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The comp.sys.apple2 Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate from
the Ground Apple II archive, 1997-2005. Administrator: Steve Nelson

Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground ref: Csa2HDWHACK.txt  rev086 May 2005

Hardware Hacking

 001- What's a good hardware project book for the Apple IIe?
 002- How can I use a thermistor to read temperature on my A2?
 003- Will a prototyping Slot Board fit all Apple II's with Slots?
 004- What is the pinout for the Apple II series Slots?
 005- I've been getting Fatal System Error 0911. Is there a fix?
 006- Why does my GS Control Panel keep resetting to the defaults?
 007- How do I replace my GS "BatRAM" battery?
 008- Is there a program to record/restore Control Panel settings?
 009- How I can safely clean out dust from my Apple II?
 010- How can I safely remove oxidation from IC pins?
 011- After smoke came from my GS the KB doesn't work. What's wrong?
 012- What is the mini circuit board near the front of my GS for?
 013- How do I add RAM & set jumpers on the IIgs 1MB Memory Card?
 014- How can I move my IIgs to a PC tower case?
 015- How can I convert a IIgs into a portable IIgs?
 016- Where can I get Robot kits to use with my Apple II?
 017- Where can I get "Zip" package chips for my AE GS RAM-III card?
 018- What chip can I use to replace a bad RAM IC in my IIe?
 019- Could someone please post a resistor color code chart?
 020- What advantages does the ROM 3 GS offer vs. the ROM-01 GS?
 021- How can my ROM 3 GS + 8MB Sirius card do large file copying?
 022- My ROM 3 with RamFAST crashes with an 8MB Sirius. What's wrong?
 023- Where can I find Apple II diagrams?
 024- What No Slot Clock chip should go in my IIc+ and where?
 025- Where can I find Apple II socket, etc. pinouts?
 026- What IC do I need to use the GS-RAM Plus in my Apple IIgs?
 027- Where can I get prototyping boards that fit Apple II Slots?
 028- What are the numbers and functions of major Apple II ROMs?
 029- What is the C-One?

From: Paul Guertin

001- Could anyone suggest a good project book for the Apple IIe.
     I'm interested in using an old box for tracking the
     temperature in a water bath.

Vernier software publishes a book called "How to Build a Better Mousetrap"
which contains 14 hardware projects for the Apple II. Project #6 is a
temperature probe connected to PDL0.

ISBN for the book is 0-918731-16-X.
Vernier Software ( http://www.vernier.com )
2920 S.W. 89th Street
Portland, Oregon  97225 USA
(503) 297-5317


From: Sheldon Simms

A good book is _Inside The Apple IIe_ by Gary B. Little. It isn't a project
book, but it does have a good chapter on using the Game I/O connector for
"electronics experiments."


From: Cyrus Roton

002- How can I use a thermistor (a resistor which has a variable
     resistance related to ambient temperature)  to read temperature
     on my Apple II?

You can connect a thermistor to a paddle input and supply a voltage to the
other end. Current flows through the thermistor to charge a .022 mfd capacitor
inside the apple2. When the paddle is read, the apple2 discharges the capacitor
and resets a timmer. Then the cap is allowed to charge. When the charge reaches
the trigger level (3.2 volts) the timmer is stopped and the count is read out.

The lower the value of the thermistor, the faster the charge and the lower the
count. Also, the higher the voltage, the faster the charge.  A resistance of
about 120K with a 5 Volt supply will give a count of about 250. You can add an
external capacitor across the paddle input (to ground) to increase the charging
time (if needed)

The formula is   charge=input volts * (1 - exp(-t/RC))

So, you can use a supply voltage and external capitor as required to fit the
resistance value of the thermister (or other resistive component). Probably,
the best way to find the correct values woud be to try a variety of values and
plot the "count" as a function of the variable resistance. Then compare the
plot against the resistance curves for the thermistor (probably not linear),
and work out some conversion formula to use in your program to correlate
"count" to temperature.


From: David Empson

003- Can I use the same prototyping Slot Board for all of the
     different Apple II's with Slots?

Prototyping boards certainly would be the same for the II, II+, IIe, and IIgs.
The slots on all slotted Apple IIs are physically identical

There are minor differences between the slot signals on the various machines
and on some slots in the same machine, mostly affecting rarely used special
pins. (See Question 004 for more details on signal differences.)


004- What is the pinout for the Apple II series Slots; and, what
     differences are there in Slot signals from machine to machine?

Here is a quick summary of the Apple II series Slot signals:

Pin 1: I/O Select ($Cn00-$CnFF, where n is the slot number).

Pins 2-17: Address bus A0-A15.

