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//! Kochab is an ergonomic and intuitive library for quickly building highly functional
//! and advanced Gemini applications on either SCGI or raw Gemini.
//! Originally based on [northstar](https://crates.io/crates/northstar), though now far
//! divereged, kochab offers many features to help you build your application without any
//! of the boilerplate or counterintuitive shenanigans.  Kochab centers around it's many
//! feature flags, which let you pick out exactly the features you need to build your
//! library, while leaving out features you don't need to keep your application
//! bloat-free.
//! Another central feature of kochab is its multi-protocol abstraction.  An application
//! built using kochab can easily compile either as a gemini application or as a SCGI
//! script using only a single feature flag.
//! ## Features
//! Kochab offers a wide array of features, so don't get overwhelmed.  By default, you
//! start off with only the `gemini_srv` feature, and you're able to add on more features
//! as you need them.  All of kochab's features are documented below.
//! * `ratelimiting` - The ratelimiting feature adds in the ability to limit how often
//! users can access certain areas of an application.  This is primarily configured using
//! the [`Server::ratelimit()`] method.
//! * `servedir` - Adds in utilities for serving files & directories from the disk at
//! runtime.  The easiest way to use this is to pass a [`PathBuf`] to the
//! [`Server::add_route()`] method, which will either serve a directory or a single file.
//! Files and directories can also be served using the methods in the [`util`] module.
//! * `user_management` - Adds in tools to manage users using a certificate authentication
//! system.  The user management suite is one of kocab's biggest features.  When active,
//! kochab will maintain a database of registered users, linking each to a certificate.
//! Users also have custom data associated with them, which can be retrieved and modified
//! by the application.
//! * `user_management_advanced` - Allows users to set a password and add additional
//! certificates.  Without this feature, one certificate can only have one linked account,
//! unless you manually implement an authentication system.  With this feature, kochab
//! will use argon2 to hash and check user passwords, and store user passwords alongside
//! the other user data
//! * `user_management_routes` - The user management routes feature automates much of the
//! hard work of connecting the tools provided with the other two features with endpoints
//! that the user connects to.  Kochab will manage all requests to the `/account` route,
//! and create pages to allow users to create an account, link new certificates, or
//! change/set their password.  This also adds the ability to set an authenticated route,
//! which will automatically prompt the user to sign in, and give your handler access to
//! the user's data with no added work.  This can be used with either the
//! `user_management_advanced` feature, or just the basic `user_management` feature
//! * `certgen` - Enables automatically generating TLS certificates.  Since only servers
//! directly using the gemini protocol need TLS certificates, this implies `gemini_srv`,
//! and should not be used with `scgi_srv`.  By default, kochab will try to generate a
//! certificate by prompting the user in stdin/stdout, but this behavior can be customized
//! using [`Server::set_certificate_generation_mode()`].
//! * `dashmap` - Enables some minor optimizations within the `user_management_routes`
//! feature.  Automatically enabled by `ratelimiting`.
//! * `gemini_srv`/`scgi_srv` - Switches between serving content using SCGI and serving
//! content as a raw gemini server.  One and only one of these features must be enabled,
//! and compilation will fail if both are enabled.  See below for more information.

#[macro_use] extern crate log;

#[cfg(all(feature = "gemini_srv", feature = "scgi_srv"))]
compile_error!("Please enable only one of either the `gemini_srv` or `scgi_srv` features on the kochab crate");

#[cfg(not(any(feature = "gemini_srv", feature = "scgi_srv")))]
compile_error!("Please enable at least one of either the `gemini_srv` or `scgi_srv` features on the kochab crate");

use std::{
#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
use std::convert::TryFrom;
#[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
use std::{
#[cfg(any(feature = "gemini_srv", feature = "user_management"))]
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::net::IpAddr;
use tokio::{
#[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
use tokio::net::UnixListener;
#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
use tokio::{
#[cfg(feature = "ratelimiting")]
use tokio::time::interval;
#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
use rustls::ClientCertVerifier;
#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
use rustls::internal::msgs::handshake::DigitallySignedStruct;
#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
use tokio_rustls::{rustls, TlsAcceptor};
#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
use rustls::*;
use anyhow::*;
use crate::util::opt_timeout;
use routing::RoutingNode;
#[cfg(feature = "ratelimiting")]
use ratelimiting::RateLimiter;

