💾 Archived View for bbb.cities.yesterweb.org captured on 2024-06-16 at 12:00:10. Gemini links have been rewritten to link to archived content

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hi, i barely know how to use this

idk if i'll really add much

Find me on tumblr probably

SquidDied's Garden

 => /gemini://cities.yesterweb.org/filemanager/lain                        
.  , _ . . _ , _ ., _ .  
  ^      '   o    `    ' 

name  : "Tako"
stage : seed
age   : 0 days
rate  : 1st generation (x1.0)
score : 71079
coord : 26 South, 19 East
water : |█████████ | 96%
bonus : |▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞  | 82%


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