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# Copyright(c) René Wagner 2019-2023
# https://src.clttr.info/rwa/photo-stats
# published under BSD 3-Clause License

use Modern::Perl '2019';
no warnings 'experimental';
use POSIX 'lround';
use Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
use DBI;
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::HomeDir;
use Data::Dumper;

$Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 'true';

my $VERSION = '1.3.1';
my $PROGRAM = 'phosta';

my $configfile = catfile(File::HomeDir->my_home, '.phosta.conf');
my $aliasfile = catfile(File::HomeDir->my_home, '.phosta.alias');

# read commandline switches
our $opt_E='jpg,jpeg';
our $opt_D= catfile(File::HomeDir->my_home, '.phosta.db');
our $opt_p='';
our $opt_t=undef;
our $opt_c=0;
our $opt_s=undef;
our $opt_g=undef;
our $opt_v=0;
our $opt_n=undef;
our $opt_o='count';
our $opt_r=0;
our $opt_f=undef;
our $opt_e=0;
our $opt_W=80;
our $opt_T='auto';
our $opt_h=undef;


getopts('hvcrp:n:g:s:t:D:E:o:f:eW:T:') or die "Invalid parameters provided! See 'phosta --help' for more details.";
validate() or die "Invalid parameters provided! See 'phosta --help' for more details.";
my $dsn = "DBI:SQLite:dbname=$opt_D";

if ($opt_h) {
	exit 0;

if ($opt_c) { unlink $opt_D; }
if ( !-e $opt_D ) { create_db($opt_D) or die 'database could not be created'; }


if ($opt_p ne '') { 
    exit 0;


exit 0;

sub validate
    my @group_params = ('year', 'month', 'week', 'dayofmonth', 'dayofweek', 'hour');
    if (defined($opt_g)) {
        foreach (split (/,/, $opt_g)) {
            my $val = $_;
            grep /$val/, @group_params or return 0;
    my @select_params = qw(file maker model lensmaker lens aperture exposuretime iso focallength focallength35mm);
    if (defined($opt_s)) {
        foreach (split (/,/, $opt_s)) {
            my $val = $_;
            grep /$val/, @select_params or return 0;
    if (defined($opt_f)) {
        foreach (split (/,/, $opt_f)) {
            my @filter = split(/=/, $_);
            grep /$filter[0]/, @select_params or return 0;

    my @order_params = (@group_params, @select_params, 'count');
    if (defined($opt_o)) {
        foreach (split (/,/, $opt_o)) {
            my $val = $_;
            grep /$val/, @order_params or return 0;
    (!defined($opt_n) || (looks_like_number($opt_n) && $opt_n > 0)) or return 0;
    (looks_like_number($opt_W) && $opt_W >= 50) or return 0;

    !defined($opt_t) || $opt_t =~ /^([0-9]{8}){0,1}\-([0-9]{8}){0,1}$/ or return 0;

    $opt_E =~ /^([a-z]{2,4}){1,}(\,[a-z]{2,4}){0,}$/ or return 0;

    !defined($opt_f) || $opt_f =~ /^(,{0,1}[\w\-]{2,}(!){0,1}=[\w\-\s]{1,}){1,}$/ or return 0;

    my @table_params = qw(on off auto);
    grep /$opt_T/, @table_params or return 0;
    return 1;

sub getconfig
	if ( -f $configfile ) { do $configfile; }

sub writeconfig
	open(my $filehandle, '>', $configfile) or die "Could not open file '$configfile': $!";
	say $filehandle '$opt_D="'. $opt_D .'";';
	say $filehandle '$opt_E="'. $opt_E .'";';
	if ($opt_W != -1) { say $filehandle '$opt_W="'. $opt_W .'";'; }
	say $filehandle '$opt_T="'. $opt_T .'";';
	close $filehandle;

sub get_aliases
    my @aliases;
    if ( -f $aliasfile ) {
        open(FH, '<', $aliasfile) or die "Could not read file '$aliasfile': $!";

        while(<FH>) {
            chomp $_;
            my @line = split /\t{1,}/, $_;
            push @aliases, \@line;


    if ( $opt_v ) {
        say '### Aliases found';
        foreach (@aliases) { say join(' -> ', @$_) }

    return @aliases;

sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s };

sub create_db
    my ($dbfile) = @_;
    my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;

    my $stmt = 'CREATE TABLE photos (file TEXT PRIMARY KEY, maker TEXT, model TEXT, lensmaker TEXT, lens TEXT, focallength INTEGER, focallength35mm INTEGER, aperture DECIMAL, exposuretime TEXT, iso INTEGER, flash TEXT, datetimeoriginal DATETIME);';
    !$opt_v or say "### DB Statement: $stmt";
    my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt);

