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The comp.sys.apple2 Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate from the Ground Apple II archive. Administrator: Steve Nelson Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground resource file: R012echo.txt Echo Speech Synthesizer Mini-Manual Notes: This is a pure Text file which has no Font, Color, etc. formatting and no set line length. For best viewing on-line, set browser Word Wrap to ON or copy to your favorite Text viewer and set Word Wrap. Ex: On PC use WordPad with Options set to "Wrap to Window". To correctly view tables and diagrams on a super-res display, use a mono-spaced Font such as CoPilot or PCMononspaced. ___________________________ ECHO ][ SPEECH SYNTHESIZER MINI-MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS ______________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION INSTALLATION SPEECH GENERATOR SPEAKING FROM WITHIN AN APPLESOFT PROGRAM WORD STRUCTURE SPEECH EDITOR SPEECH EDITOR COMMANDS PHRASE CONSTRUCTION SAMPLE VOCABULARY SAMPLE PROGRAM HANGUPS? SPEECH EDITOR EXAMPLE PROGRAM EXAMPLE TABLES APPENDIX - SAMPLE VOCABULARY INTRODUCTION Until recently, speech generation by a micro-computer required a fair amount of memory storage and hardware. With the advent of "Linear Predictive Coding" (a mathematical method of simulating the human vocal tract) the amount of memory needed to store speech was greatly reduced. Instead of storing the actual speech signal, only those LPC parameters needed to describe each particular speech sound are stored. This allows programs to have a large resident vocabulary without having to access a disk or tape every time an alternate response is needed. As an illustration, the sample vocabulary supplied with the ECHO ][ contains all of the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and over 100 other words in less than 2K of memory. The heart of the ECHO ][ is Texas Instrument's TMS 5200 speech processor. This integrated circuit is an upgraded version of the one used in the Speak & Spell (TM of Texas Instruments) that has been modified for use with an eight bit processor. The ECHO ][ has been designed so that all of the features of the TMS 5200 may be used with the APPLE, however only RAM based speech is used with the initial operating system. Empty sockets have been provided for standard vocabulary ROMs when they become available. The initial operating system is a RAM based phoneme system that was designed to provide flexibility and a further increase in memory efficiency over straight encoded words. By using the SPEECH EDITOR the user may create any word or phrase that he desires to have spoken from a program. This code is in a compact form and contains information on the sound, pitch, and duration of each phoneme. A second program called SPEECH GENERATOR is a binary program which interprets this code and passes the correct parameters to the ECHO ][ to speak the word. Only the SPEECH GENERATOR (1K bytes) and the actual vocabulary (10 to 20 bytes/word) are needed for a program to speak. The address of the word to be spoken is "poked" to the SPEECH GENERATOR and a call is made to initiate the speech. The sections which follow discuss in detail how to install the card and the different components of the software system and how they are implemented. Following that is a step by step example of how to use the speech editor to create words and then a short program of how to access them from APPLESOPT basic. It is suggested that you read over the next sections first and then work through the example to become familiar with the system. You may also want to list the sample programs (RECITE and TALKING TYPEWRITER) or examine portions of the sample vocabulary with the SPEECH EDITOR as further examples. INSTALLATION Before installing the ECHO ][ be sure all power is disconnected from the computer. The ECHO ][ card may be plugged into any of slots 2 thru 5 of the APPLE ][. The speaker cord should be attached to the terminals on the back of the speaker and then plugged into the jack on the back of the ECHO ][ card. Replace