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A 4am crack                  2014-05-04

Rampage is a 1988 arcade game
distributed by Activision, Inc.

COPYA copies the original disk, but the
copy does not work. It loads the
(double hi-res!) title screen, then
glitches out and reboots.

The boot does not sound like DOS 3.3,
ProDOS, or Pascal, and there is no
evidence of any known file system on
the disk. (I checked T11,S0F for signs
of a DOS 3.3 catalog, then T00,S0B for
ProDOS or Pascal.) With nothing else to
go on, it's time for boot tracing.

[S6D1=original disk]
[S5D1=my work disk]

...reboots slot 6...
...reboots slot 5...

My AUTOTRACE program can capture the
boot0 code on T00,S00, boot1 code on
T00,S00-09 if boot0 is close enough to
DOS 3.3, and even the RWTS (again, if
boot1 is close enough to DOS 3.3). In
this case, it only got as far as boot0,
which means this boot code is probably
completely unlike DOS 3.3.

AUTOTRACE relocates the boot0 code to
$2800..$28FF so it can survive the
reboot, so let's see what we have.



; looks like we're going to be loading
; boot1 starting at $8000. (Normal DOS
; 3.3 boot0 code starts with a branch
; like this as a way of determining
; whether it's done its one-time
; initialization yet, but it checks for
; #$09 instead of #$80.)
0801-   A5 27       LDA   $27
0803-   C9 80       CMP   #$80
0805-   B0 52       BCS   $0859

; Zero page $2B has the slot number x
; 16 at this point. Store it in $0100?
; Odd. Noted for future reference.
0807-   A5 2B       LDA   $2B
0809-   8D 00 01    STA   $0100

; figure out where the sector read
; routine is in the disk controller ROM
; based on the slot number we booted
; from. If we're booting from slot 6,
; this will end up being $C65C.
080C-   4A          LSR
080D-   4A          LSR
080E-   4A          LSR
080F-   4A          LSR
0810-   09 C0       ORA   #$C0
0812-   85 3F       STA   $3F
0814-   8D 3C 08    STA   $083C
0817-   A9 5C       LDA   #$5C
0819-   85 3E       STA   $3E

; never seen this before, but it seems
; to always be zero, therefore branch
081B-   A0 A3       LDY   #$A3
081D-   B1 3E       LDA   ($3E),Y
081F-   F0 30       BEQ   $0851


; loop to re-use the disk controller
; ROM routine to read the rest of track
; 0 into $8000..$8FFF
0851-   A9 80       LDA   #$80
0853-   85 27       STA   $27
0855-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF
0857-   85 3D       STA   $3D
0859-   A5 3D       LDA   $3D
085B-   18          CLC
085C-   69 01       ADC   #$01
085E-   C9 10       CMP   #$10
0860-   90 06       BCC   $0868
0862-   C9 11       CMP   #$11
0864-   F0 07       BEQ   $086D
0866-   A9 01       LDA   #$01
0868-   85 3D       STA   $3D
086A-   6C 3E 00    JMP   ($003E)

; execution continues at code we just
; read in from one of the other sectors
086D-   4C 70 80    JMP   $8070

OK, that looks like a good place to
interrupt the boot process and see
what's going on.


; set up callback after reading all the
; sectors from track 0
96F8-   A9 4C       LDA   #$4C
96FA-   8D 6D 08    STA   $086D
96FD-   A9 0A       LDA   #$0A
96FF-   8D 6E 08    STA   $086E
9702-   A9 97       LDA   #$97
9704-   8D 6F 08    STA   $086F

; start the boot
9707-   4C 01 08    JMP   $0801

; callback is here --
; capture the boot1 code and reboot
970A-   A2 10       LDX   #$10
970C-   B9 00 80    LDA   $8000,Y
970F-   99 00 20    STA   $2000,Y
9712-   C8          INY
9713-   D0 F7       BNE   $970C
9715-   EE 0E 97    INC   $970E
9718-   EE 11 97    INC   $9711
971B-   CA          DEX
971C-   D0 EE       BNE   $970C
971E-   AD E8 C0    LDA   $C0E8
9721-   4C 00 C5    JMP   $C500

*BSAVE TRACE1,A$9600,L$124
...reboots slot 6...
...reboots slot 5...

]BSAVE BOOT1,A$2000,L$1000
]CALL -151

What evil awaits us in boot1?


