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			The Eamon Adventurer's Guild

				December 1996

News & Stuff

CONTEST UPDATE: Well, it turns out that Eamon #72 "House on Eamon Ridge" was never finished.  Tim Berge called me and said told me that circumstances beyond his control forced him to stop work on it before it was done, so it's pretty unlikely that anyone will come up with a solution there.

Paul Hollander gave Eamon #62 "Caverns of Doom" a close look, and he concluded that there is probably no solution.  Phil sent me some MAIN PGM modifications that will enable the player to return to the Main Hall.

While it wasn't the true solution I was looking for, Paul came as close as actually possible to a solution, so he wins the prize.  Paul, you have a choice of any 6 disk sides, two EAG back issues, or a two-issue membership extension.  Drop me a note and let me know what you want!

THE EAMON SET: It's still not too late to get your set order in before the December 31 deadline!  Several people who had expressed the desire to get the set have not yet done so.  If you want the set but don't have the disks yet, drop me a note and we'll work something out.

The costs of running the EAG continue to dwindle and it's time to pass a bit more of the savings on to you.  I've again lowered the price of back issues to $1.00 each for any quantity.

Those of you on Genie know that things are not going terribly well there, and that Syndicomm is setting up an Apple II operation on Delphi.  Delphi is run by some very good people who seem to really understand the business, and everyone is very upbeat about the new Apple II forums.

Delphi has very attractive pricing and a wide range of access options.  While Delphi does not permit the degree of organization we enjoyed on Genie, everything we need will be there.  Not least in consideration is the fact that Delphi uses a threaded message system, which many feel is superior to Genie's strictly chronological message boards.

I have always done this newsletter 100% from start to finish on my Apple IIe.  As some of you may remember from issues past, it's sometimes a challenge to get a high quality copy because of the unpredictable way that photocopiers handle dot-matrix print.

I think that, on the whole, the newsletter has looked pretty good, but I have a new option now.  I recently purchased an inkjet printer for my PC. The printed output of the inkjet is markedly superior to the dot-matrix, and I am giving consideration to the idea of moving the newsletter work from the IIe onto the PC.

Doing the newsletter on the PC would result in a better looking product, but I have always felt that Apple II publications should be done from start to finish on Apple II's.

I would welcome your input on the subject.


Thomas Zuchowski, Editor

Membership/subscription fee for 4 issues:
US-Canada: $7.00; foreign: $12.00; in U.S. funds
This newsletter is published 4 times per year, in March, June, September, and December


We are always looking for new material!  If you would like to publish your own letter or article in this newsletter, feel free to send one in.  We make quarterly Eamon adventure giveaways to the best contributions.

If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the EAG list, send it on a disk to the above address.  It will be assigned an Adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems before release.  An informal critique and disk with bug corrections will be returned.  Once released, you will be given any Eamon Adventure of your choice in exchange, and may be awarded several Eamon Adventures if your Eamon is of superior quality.


NEUC 'Adventurer's Log':
  Mar'84, May'84, Aug'84, Oct'84, Jan'85, Mar'85
  May'85, Aug'85, Oct'85, Jun'86, Jan'87, Oct'87

EAG back issues: 	1988:  -   Jun, Sep, Dec
  1989,90,91,92,93,94,95: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec
				1996: Mar, Jun, Sep

      Price: $1.00 each  (NEW PRICE!)

Dungeon Designs

A Flaw in the PUT Command

A programming compromise was made with the way that the PUT command handles the weight of the artifact, to wit, it doesn't bother to do so.  In other words, when the player PUTs an artifact into a container, he is not relieved of that artifact's weight.

This was judged to be an acceptable trade-off in relation to the amount of programming that would have been required to handle every possible case of opening containers and putting things into them.  In actual practice, most artifacts are of low weight, plot development almost never cares about weight carried, and the impact is minimal.

However, if your Eamon requires the player to PUT some heavy artifacts, things can quickly reach the point where he can't pick up anything at all because his WT allocation is still loaded with the weight of things he's put elsewhere. This can be fixed during play by doing a DROP ALL, but that is hardly an elegant solution.

There are no easy fixes for this that don't involve either a lot of programming or some trade-offs somewhere along the line.  Probably the easiest way to fix it would be to forbid putting the heavy objects in any carryable container (or have no carryable containers at all), and to add this line to the MAIN PGM:

21135 IF A%(A,4) < > - 1 THEN WT = WT - A%(Z,3)

This line will reduce the weight carried if the player is not carrying the container.

