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APPEND    CATALOG   EXEC      INT       MON       PR#       SAVE
BLOAD     CHAIN     FP        LOAD      NOMON     READ      UNLOCK
BRUN      CLOSE     IN#       LOCK      OPEN      RENAME    WRITE

ABS       DEL       HCOLOR=   LEFT$     ON        REM       SIN       TRACE
AND       DIM       HGR       LEN       ONERR     RESTORE   SPC(      USR
ASC       DRAW      HGR2      LET       OR        RESUME    SPEED=    VAL
AT        END       HIMEM:    LIST      PDL       RETURN    SQR       VLIN
ATN       EXP       HLIN      LOAD      PEEK      RIGHT$    STEP      VTAB
CALL      FLASH     HOME      LOG       PLOT      RND       STOP      WAIT
CHR$      FN        HPLOT     LOMEM:    POKE      ROT=      STORE     XPLOT
CLEAR     FOR       HTAB      MID$      POP       RUN       STR$      XDRAW
COLOR=    FRE       IF        NEW       POS       SAVE      TAB(      &
CONT      GET       IN#       NEXT      PRINT     SCALE=    TAN       ?
COS       GOSUB     INPUT     NORMAL    PR#       SCRN(     TEXT
DATA      GOTO      INT       NOT       READ      SGN       THEN

ABS       CON       GOTO      LET       NOTRACE   PRINT     SGN       VTAB
AND       DEL       GR        LIST      ON        PR#       STEP      XPLOT
ASC       DIM       HLIN      LOAD      OR        REM       TAB(      &
AT        DSP       TAB(      MAN       PDL       RETURN    TEXT      ?
AUTO      END       IF        MOD       PEEK      RND       THEN
CALL      FOR       IN#       NEW       PLOT      RUN       TO
CLR       FP        INPUT     NEXT      POKE      SAVE      TRACE
COLOR=    GOSUB     LEN       NOT       POP       SCRN(     VLIN

               INTEGER BASIC
HOME...........CALL -936
FLASH..........POKE 50,63
INVERSE........POKE 50,127
NORMAL.........POKE 50,255

]  Applesoft BASIC prompt                    $  hex number prefix
>  Integer BASIC prompt                      @  octal number prefix

!  mini-assembler prompt                     #  immediate addressing
?  usual INPUT prompt in a BASIC program     () indirect addressing
&  ampersand                                 .  assembler directive
^  exponentiation

POKE (-16304,0) 49232,0 Graphics
POKE (-16303,0) 49233,0 Text

POKE (-16302,0) 49234,0 Full Screen Graphics
POKE (-16301,0) 49235,0 Split Screen Text/Graphics

POKE (-16300,0) 49236,0 Page One
POKE (-16299,0) 49237,0 Page Two

POKE (-16298,0) 49238,0 Lo-Res
POKE (-16297,0) 49239,0 Hi-Res

-> CALL -1036..............Moves cursor RIGHT
<- CALL -1008..............Moves cursor LEFT
/\ CALL -998...............Moves cursor UP
\/ CALL -922...............Moves cursor DOWN
\/ CALL -926...CALL -626...Performs a carriage return
   CALL -912...............Scrolls current text screen up one row
   CALL -936.....ESC @.....HOMEs the cursor
-> CALL -868.....ESC E.....Clears text line from cursor to right
\/ CALL -958.....ESC F.....Clears text from cursor position to bottom of screen

0 Black 1  4 Black 2 | 0 Black      4 Dark Green   8  Brown   12 Bright Green
1 Green    5 Orange  | 1 Magenta    5 Grey 1       9  Orange  13 Yellow
2 Violet   6 Blue    | 2 Dark Blue  6 Medium Blue  10 Grey 2  14 Aqua
3 White 1  7 White 2 | 3 Violet     7 Light Blue   11 Pink    15 White