Pin 18: Read/Write.

Pin 19: unused on the II and II+.  On the IIe and IIgs, this has composite
horizontal and vertical sync on slot 7, and is unused on other slots, except
for slot 1 on the IIe only, which has a diagnostic function to disable the
oscillator on the motherboard.

Pin 20: I/O Strobe ($C800-$CFFF).

Pin 21: this is the RDY input to the micro on all machines, but it behaves a
little differently in the IIgs, or in a machine with a 65802 installed.

Pin 22: this is the DMA pin on all machines.  Again, there are special issues
for doing DMA on the IIgs which can cause compatibility problems.

Pin 23: this is used for the interrupt daisy chain (out) on all Slots except 7.
In the IIe only, this pin can be connected to the GR signal (graphics mode
enabled) via a motherboard modification.

Pin 24: DMA daisy chain out.

Pin 25: +5V.

Pin 26: Ground.

Pin 27: DMA daisy chain in.

Pin 28: Interrupt daisy chain in.

Pin 29: Non Maskable Interrupt.

Pin 30: Interrupt Request.

Pin 31: Reset.

Pin 32: this is the INHIBIT pin on all machines.  This behaves differently on
all three machines: the II and II+ only allow the $D000-$FFFF ROM area to be
inhibited.  The IIe allows RAM to be inhibited as well, but has strange
interaction with main and auxiliary memory.  The IIgs only allows this signal
to be used if the machine is running in slow mode.

Pin 33: -12V.

Pin 34: -5V.

Pin 35: unused on the II and II+.  On the IIe and IIgs, this is the colour
reference signal on slot 7 only.  It is unused for other slots in the IIe,
except for slot 1 where it provides a poorly documented facility to disable the
keyboard address decoding.  On the original IIgs, slot 3 provides the M2B0
signal (Mega II Bank 0) via this pin and it is unused on other slots.  The ROM
3 provides M2B0 for slots 1 to 6.

Pin 36: 7 MHz system clock.

Pin 37: Q3 - Asymmetrical 2 MHz clock.

Pin 38: Phase 1 clock (1.023 MHz).

Pin 39: something called "USER 1" on the II and II+, which can be used to
disable all I/O decoding if a modification is made on the motherboard.  On the
IIe, this pin provides the SYNC signal from the micro, which indicates an
opcode fetch.  On the IIgs, this pin provides the M2SEL signal, which indicates
that a valid slow memory access is in progress.  This pin must be used by IIgs
cards that decode the address without use of the IOSEL, IOSTRB or DEVSEL pins.

Pin 40: Phase 0 clock (1.023 MHz).

Pin 41: Device Select ($C0n0-$C0nF, where n is the slot number plus 8).

Pins 42-49: Data bus D7-D0.

Pin 50: +12V.


From: Rubywand, David Kopper, Guenther Unger, Gabriel Hawkins, Michael Mahon

005- I've been getting Fatal System Error 0911 and when I do the
     internal diagnostic it gives a system bad : 09010001.
     Is there a fix?

     Fatal System Error 0911 and Self-Diagnostic Test 09010001 mean the same
thing: You are, very likely, experiencing one of the following malfunctions:

o- Temperature-sensitive ADB IC

     This problem was first identified in a 1988 article in issue #58 of
Computist. If your IIgs is a true ROM-01 (produced starting in mid-late 1987)
or a ROM 3, you are very unlikely to have an ADB IC with this defect.

     Otherwise ... A guess would be that you are running a ROM-00 machine which
has been upgraded to ROM-01. If this is the first time you've noticed the '0911
problem, it is likely that this is the first summer you've owned and used this
particular machine.

     Many early GS's come with an ADB IC which malfunctions over a narrow range
of relatively low temperatures. Rooms are normally cooler during summer; so,
this is when the error pops up most frequently. Some users first notice a
plague of '0911 crashes after adding a System Saver-GS (which increases

Note: Some reports have attributed '0911 crashes to overheating of one of the
two main ADB IC's. So far, it looks like these reports are cases of
misinterpreting the actual failure syndrome-- i.e. warming up a cool IC enough
to get into its failure region.

    '0911 bombs can occur 'any time' but they usually happen at startup and
when doing OpenApple-CTRL-ESC accesses to the Desk Accessories (CDA's, Control
Panel, ...) menu. As the machine warms up, '0911 crashes tend to become less

     The bad news is that there is no 100% fix except to replace the temp
sensitive ADB IC-- hard to do since it is soldered to the motherboard and, in
any case, known-good replacements are difficult to find.

