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Source: https://bahai-faith.manvell.org.uk/fragrant/camphor.html

List of downloadable Bahá'í files at the BBS Camphor Fountain

Baha'i Files List
Camphor Fountain BBS * Pittsburg * California *
Downloadable on first call.
Not accessible through Internet.
No charge except what is paid to long-distance company.
AREA : Bahá'í Faith Information

File Name      Size   Date                 Description

  !INTRO  .ZIP    10K 02/16/94 Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith with book list

 149PR   .TXT     3K 02/05/96 Press Release from 149 B.E., the Holy Year...

 18NOV93 .ZIP     4K 02/15/95 Leading Americans/Senate help Iranian Bahá'ís

 2NDLOOK .ZIP     7K 09/05/94 "A Second Look at the Bahá'í Faith" Marcus Bach

 AYYAMIHA.ZIP     2K 02/16/96 About Ayyam-i-Ha

 BACHBOOK.TXT     2K 02/05/96 About Marchus Bach, an unbiased source 

 BAHAI.TXT     3K 02/05/96 Short intro to the Bahá'í Faith

 BAHAI1 .TXT     5K 02/20/96 Another short intro to the Bahá'í Faith

 BAHAIART.ZIP     1K 03/04/96 Bahá'í Echo article for FidoNews 1995

 BAHAULLA.ZIP     4K 02/16/94 Baha'u'llah: Founder of the Bahá'í Faith

 BNE     .ZIP   213K 06/16/94 _Baha'u'llah and the New Era_ by J.E. Esselmont

 BOOKS   .ZIP    37K 02/05/96 Bahá'í Distribution Service information

 BR4     .ARJ     3K 02/16/94 Review of introductory books on the Bahá'í Faith

 BYTS    .ZIP    14K 10/09/94 Becoming Your True Self, by Daniel Jordan

 CB      .ZIP    75K 03/04/96 Christ and Baha'u'llah, by George Townshend

 CHAIR1  .ZIP     3K 05/04/96 Bahá'í Chair for World Peace

 CHALLENG.ZIP    11K 09/05/94 Power to Renew the World: Challenge to Christians

 CHOSEN  .ZIP   197K 03/04/96 The Chosen Highway, by Lady Blomfield

 DELAHUNT.ZIP     6K 02/05/96 Interview w/ Jaqi Delahunt: Lakota Indian Bahá'í

 DISTRIB .ZIP     3K 02/16/94 List of Bahá'í Distribution Services world wide

 FAST    .ZIP     1K 02/05/96 Poem about the Fast, by Stephen Newbegin

 FASTMED .ARJ     5K 02/05/96 Meditations for the Fast

 FOOD-GOD.ZIP     2K 02/21/96 The story about the dervish eating God

 FUNERAL .ZIP     3K 02/04/95 Bahá'í funeral information

 GOAL    .ZIP    14K 09/05/94 Goal-setting for Bahá'ís

 GREATEST.ZIP    13K 02/16/94 Explanation of the symbol of the Greatest Name

 H-RIGHTS.ZIP     8K 02/16/94 The Bahá'í Declaration of Human Rights

 HFH     .ZIP     2K 02/05/96 1993 Report on Health for Humanity

 HHOLLEY .ZIP     9K 09/05/94 "The God Who Walks With Men" by Horace Holley

 HOMELESS.ZIP     9K 02/05/96 What Bahá'ís can do for homeless and other poor

 IRAN1   .ZIP     5K 02/15/95 Iranian government's intent to persecute Bahá'ís

 NATURE! .ARJ     5K 02/17/94 The Bahá'í Faith's statement on nature

 NBPRAYER.ZIP     1K 02/05/96 About a prayer of 'Abdu'l-Baha found in Nebraska

 NEWBIB  .ZIP     7K 06/30/96 New Bibliography of Bahá'í Books, 1996

 OLYA    .ZIP     0K 02/21/96 Canadian article about Olya's Story

 OVERVIEW.ZIP     7K 02/15/95 Overview of the Bahá'í Faith written by B.Limber

 PR10    .ZIP     2K 05/24/96 Progressive Revelation chart

 PROCESS .ZIP    16K 09/05/94 "The Process of Social Change"