DOS 3.3                   ProDOS                  BASIC
1  Language Not Available 2  Range Error          0   ?Next Without For
2  Range Error            3  No Device Connected  16  ?Syntax Error
3  Range Error            4  Write-Protected      22  ?Return Without Gosub
4  Write-Protected        5  End of Data          42  ?Out of Data
5  End of Data            6  Path Not Found       53  ?Illegal Quantity
6  File Not Found         8  I/O Error            69  ?Overflow
7  Volume Mismatch        9  Disk Full            77  ?Out of Memory
8  I/O Error              10 File Locked          90  ?Undef'd Statement
9  Disk Full              11 Invalid Parameter    107 ?Bad Subscript
10 File Locked            12 No Buffers Available 120 ?Redim'd Array
11 Syntax Error           13 File Type Mismatch   133 ?Division by Zero
12 No Buffers Available   14 Program Too Large    163 ?Type Mismatch
13 File Type Mismatch     15 Not Direct Command   176 ?String Too Long
14 Program Too Large      16 Syntax Error         191 ?Formula Too Complex
15 Not Direct Command     17 Directory Full       224 ?Undef'd Function
                          18 File Not Open        254 ?Reenter
                          19 Duplicate File Name  255 (<Control-C> interrupt)
                          20 File Busy
                          21 File(s) Still Open


Zero Page RAM.......................0-255..........................$0000.00FF
System Stack........................256-511........................$0100.02FF
Keyboard Input Buffer...............512-76.........................$0200.02FF
Monitor Variables/Vectors...........768-1023.......................$0300.03FF
Text/Lo-Res Page 1..................1024-2047......................$0400.07FF
Text/Lo-Res Page 2..................2048-3071......................$0800.0BFF
User RAM............................3072-8191......................$0C00.1FFF
Hi-Res Page 1.......................8192-16383...-57344 to -49153..$2000.3FFF
Hi-Res Page 2.......................16384-24575..-49152 to -40961..$4000.5FFF
User RAM............................24576-38400..-40960 to -27137..$6000.95FF
DOS.................................38400-44151..-27136 to -16385..$9600.BFFF
   DOS file buffers (Maxfiles = 3)..38400-40191..-27136 to -25345..$9600.9CFF
   Main DOS routines................40192-43772..-25344 to -21764..$9D00.AAFC
   File Manager.....................43773-47028..-21763 to -18508..$AAFD.B7B4
   RWTS.............................47029-44151..-18507 to -16385..$B7B5.BFFF
Input/Output Peripheral Cards.......49152-53247..-16384 to -12289..$C000.CFFF
   Built-In I/O.....................49152-49279..-16384 to -16257..$C000.C079
   Peripheral Card I/O Slots 0-7....49280-49407..-16256 to -16127..$C080.C0FF
   Peripheral Card PROM Slots 1-7...49408-51199..-16128 to -14337..$C100.C7FF
   Expansion ROM....................51200-53247..-14336 to -12289..$C800.CFFF
System ROM..........................53248-65535..-12288 to -1......$D000.FFFF
   Applesoft ROM....................53248-63487..-12288 to -2049...$D000.F7FF
   Monitor ROM......................63488-65535...-2048 to -1......$F800.FFFF

    -1 / 65536 |___MONITOR ROM____| $FFFF
 -2048 / 63488 |                  | $F800
               |                  |
               |  APPLESOFT ROM   |
               |                  |
-12288 / 53248 |                  | $D000
               |__EXPANSION ROM___|
-14336 / 51200 |CUSTOM PROM SPACE | $C800
               |FOR CARDSLOTS 1-7_|
-16384 / 49152 |                  | $C000
               |                  |
               |                  |
               |                  |
-20480 / 45056 |       DOS        | $B000
               |                  |
               |                  |
               |                  |
-24576 / 40960 |                  | $A000
               |                  |
-27136 / 38400 |------------------| $9600 DEFALUT HIMEM
               |                  |       IF DOS IS USED
-28672 / 36864 |                  | $9000
               |                  |
               |                  |
               |                  |
-32768 / 32768 |                  | $8000
               |     USER RAM     |
               |                  |
               |                  |
-36864 / 28672 |                  | $7000
               |                  |
               |                  |
-40960 / 24576 |                  | $6000
               |                  |
               |                  |
               |  HI-RES PAGE 2   |
-45056 / 20480 |                  | $5000
               |                  |
               |                  |
-49152 / 16384 |                  | $4000
               |                  |
               |                  |
               |  HI-RES PAGE 1   |
-53248 / 12288 |                  | $3000
               |                  |
               |                  |
 -57344 / 8192 |                  | $2000
               |                  |
               |     USER RAM     |
               |                  |
          4096 |__________________| $1000
          3072 |TEXT/LO-RES PAGE 2| $0C00
          2048 |TEXT/LO-RES PAGE 1| $0800 DEFAULT LOMEM
          1024 |__________________| $0400
             0 /                  \ $0000
              /                    \
        1024 |__MONITOR VARIABLES___| $0400
         768 |__KEY. INPUT BUFFER___| $0300
         512 |_____SYSTEM STACK_____| $0200
         256 |____ZERO PAGE RAM_____| $0100
           0                            $0000

