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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="Author" content="Rubywand"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.77 [en]C-CCK-MCD {Yahoo;SBC! Yahoo} (Win95; U) [Netscape]"> <title>R022TRKSTAR Csa2 html</title> </head> <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#808080" vlink="#808080" alink="#33FF33"> <address> <a NAME="top"></a><font color="#FFFFFF">.</font><font color="#666666"><font size=-1>The official Csa2 (comp.sys.apple2) Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate</font></font></address> <address> <font size=-1><font color="#666666"> from the</font> <b><font color="#009900">Gr</font><font color="#FF9900">o</font><font color="#FF0000">u</font><font color="#CC33CC">n</font><font color="#3366FF">d </font></b><font color="#666666">Apple II site. Ground Apple II administrator: Steve Nelson</font></font></address> <br><b><tt><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size=-2>.</font></font><font color="#666666">Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground Resource file: R022TRKSTAR.htm</font></tt></b> <br><b><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size=+2>. .<a href="A2FAQs1START.html"><img SRC="entrance.jpg" BORDER=0 height=14 width=69></a>..<a href="A2FAQs2CONTENT.html"><img SRC="contents.jpg" BORDER=0 height=14 width=67></a>.</font></font></b> <p><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=+3>TrackStar Questions & Answers</font></font></b> <br><font face="Comic Sans MS"> last revised: 24 February 2003</font> <p><font face="Comic Sans MS"> by Bill Whitson, Michael Kelsey, Wayne Stewart,</font> <br><font face="Comic Sans MS"> Bryan G. Villados, Richard A. Cini, Jr.,</font> <br><font face="Comic Sans MS"> Bart Prine, Jeff Hurlburt</font> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>What is a TrackStar?</font></font> <br> <p> A TrackStar is a single board Apple 2 computer that plugs into a <br>PC Clone with at least one ISA slot or into an IBM PS/2 computer. With <br>this board (and an A2 disk drive) a PC can run Apple II software. <br> <p> Evidently, four Trackstars were produced: <p><b>Trackstar 64</b> <br><b>Trackstar 128</b> <font size=-1>(can upgrade to a Trackstar E via a field upgrade kit)</font> <br><b>Trackstar E</b> <br><b>Trackstar Plus</b> <font size=-1>(for IBM PS/2 Models 25, 25/286, 30, 30/286)</font> <br> <p> Based upon an earlier Trackstar FAQs by Bill Whitson, and some <br>moderately ambiguous Diamond press releases, it appears that the '64 <br>mimics an unenhanced Apple IIe; whereas the '128 works like an unenhanced <br>IIe with an extra 64k. The 'E and the 'Plus mimic an enhanced Apple //e. <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>From: TrackStar FAQ v1.3.1 (5/15/97) by Bill Whitson</font></font> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>How compatible is it?</font></tt></b> <p><tt>Given that I've not found any software that it won't run</tt> <br><tt>I would have to say it's very compatible. It has a</tt> <br><tt>strange bug that sometimes causes programs to display on</tt> <br><tt>a slightly compressed screen.</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>Can it transfer files Apple <-> PC</font></tt></b> <p><tt>Yep. It works great for that. I used to use it to</tt> <br><tt>make disk images of A2 disks on my PC.</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>How much is it worth?</font></tt></b> <p><tt>How much do you want to pay? I saw one go for $50 US</tt> <br><tt>not too long ago (in '93). They had a suggested retail</tt> <br><tt>price of $445 when they were last sold back in 1988.</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>What do I need to run a TrackStar?</font></tt></b> <p><tt>You need a PC or clone with a free 8bit ISA slot, a 360K</tt> <br><tt>5.25" floppy drive, and a MGA, CGA, or Composite monitor.</tt> <br><tt>The 8bit slot must allow for a full length card and the</tt> <br><tt>motherboard under the front extension of the card must be</tt> <br><tt>clear to within 3mm of the surface (the card extends down-</tt> <br><tt>ward).</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>What do I need for a floppy drive?</font></tt></b> <p><tt>The TrackStar can use either a PC compatible 360K 5.25"</tt> <br><tt>PC compatible floppy drive or an Apple Disk II (Unidisks</tt> <br><tt>may work, but this has not been verified). If you're</tt> <br><tt>using a PC floppy, the drive should be a TEAC for the most</tt> <br><tt>reliable operation. Other brands will also work, but may</tt> <br><tt>not be as reliable and some will not work at all.