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     This is an edited and condensed excerpt from The Modem 
Reference, written by Michael A. Banks and recommended by the 
Associated Press, The Smithsonian Magazine, Jerry Pournelle in 
Byte, et al.
     The right to reproduce this article is granted on the 
condition that all text, including this notice and the notice at 
the end of the article, remain unchanged, and that no text is 
added to the body of the article.  Thanks!  --MB

         Copyright (c), 1988, 1989, 1990 Michael A. Banks
                       All Rights Reserved

                        (From Chapter 3)
                     HOW TELECOMPUTING WORKS
     You don't have to understand how something works to use it, 
but understanding sure makes things easier--especially when 
trouble pops up.
     This is true of using any complex device or system--be it an 
automobile, a VCR, or a library.  And it's especially true of 
using a computer in any application.  When you understand even a 
little of what's happening "behind the scenes," as it were, 
you'll find that you have a lot more control over what's going on 
with your equipment and software.
     Which brings us to my purpose in writing this excerpt:  I 
want you to have a solid picture of what's happening when your 
computer communicates with another system.
     We'll first examine the basic elements of telecomputing, 
followed by data formats.  Then, we'll segue into how data are 
transmitted (focusing on hardware and software elements), and 
wrap up with communications parameters and error control 
protocols.  (And, yes--you can understand all this "technical" 
stuff; what one human creates, another human can understand, if 
he or she so desires.)  You won't have to pull out engineering 
texts to keep up with me.  I'll explain terms and concepts as 
necessary, and you can supplement those explanations with the 
Glossary of Terms in Section Four of THE MODEM REFERENCE.
     If you're relatively new to telecomputing, read this chapter 
from start to finish.  Otherwise, you may skim the headings, if 
you wish, to find only the information you need to fill the gaps 
in your telecomputing knowledge.

     As indicated in Chapter 2 of THE MODEM REFERENCE, 
telecomputing (also called data communications or microcomputer 
telecommunications) is the transfer of data of any type between 
two or more computers via a transmission link.
     Most telecomputing (especially telecomputing involving dial-
up systems) goes like this:
     Computer A transmits binary data (also known as digital 
data) to a modem, in the form of a sequence of bits.  The modem 
converts the bits to an analog signal which mimics the 
distinction between the binary 1s and 0s.  The analog signal is 
then transmitted over voice-grade telephone lines.
     At the receiving end, a modem connected to computer B 
converts the analog signal back into a binary signal that is 
basically a copy of what computer A sent to its modem.  The modem 
then sends the binary signal to computer B.
     At this point, Computer B has in its memory a duplicate of 
the data Computer A originally sent to its modem.  (This process 
works in both directions, of course.)
     This is a greatly simplified description of data transfer 
from one computer to another via modem, but it should give you a 
picture of how the basic elements of telecomputing (as described 
below) interact.  (If any of the terms used in the description 
caught you off guard, don't despair--they are fully explained in 
the following pages.)

