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          --   THE IMMORTAL GS by Will Harvey/Electronic Arts  --

NOTE: Do not attempt to enter the Control Panel once the game has booted. It will crash.


        "The morning sun heats the jagged peaks as you follow the forgotten road
 down to the valley floor. The bleached ruins of great columned temples and towe
ring citadels rise from the grassy plain like the bones of some colossal beast.
This was the ancient city or Erinoch, destroyed by dragon's fire over 1000 years
 ago. Mordamir spoke often of this city... and the labyrinth below...

        "Mordamir. You think back to the days when you were young and eager to l
earn the spells of sorcery. The old wizard Mordamir took you in and patiently ta
ught you the arts of magic. He taught you how to read the runes and unleash thei
r power. The power of charms and fire. He showed you the strength of steel and t
aught you to use your wizard's cunning. Mordamir was your master, your mentor. H
e was your guide down the treacherous path of wizardry. He was your friend.

        "Many years have passed since you last saw the old man. You assumed he w
as dead - that is, until a few nights ago, when he called to you in a dream. You
 woke with the uneasy feeling that Mordamir still lived - trapped in a bottomles
s cavern. And so you set out to unravel the secrets of the Immortal."

                                KEY COMMANDS:

Music On/Off:
        To toggle the music on and off, press Ctrl-S.
        To restart a game/level, press Ctrl-R.
        To quit, turn off computer. (simple, huh?)

                               GAME CONTROLS:

        Your view is similar to Last Ninja (although much much, better!). Howeve
r, you are not limited to only four directions... You may move the wizard in all
 8 directions by means of the joystick (no keypad equivalents availiable).


        When a monster attacks, you cannot break away until your opponent is dea
d. Push the joystick forward to jab. To slash, pull joystick back first, and the
n forward.

        To parry, move the joystick left and right. If the wizard is facing you,
 then the movements are reversed. Just remember that you must move the joystick
in the direction you want him to lean, not "his right" or "his left".
Remember, when an opponent pulls back, lean away from his weapon.

                            USING ITEMS IN PACK:

        Once you take an object, it is in your pack. Hit button A to enter your
pack. To use an object, highlight the object and hit the button to use. In some
cases, the object is "used" by placing it on the ground, such as a gem. If you s
till want it later on, remember to pick it back up. To see other items in your p
ack, highlight "other" (another simple one!) and hit a button. To exit, highligh
t an empty space, or an object you don't "use" (such as gold) and hit a button.

        Most items are activated by simply selecting them - others require furth
er commands.

Blink Spell/Fireball - once selected, use button B to cast.

Carpet/Protean Ring - select to use object. select again to stop.

NOTE: Each kind of item has a specific use - Spores can only be planted in the d
irt, while the Troll Ritual Knife can only be thrown. You can't control HOW an i
tem is used, just when and where.

ALSO: Some items only function on a particular level. Before you descend to the
next level, the magic of the labyrinth will remove any items you don't need from
 your Pack.


        Occasionally, you will come across a pile of hay. If you stand on it lon
g enough, you will sleep on it. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DREAMS!

                       COMPLETING/RESTARTING A LEVEL:

        Whenever you complete a level, you get a certificate number. You will be
 asked for a certificate if you wish to continue on that level later on.

        To restart on the level you're currently on, when asked for a new game h
it "NO", and when the certificate prompt comes up, hit a joystick button.

        For a previously completed level, enter your certificate number after hi
tting "NO" for a new game.

        To start again at level one, hit "YES" at the NEW GAME? prompt.

              T H E   C O D E X   O F   T H E   S E R P E N T

        I, Mordamir, Wizard of the Crimson Keep, wrote these notes for you, my l
oyal apprentices and students, to explain the mysteries of this dark labyrinth.
        Today, I go forth to explore the dragon's lair. I hope my wits are keen
enough to escape her cunning again! Thus I leave these words for those who may h
ave to come after me. May they keep you from an untimely end in this forsaken pl

                                 LEVEL 1:

Dunric - my faithful student in the art of wizardry - will be the first to come
looking for me. He's often accompanied by Erek, a fighter.

Ulindor - my servant and bodyguard.

Upper levels - a tribe of primitive creatures known as goblins. Hostile to stran
gers, but seem to possess reason, intelligence, some ingenuity with tools.
The tribe goes by the name of Drull. Their king is Gresh the Wise. The goblins a
re currently at war with a more hostile and powerful tribe of creatures known as
 trolls. Both sides desperately seek control over the upper levels of the dungeo
n. Perhaps a show of force would convince one of them that wizards make better f
riends than foes...

A safe path for the arrow room - along the right wall. I got midway before I set
 off the trap.

Danger! Pit traps in the next room... If you happen to fall into one of these de
athly traps, and manage to hold yourself up by your staff, remember to try and s
wing out (move joystick back and forth at an even rate) before it breaks! Walk a
long the left wall to avoid them.

In the dark room that follows are dark and deadly creatures, invisible to the ey
e. Only their shadows can be seen in the light. Keep a torch lit and watch their
 moments carefully. They move quickly! There are pit traps in this room as well.