     As to _which_ ADB IC-- there are two, the ADB Controller and the ADB GLU-
- our notes say the ADB Controller; but, we could have easily misidentified the
function back then and the ADB GLU IC 'clicks' better with memories of the fix.
(The ADB GLU IC is a square IC near the right front of the motherboard.)

Note: The easiest way to identify the temp sensitive IC is to apply the fix
(below) and see if it works. If it does, fine. If not, it is easy to move the
fix to the other IC. For now, my suggestion is to try the ADB GLU IC first.

     Since the problem is coolness, a decent cure is to tape a small 12V bulb
(e.g. a 20-30 ma. panel light bulb) to the top of the ADB IC. Use duct tape and
try to enclose the bulb and IC in a kind of mini-oven. Run the leads from the
bulb to the +12V Fan power pins near the back left area of the motherboard.

     The idea is to quickly warm up the IC. I used a scheme like this on our
early GS and 0911 bombs dropped from 4-5 per day to 2-3 per week. If you can
safely power the bulb via an external power module (e.g. a calculator or radio
'AC adapter') so that the bulb can be ON at least a few minutes before powering
up the computer, 0911 bombs might disappear entirely.

o- Defective keyboard, loose connector on KB, and/or a bad KB cable

     Some users report that swapping in another keyboard cured their '0911
crashes. In the same vein, a loose connector socket in the KB or a bad KB cable
would be worth checking for.

o- System noise and/or lowered motherboard voltages

     If '0911 crashes suddenly appear after an accelerator or other power-
sucking board is added, it is fairly likely that the added load has increased
system noise and, possibly, also lowered motherboard voltages.

     One possibility is that your power supply needs to have heavier leads
swapped in. Also, you may need to jumper some of the power traces feeding Slots
on the motherboard. For more discussion about this see Q&A 005-007 in

     A defective power supply on the way to failing is another possibility. A
failing power supply is more likely to be the culprit if '0911 crashes appeared
'from nowhere'-- i.e. nothing was changed, no new board was added, etc..

o- Poorly socketed Expansion Memory card

     With power turned OFF, try removing and replacing your Expansion Memory


From: Rubywand

006- My GS control panel keeps resetting to the defaults and
     forgetting the date between power-ups. What's wrong?

     Most likely, your battery-- also called the "BatRAM  battery" needs to be
replaced.  When the GS is OFF, the battery supplies power to the clock and its
attached 256-byte RAM. This small RAM is where Control Panel settings are

     If, upon power-up, the GS believes the Control Panel settings have been
messed up due to a low battery, it will reset the settings to their default
(check-marked) positions.


From: Rubywand, Duncan Entwisle, Jerry Cline, Bruce Baker

007- How do I replace my GS "BatRAM battery"?

     The standard GS battery is a 3.6V Lithium type rated at 1.2AH. It is
called the "BatRAM" battery because it keeps the Battery RAM and Clock IC going
when you turn OFF power. To get to the battery, you must disconnect the AC cord
and pop out the Power Supply.

     If you have a ROM 03 GS, you can slip out the old battery and slip in 'one
like it'. On the ROM 01 GS, you will need a Lithium battery with leads you can
connect to cut-off leads from the old battery-- about 3/4" each for most
connection methods-- remaining on the motherboard. Be sure to mark the "+" lead
on the motherboard with white-out.

     Night Owl Productions used to sell a convenient "Slide-On" Lithium battery
made by Tadiran. It came with springy ends that would slip over the cut-off
leads from the original GS battery.

     Radio Shack sells a few models of 3.6V Tadiran Lithium batteries. Mostly,
these have smooth ends and are intended to fit into a holder-- for example, one
model is "AA" size. Connecting an insulated size AA holder and using a size AA
3.6V battery is one way to handle BatRAM replacement now while making future
replacements easier.

     Another Radio Shack 3.6V Tadiran Lithium battery comes as a small
rectangular insulated pack with red and black wires going to a plug. From the
catalog illustration, it appears that the plug could be fitted onto the cut-
off leads if these were long enough to be shaped to match the plug's
connectors. (If you decide to have long cut-off leads, it's a good idea to slip
heat-shrinkable tubing over the leads to insulate them for most of their

     It may be that your best bet for getting a good BatRAM replacement battery
is All Electronics (800-826-5432; http://www.allcorp.com ).  Their catalogs
often list 3.6V lithium batteries with and without wire leads in various sizes
at low prices.

     If you like, you can always solder, crimp, etc. insulated leads going to
some plug or socket which matches the connector of a particular battery you'd
like to use. Whatever, make sure that the new battery's "+" lead connects to
the "+" lead on the motherboard.