8070-   8D 01 01    STA   $0101
8073-   A2 FE       LDX   #$FE
8075-   9A          TXS

; test for 128K
8076-   8D 09 C0    STA   $C009
8079-   A9 4B       LDA   #$4B
807B-   85 00       STA   $00
807D-   C5 00       CMP   $00
807F-   D0 08       BNE   $8089
8081-   49 FF       EOR   #$FF
8083-   85 00       STA   $00
8085-   C5 00       CMP   $00
8087-   F0 24       BEQ   $80AD

; print "128K REQUIRED" and fail
8089-   8D 08 C0    STA   $C008
808C-   20 58 FC    JSR   $FC58
808F-   A2 0C       LDX   #$0C
8091-   BD 9F 80    LDA   $809F,X
8094-   09 80       ORA   #$80
8096-   9D B5 05    STA   $05B5,X
8099-   CA          DEX
809A-   10 F5       BPL   $8091
809C-   4C 8B 82    JMP   $828B

; 128K test passed, execution continues
80AD-   8D 08 C0    STA   $C008
80B0-   2C 89 C0    BIT   $C089
80B3-   2C 89 C0    BIT   $C089
80B6-   AD 01 01    LDA   $0101

; $0101 is #$11 at this point, so this
; branch is always taken
80B9-   D0 11       BNE   $80CC


; relocate code from $83A0 to $D000
80CC-   A9 A0       LDA   #$A0
80CE-   85 FC       STA   $FC
80D0-   A9 83       LDA   #$83
80D2-   85 FD       STA   $FD
80D4-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
80D6-   85 FA       STA   $FA
80D8-   A9 D0       LDA   #$D0
80DA-   85 FB       STA   $FB
80DC-   A2 07       LDX   #$07
80DE-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
80E0-   B1 FC       LDA   ($FC),Y
80E2-   91 FA       STA   ($FA),Y
80E4-   C8          INY
80E5-   D0 F9       BNE   $80E0
80E7-   E6 FD       INC   $FD
80E9-   E6 FB       INC   $FB
80EB-   CA          DEX
80EC-   D0 F2       BNE   $80E0

From a quick inspection, $83A0 appears
to be the entry point to an RWTS of
some kind, and now it's at $D000 (in
the language card).

80EE-   2C 8B C0    BIT   $C08B
80F1-   2C 8B C0    BIT   $C08B
80F4-   A9 01       LDA   #$01
80F6-   85 42       STA   $42
80F8-   AD 00 01    LDA   $0100
80FB-   85 43       STA   $43
80FD-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
80FF-   85 44       STA   $44
8101-   85 47       STA   $47
8103-   A9 40       LDA   #$40
8105-   85 45       STA   $45
8107-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
8109-   85 46       STA   $46
810B-   A9 02       LDA   #$02
810D-   85 FE       STA   $FE
810F-   A9 10       LDA   #$10
8111-   85 FF       STA   $FF

; call RWTS
8113-   20 00 D0    JSR   $D000
8116-   90 03       BCC   $811B
8118-   4C 8B 82    JMP   $828B

; loop to read multiple sectors from
; multiple tracks
811B-   E6 45       INC   $45
811D-   E6 45       INC   $45
811F-   E6 46       INC   $46
8121-   C6 FF       DEC   $FF
8123-   D0 EE       BNE   $8113
8125-   A9 20       LDA   #$20
8127-   85 45       STA   $45
8129-   C6 FE       DEC   $FE
812B-   D0 E2       BNE   $810F

; copy half of double hi-res title
; screen to extended memory
812D-   8D 05 C0    STA   $C005
8130-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
8132-   85 FC       STA   $FC
8134-   A9 40       LDA   #$40
8136-   85 FD       STA   $FD
8138-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
813A-   85 FA       STA   $FA
813C-   A9 20       LDA   #$20
813E-   85 FB       STA   $FB
8140-   A2 20       LDX   #$20
8142-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
8144-   B1 FC       LDA   ($FC),Y
8146-   91 FA       STA   ($FA),Y
8148-   C8          INY
8149-   D0 F9       BNE   $8144
814B-   E6 FD       INC   $FD
814D-   E6 FB       INC   $FB
814F-   CA          DEX
8150-   D0 F2       BNE   $8144

; display double hi-res title screen
8152-   8D 04 C0    STA   $C004
8155-   8D 5E C0    STA   $C05E
8158-   8D 0D C0    STA   $C00D
815B-   8D 00 C0    STA   $C000
815E-   2C 50 C0    BIT   $C050
8161-   2C 52 C0    BIT   $C052
8164-   2C 57 C0    BIT   $C057
8167-   2C 54 C0    BIT   $C054

OK, my (non-working) copy did get this
far, because it successfully displayed
the double hi-res title screen. The
glitching and rebooting and whatnot
happened after this point.