Basic Elements of Telecomputing
     Successful telecomputing involves four major elements: data, 
data terminal equipment, data communications equipment, and a 
communications link.  Various sub-elements are also involved, as 
described in the text following.
     Data.  Computer data is defined as machine-readable 
information of any kind.  The information may consist of business 
or personal messages, other kinds of text files (articles, 
contracts, documentation, reports), spreadsheets, "lines" of a 
realtime conference, graphic images, data base files, executable 
programs in binary data format, data files for programs, etc.
     Data are handled within a computer as binary information, 
and may be entered in "real time" from a keyboard, retrieved from 
a mass storage device like a disk, generated by a program's 
operation, or received via an interface from an external source.
     By the way, this chapter focuses more on the format and mode 
of data transfer--before, during, and after transmission--than on 
its content.  The successful delivery of data with its content 
intact is of course the primary goal of data communications but, 
as you'll learn, data format in large part determines the mode--
and success--of transmission.
     Data Terminal Equipment.  As imposing as the phrase may 
sound, Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) is nothing more than the 
computers or terminals used in telecomputing--the source and 
destination of data.  The use of the word "terminal" in the 
phrase alludes to the fact that the computers or terminals 
involved are the beginning and ending points of data 
transmission--which is just what a terminal is: a place where a 
journey begins and ends, ala a train or bus terminal.
     Communications Links.  Computer-to-computer data transfer 
may take place in a variety of ways.  In its most basic form, 
telecomputing involves linking two computers directly, using what 
is called a "null-modem cable" to connect their serial ports.  In 
this kind of setup, the computers are only a few feet apart, and 
data are transferred in true binary format. (Appendix E contains 
instructions on making a null-modem cable.)
     The majority of telecomputing activities, however, take 
place via telephone lines--either the public voice telephone 
system or what are known as "dedicated" telephone lines as the 
communications link.
     Although it is the least expensive and most readily 
available channel of data transfer, the voice telephone system 
cannot handle computer data in its native binary format.  Thus, a 
modem must be used to translate data from binary (or "digital") 
format into analog format--a format that can be successfully 
transmitted via ordinary phone lines.
     (There is another type of phone system that does accommodate 
direct binary data transmission.  Called a digital network, it is 
used in a applications where extremely speed and accuracy are 
necessary--but setting up and using such a system is an extremely 
expensive proposition.)
     A telephone link does not, by the way, consist solely of 
telephone wires.  Electro-mechanical, electronic, and computer 
switching equipment is involved, as well as microwave 
transmitters and satellite up- and down-links.  For the purposes 
of this chapter, however, such elements will remain transparent.
     Data Communications Equipment.  Simply put, Data 
Communications Equipment (DCE) consists of modems and their 
associated interfaces, connectors, and cables.
     Modems have a number of functions, including but not limited 
     *  establishing and maintaining a communications link
     *  translating data from digital to analog format, and vice-
     *  transmitting and receiving data
     The interface between a modem and its computer is typically 
a serial interface (specifically, an RS-232C interface), although 
some few modems use a parallel interface.  For the dial-up 
applications discussed in this book, you'll probably use a serial 

     As noted above, computer data must be converted from digital 
to analog format before it can be transmitted via voice telephone 
     Before you can understand how data are physically converted 
and transmitted over communications links, however, you need to 
understand how computers handle data internally.
     This section presents important information about digital 
data organization and handling in both your computer and portions 
of a communications link.  Basically, I'm going to show data to 
you as your computer sees it.