 PROOF   .ZIP    28K 05/14/96 >>>>> THE BRILLIANT PROOF <<<<<

 PROPHET .ARJ    43K 02/17/94 A statement about Baha'u'llah

 RACEUNIT.ARJ    10K 02/17/94 Race Unity: America's Most Challenging Issue

 RUHE    .ZIP     5K 02/05/96 Dr. Ruhe on social and economic development

 SB      .ZIP    42K 05/08/94 Statement on Baha'u'llah 

 SCIRELIG.ZIP     4K 02/05/96 Science and Religion

 SHOGHI1 .ZIP     3K 02/05/96 About Shoghi Effendi-who he was/what he wrote

 THBAHAIS.ZIP    71K 02/20/96 "The Bahá'ís" ... text of the magazine...

 THEGARDN.TXT     4K 02/16/96 Info about origin of verse "In the garden..."

 TRAINS  .ZIP     3K 02/16/96 History re: 'Abdu'l-Baha and trains

 WLDCOMM .ZIP     6K 02/05/96 Bahá'í Faith and it's World Community (intro tex

AREA : Writings of Baha'u'llah

File Name      Size   Date                 Description

  BISHARAT.TXT    13K 02/06/96 The Glad Tidings

 ESW     .ZIP    96K 02/05/96 Epistle to the Son of the Wolf

 GWB     .ZIP   179K 02/05/96 Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah

 HEALING1.ARJ     3K 02/06/96 The Long Healing Prayer

 HW      .ZIP    19K 02/05/96 The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah

 HWA     .ARJ     7K 02/06/96 Arabic Hidden Words

 KA      .ZIP   144K 02/05/96 The Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book)

 KI      .ZIP   111K 02/05/96 The Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude)

 KITABAHD.TXT     8K 02/06/96 The Kitab-i-Ahd (Covenant of Baha'u'llah)

 LAWHIAQD.TXT    16K 02/06/96 The Tablet to the Christians

 PARAGEMS.ZIP     7K 02/06/96 Gems of Divine Wisdom from the Words of Paradise

 PB      .ZIP    45K 02/05/96 Proclamation of Baha'u'llah

 PM      .ZIP   140K 02/05/96 Prayers and Meditations

 SUN     .ZIP    18K 02/21/96 Tablet of the Sun, by Baha'u'llah

 SVFV    .ZIP    30K 02/05/96 Seven Valleys and Four Valleys

 TAJALLI .TXT    13K 02/06/96 Tablet of Tajalli

 TARAZAT .TXT    21K 02/06/96 Tablet of Tarazat

 TB      .ZIP   136K 02/05/96 Tablets of Baha'u'llah

 TRUESEEK.ARJ     5K 02/06/96 Tablet of the True Seeker (a section of the Kitab-i-Iqan)

AREA : Writings of The Bab

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

 ASMA    .TXT    50K 02/16/96 Extracts from the Kitab-i-Asma

 SWB     .ZIP   106K 02/06/96 Selections from the Writings of The Bab

AREA : Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

 ABL     .ZIP    53K 02/05/96 'Abdu'l-Baha in London

 BAHA!   .TXT    11K 02/06/96 'Abdu'l-Baha speaks about His father

 BALKANS .ARJ     2K 02/05/96 Prayer for the Balkans

 BWF     .ZIP   183K 06/26/96 Bahá'í World Faith Part 2

 FWU     .ZIP    94K 06/26/96 Foundations of World Unity

 MF      .ZIP   130K 02/05/96 Memorials of the Faithful

 PT      .ZIP    92K 02/05/96 Paris Talks

 PT-53   .ZIP     3K 02/21/96 On Meditation

 PUP     .ZIP   418K 06/26/96 Promulgation of World Peace

 PURITY  .ARJ     5K 02/06/96 Tablet on Purity

 SAB     .ZIP   210K 02/05/96 Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha

 SAQ     .ZIP   163K 02/05/96 Some Answered Questions

 SDC     .ZIP    69K 02/05/96 The Secret of Divine Civilization

 TAB     .ZIP   396K 02/05/96 Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha

 TAF     .ZIP    11K 06/26/96 Tablet to August Forel

 TDP     .ZIP    38K 02/05/96 Tablets of the Divine Plan

 TN      .ZIP    73K 02/05/96 A Traveller's Narrative

 UNIVERSE.ZIP    12K 02/21/96 Provisional trans. Tablet of the Universe

 WILLTEST.ARJ    21K 02/05/96 The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha

 XMASARMY.ARJ     3K 02/05/96 Talk given at Salvation Army on Christmas Eve

AREA : Writings of Shoghi Effendi

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

 ADJ     .ZIP    75K 05/01/94 The Advent of Divine Justice 

 ADJ-28  .ARJ     9K 02/16/94 "Most Challenging Issue" - about racial unity

 ASTROLGY.TXT     2K 02/04/95 A few quotations about astrology

 BA      .ZIP   157K 05/01/94 Bahá'í Administration

 CF      .ZIP   135K 02/04/95 Citadel of Faith

 DIRGUARD.ZIP    61K 06/21/96 Directives from the Guardian

 DND     .ZIP   147K 05/01/94 Dawn of a New Day 

 GPB-ENG .ZIP   410K 02/04/95 God Passes By 

 GPB237  .ARJ     5K 02/16/94 "The Covenant of Baha'u'llah" 

 LDG1    .ZIP   163K 02/21/96 Lights of Divine Guidance, part 1

 LDG2    .ZIP    63K 02/21/96 Lights of Divine Guidance, part 2

 MA      .ZIP   128K 06/21/96 Messages to America, by Shoghi Effendi

 PASSING .ARJ     3K 02/16/94 On the third anniversary of the Master's passing

 PASSING .ZIP    21K 06/21/96 Passing of Shoghi Effendi, by Ruhiyyih Khanum

 PDC     .ZIP   119K 05/08/94 The Promised Day Has Come 

 TRIBUTE .ZIP     8K 06/21/96 A Tribute to Shoghi Effendi by Amelia Collins

 USBNGRDN.ZIP    85K 05/08/94 US Bahá'í News... statements of the Guardian 

 WOB-ENG .ZIP   166K 02/04/95 The World Order of Baha'u'llah 

AREA : Bahá'í History

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

  AHMAD   .ARJ    14K 02/16/94 Wonderful story about the Tablet of Ahmad

 BBC1    .ARJ     4K 02/16/94 BBC interview with Ruhiyyih Rabbani

 BROWNE  .TXT     3K 05/19/96 Description of meeting with Baha'u'llah

 BULLETS .ZIP     3K 05/19/96 The bullets at Tabarsi - a miracle story

 CONGRESS.ARJ    17K 02/16/94 Bahá'í World Congress:  Stories and impressions

 DALAILAM.ARJ     1K 06/15/94 The visit of the Dalai Lama of Tibet to the BWC

 DB      .ZIP   619K 05/15/94 The Dawnbreakers -- comprehensive early history

 FN      .ZIP    77K 05/01/94 Translation of the French footnotes 

 GENEOLGY.ARJ     4K 02/16/94 Lists of Baha'u'llah's family members

 GENES   .ZIP     3K 04/22/94 Geneology of the Prophets from Adam onwards

 GILLESPI.ARJ     3K 02/16/94 Dizzy Gillespie's Pilgrimage to Haifa in 1980

 IRAN1   .ARJ    14K 02/16/94 1993 persecutions in Iran.  Government statement

 KHADIJIH.ZIP    20K 06/30/96 Khadijih Bagum, the wife of The Bab, by Balyuzi

 MARTYRS .ARJ     7K 04/22/94 The Martyrs of South Africa... 151 B.E.

