on the name of
your interface, then click on OK.

Install Font -- Choose this option to install fonts supplied
with the optional Font Packs or any Apple //gs fonts.  You
can have a maximum of 8 font family names, with a maximum of
24 fonts insatlled.  It is important to remember that the
font files must be located in the same sub-directory as the
program files.

De-install Font -- Use this option to remove one or more
fonts from the list of available fonts.  De-installed fonts
may be installed again.  All fonts may be de-installed
except for Deerfield 12 and Desplaines 12.


The first three options on the PAGE menu become the Page
Standard defaults for the current page.

Justification -- Choose Justification from the PAGE menu to
set the format for all paragraphs on the current page.  Your
choices are Left, Right, Center or Full (aligned on both

Spacing -- Choose Spacing from the PAGE menu to set letter,
word, line and paragraph spacing for that page.

Margins/Indent -- Choose this option from the PAGE menu to
set left and right margins and the indentations of the first
line of each paragraph on the page.

Tabs -- Select this option to set the six available tab
locations in addition to its leading character for the
current page.

Go to Page -- Select the Go to Page (-[G) option to go
directly to a given page.  The number of pages in the
document will also be displayed in the dialog box.

Set Page Size -- Select this option to choose your page
size.  A dialog box will appear with four clearly defined
page sizes.  Select the page size for the paper you have
loaded in your printer (or the size you plan to use for the

Insert Page -- To add a new page to a document, choose the
Insert Page option on the PAGE menu.  A new page will be
inserted as the current page and all subsequent pages will
be moved down and renumbered.

Delete Page -- Selecting this option will delete the current
page.  All subsequent pages will be moved up and renumbered.
Delete Page deletes text columns and reflows your text
through the rest of the article.  Text that is not part of
an article chain will be lost.

Show Full Size -- Select this option from the SPECIAL menu
or press -[1].  Text and graphic elements are displayed in
the size they will appear on your printer.  You can only
view a portion of the page in this size.

Show Double Size -- Choose this option or press -[2] for
fine-tuning your text or graphic elements.

Show Half Size -- Choose this option or press -[3] to show
the page at about half the size that it will print.

Size to Fit -- Choose this option or press -[4] if you
would like to view the entire page.  You will not be able to
see the text clearly because of its reduced size, but you
can see what your layout looks like.  Your page will appear
on the left half of the screen.  The right half can be used
as a work area in this view.

Snap to Guides -- Select this option to position objects
quickly and accurately on the page.  The Snap To feature
works when creating text and graphic objects, as well as
moving or resizing objects.  Begin by drawing an object
within any guide.  When you release the mouse button your
object will snap to the edges of the guide.  You may resize
the object by clicking and dragging with the mouse on one of
the four handles showing on the object.

Select Guides -- The page can be divided into rectangular
regions composed of 1 (1 x 1), 4 (2 x 2), 9 (3 x 3), or 16
(4 x 4) parts using the preset guide settings.  In addition
to this, you have the option of creating your own Custom
Guides by setting the number of columns and rows, the
spacing between the columns and rows, and clicking OK.  If
you want to turn the guides off, select 'No guides'.  The
guides you choose will remain in effect until you change
them or until you quit.

Show Column Outlines -- This option from the SPECIAL menu
toggles the display of text column outlines on or off.  It
does not affect the text within the defined areas or the
text columns themselves.  A checkmark next to this option
indicates that the option is active.

Show Rulers -- The Show Rulers option of the SPECIAL menu
toggles the horizontal and vertical rulers on or off.

Show Pictures -- Select this option to either hide or
display imported pictures.  Pictures are printed no matter
how this option is set.

Select Unit Measure -- Use this option to specify
measurement units of inches, centimeters or picas.  The unit
of measure chosen here affects the on-screen rulers and
measurements in the FORMAT, PAGE, and OBJECTS menus.


Linking Text Columns -- Text columns must be linked for text
to flow from one to another.  Select the Linking Tool and
click in the text column in which you want the article to
START or CONTINUE.  The first click of the mouse moves the
hook to the top of the Linking Pointer.  Subsequent clicks
on different columns create the links.  Clicking on the
Linking Tool in the Tool Box completes the link.

A column can only belong to one article at a time.  Typing
ANY text into a new text column, designates that column as
containing a new article -- which CANNOT be linked to an
existing article.  Deleting the typed-in text will not allow
the text column to be linked.  You must delete the column
entirely, recreate it, and then link it.

To UNLINK a text column from an article, select the Linking
Tool and double-click on the column.  The text will be
redistributed to the remaining linked text columns.

