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============================================================ ^ / \ / \ / \ ------------- DISK WITCH ------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION 3.0.0 DOCUMENTATION Copyright 1989-1992 Gary F. Desrochers All rights reserved This is documentation for versions 3.0.0 and beyond. Due to the major changes in the design, the documentation needed to be changed also. ============================================================ ^ / \ ------- Program By Gary F. Desrochers Documentation By Gary F. Desrochers Genie Mail Address: G.Desrochers Address : Gary F. Desrochers 17752 W. 14th Avenue Apt #3 Golden CO. 80401 Internet address: gdesroch@slate.mines.colorado.edu ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- This program is ShareWare with the exceptions and special thanks to the people listed below: Tom Vanderpool Eric C Mueller Dean Esmay Bruce S. Klutchko Jurgen Woretshofer Bill Tudor Jerry Hewet *D. G. Shields* Also, thanks are also given to the testers for version 3.0.0. Of those testers for version 3.0.0, I would like to thank individually: Dale Shields - What can I say. He is an excellent bug finder (Expert Bug and spelling checker (Thanks Dale!) He found Catcher #1) a big bug that still did not allow DW to accesss other FST's. It had to do with spaces but it would have been a disaster to send it out with that bug. He also mentioned that the program does not follow Apple's Human Interface guidelines. If you have any strong feeling for or against any key presses that DW uses then please tell me. And a lot of other small bugs. Eric D. Shepherd - The new textreader. By new I mean loading (Expert Bug everything into memory. The search function Catcher #2) within the new textreader. Using the Open Apple 1 - 0 keys in the old and the new text- reader. The line separating the text and the command line at the bottom. The check mark in the new selector. While he did not have all the new ideas he did express to me what he didn't like and coerced me into doing it. He also found a couple of other bugs. Mark de Jong - Found alot of bugs associated with networks. (Expert Bug Without him what this version does allow for Catcher #3) with networking is attributed to him. He and Dale convinced me to get rid of the beeping when moving the mouse in the main menu. He also had the suggestion about exit and OA-. exiting DW when in the main menu. And other bugs. Mark Spaeth - You would not be able to change the auxtype (Runner Up #1) and filetype without him. He also provided the new 3.5" disk icon for DW. Peter Watson - He came in late to the testing but came up with (Runner Up #2) some of the changes with this version and came up with some for the future version. Other mentionables: Kevin O. Lepard Salvator A. Buttice Steven Eric Schwarts And if you have already payed for a previous version. Why do I put the aknowlegements first? I do so because they are more important then anything else. If it weren't for the people above there would be no Disk Witch.(Or at least a very buggy version.) If you like it then please send me $10.00 for my time spent creating it. If you do not like it then please pass it on to someone who would or just use it to delete or format over itself. (See even in destroying itself it is helpful) If you see something that can be improved then write to me and tell me what it is. Remember it is your ten bucks. SHAREWARE is put out by authors of a program and it is expected of people that if they keep it they will pay the shareware fee. Let's face it most authors get only a small percentage of what they should. Please support your shareware authors when at all possible. I have gotten a couple of letters asking me to send them a newer version when sending me their shareware fee. I am sorry but it isn't my policy to send out newer versions at no cost. If it was, it would probably make me broke. When I make a newer version of Disk.Witch I place it on many of the major informational services. It will definitely be put it on GEnie in the A2 directory and while I still have net access I will put it on internet at various FTP sites. Old versions have appeared in A2-Central on disk. I cannot say in any way shape or form that it will ever appear there again. For updates look on GEnie and on FTP sites on the net. If you do think that you want a newer version then send me an extra $2.50 and that should be enough to cover any mailing and disk cost. I will even return the 2.50 back to you if you want me to if you already have the newest version (that only costs me 25 cents) or you could have me keep it and send you out the next newer version. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- The story: Once upon a time (ProDOS 16 time) in a deep dark cellar (my basement), there lived a person who loved computer games. While playing one of these games he decided to save his game, but he needed a disk. He was unable to find out which of his disks were blank and which had important stuff on them. So he thought of the worst thing that could happen. You got it, to lose his place in the game. So he used the games utilities and formatted his disk and saved his game. Which disk do you think he formatted? Well, he wasn't sure either but later he couldn't find his backup of the game he was playing. (I know, it wasn't very smart to not label it.) He asked himself "why can't someone list directories of their disks at any time?" The solution: He needed a Disk Witch! But where