the cover and the installation is complete. There is a short subroutine located within the SPEECH GENERATOR which will determine which slot the ECHO ][ is located in. This should be "called" at the start of a program before any speech is attempted and will be discussed in the next section. The SPEECH EDITOR disk is a 13 sector disk copied using DOS 3.2.1 and will not run on a DOS 3.3 system without first using the BOOT13 utility, It is suggested that a backup disk be made as soon as possible to protect its contents. If you have DOS 3.3 you may "muffin" it at this time. SPEECH GENERATOR The SPEECH GENERATOR is a 1K binary module that contains the actual phoneme codes, routines for processing these codes along with their variables (pitch, length, and volume), and the routine for locating the ECHO ][ slot. If you "catalog" the supplied disk, you will see four different versions of the SPEECH GENERATOR. Each version resident in a different portion of memory to accommodate the HIRES pages and different size systems. The locations of these routines and their associated entry points are listed in TABLE 1 at the end of the manual. The Speak routine takes the compressed speech data beginning at the starting address (specified by the "calling" program), processes it, and then outputs it to the ECHO ][ for speaking. It will keep processing successive bytes of information until is comes actor's an "end" command ( HEX "AC" ) which is tacked onto the end of each word by the SPEECH EDITOR. At that point speech is terminated and control is returned to the main program. The SETSLT routine actually "looks" for the ECHO ][ card and then modifies the Speak routine accordingly. This routine should be called at the start of any speech program since different programs may be using different locations for the SPEECH GENERATOR. If your card is installed in slot 5 you don't really need to use the SETSLT routine, however if you change the location of the ECHO ][ card the program will not function properly. The SETSLT routine is also useful for determining whether there is an ECHO ][ card installed in the system. That way a program where speech is an enhancement but not a necessity may still be run without the speech. To do this a "PEEK" needs to be made to the location called "SLOT" (see Table 1). If the SETSLT routine cannot find an ECHO ][ card it will set this location to 16 (10 Hex). An example is listed below: 10 LOBYTE = 16384: HYBYTE = 16385: SPEAK = 16386: NXTSPK = 16398: SLOT =16413: SETSLT = 17313 20 ECHO = 1: CALL SETSLT: X = PEEK (SLOT): IF X = 16 THEN ECHO =0 In the above listing a flag labeled "ECHO" was set to one if a speech card was present or zero if there wasn't. This may be used later in the program to bypass speech routines which could cause the program to "hang" if no card was being used. SPEAKING FRON WITHIN AN APPLESOFT PROGRAM In order for the SPEECH GENERATOR to say a word, it has to know the starting address of the word. Since BASIC deals with decimal numbers and the SPEECH GENERATOR deals with binary numbers, the address will have to be split into two portions and then poked to the SPEECH GENERATOR with two separate pokes. For convenience the addresses for these pokes have been labeled "HIBYTE" and "LOBYTE" and are listed in TABLE 1. A short routine to accomplish this is shown below: 100 AH = INT (ADD / 256) : AL = ADD - AH * 256 110 POKE HIBYTE, AH : POKE LOBYTE, AL Once that has been accomplished a call to the SPEAK routine will cause the word to be spoken. From a binary program the same thing may be accomplished with two STA instructions followed by a JSR. WORD STRUCTURE Words may be broken up into separate and distinct sounds or phonemes. The ECHO ][ SPEECH EDITOR uses a set of forty-one possible phonemes along with two different types of pauses and a stop command (automatically appended at the end of words]. In general, voiced sounds (see Table 2) have variable pitch, duration, and volume. Unvoiced sounds (see Table 3) have these variables preset. There are sixteen different pitch levels available for voiced sounds. these range from one (highest) to sixteen (lowest). Varying the pitch allows the computer to ask questions or make exclamations. If the pitch is all one level, the speech will have a monotonic or robotic sound. The length of each voiced sound may be specified as being from one to eight 25 millisecond "frames" long. Unvoiced sounds are preset to be anywhere from two to five frames long depending on the sound. The "PA1" is the exception. This stops speech activity 25 to 200 milliseconds specified in 25 millisecond increments. The primary use of the "PA1" is between words within a phrase or before stop plosives ("8","K","T",etc.). THE "PA" pause gives a delay of 25 milliseconds however there is still some sound occurring during this period although it is faint. There are eight available volume levels ranging from one(softest) to eight loudest. The usual range is from five to eight for vowel sounds except when tapering off at the end of some words. Many commonly used sounds are made up of a combination of phonemes. An example is the sound "oh". To produce this sound an "01" sound must be followed by an "02" sound. Some other examples are "eye" ("AH","I","E") and "oooh" ("U1","U2"). SPEECH EDITOR The SPEECH EDITOR is an APPLESOFT program which allows you to construct custom words and phrases for the ECHO ][. Basically, it arranges the sounds according to line numbers. These lines may be added to, deleted, modified, and inserted as necessary during word construction. When the word is finished it may be "saved" to RAM which also will assemble it into the format the SPEECH GENERATOR requires. From there it may also be "saved" to the disk for later use. The word or phrase may be spoken at any time during the process to verify it for the correct sounds. The EDITOR commands are described in detail below and are also listed in TABLE 4. Only those letters enclosed in parenthesis actually need to be typed in for the command to be recognized. There are two modes which the EDITOR operates in. In the command mode, you will be prompted by a "#" and you may enter any of the commands listed below. In the add mode you will be expected to provide a sound or number specifying one of the variables. If you type a letter when a number is expected you will be asked to "RETYPE?". To exit the add mode and return to the command mode press the "RETURN" key When the cursor is in the "SOUND" column. SPEECH EDITOR COMMANDS (A)DD - This command puts you in the add mode and allows you to add sounds to the end of the current word or phrase. You will be asked for the sound for each line and also the variables if it is a voiced sound or "PA1". To exit this mode press the "RETURN" key when the cursor is in the sound column. (AP)PEND - You may add a word or phrase from memory to the end of the current word or phrase. Keep in mind that there is a maximum of forty lines for the current word or phrase. To construct a longer phrase see the section on phrase construction. (C)ATALOG - This causes a DOS catalog of the current disk drive and then returns you to the command mode. (D)ELETE - When this command is entered you will be asked which line number you wish to delete. That line will be deleted and all subsequent lines will be shifted down one line to fill its place. (END) - This exits the SPEECH EDITOR, clears the screen, and returns you to APPLESOFT. (I)NSERT - If you wish to add lines within a word use this command. You will be asked which line you wish to insert the new line(s) in front of. This command puts you in the add mode however all new lines are inserted within the word rather than at the end. To exit press "RETURN". (L)IST - Re-lists the current word or phrase. If you wish to pause during the listing (useful if there is more than one screen of text) you may press the "SPACE BAR" and the listing will be halted. To resume the listing press the "SPACE BAR" again. This is similar to pressing CTRL-S when listing APPLESOFT programs. (LO)AD - When this is entered you will be asked whether you wish to load code from the current disk drive or if you wish to load text from the memory into the current word