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MUSIC CODES and SOUND CODES REFERENCE Below is a reference listing of MUSIC CODES and SOUND CODES available. For information on how to use the "Music String Syntax", consult the user's manual (file: ANSIPLAY.DOC). MUSIC CODE SYNTAX: ESC[MF <music codes or sound codes)> (music note) or ESC[MB <music codes or sound codes)> (music note) OCTAVES AND TONES ----------------- A-G Plays A, B, ..., G in current octave # or + After the note specifies sharp - After the note specifies flat > Increases octave by 1. Octave cannot go beyond 6. >> Increases by 2 octaves, etc. < Decreases octave by 1. Octave cannot drop below 0. << Decreases by 2 octaves, etc. OCTAVE: On Sets current octave (0-6) Sets the current octave. There are seven octaves, numbered 0-6. NOTE: Nn Plays note n (0-84) The range for n is 0-84. In the seven possible octaves, there are 84 notes. When n = 0, this means a rest. *(Below is a listing of notes, both by MUSIC CODES and by SOUND CODES) TONE DURATION AND TEMPO ----------------------- LENGTH: Ln Sets length of a note. (1-64) The range for n is 1-64. L 4 is a quarter note, L 1 is a whole note, etc. The length may also follow the note when a change of length only is desired for a particular note. For example, A 16 can be equivalent to L 16 A TEMPO: Tn Sets number of quarter notes per minute (32-255) The range for n is 32-255. The default for n is 120. Note: Because of the slow clock-interrupt rate, some notes will not play at higher tempos (L 64 at T 255, for example). MUSIC STACCATO: MS Sets "music staccato" so that each note will play 3/4 of the time determined by the length (L). -1- MUSIC NORMAL: MN Sets "music normal" so that each note will play 7/8 of the time determined by the length (L). MUSIC LEGATO: ML Sets "music legato" so that each note will play the full period set by length (L). PAUSE: Pn Pause for the duration of n quarternotes (1-64) Specifies a pause, ranging from 1-64. This option corresponds to the length of each note, set with Ln. DOT: . A period after a note causes the note to play 3/2 times the length determined by L (length) times T (tempo). The period has the same meaning as in a musical score. Multiple periods can appear after a note. Each period adds a length equal to one half the length of the previous period. For example, "A." plays 1 + 1/2 or 3/2 times the length "A.." plays 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 or 7/4 times the length. Periods can appear after a pause (P). In this case, the pause length is scaled in the same way notes are scaled. OPERATION --------- MUSIC FOREGROUND: MF Sets music/sound to run in foreground MUSIC BACKGROUND: MB Sets music/sound to run in background See the manual (ANSIPLAY.DOC) for more details on MF and MB. ======================================================== LISTING OF TONES, both by MUSIC CODES and by SOUND CODES -------------------------------------------------------- Example: The following codes will all yield the same tone... MUSIC CODE ESC[O0 C (music note) MUSIC CODE ESC[N1 (music note) SOUND CODE ESC[65.406;8 (music note) IBM HELMHOLTZ MUSIC SOUND OCTAVE NOTE NOTATION CODE (NOTE) = CODE (FREQUENCY) ------ ---------- --------- ------------- ---------------- D#,E- 38.890 E 41.204 F 43.654 F#,G- 46.250 G 49.000 -2- IBM HELMHOLTZ MUSIC SOUND OCTAVE NOTE NOTATION CODE (NOTE) = CODE (FREQUENCY) ------ ---------- --------- ------------- ---------------- G#,A- 51.914 A 55.000 A#,B- 58.270 B 61.736 ------------------------------------------------------------- 00 C CC N1 65.406 C#,D- N2 69.296 D N3 