was he to find one? He had never heard of one. After searching high and low (on bulletin boards), he still did not find one. He got so desperate he decided he would teach his own computer to become a disk witch. Newer Versions: The old Witch wasn't good enough so dunk it and get a newer one. Cruel but effective. ============================================================ ^ / \ ------- Within this packed file there should be: - DW.CDA (a classical desk accessory, CDA for short) Since the two different files were confusing to some people I had to get rid of one of the versions (A or B). Now there is only one type and it can be used with GSOS and ProDOS 8. Disk Witch no longer uses ProDOS 16 calls in fact it now cannot be used without GSOS v6.0 and above. If you want this type of program for ProDOS 16 you need an earlier version then 2.1.0.(Remember GSOS replaces ProDOS 16) - DW.S16 (a s16 file) - If you are into them, there is an Icon for Disk Witch - Disk Witch documentation in a Text file Format. ============================================================ ^ / \ ------- Requirements: A IIGS (kind of obvious) with at least 50K of extra memory.(Mouse Optional Huh?) Check your system software requirements. Whatever FST needed in GSOS to read the disk you are trying to read, needs to be installed. ============================================================ ^ / \ ------- The program: This program is a CDA which is installed during the startup of your computer. It allows for the following file utilities to be performed from just about anywhere (while using GSOS or ProDOS 8): Directory Display Attributes - Change Attributes of files/directories Deleting of files/directories Renaming of files/directories/volumes Formatting/Erasing Disks Copying files Making subdirectories Reading text/Appleworks/Teach files Changing Prefix's Each of these are described below. Of course, while using GSOS you can access any file system that there is a FST for. In ProDOS 8, ProDOS file system is the only one that can be accessed.(Maybe DOS 3.3 in the future. What do you think?) This can also be used with P8CDA. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Concepts: First some important concepts should be clarified. Exiting: I have tried very hard to make it so that whenever a Open Apple Period is pressed this means that you want to go back to the main menu. An Open Apple Period stops the process being performed and brings the system (and your disks) to a acceptable state. An OA-. or esc while in the main menu exits from the program. Editing: Editing has two modes. Overstrike and Insertion. There is no filtering of keypresses with the exception of figuring out whether the key can be displayed. This is important for all the old users of Disk Witch that knew that if they made a wrong character when editing a field DW would tell them by not allowing it. Also there are other keys that can be used while editing. The key options that can be used within Disk Witch are: Normal everyday keys: Type as normal. Open Apple E: Alternates between Overstrike and Insertion mode. Control Y: Clears to the end of the editing line. Open Apple Period: Exits the editing with an error that should return you to the main menu. Right Arrow: Moves to the right. Left Arrow: Moves to the left. Delete: Deletes the character to the left of cursor. Using the mouse: Key presses that can be generated by the mouse and how to make them. Left Arrow: Move the mouse to the left. Right Arrow: Move the mouse to the right. Up Arrow: Move the mouse away from you. Down Arrow: Move the mouse toward you. Return: Click the mouse Button. Special Keys: Generating a selection without doing a return. A Open Apple Click. This is used within the Selector screen for multifile selection. Inside Selector you can select all files in the directory or deselect all files in the directory with the Open Apple A key combination. This is not a selection or deselection it is actually an invert operation. Every file that was selected before is deselected and every file that was not selected before becomes selected. For more information on the Selector see that section below. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Screen Display: Those of you that used DW before will like the new interface that DW has. I tried to maintain the same key presses as before and also allow for people to use the open apple and closed apple and the numerical key pad. The mouse still acts the same with the exceptions noted above. Oh I was suppose to be talking about the screen. The text tools (yes I wrote my own except for starting the text screen up) have been expanded to allow for windowing and the like. This gives DW a pleasant feel to it. The windowing feature allows also for faster updates due to not having to update the entire screen. The lower portion of the screen is the working part of DW. It shows what needs to be shown and updates the box title to inform you where you are. The upper portion of the screen is the information part of DW and is always there unless you are reading a text file. It is updated at important intervals like copying and reading directories. It contains on the left: Total Memory - This should display the total memory in your computer. Free Memory - This will show the Free memory in your computer with a few exceptions. Largest Block - This shows the largest block of free space that you have. The middle is just the middle. It shows the version number and the name of the program. It also is the place to look for what operation you are doing! The right: Clock - Shows the time on your computer. Real Free Memory - This shows the true free memory in your computer. When using GSOS go by this but this will not Active OS - This shows what Operating system you have active when running DW.