If you think about it a minute, I'm sure you will see that weight handling of carryable containers is a real can of worms that is best avoided in the design phase whenever possible.


Eamon Walk-Through

A Walk-Through of Eamon #114

"Thror's Ring"

First, for those who want to solve it them- selves, here are some hints:

This Eamon makes full use of the "embedded" type of artifacts that are mentioned only in the room descriptions.  It also "nests" some embedded artifacts; these are not mentioned in the room descriptions but only in the descriptions of other artifacts.  For example, there is a lamp in the Southron camp in the glen near the start.  You will do well to learn how to work through the descriptions and find that lamp; it's the key to how this Eamon works.

There's no HEAL command and the Miruvor won't go real far, so go easy on it.  POWER is good for getting you out of serious trouble and has no downside, but it won't last long either.

There are several traps and such in there, but there are warnings, so watch for them in the room descriptions.  Eventually you'll have to brave most of them to find the key to the Quest, but with just a bit of luck you'll carry through all right.

You NEED your companions.  Each has special abilities that you lack. Take good care of them, and they'll take good care of you.  The Miruvor and Power spell are meant for the good of all, not just you.
As noted in the BUILDER'S NOTES, the doors are not "real" artifacts, but they work just like real ones.

A very early SAVE is a good idea.  If you get in serious trouble, it's a lot quicker to restart a saved game than to start from scratch.

Let's begin the Walk-through:

In case you didn't get it, the Quest's object is to recover a magical ring of great power from an abandoned underground stronghold that is now overrun with every type of Evil.

This walk-through doesn't hit on everything in the dungeon but concentrates on the shortest path to success.  There are alternate paths, and there's a lot to see and do in rooms that are not or only briefly mentioned.

First, note well what you're told by the Lady in the introduction.  She's given you a healing potion, and somehow enhanced your POWER spell, but it will now work just five times.

Once the adventure starts, check out the command list.  No HEAL spell!  Try the INFO command.  Note the other new commands, and examine the Miruvor to find out how many doses it contains.

Begin the journey.  Go North into the glen and kill the Southrons.  Examine the camp.  The camp's description mentions a tent, so let's examine that too.  The tent is real!  Open it.  A lamp!  Get it.

Proceed West to the Dimrill Dale.  The Mirromere is pretty, but that's all.  Go North.  Oops, you can see in the distance that the main gate is heavily guarded.  Let's look around for another entrance.  Go back South.

An unguarded side door!  That's more like it. Go West and enter here.  Dispatch the Uruks.  Grab the torch and light your lamp.  Head North, then cross the bridge.

(If you try foolish things such as stepping off into the chasm, or try paths that look "most unwise" like the path north of the gate, your companions will usually save you. The more times you risk death, the less the chance of surviving such actions, but odds are good that you'll make it to the end.)

Nothing on the west side worth noting. Head on West up the stair.  Try North from the top of the stair.  Nope, no good.  How about South?  No good either.  West it is.

North and South from the next room are also dead ends, so it's West down the passage some more.

(If you're exploring as you go, be sure to keep your companions healthy, or at least alive with the Miruvor. Besides their considerable fighting prowess, their presence will greatly ease certain aspects of play. In a real pinch, resurrect them with the POWER spell.)

North was definitely a bad idea!  How about South?  A chest!  Examine it.  Read the runes.  Hmm, whatever is in there sounds like a magical weapon, so let's get it.  It's locked!  There must be a key somewhere, so let's move on down the passage and look around some more.

Next down the passage is a south room covered with carvings.  Better EXAMINE CARVINGS; such relief could cover...a secret passage!  Head South!  Oops, a cave troll!  Kill him.  Let's postpone further exploration from here for now and go back North through the carvings again, and go West down the passage.

Hmm, the stonework isn't so good here.  A secret passage?  EXAMINE CRACKS.  Yes!  Go South.  A hidden armory!  What, more poor stonework?  Go West into the twice-hidden armory. A look around just reveals an old steel mail shirt.  What's the big deal here?  There's something else to notice about this room-- it doesn't list any room exits.  Try going West.

You find a mail shirt made from mithril, a metal both wondrously light and strong.  Examine the medallion and read the runes.  Dragon fire?  A magical shirt!  Get the shirt and wear it.