To DELETE a text column, select it with the Pointer Tool and
press the [DELETE] key.  If the text column was part of an
article, the text will be redistributed to the other linked
columns in the article.

CUT and COPY do not retain any linking information, and
PASTE does not insert a column into a linked article -- you
must use the Linking Tool to link text columns.

~READ ME...Additions and Corrections to the Manual

                  [- NOTICE -] 

This version of Publish It! 3 is a demonstration copy.

All features are fully functional with the exception of the
Save and Save As... options, located under the FILE menu.

IMPORTANT: The following changes have been made to the
Publish It! 2 Users Manual.

-  Item number 1 in the "What's in the Package" section on
page 1-5 should read:  Four 5 1/4-inch Timeworks Publish It!
3 disks: "Startup, Samples, and Laser Printing Files",
"Fonts, Side 1 and 2", and "Artwork, Sides 1,2,3,4" and two
3 1/2-inch disks: "Program" and "Artwork".

-  The first paragraph on page 5-74 should read:  Two files
on the program disk associated with laser printing are:


If you are using 5 1/4-inch disks, these files are located
on the STARTUP disk.

-  Disregard pages 8-10 through 8-13 in the Publish It! 2
manual.  The sample layouts featured on these pages are no
longer included with the Publish It! 3 program due to disk
capacity restraints.

-   Users who have an Apple //gs, a single 3.5 disk drive,
and a LaserWriter running under System v5.02 cannot normally
install the LaserWriter driver onto a 3.5 System Disk due to
the Appletalk driver's size.  To make a working copy of
System 5.02 with the LaserWriter drivers intact, complete
the following steps:

-- Make a copy of the ORIGINAL Apple //gs System Disk using
your favorite disk copier.

-- Delete the following files from the COPY of the System
Disk.  It is important to delete the files from the FINDER
as normal copy programs (such as COPY II PLUS) will not
allow you to delete these files due to file format changes.

-- Delete the file EXPRESSLOAD from the root of your System

-- Delete the TUTORIAL sub-directory, including all files
contained within.

-- From the CDEVS sub-directory, delete the files below:

          KEYBOARD       MODEM               MONITOR
          MOUSE          PRINTER              RAM
          SLOTS          SOUND                TIME

-- From the DRIVERS sub-directory, delete the files below:

          PRINTER        PRINTER.SETUP

-- From the FONTS sub-directory, delete the files below:

          FASTFONT       COURIER.10     COURIER.12
          GENEVA.10      GENEVA.12      HELVETICA.10
          HELVETICA.12   SHASTON.16     TIMES.10
          TIMES.12       VENICE.14

-- From the TOOLS sub-directory, delete the files below:

          TOOL025        TOOL026        TOOL034

-- Boot your modified system disk and load the INSTALLER
program located on your System Tools diskette and select the
LaserWriter printer driver.  Consult your System Manual for
more information on the INSTALLER.

     Your modified disk will now allow you to enter the
Control Panel and select your LaserWriter printer.  However,
there are a few limitations with this System Disk.  You
cannot access your 5.25 disk drives from the Finder.  Also,
you cannot access any of the Control Panel settings via the
Control Panel CDEV's.  Any modifications to the Control
Panel must be made via the CTRL--ESCape key sequence.

-  When printing to a parallel printer with a Laser 128
computer, select the Apple Parallel Interface when
configuring Publish It!.  However, if you have a Star
parallel printer select the Laser 128 interface.

-  Due to a timing problem which exists between the Laser
128 EX/2 computer and Star printers, you may experience
difficulties in printing long documents that require
constant floppy disk access.  If this occurs, try printing
your document in sections of 2 or 3 pages.

-  When using Apple //gs fonts in large point sizes, you may
find that part of the last character on a line is cut off.
To rectify this problem, place the Insertion Point at the
the line and add a one or two spaces.  This should allow the
character to print properly when printing and in Preview

-  If you flip a color picture horizontally, you will find
that the color of the graphic has changed.  This feature was
originally writing for monochrome pictures only.  The color
bits of a picture are not adjusted.

-  When importing text files into a frame with a specific
font/style you may find that at times, Publish It! will not
respect your font/style selections.  To get around this
problem, place the insertion point into the text frame and
select the font, size, and style for the text.  Enter a few
spaces into the text frame, then import the text file.  You
may then delete the extra spaces entered prior to importing.

-  We have included a new monospaced font called RACINE with
the Publish It! package.  This font is similiar to the
PostScript Courier font.

-  Users of the Zip Chip who experience problems with
Publish It! 3 crashing or locking up should contact any 
currently listed person that has the skills to offer an 