     For connecting solid wire bare leads, you can use the spring connectors
from a Radio Shack electronics experimenter kit or just wrap the new battery's
leads around a large sewing needle to make them springy. The springy leads can
then be slipped over the cut off leads on the motherboard. Another non-
soldering approach is to use "wire nuts".

     Should you do any soldering to the cut-off leads, use good quality rosin
core solder (e.g 63 Tin multi-core) and try to avoid long heat exposure. You do
not want to melt the connection at the motherboard. Similar concerns apply to
soldering to the new battery leads. With good solder and clean leads it should
be possible to "tin" each lead and make the connections in a few seconds for
each operation.

     Especially if you are joining bare leads to bare leads, you could end up
with more bare wire than you are comfortable with. Check that the bare leads do
not touch anything they should not. Bend the leads as required and position the
new battery so that nothing will bump into the Power Supply when it is

     The usual recommendation for this kind of work is that the computer be
OFF. This reduces the risk of damage should a bit of solder, a wire, etc. fall
onto the motherboard.

     When disposing of the old battery, snipping off its leads at the battery
to reduce the chance of a direct short is a good safety measure. It's hard to
be sure an old battery is completely dead; and, a direct short could produce
enough heat to burst the battery and/or start a fire.

     GS users are sometimes shocked to discover that a replacement battery may
cost $8 to $13. This has led to suggestions that 2-3 standard 1.5V cells in a
holder be used. While any number of lower-cost replacement setups can work,
this is pretty close to a classic 'you get what you pay for' situation. Regular
1.5V cell combos reportedly crater in about a year. A 3.6V 1.2AH Lithium
battery is routinely good for at least 5 years.

     Our old Nite Owl battery is going on year 8 or 9. That's a lot of years
without having to worry about burst and leaking cells or needing to pull the
Power Supply and mess with swapping-in replacement cells.


From: Rubywand

Related FAQs Resource: R007BATRAMM.zip (program in ShrinkIt file)

008- Is there a program to record my Control Panel, etc. settings
     and restore them after the GS BatRAM battery is replaced?

     Yes. A number of users have created programs to Save and Restore BatRAM
values. The one included as a FAQs Resources file is named "BATRAMMER". It is
in file R007BATRAMM.zip. After unzipping the downloaded file, use ShrinkIt or
GS-ShrinkIt to unpack the file.


From: Adalbert Goertz

009- How can I safely clean out dust from my Apple II's
     motherboard, case, and expansion cards?

     I use a Dustbuster. Block one exit vent and aim the other vent as a blower
into the computer. That Dustbuster has strong lungs!


From: George Rentovich

010- I'm afraid that oxidation on pins may be causing bad
     contacts and memory problems. How can I remove the
     oxidation without resorting to sand paper?

     Tarn-X works great for removing oxididation from chip pins without a lot
of work or risk in harming the chips.

     Soak the chips in a shot glass until all black oxidation is gone; then,
remove the chips and put them in another shot glass with alcohol to rinse. I
use a third shot glass with alchol again to be sure and, then, take out the
chips and let dry.


From: Rubywand

011- Recently I was using my GS and smoke started coming from the
     inside. Now my ADB peripherals (KB and mouse) don't work! It
     looks like the smoke came from an 8-legged module in the upper
     leftmost corner right behind the composite video connector and
     ADB jack. What's wrong? How can I fix my GS?

     The module you are talking about is L2 "D-15C". This is an 8-pin thing
containing four inductors (coils). Three inductors are used. They are in series
with the ADB Desktop connector. Evidently, one of the inductors burned out.
This would explain the smoke and the loss of ADB functioning.

     The three inductors run ...

     pin 1 to  pin 8
     pin 2 to  pin 7
     pin 3 to  pin 6

     You can use an Ohm meter to detect which one is open. (Example: the
correct reading from pin 2 to pin 7 would, probably, be less than an Ohm.)
Since the pin2-pin7 inductor connects to +5V on the pin7 side, it is the best
candidate for a burn out should pin2 some how have been shorted to ground.

Note: Jon Christopher reported that when his L2 module bombed it was due to a
short in a spliced-on KB cable. It turned out that the resulting burn out fused
some of the inductors together inside the module. So, if you detect any break
after such a burn out, it is probably best to just remove the module and
replace all three inductors.

     Replacing the inductors should be fairly easy, although it will probably
be necessary to remove the motherboard. The value of the inductors is not
critical, so 15-20 turns of small wire-- like wirewrap wire-- wrapped on a
pencil or screwdriver shaft will make a small coil you can use. Make three

     After removing the damaged L2 module, use an Ohm meter to check for a
short to ground at pins 1, 2, and 3. (If, as in the case of a short in a
spliced-on KB cable, you know where the short is/was, you can skip this check.)
Eliminate the short before continuing.