Computer Data Format
     Continuing improvements in computer hardware and software 
over the years (as well as competition among various 
manufacturers) have made for a veritable Tower of Babel when it 
comes to mainipulating, storing, and transfering information.  
The differences in how data are stored on, say, an IBM AT quad-
density disk versus a Commodore 128 disk are so great that there 
is no possible comparison of the two (and there's certainly no 
way to transfer data between machines using one machine's disk 
and the other machine's drive).  Too, how various brands and 
models of computers handle data internally differs substantially.
     Fortunately, all modern computers have one thing in common: 
they handle data in digital format (which is why they're called 
digital computers).  This means that they "see" data characters 
as strings of binary digits.
          Note:  The terms "digital" and "binary" are 
          sometimes used interchangeably.  "Digital" 
          refers to discrete, uniform signals of any 
          type--binary or otherwise--that do not vary 
          in a continuous manner.  Rather, such signals 
          are identified by specific levels or values 
          such as "on" or "off."  Digital signals 
          change immediately from one state to another, 
          and are the antithesis of analog signals.  
          Because we are concentrating on binary data 
          and binary signals in this book, "digital" 
          refers to binary data and signals.
     Further, almost all computers (some mainframe computers 
excepted) use the same numeric code to represent each character--
numbers from the American Standard Code for Information 
Interchange (ASCII).
     As you'll see in the following pages, computers that share 
these attributes can easily exchange data.
     Binary data.  Even if you're not technically oriented, I'm 
sure you've at least heard rumors about data being stored and 
manipulated by digital computers in something called "digital" or 
"binary" data format.
     Binary data format means that each character (letter, 
number, symbol, or control character) a computer handles is 
operated on and stored as a specific binary number.  (There are 
several excellent reasons for this, one of which you'll discover 
     Binary numbers.  A binary number is a string of binary 
digits, such as "1010" or "10011."  Only 0s and 1s are used in 
binary notation (as opposed to the numerals 0 through 9, which 
are used by the decimal system).
     Unlike the decimal system, the values of the numerals 
themselves (0 and 1) are not used to determine the total value of 
a binary number; instead, the values of the places marked by a 1 
are summed.  Each place, of course, has a set value.  The first 
place on the right in a binary number has a value of 1, the 
second place a value of 2, the third place a value of 4, and so 
on, with the value doubling with each place.
     Again, the value of a binary number is determined by adding 
up the values of the places that contain a 1.  If there is a 0 in 
a place, that place's value is not counted.
     Consulting Table 3.1 in THE MODEM REFERENCE, it is easy to 
see that the binary number "11" is the same as the decimal number 
"3" (add the values of the places: 2 + 1 = 3).  Similarly, the 
binary number 1010 is the same as the decimal number 10 (add the 
value of the places that contain a 1: 8 + 2 = 10).  Nothing to 
it, right?  Right!  Keep this up and you'll be a math wizard in 
no time.
     Bits and bytes.  A binary digit is called a "bit," by the 
way, and it happens to be the smallest unit of computer data.  A 
binary number representing a computer character (sometimes called 
a data "word") is called a byte.
     The ASCII character set.  I hope the explanation of binary 
data left you wondering what the key to the numeric "code" of 
binary numbers might be--which is to say, I hope it started you 
thinking.  There is indeed a code to those numbers, a "Rosetta 
stone" you can use to translate the decimal equivalents of binary 
numbers into characters.  It's called ASCII.
     Each and every character that a computer handles is assigned 
a number in the ASCII character set, which is shown in Table 3.2.
     (Note that only the first 128 ASCII characters are shown; 
certain computers--such as the IBM PC and Apple's MacIntosh--use 
an additional 128 ASCII characters, many of them dedicated to 
graphics.  Not all computers recognize such extended ASCII 
character sets.  Also note, for later reference, that the first 
128 ASCII characters--0 through 127--can be represented by a 
string of seven binary digits, with leading 0's added as 
     As you may have inferred from the foregoing, a digital 
computer manipulates characters as the binary counterparts of 
these ASCII numbers.  For instance, the letter "A" (ASCII 65) is 
represented within a computer as "1000001"--the binary 
counterpart of 65.
     Thus, any computer that uses binary data format and the 
ASCII character set recognizes the binary digit "100001" as the 
letter "A" when it is received as input--via its keyboard or from 
an external source such as a modem.
     Binary signals.  Within a computer, each string of binary 
digits representing a character is manipulated as a discreet 
unit.  This unit, as you may have noticed a few paragraphs back, 
is called a byte.  A byte is normally composed of 8 bits.
     When a computer sends data to a peripheral--printer, modem, 
etc.--each byte is transmitted as a binary signal.  The signal is 
literally a series of negative and positive voltages, as 
illustrated in Figure 3.2.  The negative state represents a 
binary 1, while the positive state represents a binary 0.
     This particular signal contains the binary number 
     And yes, the order of the binary digits is reversed; that 
is, the figure does show "10000011," even though the number it 
represents is "11000001."
     The figure is reversed because the binary digits that make 
up a character are transmitted that way (i.e., the "low-order" 
bit [the bit with the lowest-value] is transmitted first).  This 
is done so parity can be calculated as a character is sent (more 
on that later in the chapter).
          (NOTE: I wanted you to see this now, so you 
          won't go slowly nuts trying to figure out why 
          the digits are reversed in the figures in this 
          book that illustrate binary signals.  That's 
          pretty much what happened to me the first few 
          times I studied tutorials on data 
          communication.  None of the authors bothered to 
          explain why the figures showed the data bit 
          order as the reverse of what it was in the 
               (Whether this was out of ignorance or due 
          to a lack of consideration for the reader, I 
          don't know.  And I never did find a book that 
          explains this situation; I eventually found out 
          what was going on by asking several engineers 
          who work in the field.
               (All of which is not to plug this book as 
          the ultimate resource on data communications 
          for the layman, but to make this point: Books 
          and manuals are not infallible.  Writers 
          sometimes assume too much knowledge on the part 
          of the reader, and are occasionally themselves 
          confused.  Too, the computer field is notorious 
          for having several terms with the same meaning, 
          or several meanings for one term.
               So, if something doesn't make sense when 
          you read about it in your modem or software 
          manual, check it out!  See if this book 
          provides the information you need.  If not, ask 
          someone who knows (or should know); contact the 
          modem manufacturer or software publisher whose 
          manual is the source of your confusion.)
     Why binary?  The binary data system is used with modern 
computers primarily because it is faster and more reliable than 
analog systems.
     The two-state binary system is extremely simple; a signal is 
either there or not there, negative or positive, etc.  Therefore, 
there is very little chance of information getting lost or 
"scrambled."  Such information can be received and handled by a 
computer at extremely high rates, as cumbersome as this system is 
for humans to use.  Using the analog technique for information 
transfer and manipulation, on the other hand, requires reading 
the relative strengths of any of a large number signals, as well 
as the calibration and checking of those signals.  This slows 
down data manipulation tremendously.
     The electronic components used in digital computers 
(initially transistors and later integrated circuits of various 
types) exactly mimic the binary system, switching off and on 
(between two states) at extremely high speed.