</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>What operating systems will it work with?</font></tt></b> <p><tt>Seems to work well with MS DOS from v3.2 to v6.22. Later</tt> <br><tt>versions require a setver entry set to 3.3. Will also</tt> <br><tt>work with OS/2 2.x in DOS mode. Doesn't seem to work</tt> <br><tt>with Windows 95 even in DOS mode.</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>What did the TrackStar originally come with?</font></tt></b> <p><tt>Well, the 128 came with:</tt> <p><tt>1 5.25" driver disk</tt> <br><tt>1 manual</tt> <br><tt>1 video cable</tt> <br><tt>1 disk cable</tt> <br><tt>1 keyboard overlay</tt> <br><tt>1 resistor pack</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>What's the latest driver version?</font></tt></b> <p><tt>For the 128 it appears to be v6.2.3. I assume the</tt> <br><tt>other models use a different driver scheme but I've</tt> <br><tt>only seen my 128 and 2 others.</tt> <p><tt>I have tried for two years to get permission from</tt> <br><tt>Diamond Multimedia to distribute TrackStar software and</tt> <br><tt>documentation to people who need it. Since I have now</tt> <br><tt>been told by them that they did not make the TrackStar</tt> <br><tt>I've made the software and docs available by FTP at</tt> <br><tt> in /pub/trackstar.</tt> <p><tt><NOTE: The site mentioned above is no longer active. R/></tt> <br> <p><tt>The files for the Trackstar 128 are ...</tt> <p><tt>TS128.621.zip TrackStar 128 drivers v6.2.1</tt> <br><tt>TS128.622.zip TrackStar 128 drivers v6.2.2</tt> <br><tt>TS128.623.zip TrackStar 128 drivers v6.2.3</tt> <br><tt>TS128.overlay.zip TrackStar 128 keyboard overlay</tt> <br><tt>TS128.manual.zip TrackStar 128 manual for in .pdf</tt> <br><tt>TS.faq This FAQ</tt> <br> <p><b><tt><font size=+1>I just got a Trackstar board with no accessories...</font></tt></b> <p><tt>It would seem you're not alone. You'll also be missing</tt> <br><tt>the manual, RGB monitor cable, and PC disk interface</tt> <br><tt>cable. You don't need the RGB cable if you're going</tt> <br><tt>to use the a composite monitor and you don't need the</tt> <br><tt>PC disk interface cable if you're going to use an Apple</tt> <br><tt>drive.</tt> <br> <p><b><tt>Posted on Csa2 by me@here.com !</tt></b> <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>What are the connections for a CGA video cable</font></font> <br><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>to the molex connector on the TrackStar E?</font></font> <p>The cable has an 8-pin female molex connector going to a 9-pin <br>Dsub9 male plug. <p><tt> -key- 1 2 3 4 5</tt> <br><tt> ]oooooooo[ ' ' ' ' '</tt> <br><tt> 87654321 ' ' ' '</tt> <br><tt> 6 7 8 9</tt> <p><font size=-1> (connectors viewed from front)</font> <br> <p> Molex Dsub9 <br> <font size=-1>on TS to PC CGA video output</font> <br><tt> 1* - - - - - 1 Ground</tt> <br><tt> 2 - - - - - - 7 Reserved</tt> <br><tt> 3 - - - - - - 3 Red</tt> <br><tt> 4 - - - - - - 4 Green</tt> <br><tt> 5 - - - - - - 5 Blue</tt> <br><tt> 6 - - - - - - 6 Intensity</tt> <br><tt> 7 - - - - - - 8 Horizontal Drive</tt> <br><tt> 8 - - - - - - 9 Vertical Drive</tt> <p>*Pin 1 is usually marked "1" on the circuit board. <p>Pin2 of the Dsub9 has no connection. There's also a ground wire that <br>goes to the outside of the Dsub9 plug. <br> <p>Pins as viewed looking at the front (chip side) of the board: <br><b><tt><font color="#009900"><font size=+1>_____________________________</font></font></tt></b> <br><tt><font size=+1> --- keyway --- <b><font color="#009900">|</font></b></font></tt> <br><tt><font size=+1> <font color="#000000">. . . . . . . .</font> <b><font color="#009900">|</font></b></font></tt> <br><tt><font size=+1> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <b><font color="#009900">|</font></b></font></tt> <br><tt><font size=+1> <b><font color="#009900">|</font></b></font></tt> <p>Wayne Stewart <br>11 March 2001 <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Where can I buy a Trackstar?</font></font> <br> <p>Emerald City Sales <br><a href="http://www.ahhz.com/">http://www.ahhz.com/</a> <p>eBay <br><a href="http://www.ebay.com/">http://www.ebay.com/</a> <p>Haggle <br><a href="http://www.haggle.com/">http://www.haggle.com/</a> <p>Comp.sys.apple2.marketplace newsgroup <br><a href="news:comp.sys.apple2.marketplace">news:comp.sys.apple2.marketplace</a> <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Where can I find more info/documentation?