 NY12-92 .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 "The Courage of the Bahá'ís" -- NY Times editori

 PALOALT1.ARJ     5K 02/17/94 1912 News Account of 'Abdu'l-Baha in Palo Alto, 

 PASSING .ZIP    21K 06/21/96 The Passing of Shoghi Effendi, by Ruhiyyih Khanu

 RACELA  .ARJ     5K 02/17/94 Los Angeles race riots of 1993

 SHRINE  .ARJ     3K 02/17/94 The creation of the Shrine of the Bab

 SOIL!   .ARJ     4K 02/17/94 Press release about the Rio Peace Monument...

 SYDNFIRE.ARJ     3K 04/22/94 1994 fires in Sydney -- the Temple is saved!

 THEBAB1 .ZIP     9K 06/21/96 Declaration of The Bab, from Dawnbreakers

 THEGARDN.ZIP     3K 06/26/96 Source: At the Gate of the Garden

 TRANSFER.ARJ     3K 02/17/94 The transfer of the remains of The Bab 

 WC-INDIA.ARJ     7K 02/17/94 World Congress news articles from India Abroad

 WC-MAYOR.ARJ     3K 02/17/94 Letter from New York City mayor Mario Cuomo

 WC-RADIO.ARJ     5K 02/17/94 A radio interview, "All Things Considered"

AREA : Bahá'í Compilations

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

 ALLEGORY.ZIP     6K 02/04/96 Why Prophets use allegories

 ARCHITEC.ZIP     6K 02/04/96 About architecture 

 ASTROLGY.ZIP     1K 02/04/96 About astrology 

 BAHAULLA.TXT     5K 02/06/96 About Baha'u'llah

 BE      .ZIP    56K 05/01/94 Bahá'í education of children 

 BELIEVE .ZIP     6K 02/04/96 What the believers believe (interfaith) 

 BIRF    .ZIP     6K 02/06/96 Bahá'ís in Recovery Fellowship meeting format

 BJ-TX01 .ZIP   121K 02/04/96 Bahiyyih Khanum 

 BP-TX01 .ZIP    82K 02/18/95 Bahá'í Prayers - entire prayerbook!

 BUSINESS.ZIP     3K 02/23/96 Bahá'í teachings on business ownership

 CHASTE  .ZIP     4K 02/04/96 Bahá'í Teachings on Chastity and Sex 

 CLASSES .ZIP     3K 02/16/96 Outline for Bahá'í Deepening/Enrollment Classes

 COMMNTY .ZIP    11K 02/04/95 Issues Concerning Community Functioning 

 COMPRELG.ZIP    11K 02/16/94 Similar texts found in many Faiths!

