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No! Against Adult Supremacy

NO! Against Adult Supremacy is a collection of writing originally published online by Stinney Distro. This anthology is jointly published with Active Distribution and draws together all 20 issues of the NO! zine into one print edition:
“Every hierarchy, every abuse, every act of domination that seeks to justify or excuse itself appeals through analogy to the rule of adults over children. We are all indoctrinated from birth in ways of ‘because I said so.’ The flags of supposed experience, benevolence, and familial obligation are the first of many paraded through our lives to celebrate the suppression of our agency, the dismissal of our desires, the reduction of our personhood. Our whole world is caught in a cycle of abuse, largely unexamined and unnamed. And at its root lies our dehumanisation of children.”

Почему патриархат все еще существует

Как с точки зрения психологии работает и сам себя воспроизводит патриархат. Взгляд не со стороны психоанализа, а со стороны теория привязанности. Гендерная бинарность как следствие травмы утраты.

12 лекций по гендерной социологии

В курсе лекций по гендерной социологии излагаются методологические и теоретические основания данного исследовательского направления. Лекции дают представление о том, что такое современная гендерная социология, как она формировалась под влиянием феминизма и как ее инструменты применяются в изучении разных предметных областей. Авторы ставят актуальные вопросы, например, почему женщины больше болеют, но дольше живут? Почему среди Нобелевских лауреатов мало женщин? Почему нормы маскулинности в современном мире сопряжены с повышенными рисками? Поскольку большинство вопросов, рассматриваемых в рамках гендерной социологии, продолжают оставаться дискуссионными, авторы курса лекций приглашают читателей и читательниц включиться в обсуждение. Учебное пособие предназначено для социологов — студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов, научных сотрудников, исследователей, преподавателей, однако оно может быть полезным и представителям других социальных и гуманитарных наук.

Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics

A controversial look at the social politics of equality and cultural politics of difference.The collapse of communism, the rise of identity politics, and struggles over global governance have combined to create new challenges for the Left: How to do justice to legitimate claims for multiculturalism and democratization without abandoning the Left's historic-and still indispensable-commitment to economic equality? How to broaden the understanding of injustice by adding cultural and political insult to economic injury? Adding Insult to Injury tracks the debate sparked by Nancy Fraser's controversial effort to combine redistribution, recognition, and representation in a new understanding of social justice. The volume showcases Fraser's critical exchanges with leading thinkers, including Judith Butler, Richard Rorty, Iris Marion Young, Anne Phillips, and Rainer Frost. The result is a wide-ranging and at times contentious exploration of varied approaches to rebuilding the Left.

African Feminism: The Politics of Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa

African feminism, this landmark volume demonstrates, differs radically from the Western forms of feminism with which we have become familiar since the 1960s. African feminists are not, by and large, concerned with issues such as female control over reproduction or variation and choice within human sexuality, nor with debates about essentialism, the female body, or the discourse of patriarchy. The feminism that is slowly emerging in Africa is distinctly heterosexual, pronatal, and concerned with "bread, butter, and power" issues.
Contributors present case studies of ten African states, demonstrating that—as they fight for access to land, for the right to own property, for control of food distribution, for living wages and safe working conditions, for health care, and for election reform—African women are creating a powerful and specifically African feminism.

Anthropocene Feminism

What does feminism have to say to the Anthropocene? How does the concept of the Anthropocene impact feminism? This book is a daring and provocative response to the masculinist and techno-normative approach to the Anthropocene so often taken by technoscientists, artists, humanists, and social scientists. By coining and, for the first time, fully exploring the concept of “anthropocene feminism,” it highlights the alternatives feminism and queer theory can offer for thinking about the Anthropocene.
Feminist theory has long been concerned with the anthropogenic impact of humans, particularly men, on nature. Consequently, the contributors to this volume explore not only what current interest in the Anthropocene might mean for feminism but also what it is that feminist theory can contribute to technoscientific understandings of the Anthropocene. With essays from prominent environmental and feminist scholars on topics ranging from Hawaiian poetry to Foucault to shelled creatures to hypomodernity to posthuman feminism, this book highlights both why we need an anthropocene feminism and why thinking about the Anthropocene must come from feminism.

Beyond Equality and Difference: Citizenship, Feminist Politics and Female Subjectivity

Historically, as well as more recently, women's emancipation has been seen in two ways: sometimes as the right to be equal' and sometimes as theright to be different'. These views have often overlapped and interacted: in a variety of guises they have played an important role in both the development of ideas about women and feminism, and the works of political thinkers by no means primarily concerned with women's liberation. The chapters of this book deal primarily with the meaning and use of these two concepts in the context of gender relations (past and present), but also draw attention to their place in the understanding and analysis of other human relationships.

Beyond Identity Politics: Feminism, Power and Politics

Recent debates in contemporary feminist theory have been dominated by the relation between identity and politics. Beyond Identity Politics examines the implications of recent theorizing on difference, identity and subjectivity for theories of patriarchy and feminist politics. Organised around the three central themes of subjectivity, power and politics, this book focuses on a question which feminists struggled with and were divided by throughout the last decade, that is: how to theorize the relation between the subject and politics. In this thoughtful engagement with these debates Moya Lloyd argues that the turn to the subject in process does not entail the demise of feminist politics as many feminists have argued. She demonstrates how key ideas such as agency, power and domination take on a new shape as a consequence of this radical rethinking of the subject-politics relation and how the role of feminist political theory becomes centred upon critique. A resource for feminist theorists, women's and gender studies students, as well as political and social theorists, this is a carefully composed and wide-ranging text, which provides important insights into one of contemporary feminism's most central concerns.

Beyond the Periphery of the Skin

More than ever, "the body" is today at the center of radical and institutional politics. Feminist, antiracist, trans, ecological movements: all look at the body, in its manifold manifestations, as a ground of confrontation with the state and a vehicle for transformative social practices. Concurrently, the body has become a signifier for the reproduction crisis the neoliberal turn in capitalist development has generated and for the international surge in institutional repression and public violence. In Beyond the Periphery of the Skin, lifelong activist and best-selling author Silvia Federici examines these complex processes, placing them in the context of the history of the capitalist transformation of the body into a work-machine, expanding on one of the main subjects of her first book, Caliban and the Witch.
Federici surveys the new paradigms that today govern how the body is conceived in the collective radical imagination, as well as the new disciplinary regimes state and capital are deploying in response to mounting revolt against the daily attacks on our everyday reproduction. In this process she confronts some of the most important questions for contemporary radical political projects. What does "the body" mean, today, as a category of social/political action? What are the processes, institutional or anti-systemic, by which it is constituted? How do we dismantle the tools by which our bodies have been "enclosed" and collectively reclaim our capacity to govern them?

Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity

The story of Christine Jorgensen, America’s first prominent transsexual, famously narrated trans embodiment in the postwar era. Her celebrity, however, has obscured other mid-century trans narratives—ones lived by African Americans such as Lucy Hicks Anderson and James McHarris. Their erasure from trans history masks the profound ways race has figured prominently in the construction and representation of transgender subjects. In Black on Both Sides, C. Riley Snorton identifies multiple intersections between blackness and transness from the mid-nineteenth century to present-day anti-black and anti-trans legislation and violence.
Drawing on a deep and varied archive of materials—early sexological texts, fugitive slave narratives, Afro-modernist literature, sensationalist journalism, Hollywood films—Snorton attends to how slavery and the production of racialized gender provided the foundations for an understanding of gender as mutable. In tracing the twinned genealogies of blackness and transness, Snorton follows multiple trajectories, from the medical experiments conducted on enslaved black women by J. Marion Sims, the “father of American gynecology,” to the negation of blackness that makes transnormativity possible.
Revealing instances of personal sovereignty among blacks living in the antebellum North that were mapped in terms of “cross dressing” and canonical black literary works that express black men’s access to the “female within,” Black on Both Sides concludes with a reading of the fate of Phillip DeVine, who was murdered alongside Brandon Teena in 1993, a fact omitted from the film Boys Don’t Cry out of narrative convenience. Reconstructing these theoretical and historical trajectories furthers our imaginative capacities to conceive more livable black and trans worlds.

Capitalism and Disability

Spread out over many years and many different publications, the late author and activist Marta Russell wrote a number of groundbreaking and insightful essays on the nature of disability and oppression under capitalism. In this volume, Russell’s various essays are brought together in one place in order to provide a useful and expansive resource to those interested in better understanding the ways in which the modern phenomenon of disability is shaped by capitalist economic and social relations. The essays range in analysis from the theoretical to the topical, including but not limited to: the emergence of disability as a “human category” rooted in the rise of industrial capitalism and the transformation of the conditions of work, family, and society corresponding thereto; a critique of the shortcomings of a purely “civil rights approach” to addressing the persistence of disability oppression in the economic sphere, with a particular focus on the legacy of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; an examination of the changing position of disabled people within the overall system of capitalist production utilizing the Marxist economic concepts of the reserve army of the unemployed, the labor theory of value, and the exploitation of wage-labor; the effects of neoliberal capitalist policies on the living conditions and social position of disabled people as it pertains to welfare, income assistance, health care, and other social security programs; imperialism and war as a factor in the further oppression and immiseration of disabled people within the United States and globally; and the need to build unity against the divisive tendencies which hide the common economic interest shared between disabled people and the often highly-exploited direct care workers who provide services to the former.

Capitalism: A Critical Theory

In this important new book, Nancy Fraser and Rahel Jaeggi take a fresh look at the big questions surrounding the peculiar social form known as “capitalism,” upending many of our commonly held assumptions about what capitalism is and how to subject it to critique. They show how, throughout its history, various regimes of capitalism have relied on a series of institutional separations between economy and polity, production and social reproduction, and human and non-human nature, periodically readjusting the boundaries between these domains in response to crises and upheavals. They consider how these “boundary struggles” offer a key to understanding capitalism’s contradictions and the multiple forms of conflict to which it gives rise.
What emerges is a renewed crisis critique of capitalism which puts our present conjuncture into broader perspective, along with sharp diagnoses of the recent resurgence of right-wing populism and what would be required of a viable Left alternative. This major new book by two leading critical theorists will be of great interest to anyone concerned with the nature and future of capitalism and with the key questions of progressive politics today.

Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism

Fourteen provocative papers on the oppression of women in capitalist countries, coupled with three articles on the subordinate position of women in two communist countries (Cuba and China). These important, often path-breaking articles are arranged in five basic sections, the titles of which indicate the broad range of issues being considered: Introduction; motherhood, reproduction, and male supremacy; socialist feminist historical analysis; patriarchy in revolutionary society; socialist feminism in America. The underlying thrust of the book is toward integrating the central ideas of radical feminist thought with those pivotal for Marxist or socialist class analysis.

Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex

Pathologized, terrorized, and confined, trans/gender non-conforming and queer folks have always struggled against the enormity of the prison industrial complex. The first collection of its kind, Eric A. Stanley and Nat Smith bring together current and former prisoners, activists, and academics to offer new ways for understanding how race, gender, ability, and sexuality are lived under the crushing weight of captivity. Through a politic of gender self-determination, this collection argues that trans/queer liberation and prison abolition must be grown together. From rioting against police violence and critiquing hate crimes legislation to prisoners demanding access to HIV medications, and far beyond, Captive Genders is a challenge for us all to join the struggle.

Chuang (Issue 1, 2)

闯 Chuǎng: The image of a horse breaking through a gate. Meaning: To break free; To attack, charge; To break through, force one’s way in or out; To act impetuously. 闯关 (chuǎngguān): to run a blockade. 闯座 (chuǎngzuò): to attend a feast without being invited.
Over the past three decades, China has transformed from an isolated state-planned economy into an integrated hub of capitalist production. Waves of new investment are reshaping and deepening China’s contradictions, creating billionaires like Ma Yun while the millions below — those who farm, cook, clean, and assemble his electronic infrastructure — struggle to escape fates of endless grueling work. But as China’s wealthy feast ever more lavishly, the poor have begun to batter down the gates to the banquet hall. 闯 is the sudden movement when the gate is broken and the possibilities for a new world emerge beyond it.
闯 Chuǎng will publish a journal analyzing the ongoing development of capitalism in China, its historical roots, and the revolts of those crushed beneath it. Chuǎng is also a blog chronicling these developments in shorter and more immediate form, and will publish translations, reports, and comments on Chinese news of interest to those who want to break beyond the bounds of the slaughterhouse called capitalism.

Close to Home: A Materialist Analysis of Women's Oppression

Close to Home is the classic study of family, patriarchal ideologies, and the politics and strategy of women’s liberation. On the table in this forceful and provocative debate are questions of whether men can be feminists, whether “bourgeois” and heterosexual women are retrogressive members of the women’s movement, and how best to struggle against the multiple oppressions women endure.

Countersexual Manifesto: Subverting Gender Identities

Countersexual Manifesto is an outrageous yet rigorous work of trans theory, a performative literary text, and an insistent call to action. Seeking to overthrow all constraints on what can be done with and to the body, Paul B. Preciado offers a provocative challenge to even the most radical claims about gender, sexuality, and desire.
Preciado lays out mock constitutional principles for a countersexual revolution that will recognize genitalia as technological objects and offers step-by-step illustrated instructions for dismantling the heterocentric social contract. He calls theorists such as Derrida, Foucault, Butler, and Haraway to task for not going nearly far enough in their attempts to deconstruct the naturalization of normative identities and behaviors. Preciado’s claim that the dildo precedes the penis—that artifice, not nature, comes first in the history of sexuality—forms the basis of his demand for new practices of sexual emancipation. He calls for a world of sexual plasticity and fabrication, of bio-printers and “dildonics,” and he invokes countersexuality’s roots in the history of sex toys, pornography, and drag in order to rupture the supposedly biological foundations of the heterocentric regime. His claims are extreme, but supported through meticulous readings of philosophy and theory, as well as popular culture. The Manifesto is now available in English translation for its twentieth anniversary, with a new introduction by Preciado. Countersexual Manifesto will disrupt feminism and queer theory and scandalize us all with its hyperbolic but deadly serious defiance of everything we’ve been told about sex.

Dangerous Brown Men: Exploiting Sex, Violence and Feminism in the War on Terror

Why is the public presentation of the war on terror suffused with sexualised racism?
What does this tell us about ideas of gender, sexuality, religious and political identity and the role of the state in the Western powers?
Can we diffuse inter-ethnic conflicts and change the way the West pursues its security agenda by understanding the role of sexualised racism in the war on terror?
In asking such questions, Gargi Bhattacharyya considers how the concepts of imperialism, feminism, terror and security can be applied, in order to build on the influential debates about the sexualised character of colonialism. She examines the way in which western imperial violence has been associated with the rhetoric of rights and democracy - a project of bombing for freedom that has called into question the validity of western conceptions of democracy, rights and feminism.
Such rhetoric has given rise to actions that go beyond simply protecting western interests or securing access to scarce resources and appear to be beyond instrumental reason. The articulations of racism that appear with the war on terror are animated by fears and sexual fantasies inexplicable by rational interest alone. There can be no resolution to this seemingly endless conflict without understanding the highly sexualised racism that animates it. Such an understanding threatens to pierce the heart of imperial relations, revealing their intense contradictions and uncovering attempts to normalise violent expropriation.

Dangerous Liaisons: The Marriages and Divorces of Marxism and Feminism

An accessible introduction to the relationship between the workers' movement and the women's movement, this book investigates the questions Why does gender inequality exist? and How does it relate to capitalism? Historical examples range from the mid-19th century to the 1970s and include events, debates, and key personalities from China, Russia, the United States, France, Italy, Spain, and Britain. It shows time and again the controversial, often difficult relationship between feminism and Marxism. The theoretical questions discussed include the origins of women's oppression, domestic labor, dual systems theory, performativity, and differentialism. Women's oppression is a structural element of the division of labor and one of the direct factors through which capitalism not only reinforces its ideological domination but also organizes the exploitation and reproduction of labor. The integration of patriarchal relations and capitalism has led to their radical transformation--in the family, in terms of women's place in production, in sexual relations, and with respect to sexual identity. Marxism needs to probe complex processes: ongoing transformations and crises, a global context creating an increasingly feminized workforce, and changing relations between men and women. The book maintains that it is a mistake to submerge gender into class or to believe that freedom from exploitation automatically brings about women's liberation and the ending of sexual roles; it is equally wrong is to think the class question can be removed and gender made the main enemy.

Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism

Everyday, around the world, women who work in the Third World factories of global firms face the idea that they are disposable. Melissa W. Wright explains how this notion proliferates, both within and beyond factory walls, through the telling of a simple story: the myth of the disposable Third World woman. This myth explains how young women workers around the world eventually turn into living forms of waste. Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism follows this myth inside the global factories and surrounding cities in northern Mexico and in southern China, illustrating the crucial role the tale plays in maintaining not just the constant flow of global capital, but the present regime of transnational capitalism. The author also investigates how women challenge the story and its meaning for workers in global firms. These innovative responses illustrate how a politics for confronting global capitalism must include the many creative ways that working people resist its dehumanizing effects.

Dissident Friendships: Feminism, Imperialism, and Transnational Solidarity

Often perceived as unbridgeable, the boundaries that divide humanity from itself--whether national, gender, racial, political, or imperial--are rearticulated through friendship. Elora Halim Chowdhury and Liz Philipose edit a collection of essays that express the different ways women forge hospitality in deference to or defiance of the structures meant to keep them apart.
Emerging out of postcolonial theory, the works discuss instances when the authors have negotiated friendship's complicated, conflicted, and contradictory terrain; offer fresh perspectives on feminists' invested, reluctant, and selective uses of the nation; reflect on how the arts contribute to conversations about feminism, dissent, resistance, and solidarity; and unpack the details of transnational dissident friendships.

Dividing the Domestic

In Dividing the Domestic, leading international scholars roll up their sleeves to investigate how culture and country characteristics permeate our households and our private lives. The book introduces novel frameworks for understanding why the household remains a bastion of traditional gender relations—even when employed full-time, women everywhere still do most of the work around the house, and poor women spend more time on housework than affluent women. Education systems, tax codes, labor laws, public polices, and cultural beliefs about motherhood and marriage all make a difference. Any accounting of "who does what" needs to consider the complicity of trade unions, state arrangements for children's schooling, and new cultural prescriptions for a happy marriage. With its cross-national perspective, this pioneering volume speaks not only to sociologists concerned with gender and family, but also to those interested in scholarship on states, public policy, culture, and social inequality.

Do Muslim Women Need Saving?

Do Muslim Women Need Saving? is an indictment of a mindset that has justified all manner of foreign interference, including military invasion, in the name of rescuing women from Islam. It offers a detailed, moving portrait of the actual experiences of ordinary Muslim women, and of the contingencies with which they live.

False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton presents her campaign for the presidency and her long career in public life as a triumph of feminism. But an all-star lineup of American feminists here says, "It's not that simple." In a history of proposals and policies on welfare, Wall Street, crime and policing, immigration, international health, and war, Clinton has advanced ideas and laws that have actually hurt women--and restricted the powerful idea of feminism itself. From leading feminist figures like Roxane Gay, Laura Flanders, and Medea Benjamin to a new generation of young women writers and thinkers, this book restores to feminism its revolutionary meaning and outlines how truly robust feminist policies could transform the United States and its relation to the world.

Feminism and Motherhood in Western Europe, 1890-1970

According to Allen, motherhood and citizenship are terms that are closely linked and have been redefined over the past century due to changes in women's status, feminist movements, and political developments. Mother-child relationships were greatly affected by political decisions during the early 1900s, and the maternal role has been transformed over the years. To understand the dilemmas faced by women concerning motherhood and work, for example, Allen argues that the problem must be examined in terms of its demographic and political development through history. Allen highlights the feminist movements in Western Europe - primarily Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands, and explores the implications of the maternal role for women's aspirations to the rights of citizenship. Among the topics Allen explores the history of the maternal role, psychoanalysis and theories on the mother-child relationship, changes in family law from 1890-1914, the economic status of mothers, and reproductive responsibility.

Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World

For twenty-five years, Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World has been an essential primer on the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century history of women’s movements in Asia and the Middle East. In this engaging and well-researched survey, Kumari Jayawardena presents feminism as it originated in the Third World, erupting from the specific struggles of women fighting against colonial power, for education or the vote, for safety, and against poverty and inequality.
Journalist and human rights activist Rafia Zakaria’s foreword to this new edition is an impassioned letter in two parts: the first to Western feminists; the second to feminists in the Global South, entreating them to use this “compendium of female courage” as a bridge between women of different nations.
Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World was chosen as one of the top twenty Feminist Classics of this Wave, 1970–1990, by Ms. magazine, and won the Feminist Fortnight Award in the UK.

Feminism and Psychoanalysis: The Daughter’s Seduction

Gallop's second book, The Daughter's Seduction: Feminism and Psychoanalysis (1982), was published shortly after the first translated works of French feminists appeared. Hers was therefore one of the first American feminist overviews of French feminist deconstructive and psychoanalytic theory. As such, it had a significant impact on the way in which the French theorists were read, and it participated in what was becoming a division within the feminist community between those for or against "theory."

Feminism and War: Confronting US Imperialism

Women across the globe are being dramatically affected by war as currently waged by the USA. But there has been little public space for dialogue about the complex relationship between feminism, women, and war. The editors of Feminism and War have brought together a diverse set of leading theorists and activists who examine the questions raised by ongoing American military initiatives, such as: What are the implications of an imperial nation/state laying claim to women's liberation? What is the relation between this claim and resulting American foreign policy and military action? Did American intervention and invasion in fact result in liberation for women in Afghanistan and Iraq? What multiple concepts are embedded in the phrase "women’s liberation"? How are these connected to the specifics of religion, culture, history, economics, and nation within current conflicts? What is the relation between the lives of Afghan and Iraqi women before and after invasion, and that of women living in the US? How do women who define themselves as feminists resist or acquiesce to this nation/state claim in current theory and organizing? Feminism and War reveals and critically analyzes the complicated ways in which America uses gender, race, class, nationalism, imperialism to justify, legitimate, and continue war. Each chapter builds on the next to develop an anti-racist, feminist politics that places imperialist power, and forms of resistance to it, central to its comprehensive analysis.

Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto

In this short book, three of the organisers of the international women's strike in the US lay out a manifesto for an alternative. Looking to women mobilizing in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Italy, Spain, Turkey, and other countries, who have recast feminist, anti-racist, environmentalist struggles in creative ways, the authors lay out a compelling set of demands. It is a manifesto that seeks to retrieve a radical and subversive feminism, for the emergence of an international anticapitalist feminist network.
Against the 'Lean In' corporate feminism of Hilary Clinton and Sheryl Sandberg, - a feminism that is useful only for the women of the 1% - this manifesto outlines a feminism for the rest of us: a feminism for the 99%.

Feminism Seduced

In a pioneering reinterpretation of the role of mainstream feminism, Eisenstein shows how the ruling elites of developed countries utilize women's labor and the ideas of women's liberation and empowerment to maintain their economic and political power, both at home and abroad. Her explorations range from the abolition of "welfare as we know it" and the ending of the family wage in the United States to the creation of export-processing zones in the global South that depend on women's "nimble fingers"; and from the championing of microcredit as a path to women's empowerment in the global South to the claim of women's presumed liberation in the West as an ideological weapon in the war on terrorism. Eisenstein challenges activists and intellectuals to recognize that international feminism is at a fateful crossroads, and argues that it is crucial for feminists to throw in their lot with the progressive forces that are seeking alternatives to globalized corporate capitalism.

Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity

Bringing together classic and new writings of the trailblazing feminist theorist Chandra Talpade Mohanty, " Feminism without Borders" addresses some of the most pressing and complex issues facing contemporary feminism. Forging vital links between daily life and collective action and between theory and pedagogy, Mohanty has been at the vanguard of Third World and international feminist thought and activism for nearly two decades. This collection highlights the concerns running throughout her pioneering work: the politics of difference and solidarity, decolonizing and democratizing feminist practice, the crossing of borders, and the relation of feminist knowledge and scholarship to organizing and social movements. Mohanty offers here a sustained critique of globalization and urges a reorientation of transnational feminist practice toward anticapitalist struggles."Feminism without Borders" opens with Mohanty's influential critique of western feminism (Under Western Eyes) and closes with a reconsideration of that piece based on her latest thinking regarding the ways that gender matters in the racial, class, and national formations of globalization. In between these essays, Mohanty meditates on the lives of women workers at different ends of the global assembly line (in India, the United Kingdom, and the United States); feminist writing on experience, identity, and community; dominant conceptions of multiculturalism and citizenship; and the corporatization of the North American academy. She considers the evolution of interdisciplinary programs like Women's Studies and Race and Ethnic Studies; pedagogies of accommodation and dissent; and transnational women's movements for grassroots ecological solutions and consumer, health, and reproductive rights. Mohanty's probing and provocative analyses of key concepts in feminist thought--home, sisterhood, experience, community--lead the way toward a feminism without borders, a feminism fully engaged with the realities of a transnational world.

Feminism, capitalism, and critique. Essays in honor of Nancy Fraser

This edited collection examines the relationship between three central terms—capitalism, feminism, and critique—while critically celebrating the work and life of a thinker who has done the most to address this nexus: Nancy Fraser. In honor of her seventieth birthday, and in the spirit of her work in the tradition of critical theory, this collection brings together scholars from different disciplines and theoretical approaches to address this conjunction and evaluate Fraser’s lifelong contributions to theorizing it. Scholars from philosophy, political science, sociology, gender studies, race theory and economics come together to think through the vicissitudes of capitalism and feminism while also responding to different elements of Nancy Fraser’s work, which weaves together a strong feminist standpoint with a vibrant and complex critique of capitalism. Going beyond conventional disciplinary distinctions and narrow debates, all the contributors to this project share a commitment to critically understanding the connection between capitalism, exploitation, and the viable roads for emancipation. They recover insights provided by classical traditions of political and social thought, but they also open new research directions adapted to the global challenges of our time.

Feminism, Interrupted

Plastered over t-shirts and tote bags, the word 'feminist' has entered the mainstream and is fast becoming a popular slogan for our generation. But feminism isn't a commodity up for purchase; it's a weapon for fighting against injustice. This revolutionary book reclaims feminism from consumerism through exploring state violence against women, reproductive justice, transmisogyny, sex work, gendered Islamophobia and much more, showing that the struggle for gendered liberation is a struggle for justice, one that can transform the world for everyone.

Feminist International. How to Change Everything

Recent years have seen massive feminist mobilizations in virtually every continent, overturning social mores and repressive legislation. In this brilliant and original look at the emerging feminist international, Verónica Gago explores how the women’s strike, as both a concept and collective experience, may be transforming the boundaries of politics as we know it.
At once a gripping political analysis and a theoretically charged manifesto, Feminist International draws on the author’s rich experience with radical movements to enter into ongoing debates in feminist and Marxist theory: from social reproduction and domestic work to the intertwining of financial and gender violence, as well as controversies surrounding the neo-extractivist model of development, the possibilities and limits of left populism, and the ever-vexed nexus of gender-race-class. Gago asks what another theory of power might look like, one premised on our desire to change everything.

Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center

A sweeping examination of the core issues of sexual politics, bell hooks' new book Feminist Theory: from margin to center argues that the contemporary feminist movement must establish a new direction for the 1980s. Continuing the debates surrounding her controversial first book, Ain't I A Woman, bell hooks suggests that feminists have not succeeded in creating a mass movement against sexist oppression because the very foundation of women's liberation has, until now, not accounted for the complexity and diversity of female experience. In order to fulfill its revolutionary potential, feminist theory must begin by consciously transforming its own definition to encompass the lives and ideas of women on the margin. Hooks' work is a challenge to the women's movement and will have profound impact on all whose lives have been touched by feminism and its insights.

Feminist, Crip, Queer

In Feminist, Queer, Crip Alison Kafer imagines a different future for disability and disabled bodies. Challenging the ways in which ideas about the future and time have been deployed in the service of compulsory able-bodiedness and able-mindedness, Kafer rejects the idea of disability as a pre-determined limit. She juxtaposes theories, movements, and identities such as environmental justice, reproductive justice, cyborg theory, transgender politics, and disability that are typically discussed in isolation and envisions new possibilities for crip futures and feminist/queer/crip alliances. This bold book goes against the grain of normalization and promotes a political framework for a more just world.

Forced to Care: Coercion and Caregiving in America

The United States faces a growing crisis in care. The number of people needing care is growing while the ranks of traditional caregivers have shrunk. The status of care workers is a critical concern.
Evelyn Nakano Glenn offers an innovative interpretation of care labor in the United States by tracing the roots of inequity along two interconnected strands: unpaid caring within the family; and slavery, indenture, and other forms of coerced labor. By bringing both into the same analytic framework, she provides a convincing explanation of the devaluation of care work and the exclusion of both unpaid and paid care workers from critical rights such as minimum wage, retirement benefits, and workers' compensation. Glenn reveals how assumptions about gender, family, home, civilization, and citizenship have shaped the development of care labor and been incorporated into law and social policies. She exposes the underlying systems of control that have resulted in womenâe"especially immigrants and women of colorâe"performing a disproportionate share of caring labor. Finally, she examines strategies for improving the situation of unpaid family caregivers and paid home healthcare workers.
This important and timely book illuminates the source of contradictions between American beliefs about the value and importance of caring in a good society and the exploitation and devalued status of those who actually do the caring.

Fortunes of Feminism

Nancy Fraser’s major new book traces the feminist movement’s evolution since the 1970s and anticipates a new—radical and egalitarian—phase of feminist thought and action.
During the ferment of the New Left, “Second Wave” feminism emerged as a struggle for women’s liberation and took its place alongside other radical movements that were questioning core features of capitalist society. But feminism’s subsequent immersion in identity politics coincided with a decline in its utopian energies and the rise of neoliberalism. Now, foreseeing a revival in the movement, Fraser argues for a reinvigorated feminist radicalism able to address the global economic crisis. Feminism can be a force working in concert with other egalitarian movements in the struggle to bring the economy under democratic control, while building on the visionary potential of the earlier waves of women’s liberation. This powerful new account is set to become a landmark of feminist thought.

Freedom Fallacy: The Limits of Liberal Feminism

Feminism is back in fashion. From female celebrities to male politicians, it seems almost everyone is keen to use the f-word. But are there limits to this 'pop feminist' approach to liberation? Taking on topics from pornography and prostitution to female genital mutilation, from women's magazines and marriage to sexual violence, contributors in this collection argue that the kind of liberal feminism currently rising to prominence does little to challenge the status quo. Aiming to revive a more radical analysis, the chapters in this book confront the dangers of reducing feminism to a debate about personal choice and offer the possibility of change through collective action.

Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance

Around the world, women have long been on the frontlines, protesting war and military forces. The essays in this collection, from both scholars and activists, explore the experiences of local women's groups that have developed to fight war, militarization, political domination, and patriarchy throughout the world. The writings in this collection cover a range of genres from memoir and historical accounts to critical essays. What holds the writings together is an urgency to reflect on and analyze women's activism on the frontiers - from Palestine, Sudan, Iran, Kosovo and rural India to Serbia, Croatia, Okinawa, Israel, U.S. prisons, and the racialized American South.

Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family

The surrogacy industry is worth an estimated 1 billion dollars a year, and many of its surrogates work in terrible conditions, while many gestate babies for no pay at all. Should it be illegal to pay someone to gestate a baby for you?
Full Surrogacy Now brings a fresh and unique perspective to the debate. Rather than making surrogacy illegal or allowing it to continue as is, Sophie Lewis argues we should be looking to radically transform it. Surrogates should be put front and center, and their rights to the babies they gestate should be expanded to acknowledge that they are more than mere vessels. In doing so we can break down our assumptions that children necessarily belong to those whose genetics they share.
This might sound like a radical proposal but expanding our idea of who children belong to would be a good thing. Taking collective responsibility for children, rather than only caring for the ones we share DNA with, would radically transform notions of kinship. Adopting this expanded concept of surrogacy helps us to see that it always, as the saying goes, takes a village to raise a child.

Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity

Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural, 'essential' notion of the female, or indeed of sex or gender, Butler starts by questioning the category 'woman' and continues in this vein with examinations of 'the masculine' and 'the feminine'. Best known however, but also most often misinterpreted, is Butler's concept of gender as a reiterated social performance rather than the expression of a prior reality.

Gender, War, and Militarism Feminist Perspectives

Feminist scholars have long contended that war and militarism are fundamentally gendered. Gender, War, and Militarism: Feminist Perspectives provides empirical evidence, theoretical innovation, and interdisciplinary conversation on the topic, while explicitly—and uniquely—considering the links between gender, war, and militarism. Essentially an interdisciplinary conversation between scholars studying gender in political science, anthropology, and sociology, the essays here all turn their attention to the same questions. How are war and militarism gendered?
Seventeen innovative explanations of different intersections of the gendering of global politics and global conflict examine the theoretical relationship between gender, militarization, and security; the deployment of gender and sexuality in times of conflict; sexual violence in war and conflict; post-conflict reconstruction; and gender and militarism in media and literary accounts of war. Together, these essays make a coherent argument that reveals that, although it takes different forms, gendering is a constant feature of 21st-century militarism.

How All Politics Became Reproductive Politics

Today all politics are reproductive politics, argues esteemed feminist critic Laura Briggs. From longer work hours to the election of Donald Trump, our current political crisis is above all about reproduction. Households are where we face our economic realities as social safety nets get cut and wages decline. Briggs brilliantly outlines how politicians’ racist accounts of reproduction—stories of Black “welfare queens” and Latina “breeding machines"—were the leading wedge in the government and business disinvestment in families. With decreasing wages, rising McJobs, and no resources for family care, our households have grown ever more precarious over the past forty years in sharply race-and class-stratified ways. This crisis, argues Briggs, fuels all others—from immigration to gay marriage, anti-feminism to the rise of the Tea Party.

Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest

Imperial Leather chronicles the dangerous liaisons between gender, race and class that shaped British imperialism and its bloody dismantling. Spanning the century between Victorian Britain and the current struggle for power in South Africa, the book takes up the complex relationships between race and sexuality, fetishism and money, gender and violence, domesticity and the imperial market, and the gendering of nationalism within the zones of imperial and anti-imperial power.

In the Name of Women’s Rights: The Rise of Femonationalism

Sara R. Farris examines the demands for women's rights from an unlikely collection of right-wing nationalist political parties, neoliberals, and some feminist theorists and policy makers. Focusing on contemporary France, Italy, and the Netherlands, Farris labels this exploitation and co-optation of feminist themes by anti-Islam and xenophobic campaigns as “femonationalism.” She shows that by characterizing Muslim males as dangerous to western societies and as oppressors of women, and by emphasizing the need to rescue Muslim and migrant women, these groups use gender equality to justify their racist rhetoric and policies. This practice also serves an economic function. Farris analyzes how neoliberal civic integration policies and feminist groups funnel Muslim and non-western migrant women into the segregating domestic and caregiving industries, all the while claiming to promote their emancipation. In the Name of Women's Rights documents the links between racism, feminism, and the ways in which non-western women are instrumentalized for a variety of political and economic purposes.

Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty

This is a no-holds-barred response to the liberal and conservative retreat from an assertive, activist, and socially transformative civil rights agenda of recent years—using a black feminist lens and the issue of the impact of recent legislation, social policy, and welfare "reform" on black women's—especially poor black women's—control over their bodies' autonomy and their freedom to bear and raise children with respect and dignity in a society whose white mainstream is determined to demonize, even criminalize their lives. It gives its readers a cogent legal and historical argument for a radically new , and socially transformative, definition of "liberty" and "equality" for the American polity from a black feminist perspective.

Kinship and Beyond: The Genealogical Model Reconsidered

The genealogical model has a long-standing history in Western thought. The contributors to this volume consider the ways in which assumptions about the genealogical model—in particular, ideas concerning sequence, essence, and transmission—structure other modes of practice and knowledge-making in domains well beyond what is normally labeled “kinship.” The detailed ethnographic work and analysis included in this text explores how these assumptions have been built into our understandings of race, personhood, ethnicity, property relations, and the relationship between human beings and non-human species. The authors explore the influences of the genealogical model of kinship in wider social theory and examine anthropology’s ability to provide a unique framework capable of bridging the “social” and “natural” sciences. In doing so, this volume brings fresh new perspectives to bear on contemporary theories concerning biotechnology and its effect upon social life.

LIES Journal (Issue I, II)

LIES is a journal spearheaded by a queer feminist collective based in multiple cities: Oakland, New York, Baltimore, and New Orleans. LIES is a platform for certain conversations and critiques that are difficult, impossible or dangerous if cis men are in the room. We attack the legacy of racism and transphobia that has plagued feminist organizing, and strive to develop new autonomous feminist practices that take antagonism to white supremacy and transphobia as essential parts of feminist struggle. LIES came out of our experiences within these struggles. It seeks to embody and develop in print the practice of autonomy that we needed to save ourselves in the midst of movements squared on patriarchy and fueled by the subordination of everyone but white cis men. LIES is a communist journal against communists. We draw our purpose and support from feminist, queer, and trans circles, our friends and comrades to whom this journal is devoted.

Marriage, A History: From Obedience to intimacy or How Love Conquered Marriage

In this surprising landmark book, family historian Stephanie Coontz explodes every cherished assumption about marriage, starting with the notion of the traditional marriage. Forget Ozzie and Harriet. Coontz reveals that through most of history, marriage was not a relationship based on mutual love between a breadwinner husband and an at-home wife but an institution devoted to acquiring in-laws and improving the family labor force. How did marriage evolve from the loveless, arranged unions that have endured from the dawn of civilization into the sexualized, volatile relationships of today? Coontz argues that the Victorians, with their radical emphasis on marital intimacy and celebration of the individual, simultaneously made marriage more satisfying and paved the way for alternative lifestyles to thrive: divorce, gay marriage, living together, single parenting. The diminished role of heterosexual marriage in our society is not an aberration, insists Coontz, but the consequence of centuries of irrevocable social change. "Marriage, A History" is an engaging narrative of astonishing scope and depth that will stand as a milestone of social history and provoke debate for years to come.

Marx and other Four-Letter Words

Karl Marx's classic definitions of class and society under capitalism are still widely used today. Ideas such as class, revolution, production and oppression are employed across a broad range of academic subjects, reaching beyond politics, economics and sociology.Yet these concepts, within a specifically Marxist framework, are not always easy to understand. This book is an ideal student introduction that explains, in clear and concise chapters, the precise meaning and implications of each of Marx's key concepts. Furthermore, the contributors show how these ideas continue to be relevant, and how they relate to modern society.The contributors include leading academics in the field of politicial science. Outlining clearly what each concept means, they move on to situate it within cutting-edge contemporary political theory.Concepts include historical materialism, capitalism, class, the state, imperialism, the division of labour, oppression, production and reproduction, revolution, working class internationalism, equality and democracy.

Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study

This, the first book-length study devoted exclusively to Marx’s perspectives on gender and the family, offers a fresh look at this topic in light of twenty-first century concerns.

Marx, Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction

In Marx, Women and Capitalist Social Reproduction, Martha E. Giménez offers a distinctive perspective on social reproduction which posits that the relations of production determine the relations of social reproduction, and which links the effects of class exploitation and location to forms of oppression predominantly theorised in terms of identity. Grounding her analysis in Marx's theory and methodology, Giménez examines the relationship between class, reproduction and the oppression of women in different contexts such as the reproduction of labour power, domestic labour, feminisation of poverty, and reproductive technologies. Because most people, whether members of dominant or oppressed groups, are working class, she argues that the future of feminist politics is inextricably tied to class politics and the fate of capitalism.

Marxism and Feminism

Global events, from economic crisis to social unrest and militarization, disproportionately affect women. Yet around the world it is also women who are leading the struggle against oppression and exploitation. In light of renewed interest in Marxist theory among many women activists and academics, Marxism and Feminism presents a contemporary and accessible Marxist–feminist analysis on a host of issues. It reassesses previous debates and seeks to answer pressing questions of how we should understand the relationship between patriarchy and capitalism, and how we can envision a feminist project which emancipates both women and society.
With contributions from both renowned scholars and new voices, Marxism and Feminism is set to become the foundational text for modern Marxist-feminist thought.