Data Transfer
     The astute reader will have realized by now that all that's 
necessary for the letter "A" to be transmitted from computer A to 
computer B is for computer A to send the binary digit "1000001" 
to computer B.  If you've figured that out, pat yourself on the 
back--it represents the very essence of telecomputing.
     This all looks good on paper, but we still have to move that 
"1000001" from computer A to computer B.  This requires a chain 
of devices and connections, the first link in which is a 
computer's port.

     Computers aren't telepathic, and they seem immune to magic 
spells, so they must be physically connected before they can 
communicate.  Moreover, they must be connected with one another 
or with their associated modems in a special way.
     The hardware medium for such a connection, whether the 
computers are linked via a null-modem cable or modems, is known 
as a port.

     A computer's ports provide the physical (electrical) 
connections by which a computer's internal workings communicates 
with peripherals such as printers and modems.  (A seaport might 
be used as a valid analogy for a communications port, as this is 
where data are sorted, organized, and shipped.)
     A port consists of a group of connectors in the form of pins 
(male) or sockets (female).  Not all connectors are used by every 
computer, but each connector that is used is connected to a 
specific part of the computer's circuitry where signals are 
received and/or sent according to instructions from a program or 
the computer's operating system.  (It gets more complicated, but 
I promised you wouldn't have to drag out the engineering texts, 
so we'll leave it at that.)
     There are two kinds of ports--parallel and serial.  The name 
of each describes how it transfers data.
     Parallel ports.  A parallel port sends and receives data 
over at least eight wires at once.  This means it simultaneously 
transmits all the data bits that make up a character.  Parallel 
ports are rarely used for data communication; they are most 
frequently used to connect computers with devices such as 
printers, where extremely high data transmission rates are 
necessary and the short distance involved won't cause problems.
     Serial ports.  A serial port is a type of port which sends 
and receives data over one wire.  Figure 3.3 shows typical serial 
port configuration.
     Note that Figure 3.3 shows two kinds of serial ports--one 
with 25 connectors and one with nine connectors.  The difference 
in the number of connectors is a bit confusing, until you learn 
that not all 25 pins are used.  The average microcomputer uses 
only eight of the pins in data communications applications (the 
IBM PC, among others, uses nine pins.)
     Serial ports and their associated cables function as an 
interface between computers and modems.  Or, if you like 
technical jargon, as a "DTE/DCE interface."