sub populate
    say "Scanning $opt_p images...this may take a while...";
    my $extensions = ' -ext ' . join(' -ext ', split(/\,/, $opt_E)) .' ';
    my @aliases = get_aliases();
    my $cmd = "exiftool -fast2 -r -m -f -p '\$filepath##\$make##\$model##\$lensmake##\$lens##\$lensmodel##\$focallength##\$focallengthin35mmformat##\$aperture##\$exposuretime##\$shutterspeed##\$iso##\$flash##\$datetimeoriginal' -d \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\" " . $extensions . "\"$opt_p\"";
    !$opt_v or say "### Exiftool command: $cmd";
    my @lines = `$cmd`;

    my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', '', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
    my $errorcount = 0;
    foreach (@lines) {
        chomp $_;
        my @line = split(/#/, $_); 

        map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } @line;
        my ($file, $maker, $model, $lensmaker, $lens, $lensmodel, $fl, $fl35, $apert, $exposuretime, $ss, $iso, $flash, $datetimeoriginal) = @line;
        my @forbidden_content = ('Unknown', 'N/A', '', '-');
        if (!defined($maker) || grep /$maker/, @forbidden_content) { $maker = '-'};
        if (!defined($model) || grep /$model/, @forbidden_content) { $model = '-'};
        if (!defined($lensmaker) || grep /$lensmaker/, @forbidden_content) { $lensmaker = '-' };
        if (!defined($lens) || grep /$lens/, @forbidden_content) { $lens = $lensmodel };
        if (!defined($lens) || grep /$lens/, @forbidden_content) { $lens = '-' };
        $apert = ($apert ne '-') ? sprintf("%.1f", $apert) : $apert;
        $fl = ($fl ne '-') ? sprintf("%.1f", $fl) : $fl;
        $fl35 = ($fl35 ne '-') ? POSIX::lround($fl35) : $fl35;
        $exposuretime = (looks_like_number($exposuretime) && $exposuretime < 1 && $exposuretime != 0) ? "1/". POSIX::lround(1/$exposuretime) : $exposuretime;
        $datetimeoriginal =~ /\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/ or $datetimeoriginal = '-';

        foreach (@aliases)
            $maker =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
            $model =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
            $lensmaker =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
            $lens =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;

        my $stmt = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO photos (file, maker, model, lensmaker, lens, focallength, focallength35mm, aperture, exposuretime, iso, flash, datetimeoriginal)
               VALUES ('$file', '$maker', '$model', '$lensmaker', '$lens', '$fl', '$fl35', '$apert', '$exposuretime', '$iso', '$flash', '$datetimeoriginal')"; 
        my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt) or $errorcount++; 
    say sprintf('%5d', $errorcount). ' image files skipped due to errors';
    say "Updated database $opt_D.";

sub get_timerange
    my ($from, $to) = split(/\-/, $opt_t);
    $from = $from ne '' ? substr($from, 0, 4) .'-'. substr($from, 4, 2) .'-'. substr($from, 6, 2) : undef;
    $to = $to ne '' ? substr($to, 0, 4) .'-'. substr($to, 4, 2) .'-'. substr($to, 6, 2) : undef;

    return ($from, $to);

sub get_filters
    if (defined($opt_f)) {
        my @returnarray;
        my (@filters) = split /\,/, $opt_f;
        foreach (@filters) {
            my @line = split /(!{0,1}=)/, $_;
            push @returnarray, \@line;
        return @returnarray;

sub get_sql
    my $fieldlist = '';
    my @grouparray;
    my $orderlist = '';
    my @wherearray;
    if (defined($opt_g)) {
        foreach (split (/,/, $opt_g)) {
            for ($_) {
                if ('month') {
                    $fieldlist = $fieldlist . "IFNULL(strftime('%m', datetimeoriginal), '-') as month,";
                    push @grouparray, "strftime('%m', datetimeoriginal)";
                elsif ('week') {
                    $fieldlist = $fieldlist . "IFNULL(strftime('%W', datetimeoriginal), '-') as week,";
                    push @grouparray, "strftime('%W', datetimeoriginal)";
                elsif ('year') {
                    $fieldlist = $fieldlist . "IFNULL(strftime('%Y', datetimeoriginal), '-') as year,";
                    push @grouparray, "strftime('%Y', datetimeoriginal)";
                elsif ('hour') {
                    $fieldlist = $fieldlist . "IFNULL(strftime('%H', datetimeoriginal), '-') as hour,";
                    push @grouparray, "strftime('%H', datetimeoriginal)";
                elsif ('dayofmonth') {
                    $fieldlist = $fieldlist . "IFNULL(strftime('%d', datetimeoriginal), '-') as dayofmonth,";
                    push @grouparray, "strftime('%d', datetimeoriginal)";
                elsif ('dayofweek') {
                    $fieldlist = $fieldlist . "substr('SunMonTueWedThuFriSat-', 1+ 3 * IFNULL(strftime('%w', datetimeoriginal), 7), 3) as dayofweek,";
                    push @grouparray, "strftime('%w', datetimeoriginal)";
    if (defined($opt_s)) {
        $fieldlist = $fieldlist . $opt_s. ', ';
        push @grouparray, $opt_s; 