Marxism and the Oppression Of Women

Nearly thirty years after its initial publication, Marxism and the Oppression of Women remains an essential contribution to the development of an integrative theory of gender oppression under capitalism. Lise Vogel revisits classical Marxian texts, tracking analyses of “the woman question” in socialist theory and drawing on central theoretical categories of Marx's Capital to open up an original theorisation of gender and the social production and reproduction of material life. Included in this edition are Vogel's article, “Domestic Labor Revisited” (originally published in Science & Society in 2000) which extends and clarifies her main theoretical innovations, and a new Introduction by Susan Ferguson and David McNally situating Vogel's work in the trajectory of Marxist-feminist thought over the past forty years.

Material Feminisms

Harnessing the energy of provocative theories generated by recent understandings of the human body, the natural world, and the material world, "Material Feminisms" presents an entirely new way for feminists to conceive of the question of materiality. In lively and timely essays, an international group of feminist thinkers challenges the assumptions and norms that have previously defined studies about the body. These wide-ranging essays grapple with topics such as the material reality of race, the significance of sexual difference, the impact of disability experience, and the complex interaction between nature and culture in traumatic events such as Hurricane Katrina. By insisting on the importance of materiality, this volume breaks new ground in philosophy, feminist theory, cultural studies, science studies, and other fields where the body and nature collide.

Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump

The phenomenon of "identity politics" represents one of the primary impasses of the left, and has occasioned the reignition of frustrating debates between the partisans of race and class ad infinitum. In Mistaken Identity, Asad Haider reaches for a different approach one rooted in the rich legacies of the black freedom struggle. Drawing from the words and deeds of black revolutionary theorists, he argues that identity politics is not synonymous with anti-racism, but instead amounts to the neutralisation of its movements. It marks a retreat from the crucial passage from identity to solidarity, and from individual recognition to collective struggle against an oppressive social structure.
Mistaken Identity is a political and theoretical tour de force, an urgent call for alternative visions, languages, and practices against the white identity politics of right-wing populism. The idea of universal emancipation now seems old-fashioned and outmoded. But if we are attentive to the lines of struggle that lie outside the boundaries of the state, we will see that it has been placed on the agenda once again.

Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy

Why does white supremacist politics in America remain so powerful? Elizabeth Gillespie McRae argues that the answer lies with white women.
Examining racial segregation from 1920s to the 1970s, Mothers of Massive Resistance examines the grassroots workers who upheld the system of racial segregation and Jim Crow. For decades in rural communities, in university towns, and in New South cities, white women performed myriad duties that upheld white over black: censoring textbooks, denying marriage certificates, deciding on the racial identity of their neighbors, celebrating school choice, canvassing communities for votes, and lobbying elected officials. They instilled beliefs in racial hierarchies in their children, built national networks, and experimented with a color-blind political discourse. Without these mundane, everyday acts, white supremacist politics could not have shaped local, regional, and national politics the way it did or lasted as long as it has.
With white women at the center of the story, the rise of postwar conservatism looks very different than the male-dominated narratives of the resistance to Civil Rights. Women like Nell Battle Lewis, Florence Sillers Ogden, Mary Dawson Cain, and Cornelia Dabney Tucker publicized their threats to their Jim Crow world through political organizing, private correspondence, and journalism. Their efforts began before World War II and the Brown decision and persisted past the 1964 Civil Rights Act and anti-busing protests. White women's segregationist politics stretched across the nation, overlapping with and shaping the rise of the New Right.

Mothers, Monsters, Whores: Women's Violence in Global Politics

This book provides an empirical study of women's violence in global politics. The book looks at military women who engage in torture; the Chechen 'Black Widows '; Middle Eastern suicide bombers; and the women who directed and participated in genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda. Sjoberg & Gentry analyze the biological, psychological and sexualized stereotypes through which these women are conventionally depicted, arguing that these are rooted in assumptions about what is "appropriate" female behavior.What these stereotypes have in common is that they all perceive women as having no agency in any sphere of life.

Mothers: An Essay on Love and Cruelty

A simple argument guides this book: motherhood is the place in our culture where we lodge, or rather bury, the reality of our own conflicts. By making mothers the objects of both licensed idealization and cruelty, we blind ourselves to the world’s iniquities and shut down the portals of the heart.
Mothers are the ultimate scapegoat for our personal and political failings, for everything that is wrong with the world, which becomes their task (unrealizable, of course) to repair. Moving commandingly between pop cultural references such as Roald Dahl’s Matilda to insights on motherhood in the ancient world and the contemporary stigmatization of single mothers, Jacqueline Rose delivers a groundbreaking report into something so prevalent we hardly notice.
Mothers is an incisive, rousing call to action from one of our most important contemporary thinkers.

Neglected or Misunderstood: The Radical Feminism of Shulamith Firestone

Shulamith Firestone's The Dialectic of Sex proved immediately controversial upon its publication in 1970. The book's thesis is that the origins of women's oppression lie in biology: in the fact that it is women and not men who conceive and give birth to children. Firestone's solution is revolutionary: since it is biology that is the problem, then biology must be changed, through technological intervention that would have as its end the complete removal of the reproductive process from women's bodies. With its proposal for the development of artificial wombs, its call for the abolition of the nuclear family and its vision of a cybernetic future, Firestone's manifesto may seem hopelessly out-dated, a far-fetched, utopian hangover of Swinging Sixties radicalism.This book, on the contrary, will argue for its importance to the resurgent feminism of today as a text that interrogates issues around gender, biology, sexuality, work and technology, and the ways in which our imaginations in the 21st century continue to be in thrall to ideologies of maternity and the nuclear family'. -- publishers' website.

New South Asian Feminisms: Paradoxes and Possibilities

South Asian feminism is in crisis. Under constant attack from right-wing nationalism and religious fundamentalism and co-opted by 'NGO-ization' and neoliberal state agendas, once autonomous and radical forms of feminist mobilization have been ideologically fragmented and replaced. It is time to rethink the feminist political agenda for the predicaments of the present. This timely volume provides an original and unprecedented exploration of the current state of South Asian feminist politics. It will map the new sites and expressions of feminism in the region today, addressing issues like disability, Internet technologies, queer subjectivities and violence as everyday life across national boundaries, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Written by young scholars from the region, this book addresses the generational divide of feminism in the region, effectively introducing a new 'wave' of South Asian feminists that resonates with feminist debates everywhere around the globe.

Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory

Nomadic Subjects argues for a new kind of philosophical thinking, one that would include the insights of feminism and abandon the hegemonic mode that is conventionally adopted in high theory.
Braidotti's personal, surprising, and lively prose insists on an integration of feminism in mainstream discourse. The essays explore problems that are central to current feminist debates including Western epistemology's relation to the "woman question," feminism and biomedical ethics, European feminism, and how American feminists might relate to European movements.

One-Dimensional Woman

This short book is partly an attack on the apparent abdication of any systematic political thought on the part of today's positive, up-beat feminists. It suggests alternative ways of thinking about transformations in work, sexuality and culture that, while seemingly far-fetched in the current ideological climate, may provide more serious material for future feminism.

Our Bodies, Our Crimes

In this important work, Jeanne Flavin looks beyond abortion to document how the law and the criminal justice system police women's rights to conceive, to be pregnant, and to raise their children. Through vivid and disturbing case studies, Flavin shows how the state seeks to establish what a "good woman" and "fit mother" should look like and whose reproduction is valued. With a stirring conclusion that calls for broad-based measures that strengthen women's economic position , choice-making, autonomy, sexual freedom, and health care, Our Bodies, Our Crimes is a battle cry for all women in their fight to be fully recognized as human beings. At its heart, this book is about the right of a woman to be a healthy and valued member of society independent of how or whether she reproduces.

Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale Women in the International Division of Labour

This now classic book traces the social origins of the sexual division of labor. It gives a history of the related processes of colonization and "housewifization" and extends this analysis to the contemporary new international division of labor and the role that women have to play as the cheapest producers and consumers. First published in 1986, it was hailed as a major paradigm shift for feminist theory. Eleven years on, Maria Mies' theory of capitalist patriarchy has become even more relevant; this new edition includes a substantial new introduction in which she both applies her theory to the new globalized world and answers her critics.

Psychoanalysis and Feminism

In 1974, at the height of the women's movement, Juliet Mitchell shocked her fellow feminists by challenging the entrenched belief that Freud was the enemy. She argued that a rejection of psychoanalysis as bourgeois and patriarchal was fatal for feminism. However it may have been used, she pointed out, psychoanalysis is not a recommendation for a patriarchal society, but rather an analysis of one. "If we are interested in understanding and challenging the oppression of women," she says, "we cannot afford to neglect psychoanalysis." In an introduction written specially for this reissue, Mitchell reflects on the changing relationship between these two major influences on twentieth-century thought. Original and provocative, Psychoanalysis and Feminism remains an essential component of the feminist canon.

Radical Reproductive Justice: Foundation, Theory, Practice, Critique

This anthology assembles two decades of work initiated by SisterSong Women of Color Health Collective, creators of the human rights–based “reproductive justice” framework to move beyond polarized pro-choice/pro-life debates. Rooted in Black feminism and built on intersecting identities, this revolutionary framework asserts a woman’s right to have children, to not have children, and to parent and provide for the children they have.

Rape: From Lucretia to MeToo

From Title IX cases on campus, to #metoo and #timesup, rape is a definitive issue at the heart of feminism, and lately, it's barely out of the news. Cultural critic Mithu Sanyal is picking up where Susan Brownmiller left off in her influential 1975 book Against Our Will. In fact, she argues that the way we understand rape hasn't changed since then, even as the world has changed beyond recognition. She contends that it is high time for a new and informed debate about rape, sexual boundaries and consent.
Sanyal argues that the way we as a society understand rape tells us not just how we understand sexual violence, but how we understand sex, sexuality, and gender itself.

Raya Dunayevskayas Intersectional Marxism: Race, Class, Gender, and the Dialectics of Liberation

Raya Dunayevskaya is one of the twentieth century’s great but underappreciated Marxist and feminist thinkers. Her unique philosophy and practice of Marxist-Humanism—as well as her grasp of Hegelian dialectics and the deep humanism that informs Marx’s thought—has much to teach us today. From her account of state capitalism (part of her socio-economic critique of Stalinism, fascism, and the welfare state), to her writings on Rosa Luxemburg, Black and women’s liberation, and labor, we are offered indispensable resources for navigating the perils of sexism, racism, capitalism, and authoritarianism. This collection of essays, from a diverse group of writers, brings to life Dunayevskaya’s important contributions. Revisiting her rich legacy, the contributors to this volume engage with her resolute Marxist-Humanist focus and her penetrating dialectics of liberation that is connected to Black, labor, and women’s liberation and to struggles over alienation and exploitation the world over. Dunayevskaya’s Marxist-Humanism is recovered for the twenty-first century and turned, as it was with Dunayevskaya herself, to face the multiple alienations and de-humanizations of social life.

Re-enchanting the World Feminism and the Politics of the Commons

Silvia Federici is one of the most important contemporary theorists of capitalism and feminist movements. In this edited collection of her work spanning more than 20 years, she provides a detailed history and critique of the politics of the commons from a feminist perspective. In her clear and combative voice, Federici provides readers with an analysis of some of the key issues and debates in contemporary thinking on this subject. Drawing on rich historical research, she maps the connections between the previous forms of enclosure that occurred with the birth of capitalism and the destruction of the commons and the "new enclosures" at the heart of the present phase of global capitalist accumulation. Considering the commons from a feminist perspective, this collection centers on women and reproductive work as crucial to both our economic survival and the construction of a world free from the hierarchies and divisions capital has planted in the body of the world proletariat. Federici is clear that the commons should not be understood as happy islands in a sea of exploitative relations but rather autonomous spaces from which to challenge the existing capitalist organization of life and labor.

Redistribution or recognition? A political-philosophical exchange

"Recognition" has become a veritable keyword of our time, but its relation to "redistribution" remains undertheorized. This volume remedies the lacuna by staging a sustained debate between two philosophers, one North American, the other European, who hold different views of the matter. Highly attuned to contemporary politics, the exchange between Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth constitutes a rigorous dialogue on moral philosophy, social theory, and the best way to conceptualize capitalist society.

Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle

As Federici reveals, behind the capitalist organization of work and the contradictions inherent in "alienated labor" is an explosive ground zero for revolutionary practice upon which are decided the daily realities of our collective reproduction. Beginning with Federici's organizational work in the Wages for Housework movement, the essays collected here unravel the power and politics of wide but related issues including the international restructuring of reproductive work and its effects on the sexual division of labor, the globalization of care work and sex work, the crisis of elder care, the development of affective labor, and the politics of the commons. This new and expanded edition contains two previously unpublished essays by the author.

Revolutionary Feminism, Communist Interventions, Volume III

The history of the communist movement, in the twentieth century, is also a history of women. Many women stood on the movement’s front lines. They struck in the factories, demonstrated in the streets, and died on the barricades. Revolutionary women fought under both the red flag and the black one. They partook of the movement’s few victories and suffered under its massive and in the end overwhelming defeats.
Yet women’s participation in the communist movement also raised certain questions. Or else, perhaps more accurately, their participation provided many different answers to a question that remained frustratingly undefined. This question was called, rather vaguely, the “woman question,” and it concerned the “role” of women in social life and in struggle. Revolutionary women—who were among the communist movement’s most prominent theorists, generating texts on every line of revolutionary inquiry—posed and answered this question in different ways. This reader examines revolutionary debates around the “woman question” (and we include both men and women in this history, since the former also played a role in these debates).
Towards that end, this volume is organized, loosely, into two parts. The first goes through the history of revolutionary feminism. It begins with a selection from Friedrich Engels’ text on the origins of the family. This text is included at the start, since it is both referenced and criticized by so many of the texts that follow. We then continue through the first half of the twentieth-century— looking at socialist, anarchist and communist perspectives—before moving on to the radical feminist critiques of the New Left. The second part of the reader then stops moving forward in time, to linger on some of the key debates of the 1960s and ’70s.
To return to these texts, today, is clearly of great importance. Many of the gains of 1960s and 70s mainstream feminism have stagnated. Visible feminism today is largely bifurcated between esoteric academic cultural critique and neoliberal corporate sloganeering. A certain form of feminism has become de rigueur among liberals, yet the lives of many women and queer people have seen little material improvement. This lack of improvement comes, moreover, during a time of massive transformations in social life.

Revolutionary Feminisms. Conversations on Collective Action and Radical Thought

In a moment of rising authoritarianism, climate crisis, and ever more exploitative forms of neoliberal capitalism, there is a compelling and urgent need for radical paradigms of thought and action. Through interviews with key revolutionary scholars, Bhandar and Ziadah present a thorough discussion of how anti-racist, anti-capitalist feminisms are crucial to building effective political coalitions. Collectively, these interviews with leading scholars including Angela Y. Davis, Silvia Federici, and many others, trace the ways in which black, indigenous, post-colonial and Marxian feminisms have created new ways of seeing, new theoretical frameworks for analysing political problems, and new ways of relating to one another. Focusing on migration, neo-imperial militarism, the state, the prison industrial complex, social reproduction and many other pressing themes, the range of feminisms traversed in this volume show how freedom requires revolutionary transformation in the organisation of the economy, social relations, political structures, and our psychic and symbolic worlds.

Revolutionary Learning. Marxism, Feminism and Knowledge

Revolutionary Learning explores the Marxist and feminist theorisation of dialectics, praxis and consciousness in education and learning. Moving beyond previous books on Marxism and education, which tend to focus on the reproductive nature of educational institutions, this groundbreaking text draws upon work by leading feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial scholars in its exploration of the key philosophical concepts that build the Marxist analysis of learning.
Alongside chapters dealing with adult education, institutional ethnography and the promotion of civic engagement, the authors also reassess the contributions of Marx, Gramsci and Freire to educational theory. Adopting an innovative and explicitly feminist perspective, they relocate these theorists' Marxist analyses of education into a more complex relation to patriarchal and imperialist capitalism.
With significant implications for critical education scholarship, research and practice, Revolutionary Learning's importance lies not only in its contribution to theory, but its extension into pedagogical practice with special attention to how a revolutionary critique of ideology is taken up by educators in their daily work.

Revolutionary Mothering

Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Frontlines is an anthology that centers mothers of color and marginalized mothers' voices—women who are in a world of necessary transformation. The challenges faced by movements working for antiviolence, anti-imperialist, and queer liberation, as well as racial, economic, reproductive, gender, and food justice are the same challenges that marginalized mothers face every day. Motivated to create spaces for this discourse because of the authors' passionate belief in the power of a radical conversation about mothering, they have become the go-to people for cutting-edge inspired work on this topic for an overlapping committed audience of activists, scholars, and writers. Revolutionary Mothering is a movement-shifting anthology committed to birthing new worlds, full of faith and hope for what we can raise up together.

Seizing the Means of Reproduction

In Seizing the Means of Reproduction, Michelle Murphy's initial focus on the alternative health practices developed by radical feminists in the United States during the 1970s and 1980s opens into a sophisticated analysis of the transnational entanglements of American empire, population control, neoliberalism, and late-twentieth-century feminisms. Murphy concentrates on the technoscientific means—the technologies, practices, protocols, and processes—developed by feminist health activists. She argues that by politicizing the technical details of reproductive health, alternative feminist practices aimed at empowering women were also integral to late-twentieth-century biopolitics.
Murphy traces the transnational circulation of cheap, do-it-yourself health interventions, highlighting the uneasy links between economic logics, new forms of racialized governance, U.S. imperialism, family planning, and the rise of NGOs. In the twenty-first century, feminist health projects have followed complex and discomforting itineraries. The practices and ideologies of alternative health projects have found their way into World Bank guidelines, state policies, and commodified research. While the particular moment of U.S. feminism in the shadow of Cold War and postcolonialism has passed, its dynamics continue to inform the ways that health is governed and politicized today.

Separate and Dominate. Feminism and Racism after the War on Terror

Feminist Christine Delphy co-founded the journal Nouvelles questions féministes with Simone de Beauvoir in the 1970s and became one of the most influential figures in French feminism. Today, Delphy remains a prominent and controversial feminist thinker, a rare public voice denouncing the racist motivations of the government’s 2011 ban of the Muslim veil. Castigating humanitarian liberals for demanding the cultural assimilation of the women they are purporting to “save,” Delphy shows how criminalizing Islam in the name of feminism is fundamentally paradoxical.
Separate and Dominate is Delphy’s manifesto, lambasting liberal hypocrisy and calling for a fluid understanding of political identity that does not place different political struggles in a false opposition. She dismantles the absurd claim that Afghanistan was invaded to save women, and that homosexuals and immigrants alike should reserve their self-expression for private settings. She calls for a true universalism that sacrifices no one at the expense of others. In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, her arguments appear more prescient and pressing than ever.

Sexual Politics

Praised and denounced when it was first published in 1970, Sexual Politics not only explored history but also became part of it. Kate Millett's groundbreaking book fueled feminism's second wave, giving voice to the anger of a generation while documenting the inequities -- neatly packaged in revered works of literature and art -- of a complacent and unrepentant society.
Sexual Politics laid the foundation for subsequent feminist scholarship by showing how cultural discourse reflects a systematized subjugation and exploitation of women. Millett demonstrates in detail how patriarchy's attitudes and systems penetrate literature, philosophy, psychology, and politics. Her incendiary work rocked the foundations of the literary canon by castigating time-honored classics -- from D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover to Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead -- for their use of sex to degrade and undermine women.