The RS-232C Standard
     This is where we un-buzz a buzz word (which should be done 
whenever possible).  You've undoubtedly heard that this or that 
port or modem or cable conforms to something called the "RS-232C" 
standard.  And you may well have wondered just what RS-232C 
means--and whether there's an RS-232A or B, for that matter.  
Well, I hope I don't shatter any cherished illusions, but RS-232C 
isn't as mystic as it may look in print.  Let's look at it.
     What it is.  RS-232C (often called simply RS-232) is a 
reference on how a serial port should physically communicate.  
Functionally, it is a standard for the design of the interface 
between a computer and its modem.  This recommendation was 
established by the Electronics Industry Association (EIA) in 1969 
to provide a standard for manufacturers of data communications 
equipment to follow in the design of such equipment.
     Semantically speaking, the designation breaks down thus: RS 
is an acronym for Recommended Standard; 232 is the ID number for 
this particular standard; and C is the latest revision of this 
standard.  (The full name of RS-232C, by the way, is "Interface 
Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication Equipment 
Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange.")
     What it does.  The RS-232C recommendation covers the 
electrical and mechanical characteristics of the interface, the 
function of each signal (pin), and, for certain applications, 
secondary functions of signals.
     The reason for designing a serial interface that follows the 
RS-232C standard is to enable it to exchange data with other 
serial interfaces in proper form.  To this end, the standard 
dictates how data are to be handled by the port, which indirectly 
dictates how the port's pins are connected to the computer's or 
modem's circuitry.  Elements covered by the standard include 
voltage levels, which pins on the port are used to send and 
receive data, which pins detect various status signals, and more.
     In addition to the above, the RS-232C standard dictates that 
DCE (modems) use a female RS-232C connector, and DTE (computers) 
use a female connector.  The actual configuration of a connector 
is not covered by the RS-232C standard, however.
     What a computer or modem does with a signal received at an 
RS-232C port is its own business; the important thing is to have 
the receiving device perceive data it receives in exactly the 
form it was sent, and at the appropriate location in its 
     How it works.  Serial data ports that are designed in 
conformance with the RS-232C standard have standardized pin 
assignments.  That is, each pin in the port's connector has a 
designated purpose, as shown in Figure 3.4
     As you can see, the pin assignments cover just about every 
job that might come up in transmitting and receiving data.
     Again, each pin is connected to its device's circuitry as 
necessary to route signals to and from the appropriate elements.  
Thus, a computer with a properly-designed RS-232C port should, 
for example, send data at pin 2, and receive data at pin 3.
     In transfers via telephone line, each computer's serial port 
is connected to a modem via a cable that is wired in conformance 
with the RS-232C standard.  (Presumably, the modem's serial port 
likewise conforms to the RS-232C standard.)  In null-modem 
transfers, the computers' serial ports are connected via a cable 
that is wired to match the RS-232C standard for pin connections--
but with two connections reversed.
     Figure 3.4 covers pin assignments for DTE only, by the way.  
A DCE serial port (as wired for a modem) has slightly different 
pin assignments (such as using pin 2 to receive data from a 
computer, and pin 3 to send data).
     Other RS-232C Functions.  A serial port is much more than a 
simple data conduit.  In most telecomputing applications, the 
serial port performs additional tasks, some of which may not be 
covered by the RS-232C standard.  These include organizing the 
parallel data bits transmitted by a computer into serial form, 
parity checking, adding and stripping start and stop bits, and--
on relatively rare occasions--flow control (more on those later 
in this chapter).
     Limitations.  Because of the low voltages used to transmit a 
signal via an RS-232C port, the length, or "run," of a cable is 
limited to about 50 feet.  If a longer cable is used, there is a 
good chance that data will be lost.
     However, the cable between a computer and modem is generally 
only two or three feet in length.  Thus the RS-232C is ideal for 
this application.
     The maximum transmission speed of an RS-232C transmitter is 
20,000 bps, but this is far faster than most telecomputing 

Connectors and Cables
     The cables (and the connectors used with those cables) that 
connect a computer's serial port with a modem are obviously very 
important elements in the data communications chain.  Like serial 
ports, connectors and cables used with serial ports must conform 
to the RS-232C standard.
     Connectors.  There are two types of RS-232 connectors in 
common use--DB-9 and DB-25.  Remember the diagram in Figure 3.3?  
It showed a port connector with nine pins and another with 25 
pins.  Nine- and 25-pin connectors are known as DB-9 and DB-25 
connectors, respectively.  Each type has numbered connectors 
(very important if you intend to make your own cables--saves a 
lot of messing around with a continuity tester).
     You'll sometimes see the letter "P" or "S" appended to DB-9 
or DB-25.  This letter indicates whether the connector is male 
("P" for "plug") or female ("S" for socket).
     DB connectors are essentially "mirror images" of the serial 
ports on your computer and modem, and are used at each end of the 
computer-to-modem connecting cable.
     As noted earlier, the physical configuration, or shape, of 
an RS-232C connector is not defined by the RS-232C standard.  DB-
style connectors have become the de facto standard, however, 
simply because almost all manufacturers use them.
     Cables.  A connecting cable is typically a "ribbon cable"--a 
flat cable with multiple conductors, as shown in Figure 3.5.
     Mixing connectors.  DB-25 and DB-9 connectors can be used at 
opposite ends of a cable if necessary (as when a computer's 
serial port has a DB-9 connector and its modem has a DB-25 
connector).  Only eight of the pins are normally used, and all 
that's required for the connection to be successful is that the 
pins on each connector be properly wired (i.e., one connector 
should be wired as DCE [usually the DB-9], and the other as DTE 
[usually the DB-25]).  Some modem manufacturers, such as U.S. 
Robotics and Migent, provide a DB-25 to DB-9 adaptor cable with 
certain models of their modems.
     (See Appendix E for more information on cable/connector 
hookups and making your own cables.)
     Connector and cable "gender".  You may recall my saying a 
few paragraphs back that the RS-232 standard specifies a that 
female connector should be used on modems, and a male connector 
on computers.  Thus, a "standard" RS-232C cable has a male 
connector on one end (to connect with the modem) and a female 
connector on the other end (to connect with the computer).
     Unfortunately, not all manufacturers follow this standard 
regarding the gender of their serial ports.  So, with certain 
equipment you may find what is called a "gender problem."  (No 
sex-change jokes please--this is serious stuff!)  When this is 
the case, you'll have to buy or make an appropriate cable with 
both female or both male connectors.  (See Appendix C for more 
information on this.)

