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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="Author" content="Rubywand"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Win95; U) [Netscape]"> <title>R013PHASOR Csa2 html</title> </head> <body> <address> <a NAME="top"></a><font color="#FFFFFF">.</font><font color="#666666"><font size=-1>The official Csa2 (comp.sys.apple2) Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate</font></font></address> <address> <font size=-1><font color="#666666"> from the</font> <b><font color="#009900">Gr</font><font color="#FF9900">o</font><font color="#FF0000">u</font><font color="#CC33CC">n</font><font color="#3366FF">d </font></b><font color="#666666">Apple II site. Ground Apple II administrator: Steve Nelson</font></font></address> <br><b><tt><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size=-2>.</font></font><font color="#666666">Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground Resource file: R013PHASOR.htm</font></tt></b> <br><b><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size=+2>. .<a href="A2FAQs1START.html"><img SRC="entrance.jpg" BORDER=0 height=14 width=69></a>..<a href="A2FAQs2CONTENT.html"><img SRC="contents.jpg" BORDER=0 height=14 width=67></a>.</font></font></b> <br> <br> <br> <p><b><font size=+2>PHASOR SOUND CARD MINI-MANUAL</font></b> <p><b>or All About the Applied Engineering Phasor Apple ][ Sound Card!</b> <p><b>Compiled and edited by Charles T. Turley</b> <br> <p>I've wanted to have a Phasor Apple ][ Sound Card for years, if for nothing <br>else, just to be able to check it out and see exactly what it can and can't <br>do. Ever sense I saw it at an AppleFest show, at the Applied Engineering <br>booth display, I've been looking around for a Phasor sound card at a really <br>reasonable price. <p>The Phasor is fairly rare and hard to fine today. As I recall, less than a <br>thousand were sold. I was lucky to find a nearly new Phasor Apple ][ Sound <br>Card for $3 (US) in a local flea market just last weekend. The Phasor hasn't <br>been commercially made and sold ever sense Applied Engineering went out of <br>business.These days your best place to find one would be in Apple ][ <br>computer swaps, used computer stores, bargain stores, thrift shops, flea <br>markets, BBS', usergroups or ocassionally they might be offered for sale or <br>trade in the newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2.marketplace. <p>Another possible source for the card, manual and/or software from Australia <br>is noted below. <p>Applied Engineering <br>Terry Cass <br>13 Sunlight Drive <br>Burleigh Waters 4220 <br>Gold Coast Qld. <br>Phone 61 7 55 75 9099 <br>Fax 61 7 55 78 8874 <p>Terry was a former distributors of AE equipment in the SE Asia region, and <br>now repairs AE equipment and cards, as well as continuing to sell stock left <br>since AE went out of business. <br> <p>Phasor is a MockingBoard compatible style sound card that was made and sold <br>by Applied Engineering. Looking at the software that comes with the Phasor <br>may be helpful to MB users. If you should be able to obtain one of these <br>Phasor sound cards but, didn't get the manual and/or software with it, <br>perhaps the following might be of help to you. The software consist of four <br>5.25 disks and the information concerning them, their functionality and <br>where to obtain them is listed with links below. <br> <br> <p>Software name: Phasor (AE sound card) utility disk <p>Computers: Apple IIe, Apple IIgs <p>Disk Operating System: ProDOS 8 <br> <p>Contents of Disks: Utilities for the Applied Engineering Phasor Sound Card. <p>Configuration & Test Utilities <br>Music Player <br>Speech Program <br>Songs and noises <br>Music Editor <br>Sound Builder <p>------------------------------------------------------------------------- <p><a href="ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor1.dsk">ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor1.dsk</a> <br><a href="ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor2.dsk">ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor2.dsk</a> <br><a href="ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor3.dsk">ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor3.dsk</a> <br><a