Social Reproduction Theory and the Socialist Horizon

How do we integrate the theoretical underpinnings of Social Reproduction Theory (SRT) into our understanding of the social harms inflicted upon us? How can we use it to inform our struggles and affect societal change under capitalism?0Integrating our understanding of productive and reproductive spheres and exploring the connection between identity-based oppression and class exploitation, SRT has emerged as a powerful Marxist frame for social analysis and political practice. In this book, Aaron Jaffe extracts SRT's radical potential, relying on recent struggles, including the International Women's Strike and the teachers' strikes, showing how we can use SRT to motivate socialist politics and strategy.0Using Social Reproduction Theory to appreciate distinct forms of social domination, this unique and necessary book will have vital strategic implications for anti-capitalists, anti-racists, LGBT activists, disability activists and feminists.

Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression

This groundbreaking collection explores the profound power of Social Reproduction Theory to deepen our understanding of everyday life under capitalism. While many Marxists tend to focus on the productive economy, this book focuses on issues such as child care, health care, education, family life and the roles of gender, race and sexuality, all of which are central to understanding the relationship between economic exploitation and social oppression.In this book, leading writers such as Lise Vogel, Nancy Fraser, David McNally and Susan Ferguson reveal the ways in which daily and generational reproductive labour, found in households, schools, hospitals and prisons, also sustains the drive for accumulation.Presenting a more sophisticated alternative to intersectionality, these essays provide ideas which have important strategic implications for anti-capitalists, anti-racists and feminists attempting to find a path through the seemingly ever more complex world we live in.

Socialism, Feminism and Philosophy: A Radical Philosophy Reader

Since 1972, the journal Radical Philosophy has provided a forum for the discussion of radical and critical ideas in philosophy. It is the liveliest and probably the most widely read philosophical journal in Britain. This anthology reprints some of the best articles to have appeared in the journal during the past five years. It covers topics in social and moral philosophy which are central to current controversies on the left, focusing on theoretical issues raised by the socialist, feminist and environmental movements. Topics covered include feminist perspectives on a range of traditional philosophical issues and contemporary problems; theoretical questions involved in the rethinking of socialism and Marxism; and questions about the relation between humanity and nature raised by environmental debates. The pieces included engage with contemporary issues in critical terms, and represent the best of recent philosophical work on the left. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in the current state of radical thought.

States of Injury. Power and Freedom in Late Modernity

Whether in characterizing Catharine MacKinnon's theory of gender as itself pornographic or in identifying liberalism as unable to make good on its promises, Wendy Brown pursues a central question: how does a sense of woundedness become the basis for a sense of identity? Brown argues that efforts to outlaw hate speech and pornography powerfully legitimize the state: such apparently well-intentioned attempts harm victims further by portraying them as so helpless as to be in continuing need of governmental protection. "Whether one is dealing with the state, the Mafia, parents, pimps, police, or husbands," writes Brown, "the heavy price of institutionalized protection is always a measure of dependence and agreement to abide by the protector's rules." True democracy, she insists, requires sharing power, not regulation by it; freedom, not protection.
Refusing any facile identification with one political position or another, Brown applies her argument to a panoply of topics, from the basis of litigiousness in political life to the appearance on the academic Left of themes of revenge and a thwarted will to power. These and other provocations in contemporary political thought and political life provide an occasion for rethinking the value of several of the last two centuries' most compelling theoretical critiques of modern political life, including the positions of Nietzsche, Marx, Weber, and Foucault.

The Afterlife of Reproductive Slavery Biocapitalism and Black Feminism’s Philosophy of History

In The Afterlife of Reproductive Slavery Alys Eve Weinbaum investigates the continuing resonances of Atlantic slavery in the cultures and politics of human reproduction that characterize contemporary biocapitalism. As a form of racial capitalism that relies on the commodification of the human reproductive body, biocapitalism is dependent upon what Weinbaum calls the slave episteme—the racial logic that drove four centuries of slave breeding in the Americas and Caribbean. Weinbaum outlines how the slave episteme shapes the practice of reproduction today, especially through use of biotechnology and surrogacy. Engaging with a broad set of texts, from Toni Morrison's Beloved and Octavia Butler's dystopian speculative fiction to black Marxism, histories of slavery, and legal cases involving surrogacy, Weinbaum shows how black feminist contributions from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s constitute a powerful philosophy of history—one that provides the means through which to understand how reproductive slavery haunts the present.

The Anti-Social Family

Haven in a heartless world or site of oppression and inequality? Such claims answer each other endlessly as the state and prospects of the family are debated. The end of the family is in sight, it is often said, and from the European Parliament to the heartlands of the Moral Majority the guardians of 'traditional values' prepare their last stand. On the left too, it is frequently argued--sometimes with regret more often with easy confidence--that the family is in decline. Yet the family continues to thrive, both as an institution and as an ideology. Our society is saturated with familialism. Welfare services take it as a natural point of reference. Trade unions still bargain on the basis of the 'family wage'. The return to 'family values' is offered as a cure for everything from unemployment to street crime. In this compact book, Michèle Barrett and Mary McIntosh dissect the network of household, kinship and sexual relations that is the dominant family form in advanced capitalist societies. They explore the personal and social needs that it ideally meets but more often denies. They consider the role of the nuclear family form in capitalism and its functions in the formation of gendered subjectivity, taking issue with theses of such writers as Jacques Donzelot and Christopher Lasch. A final chapter proposes some elements of a moral and political practice directed beyond the family towards more egalitarian and caring alternatives. Barrett and McIntosh have written a sensitive but uncompromising socialist-feminist critique of 'the anti-social family.

The Arcane of Reproduction

One of Italys leading feminist thinkers critiques the traditional Marxist category of productive labor and examines the effects on the capitalist reproductive roles of womens labor and bodies, with illuminating consequences for the received understanding of society and the modern nuclear family.

The Creation of Patriarchy

A major new work by a leading historian and pioneer in women's studies, The Creation of Patriarchy is a radical reconceptualization of Western civilization that makes gender central to its analysis. Gerda Lerner argues that male dominance over women is not "natural" or biological, but the product of an historical development begun in the second millennium B.C. in the Ancient Near East. As patriarchy as a system of organizing society was established historically, she contends, it can also be ended by the historical process.
Focusing on the contradiction between women's central role in creating society and their marginality in the meaning-giving process of definition and interpretation, Lerner explores such fascinating questions as: What can account for women's exclusion from the historical process? What could explain the long delay--more than 3,500 years--in women's coming to consciousness of their own subordinate position? She goes back to the cultures of the earliest known civilizations--those of the ancient Near East--to discover the origins of the major gender metaphors of Western civilization. Using historical, literary, archaeological, and artistic evidence, she then traces the development of these ideas, symbols, and metaphors and their incorporation into Western civilization as the basis of patriarchal gender relations.

The Dialectic of Sex

An international bestseller, originally published in 1970, when Shulamith Firestone was just twenty-five years old, The Dialectic of Sex was the first book of the women’s liberation movement to put forth a feminist theory of politics.
Beginning with a look at the radical and grassroots history of the first wave (with its foundation in the abolition movement of the time), Firestone documents its major victory, the expansion of the franchise in 1920, and the fifty years of ridicule that followed. She goes on to deftly synthesize the work of Freud, Marx, de Beauvoir, and Engels to create a cogent argument for feminist revolution.
Ultimately she presents feminism as the key radical ideology, the missing link between Marx and Freud, uniting their visions of the political and the personal. The Dialectic of Sex remains remarkably relevant today—a testament to Firestone’s startlingly prescient vision. The author died in 2012, but her ideas live on through this extraordinary book.

The Feminist and the Sex Offender

With analytical clarity and narrative force, The Feminist and the Sex Offender contends with two problems that are typically siloed in the era of #MeToo and mass incarceration: sexual and gender violence, on the one hand, and the state’s unjust, ineffective, and soul-destroying response to it on the other. Is it possible to confront the culture of abuse? Is it possible to hold harm-doers accountable without recourse to a criminal justice system that redoubles injuries, fails survivors, and retrenches the conditions that made such abuse possible?
Drawing on interviews, extensive research, reportage, and history, The Feminist and the Sex Offender develops an intersectional feminist approach to ending sexual violence. It maps with considerable detail the unjust sex offender regime while highlighting the alternatives we urgently need.

The Future of Difference. Beyond the Toxic Entanglement of Racism, Sexism and Feminism

In recent years, opponents of 'political correctness' have surged to prominence from both left and right, shaping a discourse in which perpetrators are 'defiantly' imagined as Muslim refugees, i.e. outsiders/others, while victims are identified as 'our women'. This poisonous and regressive situation grounds Hark and Villa's theorisation of contemporary regimes of power as engaged primarily in the violent production of difference. In this moment, they argue, the logic of 'differentiate and rule' thoroughly permeates the social; our entire 'way of life' is premised on endless subtle hierarchical distinctions, which determine whole populations' attitudes, feelings and actions.
How can learn to value difference, sabotaging all attempts to enlist difference in the service of domination? Hark and Villa make a compelling case for the urgent necessity for a detoxification of feminism as a matter of urgency; and for an ethical mode of living-with the world, that is, living with alterity.

The Invention of Women: Making an African Sense of Western Gender Discourses

The "woman question", this book asserts, is a Western one, and not a proper lens for viewing African society. A work that rethinks gender as a Western construction, The Invention of Women offers a new way of understanding both Yoruban and Western cultures.
Oyeronke Oyewumi reveals an ideology of biological determinism at the heart of Western social categories -- the idea that biology provides the rationale for organizing the social world. And yet, she writes, the concept of "woman", central to this ideology and to Western gender discourses, simply did not exist in Yorubaland, where the body was not the basis of social roles.
Oyewumi traces the misapplication of Western, body-oriented concepts of gender through the history of gender discourses in Yoruba studies. Her analysis shows the paradoxical nature of two fundamental assumptions of feminist theory: that gender is socially constructed and that the subordination of women is universal. The Invention of Women demonstrates, to the country, that gender was not constructed in old Yoruba society, and that social organization was determined by relative age.

The Law of the Father? Patriacrhy in Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

In this book Mary Murray develops a new perspective on the class-patriarchy relationship. Women's rights in and to property are explored in pre-capitalist and capitalist society. Exploring the links between kinship, property and patriarchy as symbiotic and fundamental to the development of the English state, the relationship between women, property and citizenship is seen as central to the law of the father and the transition to a capitalist fraternity.

The Reproduction of Mothering

When this best-seller was published, it put the mother-daughter relationship and female psychology on the map. The Reproduction of Mothering was chosen by Contemporary Sociology as one of the ten most influential books of the past twenty-five years. With a new preface by the author, this updated edition is testament to the formative effect that Nancy Chodorow's work continues to exert on psychoanalysis, social science, and the humanities.

The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism

From Hillary Clinton to Ivanka Trump and from Emma Watson all the way to Beyoncé, more and more high-powered women are unabashedly identifying as feminists in the mainstream media. In the past few years feminism has indeed gained increasing visibility and even urgency. Yet, in her analysis of recent bestselling feminist manifestos, well-trafficked mommy blogs, and television series such as The Good Wife, Catherine Rottenberg reveals that a particular variant of feminism-which she calls neoliberal feminism-has come to dominate the cultural landscape, one that is not interested in a mass women's movement or struggles for social justice. Rather, this feminism has introduced the notion of a happy work-family balance into the popular imagination, while transforming balance into a feminist ideal. So-called "aspirational women" are now exhorted to focus on cultivating a felicitous equilibrium between their child-rearing responsibilities and their professional goals, and thus to abandon key goals that have historically informed feminism, including equal rights and liberation. Rottenberg maintains that because neoliberalism reduces everything to market calculations it actually needs feminism in order to "solve" thorny issues related to reproduction and care. She goes on to show how women of color and poor and immigrant women most often serve as the unacknowledged care-workers who enable professional women to strive toward balance, arguing that neoliberal feminism legitimates the exploitation of the vast majority of women while disarticulating any kind of structural critique. It is not surprising, then, that this new feminist discourse has increasingly dovetailedwith conservative forces. In Europe, gender parity has been used by Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders to further racist, anti-immigrant agendas, while in the United States, women's rights has been invoked to justify interventions in countries with majority Muslim populations. And though campaigns such as the #MeToo and #TimesUp appear to be shifting the discussion, given our frightening neoliberal reality, these movements are currently insufficient. Rottenberg therefore concludes by raising urgent questions about how we can successfully reorient and reclaim feminism as a social justice movement.

The Social Origins of Private Life. A history of American Families 1600-1900

Current debates about the future of the family are often based on serious misconceptions about its past. Arguing that there is no biologically mandated or universally functional family form, Stephanie Coontz traces the complexity and variety of family arrangements in American history, from Native American kin groups to the emergence of the dominant middle-class family ideal in the 1890s.
Surveying and synthesizing a vast range of previous scholarship, as well as engaging more particular studies of family life from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, Coontz offers a highly original account of the shifting structure and function of American families. Her account challenges standard interpretations of the early hegemony of middle-class privacy and “affective individualism,” pointing to the rich tradition of alternative family behaviors among various ethnic and socioeconomic groups in America, and arguing that even middle-class families went through several transformations in the course of the nineteenth centure.
The present dominant family form, grounded in close interpersonal relations and premised on domestic consumption of mass-produced household goods has arisen, Coontz argues, from a long and complex series of changing political and economic conjunctures, as well as from the destruction or incorporation of several alternative family systems. A clear conception of American capitalism’s combined and uneven development is therefore essential if we are to understand the history of the family as a key social and economic unit. Lucid and detailed, The Social Origins of Private Life is likely to become the standard history of its subject.

The Straight Mind and Other Essays

These political, philosophical, and literary essays mark the first collection of theoretical writing from the acclaimed novelist and French feminist writer Monique Wittig.

Theorising Patriarchy

The concept 'patriarchy', while being vital for feminist analysis, has been criticised for not being able to deal with historical and cross-cultural variation in the forms of women's subordination. This paper presents a new way of theorising patriarchy to meet these objections; one which is flexible enough to take account of its various forms, but rigorous enough to be an effective tool for analysis. It leaves behind base-superstructure models of patriarchy in which there is only one base, which have led to many of the rigidities which have been identified, arguing instead for a model of patriarchy as six partially-interdependent structures. The paper concludes with a discussion of the different forms of patriarchy in recent British history.

Theorizing NGOs: States, Feminisms, and Neoliberalism

Theorizing NGOs examines how the rise of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) has transformed the conditions of women's lives and of feminist organizing. Victoria Bernal and Inderpal Grewal suggest that we can understand the proliferation of NGOs through a focus on the NGO as a unified form despite the enormous variation and diversity contained within that form. Theorizing NGOs brings together cutting-edge feminist research on NGOs from various perspectives and disciplines. Contributors locate NGOs within local and transnational configurations of power, interrogate the relationships of nongovernmental organizations to states and to privatization, and map the complex, ambiguous, and ultimately unstable synergies between feminisms and NGOs. While some of the contributors draw on personal experience with NGOs, others employ regional or national perspectives. Spanning a broad range of issues with which NGOs are engaged, from microcredit and domestic violence to democratization, this groundbreaking collection shows that NGOs are, themselves, fields of gendered struggles over power, resources, and status.

Thinking Fragments: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Postmodernism in the Contemporary West

Thinking Fragments provides a brilliant critique of psychoanalytic, feminist, and postmodern theory. Examining the writings of Freud, Winnicott, Lacan, Chodorow, Irigaray, Derrida, Rorty, and Foucault, among others, Flax conducts a "conversation" among psychoanalysts, feminist thinkers, and postmodern theorists, evaluating the ways in which each group of thinkers succeeds in coming to terms with crises in contemporary Western culture. As she analyzes each theory in turn, the others are used to identify and interrogate its gaps and omissions. The result is a postmodern text of intertwined ideas, devoid of clear beginnings, endings, conclusions. Flax addresses the question, "how is it possible to theorize in the contemporary West?" With the demise of objective notions of truth, knowledge, self and power, intellectuals have devised these new modes of thinking which both reflect and contribute to the uncertainties of the contemporary West. Each also addresses at least one aspect of what has become most problematic to modern individuals: How to come to terms with self, gender, knowledge and power without resorting to concepts that stress objectivity, universal knowledge, and a unitary self. Flax finds that neither psychoanalysis, nor feminism, nor postmodernism is adequate to the task for which it was conceived. Each can illuminate certain aspects of problems of self, gender, knowledge, and power, but none is sufficient on its own. In fact, each incorporates characteristic blindnesses rooted in part in the very difficulties it addresses. Despite their failures, Flax concludes that these modes of theorizing are our best tools thus far, compelling us to use them even while we grapple with the problems they raise. Thinking Fragments is a wide-ranging study that will elicit much discussion and debate. It is an essential text for social scientists and humanists alike, as well as anyone else who thinks about how to "do" theory in the contemporary West.

Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism

These essays document the debates, conflicts, and contradictions among those engaged in developing third world feminist theory and politics. Contributors: Evelyne Accad, M. Jacqui Alexander, Carmen Barroso, Cristina Bruschini, Rey Chow, Juanita Diaz-Cotto, Angela Gilliam, Faye V. Harrison, Cheryl Johnson-Odim, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Ann Russo, Barbara Smith, Nayereh Tohidi, Lourdes Torres, Cheryl L. West, & Nellie Wong.

This Sex Which Is Not One

In This Sex Which Is Not One, Luce Irigaray elaborates on some of the major themes of Speculum of the Other Woman, her landmark work on the status of woman in Western philosophical discourse and in psychoanalytic theory, In eleven acute and widely ranging essays, Irigaray reconsiders the question of female sexuality in a variety of contexts that are relevant to current discussion of feminist theory and practice.
Among the topics she treats are the implications of the thought of Freud and Lacan for understanding womanhood and articulating a feminine discourse; classic views on the significance of the difference between male and female sex organs; and the experience of erotic pleasure in men and in women. She also takes up explicitly the question of economic exploitation of women; in an astute reading of Marx she shows that the subjection of woman has been institutionalized by her reduction to an object of economic exchange. Throughout Irigaray seeks to dispute and displace male-centered structures of language and thought through a challenging writing practice that takes a first step toward a woman's discourse, a discourse that would put an end to Western culture's enduring phallocentrism.

Towards a Gay Communism: Elements of a Homosexual Critique

First published in Italian in 1977, Mario Mieli's groundbreaking book is an early landmark of revolutionary queer theory - now available for the first time in a complete and unabridged English translation. Among the most important works ever to address the relationship between homosexuality, homophobia and capitalism, Mieli's essay continues to pose a radical challenge to today's dominant queer theory and politics. With extraordinary prescience, Mieli exposes the efficiency with whichcapitalism co-opts 'perversions' which are then 'sold both wholesale and retail'. In his view the liberation of homosexual desire requires the emancipation of sexuality from both patriarchal sex roles and capital. Drawing heavily upon Marx andpsychoanalysis to arrive at a dazzlingly original vision, Towards a Gay Communism is a hitherto neglected classic that will be essential reading for all who seek to understand the true meaning of sexual liberation under capitalism today.

Veiled Empire: Gender and Power in Stalinist Central Asia

Drawing on extensive research in the archives of Russia and Uzbekistan, Douglas Northrop here reconstructs the turbulent history of a Soviet campaign that sought to end the seclusion of Muslim women. In Uzbekistan it focused above all on a massive effort to eliminate the heavy horsehair-and-cotton veils worn by many women and girls. This campaign against the veil was, in Northrop's view, emblematic of the larger Soviet attempt to bring the proletarian revolution to Muslim Central Asia, a region Bolsheviks saw as primitive and backward. The Soviets focused on women and the family in an effort to forge a new, "liberated" social order.
This unveiling campaign, however, took place in the context of a half-century of Russian colonization and the long-standing suspicion of rural Muslim peasants toward an urban, colonial state. Widespread resistance to the idea of unveiling quickly appeared and developed into a broader anti-Soviet animosity among Uzbeks of both sexes. Over the next quarter-century a bitter and often violent confrontation ensued, with battles being waged over indigenous practices of veiling and seclusion.
New local and national identities coalesced around these very practices that had been placed under attack. Veils became powerful anticolonial symbols for the Uzbek nation as well as important markers of Muslim propriety. Bolshevik leaders, who had seen this campaign as an excellent way to enlist allies while proving their own European credentials as enlightened reformers, thus inadvertently strengthened the seclusion of Uzbek women precisely the reverse of what they set out to do. Northrop's fascinating and evocative book shows both the fluidity of Central Asian cultural practices and the real limits that existed on Stalinist authority, even during the ostensibly totalitarian 1930s."

Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Social Upheaval

Beautifully written and deeply researched, Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments examines the revolution of black intimate life that unfolded in Philadelphia and New York at the beginning of the twentieth century. In wrestling with the question of what a free life is, many young black women created forms of intimacy and kinship indifferent to the dictates of respectability and outside the bounds of law. They cleaved to and cast off lovers, exchanged sex to subsist, and revised the meaning of marriage. Longing and desire fueled their experiments in how to live. They refused to labor like slaves or to accept degrading conditions of work. Here, for the first time, these women are credited with shaping a cultural movement that transformed the urban landscape. Through a melding of history and literary imagination, Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments recovers these women’s radical aspirations and insurgent desires.

What is sex?

Consider sublimation -- conventionally understood as a substitute satisfaction for missing sexual satisfaction. But what if, as Lacan claims, we can get exactly the same satisfaction that we get from sex from talking (or writing, painting, praying, or other activities)? The point is not to explain the satisfaction from talking by pointing to its sexual origin, but that the satisfaction from talking is itself sexual. The satisfaction from talking contains a key to sexual satisfaction (and not the other way around) -- even a key to sexuality itself and its inherent contradictions. The Lacanian perspective would make the answer to the simple-seeming question, "What is sex?" rather more complex. In this volume in the Short Circuits series, Alenka Zupančič approaches the question from just this perspective, considering sexuality a properly philosophical problem for psychoanalysis; and by psychoanalysis, she means that of Freud and Lacan, not that of the kind of clinician practitioners called by Lacan "orthopedists of the unconscious."
Zupančič argues that sexuality is at the point of a "short circuit" between ontology and epistemology. Sexuality and knowledge are structured around a fundamental negativity, which unites them at the point of the unconscious. The unconscious (as linked to sexuality) is the concept of an inherent link between being and knowledge in their very negativity.

What We Dont Talk About When We Talk About MeToo: Essays on Sex, Authority and the Mess of Life

What if we took sex out of the box marked “special,” either the worst or best thing that a human person can experience, and considered it within the complexity of reality? In this extraordinary book, despite longstanding tabloid-style sexual preoccupations with monsters and victims, shame and virtue, JoAnn Wypijewski does exactly that.
From the HIV crisis to the paedophile priest panic, Woody Allen to Brett Kavanaugh, child pornography to Abu Ghraib, Wypijewski takes the most famous sex panics of the last decades and turns them inside out, weaving what together becomes a searing indictment of modern sexual politics, exposing the myriad ways sex panics and the expansion of the punitive state are intertwined.
What emerges is an examination of the multiple ways in which the ever-expanding default language of monsters and victims has contributed to the repressive power of the state. Politics exists in the mess of life. Sex does too, Wypijewski insists, and so must sexual politics, to make any sense at all.

Who Pays for the Kids

Three paradoxes surround the division of the costs of social reproduction:
* Women have entered the paid labour force in growing numbers, but they continue to perform most of the unpaid labour of housework and childcare.
* Birth rates have fallen but more and more mothers are supporting children on their own, with little or no assistance from fathers.
* The growth of state spending is often blamed on malfunctioning markets, or runaway bureaucracies. But a large percentage of social spending provides substitutes for income transfers that once took place within families.
Who Pays for the Kids? explains how this paradoxical situation has arisen. The costs of social reproduction are largely paid by women: men have remained extremely reluctant to pay their share of the costs of raising the next generation. Traditional theories - neo-classical, Marxist and Feminist - can only provide an incomplete account of this, and this book offers an alternative analysis, based on individual choices but within interlocking structures of constraint based on gender, age, sex, nation, race and class.

Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women

We are witnessing a new surge of interpersonal and institutional violence against women, including new witch hunts. This surge of violence has occurred alongside an expansion of capitalist social relation. In this new work that revisits some of the main themes of Caliban and the Witch, Silvia Federici examines the root causes of these developments and outlines the consequences for the women affected and their communities. She argues, that no less than the witch hunts in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe and the "New World," this new war on women is a structural element of the new forms of capitalist accumulation. These processes are founded on the destruction of people's most basic means of reproduction. Like at the dawn of capitalism, what we discover behind today's violence against women are processes of enclosure, land dispossession, and the remolding of women's reproductive activities and subjectivity. As well as an investigation into the causes of this new violence, the book is also a feminist call to arms. Federici's work provides new ways of understanding the methods in which women are resisting victimization and offers a powerful reminder that reconstructing the memory of the past is crucial for the struggles of the present.

Woman's Estate

Combining the energy of the early seventies feminist movement with the perceptive analyses of the trained theorist, Woman's Estate is one of the most influential socialist feminist statements of its time. Scrutinizing the political background of the movement, its sources and its common ground with other radical manifestations of the sixties, Woman's Estate describes the organization of women's liberation in Western Europe and America. In this foundational text, Mitchell locates the areas of women's oppression in four key areas: work, reproduction, sexuality and the socialization of children. Through a close study of the modern family and a re-evaluation of Freud's work in this field, Mitchell paints a detailed picture of patriarchy in action.

Women and Revolution

The second volume in the South End Press Political Controversies Series on contemporary political theory and practice. The lead article The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism by Heidi Hartmann argues that "the marriage of marxism and feminism has been like that between husband and wife depicted in English common law; marxism and feminism are one, and that one is marxism... To continue the metaphor further, either we need a healthier marriage or we need a divorce."

Women and the Politics of Class

Is there a future for feminism? The debate over the direction and politics of the women's movement has been joined recently by post-feminists and anti-feminists, in addition to competing feminist perspectives. In Women and the Politics of Class, Johanna Brenner offers a distinctive view, arguing for a strategic turn in feminist politics toward coalitions centered on the interests of working-class women.
Women and the Politics of Class engages many crucial contemporary feminist issues-abortion, reproductive technology, comparable worth, the impoverishment of women, the crisis in care-giving, and the shredding of the social safety net through welfare reform and budget cuts. These problems, Brenner argues, must be set in the political and economic context of a state and society dominated by the imperatives of capital accumulation.
Drawing on historical explorations of the labor movement and working-class politics, Brenner provides a fresh materialist approach to one of the most important issues of feminist theory today: the intersection of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class.

Women and Work: Feminism, Labour, and Social Reproduction

With #metoo dominating headlines and an unprecedented number of women running for office, the fight for women's equality has perhaps never been higher on the political agenda. Around the world, women are fighting against unfair working conditions, restrictive abortion laws, and the frayed social safety net. The same holds true within the business world--but there's a twist: even as some women argue that pushing for more female CEOs would help the struggle for equality, other activists argue that CEOs themselves are part of the problem, regardless of gender.
In Feminist Thinking about Work, Susan Ferguson explores the history of feminist discourse, examining the ways in which feminists have conceptualized women's work and placed labor, and its reproduction, at the heart of their program for emancipation. Engaging with feminist critiques of work, Ferguson argues that women's emancipation depends upon a reorganization and radical reimagining of all labor, and advocates for an inclusive politics that reconceptualizes women's work and work in general.

Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement

While most people believe that the movement to secure voluntary reproductive control for women centered solely on abortion rights, for many women abortion was not the only, or even primary, focus. Jennifer Nelson tells the story of the feminist struggle for legal abortion and reproductive rights in the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s through the particular contributions of women of color. She explores the relationship between second-wave feminists, who were concerned with a woman's right to choose, Black and Puerto Rican Nationalists, who were concerned that Black and Puerto Rican women have as many children as possible “for the revolution,” and women of color themselves, who negotiated between them. Contrary to popular belief, Nelson shows that women of color were able to successfully remake the mainstream women's liberation and abortion rights movements by appropriating select aspects of Black Nationalist politics—including addressing sterilization abuse, access to affordable childcare and healthcare, and ways to raise children out of poverty—for feminist discourse.

Women's Oppression Today

Women's Oppression Today is now a classic text in the debate about Marxism and feminism and has been reprinted many times since its first publication in 1980. Acknowledging the book as a product of the specific political climate of the time it was written, Michèle Barrett in this revised edition surveys the political and intellectual changes that have subsequently taken place, changes which would make the writing of such a text now impossible.
In a major new essay she discusses the symptomatic absence from the book of any consideration of ethnicity, race and racism, and also reviews the significant developments that have occurred since its first publication. While defending the central arguments of the book in their own terms, she points to fundamental changes in the context in which such a debate might be conducted today. The philosophical challenge of various forms of poststructuralism to the certainties of the book's materialist premises are discussed, as is the challenge of postmodernism to grand political projects such as socialism and feminism.

Women's Work, Men's Property

“To some a book on the origins of sexual inequality is absurd. Male dominance seems to them a universal, if not inevitable, phenomenon that has been with us since the dawn of our species. The essays in this volume offer differing perspectives on the development of sex-role differentiation and sexual inequality, but share a belief that these phenomena did have social origins, origins that must be sought in sociohistorical events and processes.”
In this way Stephanie Coontz and Peta Henderson introduce a book which fills a yawning gap in Marxist and feminist theory of recent years.
Women’s Work, Men’s Property brings together specialist historical and anthropological skills of a group of American and French feminists to examine the origins of the sexual division of labor, the nature of pre-state kinship societies, the position of women in slave-based societies, and the specific forms taken by the oppression of women in archaic Greece.
Men’s Work, Women’s Property will be welcomed by teachers and students of women’s studies and anyone with an interest in the biological, psychological and historical roots of sexual inequality.

Women, Race and Class

A powerful study of the women's movement in the U.S. from abolitionist days to the present that demonstrates how it has always been hampered by the racist and classist biases of its leaders.


In an era of accelerating technology and increasing complexity, how should we reimagine the emancipatory potential of feminism? How should gender politics be reconfigured in a world being transformed by automation, globalization and the digital revolution?
These questions are addressed in this bold new book by Helen Hester, a founding member of the 'Laboria Cuboniks' collective that developed the acclaimed manifesto 'Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation'. Hester develops a three-part definition of xenofeminism grounded in the ideas of technomaterialism, anti-naturalism, and gender abolitionism. She elaborates these ideas in relation to assistive reproductive technologies and interrogates the relationship between reproduction and futurity, while steering clear of a problematic anti-natalism. Finally, she examines what xenofeminist technologies might look like in practice, using the history of one specific device to argue for a future-oriented gender politics that can facilitate alternative models of reproduction.
Challenging and iconoclastic, this visionary book is the essential guide to one of the most exciting intellectual trends in contemporary feminism.

Адам & Ева. Альманах гендерной истории (№19 – №27)

Альманах Адам & Ева – первое в России периодическое издание,специально посвященное проблемам гендерной истории, которая является составной частью междисциплинарного направления в социальном и гуманитарном знании. Авторы используют широкие возможности гендерного анализа в изучении различных исторических эпох и сфер человеческой деятельности, рассматривая прошлое и настоящее сквозь призму взаимоотношений между полами и социокультурных представлений о «мужском» и «женском».

Антология гендерной теории

В антологию включены ранее не публиковавшиеся на русском языке работы классиков феминистской теории и тендерных исследований - Анджелы Дэвис, Нэнси Чодороу, Джудит Батлер, Терезы де Лауретис, Гейл Рубин и др. Предлагаемая вниманию читателя подборка текстов позволяет получить достаточно полное представление об эволюции, теоретических и социальных истоках, основных направлениях тендерных исследований на Западе. Спектр затрагиваемых тем охватывает самые различные области гуманитарного и социального познания - от философии и социологии до кинотеории и культурной антропологии.
Издание адресовано специалистам в сфере социологии, политологии, философии, культурологии, а также всем тем, кто интересуется проблематикой гендерных исследований.

В тесных объятиях традиции: Патриархат и Война

Монография посвящена антропологическому анализу послевоенного неотрадиционалистского общества жителей Нагорного Карабаха в постсоциалистический период. Категория гендер, которая актуализирует социальную, а не биологическую сущность отношений мужчины и женщины, введена в международный научный оборот в оправе конструктивистской парадигмы в 80-е гг. XX в. Категория включает в себя женские исследования, так же как и исследования маскулинности и queer-исследования. Монография написана на основе эмпирического материала, собранного в ходе восьмимесячных полевых исследований автора в одном из регионов постсоветского Нагорного Карабаха (de facto существующей Нагорно-Карабахской республики) методом включенного наблюдения в 2000-2001 гг., а также в ходе кратковременных полевых поездок в летнее время в 2003-2009 гг.

Введение в гендерные исследования (Часть I и II)

I. Учебное пособие освещает широчайший круг проблем, связанных с исследованиями гендерных отношений в России и других странах. Авторский состав представлен известными в России и за рубежом исследователями гендерной проблематики. В разделах учебного издания приводится разноплановая критика западной гендерной теории в контексте разнообразных дисциплинарных полей. В частности, авторами рассматриваются: история возникновения и становления гендерных исследований, гендерная проблематика в социологии, политологии, в экономической теории, исторических науках, психологии и психоанализе, в антропологии, философии и др. Необходимость такого учебного пособия вызвана интенсивной динамикой развития гендерных исследований за последнее десятилетие в странах бывшего СССР и реальной практикой университетского преподавания: в постсоветской высшей школе в настоящее время более 350 ученых работают в области гендерных исследований и читают гендерные курсы, охватывающие большинство социальных дисциплин. Между тем учебные пособия по этой дисциплине в нашей стране практически отсутствуют. В этом плане данное издание представляет существенный прорыв.
II. «Хрестоматия» представляет собой вторую часть учебного издания «Введение в генедрные исследования», и является основным учебным материалом для первой части – «Учебного пособия». По своей структуре «Хрестоматия» соответствует структуре «Учебного пособия», основанной на принципе дисциплинарности социальных наук. Принципиальный критерий отбора текстов для «Хрестоматии» был обоснован авторами соответствующих разделов «Учебного пособия». «Хрестоматия» предназначена для использования в качестве базового учебного материала для создания новых учебных курсов по гендерным дисциплинам в постсоветских университетах на основе опыта западной генедрной и феминистской теории. Большинство текстов хрестоматии - работы ведущих западных гендерных и феминистских теоретиков (Джудит Батлер, Рози Брайдотти, Тереза де Лауретис, Люси Иригарэ, Гейл Рубин, и т.д.), сыгравших важную роль в создании новой академической социальной дисциплины "гендерные исследования" в системе западного социального знания. Тексты, входящие в «Хрестоматию», являются общеметодологическими для западной гендерной и феминистской теории, их учебно-методологическое применение выходит за рамки отдельных дисциплин социального знания и соответствующих им разделов «Учебного пособия». Хрестоматия может быть использована в качестве базового учебного материала при подготовке учебных курсов по гендерным исследованиям.

Введение в квир-теорию

Монография посвящена исследованию обстоятельств становления и сущности теоретических постулатов квир. Автор ставит перед собой задачу ввести в наш академический контекст некоторые из наиболее важных концептуальных разработок квир-теории и выявить логику существования ее весьма разнообразных составляющих: мужского и женского гомосексуализма, межпоколенного секса, БДСМ (бандаж, дисциплина, садизм, мазохизм) - отношений, трансвестизма, транссексуализма, бисексуальности, педофилии, гетеросексуального доминирования мужчин и подчиненности женщин и пр.
Книга предназначена для изучающих проблемы сексологии, социологии сексуальных, гендерных, личностных отношений, социальной эпистемологии, эпистемологии приватности.

Возможен ли «квир» по-русски?

Данный сборник представляет собой первый на постсоветском пространстве опыт концентрированной публикации исследований в парадигме так называемых «LGBT and Queer Studies», того что по-русски неуклюже выглядит как «ЛГБТК исследования». ЛГБТК исследования – это междисциплинарное направление исследований разнообразных вопросов связанных с различными типами гендерно-сексуальных идентичностей, их конструирования, репрезентации, сексуальных и гендерных политик и т.д. В настоящем сборнике представлены статьи как по методологии ЛГБТК исследований, так и практические результаты исследований, а так же статьи по психологическому консультированию представителей квир-сообщества. Сборник будет интересен как специалистам (гендерным исследователям, социологам, психологам, правоведам, филологам, философам культурологам и др.), так и широкому кругу читателей, которые интересуются актуальным состоянием русскоязычных гендерных исследований, вопросами сексуальности и гендерной политики.
Подробнее на livelib.ru:

Воспроизводство материнства

В своей книге Н.Чодороу делает попытку исследовать материнство как феномен и проанализировать, как оно воспроизводится от поколения к поколению. Главный вопрос исследования - каким образом женщина усваивает материнскую мотивацию и материнское поведение. По сути, это вопрос о том, как изменить существующее распределение труда по половому признаку, при котором материнские функции выполняет исключительно женщина. Автор попыталась написать социологическую работу, сохраняя при этом тонкость и сложность психоаналитического подхода. Книга адресована тем, кого интересуют проблемы неравенства в семье и полового неравенства, а также психоаналитикам - как приглашение обратить внимание на социологические и структурные основы того, что они наблюдают в основном в рамках индивидуальных клинических случаев.

Вторая смена: Работающие семьи и революция дома

Более 30 лет назад "Вторая смена", написанная американским социологом Арли Хокшилд, задала направление будущих дискуссий и исследований гендерного разделения труда на десятилетия. В этой книге Хокшилд рассмотрела, что на самом деле происходит в семьях, где оба партнера — муж и жена — работают. Она обнаружила, что женщины в среднем работают приблизительно на 15 часов в неделю больше, чем мужчины. За год у них набегает лишний месяц круглосуточной работы. Если женщина бездетна, то на работу по дому она тратит больше времени, чем мужчина. Если у нее есть дети, то она тратит больше времени и на них, и на дом. Подобно тому как между мужчинами и женщинами существует разрыв в размере заработной платы на рабочем месте, дома между ними существует "разрыв в досуге". Большинство женщин отрабатывают одну смену в офисе или на заводе и "вторую смену" дома.
Книга адресована социологам, психологам, социальным философам и всем, кого интересуют проблемы взаимоотношений в семье.

Второй пол

Сочетая кропотливый анализ, острый стиль письма и обширную эрудицию, Бовуар рассказывает о том, как менялось отношение к женщинам на протяжении всей истории, от древних времен до нашего времени, уделяя равное внимание биологическому, социологическому и антропологическому аспектам. «Второй пол» — это история угнетений, заблуждений и предрассудков, связанных с восприятием Женщины не только со стороны мужчины, но и со стороны самих представительниц «слабого пола». Теперь этот один из самых смелых и прославленных текстов ХХ века доступен русскоязычным читателям в полноценном, отредактированном виде, сохраняющим всю полноту оригинала.

Гендер для "чайников"

Эта книга написана для россиян, женщин и мужчин, которые хоть раз в жизни сталкивались с тем, что их "пол" становился их "потолком". Такие проблемы могли возникнуть в период взросления, при приеме на работу, в лабиринтах карьерного роста, в отношениях с друзьями, в семье, в интимной жизни, в размышлениях над судьбами отечества и даже в такой невинной ситуации, как чтение классической литературы или просмотр кинофильма, когда, сравнивая себя с героями, вдруг ощущаешь какое-то смутное беспокойство и раздражение (если я не хочу быть "самкой", как Наташа Ростова, значит, я плохая женщина? Если мне неприятны герои, решающие свои проблемы исключительно в рукопашном бою, значит, я не мужчина?). Что же это такое наше ощущение собственного пола и что такое отношение к нам как к людям, имеющим пол? Судьба ли это, предопределенная, как сказал Зигмунд Фрейд, анатомией, природа или что-то другое? Ведь не надо быть семи пядей во лбу, чтобы понять, что современный бизнесмен ощущает себя несколько иначе, чем какой-нибудь скифский воин, а девушка-супермодель, на которую хотят быть похожи читательницы глянцевых журналов, совсем не Татьяна Ларина. Понятие "гендер", вынесенное в заголовок этой книги и уже, возможно, знакомое многим читателям, как раз и помогает ответить на эти вопросы.