RS-232 Caveats
     Warning: Human nature being what it is, a few unscrupulous 
manufacturers and suppliers are rather more extravagant in their 
product claims than they should be.  The result is that not every 
cable or device labeled "RS-232C compatible" is set up to operate 
exactly as a RS-232C device should.  Generally, if a reputable 
manufacturer (or someone you trust) tells you that a cable, 
modem, or serial port conforms to the RS-232C standard, it's a 
fact . . . but watch out for Brand XYZ--especially if the 
company's home office is a post office box.
     You should of course refer to your computer's manual and 
your modem's manual before making connections of any type.  
Connecting your computer to a modem may require a cable of 
modified gender.  You may find that, due to the peculiarities of 
your computer's design, you will need a special cable (as is the 
case with the IBM PCjr, which doesn't use a DB connector with its 
serial port).  Or, it may happen that your computer's RS-232 port 
is wired slightly different from the standard.
     Now that you've seen how a computer handles data internally, 
and how it transmits that data to the outside world, let's take a 
look at the next link in the data communications chain: modems.
     By now you probably have a mental picture of 0's and 1's 
hanging around inside a computer in groups that represent various 
characters, and, on demand, zipping through circuitry and pouring 
out a serial port and along a cable in tight formation.  (If you 
don't have that picture, take a break, do whatever it is you do 
to clear your mind, and reread the preceding portion this 
     With that picture in mind, let's look at where data goes 
after it leaves a serial port, what happens to it, and why.

What Does a Modem Do With Data?
     As you know, data intended for modem transmission normally 
leaves a computer via its serial port.  A cable, connected to the 
port via a properly-wired connector, conducts the data to the 
modem's serial port.
     The modem, in the meantime, is busy maintaining the 
communications link that it originally established, watching for 
incoming data from the communications link, and watching for data 
and commands from the computer to which it is connected.
     When data arrives at a modem's serial port, the modem has 
two jobs to do:
     1.  Translate the data from digital to analog format.
     2.  Transmit the data via the communications link to a 
         remote system.
     Similarly, when data arrives via the communications link, 
the modem must perform these tasks:
     1.  Translate the data from analog to digital format.
     2.  Send the data to its computer.
     Depending on its capabilities and the form of transmission, 
the modem handles flow control and performs certain kinds of 
error checking.  These jobs are more often handled by software, 
however (and you'll learn more about them in a few pages.)
     The primary functions of a modem, then, are data translation 
and transmission.