To POKE a value (0-65535) into two consecutive bytes, follow this procedure where B1 and B2 are the two bytes and V is the value:
          POKE B1,V-INT(V/256)*256: POKE B2,INT(V/256)
In order to PEEK two bytes, do this where B1 and B2 are the two bytes:
Variable names may be up to 239 characters long, but only the first two characters are considered by BASIC.
To run the mini-assembler, load Integer BASIC into the language card, enter the monitor, and type F666G.
To disable the AUTO function in Integer BASIC, execute a <Control-X> and then enter the MAN command.
To execute a GOTO in immediate mode, enter:
          POKE 51,0: GOTO line#
For a better random number generator, use:
     where N is the high number limit.
To scrunch your program listings, execute a POKE 33,33.
To obtain the results of MOD in Applesoft BASIC:
     where X and Y are the numbers to be divided.
To turn on the Mouse Character set, print a CHR$(27) (which is Esc).  To turn off the alternate set, print CHR$(24).  Only for Apple IIc, IIc+, IIgs, or enhanced IIe.
To round a number N digits to the right of the decimal point:
To print 40-column text screen page one:
          10 ? CHR$(4); "PR#1": PRINT CHR$(9); "80N"
          20 FOR H=1024 TO 1104 STEP 40: FOR J=0 TO 896
          30 FOR K=0 TO 39: A=PEEK(J+K+H)
          40 A=A+(A<32)*192: A=A+(A<64)*128: A=A+(A<96)*64: A=A+(A<128)*64: A=A+(A<160)*64
          50 ? CHR$(A);: NEXT K: ?: NEXT J,H
          60 ?: ? CHR$(4); "PR#0"
To correct a "No Buffers Available" message, set MAXFILES to 3 or less.
To save a program that is in memory while DOS 3.3 or ProDOS isn't:
          1. Enter the monitor               5. Enter the monitor again
          2. Enter 4000<800.3FFFM            6. Enter 800<4000.8000M
          3. Enter Control-C                 7. Enter Control-C
          4. Boot a DOS disk                 8. LIST
To delete program lines greater than 63999, add this line (may be any line number) and GOTO it:
          5000 A=PEEK(121)+PEEK(122)*256: A=A+3: POKE A-2,0: POKE A-1,0: POKE 175,A-INT(A/256)*256: POKE 176,INT(A/256)
In Applesoft BASIC, line numbers range from 0 through and including 63999.
In Integer BASIC, line numbers range from 0 through and including 32767.
When a negative decimal memory address is given, add 65536 to obtain the positive equivalent.  Example: -21503 plus 65536 equals 44033.  In the case that your brain or your calculator does not have a -/+ key, enter the negative address without the negative sign, subtract 65536, and ignore the negative sign given in the answer.  Example: 21503 (negative address) minus 65536 equals -44033 (ignore the negative sign).
When a positive decimal memory address is given, subtract 65536 to find the negative equivalent.  Example: 49152 minus 65536 equals -16384.
Another way to find an equivalent (negative or positive) is to subtract the address (if negative, do not enter a negative sign) from 65536.  In your mind, add a negative sign to the answer if you wanted a negative equivalent.  Example: 65536 minus 62436 (positive address) equals 3100 (negative equivalent; add a negative sign mentally).  Another example: 65536 minus 3082 (negative address excluding the negative sign) equals 62454 (positive equivalent).
Eight bits equal one byte; Four bytes equal one nibble; One nibble equals one hexadecimal digit.
MSB is the abbreviation for Most Significant Byte (in $AC01, the MSB is $AC); LSB is the abbreviation for Least Significant Byte (in $AC01, the LSB is 1).