pub mod types;
pub mod util;
pub mod routing;
pub mod handling;
#[cfg(feature = "ratelimiting")]
pub mod ratelimiting;
#[cfg(feature = "user_management")]
pub mod user_management;
#[cfg(feature = "certgen")]
pub mod gencert;

use user_management::UserManager;
#[cfg(feature = "certgen")]
use gencert::CertGenMode;

pub use uriparse as uri;
pub use types::*;

pub const REQUEST_URI_MAX_LEN: usize = 1024;
pub const GEMINI_PORT: u16 = 1965;

use handling::Handler;

struct ServerInner {
    #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
    tls_acceptor: TlsAcceptor,
    routes: Arc<RoutingNode<Handler>>,
    timeout: Duration,
    complex_timeout: Option<Duration>,
    autorewrite: bool,
    rate_limits: Arc<RoutingNode<RateLimiter<IpAddr>>>,
    manager: UserManager,

impl ServerInner {
    async fn serve_ip(self, listener: TcpListener) -> Result<()> {
        #[cfg(feature = "ratelimiting")]

        loop {
            let (stream, _addr) = listener.accept().await
                .context("Failed to accept client")?;
            let this = self.clone();

            tokio::spawn(async move {
                if let Err(err) = this.serve_client(stream).await {
                    error!("{:?}", err);

    #[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
    // Yeah it's code duplication, but I can't find a way around it, so this is what we're
    // getting for now
    async fn serve_unix(self, listener: UnixListener) -> Result<()> {
        #[cfg(feature = "ratelimiting")]

        loop {
            let (stream, _addr) = listener.accept().await
                .context("Failed to accept client")?;
            let this = self.clone();

            tokio::spawn(async move {
                if let Err(err) = this.serve_client(stream).await {
                    error!("{:?}", err);

    async fn serve_client(
        #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
        stream: TcpStream,
        #[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
        stream: impl AsyncWrite + AsyncRead + Unpin + Send,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let fut_accept_request = async {
            #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
            let stream = self.tls_acceptor.accept(stream).await
                .context("Failed to establish TLS session")?;
            let mut stream = BufReader::new(stream);

            let request = self.receive_request(&mut stream).await
                .context("Failed to receive request")?;

            Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok((request, stream))

        // Wait for the request to be parsed
        let (mut request, mut stream) = {
            #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")] {
                // Use a timeout for interacting with the client
                let fut_accept_request = timeout(self.timeout, fut_accept_request);
                    .context("Client timed out while waiting for response")??
            #[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]

        // Determine the remote client's IP address for logging and ratelimiting
        let peer_addr = {
            #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")] {
            #[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")] {
                        .ok_or(ParseError::Malformed("REMOTE_ADDR header not received"))?
                ).context("Received malformed IP address from upstream")?

        #[cfg(feature = "ratelimiting")]
        // Perform ratelimiting checks
        if let Some(resp) = self.check_rate_limits(peer_addr, &request) {

            // Log warning
                "Client from {} requesting {} was turned away by ratelimiting",

            // Send error response
            self.send_response(resp, &mut stream).await
                .context("Failed to send response")?;

            // Exit
            return Ok(())

        info!("{} requested: {}", peer_addr, request.uri());

        // Identify the client certificate from the tls stream.  This is the first
        // certificate in the certificate chain.
        #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")] { // This is done earlier for `scgi_srv`
            let client_cert = stream.get_ref()
                .and_then(|mut v| if v.is_empty() {None} else {Some(v.remove(0))});


        let mut response = if let Some((trailing, handler)) = self.routes.match_request(&request) {
        } else {

        match response.rewrite_all(&request).await {
            Ok(true) => { /* all is well */ }
            Ok(false) => panic!("Upstream did not include SCRIPT_PATH or SCRIPT_NAME"),
            Err(e) => {
                error!("Error reading text/gemini file from Response reader: {}", e);
                response = Response::not_found();

        self.send_response(response, &mut stream).await
            .context("Failed to send response")?;


    async fn send_response(&self, response: Response, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send)) -> Result<()> {
        let use_complex_timeout =
            response.is_success() &&
            response.body.is_some() &&
            response.meta != "text/plain" &&
            response.meta != "text/gemini" &&

        let send_general_timeout;
        let send_header_timeout;
        let send_body_timeout;

        if use_complex_timeout {
            send_general_timeout = None;
            send_header_timeout = Some(self.timeout);
            send_body_timeout = self.complex_timeout;
        } else {
            send_general_timeout = Some(self.timeout);
            send_header_timeout = None;
            send_body_timeout = None;

        opt_timeout(send_general_timeout, async {
            // Send the header
            opt_timeout(send_header_timeout, send_response_header(&response, stream))
                .context("Timed out while sending response header")?
                .context("Failed to write response header")?;