Data Translation: Digital vs. Analog Signals
     I've indicated more than once that data must be translated 
from digital (or binary) signals to analog signals before it can 
be transmitted over a voice-grade telephone line.  You're already 
familiar with digital signals, so let's take a closer look at 
analog signals and why they must be used in data communications.
     What is an analog signal?  Strictly defined, an analog 
signal is a signal that varies in a continuous manner, as opposed 
to a digital signal, which varies in a discontinuous manner.  
Figure 3.7 provides a visual comparison of analog and digital 
     As the diagram illustrates, analog signals vary continuously 
between their minimum and maximum values, while digital signals 
do not vary between values.  A digital signal is always at either 
a minimum or a maximum level or value (or in one state or the 
other), with no in-between.  Analog signals, on the other hand, 
cover the entire range between maximum and minimum values.
     Note that the analog signal in Figure 3.7 is in the form of 
a sine wave, while a digital, or binary, signal (as illustrated 
in Figure 3.2) is in the form of a square wave.
     Why analog?  Modems were developed because the nature of the 
telephone system places several limitations on how data may be 
     *  Telephone lines and their associated switching equipment 
        are designed for voice communications, which means they 
        accommodate a limited range of frequencies.  This 
        frequency range, called the bandwidth, does not include 
        all frequencies used by digital data.
     *  Various amplifiers and filtering circuits involved in 
        telephone line transmission sometimes "cut off" the upper 
        end of a square-wave signal.
     *  The sometimes-poor quality of telephone lines (which 
        you've experienced aurally during long distance and even 
        local calls) makes tolerance for variations in signal 
        quality necessary.
     A computer's digital data signals must be changed to a 
format compatible with these limitations.  To be compatible, the 
signal format must use the telephone bandwidth, and must be 
flexible enough so that minor variations in the signal do not 
result in lost data.
     Analog signals meet all the requirements dictated by the 
telephone system's limitations (the telephone system was, after 
all, designed to carry analog signals).  And, as the diagram in 
Figure 3.8 shows, an analog signal can be made to approximate the 
variations of a digital signal.

Data Transmission
     Once a signal has been converted from digital to analog 
format, it is a relatively simple matter to transmit the analog 
version by telephone lines.  The signal is placed on the 
telephone line carrier wave via a process called modulation.  
This takes place in much the same way that radio transmission 
takes place.
     Carrier wave.  A carrier wave is a tone transmitted on a 
telephone line.  The carrier is a tone of constant frequency and 
strength--a sine wave, as shown in Figure 3.9.
     Carrier waves are so named because they are periodic 
electromagnetic impulses (waves) that literally carry 
     Modulation.  Modulation is a process whereby a signal is 
placed on a carrier wave by varying one or more of the wave's 
characteristics.  These characteristics include amplitude, 
frequency, and phase.
     1.  Amplitude modulation.  If the strength of a carrier wave 
         is varied to carry a signal, it might appear much as in 
         Figure 3.10
              In this example, each period of maximum high and 
         low variation might represent a binary 1, while each 
         period of low variation might represent a binary 0.  
         Because of the prevalence of varying amplitude on a 
         telephone carrier (in the form of voltage spikes and 
         other line "noise"), straight amplitude modulation is 
         not commonly used.
     2.  Frequency modulation.  If the frequency of a wave is 
         varied, it might look like the wave in Figure 3.11.  
         Each area of high frequency (i.e., when the waves are 
         closest together) could represent a binary 1, while low-
         frequency waves could represent a binary 0.
              A simple variation of frequency modulation, called 
         Frequency Shift Keying, is used by low-speed (300 bps) 
         modems.  Four frequencies are used in this technique, 
         two of which represent the binary 1 and 0 of one modem, 
         and two which represent the binary 1 and 0 of the other.  
         The frequencies are turned on or off as necessary to 
         transmit the 1s and 0s of each modem.  (If you listen in 
         on a telephone line while a modem using this kind of 
         modulation is connected, you can hear the frequencies 
     3.  Phase modulation.  Phase modulation is represented in 
         Figure 3.12.  Two waves of the same frequency are 
         transmitted, and modulation is achieved by varying the 
         time lag between the two waves.  A variation on phase 
         modulation is commonly used in higher speed modems, 
         because it requires the smallest bandwidth of any 
         modulation techniques.
              In the example in Figure 3.12, each change in phase 
         represents a digital 1, while periods of no change 
         represent a digital 0.  (A change in phase occurs when 
         the variable carrier wave is started at a new time in 
         relation to the other carrier wave.)
     Several combinations of and variations on these modulation 
techniques are used in higher speed data transmission, but we 
won't concern ourselves with such here.  The foregoing 
explanations and examples of modulation techniques are intended 
to help you visualize what happens when data are transmitted, 
rather than to serve as a tutorial.