buffer. If you are accessing the disk, you will be asked for the name of the file along with the address to load it into. If you are loading text from memory you will have to specify the starting address. It will then load up to forty lines until it encounters a stop command within the text. If there are more than forty lines you will get a beep and a '*BUFFER FULL" warning. (M)ODIFY - This allows you to modify a line that has previously been entered. It is essentially the same as a "DELETE" command followed by an "INSERT" command. You will be asked which line you wish to modify. You will enter the add mode and all new lines will be inserted at that location. (N)EW - Clears the current word buffer so you may start formation of a new word. You will be asked if it is OK to clear. Any response other than a "Y" or a "YES" will abort the command. (PR)INT - If you wish to make a hard copy of the current word or phrase makeup use this command. You will be asked to type in the title which will be printed at the top of the listing. All output is printed to Slot #1. (SA)VE - You may save the current text to memory or code within memory to the current disk drive. If you are saving text you will be asked for the starting address to save it to. Keep a record of this and how many bytes are saved (it tells you) for future reference. A stop command is automatically added to the end of the word as it is saved. This is included in the total number of bytes that it tells you have been saved. If you are saving code to the disk, you must specify the file name, the starting address, and the number of bytes to be saved. (SP)EAK - By entering this command you may hear whatever is in the current buffer. This is useful for "debugging" words during construction. Like all other commands, this command is only available when in the command mode. (SPM)ENORY - This will speak words or phrases that have been previously stored in memory. You will be asked for the starting address at which time whatever is stored there will be spoken. PHRASE CONSTRUCTION There are a few different ways in which words may be strung together to form phrases. For a short phrase you will want to load or enter the first word into the SPEECH EDITOR buffer and then append each additional word. You will then want to go back and insert a "PA1" in between each word. For longer phrases that include more than forty lines, each new word will have to be saved into memory directly following the previous one. Keep in mind that previously saved words will have a stop command tacked onto the end of them so save the new word one byte short of the actual calculated address (starting address of the previous word plus the number of bytes saved). You will also want to start each new word with a "PA1" so that there will be a pause between the words. Do not put the "PA1" at the end of the old word because it may cause the system to "hang" when it is spoken from the SPEECH EDITOR. One other way of producing a longer phrase is that used in the sample program "RECITE" on the disk. Unlike the method above, the stop commands are not eliminated and no "PA1" pauses are inserted. The starting address of the first word is given to the SPEECH GENERATOR and it is spoken in the normal fashion. Then for each successive word to be spoken a call is made to the "NXTSPK" routine. The SPEECH GENERATOR will already be painting to the next byte in memory after speaking the previous word so it will already have the address of the next word. To use this type of Phrase you must know how many total words are to be spoken and then do the same number of calls to the "SPEAK" and "NXTSPK" routines. SAMPLE VOCABULARY The sample vocabulary on the enclosed disk contains 175 words, letters, and numbers for use from within your programs or as examples on coding your own words. The file name of the code is "VOCABULARY" and should be loaded into address 17408. A complete listing of the words and their starting addresses is given in the appendix at the back of this manual. "VOCABULARY" may be loaded into other parts of memory but the starting addresses will have