            // Send the body
            opt_timeout(send_body_timeout, send_response_body(response.body, stream))
                .context("Timed out while sending response body")?
                .context("Failed to write response body")?;

        .context("Timed out while sending response data")??;


    fn check_rate_limits(&self, addr: IpAddr, req: &Request) -> Option<Response> {
        if let Some((_, limiter)) = self.rate_limits.match_request(req) {
            if let Err(when) = limiter.check_key(addr) {
                return Some(Response::slow_down(when.as_secs()))

    #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
    async fn receive_request(
        stream: &mut (impl AsyncBufRead + Unpin + Send),
    ) -> Result<Request> {
        const HEADER_LIMIT: usize = REQUEST_URI_MAX_LEN + "\r\n".len();
        let mut stream = stream.take(HEADER_LIMIT as u64);
        let mut uri = Vec::new();

        stream.read_until(b'\n', &mut uri).await?;

        if !uri.ends_with(b"\r\n") {
            if uri.len() < REQUEST_URI_MAX_LEN {
                bail!("Request header not terminated with CRLF")
            } else {
                bail!("Request URI too long")

        // Strip CRLF

        let uri = URIReference::try_from(&*uri)
            .context("Request URI is invalid")?

        ).context("Failed to create request from URI")

    #[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
    async fn receive_request(
        stream: &mut (impl AsyncBufRead + Unpin),
    ) -> Result<Request> {
        let mut buff = Vec::with_capacity(4);

        // Read the length of the header netstring (e.g. "120:")
        stream.read_until(':' as u8, &mut buff).await?;

        buff.pop(); // Remove the trailing ':'
        let len = std::str::from_utf8(&*buff)
            .and_then(|s| usize::from_str(s).ok())
            .ok_or(ParseError::Malformed("netstring length"))?;

        // Read in the headers
        buff.resize(len + 1, 0);
        buff.truncate(len - 1); // Remove the final \x00,

        // Parse the headers
        let (maybe_trailing, headers) = buff.split(|b| *b == 0) // Headers are null delimiited
            .map(|bytes| // Convert to an &str
                    .map_err(|_| ParseError::Malformed("scgi headers"))
            .try_fold( // Turn the array of [header, value, header, ...] into a map
                (Option::<&str>::None, HashMap::<String, String>::with_capacity(16)),
                |(last_header, mut headers), s| {
                    s.map(|text| {
                        match last_header {
                            None => (Some(text), headers),
                            Some(header) => {
                                headers.insert(header.to_string(), text.to_string());
                                (None, headers)

        // If there's not the same number of headers as values, that's a problem
        if maybe_trailing.is_some() {
            bail!(ParseError::Malformed("trailing header"));

        // Check the content length info
        let cont_len_val = headers.get("CONTENT_LENGTH")
            .ok_or(ParseError::Malformed("No content length header!"))?;
        let cont_len = usize::from_str(cont_len_val)
            .map_err(|_| ParseError::Malformed("Malformed content length"))?;
        if cont_len > 0 {
            bail!(ParseError::Malformed("Gemini SCGI requests should not have a body"));

        // Spec requires setting an SCGI header to one
        if *headers.get("SCGI").ok_or(ParseError::Malformed("No SCGI header"))? != "1" {
            bail!(ParseError::Malformed("SCGI header not set to \"1\""));

        trace!("Headers received: {:?}", headers);

                #[cfg(feature = "user_management")]

#[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
enum ParseError {
    Malformed(&'static str),

#[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
impl From<io::Error> for ParseError {
    fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
impl std::fmt::Display for ParseError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::IO(e) => write!(f, "IO Error while parsing and responding SCGI: {}", e),
            Self::Malformed(e) => write!(f, "SCGI request malformed at {}", e),