</font></font> <br> <p>Contact Emerald City Sales ( <a href="http://www.ahhz.com/">http://www.ahhz.com/</a> ). In 1999 they were <br>still selling a set of Xeroxed sheets from the Trackstar E manual for <br>abound $10 - $15. <p>Richard A. Cini, Jr.'s Trackstar Page <br><a href="http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/trackstar.htm">http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/trackstar.htm</a> <br><a href="http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/zips/tstar_info.zip">http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/zips/tstar_info.zip</a> <p>The Mac Geek ( Bryan G. Villados ) Trackstar Page <br><a href="http://www.macgeek.org/museum/trackstarplus/">http://www.macgeek.org/museum/trackstarplus/</a> <p>GS WorldView's archive <br><a href="http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Docs/">http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Docs/</a> <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Where can I download Trackstar utility software?</font></font> <br> <p>Emerald City Sales <br><a href="http://www.ahhz.com/">http://www.ahhz.com/</a> <p>GS WorldView's archive <br><a href="http://www.apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Utils/">http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Utils/</a> <p>Richard A. Cini, Jr.'s Trackstar Page <br><a href="http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/zips/tstar_info.zip">http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/zips/tstar_info.zip</a> <p>Also see Q/A "What is the status of TrackStar support software?" <br>below. <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>What kinds disks can a TrackStar use?</font></font> <br> <p> TrackStar can use several kinds of disks and virtual disks (files <br>on your PC that TrackStar treats like disks). On most TrackStar setups, <br>a user will be able to access ... <p>o- regular Apple II 5.25" diskettes via an attached Apple II disk drive which can <br>be set for Slot 6, Drive 1 or Slot 6, Drive 2 (using the tsutilit.com utility). <p>o- at least one virtual hard disk (up to 10MB in size) created via tsutilit.com and <br>assigned to Slot 7. The virtual hard disk will, typically have a name ending with ".hd1". <p>o- virtual "trackstore" disks. These are actually 260k files with names ending <br>in ".app", such as startup1.app. TrackStar can access trackstore files as 140k DOS 3.3 <br>or ProDOS disks at Slot 6, Drive 1 and/or Slot 6, Drive 2. <p>o- 5.25" diskettes in PC drives. This requires a special connector and, generally, <br>the presence of older PC 5.25" drives. <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>How do I connect an Apple Disk][ drive to my Trackstar E?</font></font> <p> Trackstar E can connect to a Disk ][ drive having the ribbon type cable with <br>a 20-pin connector block on the end. According to the Trackstar E manual, you <br>connect the cable to the pins at J4. The <b>colored stripe</b> on the cable must be on the <br><b>left</b> as you face the Trackstar board. <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>How do I use trackstore 'disks'?</font></font> <br> <p> Here are some 'nice to know' things about trackstore "disks": <p>o- The terms "disk" and "drive" become a bit mixed up when talking about <br>trackstore disks. Actually, TrackStar generally treats a trackstore disk like a <br>Disk ][ drive which has a 140k diskette inserted-- i.e. a drive + diskette. <p>o- You can have any number of trackstore (.app) disk files. These can be created <br>using tsutilit.com or you can duplicate an .app file by copying and renaming-- easy on <br>your PC using a utility such as Xtree. <p>o- All of the trackstore disks (.app files) which you want to be available for use <br>should be in the same PC drive and folder as your other TrackStar files. Usually, <br>this will be a folder named "TS", "TStar", etc. on your PC's C: hard drive. <p>o- The TrackStar 'Help' menu accessed by pressing F1 followed by ESC, lets you <br>freely swap in whatever trackstore disk you like as the Slot 6, Drive 1 or Slot 6, <br>Drive 2 disk so long as the particular Slot 6 drive has already been set up (via <br>tsutilit.com) as a drive which uses trackstore disks. <p>o- Tsutilit.com lets you set up your