(Should be right until another version of ProDOS 8 comes out. Who thought of the new version number setup anyway.) ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Main Menu: The main menu in DW is just what it says. It is a menu that gives you the option of going to any of the file utilities that you want. You can use the cursor keys, the mouse or the letters shown to move through the menu. Return or mouse click selects the option you want. From here most of the options go right to the Selector with the exception of setting a prefix. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Selector Display: This part of DW will show what files are in the directory which you wanted to look at. Hey! It even remembers the last directory listed. This was asked for in the older versions and this one has it! There are unlimited number of volumes and unlimited number of files in a directory listing. The old DW transversed the blocks on the disk to figure out what was in the directory but the newer version does no such thing. The newer versions (starting v3.0.0) use read in ProDOS 8 and GetDirEntry in GSOS. This should allow for it to work better on Appletalk networks. The following keys are allowed and do the following: Tab Key: The volumes are displayed first but if anytime afterwards you want them displayed again then just press the tab. Return Key: This depends on the selection type. This key either will select the file to process or get you to the next subdirectory, just put the cursor on the directory you want and hit return. Also look at Space key and the Open Apple A below. Notice for directory selection you can select the 'this directory' at the beginning of the directory listing. Escape Key: The escape backs up a directory but if you are at the volume directory, escape now will bring you to the volume listing. Slash Key: Causes files to be listed using the alternate display form. Space Key: (Also Open Apple Return) The space key will put an asterisk after the filename that is outlined. What this means is that you are able to now select multiple files and the return key will be the selector for all files that you place a check mark next to. This only allows you to select files in the directory that you first pushed the space bar in. To be able to move into other directories, unmark all the files that you previously marked. Open Apple .: Cancel out of the procedure you are in. Open Apple a: This combination will invert the selected files. This means if all files are not selected then it selects all files. If one file is selected then all other files are selected and the selected file is unselected. (Thus the a part of the key combination.) The Multi-file option allows for multiple files to be carried with you as you move to the proper procedure. Then the procedure will perform its work one at a time. What this helps with is that you no longer need to return to the volume and directory selection process for each file. The Mouse can be used instead of the keyboard for the following keys: Right Arrow Key - Move mouse to the right. Left Arrow Key - Move mouse to the left. Up Arrow Key - Move mouse up. Down Arrow Key - Move mouse down. Return Key - Press mouse button. Space Key - Open Apple Return. The things that are displayed during the directory listing are 'this directory', file name, file type, storage type, the modification date and time, how many blocks are taken up by the file in the data fork, how many bytes for that file in the data fork. There is also an alternate display mode. Inside the alternate display mode you can see the file name, the file attributes, the creation date and time, the blocks used by the resource fork, the byte length of the file resource fork. The file/directory name is displayed in the upper and lower case format used in GSOS but it will not show the upper and lower case from a Appleworks file because they do not use the same format as GSOS. The file attributes shows all of the used bits in the attributes byte. All this shows is if the individual bits are on/enabled (1) or off/disabled (0). The invisibility bit shows some programs, if in the on (1) state, to ignore the file when taking a directory. The destroy-enable bit means that a file can be deleted, when on (1), and not deleted, when off (0). The rename-enable bit says if the file can be renamed, when on (1), or not renamed, when off (0). The backup-needed bit is set to off (0) if the file has been copied by a back up program, this program does NOT change this bit, and is set to on (1) if the file has been changed since last backup. The read-enable tells the operating system if the file can be read from, when on (1), or not, when off (0). The write-enable tells the operating system if the file can be written to, when on (1), or not, when off (0). Any Auxtype that is zero and resource length of Zero will not be zero but will display as blank.(less clutter) This is the same for resource size and blocks. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Directory: This is now just the selector. You can move among the files and directory but you are not able to select anything. ___________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Change Attributes of Files/Directories: This feature allows for the locking, unlocking or the individual selection of each attribute of files and directories. This program cannot lock or unlock a volume directory because this is performed by you using the tab on the disk. Now this part of the program is actually called the attribute screen. This is because using the highlighted keys you can change one attribute or all using the U for unlock and the L for lock. This includes the Invisibility attribute of a file making it invisible to some new programs including the finder. Just change what you want and select with the return key. If you just want to change the active status of the file an 'a' also changes the attributes back to what they were. Totally unlocked is when a file is destroy, rename, and write enabled. If it finds the file not totally unlocked then it will unlock it. If it finds the file totally unlocked then it will fully lock it. The activation and deactivation of for initial load status of the following file types: STR $B6 PTI $B7 NDA $B8 CDA $B9 DVR $BB LDF $BC FST $BD CPD $C7 ICN $CA can be changed. In version 3.0.0 and beyond you can now change the auxtype and the filetype. Type T for changing the auxType and F for changing the Filetype. This is one field that when open apple period is typed you don't end up at the main menu. Also all numbers need to be in Hex. If you make a mistake then the string you entered will be erased and the old hex number will be in it's place. ___________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Renaming Volumes/Directories/Files: What this part of the program does is just what it says, it renames volumes, directories, and files. To select a file outline the file and hit return. To select a volume or sub directory then you must have the 'This Directory' outlined and then press return. This will bring you to a screen which will allow you to change the name of the file. You can use this feature to move a file from one directory to another on the same disk while in GSOS or ProDOS 16. When changing the name of a file you can use both upper and lower case letters. While in ProDOS 8 the lower case letters will be made into upper case before the name is changed but GSOS will rename the file with the style you input. In other words if you have: /Blank/Helping And what shows up below it is: /Blank/ /Blank/Help If while using GSOS you want to move the file or if you want to move it and rename it this is the option to do that. The slash option again brings up the selector menu to allow you to select which directory you want to move it to. Then rename will again allows you to type in the name you want. In other words if you have: /Blank/Helping And what shows up below it is: /Blank/ I have pressed slash and selected a directory further on. /Blank/Mydir/ /Blank/Mydir/Help ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Deleting Files/Directories: This feature allows for the deleting of both files and empty directories. You cannot delete the volume directory. The only way to do that is to format or zeroing the disk and then there is still a volume directory on it.(A never ending circle.) Remember if a subdirectory cannot be deleted then look at its attributes because this program will not allow for a locked subdirectory to be deleted. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Making Subdirectories: The making of subdirectories is something that I thought ought to be added. All it does is produce a subdirectory within the parent directory selected. To select a parent directory you must outline the /DirectoryName and hit return and then name it. That's all there is to it. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Formatting Disks: The formatting of disks is just in case you need to format a disk. This feature is the only one that allows for empty or none formatted disks in the disk drives to be selected. This feature also dumps the volume display every time you enter it. This means you no longer have your last directory remembered. At the volume display choose by drive or disk what you want to format and then hit return. Then type in a name and you are on your way. It can be used on a Ram, Ram5, 5.25", or 3.5" disk drive. In GSOS you can not format ROM disks or any disk larger than 5 megs. In ProDOS 8 you can not format disks greater then 5 megs. While in ProDOS 8 please, since it is almost impossible to have tried every setup at this time, ensure there is no disk in any drive that you don't want formatted. This means to take out any disk or turn off or backup any hard drive or ROM disk before trying to format a disk drive for the first time.(I have had one person who formatted his ROM Disk because before release 2.0.3 the program didn't recognize Drive 2 in that slot.) After you have done it once and it has worked it shouldn't matter later. I am also giving credit to Jerry Hewet who produced the original Hyperformat routine which this program uses to format 5.25" disks while in ProDOS 8. When you type the disk you want you will be asked if you want to use the old name or type in a new one. If you want you can rename the volume. The next question is if you want to format or erase the disk. The erase only zeros out the bitmap and clears the volume directory. This is faster then a format and easier on the disk and disk drive. ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Reading Text/Appleworks Files: This reading of text files can do files with the SRC, TXT, AWP filetype. The selection of files is the same as the procedure described above. If you made a mistake with the file type it allows you to return to the directory display to pick another. There are two different categories, AWP files are one and TXT and SRC files fall into another. AWP Files This program can do all Appleworks word processor files up to and including version 3.0. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the screen. Unfortunately due to memory restraints you can only scroll one direction. For AW 3.0 files Disk Witch now supports formatted tabs. TXT files or SRC files or GWP files with Auxtype $5445 ($5454 = TE short for TEACH) This part of Disk Witch now has two parts to it. There is the old textreader and the new textreader. The old text reader is for people who don't have much memory while in DW or if it is a big file. The old textreader doesn't take up anymore memory then DW already has. The new textreader tries to load the whole file into memory and if it can't starts up the old textreader. Also, the old textreader is a lot faster then the new textreader. The new textreader is a little slow when it comes to loading a very large file.(over 200K) You should notice no difference in loading in small files. There are big benefits to the new textreader. These are that you can scroll both ways and (Trumpet please) you can search (case sensitive) for text (and even do a second search with the same string). So whichever you like. You can override having DW try to load the file and just jump to the old textreader by Pressing the o or O key at the screen asking you if you have the right file. Have fun. Small Memory Text Reader (old textreader): This program allows for these type of files to be scrolled though. The down arrow will scroll the screen. The Escape key allows for leaving while in the middle of the file. You can now position yourself at any % file position by typing in the major percentage number first and then the minor percentage number second. That does not mean that you can't stop in between because you can. Look on the bottom of the screen to see what mode you are in (X 10% or X 1%) and if you are in the X 1% mode it shows you the last X 10% percentage chosen. You can toggle back and forth using the S and L keys. And that is it, the prompts at the bottom of the screen will change to tell you any changes. For instance the percent file position or the end of the file in which case the down arrow command will disappear. Later I will add a feature to type out these files. What do you think? Also, you can now use the Open Apple keys 1-0 for 0 to 90 percent. OA1 = 0% and OA0 = 90%. The line you are on will be displayed on the screen. Large Memory Text Reader (new textreader): This program allows for these type of files to be scrolled though. The down and up arrow will scroll the screen even in when reading AW files. The Escape key allows for leaving at any time. You can use the Open Apple keys 1-0 for 0 to 90 percent. OA1 = the top of the file and OA0 = 90% file position. Also you can search through the file for a string (This is a Case sensitive search). You can search for a string of up to 60 characters. Use the Open Apple F (or f) key combination which will make the command line to clear and then type in the string you want to search for and hit return. To research for the same string again then use the Closed Apple F (or f) keys. Both these types of searches put the line with the first occurrence on the top line of the screen. When a new search is initiated it starts on the second line of the screen. Two points that should be mentioned. For very large files, the loading may take a while. Also, for large files there is a delay for the first time you press a open apple number key it may take a long time to find the position. Right now it remembers the position in the file where that key is after the first search. The line that is at the top of the screen is the line that that you are at that is diplayed at the bottom of the screen. I may in the future allow for people to go to the line of thier choice. I have been asked to make the new textreader into a editor. What do you think? ____________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Copying Files: This was first featured in Version 2.0.0 and was added to DW. The selection of files you are probably use to by now. If not read above or just play around you can always escape out of where you are. It first asks you for the file to copy. It then asks you for the directory to copy it to. It DOES handle sparse files. It uses as much memory as it can find. In ProDOS 8 it copies files 2K at a time and for sparse files it copies only one block of a file at a time. You can copy between drives as well as from and to the same drive. Please follow the prompts when copying from and to the same drive. DW will only allow for the copying to a directory with no file of that name in it or to a directory with a file with the same name that !CAN! be deleted. It will allow you to copy locked files but again it must be to a file that is delete-enabled and from a file that can be unlocked to make it read enabled. It will not allow you to copy a directory. I am still in the process of adding copying of directories. Remember if you are just moving a file from one directory to another directory on the same disk while in GSOS then use the rename feature of this program. Starting version 2.0.5 there is a new selection if the file already exists on the disk. Now it allows