 CONSERV .ZIP    23K 02/06/96 Conservation

 ENROLL  .TXT     1K 09/17/95 How to enroll in the Bahá'í Faith

 ESTB-UHJ.ZIP    39K 06/26/96 Universal House of Justice - establishment

 FASTMED .ARJ     5K 02/16/94 Meditations for the Fast

 FOOD!   .ARJ     3K 02/16/94 Bahá'í Writings about food

 GAMBLING.ZIP     2K 02/21/96 Bahá'í Teachings on Gambling

 HS      .ZIP     8K 02/16/96 Bahá'í Principles/Laws on homosexuality

 INDVINTR.ZIP     2K 02/23/96 Personal Interpretations of the Writings

 JAPAN   .ZIP    77K 02/06/96 Japan Will Be Set Ablaze

 LOVE    .ZIP    15K 02/21/96 Learning to Love in a Hateful World

 MATURITY.ARJ     3K 02/16/94 Three signs of the maturity of the human race

 MEMORIZE.ZIP     4K 02/06/96 Memorization of the Holy Writings

 MOF     .ZIP     6K 02/06/96 Man, One Family

 OBB     .ZIP    15K 02/06/96 On Becoming a Bahá'í

 POVERTY1.ARJ     3K 02/16/94 Hidden Words concerning poverty and wealth

 PRAYER  .ZIP    16K 02/28/96 The Importance of Prayer, Meditation

 PRAYERS .ZIP   158K 06/26/96 Nice Prayerbook for Windows

 PRAYKIDS.ARJ     9K 02/16/94 Prayers for unborns, infants, children & youth..

 PRAYWOMN.ARJ     8K 02/16/94 Prayers for women, the "handmaids of God"

 PROHBTN .ZIP     9K 02/25/96 Extracts from Bahá'í Writings about alcohol

 PURITY1 .ARJ     5K 02/06/96 Purity, from _Divine Art of Living_

 PWRDIVIN.ZIP    19K 03/06/96 The Power of Divine Assistance

 QUESTPEA.TXT     1K 02/06/96 The Quest for World Peace

 REINCARN.ZIP     4K 02/21/96 Bahá'í teachings related to reincarnation

 RETURN  .ZIP     8K 02/16/96 16 Specific Date prophecies of the Bible

 TESTS   .ARJ     4K 02/16/94 Prayers to use during times of tests, hardships

 TESTS2  .ZIP     3K 06/15/94 Quotes about tests/difficulties from the Writing

 UNITYQTS.ARJ    32K 02/16/94 About Unity, from the Bahá'í Writings...

 VIRGIN  .ZIP     2K 02/21/96 On the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ

 WOMEN   .ZIP    41K 06/15/94 About Women

 YEBAHAI.ZIP    10K 02/06/96 Your Experience as a Bahá'í

AREA : New Believers Information

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

  CLASSES .ZIP     2K 06/15/94 Outline of Bahá'í Deepening/Enrollment classes

 ENROLL  .TXT     1K 05/12/94 How to enroll in the Bahá'í Community

 OBB     .ZIP    15K 06/15/94 On Becoming a Bahá'í -- Basic Responsibilities

 YEBAHAI.ZIP     9K 05/10/94 Standard New Believer's information literature

AREA : Prophecies Fulfilled

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

 1844-1  .ZIP     2K 02/15/95 Short explanation of the 2300 years prophecy

 ABOMDESO.ZIP     3K 06/21/96 Abomination of Desolation

 BOOKHOPI.ZIP    10K 06/11/94 Hopi Indian prophecies

 HOPI    .ZIP    16K 06/15/94 Prophecies of the Hopi - Bahá'í viewpoint

 HW-PROPH.ARJ     3K 06/11/94 A prophecy in the Christian Gospel 

 MATTHEW .ZIP    16K 02/05/96 Commentary about Matthew 24, verses 27-32

 NEWKEY  .ZIP   143K 06/16/94 _New Keys to the Book of Revelation_ 

 NEWNAME .ZIP    33K 02/21/96 Biblical Examination of Claims of Baha'u'llah

 NEWNAME1.ZIP     4K 02/28/96 Christ's New Name

 NOST0001.ZIP     2K 02/28/96 Nostradamus prophecy about Baha'u'llah?