Гендер и власть. Общество, личность и гендерная политика

Гендерная политика является областью горячих дискуссий, в том числе и в современной России, где вопросы пола, сексуальности и репродукции в последние годы чрезвычайно политизировались. Автор рассматривает концепции власти, гендера и сексуальности, обращаясь к критическому анализу различных политических и социальных теорий - феминистских и психоаналитических, полоролевого подхода и социобиологии. Описание современной структуры гендерных отношений сопровождается экскурсами в историю и находит развитие в новом подходе к пониманию фемининности и маскулинности, равно как и в обнаружении неоднозначной динамики изменений в гендерной политике - от феминизма рабочего класса до "мужского движения".

Гендер и общество в истории

В сборнике представлены научные статьи, освещающие гендерную историю общества. На большом конкретно-историческом материале - от античности до современности - рассматриваются модели распределения власти между полами, формы их фиксации и передачи, способы, условия и причины их трансформации, степень влияния в этом процессе личностных факторов.

Гендер и политика времени. Феминистская теория и современные дискуссии

Одна из наиболее известных работ современной представительницы британской политологии и политической социологии В. Брайсон, в которой авторка рассматривает проблему феминистской теории и политики времени. Оригинальный подход, который использует британская исследовательница, состоит в рассмотрении с точки зрения феминистической теории взаимосвязи темпоральных предложений политической теории, темпоральных культур, а также средств использования времени в капиталистических обществах и современных социальных государствах.
Для ученых, преподавателей, студентов высших учебных заведений, а также всех,
кого интересуют проблемы феминизма и политики времени.

Гендер и язык. Сборник статей

В антологии представлены зарубежные труды по тендерной проблематике, имевшие широкий резонанс в языкознании и позволившие по-новому подойти к проблеме "Язык и пол" (книги Дж.Коатс и Д.Таннен), а также новые статьи методологического (Д.Камерон), обзорного (X.Коттхофф) и прикладного характера (Б.Барон). Разнообразные подходы к изучению гендера в языке и коммуникации, представленные в сборнике, позволяют читателю ознакомиться с наиболее значимыми трудами последних лет, а также проследить эволюцию методологических взглядов в лингвистической гендерологии. Издание адресовано специалистам в области гендерных исследований, аспирантам и студентам, а также широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся тендерной проблематикой.

Гендер по-русски: преграды и пределы

Гендер по-русски: преграды и пределы. Материалы международного научного семинара, организованного Финской Академией наук и Тверским государственным университетом в рамках международного и интердисциплинарного проекта “Contrasting Russian Others: Gender and Nationality in Cultural, Historical and Literary Discourses of the 20th Century“. Тверь. 10-12 сентября 2004 г.

Гендерная социология

В книге рассматриваются ключевые теоретические направления и научные проблемы, входящие в предметное поле гендерной социологии. Анализируются различные аспекты отношений между полами, а также процессы создания и изменения моделей мужественности и женственности. Книга состоит из курса лекций, хрестоматии, учебной программы, методического пособия. Адресована преподавателям,
аспирантам и студентам социологических специальностей, а
также всем интересующимся гендерной проблематикой.

Гендерная теория и искусство. Антология: 1970-2000

Данная антология объединяет тексты ведущих западных феминисток, написанные за последние тридцать лет. Проблемы искусствознания рассматриваются здесь с позиций гендерной теории. Это не столько историческое свидетельство состояния и развития гендерной теории, сколько серия размышлений, открытых в сегодняшний день. Именно поэтому антология не просто восполняет культурные лакуны, но позволяет обращаться с ней как с актуальным изданием.

Гендерное общество

В книге М.Киммела рассматривается практически весь комплекс вопросов, касающих��я взаимоотношений мужчин и женщин в обществе. Автор излагает социологическую теорию гендера, показывает, как соотносятся биологические и социальные факторы формирования пола и гендера, каковы сильные и слабые стороны психологических интерпретаций гендерного развития индивидуума, как конкретно происходит социальное конструирование гендерных отношений, как гендерно сформированные идентичности функционируют и формируют те или иные личностные черты в рамках таких социальных институтов, как семья, школьный класс и рабочее место. М.Киммел рассматривает в гендерном ключе важнейшие межличностные взаимодействия, а в эпилоге возвращается к теоретической проблеме возможности существования безгендерного общества.

Гендерный мозг. Современная нейробиология развенчивает миф о женском мозге

Веками женский мозг взвешивали, измеряли и находили ненужным. "Женщины ближе к детям и дикарям, чем к взрослому, цивилизованному мужчине", написал французский психолог Гюстав Лебон на рубеже 20-ого века. "Женский" мозг, часть несовершенной и хрупкой биологии, долго считали достаточным основанием, чтобы не допускать слабый пол к образованию, политике и науке. Нейробиолог Джина Риппон разрушает мифы о разнице "мужского" и "женского" и объясняет, почему это разделение отравляет жизнь не только женщин, но и мужчин.

Госпожа Ким Чжи Ен, рожденная в 1982 году

Ким Чжи Ен – одно из самых распространенных корейских имен для целого поколения. Таким образом, героиня этого романа – фактически любая современная южнокорейская женщина, чья мать после ее рождения была вынуждена извиняться перед родителями мужа за то, что ее ребенок – девочка. В этом романе Ким Чжи Ен проходит путь от детства до материнства и рассказывают свою историю мужчине-психиатру, типичному гражданину своей страны. Ким Чжи Ен сталкивается с глубоко укоренившейся гендерной дискриминацией на каждом этапе своей жизни, и это глубоко поражает, поскольку у международного сообщества Южная Корея уже много лет ассоциируется с высокоразвитой, прогрессивной культурой.

Дамы на обочине. Три женских портрета 17 века

Натали Земон Дэвис — известный историк, почетный профессор Принстонского университета, автор многочисленных трудов по культуре Нового времени. Ее знаменитая книга «Дамы на обочине» (1995) выводит на авансцену трех европейских женщин XVII века, очень разных по жизненному и интеллектуальному опыту, но схожих в своей незаурядности, решительности и независимости. Ни иудейка Гликль бас Иуда Лейб, ни католичка Мари Гюйар дель Энкарнасьон, ни протестантка Мария Сибилла Мериан не были королевскими или знатными особами. Скорее, они жили «на обочине» европейского XVII века, однако их дневники, письма и путевые заметки, утверждает Н. Дэвис, дают нам куда более верное представление о раннем модерном времени, нежели официальная придворная история. Автор тщательно реконструирует жизненные и творческие стратегии этих женщин: как в силу разных культурных традиций каждой пришлось искать свой ответ на вызовы эпохи (замужество, материнство, религия, статус женщины в обществе). Эта монография-триптих описывает полный спектр возможностей женской самореализации в XVII столетии, достичь которой можно было лишь вдали от властных центров, на периферии европейской ойкумены.

Деколониальные гендерные эпистемологии

В книге анализируется становление ряда моделей гендерной эпистемологии, связанных с философией деколониального поворота, прослеживаются их точки соприкосновения и отталкивания от западных феминистских теорий, гендерных дискурсов третьего мира и цветного диаспорного феминизма. Исследование вводит в отечественный научный контекст новые имена и теоретические модели, уже успевшие занять значимое место в мировом транс-культурном и транс-эпистемологическом феминистском диалоге, но пока неизвестные в России. Книга представляет краткую генеалогию гендерных дискурсов, идентичностей и активизма двух колониальных пространств России/СССР — Центральной Азии и Кавказа, критически соотнося их с деколониальным феминизмом и представляя пути и возможности их развития в будущем как основы освобождения (со)знания от гносеологических и онтологических ограничений западной модерности с ее темной стороной — колониальностью и выстраивания траекторий противостояния и ре-экзистенции, а также транс-культурного и транс-ценностного глобального диалога на уровне политического общества. Книга рассчитана на преподавателей ВУЗов, аспирантов, студентов, интересующихся гендерной проблематикой, культурной и философской антропологией, эпистемологией и социальной философией, особенно незападного мира.

Женское освободительное движение в России: Феминизм, нигилизм и большевизм

Данная работа касается главным образом истории XIX — начала XX в., однако сам автор считает, что ее нужно рассматривать как исследование общего характера, которое должно способствовать дальнейшему изучению «женского вопроса».

Женщина в античном мире

Впервые в отечественной науке в сборнике на основании широкого круга источников на высоком научном уровне и в то же время ярко и увлекательно раскрывается роль женщин в великую эпоху античности. Перед читателем предстают таинственные супруги древнеегипетских фараонов, незаслуженно забытые талантливые эллинистические царицы, искусные дипломаты и осторожные правительницы, скромные жены раннеримских государственных деятелей и распущенные дщери римских императоров.
Всесторонне освещается специфическое положение девушек и женщин Спарты, отличавшихся излишне "свободным" поведением и анализируются женские характерные типы с точки зрения раннегрсческой "мужской" лирики. Особое внимание уделено раскрытию положения женщины в семье, воспитания, сохранения традиций и моральных норм, а также ее роли в обществе Раннего Рима и эпохи принципата, в римской провинции Паннонии и Боспорском царстве. Выявляются различные аспекты активной роли женщин в период раннего христианства.

Женщина в истории западноевропейского средневековья

В книге реконструируется история средневековых воззрений на женскую природу, показывается роль женщины в социально-экономической и политической жизни западноевропейского общества, ее частная жизнь. В Приложении представлены впервые издаваемые на русском языке работы итальянских гуманисток, отражающие уровень развития женского самосознания к концу средневековья. Издание адресовано студентам, аспирантам, специалистам в области средневековой истории и гендерных исследований.

Женщина и социализм

Вниманию читателя предлагается книга выдающегося деятеля германского и международного рабочего движения Августа Бебеля (1840-1913). В книге рассказывается о положении женщины в обществе, начиная с первобытных времен и до капиталистической эпохи, а также о возможном изменении этого положения при социализме и коммунизме. Рассматриваются вопросы о взаимоотношениях мужчины и женщины, браке и семье, воспитании детей и др. На огромном фактическом материале раскрывается потрясающая картина подчиненного положения женщины в современном автору капиталистическом обществе, картина двойной морали, ханжества и иллюзорности буржуазного равенства. В последних разделах книги автор делает попытку наметить конкретные пути раскрепощения женщины. Книга А. Бебеля, написанная ярким и доступным языком, только в одной Германии переиздавалась более шестидесяти раз; она была переведена на многие языки мира. Книга будет интересна социологам, политологам, историкам, демографам, философам, а также широкому кругу читателей.

Женщина как тело

Мария Рахманинова – специалист по социальной философии, кандидат философских наук, автор ряда активистских фотопроектов. Родилась в Москве в 1985 г, в сферу ее научных интересов входят политические теории, движения и идеологии, гендерная теория, искусство. В своей первой книге она показывает, что продажа и эксплуатация женского тела не только формируют самую грязную и жестокую индустрию, но и цементируют, и олицетворяют всю дегуманизирующую рыночную систему вместе с ее обязательной консервативной подкладкой.

Женщины в легендах и мифах

Мифология, изучение мифов помогают нам яснее представить социальные структуры, точнее определить постоянные и переменные величины в человеческом обществе вообще и - что является задачей данной книги - роль женщины в различных обществах, в частности. Автор предлагает вниманию читателей ту часть мифологического наследства, на которое ранее не обращалось должного внимания или которое являлось объектом традиционных и устаревших толкований. Хотя книга построена таким образом, чтобы читатель мог сравнить разные мифологии и провести между ними параллели, основной упор дается на уникальность и неповторимость каждого образа.

Женщины в политике: Новые подходы к политическому (№1, №2, №3 и №4)

Центр гендерных исследований издает феминистский альманах «Женщины в политике: новые подходы к политической идеологии». В альманахе анализируются актуальные политические проблемы в Беларуси и постсоветских государствах с позиции феминистской идеологии. Целевой аудиторией альманаха являются политические и общественные активисты, а также новое поколение исследователей, интересующихся политическими, социальными и культурными вопросами, связанными с участием женщин в политической жизни в Беларуси и гендерными исследованиями в целом.
В настоящее время «Женщины в политике» является единственным белорусским периодическим изданием, в котором открыто обсуждается взаимосвязь гендерной проблематики, власти, политики и культуры. Издание стремится восполнить существующий пробел в этой области и предлагает вниманию читателей критический анализ текущих событий в белорусском обществе и других постсоветских странах. Альманах особое место отводит проблематике участия женщин в политической и общественной жизни в Беларуси, а также обзору происходящих там постсоциалистических преобразований.

Женщины Древнего Рима. Увлекательные истории жизни римлянок всех сословий

Профессор Оксфордского университета, член Британской академии, автор ряда исследований по древней истории Джон Перси Бэлсдон посвятил свою книгу женщинам Древнего Рима. История римских женщин - это многовековая история представительниц всех слоев римского общества. Женщины никогда не управляли Римом, но это не означает, что они не участвовали в формировании имперской политики. От них, в особенности от исполнения ими жреческих обязанностей, например, зависело здоровье общества, а символом государственной морали были девственницы ­весталки, которые гарантировали экономическое процветание страны. Автор охватил более чем тысячелетний период, описывая многих женщин, родившихся в римских провинциях и ставших частью римской истории.

Женщины Древней Руси

Книга - рассказ о выдающихся древнерусских женщинах, которые участвовали в общественной и политической жизни Руси: великой княгине Ольге, дочерях Ярослава Мудрого и внучках Владимира Мономаха, о знаменитой новгородской посаднице Марфе Борецкой и многих других. Автор рассматривает положение женщины в семье, ее имущественные и социальные права, описывает женскую одежду и украшения в X-XV вв.

Женщины и мужчины в контексте исторических перемен (Том 1, 2)

Издание включает в себя материалы Пятой международной научной конференции РАИЖИ (Российской ассоциации исследователей женской истории), которая проводилась в 2012 году в Тверском государственном университете. Конференция посвящена методологии и историографии женской и гендерной истории России; гендерным вызовам в российской истории; адаптации к изменениям женщин и мужчин; гендерным аспектам сексуальной культуры России и Европы в контексте исторических перемен; изменениям в жизненных циклах женщин и мужчин и пр.

Женщины, раса, класс

Книга посвящена положению женщин в семье, обществе, их борьбе за свои права, истории женского движения в США в целом. Центральное место в ней уделено борьбе черных женщин США за свое освобождение, а после отмены рабства - за полное равенство. Книга написана популярно и увлекательно. Еее с интересом прочтут не только специалисты-обществоведы, но и широкий круг читателей.

Женщины. Инвалидность. Феминизм

Этот зин — труд множества женщин, чьи усилия позволили ему появиться. Мы живём в мире многовековой невидимости и замалчивания опыта женщин с инвалидностью. Они обусловлены единственно приемлемым до этого взглядом на нас — взглядом нормативного европейского гетеросексуального мужчины. И эти невидимость и замалчивание отступают под громкими и сильными голосами разных женщин.
Мы выражаем огромную благодарность всем тем, кто рассказала свои истории. Ведь истории — это то, что позволяет жизни начать своё существование. Мы благодарны переводчицам, редакторкам, верстальщицам и всем, кто оказывала нам информационную поддержку. Мы благодарны всем нашим соратницам по феминистской и антиэйблистской борьбе. Мы с вами — воительницы!
Отдельное спасибо тем, кто вложила немало времени и сил в развитие феминистской теории инвалидности. От нас, как и от любых вдвойне стигматизированных женщин, ждут только одних историй. Историй, которые можно было бы включить в одномерную теорию. Но большой корпус работ feminist disability studies подрывает эту установку. Мы надеемся, что этот зин положит начало развёрнутым феминистским исследованиям инвалидности в России. Ведь стигма женщины с инвалидностью не равна стигме женщины и стигме инвалида. Это пограничная зона, отдельная субъективность. И именно эту пограничную зону необходимо теоретизировать. Мы хотим обогатить и расширить коллективную историю женщин — голосами тех, кто раньше была невидима в движении.

История женщин на Западе (Том I, II, III, IV, V)

«История женщин на Западе» в пяти томах под общей редакцией Жоржа Дюби и Мишель Перро состоит из работ 75 выдающихся историков, представляющих читателям увлекательную панорамную хронику от античности до современности.

Прочти мое желание...

Первый на русском языке обзор западных теоретических воззрений второй половины XX в. по проблеме гендера, начиная с труда Симоны де Бовуар "Второй пол". Рассматриваются такие ключевые темы, как женское письмо, сексуальное различие, лесбийская сексуальность и квир-идентичность.

Психика власти: теории субъекции

Джудит Батлер (р. 1956) — ведущий американский теоретик влас-
ти, гендера, сексуальности и идентичности. В США ее называют «одной из
самых выдающихся философов и критиков современности». В новой книге
Батлер развивает новый, постфукианский подход к проблеме власти и к
проблеме субъективности — теорию психики власти, в которой она иссле-
дует механизм задействования властью приватных, интимных чувствен-
ных переживаний субъекта (привязанность, разочарование, меланхолия и
др.). Книга предназначена для читателей, интересующихся современной
социальной теорией, философией и психоанализом.

Российская повседневность в зеркале гендерных отношений: Сборник статей

Как менялись отношения между мужчинами и женщинами от древности к современности, российская специфика «нормального» и привычного, типические эмоциональные реакции на жизненные события, мотивы поведения мужчин и женщин разных социальных страт — это лишь малая часть вопросов, поднятых в этом сборнике. Книга дает представление о динамике развития исследований мужской и женской повседневности в такой огромной, многокультурной, разноконфессиональной стране, как Россия. Обращение к отдаленному прошлому, изучение изменений в структурах тогдашней и сегодняшней обыденности в ее гендерном измерении имеет значение не только для науки, но и для более глубокого понимания процессов, происходящих в современном обществе.

Россия-матушка: Национализм, гендер и война в России в 20 веке

Русские девушки

"Русские девушки" - новая книга известного этнографа И.И.Шангиной. В ней рассказывается о жизни крестьянских девушек во второй половине XIX - начале XX века в семье, в молодежном коллективе и "на миру", об их воспитании, повседневных заботах и праздниках. Автор прослеживает жизненный путь девушки с момента взросления и вступления в пору девичества до первых лет замужества. Однако в книге уделяется особое внимание и "неправильным", "несложившимся" с точки зрения традиционной культуры женским судьбам (по тем или иным причинам девушка могла остаться "засидкой", родить ребенка до брака, уйти в монастырь и т. д.). Отдельная глава посвящена свадьбе: в ней дается последовательное описание всех обрядов, ее составляющих. В книге собран богатейший фольклорный и этнографический материал. В нее включено более 300 цветных и черно-белых иллюстраций. Это издание - прекрасный подарок тем, кто интересуется русской историей и культурой.

Русский феминизм как вызов современности

Книга посвящена истории женского движения России, а также истории русского феминизма, который начал развиваться в стране на рубеже XIX-XX веков.
Автор исследует корни русского феминистского движения, его задачи, акции,
идеологии и результативность.
Главным результатом деятельности феминистского движения стало получение женщинами России избирательного права, благодаря чему Россия вошла
в первую пятерку стран по этому вопросу.
Законодательные реформы в сфере гендерного равенства в Советской
России 1920-1930-х годов автор рассматривает как результат влияния и продолжение традиций русского дореволюционного феминистского движения.
Книга заканчивается описанием краткого периода диссидентского феминизма в Ленинграде в 1980-х годах.

Сексуальная текстуальная политика. Феминистская литературная теория

Увидевшая свет в 1985 году книга Торил Мой не только не утратила своей актуальности, но. напротив, вошла в число классических paôoi но
истории, теории и методологии женского литературного критицизма.
В ней освещаются основные теории феминистской и нефеминистской
критики, касающиеся понятий женской литературы, женского авторства, женского чтения, женского опыта и так называемых женских стилей письма. Автор подробно анализирует сильные и слабые стороны
англо-американской и французской школ теоретической мысли, рассматривая работы таких критиков, как К. Миллетт. Э. Моэрс. С. Гилберт и С. Губар. Э. Шоуолгер, а также С. де Бовуар. Ю.Кристевой, Л. Иригарэ. Е. Сиксу и мн. др. Книга освещает вопросы взаимоотношений женской литературной критики с теориями новой критики, структурализмом, деконструктивизмом, психоанализом.
Написанная популярным, живым языком книга может представлять
интерес не только для студентов и специалистов в области женской литературы, современной зарубежной философии и критики, тендерных
исследований, но и для читателей, интересующихся современными
культурными процессами, новыми тенденциями в области гуманитарных знаний.