    if (defined($opt_o)) {
        my $sorter = $opt_r ? ' ASC' : ' DESC';
        my @order = split(/\,/, $opt_o);
        $orderlist = ' ORDER BY '. join("$sorter, ", @order) .$sorter;

    if (defined($opt_t)) {
        my ($from, $to) = get_timerange();
        !defined($from) or push @wherearray, "datetimeoriginal >= '$from'";
        !defined($to) or push @wherearray, "datetimeoriginal <= '$to'"; 

    foreach (get_filters()) {
        push @wherearray, @{$_}[0] . (@{$_}[1] =~ /!/ ? ' NOT' : '')  . " LIKE '%@{$_}[2]%'";

    my $wherelist = '';
    my $grouplist = '';
    if (scalar @grouparray) { $grouplist = 'GROUP BY '. join(', ', @grouparray); }
    if (scalar @wherearray) { $wherelist = 'WHERE ' . join(' AND ',  @wherearray); }

    return "SELECT $fieldlist count(file) as count FROM photos $wherelist $grouplist $orderlist";

sub query
    my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;

    my $total_count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(file) from photos");

    say "Querying database $opt_D with $total_count entries...";
    say '';
    $total_count > 0 or return;
    my $sql = get_sql();
    !$opt_v or say '### SQL Statement: '. $sql;
    my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    my $rows = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref;
    my $headers = $stmt->{NAME};

    push @$headers, 'percent';
    my $sum = 0;
    foreach (@$rows) {
        $sum += @$_[$#$_];
    foreach (@$rows) {
        my $perc = $sum > 0 ? sprintf("%.1f", (@$_[$#$_] / $sum)* 100). '%' : '';
        push @$_, $perc;

    my ($limited_rows, $skippedlines) = limit_results($rows);

    print_filterinfo(scalar @$limited_rows, $skippedlines, $sum);
    if ($opt_T eq 'off' || (@$headers == 3 and $opt_T eq 'auto') ) {
        result_to_graph($headers, $limited_rows, $sum);
    } else {
        result_to_table($headers, $limited_rows, $sum); 

sub limit_results
    my ( $rows ) = @_;
    my $skippedlines = 0;
    my $currentlines = 0;
    my @limited_rows;

    foreach (@$rows) {
        if (!defined($opt_n) || ($currentlines < $opt_n)) {
            if ($opt_e) {
                my $skip = 1;
                for (my $i=0; $i < (scalar @$_ - 2); $i++) {
                    @$_[$i] eq '-' or $skip = 0;
                if ($skip) {
            push @limited_rows, $_;
        } else {
    return (\@limited_rows, $skippedlines);

sub print_filterinfo
    my ($currentlines, $skippedlines, $sum) = @_;
    if (defined($opt_f) || defined($opt_t) || defined($opt_g)) {
        say 'Applied filters:';
        if ($opt_t) {
            my ($from, $to) = get_timerange();
            if (defined($from) && defined($to)) { say '   - images taken between '. color('bold'). $from .color('reset') .' and '. color('bold'). $to . color('reset'); }
            if (defined($from) && !defined($to)) { say '   - images taken since '. color('bold'). $from . color('reset'); }
            if (defined($to) && !defined($from)) { say '   - images taken till '. color('bold'). $to . color('reset'); }
        foreach (get_filters()) {
            say '   - ' .color('italic') . @{$_}[0] .color('reset') . (@{$_}[1] =~ /!/ ? ' NOT' : '')  .' LIKE '.color('bold') .@{$_}[2]. color('reset');
		if ($opt_g) {
			foreach (split(/\,/, $opt_g)) {
				say '   - group by '.color('italic'). $_ .color('reset');
        say '';

    say 'A total of '. color('bold'). "$sum images". color('reset') .' matched your criteria.';
	if (defined($opt_o) || defined($opt_r)) {
		say 'Sorted in '.color('bold'). ($opt_r ? 'ascending' : 'descending') .color('reset').' order by '. color('italic') . join(color('reset').', '.color('italic'), split(/\,/, $opt_o)). color('reset').'.';