to be modified accordingly when accessing words from a program. SAMPLE PROGRAMS There are two sample programs provided on the disk. The first one, "TALKING TYPEWRITER" will say each letter and number as it is typed on the keyboard. The second one, "RECITE" will say each word of the sample vocabulary. Both of these programs are APPLESOFT programs and are run in the usual manner. HANGUPS? If you try to speak a phrase that begins or ends with a "PA1" or has two "PA1's" embedded in it, the entire program may "hang". It may also "hang" if you give it the starting address of some other data rather than phoneme encoded data. When this occurs the only way to regain control of the computer is to press reset. If you are using the speech editor you may return to the program with variables intact by entering "GOTO 1000". You will have to re-list the current word or phrase and you will no longer have the headings at the top of the screen. There is another problem that may occur anytime after the above situation occurs or if RESET is pressed when the ECHO ][ is talking. The next time SETSLT is called to find which slot the ECHO ][ is in, it probably won't find it. There are two ways to get around this without having to turn off the computer and reboot from scratch. One is to always install the ECBO ][ card in slot 5 and never use the SETSLT routine. The other is to POKE "255" to one of the addresses which pulls the DEVICE SELECT (PIN 41) low on the slot the ECHO ][ is in. SPEECH EDITOR EXAMPLE In this section we will use the SPEECH EDITOR to generate and save the phrase "an Apple ][ computer" and then write a short APPLESOFT program to say the lar9et phrase "This is an Apple ][ computer". Before proceeding you should install the ECHO ][ card according to the directions previously given. To begin you should boot up the supplied disk and run the SPEECH EDITOR program. After it has finished loading from the disk your screen should be blank except for the headings at the top and you should be prompted with a "0". Whenever this prompt is displayed the program is waiting for a command. For clarity, in this example we will always list an entire command rather than just the first letter(s). All commands ate followed by a <CR>. Since you will be using some of the words from the sample vocabulary, you will have to first load it from the disk into memory. To do this type in the command: LOAD. You are then given two options: to load code from the disk or to load text from memory. You want to load code from the disk so enter "1". Next you will be asked for the file name. The sample vocabulary is saved under the name of "VOCABULARY" so type this in. When it asks for what address to load it into type in "17408". All addresses listed in the back of this manual assume that the vocabulary has been loaded into this location. After the file has been loaded you should be back in the control mode of the editor and the "#" should reappear. The first word of our phrase is "an". This is not one of the words in the sample vocabulary but can easily be made by modifying the word "and". Once again you will want to use the LOAD command, however this time you will want to use option "2" instead of "1". When asked for the address to load the text from you should enter the address listed in the appendix for "and". This is "17434" so type it in now. After a brief pause your screen should appear as follows: LINE# SOUND PITCH LENGTH VOLUME 17 PA1 2 18 K 19 UH 7 3 6 20 M 8 2 6 21 PA1 1 22 P 23 Y 4 1 6 24 IU 4 1 6 25 U2 4 3 6 26 PA1 1 27 T 28 ER 6 2 6 29 ER 8 2 6 30 ER 10 2 5 After pressing <CR> to return to the command mode the entire buffer will be re-listed on the screen. Since the screen isn't long enough to accommodate the entire buffer the first lines will no longer appear. To re-examine the first lines, enter the LIST command and while it is listing press the space bar. The listing will halt at that point and will continue only when the space bar is pressed again. A listing may be stopped and restarted in this manner as many times as desired. Now that the phrase "an apple two computer" has