     Solder your home-brew coils in place (pin 1 to pin 8 for the first coil,
etc.), put everything together, and your GS should be as good as new.


012- My ROM-01 GS has an odd postage stamp size circuit board
     tacked onto the motherboard near the front edge. What is the
     board for?

     The circuit on the mini-board is a low-gain 1-transistor amplifier which
seems intended mainly as a buffer/voltage-level shifter between the 'old Apple'
sound output of the Mega Chip and Op Amps which drive the Speaker and Sound

     On the underside of the motherboard, beneath the boardlette, a surface-
mounted resistor (SR1) has been scratched out. Leads from the mini-board run to
SR1's connection points as well as Ground and a +12V supply point near Op Amp

     The circuit does not appear in the GS 'Hardware Reference ROM-01
schematics; but, it is shown in ROM-03 schematics. Some ROM-01 GS's do not have
the mini board; so, it seems likely that the circuit was included on-
motherboard in later ROM-01's and all ROM-03's. By the way, the circuit was
certainly installed at the time of manufacture and was not part of the standard
ROM-00 to ROM-01 upgrade.


013- I have 256kB on my 1MB Apple IIgs Memory Expansion Card.
     How do I add more memory and set the jumpers?

     The standard Apple IIgs 1MB Memory Expansion Card can be usefully
configured for 256kB, 512kB, and 1MB.

     For 256kB, the top left 8 sockets (i.e. the left half of the top row)
should be filled. No jumpers should be placed on the pins near the lower right
end of the board.

                         O O (no Jumpers)
                         0 0

     For 512kB, the entire top row of sockets should be filled. The bottom pair
of pins should be jumpered.

                         O O
                         0-0 Jumper bottom pair

     For 1MB, all sockets should be filled. The top and bottom pairs of pins
should be jumpered.

                        O-O Jumper top and bottom pairs

     To get the full IIgs mem card upgrade to 1MB you can order a kit of 24
256k x 1 41256 DRAM mem IC's from Alltech (760-724-2404) for $24.00.


From: Supertimer

014- I've heard that some have moved their IIgs's to PC tower cases.
     Is this hard to do?

     It is not hard to do at all...

     I mounted the motherboard with the expansion cards going horizontal in
relation to the ground (you need to drill some extra holes in the tower case
because the GS has different mounting holes than the PC). The cards are light
enough that they stay put this way.  The only time this could be a problem is
with unusually heavy cards, like the Focus or MicroDrive units...

     The cards don't line up with the openings on the case, but that's not a
problem because Apple cards, unlike PC cards, have ribbon cable extended DB
connectors that can be mounted on the openings at the back of the case...

     For the power supply, I rewired a PC power supply to feed the GS. The
voltages are the same, so simply match +5V with +5V, +12V with +12V, -5V with -
5V, -12V with -12V, and the grounds and your GS will be ready to run!

     The PC power supply (250 watts) and fans have a benefit...my GS is more
stable now than it was in its native case.  I recommend this upgrade for those
who feel up to it.  Use a full tower case for the best results and most room to
work with.


015- I recently picked up a spare GS from a flea market and
     would like to convert it into a portable. Has anyone done this?

     Yes. Tony Diaz has an article describing a couple conversions on his web
site at http://www.apple2.org/AppleIIgsPortables.html .


From: Erick Wagner

016- Where can I get Robot kits to use with my Apple II?

     If you have a an RS-232 interface (2400 or 9600bps) you might consider a
kit from Lynxmotion ( http://www.lynxmotion.com ). They sell various robot and
robotic arm kits that utilize hobby R/C servo motors. Scott Edwards Electronics
and several other companies sell devices that allow you to control up to 8
servos per board.

     You'll have to write all of the software yourself (sending commands to
identify a servo and a position value).


From: Rubywand

     A good source of current information on robot making, Parallax BASIC stamp
programming, and related projects is Nuts & Volts Magazine (800-783- 4624;
http://www.nutsvolts.com ).

     A good on-line resource for BASIC Stamp components and info is the BSS
Club at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Cable/7772/.


From: David Chiu, Dick Pirong, Bart, Paul Grammens

017- Where can I get the "Zip" package chips to expand my AE GS-RAM III
     memory Expansion card to 4MB?

     The Applied Engineering GS-RAM III uses 20-pin "Zip" package 1M x 4 DRAMs
(NEC D424400V-80 or OKI H5144024-70). A few other Apple II memory cards also
use relatively rare Zip package RAM.