    if (defined($opt_n) || $opt_e) {
        say 'Showing '. color('bold'). "$currentlines". color('reset'). ' results, skipping '. color('italic') . "$skippedlines results".color('reset') .' due to empty fields.';
    say '';

sub result_to_graph
    my ( $headers, $rows, $sum ) = @_;

    my $barwidth = POSIX::lround(($opt_W - 17) * 0.7);
    my $titlewidth = POSIX::lround(($opt_W - 17) * 0.3);
    my $chartformat = '%'.$titlewidth.'.'.$titlewidth.'s |%-'.$barwidth.'s| %5s (%s)';

    my $countcolumn = @$headers - 2;
    my $percentcolumn = @$headers - 1;

    foreach (@$rows) {
        # join columns for display before the chart
        if ( @$headers >= 4) {
            # TODO: give remaining columns more room if first columns are shorter
            # TODO: remove trailing whitespace
            my $titlecolumns = @$headers - 2;
            my $columnwidth = POSIX::lround($titlewidth / $titlecolumns);
            my $title = '';
            for (my $i = 0; $i < $titlecolumns; $i++) {
                $title = $title . ((length(@$_[$i]) > $columnwidth) ? substr(@$_[$i], 0, $columnwidth-1).'~ ' : @$_[$i] . ' '); 
            @$_[0] = $title;
        say sprintf($chartformat, @$_[0], "*"x(50/$sum*@$_[$countcolumn]), @$_[$percentcolumn], @$_[$countcolumn]);

sub result_to_table
    my ( $headers, $rows, $sum, $skippedlines ) = @_;

    my $tb = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new('max_width' => $opt_W);
    foreach (@$rows) {
    if (scalar @$rows) { say $tb->draw; } 

	say $PROGRAM . ' - version ' . $VERSION;
	say 'https://git.sr.ht/~rwa/photo-stats';
	say 'Copyright(c) 2019-2023 René Wagner - published under BSD 3 - Clause License';

sub main::HELP_MESSAGE
	say '';
	say 'EXIF data extraction for media tools and stats querying for your terminal.';
	say '';
	say 'usage: phosta [options]';
	say '';
	say 'Options with upper-case letters are automatically saved in the user config and can be omitted if no change is required.';
	say '';
	say 'generic options:';
    say '   -D <file>   : path and name of the db file to use, defaults to ~/photo_stats.db';
    say '   -c          : clear the database';
    say '   -v          : be verbose - print some debug output';
    say '   --help      : show this help';
    say '';
    say 'data gathering:';
    say '   -p <folder> : populate database with the EXIF data of the media files in the specified folder';
    say '   -E <ext>    : list of comma separated extensions used for scanning image files, defaults to jpg,jpeg';
    say '                 only media files which match (case-insensitive!) the given extensions are added to the database';
    say '';
    say 'stats querying:';
    say '   -g <period> : group by a time period, defaults to total (which means no grouping by period)';
    say '                 allowed values: year, month, week, dayofmonth, dayofweek, hour';
    say '   -s <fields> : specify the information you want to select, defaults to none (just show number of images)';
    say '                 allowed values: file, maker, model, lensmaker, lens, aperture, exposuretime, iso, focallength, focallength35mm';
    say '                 multiple fields should be listed comma-separated without whitespaces';
    say '   -t <range>  : only take images into account which have been taken in the given timerange';
    say '                 <range> must be specified as \'YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\', you can omit the first or the later value';
    say '   -f <expr>   : filter images based on the given expression, multiple expression can be given comma-separated';
    say '                 this works as a case-insensitive search, multiple expressions need to match all (AND logic)'; 
    say '                 use "field=value" for CONTAINS and "field!=value" for NOT CONTAINS';
    say '                 allowed fields: file, maker, model, lensmaker, lens, aperture, exposuretime, iso, focallength, focallength35mm';
    say '   -n <number> : limit the resultset to <number> of lines';
    say '   -o <fields> : sort your output by the given fields (sequence matters!) in descending order';
    say '                 allowed values: any comma separated combination of the values of -g and -s param and \'count\'';
    say '   -r          : sort in reverse (ascending) order, default is descending order';
    say '   -e          : skip lines with empty selected or grouping fields';
    say '   -W <number> : define max char width of output, default: 80, a minimum of 50 is required for meaningful output';
	say '                 -1 deletes the current setting';
	say '   -T <value>  : show results as always as a table (on) or not (off) or auto (chart when single field is selected), default is auto';
    say '                 allowed values: auto, on, off';
    say '';
	say 'For further information see the man pages phosta(1), phosta-alias(5) and phosta-examples(7).';