; branch based on the value of $0101
; (always taken)
816A-   A2 00       LDX   #$00
816C-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
816E-   AD 01 01    LDA   $0101
8171-   D0 04       BNE   $8177


; more disk reads
8177-   86 46       STX   $46
8179-   84 47       STY   $47
817B-   A9 01       LDA   #$01
817D-   85 42       STA   $42
817F-   AD 00 01    LDA   $0100
8182-   85 43       STA   $43
8184-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
8186-   85 44       STA   $44
8188-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
818A-   85 45       STA   $45
818C-   20 00 D0    JSR   $D000

; Hmm, another branch based on $0101.
; Educated guess about the purpose of
; $0101: this code stays in memory and
; can be run more than once. When it's
; run for the second time, a bunch of
; stuff is still in memory so it can
; skip re-reading it from disk. The
; first time around, the value is #$11
; (the last value set in boot0).
818F-   AD 01 01    LDA   $0101
8192-   D0 05       BNE   $8199

; not executed (at least during boot)
8194-   B0 0D       BCS   $81A3
8196-   4C 8B 82    JMP   $828B

; execution continues here
8199-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
819B-   85 FC       STA   $FC
819D-   AE 00 01    LDX   $0100
81A0-   20 3E 82    JSR   $823E


; manually turning on disk motor is
; always suspicious
823E-   BD 89 C0    LDA   $C089,X
8241-   A9 56       LDA   #$56
8243-   85 FD       STA   $FD
8245-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
8247-   C6 FC       DEC   $FC
8249-   D0 04       BNE   $824F
824B-   C6 FD       DEC   $FD

; this address looks familiar -- yup,
; it's The Badlands again (the code
; from which there is no return)
824D-   F0 3C       BEQ   $828B

; nibble check
824F-   BC 8C C0    LDY   $C08C,X
8252-   10 FB       BPL   $824F
8254-   C0 FB       CPY   #$FB
8256-   D0 ED       BNE   $8245
8258-   F0 00       BEQ   $825A
825A-   EA          NOP
825B-   EA          NOP
825C-   BC 8C C0    LDY   $C08C,X
825F-   C0 08       CPY   #$08
8261-   2A          ROL
8262-   B0 0B       BCS   $826F
8264-   BC 8C C0    LDY   $C08C,X
8267-   10 FB       BPL   $8264
8269-   C0 FF       CPY   #$FF
826B-   D0 D8       BNE   $8245
826D-   F0 EB       BEQ   $825A
826F-   BC 8C C0    LDY   $C08C,X
8272-   10 FB       BPL   $826F
8274-   84 FC       STY   $FC
8276-   C9 0A       CMP   #$0A
8278-   D0 CB       BNE   $8245
827A-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
827D-   10 FB       BPL   $827A
827F-   38          SEC
8280-   2A          ROL
8281-   25 FC       AND   $FC
8283-   49 FF       EOR   #$FF
8285-   D0 04       BNE   $828B

; nibble check passed
; turn off disk motor and exit
8287-   DD 88 C0    CMP   $C088,X
828A-   60          RTS

; nibble check failed
; wipe memory and reboot
828B-   A8          TAY
828C-   DD 88 C0    CMP   $C088,X
828F-   68          PLA
8290-   68          PLA
8291-   99 00 08    STA   $0800,Y
8294-   C8          INY
8295-   D0 FA       BNE   $8291
8297-   EE 93 82    INC   $8293
829A-   AD 93 82    LDA   $8293
829D-   C9 82       CMP   #$82
829F-   D0 F0       BNE   $8291
82A1-   2C 81 C0    BIT   $C081
82A4-   2C 81 C0    BIT   $C081
82A7-   6C F2 03    JMP   ($03F2)

Jackpot! Just your garden variety
nibble check. If it succeeds, it just
returns gracefully; it doesn't set
flags, doesn't set memory, doesn't even
say "thank you." And if it fails, it
wipes most of main memory and
reboots. That means I should be able to
put an "RTS" at the beginning of it
($823E) to bypass the entire thing.

T00,S0D,$3E change "BD" to "60"

Quod erat liberandum.

A 4am crack                      No. 28