drives so that you can boot from a trackstore disk. <br>This is very handy for getting a TrackStar system 'up' and going when little useful <br>software is available on regular Apple II diskette. Trackstore disk files with good file <br>handling utilities, etc. can be downloaded, unzipped and moved into your TrackStar stuff <br>folder. These 'disks' can be booted or used to get programs onto your TrackStar's virtual <br>hard disk (or moved to an actual Apple II diskette). <p>o- By default, when you start Trackstar it will try to boot a trackstore disk (.app file) <br>named "startup" something-- e.g. "startup1.app". To have a choice of trackstore disks to <br>boot from after starting star.com, you must remove trackstore (.app) files named "startup1", <br>etc.. from your TrackStar stuff folder. (You can move them to some other folder or rename <br>them to some name besides "startup". <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Where can I get ready-to-go trackstore 'disks'?</font></font> <p> You can find a couple Trackstore images in .zip form on some <br>popular Apple II archives. One, dosutils.app, is a bootable 'DOS 3.3' <br>diskette with several utilities. The other, pdutils.app is a bootable <br>ProDOS diskette with DSK2FILE v4.3, Block Warden, Shrinkit v3.4, and <br>Copy II Plus. Look for the files at ... <p>GS WorldView's archive <br><a href="http://www.apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Utils/">http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Utils/</a> <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>What is the status of TrackStar support software?</font></font> <br> <p><b>Emerald City Sales package</b> <p> For at least the Trackstar E and, possibly, earlier Trackstars, <br>the utilities made available by Emerald City Sales (870-743-3872; <br><a href="http://www.ahhz.com/">http://www.ahhz.com/</a> ) work reasonably well. <p> One problem (for 'E' board users) is that the chief config utility, <br>tsutilit.com, is for the Plus version TrackStar. This may affect having a <br>second virtual hard disk and possibly affect the color/mono option. <p> Otherwise, this tsutilit.com has worked fine for setting up drives, <br>creating trackstore disks, and other important tasks on the TrackStar E <br>boards everyone seems to be experimenting with. Star.com seems to <br>work fine, too. <p> The startup1 trackstore disk you get from EC is, evidently, totally <br>empty-- in fact, it is not even formatted. A bootable startup1-- file <br>startup1.app-- has been sent to EC; so, maybe this has changed. (You do <br>not need to have a startup1 disk in order to use your Trackstar.) <p> The File Transfer utility is used for transferring files to-from <br>the PC part of your system and the Apple II part. It seems to work <br>fine. <br> <p><b>Trackstar E v1.3 (1988) package</b> <p> This was made available by Art Luna. It includes an improved <br>tsutilit.com which makes more options available at startup. <br> <p><b>Trackstar 128 package</b> <p> This was made available by Mike "Moose" O'Malley. <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Someone said I need to add a video output adjustment. How do I do this?</font></font> <br><font color="#FF0000">I got a TrackStar E and plugged it into our old PC. It seems to</font> <br><font color="#FF0000">be booting a diskette okay from an attacked Disk ][ drive; but,</font> <br><font color="#FF0000">the composite video doesn't give any kind of display on a</font> <br><font color="#FF0000">monitor I know is good.</font> <br> <p> When installing a TrackStar E, it was a chap to discover that <br>composite video from the board would not work with either of our <br>composite monitors-- i.e. an Amdek Color-1 and a surplus B/W monitor. <br>The monitor displays indicated that the video level from TrackStar's <br>composite output was probably too high. <p> On an Apple II+, this would be no special problem because there <br>is a mini-pot to adjust the video output level. If either monitor had <br>an adjustment for video level input, it would not be a problem, either. <br> <p> A check of the TrackStar board revealed that composite video comes <br>from the emitter of a transistor connected to ground via a 75 Ohm <br>resistor. So; the level is fixed. This output goes through a small RF <br>choke to the RCA socket on the back of the board. <p> The cure is to replace the 75 Ohm resistor with a pot. If you run <br>into a similar problem