for the renaming of the new file name to what you want. Starting version 2.1.0, when copying sparse files, it now prints copying sparse files at the top to the left of the from header. Also it now tells what it is trying to do, either copying data or resource forks while in GSOS. - Starting version 2.2.0p you can perform a copying procedure on multiple files. After the multiple file selection the copy procedure will ask if you want to check each file, copy with no check, and copy and remove any files if necessary, or master escape if you really messed up. If you choose the copy no check, the procedure will ask for a target directory and then copy. If you selected the check each file, the procedure will then ask you for the target directory. Now, this target directory is the directory for the file name at the top of the screen under the data block. When it gets to the next file it will ask you if you want that file to go to the last target directory, select A NEW ONE, skip that file or another master escape. The copy and remove file if necessary is just what it says. It will copy the files and if the file exists then it will delete it. ___________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Prefix This command is used to view the prefix that you want to look at and change it if you want. To look at the prefix then (except in ProDOS 8 which there is only one prefix) scroll through them with the arrow keys. If that is all you wanted to do then return to the main menu. If you wanted to change it then hit return and go through the procedure of selecting a disk and a directory on it. You can also change the @ prefix but I do not suggest it. ___________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- Misc. stuff new in and since version 3.0.0: A new memory management system. A new windowing feature for different types of screens and such. A new key input routine that allows the use of key any key combinations. A new one line editor. Unlimited volumes and files in a directory. 8k file names in GSOS. A new text reader that allows for seaching through files for strings. ___________________________________________________________ ^ / \ ------- If you like it, another way to tell me is on Genie EMail G.DESROCHERS. Starting version 2.1.0, Disk Witch uses an even more improved text tools. They are still the ones that I was using before but using a listing put out by Bill Tudor, which I will thank him very much for now (Thank You Bill Tudor), of some texttools he created I stream lined what I had made a bit. My texttools may be still be a slight bit slower (milliseconds) than the ones he created but they are also different. (For example my text tools allow for printing a character a number of times down as well as across from within a C-string or using one byte or two byte Pascal strings). Bill Tudor if you read this I love the way you do menus using your texttools even though I couldn't get into it, it was great. Well that's about it I hope you like it. I wrote it using Orca/M which I recommend for anyone who wants to get into Assembly language. As of this release, all known bugs that were associated with it are fixed. I have tested it out extensively and have fixed any bugs that I have found also. I have tried to make it as easy as possible to use while just about impossible to make a mistake. I hope it can help people do something that cannot be done with any other program. ____________________________________________________________ Errors with other programs: As of this release I have tested Disk.Witch out with just about every program I have and the programs that it does not work with are as follows: - Shrinkit Version 3.0.2 and later - Just gives a ProDOS busy at the main menu of Shrinkit due to the MLIActiv of ProDOS 8 being set. Just go anywhere other then the main menu and you can call DW (Why would anyone want to use DW while in Shrinkit anyway unless renaming files?) - Roger Wagner's Desktop File Control (NDA) - Unknown reason and it only happens on some systems. (I think this is fixed now.) - GNO - GNO uses the busy flag a lot so there is very few times that you can get into the CDA. I suggest (and so does Jawaid) to use the SYS version of Disk Witch. - One person has said that he has had problems when on line within ProTERM. - There is a problem when formatting HFS volumes with no disk in the drive. ============================================================ DISK WITCH ^ / \ / \ / \ ------------- ============================================================ ORCA/M is a registered trademark of Byteworks, Inc Apple, GSOS, ProDOS 8, ProDOS 16, IIgs, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Appleworks GS and Appleworks are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., licensed to Claris Corporation. ShrinkIT is a registered trademark of L+L Productions, Inc. ============================================================ Below this line there are old problems with DW. Most of these may not even apply anymore due to a major upgrade after v3.0.0. They are for informational purposes so that you can see a list of problems in the past. At the very end is a brief summary of new things added and improvements in versions since v3.0.0. Major problems with previous Versions prior to v3.0.0: Version 2.0.1: Fixed = Format option in ProDOS 8 formats drive one only. This is a problem with people having more than one smartport disk drive per slot. This is fixed so now you can format two drives per slot while in