     As of November 2002, you could find the NEC chip at Spi Semiconductor
(818-884-8000; http://www.spisemi.com/index.html ).  Search for 424400. For
other suppliers, a fairly good try is a current issue of Computer Shopper

     Whenever you order these memory IC's, be sure to confirm that the chips
are, in fact, in the Zip package.


From: Gilles Aurejac

018- What chip can I use to replace a bad RAM IC on my IIe

     The 4164 (64k x 1) works on motherboards using eight memory chips. The RAM
on my motherboard is in sockets; so, it was easy to replaced a bad memory chip
with one.


From: Rubywand

019- Could someone please post a resistor color code chart?

Color   Digit   Multiplier (when 3rd band)  Example

Black     0       x1              --  Red Red Black =         22 Ohms
Brown     1       x10             --  Blue Grey Brown =      680 Ohms
Red       2       x100            --  Orange White Red =    3900 Ohms
Orange    3       x1000           --  Yellow Violet Orange = 47k Ohms
Yellow    4       x10000          --  Red Green Yellow =    250k Ohms
Green     5       x100000         --  Orange Orange Green = 3.3M Ohms
Blue      6       x1000000        --  Red Yellow Blue =      24M Ohms
Violet    7       x10000000       --  ...
Grey      8       x100000000
White     9       x1000000000

Gold      -       x 0.1           -- Brown Brown Gold =      1.1 Ohms
Silver    -       x 0.01          -- Orange White Silver =  0.39 Ohms

Tolerance (4th band)

Red is           <5% (courtesy of Edhel Iaur)
Gold is           5%
Silver is        10%
no color is      20%

Example: Grey Red Orange Gold      is 82k Ohms  +/- 5%
Example: Brown Black Green Silver  is  1M Ohms  +/- 10%

Note: carbon resistors almost always err on the high side.


From: Mitchell Spector

020- What advantages does the ROM 3 GS offer vs. the ROM-01 GS?

     The ROM 3 Apple IIgs offers many minor enhancements vs. the ROM-01 which
make the machine more functional and pleasant to use:

- You get a machine that is about 5-10% faster for GUI, floppy disk  loading
and RAM Disk operations (due to updated smartport firmware  and System 5 tools
being in ROM).

- A machine that is more flexible when working with AppleTalk and  slots (you
don't have to give up an extra slot and you can stick a  card in slot 4 and
still use the mouse in GS/OS).

- A nicer text Control Panel that lets you resize RAM Disk with a  warm-boot
and a cleaner way to size it too (no min/max size junk).  Also a 'Mouse' menu
and other existing things cleaned up and made  better.

- A just over 1 megabyte of RAM built-in to start off with; so, you  can have 5
MB of DMA compatible memory in total.

- The MB0 signal provided in slots 1 through 6, so you can stick  in a Video
Overlay Card _and_ Second Sight in together, and not  worry about having to
reserve slot 3.

- Hardware shadowing of text page 2 with Alternative Display Mode (no slowing
down your system to a crawl when you see a screen full  of 2's running 8-bit

- A newer ADB keyboard microcontroller with built-in sticky keys,  keyboard
mouse and compatibility with the indicator LEDs  on extended keyboards.

- A removable Lithum battery (in a snap case. Just pop the old one  out when
your clock and Control Panel settings stop working).

- Less power consumption and electrical noise from the motherboard,

- A set of pins (location 'S1') on the motherboard to make the text  Control
Panel disappear, making your GS settings tamper proof where  young children are

    There are even a couple of more goodies, like the Step/Trace commands in
Monitor or the improved disassembler. Even if you are not a programmer, they're
handy for peeking at SHR graphics still in memory (from Monitor hit 'S' and
then the return key).

    Things like sticky keys and mouse keyboard come in handy too-- like if you
are eating or drinking with one hand, you can still reset the computer using
the other.

    The down side is that some old GS games and demos won't run. However many
of the more worthwhile ones have been patched.


From: Scott G

021- How can my ROM 3 GS + 8MB Sirius card do large file copying?

     An error in the Sirius manual (a 1 page paper) recommends that ROM 3 users
remove one of the SIMM modules since the ROM 3 has 1MB and 8MB is max. When I
did this, the GS reported 8MB, but copying large groups of files or large files
(>800k) failed.  When I put the missing SIMM back, the GS still reported 8MB,
but the file copy problems vanished.  It appears that the Sirius needs eight
1MB SIMM modules for 8MB even on a ROM 3.


From: Rodney Hester

     Turns out I had the opposite experience. In my system (ROM 3 with 8MB
Sirius v2.0 and Focus drive) the large file corruption problems, "ghosties"
(weird video artifacts), random system crashes (especially when Balloon 2.0 was
active), etc. _all_ went away when I _removed_ "SIMM 8". (There is some
numbering on the back of the Sirius.)