been finished it needs to be saved to memory and then to the disk for future use. The SPEECH EDITOR and SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE2 use memory locations below 17408. Likewise, the sample vocabulary resides in memory locations 17408 to 19399. Therefore when you save the phrase you just constructed it should be put above these locations. To save the phrase enter the SAVE command. As with the LOAD command you will be asked whether you are saving text to memory or memory to disk. Enter a "2" for text to memory and when you are asked for the address to save to enter "19400". Note how many bytes were saved (56) because you will need to know that to save it to the disk. The compressed binary code for your phrase is now in memory starting at address 19400. To save the phrase to the disk once again enter the SAVE command, but this time select the first option. For a file name you can use "AN APPLE TWO COMPUTER" and for the address to save from type in the address where it was previously saved, in this case 19400. The length of the phrase is 56 bytes as noted above. At this point the entire vocabulary to say the phrase "this is an apple two computer" is stored either within the sample vocabulary or within the file that you just created. The entire phrase could have been constructed and placed within a single file but in order to more effectively demonstrate how to access speech from within a program you will be accessing a combination of single words and a phrase. The program listed will say the sample phrase every time a <CR> is pressed. The "REM" statements pretty well explain its operation and what portion of the program does what. 10 HIMEM: 7167 15 REM SETS HIMEM BELOW THE LOCATION OF THE SPEECH ROUTINES. 20 D$ = CHRS (4) 25 REIUI SETS D$ UP AS A CONTROL-D FOR DOS COMMANDS. 30 PRINT D$;"BLOAD SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE0" 35 REM LOADS IN THE SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE0 INTO $1C00 TO $1CFF. 40 PRINT D$;"BLOAD VOCABULARY" 45 REM LOADS THE SAMPLE VOCABULARY INTO LOCATION 17408. 50 PRINT D$;"BLOAD AN APPLE TWO COMPUTER" 55 REM LOADS THE PHRASE INTO LOCATION 19400. 60 LOBYTE = 7168:HIBYTE = 7169:SPEAK = 7170:NXTSPK = 7182:SLOT = 7197: SETSLT = 8097 65 REM SETS UP THE VARIOUS ADDRESSES USED WITH SPEECH GENERATOR.CODEO. 70 CALL SETSLT:A = PEEK (SLOT): IF A = 16 THEN HOME : PRINT "PLEASE INSERT AN ECHO II CARD": END 75 REM DETERMINES WHICH SLOT THE ECHO II CARD IS IN. IF NO CARD IS INSTALLED IT WARNS THE USER AND ENDS THE PROGRAM. 80 HOME : INPUT "PRESS THE <CR> FOR A DEMOSTRATION ";X$ 85 REM CLEARS THE SCREEN AND WAITS FOR A COMMAND TO START. 90 ADD = 19070: GOSUB 200 95 REM SETS UP THE ADDRESS FOR THE WORD "THIS" AND THEN JIMPS TO THE ROUTINE THAT WILL OUTPUT THE ADDRESS AND SPEAK IT. 100 FOR A = 1 TO 100: NEXT 105 REM CAUSES A PAUSE BETWEEN THE WORDS "THIS" AND "IS". 110 ADD = 18184: GOSUB 200 115 REM SETS UP THE ADDRESS FOR THE WORD "IS" AND THEN JUMPS TO THE ROUTINE THAT WILL OUTPUT THIS ADDRESS AND SPEAK IT. 120 FOR A = 1 TO 100: NEXT 125 REM CAUSES A PAUSE BETWEEN THE WORD "IS" AND THE FOLLOWING PHRASE. 130 ADD = 19400: GOSUB 200 135 REM SETS UP THE ADDRESS FOR THE PHRASE "AN APPLE TWO COMPUTER" AND THEN JUMPS TO THE ROUTINE THAT WILL OUTPUT THE ADDRESS AND THEN SPEAK IT. 140 GOTO 80 200 AH = INT (ADD/256):AL = ADD -AH * 256 205 REMI SPLITS THE ADDRESS UP INTO HIGH AND LOW ADDRESSES LESS THAN 256 AND THAT CAN BE POKED INTO A BINARY ROUTINE. 210 POKE HIBYTE,AH: POKE LOBYTE,AL 215 REM POKES THE ADDRESSES DETERMINED ABOVE INTO THE LOCATIONS USED BY THE SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE. 220 CALL SPEAK 225 REM THIS CALLS THE ROUTINE THAT SPEAKS THE WORD OR PHRASE STARTING AT THE ADDRESS POKED ABOVE. 