ProDOS 8. Fixed = Hard drives could be formatted. This is fixed by allowing no volume to be formatted that is greater than 5 megs while in GSOS or ProDOS 8. The problem, as explained in the format option, with 5.25 is now eradicated because a Rom, 5.25" or > 5 meg cannot be formatted while in GSOS using this program. Fixed = Path names greater than 256 characters are truncated at 256. Fixed as of release 2.0.3 no pathnames are allowed greater than 256 characters. This allows for at least 16 levels of directories (every directory and disk name being 16 characters including slash) and at most 128 levels of directories (every directory and disk name being 2 characters long) the total number depending on name length. (In ProDOS 8 this is 64 characters due to the operating system which has always allowed only 64 characters) Fixed in version 2.0.4 = Theodore M. Feinblatt brought to my attention that if he accessed Disk Witch while in GSOS then went to ProDOS 8 and Appleworks it would crash on him in the main menu. Sorry about that Theodore I hope you like the new version it fixes this bug. Fixed in version 2.1.0 = Fixes the bug that sometimes puts the arrow for the volume display at the bottom of the screen. Fixed in version 2.1.0 = ProDOS 8 prefix didn't work. Does now. Fixed in version 2.1.0 = ProDOS didn't notice a disk being switched while in the directory display part of Disk Witch. Now will notice it and tell you. Fixed in version 2.1.0 = Didn't notice formatted tabs in AW 3.0 Files. Fixed in version 2.1.0 = Copying disks while in GSOS used to rely on just max block and file size. If on the first pass, and the first pass only, the max block call returned the largest block and it happened to be in special memory which Disk Witch cannot use, when Disk Witch tried to get a handle for that block it would fail and stop copying. Now it switches over to copying by 2024k at a time transferring over to the other method when it can get a block the size of the rest of the program. Fixed in version 2.2.0p = Some hard drives were creating many partitions and not using them but they were showing up as devices which made the volume list very long. This is now fixed by not displaying them. Fixed in version 2.2.0p = All names in the directory listing were getting there first letter upper case no matter what. This is now fixed. Fixed in version 2.2.0p = Many many little bugs that were found with the addition of the multi-file option. Fixed in version 2.2.1p = Many other little bugs.(squash!) Fixed in version 2.2.2p = Many other little bugs.(squash!) Fixed in version 2.2.3p = Many other little bugs.(squash!) One of which, a bug which when copying files the files creation time and date and time were changed. This is now fixed. Fixed in version 3.0.0 = Many new bugs were introduced with the dunking of the old Witch. For this reason the bug fixes for this version are the ones above and many many more. I had 8 people working finding bugs in this version. I hope we found them all. ============================================================ In Version 3.0.0: The volume command was removed. The text tools were changed so that programming is easier and windowing could be used. Interrupts are no longer disabled while not waiting for a keypress. This also meant a total rewrite of the installation module. It is better now and does not take up as much stack space. Pathnames (except for ProDOS 8 which it is 64 characters) can now be 8k long. A new type of memory allocation scheme is used. It still uses the memory manager but most memory is accessed as a linked list. What this means is that while before only a limited amount of memory could be used because of the use of thrashing tables, the newer type can use an unlimited amount of memory. This will be seen mostly in the coping of files in ProDOS 8. Before if copying a big file while in ProDOS 8 it would take a lot of passes no matter what size memory you had. GSOS still copies in chunks not blocks as in ProDOS 8 so you won't see it there.(that is unless you are used to fragmented memory) Each part of the program is now modulized. This means that the system loader does not need to put it all into one bank. It can be dispersed throughout memory. This allows for better memory usage.(For those with small memory requirements.) Allows for new selection screens to attempt to conform (at least a little) with other selection techniques. The selector now allows for any number of volumes. Before if there were a lot of volumes created (due to Appletalk) in GSOS it would cause Disk Witch to crash. The selector now does not work block by block so there are no more blank spaces in the listing of the directory. It now works entry by entry. The accessing of directory blocks is not done by the readblock ProDOS command. This is also because of Appletalk. It now uses the read command. A new command (one) line editor. It allows for stuff as described above in the docs. A new type of textreader was added. Because when formatting files in GSOS the format call uses the same text screen as the Desk Manager does when calling the CDA menu. This means that if you call the CDA menu from ORCA then format a disk using the format call and then return to ORCA shell you will end up with Disk Witch (or any other CDA that uses the format call from within it.) screen rather then the screen you left with. For this reason I perform the changes to what FST you want from DW's own interface. No big deal really. Just in case you are wondering.