(all take up one byte except PC which uses two bytes)
A  = accumulator                   PC = program counter
X  = X index register              S  = stack pointer
Y  = Y index register              P  = processor status register (see below)

MSB           LSB
N = negative result                I = IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest) disable
V = overflow                       Z = zero result
B = BRK instruction                C = carry
D = decimal mode                   C = borrow

   AND                 INCLUSIVE OR             EXCLUSIVE OR
01011001                 01101001                 01001011
 |     |                 |||||  |                  ||  ||
01100101                 10111000                 00101101
--------                 --------                 --------
01000001                 11111001                 01100110

If both bits are on,     If either or both        If either bit is on,
the result bit is on.    bits are on, the         but not if both are on,
                         result bit is on.        the result bit is on.


The monitor always uses hexadecimal; Dollar signs are not needed.
To enter the monitor, enter CALL -151; To leave it, enter <Control-C>.
To look at one address, type that address.
To list more than one address, type the first and last addresses to be looked at separated by a period.
Type a period followed by the last address to be looked at to see more addresses starting at the last address printed on the screen.
To look at the content of the next eight addresses, just press <Return>.
To enter data into memory, type the first address in the range of addresses to have data put into them, follow it by a colon, and begin typing the data.
To move a block of data in RAM, type this in:
     where addr1 is the starting address of the new block location, addr2 is the starting address of the current location, and addr3 is the last address in the current location.  Notice the "M" (which stands for Move) at the end of the commands.
Make sure, when moving a block of code, to change all branching addresses within.
To verify (or compare) two blocks of memory, follow this procedure:
     where addr1 is the starting address of either block, and addr2 and addr3 are the first and last addresses of the other, respectively.  Notice the "V" (for Verify) at the end of the commands.  If the two blocks are exactly alike, the monitor returns to the prompt symbol.  If there is a difference between the two, the monitor prints the address of the first block, its content, and the content of the differing second block.
To disassemble 20 lines of instructions, type the beginning address to be disassembled followed by an "L" for list.  Just entering an "L" again will disassemble the next 20 lines.
To execute a machine language program, type the beginning address of the program followed by a "G" for Go.
To direct output to the printer while in the monitor, type "1 <Control-P>" (1 stands for slot #1).
Immediate means "put this number in;" absolute means "put the number in that's contained in this address."
The beginning address of the mini-assembler is 2048 ($800) and the length is 328 ($148) bytes.
In order to display the current content of all the internal registers, enter <Control-E>.
To change the 6502's internal registers, type <Control-E>, colon, the register, and then the number to be plugged into that register.