Сила слабых. Женщины в истории России (11 - 19 век)

В книгу Светланы Кайдаш вошли очерки, рассказывающие о замечательных женщинах России XI - XIX веков: от современниц главной героини "Слова о полку Игореве" - Ярославны до декабристок и героинь "Народной воли". В книге использованы забытые и новые факты и документы.

Судьба русской крестьянки в ХХ веке: брак, семья, быт

Книга рассказывает о простых женских судьбах деревни: брак и семья, разлад и развод, проблемы воспитания детей на фоне обычных деревенских трудностей и преимуществ сельской жизни.
Это обобщающее исследование послевоенной "женской истории" основано на материалах центральных и региональных архивов, социологических обследованиях, крестьянских письмах.
На протяжении советской истории женщины на селе являлись главной трудовой и общественной силой деревни. Это касалось сельскохозяйственного производства, личного подсобного хозяйства и формирования общественного мнения на селе.
В различные периоды влияние женщин на жизнь деревни ослабевало или усиливалось и зависело от миграции мужчин, выбора между работой в общественном хозяйстве и домом, образования крестьянок и государственной политики в области охраны материнства и детства. Сегодня именно сельские женщины являются опорой для развития аграрного сектора: их большинство, к ним переходят властные полномочия, на них надеются деревня и Россия.

Теория девушки

Обратите внимание: концепт Девушки, безусловно, не является тендерным концептом. Клубный тусовщик соответствует ему не менее, чем загримированная под порнозвезду провинциалка... Девушка — это лишь модель гражданина, созданная рыночным обществом после Первой мировой войны в ответ на угрозу революции... Девушка — кульминационная точка антропоморфизации Капитала... Девушка — это современный образ власти.

Трансгендерность и трансфеминизм

“Трансгендерность и трансфеминизм” – первая книга на русском языке,
рассматривающая трансгендерность с точки зрения феминистской теории, а
также одна из первых, посвящённых трансгендерности целиком. Книгу отличает
непатологизирующий и небинарный подход. Обозревая как ранее выдвинутые в
англоязычной литературе концепции, так и текущую постсоветскую повестку
движения (в особенности его трансфеминистского направления), Яна Кирей-
Ситникова анализирует такие темы, как: непатологизирующая небинарная
терминология, проблемы циснормативности и трансфобии, взаимоотношения
между транс* и феминистским движениями, интерсекциональность и концепция
привилегий, домашнее насилие над трансгендерными людьми, принятие своего
тела, теории формирования гендерной идентичности и модели депатологизации
гендерной вариативности.

Усы и юбки. Гендерные отношения внутри кремлевского круга в сталиснкую эпоху (1928-1953)

В книге рассматриваются отношения внутри ближнего властного круга,
сформировавшегося вокруг Сталина, в рамках постструктуралистской и ми-
кроисторической парадигмы с особым вниманием к гендерной составляющей
этих отношений. Опираясь прежде всего на личные документы, автор пыта-
ется понять, как в центре властного круга (вос)создавались гендерные раз-
личия, в то время как в официальном партийном дискурсе постулировалось
равенство полов как достижение советской власти. Изложение в книге со-
средоточено вокруг четырех историй отношений внутри сталинского круга -
Николая Бухарина, Николая Ежова, Полины Жемчужиной-Молотовой и се-
мьи Ворошиловых (Климента и Екатерины), при этом фокус анализа сосредо-
точен на гендерном аспекте. В работе изучаются гендерные самопрезентации
(мужские и женские), межличностные связи по самым разным темам, включая
выражение эмоций, телесные практики, здоровье, сексуальность, алкоголизм,
охоту, отношение к детям.

Феминизм в общественной мысли и литературе. Антология

Феминизм для 99 процентов. Манифест

Перед вами феминистский антикризисный манифест. Феминизм для 99 процентов говорит о проблемах, знакомых 99 процентам современных женщин, и в решении этих проблем стремится преобразовать общество. Авторки манифеста не считают убедительной стратегию либеральных феминисток, уповающих на «равенство» в условиях существующего общественного строя.
Сторонницы феминизма для 99 процентов желают показать значимость своего бесплатного и дешёвого труда, устроив всеобщую женскую забастовку нового типа, а затем и вовсе порвать с капиталом, прекратив обслуживать его, — и построить новые структуры общества на принципах антикапитализма, антисексизма, антирасизма и экологичности. Какие альтернативы видит
феминизм для 99 процентов? И как хочет их воплощать? Читайте в «Манифесте».

Феминизм и гендерное равенство

Книга посвящена социально-философскому анализу понятий равенства и
различий женщин и мужчин в феминизме, а также развитию концепции гендерного равенства. Анализируя различные направления феминизма, автор показывает, что за последние несколько десятилетий феминизм превратился в одну из наиболее значительных социальных теорий. В работе рассматриваются концепции "равенства", "сходства/тождества" и "различий" женщин и мужчин, анализируются политические стратегии феминизма, исследуются теория и практика «государственного феминизма» в Скандинавских странах. Автор также описывает, как принципы гендерного равенства интегрированы в международно-правовые документы и в деятельность международных орагнизаций (ООН, ЮНЕСКО, МОТ, ВОЗ, Европейский Союз), а также реализуются в социальной политике ряда развитых стран. Проанализировав теорию и политику в области гендерного равенства в нашей стране, автор предлагает теоретические выводы и практические рекомендации по продвижению принципа гендерного равенства в культуру современной России. Книга восполняет значительный пробел в анализе важнейших социальных теорий современности и будет безусловно полезна научным сотрудникам, политикам и общественным деятелям, преподавателям, аспирантам и студентам.

Феминизм: перспективы социального знания

Феминистская критика и ревизия политической философии

Этот сборник предлагает новое феминистское прочтение гру-
дов известных классиков и современных текстов: от Пла гона до
Хабермаса В сборнике также представлены исследования трудов
Мэри Уоллстонкрафт и Симоны дс Бовуар, чьи имена обычно
исключаются из работ, посвященных обзору «западной полити-
ческой мысли». В данных статьях не представлено единого феми-
нистского видения текстов, не ] гредлагается феминистских подхо-
дов и теоретических разработок, благодаря которым возможно
существование единой перспективы теоретического развития. По-
ка ин широкий спектр множества интерпретаций и споров по
таким вопросам, как патриархальное конструирование осноьных
политических категорий, соотношение общественной и личной
жизни, а также проблема равенства и различий;, включая различия
среди женщин.

Философская антропология феминизма. Природа женщины

Главное открытие феминистской мысли во второй половине XX века на
магистральном пути познания человека западноевропейской философией
состояло в том, что у человека есть пол. Эта банальная истина была вытеснена с главной дороги западной философской антропологии, и феминизм, начав осмысливать свои философские основания, указал с детским простодушием, что король — голый, что «человек» как главный герой всех антропологических теорий, понимаемый вне своего корневого качества, каким является пол, есть лишь одна из разновидностей «голой» абстракции. Иными словами, феминизм взялся доказать, что пол не сводится только к первичным и вторичным половым признакам, он пронизывает все сферы социальной и культурной жизни человека.

Формирование европейской женщины новой эпохи. 1789-1918

Историческое развитие Европы конца XVIII — начала XX столетия сопровождалось революциями, имперской экспансией, волнениями рабочих
и войнами. Одновременно в Европе эпохи Нового времени происходило
формирование и новой женщины. В книге Линн Абрамс — профессора
Университета Глазго, исследователя и преподавателя гендерной истории —
предлагается нетрадиционный взгляд на европейскую историю XIX века
и многообразие ролей женщины в ней — матери, жены, возлюбленной, революционерки, миссионерки, рабочей и феминистки.
Книга представляет интерес как для специалистов по истории Европы
и истории женщин, так и для широкого круга читателей.

Хрестоматия феминистских текстов. Переводы


Хрестоматия представляет собой сборник переводов текстов, ставших классикой феминистской теории второй половины ХХ в. Большинство из них переведено впервые. Благодаря им читатель сможет познакомиться с дебатами особого направления современной социальной теории, порожденной женским движением второй волны на Западе. Тексты представляют интерес для социологов, политологов, историков, философов, психологов, антропологов, психоаналитиков и всех тех, кто интересуется проблемами современных гендерных отношений.

Частная жизнь женщины в ранней Византии

Частная жизнь русской женщины XVIII века

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=15dVc70Na1CxioieuLpLOGYM9JCdnRxHR Частное и обществ��нное: гендерный аспект

Издание включает в себя материалы четвертой международной научной
конференции РАИЖИ (Российской ассоциации исследователей женской
истории), которая состоится в 2011 году в Ярославском государственном
педагогическом университете им. К.Д. Ушинского. Конференция посвящена
анализу исторически сложившегося противопоставления «личного» и
«общественного», «частного» и «общего», интимно–домашнего и публичного
в контексте женской и гендерной истории. Круг вопросов, связанных с
понятием «частного», обсуждается с точки зрения влияния символического
порядка общества на социальное поведение его членов, анализа ментальных
стереотипов и ценностных установок людей, моделей материальной
организации культур и специфики самоидентификации мужчин и женщин,
стариков и детей в прошлом и настоящем.

Четыре возраста женщины: Повседневная жизнь русской провинциальной дворянки XVIII - середины XIX в.

Читая любовные романы: женщины, патриархат и популярное чтение

Книга американского историка современности, профессора Дженис Рэдуэй бросает вызов широко распространенным, унижающим женщин представлениям о том, почему романтическая проза — один из самых прибыльных жанров в книгоиздании — привлекает миллионы читательниц. Предмет исследований Рэдуэй — это мир устремлений и страхов, привычек и оценок, эмоциональных стрессов и жизненных дефицитов американских женщин.. «Читая любовные романы представляет собой образец культурологической работы, — в англоязычных странах она стала неотъемлемой частью гуманитарных дисциплин.

Экономическая зависимость, гендер и разделение труда

Даже по прошествии нескольких десятилетий революционные сдвиги в
социальном статусе женщин остаются одним из наиболее впечатляющих
изменений в жизни американского общества. Однако на сегодняшний день более
чем очевидно, что революция эта не была завершена (Bergmann 1986, Hewlitt
1986, Fuchs 1988). На фоне быстрых изменений в других сферах жизни
общества проблематика труда и, в особенности, семейной жизни оказалась
отодвинута на периферию интересов общества, что и позволило некоторым
авторам сформулировать тезис о «забуксовавшей» революции. Действительно,
домашние дела продолжают оставаться «женской работой», несмотря на все
разительные изменения в занятости женщин и в стереотипах, поддерживающих
разделение труда между полами.

Эпистемология чулана

"Эпистемология чулана", написанная в 1990-м году, до сих пор остается самой авторитетной работой известнейшей американской феминистки. Этот текст по общему признанию стал краеугольным камнем современной гей-теории.
Если перевести на общедоступный язык название книги, то ее автор в целом пишет о сложностях выхода из чулана сексуальности, прежде всего гомосексуальной и формировании новой глобальной оппозиции в восприятии существования человека на основе гомо- и гетеросексуальности. Эта двойственность мира обнаруживается во всех без исключения сферах деятельности человека.
В первой части, известной широкому кругу теоретиков как "Аксиоматика", Ив Сэджвик Кософски высказывает ряд аксиоматических представлений, без которых ее теория не выдерживает критики. Речь, прежде всего, идет о выборе гендера партнера, предпочитаемого в качестве сексуального объекта.
Основная часть работы посвящена структурному анализу литературных текстов тех выдающихся авторов, которые в той или иной степени раскрывали или скрывали в своих сочинениях аспект формирования гомосексуала как вида. Это Оскар Уайльд, Марсель Пруст, Генри Джеймс, Фридрих Ницше и некоторые другие.

Этика полового различия

В центре исследования данной книги - передел философского фундамента. Люс Иригарей делает это последовательно и вполне убедительно. Основные понятия - пространство, материя, бытие, субъект, человек, различие - подвергаются радикальной критике. Радикальной, так как это происходит со стороны самой Другой философского дискурса, без оговорок на замещение, подражание, маскировку и обмен местами.
Автор анализирует тексты Платона, Аристотеля, Декарта, Спинозы, Гегеля, Мерло-Понти и Левинаса, показывая, что в философском дискурсе нет случаев, где так называемая "половая принадлежность" безразлична: понятия "человек" и "субъект" не имеют женского рода не потому, что они универсальны, или потому, что дискурсивно женщина полностью идентична мужчине, а из-за вечно повторяемого акта стирания полового различия в языке и его культурных производных.
По словам Иригарей, "Фрейд высветил то, что всегда действовало, но оставалось неявным, скрытым и неизвестным: половое безразличие, лежащее в основе любой науки и любого дискурса". Автор прослеживает это "половое безраличие", скрывающее самую сложную проблему, стоящую перед нами: артикуляцию полового различия и его этики. В то время как человек ищет утраченного Бога и самого себя, он ходит по замкнутому кругу зависимости и безысходности. И это не простой вопрос политкорректности и "добавления" женского рода (или других различий) к уже имеющемуся философскому лексикону. Это вопрос о трансформации мировоззрения, этики и языка.

Это сладкое слово... Гендерные 60-ые и далее

Эта книга четвертая, завершающая три предыдущих, - Страсть (2001),
Гендерные 90-е, или Фаллоса не существует (2003) и Феминистская
интервенция в сталинизм, или Сталина не существует (2006). Каждая
из них является философской интервенцией в режимы чувственного,
наиболее болезненные для «простого советского человека», - модернизм,
сталинизм, позднесоветский и постсоветский периоды.
Сквозной проблемой каждой из книг является проблема феминист-
ского политического выбора; имплицитным теоретическим вопросом -
как в постсоветских условиях может развиваться феминистская теория.
Основной предмет данной книги - человек в ситуации пассионарной
привязанности к свободе: если в сталинизме экзистенциальный выбор
совершается в условиях, когда у субъекта нет логической возможности
его совершать, то в 1960-е субъект, находящийся в ситуации станов-
ления другим, обнаруживает себя в ситуации страстной («сладкой»)
привязанности к свободе.
Но является ли признаваемость по критерию свободы основной
потенциальностью человека?

Почему у женщин при социализме секс лучше. Аргументы в пользу экономической независимости

Профессор Пенсильванского университета, автор семи книг Кристен Годси
объясняет, почему триумф капитализма в странах первого и второго мира
не стал выходом для большинства женщин. Она мастерски развенчивает
устойчивые мифы о том, что в условиях свободного рынка у женщин больше
возможностей достичь карьерных высот и экономической независимости,
внутреннего равновесия и личного счастья. На множестве примеров Кристен
Годси показывает, как, дискриминируя женщин, капитализм во всем обделяет
их – от физических радостей до интеллектуальной самореализации – и
использует в интересах процветания тех, кто уже находится на вершине
экономической пирамиды. Несмотря на крах и идейную дискредитацию
социализма в странах Восточной Европы, Годси убеждена, что многие
элементы социалистической экономики способны обеспечить женщине
условия для развития и полноправного труда, здоровое распределение сил
между работой и семьей и в конечном итоге гармоничные и насыщенные
сексуальные отношения.


Greed, Lust & Gender: A History of Economic Ideas

When does the pursuit of self-interest go too far, lapsing into morally unacceptable behaviour? Until the unprecedented events of the recent global financial crisis economists often seemed unconcerned with this question, even suggesting that "greed is good." A closer look, however, suggests that greed and lust are generally considered good only for men, and then only outside the realm of family life. The history of Western economic ideas shows that men have given themselves more cultural permission than women for the pursuit of both economic and sexual self-interest. Feminists have long contested the boundaries of this permission, demanding more than mere freedom to act more like men. Women have gradually gained the power to revise our conceptual and moral maps and to insist on a better-and less gendered-balance between self interest and care for others. This book brings women's work, their sexuality, and their ideas into the center of the dialectic between economic history and the history of economic ideas. It describes a spiralling process of economic and cultural change in Great Britain, France, and the United States since the 18th century that shaped the evolution of patriarchal capitalism and the larger relationship between production and reproduction. This feminist reinterpretation of our past holds profound implications for today's efforts to develop a more humane and sustainable form of capitalism.

Поле пола

Статьи данного сборника анализируют разнообразные способы символизации пола. Используя обширный материал – от современных феминистских
теорий до практик постсоветского потребления, – сборник акцентирует социальную сконструированность таких категорий, как «пол» и «половая идентичность». Сборник рассчитан не только на специалистов в области социологии и антропологии пола, но и на широкую аудиторию, интересующуюся вопросами формирования идентичности.

Русская философия женственности (XI —XX век)

В монографии анализируется образ женщины и женского начала в философских текстах русских мыслителей , показывается место учения о женственности в
отечественной философии, его связь с основными ценностями русской культуры. Особое внимание уделено выявлению взаимовлияния философии женственности и русского национального самосознания. Издание адресовано специалистам в области философии, истории, литературоведения, социологии, гендерных исследований, а также всем, кто интересуется проблемами отечественной культуры.

Политика пола

Кейт Миллет (р. 1934) -- социальный историк, представитель
радикального крыла феминистского движения.

Свобода, равенство, сестринство. 150 лет борьбы женщин за свои права

150 лет назад мужчины и женщины жили очень по-разному. Женщины не могли голосовать на выборах и зарабатывать деньги. Они далеко не всегда могли распоряжаться собственным телом. И лишь когда женщины объединились и стали бороться за свои права, начали происходить изменения.
Норвежская авторка Марта Бреен и иллюстраторка Йенни Юрдал придумали комикс, в котором легко и понятно рассказывают об истории женского движения, о драматических моментах и великих победах в борьбе женщин за свободу, равенство, сестринство.

О муже(N)ственности. Сборник статей

Задача авторов работ, собранных в данной книге, - понять, каким образом достигается "самоочевидность" расхожих понятий "мужчина" и "мужественность", "пол" и "половая идентичность"; в силу чего и за счет чего они приобретают свою "устойчивость" и "незыблемость"; какую цену приходится платить тем, для кого они не являются столь самоочевидными.

Заблуждения о гендере

История жены

Мэрилин Ялом рассматривает историю брака «с женской точки зрения». Героини этой книги—жены древнегреческие и древнеримские, католические и протестантские, жены времен покорения Фронтира и Второй мировой войны. Здесь есть рассказы о тех женщинах, которые страдали от жестокости общества и собственных мужей, о тех, для кого замужество стало желанным счастьем, и о тех, кто успешно боролся с несправедливостью. Этот экскурс в историю жены завершается нашей эпохой, когда брак, переставший быть обязанностью, претерпевает крупнейшие изменения. Мэрилин Ялом — историк, сотрудница института гендерных исследований Мишель Клейман в Стэнфорде.

Как называются женщины. Феминитивы: история, устройство, конкуренция

В книге «Как называются женщины. Феминитивы: история, устройство, конкуренция» лингвист из РГГУ Ирина Фуфаева отвечает на множество вопросов о феминитивах. В том числе — вопросов еще не заданных. Здесь нет «за» или «против». Здесь — о русском словообразовании, о его парадоксах и логике, о безостановочной работе языка. Удивительным образом долгая история обозначения женщин оборачивается захватывающим чтением о сокровищнице женских суффиксов, о тайных механизмах их рождения и выбора. И, главное, приводит к пониманию — почему никакая Академия наук и никакой указ не заставят людей говорить так или иначе.