230 RETURN TABLE 1 -SPEECH GENERATOR ADDRESSES SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE0 - $1COO TO S1FFF SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE1 - $3COO TO $3FFF SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE2 - S4000 TO $43FF SPEECH GENERATOR.CODE3 - $6000 TO $63FF VER LOBYTE HIBYTE SPEAK NXTSPK SLOT SETSLT 0 7168 7169 7170 7182 7197 8097 $1C00 $1C01 $1C02 $1COE $1C1D $1FA1 1 15360 15361 15362 15374 15389 16289 $3C00 $3C01 $3C02 $3COE $3C1D $3FA1 2 16384 16385 16386 16398 16413 17313 $4000 $4001 $4002 $400E $401D $43A1 3 24576 24577 24578 24590 24605 25505 $6000 $6001 $6002 $600E $601D $63A1 TABLE 2 - SOUNDS WITH SELECTABLE VARIABLES Al - late E - speak M - many OO2 - book A2 - late EH - letter N - nice U1 - tune AE - dad ER - hurry NG - long U2 - tune AH - bother I - finger O1 - oh UH - fun AW - call IU - you O2 - oh Y - you L - like OO1 - book PA1 - pause TABLE 3 - SOUNDS WITH PRESET VARIABLES B - baby G - get R - red TH1 - then CH - choose H - hello S - see V - very D - dog J - jet SH - shoe W - will DT - butter K - kick T - too Z - zero F - if P - print TH - think PA - pause TABLE 4 - SPEECH EDITOR COMMANDS (A)DD (END) (N)EW (AP)PEND (I)NSERT (PR)INT (C)ATALOG (L)IST (SA)VE (D)ELETE (LO)AD (SP)EAK (M)ODIFY (SPM)EMORY APPENDIX - SAMPLE VOCABULARY A...........17408 ADDED.......17425 ANSWER......17444 ADD.........17417 AND.........17434 APPLE.......17457 B...........17469 BLUE........17490 BYTE........17510 BLACK.......17477 BY..........17502 C...........17521 CLOSE.......17551 CONTROL.....17595 CATALOG.....17532 COLOR.......17570 CORRECT.....17610 CENTS.......17548 COMMA.......17583 D...........17624 DISK........17670 DO..........17724 DATE........17632 DIVIDE......17680 DOLLARS.....17732 DECIMAL.....17641 DIVIDED.....17695 DON'T.......17747 DELETE......17656 DRIVE.......17713 E...........17758 ELEVEN......17800 ERROR.......17B51 EIGHT.......17765 END.........17815 ESCAPE......17862 EIGHTEEN....17775 ENTER.......17825 EXCLAMATION.17B74 EIGHTY......17789 EQUALS......17838 F...........17899 FIRST.......17942 FORTY.......17975 FALSE.......17905 FILE........17953 FOUR........17987 FIFTEEN.....17916 FIVE........17965 FOURTEEN....17997 FIFTY.......17930 G...........18012 GOOD........18028 GUESS.......1B048 GAME........180ZO GREEN.......18039 H...........18057 HELP........1S075 HUNDRED.....18098 HELLO.......18065 HIGH........18088 I...........18112 INCORRECT...18134 IS..........18184 IF..........18121 INPUT.......18153 IT..........18190 IN..........18127 INSERT......18168 J...........18198 K...........18206 KEY.........18214 KEYBOARD....1B222 L...........18236 LIST........18256 LOW.........18279 LEFT........18245 LOAD........18267 M...........1B290 MILLION.....18328 MULTIPLY....18355 MANY........18301 MINUS ......18341 MULTIPLIED..18376 MEMORY......18314 N...........18398 NINE........18431 N0..........18480 NAME........18409 NINETEEN....18442 NOW.........18489 NEXT........18418 NINETY......18462 NUMBER......18497 0...........18510 ONE.........18534 OR..........18555 OFF.........18519 OPEN........18542 OUT.........18564 ON..........18525 P...........18573 PERIOD......18614 PRESS.......1B648 PARENTHESIS.18583 PLUS........18627 PRINT.......18658 PERCENT.....18600 POUND.......18638 PROGRAM.....18670 Q...........186S5 QUESTION....18697 R...........18711 REMOVE......18729 RETURN......18759 RED.........18720 REPEAT......18743 RIGHT.......18774 S...........18785 SEVENTY.....18864 SPELL........18933 SAVE........18792 SIX.........18878 START.......18942 SECOND......18801 SIXTEEN.....18888 STOP........18953 SEMICOLON...18814 SIXTY.......18903 SUBTRACT....18964 SEVEN.......18835 SORRY.......18915 SUBTRACTED..18979 SEVENTEEN...18845 SPACE.......18925 T...........18997 THIRTEEN....19047 TRY.........19109 TAPE........19007 THIRTY......19060 TRUE........19119 THAT........19016 THIS........19070 TWELVE......19128 TEN.........19025 THOUSAND....19077 TWENTY......19140 THE.........19033 THREE.......19089 TWO.........19151 THE1........19041 TIME........19098 TYPE........19159 U...........19170 UH OH.......191B1 UNDERSTAND..19190 V...........19207 VALUE.......19217 W...........19231 WHERE.......19277 WILL........19303 WAS.........19249 WHITE.......19285 WITH........19311 WHAT........19258 WHO.........19295 WRONG.......19318 WHEN........19269 X...........19326 Y...........19335 YES.........19358 YOUR........19366 YELLOW......19345 Z...........19377 ZERO........19387 END OF FILE.19399