using a composite monitor with your TrackStar E, <br>here are step-by-step directions for swapping in a Video Output <br>adjustment ... <br> <p>1. On the back of the board, find the trace going to the 75 Ohm resistor <br>and the choke. (The choke is close to the RCA socket. The 75 Ohm <br>resistor is near the choke.) Cut the portion of the trace going to <br>the choke. <p>2. De-solder and remove the 75 Ohm resistor. (You can snip it off if <br>you like.) <p>3. On a 200-300 Ohm potentiometer-- I used a, roughly, 250 Ohm mini-pot-- <br>connect three leads. (The length of the leads depends upon whether you <br>have some place on the back of the PC to mount the pot or just plan to <br>put some tape around the pot and let it flop around near the board. I <br>don't know how long the leads can be before noise pickup is a problem. <br>It seems like a good idea to keep length within about 8" or so.) <p>Use three different color wires-- say White, Green, Black. Viewing the <br>pot from the back, connect White to the Left tab, Green to the middle <br>tab, and Black to the right tab. (Mainly, the Green wire needs to be <br>on the middle tab.) <p>4. Solder the Green wire to the end of the choke which used to be <br>connected to the 75 Ohm resistor-- i.e. the end _not_ going to the <br>RCA socket. <p>Solder the White wire to the place the 75 Ohm resistor used to be <br>connected which used to connect to the choke before the trace to <br>the choke was cut-- i.e. this is the point which goes to the emitter <br>of a nearby transistor. <p>Solder the Black wire to the other place the 75 Ohm resistor used to be <br>connected. This is the Ground end. <p>Note: Mixing up the White and Black leads is okay. The only reason for <br>connecting them a certain way is so that a clockwise turn of the <br>pot = increased Video Output. <p>The circuit you end up with looks like this ... <br> <p><tt> |----</tt> <br><tt> Pot /</tt> <br><tt> _______ White_____________/ emitter of transistor</tt> <br><tt> Z</tt> <br><tt> Z</tt> <br><tt> Z <----- Green -----------UUUUUUUUU-------- to RCA socket center pin</tt> <br><tt> Z Choke Composite Video Output</tt> <br><tt> Z_______ Black____</tt> <br><tt> |</tt> <br><tt> _|_</tt> <br><tt> Ground</tt> <br> <p>5. Insert the board. Find some place safe to mount the pot or let it sit <br>so no leads or metal parts touch any circuit. Connect the monitor and <br>power up the computer. Start TrackStar and adjust the pot and monitor <br>for a good display. <br> <p>Note: This gives a good B/W display. So far, I have not gotten any color <br>output from our Trackstar E. <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Ref. Pentium-class workstation internal cache and</font></font> <br><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>ThunderClock emulation</font></font> <br> <p> Some more news on the TrackStar E front. If you have a Pentium <br>class workstation or faster, disable the internal cache. I now get video <br>and the Apple drive "clatters" on Apple reboot. <p> The ThunderClock emulation is fully ThunderClock Plus compatible. <br>I ran my utility disk and, guess what, IT CONFIGURED MY PC'S TIME AND <br>DATE! ALT-ESC toggles between DOS and //e emulation. In DOS mode, I set <br>the time and date correctly and switced back. The ThunderClock Plus <br>software immediately recognized the changes and sync'd to it. <br> <p>Michael Kelsey <br>20 February 1999 <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Ref. Using a composite color monitor and and using a PC CGA monitor</font></font> <br> <p> It seems to be quite common that several TrackStar E's output a bit <br>different composite signal than a typical composite monitor expects. I <br>just tested with a composite monitor this last Friday (an Amiga model) and <br>nothing appeared. Everything remains consistent on the CGA front, though. <br>It would appear the ideal setup is to retain a CGA monitor for the <br>TrackStar E, at least until we have an opportunity to test the true <br>TrackStar E software. <br> <p>Michael Kelsey <br>7 March 1999 <br> <p> This fits with the info listed in a Trackstar E press release. The 'E <br>is supposed to support IBM MDA, Hercules, and CGA-compatible monitors as <br>well as EGA and TTL VGA when used with a multisync monitor. <br> <p>Rubywand <br> <br> <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">to top of page</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> </body> </html>