 PROPHECY.ZIP     5K 06/16/94 About prophecies of many religions 

 PROPHFIL.ZIP    11K 09/02/94 "Prophecy Fulfilled" by Elisabeth H. Cheney

 QKH     .ZIP    49K 05/26/96 Qur'anic prophecies fulfilled by Hakim

 RESURREC.ZIP     4K 06/21/96 By Brent Poirer, on the Resurrection

 RETURN  .ZIP     8K 05/04/96 16 prophecies in the Bible predict the return

 SPTRUTH .ZIP   114K 06/16/94 _The Spirit of Truth_, by Dann Mays

 UNSEALED.ZIP   315K 06/27/96 _Apocalypse Unsealed_ by Robert Riggs

 XNCREEDS.ZIP    22K 06/06/96 The Deification of Christ, by Jack McLean

AREA : Bahá'í Children

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

 AHCOOKIE.TXT     1K 02/07/96 Idea for Ayyam-i-Ha cookie baking party
 BPARENT1.ARJ     8K 02/17/94 About Bahá'í parenting
 BR19    .ZIP     2K 02/16/95 Book review of "Education on Trial" by Rutstein
 BREAKERS.ARJ    43K 02/17/94 Children's stories from the Dawnbreakers
 FORUMSPR.94     32K 02/06/96 Forum on Bahá'í Education
 KIDBOOKS.ARJ     2K 02/17/94 Reviews of Bahá'í Children's literature
 PNWO    .TXT     1K 02/21/96 About a Bahá'í newsletter for parents

AREA : Bahá'í Graphics

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

  1EARTH  .ARJ    10K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* Peace: The Earth is One Country

 1GOD    .ARJ    12K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* One God, One Religion

 1HEART  .ARJ     4K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* Uniting the world one heart at a time

 1WORLD  .ARJ     7K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* One World, One Human Family

 3FACES  .ARJ     4K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Three shades of faces

 9LEAVES .ARJ    12K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Nine leaves in star pattern (2 design

 9STARS  .ZIP   208K 02/17/94 PCX* Very colorful, beautiful, nine-pointed star

 A-B_HND .GIF    44K 02/19/96 'Abdu'l-Baha extending His hand

 ARCSHOW .ZIP   609K 02/06/96 Collection of GIFs of the ARC from 1994

 BAHAIBMP.ZIP    34K 02/16/96 One of those screens you have to really get into

 BAJ-MHTB.GIF   102K 02/19/96 An old photo of Bahji

 BUTERFLY.ARJ    20K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX Butterfly

 CARMEL  .ZIP    21K 05/26/96 Beautiful b&w photo; Shrine of the Bab

 DOVES   .ARJ     7K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Doves - two versions

 FLOWERS .ARJ    39K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Flowers - five versions

 FRAME1  .ARJ     5K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* A picture frame, very ornate...

 FUND1   .ARJ     5K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* The Bahá'í Fund: Lifeblood of the Cau

 GIBRN256.GIF    90K 02/19/96 Kahlil Gibran's drawing of 'Abdu'l-Baha

 GIRLBIRD.ARJ    21K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Girl with a bird

 GRNAME  .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 PCX* The Greatest Name

 GRPH1   .ZIP   300K 02/21/96 GIF files of most the PCX listed here

 GRPH2   .ZIP   218K 02/21/96 GIF files of most of the PCX listed here

 GTSTNAME.GIF     5K 03/04/96 The Greatest Name

 HAS_COME.ARJ     3K 02/17/94 PC*ANSI* "He Has Come!"  Very nice ANSI BBS adve

 HILL_GOD.GIF    81K 03/04/96 The Arc Project on Mt. Carmel

 HOWBSA  .ARJ   106K 02/17/94 Bahá'í House of Worship, Wilmette, Illinois

 HWA1    .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 ANSI*SL* The 1st Arabic Hidden Word

 HWA2    .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 ANSI*SL* The 2nd Arabic Hidden Word

 HWA3    .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 ANSI*SL* The 3rd Arabic Hidden Word

 HWA4    .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 ANSI*SL* The 4th Arabic Hidden Word

 HWA5    .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 ANSI*SL* The 5th Arabic Hidden Word

 HWA6    .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 ANSI*SL* The 6th Arabic Hidden Word

 HWORSHP .ARJ    48K 02/17/94 IMG*TIF*GEM* The House of Worship in Wilmette, I

 INDIA   .GIF    53K 02/17/94 GIF* Bahá'í House of Worship, New Delhi, India

 INDIACOL.GIF    55K 02/17/94 GIF* Color GIF of the House of Worship in India

 IRAN    .PCX    43K 03/04/96 Map of Iran

 JKASINGH.TIF   205K 02/06/96 Photo of JKA Singh, one founder of Bahá'íNet...