73.416 D#,E- N4 77.782 E N5 82.406 F N6 87.308 F#,G- N7 92.498 G N8 97.998 G#,A- N9 103.826 A N10 110.000 A#,B- N11 116.540 B N12 123.470 ------------------------------------------------------------- 01 C C N13 130.812 C#,D- N14 138.592 D N15 146.832 D#,E- N16 155.564 E N17 164.821 F N18 174.614 F#,G- N19 185.000 G N20 195.998 G#,A- N21 207.660 A N22 220.000 A#,B- N23 233.080 B N24 246.940 ------------------------------------------------------------- 02 C c N25 261.620 C#,D- N26 277.180 D N27 296.660 D#,E- N28 311.120 E N29 329.620 F N30 349.220 F#,G- N31 370.000 G N32 392.000 G#,A- N33 415.300 A N34 440.000 A#,B- N35 466.160 B N36 493.880 ------------------------------------------------------------- 03 C c' (middle) N37 523.260 C#,D- N38 554.360 D N39 587.320 D#,E- N40 622.260 E N41 659.260 F N42 698.460 F#,G- N43 739.980 G N44 784.000 G#,A- N45 830.600 -3- IBM HELMHOLTZ MUSIC SOUND OCTAVE NOTE NOTATION CODE (NOTE) = CODE (FREQUENCY) ------ ---------- --------- ------------- ---------------- A N46 880.000 A#,B- N47 892.320 B N48 987.760 ------------------------------------------------------------- 04 C c'' N49 1046.500 default C#,D- N50 1108.740 octave D N51 1174.660 D#,E- N52 1244.500 E N53 1318.520 F N54 1396.920 F#,G- N55 1479.980 G N56 1567.980 G#,A- N57 1661.220 A N58 1760.000 A#,B- N59 1864.660 B N60 1975.540 ------------------------------------------------------------- 05 C c''' N61 2093.000 C#,D- N62 2217.400 D N63 2349.400 D#,E- N64 2489.000 E N65 2637.000 F N66 2793.800 F#,G- N67 2960.000 G N68 3136.000 G#,A- N69 3322.400 A N70 3520.000 A#,B- N71 3729.400 B N72 3951.000 ------------------------------------------------------------- 06 C c'''' N73 4186.000 C#,D- N74 4435.000 D N75 4698.600 D#,E- N76 4978.000 E N77 5274.000 F N78 5587.600 F#,G- N79 5920.000 G N80 6272.000 G#,A- N81 6644.800 A N82 7040.000 A#,B- N83 7458.600 B N84 7902.200 ------------------------------------------------------------- C cv - 8372.000 C#,D- - 8869.800 D - 9397.200 D#,E- - 9956.000 E - 10548.000 F - 11175.400 F#,G- - 11839.800 G - 12543.800 G#,A- - 13289.800 A - 14080.000 -4- IBM HELMHOLTZ MUSIC SOUND OCTAVE NOTE NOTATION CODE (NOTE) = CODE (FREQUENCY) ------ ---------- --------- ------------- ---------------- A#,B- - 14917.200 B - 15804.200 ------------------------------------------------------------- C - 16744.000 C#,D- - 17739.600 D - 18794.600 D#,E- - 19912.200 E - 21096.200 F - 22350.600 F#,G- - 23679.600 G - 25083.800 G#,A- - 26579.400 A - 28160.000 A#,B- - 29834.400 B - 31608.600 ============================================================= SOUND CODES REFERENCE SOUND CODE SYNTAX: ESC[MF <FREQ; DURA; CYCLES; DELAY; VARI> (music note) FREQUENCY : a numeric value from 37 to 32,767 Frequency is the desired frequency in hertz. DURATION : an numberic value from 0 to 65,535 Duration is how long the tone should play, measured in clock ticks. There are 18.2 clock ticks per second regardless of CPU speed. CYCLES (optional) : an integer from 0 to 9,999 Cycles is the number of times to repeat the frequency/duration. DELAY (optional) : an integer from 0 to 999,999,999 Delay is the length of pause between cycles. ANSIPLAY will count from 0 to DELAY before proceeding. VARIATION (optional): an numeric value from -9,999 to 9,999 Variation will change the FREQUENCY each time the tone is repeated using the CYCLES variable. FREQUENCY will use it's current value, add the VARIATION value to itself (per cycle) to get a new FREQUENCY, then play the new FREQUENCY. * Note: also see the file ANSICODE.TXT for a listing of ANSI escape control codes. -5- --end of documentation--