Data Reception
     You've seen how data are translated and transmitted by a 
modem, but what happens when a modem receives data?  As you might 
expect, the reverse of the modulation process takes place.
     When a modem receives data, it senses the modulation of the 
carrier wave and demodulates the signal to recover the data from 
the carrier wave.  This involves reconstructing a true digital 
signal from the analog signal's approximation of a digital 
     Once the translation is achieved, the modem transfers the 
data to the computer, sending it through its serial port to the 
computer's serial port.
     Not incidentally, the word "modem" is a contraction of the 
full name of the device: "modulating/demodulating device."  This 
name, in turn, is derived from the modem's functions of 
modulating and demodulating signals.

Modem Standards
     As with serial data ports, there are recommended standards 
for modem operation.  Rules and conventions for the design of 
modems have been established by several trade organizations and 
corporations.  The standards cover the modulation and 
transmission techniques used by modems, as well as other elements 
of their operation.
     Virtually all BBSs, online services, and packet switching 
networks in the U.S. and Canada use modems that are compatible 
with Bell 103 (300 bps) and Bell 212 (1200 bps) standards.  So, 
it's a good idea to use a modem that conforms to these standards, 
which were developed by Bell Laboratories and adopted by the 
telecomputing industry in the U.S.  2400 bps modems generally 
conform to the international CCITT V.22bis standard, described 
below.  If your modem does not meet the appropriate standard(s), 
you won't be able to communicate with the vast majority of dial-
up systems in the U.S.; in fact, you'll probably be unable to 
communicate with any system unless it uses the exact brand and 
model of nonstandard modem!
     (NOTE: The Bell standards have nothing to do with the RS-
232C standard.  You must, of course, make sure your modem uses an 
RS-232C connector at its serial port.)
     If you're going to use a modem in another country--
especially in a European nation--it will probably have to conform 
to a different standard, known as the CCITT standard.  This 
standard was developed by the Consultive Committee on 
International Telegraphy and Telephony, an international 
telecommunications standards committee.  It is the standard for 
1200 baud communications in western Europe and most of the world 
outside North America.  Thus it is necessary to have a modem that 
operates on the CCITT standard if you wish to access systems 
outside North America.  (The current versions of the CCITT 
standard in use are CCITT V.22 and V.32 for dial-up modems up to 
1200 bps, V.22bis for 2400 bps dial-up modems, and V.29 for 
leased line modems.)
     1200 bps modems that meet the CCITT standard are 
manufactured by several U.S. modem manufacturers, by the way, and 
it is becoming more and more common to find modems manufactured 
in the U.S. that recognize both Bell and CCITT standards.  You'll 
even find some modems, such as the Hayes Smartmodem 2400, that 
are compatible with CCITT V.22 bis at 2400 bps, CCITT V.22 and 
Bell 212A at 1200 bps, and Bell 103 at 0 to 300 bps.  (With a 
modem like this, you'll have no problem communicating with any 
system in the U.S. or Europe!)
     FCC Registration.  It is worth noting here that any device 
sold in the U.S. for connection to a telephone must be registered 
with the Federal Communications Commission.  You'll find evidence 
of such registration on a plate attached to the modem, and 
probably in the modem's manual, as well.  Don't not buy a modem 
that isn't FCC registered.
     If you found this excerpt useful, you may want to pick up a 
copy of the book from which it was excerpted:
                       THE MODEM REFERENCE
                       by Michael A. Banks
            Published by Brady Books/Simon & Schuster
                 ISBN # 0-13-586646-4    $21.95
     In addition to explaining the technical aspects of modem 
operation, communications software, data links, and other 
elements of computer communications, the book provides detailed, 
illustrated "tours" of major online services such as UNISON,
CompuServe, DELPHI, BIX, Dow Jones News/Retrieval, MCI Mail, and
others.  It contains information on using packet switching
networks and BBSs, as well as dial-up numbers for various
networks and BBSs, and the illustrations alluded to in this
     You'll also find hands-on guides to buying, setting up,
using, and troubleshooting computer communications hardware and 
software.  (And the book "supports" all major microcomputer 
     For more information, contact: 
                        Michael A. Banks 
                          P.O. Box 312 
                       Milford, OH  45150