Как написать о трансгендерности и не облажаться

Как корректно рассказывать о трансгендерных людях в 2020 году: писать статьи, брать интервью, упоминать в публикациях. Какие самые распространённые «транс-ошибки» допускают СМИ? Каких слов лучше избегать, а какие можно смело использовать? Как найти баланс между кликабельностью и этикой? Читайте правила, которые помогут вам сделать ваши материалы этически классными.
Для кого эта книга:
Для журналистов, редакторов, блогеров и всех, кто хочет разобраться, как корректно писать и говорить о трансгендерных людях.

Калибан и ведьма

В своей знаменитой книге Сильвия Федеричи изучает переход от крестьянских восстаний позднего Средневековья к охоте на ведьм через призму женской истории, тела и первоначального накопления. Период смены феодализма капитализмом ознаменовался масштабным геноцидом женщин, и этот геноцид в свою очередь стал фактором создания нового патриархатного порядка, в рамках которого сложилось новое половое разделение труда, были пересмотрены понятия женственности и мужественности, женщины лишились контроля над своей репродуктивной функцией и потеряли свободный доступ к наемной работе. Результатом всех этих перемен стало новое понимание общественного воспроизводства и значительное ухудшение положения женщин в Европе.

Классы наций

Центральные темы сборника "Классы наций" -- новые классы, нации и гендер и их сложные пересечения в постсоветском регионе. Автор рассматривает, как взаимодействие этих основных категорий организации общества проявляется в "деле" группы Пусси Райот, в дискуссиях вокруг истории Светланы Бахминой, в "моральной революции", зафиксированной в книгах Светланы Алексиевич, в столкновениях по поводу "научной истины" в постсоветской академии и в ситуации жен "русских программистов" в Америке. Сборник выстраивает многогранную социальную панораму постсоциализма. Елена Гапова - доцент кафедры социологии Western Michigan University (США), основательница Центра гендерных исследований Европейского гуманитарного университета (Минск/Вильнюс).

Кто готовил Адаму Смиту? Женщины и мировая экономика

До сих пор в экономике доминирует мужской взгляд и не учитывается
женский домашний труд, который хоть и не оплачивается, но играет огромную
роль. Именно поэтому большинство экономических моделей содержат
существенную погрешность. В своей книге Катрин Марсал рассказывает о
главных ошибках мужчин-экономистов, о явном и скрытом влиянии женщин
на экономику.

ЛГБТК исследования: актуальные проблемы и перспективы

В сборник вошли тезисы докладов, представленных на первой в России международной междисциплинарной научно­практической конференции по ЛГБТК исследованиям –исследованиям разнообразных вопросов, связанных с различными типами гендерно-сексуальных идентичностей, их конструирования, репрезентации, сексуальных и гендерных политик и т.д. Основной акцент в научной дискуссии сделан на вопросах методологии данного междисциплинарного исследовательского проекта, актуального состояния политик идентичности и их различного преломления в региональном аспекте,
социологических и психологических аспектах родительства в однополых семьях, а также иных психологических аспектах гомосексуальности и трансгендерности.
Адресовано учёным, преподавателям, студентам, всем, кто интересуется гендерными исследованиями и актуальным состоянием сексуальной и гендерной политики в России.

Линзы гендера. Трансформация взглядов на проблему неравенства полов

Книга выдающегося психолога и феминистского философа, профессора Корнельского университета Сандры Бем помогает осознать дискуссионные вопросы пола, гендера и сексуальной ориентации. Профессор Бем обсуждает, как представления о мужчинах и женщинах, укоренившиеся в культуре и социальных институтах, трансформируются в представления и психологию индивида. Назвав эти представления линзами гендера, автор с междисциплинарных позиций рассматривает, как наше восприятие результируется в социальной практике — дискриминации женщин и
сексуальных меньшинств. Бем считает, что общество должно заботить не различия между мужчинами и женщинами, а то, как эти различия преобразуются патриархатными социальными институтами в недостатки
женщин и их дискриминацию.

Манифест киборгов

Эта глава - попытка выстроить иронический политический миф, адекватный феминизму, социализму и материализму. Возможно, более адекватный в том смысле, в каком адекватно скорее богохульство, чем религиозное преклонение или отождествление. Для богохульства, кажется, всегда требовалось принимать вещи крайне серьезно. Я не знаю, какую еще позицию заимствовать из светско-религиозных, евангелических традиций американской политики, включая политику социалистического феминизма. Богохульство защищает от Морального большинства внутри и в то же время настаивает на необходимости общины. Богохульство - это не отступничество. Ирония заключается в противоречиях, которые не разрешаются в более объемные целостности, даже диалектически, в напряжении удерживания несовместимых вещей, поскольку обе или все необходимы и истинны. Ирония - в юморе и игре всерьез. Это и риторическая стратегия, и политический метод, хотелось бы, чтобы ему оказывалось большее уважение со стороны социалистических феминисток. Средоточие моей иронической веры, моего богохульства - образ киборга.

Может ли общество полностью быть предметом потребления?

Разрабатывается теоретическая основа для комплексного изучения причин и путей преодоления современного кризиса. Сегодняшний кризис представляет собой многомерное явление, включающее три стороны: экологическую, финансовую и социального воспроизводства. Используя идеи К. Поланьи о фиктивной коммодификации и двойном движении (конфликт между сторонниками теорий о финансовом и экологическом истоках кризиса), автор предлагает современную комплексную теорию тройного движения, которая позволяет учитывать кризис социального воспроизводства и проблемы эмансипации в современном обществе.

Мужское господство

Мужское и женское: исследование полового вопроса в меняющемся мире

В данной книге, опубликованной впервые в 1949 г. и пересмотренной
автором в 1964 г., М. Мид задается вопросом о том, что значит — быть мужчиной или быть женщиной9 Как будут мужчины и женщины представлять
себе свои мужские и женские качества в быстро меняющемся мире двадцатого (и добавим — двадцать первого) столетия, когда приходится пересматривать столь многие понятия? Книга написана с привлечением материала о культурах семи племен и народов Южных морей, которые автор исследовала сама, а также данных по всем известным мировым культурам, где рождались мифы, выражающие связь между мужчинами и женщинами, женщинами и детьми, с применением методов науки антропологии, изучающей сложившиеся обычаи и помогающей сопоставить, каким образом люди на едином биологическом наследственном материале выстроили столь различные и удивительные культуры. Талантливая исследовательница, блестяще владеющая пером, пытается предложить способы, «применив которые мы как цивилизация можем сполна использовать особый дар женской половины рода человеческого в не меньшей мере, чем мужской... проявить и применить все природные таланты людей».
Книга рассчитана на самый широкий круг читателей.

Мужчина и женщина: Тело, мода, культура. СССР – оттепель

Исследование доктора исторических наук Наталии Лебиной посвящено гендерному фону хрущевских реформ, то есть взаимоотношениям мужчин и женщин в период частичного разрушения тоталитарных моделей брачно-семейных отношений, отцовства и материнства, сексуального поведения. В центре внимания — пересечения интимной и публичной сферы: как директивы власти сочетались с кинематографом и литературой в своем воздействии на частную жизнь, почему и когда повседневность с готовностью откликалась на законодательные инициативы, как язык реагировал на социальные изменения, наконец, что такое феномен свободы, одобренной сверху и возникшей на фоне этакратической модели устройства жизни.

Наслаждение быть мужчиной. Западные теории маскулинности и постсоветские практики

Книга посвящена особой дисциплине в области гендерных исследований — исследованиям мужчин и маскулинности как такого социального конструкта, который имеет амбивалентное значение в политической истории России и других постсоветских стран. В собранных статьях известных зарубежных и отечественных авторов представлены основные направления и подходы к маскулинности в западных мужских исследованиях; стратегии деконструкции маскулинности в западных психоанализе и феминистской теории; исследования советской и постсоветской маскулинности (уличная, животная, национальная и др. маскулинности в бывшем СССР); маскулинность в классической и современной литературе, живописи, фотографии. Одним из интригующих вопросов книги является вопрос о том, возможен ли мужской феминизм?
Для всех, интересующихся исследованиями маскулинности и гендерной проблематикой в целом.

Невидимые женщины. Почему мы живем в мире, удобном только для мужчин. Неравноправие, основанное на данных

Представьте себе мир, где врач, сам того не ведая, выписывает препарат,
который вам вреден; где вероятность получения вами серьезных увечий
в случае автомобильной аварии на 47 % выше, чем у другой половины
человечества; где ваш домашний труд после н��пряженного рабочего дня мало
кто замечает и ценит. Знакомая картина? Значит, вы, скорее всего, женщина.
Кэролайн Криадо Перес вскрывает в книге серьезную проблему, напрямую
влияющую на здоровье и благополучие женщин: разработчики различных
продуктов и технологий опираются на данные, собранные о человеке, где
«человек» по умолчанию «мужчина». Женщины же с их особенностями
и потребностями остаются незамеченными. Автор обходит стороной
глубокие дебаты о природе современного феминизма, но представляет
бесспорные факты дефицита гендерных данных в самых разных областях – от
политики и медицинских исследований до технологий, трудовых отношений,
планирования городского пространства и медиа. Эта блестящая книга,
получившая множество престижных наград, доказывает необходимость
перемен и заставляет взглянуть на устройство нашего мира по-новому.

Повседневная жизнь древнегреческих женщин в классическую эпоху

Повседневная жизнь женщины в Древнем Риме

Пол. Гендер. Культура. Немецкие и русские исследования

Политическая теория феминизма

SIC: International Journal for Communization (Vol. I, II)

Sic is grounded upon an assessment that Théorie Communiste made at the end of the 1970s: the crises of the workers’ movements and the concomitant restructuring of the capitalist class relation have issued in a situation where there is no longer a recognised worker’s identity to be turned against capital. This look in the rear-view mirror casts a new light on the present. Globally, struggles over wages and conditions no longer play a systemically integrated and integrative role within capitalist accumulation. Gone are the days of a ‘régime of accumulation’ based on a de facto class compact, or on the collective bargain between productive capital and dominant strata of the working class in the centres of accumulation, with real wage increases traded off against ‘productivity’ increases. Instead, struggles for the defence of the proletarian condition – for the proletariat to reproduce itself as proletariat – are ruled out of bounds or ‘illegitimate’ by capital. It is the impossibility for proletarians to affirm themselves as what they are within this society, as well as the new forms of women’s struggles and struggles over ‘race’ (or against racialisation) that have developed since the 1960s, that makes the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ and the ‘period of transition’ obsolete today. But unlike the hegemonic theoretical tendencies of these past decades, we do not conclude from this historical assessment that we must or could abandon the concept of capital as an objective social relation of exploitation; nor does our depressing present lead us to dream about a revolutionary working class that must wake up from its slumber, or ‘realise its power’. Rather, faced with the impossibility of the defence of the proletarian condition in the struggle against capital, proletarians are compelled to call into question the class relation itself. The revolutionary horizon has thus been transformed. In a society where the conditions of the production of surplus-value and the reproduction of these conditions coincide, capital cannot be abolished for communism but only by communism, or more specifically, by its production. Communisation is not a period of transition, but rather, revolution itself is the production of communism.

Sexual Hegemony: Statecraft, Sodomy, and Capital in the Rise of the World System

In Sexual Hegemony Christopher Chitty traces the five-hundred year history of capitalist sexual relations by excavating the class dynamics of the bourgeoisie's attempts to regulate homosexuality. Tracking the politicization of male homosexuality in Renaissance Florence, Amsterdam, Paris, and London between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as twentieth-century New York City, Chitty shows how sexuality became a crucial dimension of the accumulation of capital and a technique of bourgeois rule. Whether policing male sodomy during the Medici rule in Florence or accusing the French aristocracy of monstrous sexuality in the wake of the French Revolution, the bourgeoisie weaponized both sexual constraint and sexual freedom in order to produce and control a reliable and regimented labor class and subordinate it to civil society and the state. Only by grasping sexuality as a field of social contention and the site of class conflict, Chitty contends, can we embark on a politics that destroys sexuality as a tool and an effect of power and open a front against the forces that keep us unfree.

Постклассические гендерные исследования: Коллективная монография

В коллективной монографии рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с культурологическими, теологическими, философскими и историческими аспектами исследования феномена гендера в современной культуре.
Издание предназначено для преподавателей и научных работников высшей школы, аспирантов, студентов и всех, кто интересуется проблемами взаимоотношений между полами.

Краткая история феминизма в евро-американском контексте

Когда вы встречаете феминитив вроде «авторессы» или читаете в соцсетях посты флешмоба #metoo, не задаетесь ли вы вопросом, как это стало возможно и когда всё началось? За последние два столетия феминизм радикально изменил мир. Но, в отличие от большинства книг на эту тему, история в данном комиксе начинается не с борьбы женщин за право голоса в XIX веке, а в античности. На 80 страницах собраны все важные фигуры, понятия, даты и события феминистского движения. Остроумный обзор сложного предмета сопровождается иллюстрациями, вызывающими искренний смех. Пату ведет свою визуальную игру, полную иронии над действующими лицами. Но многие эпизоды, описанные в книге, возмущают. Это несогласие является влиятельной силой, позволяющей женщинам отстаивать свои интересы. Русское издание предваряет предисловие философессы и феминистки Ольгерты Харитоновой.

Техника косого взгляда: Критика гетеронормативного порядка

Сборник состоит из ставших уже каноническими текстов по гендерной и квир-теории таких ведущих мировых теоретиков, как Джудит Батлер, Джек
Хальберстам, Райвен Коннелл и Ли Эдельман, публикуемых на русском языке впервые. Их дополняет социокультурный обзор Эрика Фассена о развитии гендерных исследований во Франции. Статьи объединены идеей нового понимания гетеронормативного порядка при помощи децентрирующего, так называемого косого взгляда, как можно перевести «квир», если речь идет о
его аналитическом потенциале. Авторы анализируют становление квир– и
гетеронормативных субъектов, генезиса их желаний и властных отношений,
от которых неотделима сущность любого субъекта, а именно речь идет о
конститутивном взаимодействии гетеро– и гомосексуальности, о лесбийских субъектах, маскулинности без мужчин, иерархичной системы маскулинности
в патриархальном обществе и идеологической апроприации детства в западной культуре. Тексты предваряет обзор социально-политического и
теоретического развития квир.

Theodor Adorno and the Century of Negative Identity

The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems: An Intersectional Political Economy

The Body in Late-Capitalist USA

Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-Liberalism

Using a feminist political economy approach, contributors document the impact of current socio-economic policies on states, markets, households, and communities. Relying on impressive empirical research, they argue that women bear the costs of and responsibility for care-giving and show that the theoretical framework provided by feminist analyses of social reproduction not only corrects the gender-blindness of most economic theories but suggests an alternative that places care-giving at its centre. In this illuminating study, they challenge feminist scholars to re-engage with materialism and political economy to engage with feminism.

Scandalous Economics: Gender And The Politics Of Financial Crises

Of all of the lies, fragile alliances, and predatory financial dealings that have been revealed in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, we have yet to come to terms with the ways in which structural inequalities around gender and race factor into (and indeed make possible) the current economic order. Scandalous Economics is about "silences" - the astonishing neglect of gender and race in explanations of the Global Financial Crisis. But, it is also about "noises" - the sexual scandals and gendered austerity policies that have relegated public debate, and the crisis itself, into political oblivion.
While feminist economists and movements such as Occupy Wall Street have pointed to the distributional inequalities that are an effect of financial deregulation, scholars haven't really grappled with the representational inequalities inherent in the way we view the politics of the market. For example, capitalism won't be made more equitable simply by appointing women to leadership positions within financial firms or corporations. And the next crisis will not be averted if our understandings of gendered inequalities are framed by sexual scandals in media and popular culture. We need to look at the activities and the privileges of the advantaged - the "TED women" of the crisis -- as much as the victimization of the disadvantaged - to fully grasp the interplay between gender and economy in this fragile age of restoration. Scandalous Economics breaks new ground by doing precisely this. It argues that normalization of the post-GFC economic order in the face of its obvious breakdown(s) has been facilitated by co-optation of feminist and queer perspectives into national and international responses to the crisis.
Scandalous Economics builds upon the Occupy movement and other critical analysis of the GFC to comprehensively examine gendered material, ideational and representational dimensions that have served to make the crisis and its effects, 'the new normal' in Europe and America as well as Latin America and Asia.

Rethinking Racial Capitalism: Questions of Reproduction and Survival

How has capitalism created or enhanced racism? In what ways do the violent histories of slavery and empire continue to influence the allocation of global resources?
Rethinking Racial Capitalism: Questions of Reproduction and Survival proposes a return to analyses of racial capitalism – the capitalism that is inextricably linked with histories of racist expropriation – and argues that it is only by tracking the interconnections between changing modes of capitalism and racism that we can hope to address the most urgent challenges of social injustice. It considers the continuing impact of global histories of racist expropriation on more recent articulations of capitalism, with a particular focus on the practices of racial capitalism, the continuing impact of uneven development, territory and border-marking, the place of reproductive labour in sustaining racial capitalism, the marketing of diversity as a consumer pleasure and the creation of supposedly 'surplus' populations.

Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities

Forty years after the defeat of Nazism, and twenty years after the great wave of decolonization, how is it that racism remains a growing phenomenon? What are the special characteristics of contemporary racism? How can it be related to class divisions and to the contradictions of the nation-state? And how far, in turn, does racism today compel us to rethink the relationship between class struggles and nationalism? This book attempts to answer these fundamental questions through a remarkable dialogue between the French philosopher Etienne Balibar and the American historian and sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein. Each brings to the debate the fruits of over two decades of analytical work, greatly inspired, respectively, by Louis Althusser and Fernand Braudel. Both authors challenge the commonly held notion of racism as a continuation of, or throwback to, the xenophobias of past societies and communities. They analyse it instead as a social relation indissolubly tied to present social structures - the nation-state, the division of labour, and the division between core and periphery - which are themselves constantly being reconstructed.Despite their productive disagreements, Balibar and Wallerstein both emphasize the modernity of racism and the need to understand its relation to contemporary capitalism and class struggle. Above all, their dialogue reveals the forms of present and future social conflict, in a world where the crisis of the nation-state is accompanied by an alarming rise of nationalism and chauvinism.

Precarious Worlds: Contested Geographies of Social Reproduction

This edited collection contributes to the theoretical literature on social reproduction—defined by Marx as the necessary labor to arrive the next day at the factory gate—and extended by feminist geographers and others into complex understandings of the relationship between paid labor and the unpaid work of daily life. The volume explores new terrain in social reproduction with a focus on the challenges posed by evolving theories of embodiment and identity, nonhuman materialities, and diverse economies.
Reflecting and expanding on ongoing debates within feminist geography, with additional cross-disciplinary contributions from sociologists and political scientists, Precarious Worlds explores the productive possibilities of social reproduction as an ontology, a theoretical lens, and an analytical framework for what Geraldine Pratt has called “a vigorous, materialist transnational feminism.”

On objects, Love and Objectifications: Children in a Material World

This work first appeared as a 15-page paper for a doctoral seminar in education at McGill University, Montreal in October 2002. Claudia Mitchell, our professor, challenged us to reflect on the phenomenology of children’s space. My paper for that course focused on my child’s room. I have since incorporated contrastive and reflective elements from my anthropological observations on childhood and edited the form and the content of the first version to present at the CHILDHOODS 2005 conference in July in Oslo.
Before proceeding further, I would like to clarify what may come off as a categorical condemnation of ALL of society or of ALL of ‘civilised‘ ‘Western’ society. When I apply these terms and categories, I refer to the official and the generally valued aspects of social organisation. It is precisely because I understand that all societies are much more variegated than the official or ‘mainstream’ grammar portrays the various ‘nations’ to be that I criticise the attempt to standardise human experience according to the “official party-line” turning this experience into suffering.

Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism

What does the development of a truly robust contemporary theory of domination require? Ashley J. Bohrer argues that it is only by considering all of the dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and class within the structures of capitalism and imperialism that we can understand power relations as we find them nowadays. Bohrer explains how many of the purported incompatibilities between Marxism and intersectionality arise more from miscommunication rather than a fundamental conceptual antagonism. As the first monograph entirely devoted to this issue, »Marxism and Intersectionality« serves as a tool to activists and academics working against multiple systems of domination, exploitation, and oppression.