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7 ‎[1] **These are recited in any language,** not specifically Hebrew: **The portion of** the warning and the oath administered by the priest to **a woman suspected by her husband of having been unfaithful [*sota*]; and the declaration of tithes,** which occurs after the third and the sixth years of the seven-year Sabbatical cycle, when one declares that he has given his tithes appropriately; ***Shema*; and** the *Amida* **prayer; and Grace after Meals; and an oath of testimony,** where one takes an oath that he does not have any testimony to provide on a given issue; **and an oath on a deposit,** where one takes an oath that he does not have possession of another’s deposit.
‎[2] **And these are recited** only **in the sacred tongue,** Hebrew: **The recitation of** the verses that one recounts when bringing the **first fruits** to the Temple; **and** the recitations which form an element of **the ritual through which a *yavam* frees a *yevama* of her levirate bonds [*ḥalitza*];** the **blessings and curses** that were spoken on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal; **the Priestly Benediction; and the blessing** on the Torah recited **by** the **High Priest** on Yom Kippur; **and the portion of** the Torah read by **the king** at the assembly on *Sukkot* at the conclusion of the Sabbatical Year; **and the portion** recited during the ritual **of a heifer whose neck is broken,** when a person is found killed in an area that is between two cities, and the murderer is unknown; **and** the speech of a priest who is **anointed for war when he addresses the nation** before going out to battle.
‎[3] **How** is it derived that the **recitation** when bringing the **first fruits** is recited specifically in Hebrew? When the Torah discusses this mitzva it states: **“And you shall speak and say before the Lord your God”** (Deuteronomy 26:5), **and below,** in the discussion of the blessings and curses, **it states: “And the Levites shall speak and say”** (Deuteronomy 27:14). **Just as there,** the Levites speak **in the sacred tongue, so too here,** the recitation is **in the sacred tongue.**
‎[4] **How** is it derived that the recitation at **a *ḥalitza*** ceremony must be in Hebrew? The verse in the Torah portion discussing *ḥalitza* states: **“And she shall speak and say”** (Deuteronomy 25:9), **and below it states: “And the Levites shall speak and say”** (Deuteronomy 27:14). **Just as there,** the Levites speak **in the sacred tongue, so too here,** the recitation is **in the sacred tongue.** **Rabbi Yehuda says:** This can be derived from a different word in the verse: **“And she shall speak and say: So** shall it be done to the man that does not build up his brother’s house” (Deuteronomy 25:9). The word “so” indicates that her statement is ineffective **unless she says** it **in these** exact **words.**
‎[5] **How** did the ceremony of the **blessings and curses** take place? **When the Jewish people crossed the Jordan River they came to Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal, which are in Samaria along-side** the city of **Shechem, which is near the oaks of Moreh, as it is stated: “Are they not beyond the Jordan,** behind the way of the going down of the sun, in the land of the Canaanites that dwell in the Arabah, over against Gilgal, beside the oaks of Moreh?” (Deuteronomy 11:30), **and there it states: “And Abram passed through the land until the place of Shechem, until the oaks of Moreh”** (Genesis 12:6). **Just as the oaks of Moreh mentioned there** with regard to Abraham **are** close to **Shechem, so too, the oaks of Moreh mentioned here are** close to **Shechem.** **Six tribes ascended to the top of Mount Gerizim and six tribes ascended to the top of Mount Ebal, and the priests and the Levites and the Ark were standing at the bottom in the middle,** between the two mountains. **The priests were surrounding the Ark and the Levites** were surrounding **the priests, and all** the rest **of the Jewish people** were standing on the mountains **on this side and on that side, as it is stated: “And all Israel, and their elders and officers, and their judges, stood on this side of the Ark and on that side** before the priests the Levites that bore the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord” (Joshua 8:33). The Levites then **turned to face Mount Gerizim and opened with** the **blessing: Blessed be the man who does not make a graven or molten image** (see Deuteronomy 27:15), **and these** people **and those** people, i.e., the two groups standing on either mountain, **answered: Amen.** Then **they turned to face Mount Ebal and opened with** the **curse: “Cursed be the man who makes a graven or molten image”** (Deuteronomy 27:15), **and these** people **and those** people **answered: Amen.** They continued in this manner **until they completed** reciting all of the **blessings and curses.** **And afterward they brought the stones** as commanded in the Torah, **and** they **built the altar and plastered it with plaster, and they wrote on it all of the words of the Torah in seventy languages, as it is stated:** “And you shall write on the stones all the words of this law **clearly elucidated”** (Deuteronomy 27:8), indicating that it was to be written in every language. **And they** then **took the stones** from there **and came** to Gilgal **and slept in their** lodging **place.**
‎[6] **How** is **the Priestly Benediction** recited? **In the country,** i.e., outside the Temple, the priest **recites** the verses as **three blessings,** pausing between each verse while the people respond amen. **And in the Temple,** the priests recite all three verses as **one blessing,** after which the people respond: Blessed be the Lord, God, the God of Israel, from eternity to eternity, as is the customary response to blessings in the Temple. **In the Temple,** the priest **utters the name** of God **as it is written** in the Torah, i.e., the Tetragrammaton, **and in the country** they use **its substitute name** of Lordship. **In the country, the priests lift their hands** so they are **aligned with their shoulders** during the benediction. **And in the Temple** they lift them **above their heads, except for the High Priest, who does not lift his hands above the frontplate.** Since the Tetragrammaton is inscribed on it, it is inappropriate for him to lift his hands above it. **Rabbi Yehuda says: Even the High Priest lifts his hands above the frontplate, as it is stated: “And Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people and blessed them”** (Leviticus 9:22).