#[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
impl std::error::Error for ParseError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
        if let Self::IO(e) = self { Some(e) } else { None }

pub struct Server {
    timeout: Duration,
    complex_body_timeout_override: Option<Duration>,
    routes: RoutingNode<Handler>,
    autorewrite: bool,
    certgen_mode: CertGenMode,
    #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
    cert_path: PathBuf,
    #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
    key_path: PathBuf,
    rate_limits: RoutingNode<RateLimiter<IpAddr>>,
    data_dir: PathBuf,
    database: Option<sled::Db>,

impl Server {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            timeout: Duration::from_secs(1),
            complex_body_timeout_override: Some(Duration::from_secs(30)),
            routes: RoutingNode::default(),
            autorewrite: false,
            #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
            cert_path: PathBuf::from("cert/cert.pem"),
            #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
            key_path: PathBuf::from("cert/key.pem"),
            rate_limits: RoutingNode::default(),
            data_dir: "data".into(),
            database: None,
            certgen_mode: CertGenMode::Interactive,
            certgen_mode: CertGenMode::None,

    /// Sets the directory to store user data in
    /// This will only be used if a database is not provided with [`set_database()`].
    /// Defaults to `./data` if not specified
    /// [`set_database()`]: Self::set_database()
    pub fn set_database_dir(mut self, path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
        self.data_dir = path.into();

    /// Sets a specific database to use
    /// This opens to trees within the database, both namespaced to avoid collisions.
    /// If this is not provided, a database will be opened at the directory provided by
    /// [`set_database_dir()`]
    /// [`set_database_dir()`]: Self::set_database_dir()
    pub fn set_database(mut self, db: sled::Db) -> Self {
        self.database = Some(db);

    /// Determine where certificate config comes from, if generation is required
    /// If a certificate & keyfile are not available on the provided path, they can be
    /// generated.  If this happens, several modes can be used to generate them, including
    /// not generating them and just erroring, interactively prompting the user for
    /// information, and using pre-provided information.
    pub fn set_certificate_generation_mode(mut self, mode: CertGenMode) -> Self {
        self.certgen_mode = mode;

    #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
    /// Sets the directory that kochab should look for TLS certs and keys into
    /// Northstar will look for files called `cert.pem` and `key.pem` in the provided
    /// directory.
    /// This does not need to be set if both [`set_cert()`](Self::set_cert()) and
    /// [`set_key()`](Self::set_key()) have been called.
    /// If not set, the default is `cert/`
    pub fn set_tls_dir(self, dir: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
        let dir = dir.into();

    #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
    /// Set the path to the TLS certificate kochab will use
    /// This defaults to `cert/cert.pem`.
    /// This does not need to be called it [`set_tls_dir()`](Self::set_tls_dir()) has been
    /// called.
    pub fn set_cert(mut self, cert_path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
        self.cert_path = cert_path.into();

    #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
    /// Set the path to the ertificate key kochab will use
    /// This defaults to `cert/key.pem`.
    /// This does not need to be called it [`set_tls_dir()`](Self::set_tls_dir()) has been
    /// called.
    /// This should of course correspond to the key set in
    /// [`set_cert()`](Self::set_cert())
    pub fn set_key(mut self, key_path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
        self.key_path = key_path.into();

    /// Set the timeout on incoming requests
    /// Note that this timeout is applied twice, once for the delivery of the request, and
    /// once for sending the client's response.  This means that for a 1 second timeout,
    /// the client will have 1 second to complete the TLS handshake and deliver a request
    /// header, then your API will have as much time as it needs to handle the request,
    /// before the client has another second to receive the response.
    /// If you would like a timeout for your code itself, please use
    /// [`tokio::time::Timeout`] to implement it internally.
    /// **The default timeout is 1 second.**  As somewhat of a workaround for
    /// shortcomings of the specification, this timeout, and any timeout set using this
    /// method, is overridden in special cases, specifically for MIME types outside of
    /// `text/plain` and `text/gemini`, to be 30 seconds.  If you would like to change or
    /// prevent this, please see
    /// [`override_complex_body_timeout`](Self::override_complex_body_timeout()).
    pub fn set_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
        self.timeout = timeout;