Riddle of the Sun-
        Deep in immortal Dragon's Lair,
        Once in one Millenium,
        The Portal opens to the Stair,
        When a single Gem greets the Sun.
Mechanism tripped every thousand years by light.
Something shiny...

                                  LEVEL 2:

From a text I found on the history of this evil place:
        "...After two days of bitter combat, Arinar the Elven Lord escaped the e
nemy, but through his veins ran a fatal poison, drawn from the keen edge of the
Shadowlord's blade. Arinar fled over the high mountains to the ruined city of Er
inoch, where he entered the labyrinth in search of the fabled Water, said by man
y to heal even the deepest wounds.
        "Deep in the chilly caverns of the forgotten labyrinth, the Elven Lord s
earched desperately for the Fountain, slaying the evil minions that dwell in tha
t dark place with Solondul, a sword of great might. But on the second day, foul
slime creatures caught him off guard and stripped the flesh from his body. To th
is day his bones and his sword lay there still..."

Legends have told of wayfarers being attacked by Will O' The Wisps. I reckoned s
uch stories as the products of childish imaginations, but now I have seen these
hateful creatures with my very eyes. I know little of their nature... Are they i
ntelligent? Perhaps they are disembodied spirits of some sorts, or maybe creatur
es of the elements. In any case, they are EXTREMELY dangerous - they despise the
 living and eagerly attack mortal flesh.
Maybe I can devise a spell to bring them under my control...

Spores - the goblins sometimes use them as a kind of weapon. When planted in spf
t dirt, these spores produce mushrooms that grow to waist height in a matter of
seconds. The full grown mushrooms immediantly fire more spores in a radius of 30
'. The spores, it must be added, are deadly to humans, goblins, and trolls. The
goblins typically carry them in sacks to protect themselves. They can be recogni
zed by their strong, sickening smell.

Years ago, when sorcerer's towers streched toward the heavens and the Halls of W
izardry protected the knowledge of the spheres, the city of Erinoch had need of
locksmiths. The most cunning locksmith, I recall, was a dwarf by the name of Lin
dli. His locks never involved anything as boring as a simple lock and key. Lindl
i's mechanisms required the unusual - finely crafted gems, beams of light, paces
 around an object...
Lindli prospered while serving the wizards of Erinoch. But when the dragon came
over 1000 years ago, his house was destroyed and his family perished in the flam
es. Lindli went quite mad after seeing the beast devestate his dreams, and he cu
rsed the wizards who unleashed the dragon's wrath. He vowed to seal off the laby
rinth forever so that men would no longer seek the Water...

The magic dust can be thrown to make an irritable old fool your friend.

The gems must be dropped in the holes in the circles. Gresh the Wise knows the c
ombination. One must defeat him before he'll speak.

                                LEVEL 3:

Only the fierce might of an angry dragon could split the earth and form this dee
p chasm. The crack cannot be crossed by rope - the brisk winds rising from the d
ragon's lair make it too dangerous! The only way across is a magic gate - a tele
port mechanism - hidden in one of the rooms below. The shaft of light on the oth
er side is where the magic gate leads.

Trolls - The Shindrak, as they call themselves, rule much of the lower levels. F
or the most part, they are stupid and quick-tempered - something to take advanta
ge of.

A troll will only throw his ritual knife when he wants to challenge another trol
l to combat.

Proteus, a god of the sea, was a master shapechanger. This ring was forged by Hi
m when the earth was still young. It allows the wearer to take the form of a gob
lin. Beware! Some are too wise to believe it's charms!

Troll bombs - one whiff of these devices and trolls are paralyzed.

Red gems look best in purple light.

                                 LEVEL 4:

When Dunric interfered with the trolls' battle against the goblins, they kidnapp
ed his daughter, Ana, and dragged her into the labyrinth. As she possesses some
of her father's skills in sorcery, she had no trouble escaping the trolls. But o
n her way out, she lost a special ring given to her by her father.

Some rings are never worn on the body.

                                 LEVEL 5:

The potion transforms and poisons you at the same time. You will benefit from it
s power to shrink you, but you must find Water and drink it soon afterward or yo
u'll never live past the hour.

Many mice but fewer men can pass through to the next level. The crack in the wal
l is the only way down.

Worm sensor - The faster it chimes, the greater your danger.

The weight of one will open the way. Set down food and a flying lizard could hol
d the door.

                                LEVEL 6:

When the giant spider rears up, she's ready to web. Move back!
She's most vulnerable when all four legs are on the grouns.
Now is not the time to imbibe spirits.

                                LEVEL 7:

The goblins crave the Water as much as men, but a horrid water creature guards t
he way! If the water monster were distracted long enough, the goblins could open
 the gate and the creature would be washed away into the deepest underground sea
. Only a wizard, adept at sailing, stands a chance of distracting the monster an
d making his escape.

        This is the final step before entering the dragon's lair... do whatever
you must to help the goblins open the way. Your journey is almost complete - if
fortune finds us, we will stand together against the dragon!

end of codex.