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DOS 3.3 Dump ref file: dos33dmp.zip Contents of dos33dmp.zip dos33.dmp dos33dmpinfo.txt (copy of this file) DOS 3.3 Dump is DOS 3.3 in an Apple II Text file. The purpose of the the dump file (dos33.dmp)is to make it possible for users without DOS 3.3 and without any Apple II telecom program to obtain DOS 3.3 from the net. Once you have DOS 3.3, you can obtain ADT and have a way to transfer 5.25" .dsk disk image files. How to Get DOS 3.3 1. Downloading Download dos33dmp.zip to your net computer and uncompress it using WinZIP or some similar utility. You will have dos33.dmp and a copy of these directions in a .txt file. 2. Transferring DOS 3.3 Note: These directions are for transferring from a PC. They generally apply to transfers from other computers. You will need a NULL modem cable to connect the PC and the Apple II. If you don't have one, you can make your own (see the Csa2 newsgroup Apple II FAQs http://home.swbell.net/rubywand/Csa2T1TCOM.html ) or buy a modem cable and NULL modem adaptor. Note: if you have a genuine Apple Super Serial Card, you do not need a null modem cable. Simply set the jumper on the card to "terminal" rather than "modem", and use a standard "straight-through" cable. Thanks to Greg Bennett for this tip. PC Setup On the PC, start a comm program, set it for 300 baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit and no parity (e.g. 300 baud, "8N1"). You want to send dos33.dmp using a plain Text (or "ASCII") transfer. Any option to add a line feed to the end-of-line character should be OFF. To transfer Text with HyperTerm you click on "Transfer" and select "Send Text File". In order for this to work well sending files to the Apple II you must first have defined a connection setup (in Files, select New Connection). Once you have defined the connection setup, you save it under some name like "A2at300.ht". From then on, whenever you start HyperTerm, you can click Files and select Open and pick your connection setup from a list which will include A2at300.ht and any other setups you have created. Note: By the way, the Files menu relates to these connection setups, not to stuff you want to send. You pick stuff to send (or a directory to receive to) when you click Transfer and make a choice like Send File or Send Text File. Once you choose a Transfer activity, you will be able to Browse folders. Here is an example of a good 300 baud HyperTerm setup (entries to make after selecting New Connection" under Files): 1- "Phone Number" page Connect using= Direct to Com 1 Click on Configure and set Bits per second= 300 Data bits= 8 Parity= None Stop bits= 1 Flow control= None (You should not need to change any Advanced settings) Click OK Click on the "Settings" page tab 2- "Settings" page Terminal keys is selected Emulation= TTY Backscroll buffer lines= 500 (You should not need to change Terminal Setup) Click on ASCII Setup Send line ends with line feeds is _not_ selected Echo typed characters locally is not selected (probably does not matter) Line delay= 400 milliseconds Character delay= 0 milliseconds Append line feeds ... is not selected Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCII is _not_ selected Wrap lines that exceed terminal width is selected Click OK Click OK again to finish. Then, click Files and do a Save As to save the new setup. Apple II Setup With no diskette in the drive, do a PR#6. If necessary, do a Reset to get to the usual BASIC prompt. (The reason for this way of starting up is that you want a fairly blank system when you transfer DOS 3.3.) Set up your serial port (or card) for 300 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Apple II INput needs to be set to your serial port or card). IIgs: On a IIgs, Slot 2 must be set to "Modem Port" and the modem cable must be plugged into the Modem Port (the serial port near the right side as you face the front of the IIgs). Go to the IIgs Control Panel and check that Slot 2 is set to "Modem Port". Set Modem Port speed to 300 baud. All of the other settings can be at their default (checked) settings. Then, enter IN#2. Note: If Slot 2 was set to "Your Card", you will probably need to turn OFF the IIgs after changing the setting to "Modem Port" and, then, power ON again in order for the new setting to take effect. Other Apple II's: If your Apple II uses a serial board which is not compatible with the Apple Super Serial Card follow the procedure for your particular card to set 300 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. At some point you should enter IN#x (where x is the Slot your serial card is in). For an Apple II with a Super Serial Card (or compatible serial card or port), enter IN#x, where x is the Slot your serial card is in (or the Slot associated with your built-in serial port). Typically, this will be Slot 2. Usually, the SSC (or port) will be set for 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity by default. Set the speed to 300 baud by typing the three characters: Control-A 6 B. After all of this, your Apple II should be waiting for input and the PC telecom program should be running and waiting for you to do something. So, 'Send Text File' dos33.dmp. Note: Your 'Send Text File' option may