    /// Override the timeout for complex body types
    /// Many clients choose to handle body types which cannot be displayed by prompting
    /// the user if they would like to download or open the request body.  However, since
    /// this prompt occurs in the middle of receiving a request, often the connection
    /// times out before the end user is able to respond to the prompt.
    /// As a workaround, it is possible to set an override on the request timeout in
    /// specific conditions:
    /// 1. **Only override the timeout for receiving the body of the request.**  This will
    ///    not override the timeout on sending the request header, nor on receiving the
    ///    response header.
    /// 2. **Only override the timeout for successful responses.**  The only bodies which
    ///    have bodies are successful ones.  In all other cases, there's no body to
    ///    timeout for
    /// 3. **Only override the timeout for complex body types.**  Almost all clients are
    ///    able to display `text/plain` and `text/gemini` responses, and will not prompt
    ///    the user for these response types.  This means that there is no reason to
    ///    expect a client to have a human-length response time for these MIME types.
    ///    Because of this, responses of this type will not be overridden.
    /// This method is used to override the timeout for responses meeting these specific
    /// criteria.  All other stages of the connection will use the timeout specified in
    /// [`set_timeout()`](Self::set_timeout()).
    /// If this is set to [`None`], then the client will have the default amount of time
    /// to both receive the header and the body.  If this is set to [`Some`], the client
    /// will have the default amount of time to recieve the header, and an *additional*
    /// alotment of time to recieve the body.
    /// The default timeout for this is 30 seconds.
    pub fn override_complex_body_timeout(mut self, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> Self {
        self.complex_body_timeout_override = timeout;

    /// Add a handler for a route
    /// A route must be an absolute path, for example "/endpoint" or "/", but not
    /// "endpoint".  Entering a relative or malformed path will result in a panic.
    /// For more information about routing mechanics, see the docs for [`RoutingNode`].
    pub fn add_route(mut self, path: &'static str, handler: impl Into<Handler>) -> Self {
        self.routes.add_route(path, handler.into());

    /// Add a rate limit to a route
    /// The server will allow at most `burst` connections to any endpoints under this
    /// route in a period of `period`.  All extra requests will recieve a `SLOW_DOWN`, and
    /// not be sent to the handler.
    /// A route must be an absolute path, for example "/endpoint" or "/", but not
    /// "endpoint".  Entering a relative or malformed path will result in a panic.
    /// For more information about routing mechanics, see the docs for [`RoutingNode`].
    pub fn ratelimit(mut self, path: &'static str, burst: usize, period: Duration) -> Self {
        let limiter = RateLimiter::new(period, burst);
        self.rate_limits.add_route(path, limiter);

    /// Enable or disable autorewrite
    /// Autorewrite automatically detects links in responses being sent out through kochab
    /// and rewrites them to match the base of the script.  For example, if the script is
    /// mounted on "/app", any links to "/page" would be rewritten as "/app/page".  This
    /// does nothing when in `gemini_srv` mode.
    /// **Note:** If you are serving *very long* `text/gemini` files using `serve_dir`,
    /// then you should avoid setting this to true.  Additionally, if using this option,
    /// do not try to rewrite your links using [`Request::rewrite_path`] or
    /// [`Response::rewrite_all`], as this will apply the rewrite twice.
    /// For more information about rewriting, see [`Request::rewrite_path`].
    pub fn set_autorewrite(mut self, autorewrite: bool) -> Self {
        self.autorewrite = autorewrite;

    fn build(mut self) -> Result<ServerInner> {
        #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
        let config = tls_config(
        ).context("Failed to create TLS config")?;


        let data_dir = self.data_dir;

        Ok(ServerInner {
            routes: Arc::new(self.routes),
            timeout: self.timeout,
            complex_timeout: self.complex_body_timeout_override,
            autorewrite: self.autorewrite,
            #[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
            tls_acceptor: TlsAcceptor::from(config),
            rate_limits: Arc::new(self.rate_limits),
            manager: UserManager::new(
                self.database.unwrap_or_else(move|| sled::open(data_dir).unwrap())

    /// Start serving requests on a given bound address & port
    /// `addr` can be anything `tokio` can parse, including just a string like
    /// "localhost:1965"
    pub async fn serve_ip(self, addr: impl ToSocketAddrs + Send) -> Result<()> {
        let server = self.build()?;
        let socket = TcpListener::bind(addr).await?;