From: Supertimer

022- I just received my Sirius RAM card and populated it with
     8 1MB SIMMS. However my ROM 3 GS crashes early in the boot
     process. Could it be a problem with my RamFAST and DMA?

     First, if your RamFAST is the Rev. C (full-length) card, it cannot DMA to
8MB; so, you will have to turn DMA off. The Rev. D can DMA to 8MB fine.

     Second, make sure there are 8 SIMMs on the Sirius. Alltech used to say
that you are supposed to take out one of the SIMMs when using the 8MB Sirius
card on a ROM 3; but, this leads to problems.  Plug in all 8 SIMMs and use it
that way. You lose the 1MB from the motherboard this way, but you gain it back
on the 'extra' SIMM you put in.


From: David Wilson

023- I have several different model Apple II computers ranging from
     a II+ up through a IIgs. Does anyone know where I can get
     diagrams for these machines?

     I know of three books with Apple ][+ schematics:

     Jim Sather's "Understanding the Apple ]["

    "The Apple II Circuit Description" by Winston D. Gayler
      published by Howard W. Sams & Co (ISBN 0-672-21959-X)

     Apple II Reference Manual (1979)


From: Charles T. Turley

     A set of IIgs ROM-01 schematics was published in the September 1999 issue
of GS WorldView.  Go to GSWV's Archive at ...

http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Docs/IIgsMotherboardSchematics/ .


From: Rubywand

     The Apple II Reference Manual (1979) includes a II/II+ schematic, a
keyboard schematic, and annotated firmware listings. For Disk II and Disk II
Controller schematics, see The DOS Manual (1981) from Apple.

     For the IIe and enhanced IIe, see the Apple IIe Technical Reference
Manual. The 1986 edition includes diagrams and annotated firmware listings.

     The Apple IIc Technical Reference Manual (1987) includes IIc schematics
and firmware listings for the three major IIc versions. A later (1989) "Second
Edition" of the manual includes IIc+ coverage.

     The Apple IIgs Hardware Reference has a good set of schematics. The First
Edition covers the ROM-01. The Second Edition covers ROM-01 and ROM 3.
Unfortunately, there is no IIgs firmware listing.

     Although most Apple II manuals are out of print, many can still be
purchased from on-line book sellers such as Amazon.com.


From: David Empson

024- I just got a Dallas Smartwatch (aka No Slot Clock) for
     my Apple IIc+. Where does it go?

     There is only one ROM in the IIc+: it is probably 32KB in capacity, like
the UniDisk revision of the IIc and later IIc models, hence it would be a 28
pin chip.

     Assuming the SmartWatch works in the IIc+ (and I don't know of any reason
why it wouldn't), you need to put it under the chip labelled "Monitor ROM".
Make sure you get it around the right way!

     One other point: I hope you got the right variety of the SmartWatch. The
part number should be DS1216E.  The letter suffix indicates the type of chip
which the SmartWatch works under, with "E" being a 28-pin ROM. The suffix
should be printed in the form of a large green letter (silk screened) on the
small circuit board which is visible beside the DS1216 chip inside the


From: Charles T. Turley

Related FAQs Resource: R023PINOUTS.TXT (text file)

025- Where can I find Apple II socket, etc. pinouts?

     See the FAQs Resource file R023PINOUTS.TXT.


From: Adalbert Goertz

026- What IC do I need to use the GS-RAM Plus in my Apple IIgs?

     You need the GSPLD1A.1 for a ROM-01 GS and the GSPLD1B.1 for a ROM 3 GS.


From: Rubywand

027- Where can I get prototyping boards that fit Apple II Slots?

     The standard Apple II Slot card has 50 contacts, 25 per side, and is up to
2.75" high (not counting contacts). Contact spacing is 0.10". Length varies.
About 0.50" of the length can extend beyond the contacts toward the back of the

     You may be able to find an 'Apple II prototyping board' from a surplus
parts seller; however, these boards are no longer a standard item. To get a new
board, you will probably have to get a PC ISA-8 ("PC XT") Slot board (or an
ISA-8/16 Slot board with the extra contact strip trimmed off).

     An ISA-8 board has 31 contacts per side spaced the same as an A2 card.
From the edge facing the front of the computer, you will need to count down and
trim away 6 contacts (per side). It's best to use a real A2 board as a guide to
determine pin centering and to decide what to slice off for a good fit in an
Apple II Slot. A Dremel tool with a sand wheel is good for this sort of

     The best deal I've found on proto boards for Apple II Slot card projects
is the 9003 PB from Marlin P. Jones (still offered as of Feb 2004).  It's a good
length for most applications (5.6") and costs $7.95. The 9003 PB is 4.25" high;
so, you will need to cut off about 1.5" from the top to get a fit in most 
Apple II's.