automatically show only files ending with ".txt" as available for sending. If this happens, click the 'All Files' option in your Send window to find dos33.dmp. On your Apple II screen, you should see code being entered. DOS 3.3 is being 'typed in' much as you would type it in from the keyboard except it is being done via the telecom connection. It should take roughly 20 minutes to send dos33.dmp. The send should end with DOS 3.3 installed and the usual BASIC prompt showing on your Apple II. Before doing anything else, insert a standard 5.25" double-density diskette into Drive 1 and enter INIT HELLO (i.e. type in INIT HELLO and press RETURN). The drive should spin and your diskette should be INITed. INIT HELLO for the back of the diskette (as a backup). When the file dos33.dmp is 'typed in', you get a fairly workable DOS 3.3 install. However, some vectors are not set and not all DOS 3.3 software would function. To get a properly set up DOS 3.3, boot the newly INITed diskette. (You can enter PR#6 to boot a disk in Slot 6 Drive 1.) Since there is actually no Hello program (just space for a 'nothing program' named "HELLO"), running the HELLO program does not do anything. Booting starts DOS 3.3 and leaves you looking at the BASIC prompt. You can create a short HELLO program to try out DOS 3.3: Enter NEW then, enter this line of BASIC 10 PRINT "HI!" and save your program on disk SAVE HELLO When you boot this disk, HELLO will be run and HI! will appear on the screen. For more about DOS 3.3, see the Csa2 Apple II FAQs: http://home.swbell.net/rubywand/Csa2DOSMM.html . Some Q&A 1- Can I use the MS-DOS "mode" and "type" commands to handle the transfer on the PC side (instead of using HyperTerm or some other PC telecom program)? Yes. As suggested by Delfs, you can use the "mode" command to set up the com port and the "type" command to send a dump file (such as dos33.dmp). Under Windows95, 98, etc., open a DOS window. (Or, you can restart in DOS mode or just boot MS-DOS.) Change Dir to get to the directory containing dos33.dmp. Enter the following: mode comX: baud=300 data=8 parity=n In the above, replace "X" with the com port# for the com port connected to the Apple II. For example, if the connection is to COM2, you would enter ... mode com2: baud=300 data=8 parity=n Note: The PC should respond by echoing an abbreviated version of your mode command on the screen. If you get an error message, it could mean that the COM port you want to use is committed to some background task. For example, if you have started a telecom program under Windows and it uses COM2, then, the mode command will probably not work for COM2 until you shut down the telecom program. Note: Aage Rettvin reported a problem with COM port designations under Win98: i.e. you may need to use "COM4" instead of "COM1" or change Windows naming of the ports. When you are ready to start the transfer, enter the "type" command to start the transfer. For example, taking COM2 as the port connected to the Apple II, you would enter type dos33.dmp >com2: The main reason for not recommending the above is that this sort of transfer does not allow setting an end-of-line delay. Using HyperTerm (or a similar PC telecom program) lets you set a small delay (e.g. the 400ms delay suggested earlier for the HyperTerm setup). Having a delay at the end of each line send helps to asure that the computer has time to adjust the display at the end of a line and finish in time to receive the next character. At 300 baud, the end of line delay probably is not needed. However, dos33.dmp is a long file. On a 1MHz Apple II, it seems worthwhile to take a few extra steps to avoid errors. 2- How do I know my copy of DOS is good? Several transfers (PC --> Apple IIgs) were tried, including one using Delfs's approach (above) at 300 baud with the IIgs set at 1MHz, and a couple using Hyperterm at 2400 baud with the IIgs set at 10MHz (using a 400ms end-of-line delay). According to checksum tests against the original diskette, the transfers all seemed to be good. Evidently, the transfer is pretty reliable at 300 baud. Below is a program which checks the RWTS code, a part of the transferred DOS which should remain stable after CATALOG and other changes. After you INIT a disk, boot the diskette. Enter NEW and enter this program: 10 TEXT: HOME 40 FOR I= 45138 TO 45918 50 Z = Z + PEEK (I) 60 NEXT I 70 PRINT "CHECKSUM= ";Z then SAVE the program as DOSCK SAVE DOSCK Now, boot the diskette and run DOSCK RUN DOSCK The program will run and display a checksum. The correct value is 122155. Note: this checksum is valid only for this particular variant of DOS 3.3. Getting the correct value does not guarantee an error-free transfer; but, the odds are good that conditions which produce errors in one place would produce at least one error in the portion sampled by the DOSCK program. If you get the correct checksum, the rest of the transfer is likely to be okay. 3- Which variant of DOS 3.3 is transferred? It is EsDOS II. Most Apple II users stopped using genuine DOS 3.3 in the early 1980's when Beagle released its patch to turn DOS 3.3 into "Prontodos". Prontodos is much speedier than plain DOS 3.3 while retaining very high compatibility. EsDOS II is a variant of Prontodos. Rubywand