    #[cfg(feature = "scgi_srv")]
    /// Start serving requests on a given unix socket
    /// Requires an address in the form of a path to bind to.  This is only available when
    /// in `scgi_srv` mode.
    pub async fn serve_unix(self, addr: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>) -> Result<()> {
        let server = self.build()?;
        let socket = UnixListener::bind(addr)?;

impl Default for Server {
    fn default() -> Self {

async fn send_response_header(response: &Response, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send)) -> Result<()> {

    let meta = if response.meta.len() > 1024 {
        warn!("Attempted to send response with META exceeding maximum length, truncating");
    } else {

    let header = format!(
        "{status} {meta}\r\n",
        status = response.status,
        meta = meta,



async fn send_response_body(mut body: Option<Body>, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send)) -> Result<()> {
    match &mut body {
        Some(Body::Bytes(ref bytes)) => stream.write_all(bytes).await?,
        Some(Body::Reader(ref mut reader)) => { io::copy(reader, stream).await?; },
        None => {},

    if body.is_some() {


/// Every 5 minutes, remove excess keys from all ratelimiters
async fn prune_ratelimit_log(rate_limits: Arc<RoutingNode<RateLimiter<IpAddr>>>) -> Never {
    let mut interval = interval(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(10));
    let log = rate_limits.as_ref();
    loop {

#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
fn tls_config(
    cert_path: &PathBuf,
    key_path: &PathBuf,
    #[cfg(feature = "certgen")]
    mode: CertGenMode,
) -> Result<Arc<ServerConfig>> {
    let mut config = ServerConfig::new(AllowAnonOrSelfsignedClient::new());

    #[cfg(feature = "certgen")]
    mode.load_or_generate(&mut config, cert_path, key_path)?;

    #[cfg(not(feature = "certgen"))] {
        let cert_chain = load_cert_chain(cert_path)
            .context("Failed to load TLS certificate")?;
        let key = load_key(key_path)
            .context("Failed to load TLS key")?;
        config.set_single_cert(cert_chain, key)
            .context("Failed to use loaded TLS certificate")?;


#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
fn load_cert_chain(cert_path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Vec<Certificate>> {
    let certs = std::fs::File::open(cert_path)
        .with_context(|| format!("Failed to open `{:?}`", cert_path))?;
    let mut certs = std::io::BufReader::new(certs);
    let certs = rustls::internal::pemfile::certs(&mut certs)
        .map_err(|_| anyhow!("failed to load certs `{:?}`", cert_path))?;


#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
fn load_key(key_path: &PathBuf) -> Result<PrivateKey> {
    let keys = std::fs::File::open(key_path)
        .with_context(|| format!("Failed to open `{:?}`", key_path))?;
    let mut keys = std::io::BufReader::new(keys);
    let mut keys = rustls::internal::pemfile::pkcs8_private_keys(&mut keys)
        .map_err(|_| anyhow!("failed to load key `{:?}`", key_path))?;

    ensure!(!keys.is_empty(), "no key found");

    let key = keys.swap_remove(0);


#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
/// A client cert verifier that accepts all connections
/// Unfortunately, rustls doesn't provide a ClientCertVerifier that accepts self-signed
/// certificates, so we need to implement this ourselves.
struct AllowAnonOrSelfsignedClient { }

#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
impl AllowAnonOrSelfsignedClient {

    /// Create a new verifier
    fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
        Arc::new(Self {})


#[cfg(feature = "gemini_srv")]
impl ClientCertVerifier for AllowAnonOrSelfsignedClient {

    fn client_auth_root_subjects(
        _: Option<&webpki::DNSName>
    ) -> Option<DistinguishedNames> {

    fn client_auth_mandatory(&self, _sni: Option<&webpki::DNSName>) -> Option<bool> {

    // the below methods are a hack until webpki doesn't break with certain certs

    fn verify_client_cert(
        _: &[Certificate],
        _: Option<&webpki::DNSName>
    ) -> Result<ClientCertVerified, TLSError> {

    fn verify_tls12_signature(
        _message: &[u8],
        _cert: &Certificate,
        _dss: &DigitallySignedStruct,
    ) -> Result<HandshakeSignatureValid, TLSError> {

    fn verify_tls13_signature(
        _message: &[u8],
        _cert: &Certificate,
        _dss: &DigitallySignedStruct,
    ) -> Result<HandshakeSignatureValid, TLSError> {

#[cfg(feature = "ratelimiting")]
enum Never {}