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13 ‎[1] A person who transfers an object from one domain into another or one who carries an object beyond four cubits in the public domain is not liable unless he lifts the object up from a place that is [at least] four handbreadths by four handbreadths, and places it down in a place that is [at least] four handbreadths by four handbreadths. ‎[2] A person's hand is considered equivalent to a place four handbreadths by four handbreadths in size. Therefore, a person who removes an object from another person's hand in one domain and places it in the hand of a third person in a second domain is liable.
Similarly, a person is liable if he was standing in one of these two domains and stretched his hand into the other, removed an article from there or from the hand of a person standing there, and then returned his hand. [This applies] even though he did not place down the article in the domain in which he is standing. Since it is in his hand, it is considered as if it were placed on the ground. ‎[3] When a person was eating and passed from one domain to another, he is liable if he thought to carry the food in his mouth from one domain to the other. Although this is not the ordinary way in which articles are transferred, his intent causes his mouth to be considered as a place four handbreadths by four handbreadths in size.
Similarly, if a person who was standing in one domain urinated or spit into the other domain, he is liable, because he removed [a substance] from one domain and placed it down in another. His conscious [performance of this activity] causes it to be considered as if he removed [an object] from a space four [handbreadths by four handbreadths]. If a person is standing in one domain and the opening of his penis is in a second domain and he urinates into that domain, he is not liable. ‎[4] If a person standing in one of two domains extended his hand into the other, removed water from a pit full of water, and transferred it [to another domain], he is liable. The entire [quantity of] water is considered as if it is placed on the ground.
In contrast, when a container of fruit is floating on the water, a person who extends his hand and takes some of the fruit and transfers it [to the domain in which he is standing] is not liable. Since the fruit was not resting on the ground, the person did not remove [an object] from a space four [handbreadths by four handbreadths].
Needless to say, if the fruit itself was floating on the water and one transferred it [to another domain], he is not liable. Similarly, if oil was floating on water and one scooped up some of the oil and transferred it [to another domain], he is not liable. ‎[5] As mentioned above, a person who transfers [an object] from one domain to another is not liable unless he removes the object from its place and places it down [in a new place]. When, however, one removes [an object], but does not place it down or places it down without lifting it up, one is not liable.
Therefore, when a person standing in one of two domains extends his hand into another domain while holding an object, and another person takes it from him, or if another person places an article in his hand and he retracts his hand, neither is liable, neither the person who removed the article nor the one who placed it down. ‎[6] When does the above apply? When [the giver's] hand is held more than three [handbreadths above the ground]. If, however, [the giver's] hand is held less than three handbreadths above the ground, [holding the article at that height] is equivalent to placing it on the ground, and one is liable. ‎[7] When one person is standing in either of these two domains and a colleague extends his hand from the second domain, takes an object from the person standing in the first domain and brings it in, or [the colleague] takes an object from his [domain] and places it in the hand of the person who is standing, the person who is standing [is not liable at all]. He did absolutely nothing; it was [his colleague who] placed the object in his hand or took it from his hand. The colleague is therefore liable, for he removed the object [from its original place] and put it down [in a new place]. ‎[8] When a person is standing in either of these two domains and a colleague puts an object in his hand or [loads it] on his back, and the [first] person goes out to another domain [carrying] this object, he becomes liable [when] he stands [still]. Removing his body while bearing the object is considered as removing the object from that domain, and standing while carrying the object is considered as placing the object down on the ground where he is standing. Therefore, if he went out holding the object in his hand or [carrying] it on his back and did not stand [still] in the second domain, but rather returned to the first domain while he was still holding the object, he is not liable. [This applies] even if he goes in and out [carrying the object] for the entire day until its conclusion. Although he removed [the object from its original place], he did not put it down [in a new place]. Even if he stands [still] to adjust his load, he is not liable. [To be held liable, he must] stand [still] to rest. ‎[9] For this reason, a person who is carrying a burden on his shoulders and running is not liable until he stands, even if he runs the entire day. He must, however, be running. If he is walking slowly, it is tantamount to having removed the article and having placed it down. [Hence,] this is forbidden. For this reason, a person who was carrying an article on his shoulders when the Sabbath commences should run with it until he reaches his home and then throw it inside in an abnormal manner. ‎[10] When a person removes an article from its place in the public domain and walks, [carrying] it less than four cubits and stands, [he is not liable]. [Moreover, even if he continues this pattern[ the entire day, carrying the article less than four cubits, stopping, and then proceeding further, he is not liable. When does the above apply? When he stands in order to rest. If, however, he stands to adjust his load [within four cubits], it is considered as if he is still walking. Thus, when he stands after moving four cubits [from his original place], he is liable. The [latter ruling applies, however,] when he stops [a second time] after moving four cubits [from his original place] for the purpose of resting. If he stops for the purpose of adjusting his load [again], he is considered as if he is still walking. He is not liable until he stood to rest more than four cubits [from his original place]. ‎[11] [The following rules apply when] a pole, spear, or the like is lying on the ground: If a person lifts up one end without lifting the other from the ground, and then thrusts the pole forward, [he is not liable]. [Moreover, even if he continues this pattern,] picking up the second end which had remained in contact with the earth [while leaving the other end in contact with the earth], and thrusting it forward, and continuing to do so until the object moved several *millim*, he is not liable. [The rationale is that] the person never lifted the object from the earth. If, however, he pulls the article and drags it on the ground from the beginning [of a square] four cubits long to the end [of that square], he is liable. [The rationale is that] rolling the article is comparable to picking it up from its place. ‎[12] When a person removes an article from one corner [of a private domain] with the intent of placing it down in another corner [of the same domain], the removal of the article in such a manner is permitted. Should he then change his mind and take the article out to another domain, he is not liable.