 LIZ1    .ZIP   190K 04/15/94 Created in March, 1994 from original photographi

 MARIE   .GIF    35K 03/04/96 Queen Marie of Rumania

 MAY-23  .ARJ     1K 06/15/94 ANSI screen for the Declaration of the Bab

 MLKING  .ARJ    29K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Martin Luther King

 MOSAIC1 .ARJ    10K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Mosaic design

 NINESTAR.ARJ     2K 02/17/94 PCX* A nine-pointed star

 PANAMA  .GIF    51K 02/17/94 GIF* Bahá'í House of Worship in Panama

 PEACEPCX.ARJ     8K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* Peace: The Challenge of our Time

 PRAYSTIK.ARJ    10K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* A "prayer stick"

 QUOTE1  .ARJ     9K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* Quotation from the Bahá'í Writings

 RACISM  .ARJ     2K 06/15/94 ANSI screens: "Racism: Just Undo It!"

 RIDVAN  .ARJ     2K 02/17/94 ANSI*SL* Logoff screens for Ridvan by Peace Chil

 RK_YOUNG.GIF   107K 03/04/96 Group of Bahá'ís w/ Ruhiyyih Khanum when young

 RNGSTONE.GIF     4K 03/04/96 The Ringstone Symbol of the Greatest Name

 ROSES   .ARJ    93K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* A variety of lovely roses

 SHRINBAB.ARJ    49K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* The Shrine of the Bab

 SYDNEY  .ARJ    65K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* The House of Worship in Sydney, Austr

 TEACHLOV.ARJ     1K 06/15/94 ANSI screen that states, Teach Only Love...

 THNDRBRD.ARJ    17K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* A Thunderbird... (a bird, not a car!)

 TOMB    .GIF   178K 02/19/96 The entrance to the Shrine of Baha'u'llah

 TREES   .ARJ    18K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Trees - two versions

 TRIANGLE.ARJ     6K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* A triangular design

 UHJ1    .ARJ    38K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* The seat of the Universal House of Ju

 UHJBLDG .GIF    57K 02/17/94 GIF* The Seat of the Universal House of Justice

 UNITYPCX.ARJ    19K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* The Unity of Mankind - 2 displays

 VINE1   .ARJ    21K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* A Vine with 2 birds

 VISION1 .ARJ     4K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* Vision circle

 WCONGRE1.ARJ     6K 02/17/94 AS*LM*PCX* World Congress logo from 149 B.E.

 WILMETTE.ARJ    56K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* The House of Worship in Wilmette, Ill

 WILMETTE.GIF    67K 02/17/94 GIF* The Bahá'í House of Worship in Wilmette, IL

 WORLD   .ARJ     6K 02/17/94 NW*LM*PCX* The globe -- two versions

 WPGFILES.ARJ    60K 02/17/94 ??? These are Bahá'í WordPerfect Grapics files..

AREA : Bahá'í Software

 File Name      Size   Date                 Description

  BEDATE  .ZIP    63K 02/23/96 BEDate Version 2.1  BBS Bahá'í date display

 CAL     .ARJ    58K 02/06/96 Bahá'í Calendar conversion program 

 FASTRS20.ZIP    40K 02/06/96 Fasting sunrise/sunset times calculations

List of downloadable Bahá'í files at the BBS Camphor Fountain
Bahá'í Files List
Camphor Fountain BBS * Pittsburg * California *
Downloadable on first call.
Not accessible through Internet.
No charge except what is paid to long-distance company.