69, 65, 75, 6D, 7D, 79, 61, 71 = ADC = ADD memory to the accumulator with carry
29, 25, 35, 2D, 3D, 39, 21, 31 = AND = logically AND memory with the accumulator
            0A, 06, 16, 0E, 1E = ASL = shift memory of the accumulator 1 bit to the left
                            90 = BCC = branch on carry clear
                            80 = BCS = branch on carry set
                            F0 = BEQ = branch on result zero
                        24, 2C = BIT = test memory bits with the accumulator
                            30 = BMI = branch on result minus
                            D0 = BNE = branch on result not zero
                            10 = BPL = branch on result plus
                            00 = BRK = forced break
                            50 = BVC = branch on overflow clear
                            70 = BVS = branch on overflow set
                            18 = CLC = clear carry flag
                            D8 = CLD = clear decimal arithmetic mode
                            58 = CLI = clear interrupt disable bit
                            B8 = CLV = clear overflow flag
C9, C5, D5, CD, DD, D9, C1, D1 = CMP = compare memory and the accumulator
                    E0, E4, EC = CPX = compare memory and X register
                    C0, C4, CC = CPY = compare memory and Y register
                C6, D6, CE, DE = DEC = decrement memory by 1
                            CA = DEX = decrement X register by 1
                            88 = DEY = decrement Y register by 1
49, 45, 55, 4D, 5D, 59, 41, 51 = EOR = logically EXCLUSIVE-OR memory and the accumulator
                E6, F6, EE, FE = INC = increment memory by 1
                            E8 = INX = increment X register by 1
                            C8 = INY = increment Y register by 1
                        4C, 6C = JMP = unconditional jump to new address
                            20 = JSR = jump to new address and save return address
A9, A5, B5, AD, BD, B9, A1, B1 = LDA = load the the accumulator with memory
            A2, A6, B6, AE, BE = LDX = load X register with memory
            A0, A4, B4, AC, BC = LDY = load Y register with memory
            4A, 46, 56, 4E, 5E = LSR = shift memory or the accumulator 1 bit to right
                            EA = NOP = no operation
09, 05, 15, 0D, 1D, 19, 01, 11 = ORA = logically OR memory and the accumulator
                            48 = PHA = push the accumulator to top of stack
                            08 = PHP = push status register to top of stack
                            68 = PLA = pull top of stack to the accumulator
                            28 = PLP = pull top of stack to status register
            2A, 26, 36, 2E, 3E = ROL = rotate memory or the accumulator 1 bit to left
            6A, 66, 76, 6E, 7E = ROR = rotate memory or the accumulator 1 bit to right
                            40 = RTI = return from interrupt
                            60 = RTS = return from subroutine
E9, E5, F5, ED, FD, F9, E1, F1 = SBC = subtract memory from the accumulator with borrow
                            38 = SEC = set carry flag
                            F8 = SED = set decimal arithmetic mode
                            78 = SEI = set disable interrupt flag
    85, 95, 8D, 9D, 99, 81, 91 = STA = store the accumulator in memory
                    86, 96, 8E = STX = store X register in memory
                    84, 94, 8C = STY = store Y register in memory
                            AA = TAX = transfer the accumulator to X register
                            A8 = TAY = transfer the accumulator to Y register
                            BA = TSX = transfer stack pointer to X register
                            8A = TXA = transfer X register to the accumulator
                            9A = TXS = transfer X register to stack pointer
                            98 = TYA = transfer Y register to the accumulator


LSD     MSD >>
\/  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F
0 | 16   32   48   64   80   96  112  128  144  160  176  192  208  224  240
1 | 17   33   49   65   81   97  113  129  145  161  177  193  209  225  241
2 | 18   34   50   66   82   98  114  130  146  162  178  194  210  226  242
3 | 19   35   51   67   83   99  115  131  147  163  179  195  211  227  243
4 | 20   36   52   68   84  100  116  132  148  164  180  196  212  228  244
5 | 21   37   53   69   85  101  117  133  149  165  181  197  213  229  245
6 | 22   38   54   70   86  102  118  134  150  166  182  198  214  230  246
7 | 23   39   55   71   87  103  119  135  151  167  183  199  215  231  247
8 | 24   40   56   72   88  104  120  136  152  168  184  200  216  232  248
9 | 25   41   57   73   89  105  121  137  153  169  185  201  217  233  249
A | 26   42   58   74   90  106  122  138  154  170  186  202  218  234  250
B | 27   43   59   75   91  107  123  139  155  171  187  203  219  235  251
C | 28   44   60   76   92  108  124  140  156  172  188  204  220  236  252
D | 29   45   61   77   93  109  125  141  157  173  189  205  221  237  253
E | 30   46   62   78   94  110  126  142  158  174  190  206  222  238  254
F | 31   47   63   79   95  111  127  143  159  175  191  207  223  239  255