‎[7] **How** are **the blessings of the High Priest** recited on Yom Kippur? **The synagogue attendant takes a Torah scroll and gives it to the head of the synagogue** that stands on the Temple Mount, **and the head of the synagogue gives it to the deputy** High Priest, **and the deputy** High Priest **gives it to the High Priest.** **And the High Priest stands; and receives** the Torah scroll; **and reads** the Torah portion beginning with the verse: **“After the death”** (Leviticus 16:1–34), **and** the portion beginning with the verse: **“But on the tenth”** (Leviticus 23:26–32); **and furls the Torah** scroll; **and places it on his bosom; and says: More than what I have read before you is written here. He** then **reads by heart** the portion beginning with: **“And on the tenth,” from the book of Numbers** (see 29:7–11). **And** after the reading the High Priest **recites** the following **eight blessings:** A blessing **concerning the Torah, and concerning the** Temple **service, and concerning thanksgiving, and concerning forgiveness for iniquity, and concerning the Temple, and concerning the Jewish people, and concerning the priests, and concerning Jerusalem, and the rest of the prayer.**
‎[8] **How** is **the portion of** the Torah that is read by **the king** recited at the assembly, when all the Jewish people would assemble? At **the conclusion of the first day of the festival** of *Sukkot*, **on the eighth,** after **the conclusion of the Sabbatical Year, they make a wooden platform for** the king **in the** Temple **courtyard, and he sits on it, as it is stated: “At the end of every seven years, in the Festival** of the Sabbatical Year” (Deuteronomy 31:10). **The synagogue attendant takes a Torah scroll and gives it to the head of the synagogue** that stands on the Temple Mount. **And the head of the synagogue gives it to the deputy** High Priest, **and the deputy** High Priest **gives it to the High Priest, and the High priest gives it to the king. And the king stands, and receives** the Torah scroll, **and reads** from it while **sitting.** **King Agrippa arose, and received** the Torah scroll, **and read** from it while **standing, and the Sages praised him** for this. **And when** Agrippa **arrived at** the verse in the portion read by the king that states: **“You may not appoint a foreigner over you”** (Deuteronomy 17:15), **tears flowed from his eyes,** because he was a descendant of the house of Herod and was not of Jewish origin. The entire nation **said to him: Fear not, Agrippa. You are our brother, you are our brother.** **And** the king **reads from the beginning of** Deuteronomy, from the verse that states: **“And these are the words”** (Deuteronomy 1:1), **until** the words: **“Hear,** O Israel” (Deuteronomy 6:4). **And** he then reads the sections beginning with: **“Hear,** O Israel” (Deuteronomy 6:4–9), **“And it shall come to pass, if you shall hearken”** (Deuteronomy 11:13–21), **“You shall tithe”** (Deuteronomy 14:22–29), **“When you have made an end of the tithing”** (Deuteronomy 26:12–15), **and the passage concerning the** appointment of **a king** (Deuteronomy 17:14–20), **and the blessings and curses** (Deuteronomy 28), **until he finishes the entire portion.** The same **blessings that the High Priest recites** on Yom Kippur, **the king recites** at this ceremony, **but he delivers** a blessing **concerning the Festivals in place of** the blessing concerning **forgiveness for iniquity.**
Version: William Davidson Edition - English
Source: https://korenpub.com/collections/the-noe-edition-koren-talmud-bavli-1
License: CC-BY-NC