[The rationale is that] the removal [of the article from its original place] was not [performed] with that intent. Thus, the placement of the article was [performed in a forbidden manner], but not its removal.
Similarly, a person is not liable if he removes an article [from its original position] and places it on the back of a colleague who is walking, but removes it from his colleague's back when the latter desires to stand. The removal of the article was [performed in a forbidden manner], but not its placement. ‎[13] A person who throws an object from one domain to another, or from the beginning [of a square] four cubits long to the end [of that square] is not liable if another person caught it in his hands, a dog caught it, or it was consumed by flames before it came to rest. [The rationale is that] this was not the manner in which the thrower intended that the article come to rest. Accordingly, if this, in fact, was his intent, he is liable. ‎[14] A person is not liable if he throws an article that is tied to a rope he is holding in his hand from one domain to another, if he can pull the article back to him. [The rationale is that] the article is not considered to have been placed down in a definitive manner. Thus, the person is considered to have removed the article [from its original place], but not to have placed it down [in a new place]. ‎[15] [The following rules apply when] a person throws an object and it comes to rest in the hands of a colleague: If the colleague stood in his place and received the object, the person who threw it is liable, for he both removed [the object from its original place] and caused it to come to rest. If the colleague [was forced to] leave his place to receive it, the one who threw it is not liable. If a person threw an article and then ran after the article himself and caught it in his hands in another domain or beyond four cubits [in the public domain], he is not liable. It is as if [the intended recipient was forced to] leave his place to catch it. [The rationale for these rulings is: The person who throws an article is not considered to have] caused [the article] to come to rest in a definitive manner until it comes to rest in the place in which it was intended to come to rest when it was removed [from its original place]. ‎[16] A person who throws an article from one private domain to another private domain is not liable, even if the article passes through the space of a public domain that separates them from each other. [The above applies] provided the article passes more than three handbreadths above the ground. If, however, the article passes less than three handbreadths above the earth and comes to rest on another object, the person is liable even though [afterwards,] the object [continues to] move and rolls into the other private domain. [Nevertheless,] it is considered as if it had remained in the public domain. Therefore, the person is liable. Similarly, when a person throws an article from one public domain to another public domain that is separated from the first by a private domain, the person is not liable. If, however, the article passes less than three handbreadths above the earth and comes to rest on another object, the person is liable even though [afterwards,] the object rolls into the other public domain. [Nevertheless,] it is considered as if it had remained in the private domain. Therefore, the person is liable. ‎[17] A person is, however, liable if he carries an object more than four cubits [in the public domain as he proceeds from] one public domain to another [although he passes through a private domain in the interim]. The rationale is that the total of four cubits [can be reached by] combining [the area traversed in] both public domains, because the object did not come to rest in the domain between them. ‎[18] A person is liable if he passes an article from one private domain to another private domain when they are separated by a public domain. [This law applies] even when he passed the article above the space of the public domain, for this was [part of] the service of the Levites in the Sanctuary. They would pass the boards from wagon to wagon. [This is analogous to the above situation, because] the public domain passed between each wagon and each wagon was considered as a private domain. ‎[19] When does the above apply? When the two private domains are positioned [parallel to each other] along the length of the public domain, as the wagons would proceed behind each other in the public domain. If, however, the two private domains are positioned opposite each other on either side of the public domain, one is not liable even if one passes an article from one domain to the other.
Passing from One Balcony to Another
‎[20] [The following rules apply when] a person forgot and reached his hand out from one courtyard with the intent of extending it into another courtyard to its side
while he was holding fruit: If he remembered before his hand entered [the other courtyard], and his hand is thus extended above the space of the public domain, he is permitted to return it to the courtyard in which he [is located]. He is, however, forbidden to extend it into the second courtyard, so that he will not accomplish the intent he had in mind when he performed this act inadvertently. If he extended his hand with a conscious intent to violate [the Sabbath laws and then changed his mind], he is [even] forbidden to return it. [The Sages] punished him [and decreed] that his hand must remain extended until nightfall. ‎[21] When a person intended to throw an article eight cubits in the public domain, but the article came to rest [just] beyond four cubits, he is liable, because the minimum measure of the forbidden labor was performed and the person's intent was completed. [Why is this so?] Because it is known that an article cannot reach a range of eight cubits without first passing through every space within that distance. In contrast, if a person intended to throw an article [just beyond] four [cubits] and the article came to rest at a distance of eight cubits, he is not liable, because the article came to rest in a place where he did not expect it to pass and certainly not to come to rest. Accordingly, if a person threw an object with the intent that it come to rest wherever it [landed], he is liable. ‎[22] When a person throws an article [within] four cubits and it rolls beyond that distance, he is not liable. [The following rules apply] if a person throws an article beyond four cubits and it rolls back within four cubits: If it came to rest on an object beyond four cubits and afterwards rolled back within four cubits, he is liable. If it did not come to rest at all [beyond four cubits], he is not liable.
Version: Mishneh Torah, trans. by Eliyahu Touger. Jerusalem, Moznaim Pub. c1986-c2007
Source: https://www.nli.org.il/he/books/NNL_ALEPH001020101/NLI
License: CC-BY-NC