     Another approach to getting an A2 prototype board is to 'clean off' and
reuse a surplus A2 card. Or, you can slice off the connector pins (plus a bit
extra) from some surplus A2 or ISA-8 PC board and bolt the connector to a
common rectangular proto board.


From: Patrick Schaefer, Quadrajet1, David Empson, 
      David Wilson, Rubywand 

028- What are the numbers and functions of major Apple II ROMs? 

341-0001-00*    Integer BASIC E0                                1978 
341-0002-00*    Integer BASIC E8                                1978 
341-0003-00*    Integer BASIC F0                                1978 
341-0004-00*    Integer BASIC F8 (Old Monitor ROM)              1978 
341-0009        13 Sector drive controller P5 ROM 
341-0010        13 Sector drive controller P6 ROM 
341-0011-D0*    Applesoft BASIC D0 
341-0012-D8*    Applesoft BASIC D8 
341-0013-E0*    Applesoft BASIC E0 
341-0014-E8*    Applesoft BASIC E8 
341-0015-F0*    Applesoft BASIC F0 
341-0016-00*    Programmer's Aid #1                             1978 
341-0020-F8*    Applesoft BASIC F8 (Autostart Monitor ROM) 
341-0027        16 Sector drive controller P5 ROM 
341-0028        16 Sector drive controller P6 ROM 
342-0033-A      //c Monitor ROM $00                             1985 
341-0036        ][plus character ROM 
341-0065-A      Super Serial Card                               1983 
342-0077-A      IIGS ROM-00
342-0077-B      IIGS ROM-01                                     1987 
341-0080-B      ProFile 5MB RW-Z8                               1981 
341-0112-A      Apple SCSI (non-HS) revision A firmware 
341-0112-B      Apple SCSI (non-HS) revision B firmware 
341-0124-A      IIGS Keyboard i8048 
342-0132        IIe (and //c) Keyboard ROM (USA)                1982 
342-0132-A      IIe (and //c) Keyboard ROM (USA)                1982 
342-0132-B      IIe (and //c) Keyboard ROM (USA) rev DVORAK, pad
342-0132-C      IIe (and //c) Keyboard ROM (USA)                
342-0132-D      //c Keyboard ROM USA                            1984 
342-0133-A      IIe Video (Char Gen) ROM                        1982 
342-0134-A      IIe EF ROM                                      1982 
342-0135-A      IIe CD ROM                                      1982 
342-0135-B        "   (identical)                               1982 
341-0150-A      IIe Keyboard ROM UK/usa                         1982 
341-0151-A      IIe Keyboard ROM deutsch/usa                    1982 
341-0160-A      IIe Video ROM UK/usa                            1982 
341-0161-A      IIe Video ROM deutsch/usa                       1982 
341-0265-A      //c USA Char Gen                                1983 
342-0272-A      //c Monitor ROM $FF (original)                  1983 
342-0273-A      //c, //e (enhanced) Char Gen UK
342-0275-A      //c, //e (enhanced) Char Gen deutsch            1983 
342-0303        //e (enhanced) EF ROM
342-0304        //e (enhanced) CD ROM
342-0349-A      //e (platinum) CF ROM
342-0372-A      //e (enhanced) KB ROM deutsch/usa               1985 
341-0437-A      Apple SCSI (non-HS) revision C firmware 
342-0445-A      //c Monitor ROM $03 (memory expandable)
341-0625-A      //c plus Monitor ROM $05                        1988 
341-0728        IIGS ROM  3 FC-FD (prototype)
341-0729        IIGS ROM  3 FE-FF (prototype)
341-0737        IIGS ROM  3 FC-FD                               1989 
341-0748        IIGS ROM  3 FE-FF                               1989 
341-0749        IIGS ROM  3 FE-FF (prototype)

seems to vary radomly. For instance, an E8 ROM might be
numbered 341-0014 or 341-0014-00 and have "E8" stamped
elsewhere on the ROM.

In most cases, this also seems to apply to "-A", "-B"
suffixes (or having no suffix).


From: Rubywand 

029- What is the C-One?

     The C-One is a modern (2003) 65816-based motherboard designed
to fit in a standard PC ATX case. Promoted as an "enhanced adaptation
of the Commodore 64", C-One's 20MHz uP, advanced graphics and sound,
I/O, and other capabilities has attracted the attention of Apple II
users as the model for a similar-design Super IIgs. (ref: "C-One Page"
in the FAQs Major A2 Sites listing.)


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