href="ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor4.dsk">ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/sound/phasor4.dsk</a> <p>------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <p>As noted above, the utilites are currently available on disk image files from the <br>Asimov ftp archive site. They can be converted to Apple ][ 5.25 disks for <br>use with the Phasor card in your Apple ][ by using the Apple ][ program <br>DSK2FILE (v4.3 or 5.5.). DSK2FILE is available from Ground and other <br>archives. (see <a href="Csa2FLUTILS.html">File Utilities</a>.) <p>The Phasor is an amazing and uniquely designed Apple ][/IIgs sound card. It <br>works with the Apple IIgs but, WILL NOT function as a true Stereo card with <br>any IIgs program that uses the actual Ensoniq DOC chip. <p>The Phasor provides twelve sound channels with a varity of wave-form <br>patterns and effects included, a lot like FM-synthesis. The Phasor sound <br>card has four white noise generators and a unique one-voice synthesized <br>speech channel, expandable to 2 speech channels. The Phasor also features <br>it's own 4 watt amplifier that can drive stereo speakers (left & right). <br>It's compatible with most older sound cards, like the Mockingboard, ALF, SMS <br>and Echo+. <p>The four DIP switches control emulation modes and standard Apple ][ internal <br>speaker sound-level (only if you disconnect internal speaker and have old <br>speaker toggling sent to Phasor). Switches #1 and #2 are for emulations. <br>Switches #3 and #4 control your old internal speaker sounds, provided you <br>have the speaker disconnected and the pin located on motherboard connected <br>to Phasor sound card <p>You can set Low, Medium and High volume with three different DIP positions. <br>The DIP positions won't alter the Phasor music/sound however. To do that, <br>you must turn those two pots you asked about. Each controls either the left <br>or right stereo channel. Turning them clock-wise increases volume, and you <br>probably don't want this too high up, or sound gets distorted! Put both on <br>an equal setting, unless you want one channel louder/softer than the other. <br> <p>Phasor DIP switch emulation modes: <br>______________________________________________ <p><tt>Native Phasor mode: 1: closed, 2: closed</tt> <br><tt>Mockingboard mode: 1: opened, 2: closed</tt> <br><tt>Echo+ mode: 1: opened, 2: opened</tt> <br> <p>The Phasor is more of a II+ and IIe sound, speech and stereo card. But, can <br>be used with the IIgs, virtually bypassing the Ensoniq DOC in every respect. <br>Actually it is a jazzed out styled Mockingboard clone stereo, speech, sound <br>card, all in one card. It can function with it's programs as; music player, <br>speech program, song and noise creation utility, Music Editor and special <br>effects sound Builder In the IIgs it's a real tight fit, but it does fit. It <br>works in the IIgs just fine.Bbut there is little reason to install it in one <br>beyond having the better sound built-in. IIgs specific stereo digitizers <br>and/or sound cards using the Ensoniq DOC are more impressive. However, it's <br>possible to have and use both the Phasor and other Stereo digitizers and/or <br>sound cards in the IIgs. <p>There are four sound chips (General Instrument AY-3-8913) on the Phasor <br>each capable of 3 voices and 1 white noise generator. So, totaled it <br>presents 12 voices plus 4 white noise channels. There's also a fifth sound <br>chip that's speech synthesis specific, labeled (SSI263 AP) N8513, with an <br>empty socket next to it, if you want to add another, if two voices talking <br>at the same time are desired. It does clean stereo output and also has a <br>four watt amplifier on the card. With the DIP switch settings you can use <br>three modes: Native Phasor mode, Mockingboard emulation and Echo+ <br>emulation. <p>The game Ultima V is supported by the Phasor sound card. As should be most <br>Mockingboard specific games and all such Apple ][ sound related software. <br>However, some programs do search for either a specific ID byte or address to <br>locate the presence of a Phasor card and use of it. <p>The Phasor sound card was sold new with the utilities listed earlier on two <br>5.25 double sided disks. <br> <p>General references and information derived from; <br>Deja News Archives: 1995 thru 1997 <br>http://www.dejanews.com <br> <p><b><a href="#top">to top</a></b> <br> <br> </body> </html>