But wait, wasn't there more here?  Examine the bones.  Keys!  Get the key ring, and head back to the chest.  Open the chest, get Yrchost, and ready it.

OK, we're loaded for bear now.  Head back West through that door by the cracks.  Take a look north and south.  Nothing south, but an odd hole in the floor to the north.  Head on west out of the chamber.  Open the W DOOR and continue West.  Check out the Chamber.  Another hole!  Continue West.  Yrchost glows!  A warning?

Boy, that door sure looks dangerous.  It turns out, however, that you can't progress further until you go through it.  Go West through the door.

YOW!  This is no place to be!  Wait a minute, what's that on the floor there?  Grab the hook!  The fighting won't last long at these odds, so invoke the POWER spell!

Hnh.  That wasn't so bad.  Let's go try out that hook on those holes.  The command is PUT HOOK IN HOLE.  The one in chamber two doesn't pan out.  Back to the first chamber.  A stair!  Down we go, all the way to the bottom.

Proceed to the first intersection.  Avoid any direction that refers to a "maze of tunnels"; it's not kidding.  The maze is rather large and quite pointless.  Go West twice, then North twice.  Yrchost glows!

A dragon!  Looks like time to earn your pay.  Make sure that you're in pretty good health, wearing the mithril shirt and have Yrchost readied, and go East through the door.

Attack Mograf!  If you're swinging Yrchost and have Galehir at your side, the battle should be a short one.  Darn, the stupid dragon fell on his hoard.  Oh, well.  EXAMINE HOARD and get the good stuff.

Time to head for home.  If you're inclined to check the other rooms, there's a huge mithril ingot and a hand-barrow down in the mines, too.  Then head back up the stairs.

Oh, no, someone has closed and locked the east door!  We'll have to find another exit. Go West and take that south exit we skipped earlier.

Go South through the Records Chamber, then East as far as you can.  Another locked gate.  Go back West once, then North. The Defaced Room!  Go North through the wall.

Now we're on the other side of that locked door.  Retrace your steps back to the beginning, and return to Forest Lothlorien.  You've won!



#11 The Tomb of Molinar
Date Fixed: 11/2/96

Problem: NO BUFFERS error if try to get mirror.
Fix: Add/change these lines:


Also, the speed-up mods were added.

#62 The Caverns of Doom
Date Fixed: 10/16/96

Problem: No exit from caves.
Fix: Make these changes to the database:

Room 96: Add   THERE IS A DOOR NORTH.  to the
description.  Add NORTH: 97 to the directions.

Room 98: Add   THE WAY HOME LIES NORTH.  to the

#89 Superfortress of Lin Wang
Date Fixed: 10/15/96

The Speed-Up mods were added.

#94 Blood Feud
Date Fixed: 10/19/96

Problem: DISK FULL error when saving game.
Fix: Delete DOS from the disk.


Eamon Reviews

#72 House on Eamon Ridge		by Tim Berge

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 5.0
Extra Commands: OPEN, EXAMINE (used for READ)
Deleted Commands: conventional EXAMINE, no SAVE
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 2 hours and up
Reviewer Rating: 3.0	Average Rating: 4.5/2

Description: "Hearing tales of great adventure in a place called Eamon Bluff you set off to find this ancient place.

"You come upon two paths thick in fog. One leads past an old cemetery and past a well.  The other path goes deeper into the fog, and a deathly silence overtakes you."

Comment: This Eamon has much of the vivid imagery that Tim does so well.  He's quite good at generating atmosphere.  But, unfortunately, this Eamon was released before it was completed.  I recently talked with Tim, and he said that it was never finished because he had lost access to an Apple computer at the time.

But even apart from that, this is an uncommonly difficult Eamon.  There are several death traps, some without warning.  There is a nasty gimmick that turns all of your companions against you without warning.  The bad guys are absurdly strong; many had hardiness ratings in the 200-300 range.  One had a hardiness of 910!

The map is a bit of a mess, with several mismarked exits, and I wound up trying every direction in every room to ensure that I didn't miss anything because of incorrect exit descriptions.

This is an older Eamon, and it requires the typing of full commands with no abbreviations.  This isn't normally all that bad, but there are several name misspellings that drove me nuts because I kept typing them correctly.

In the end, I had to throw in the towel.  By the time I had exhausted my leads and my ideas I had still not seen 19 of the 100 rooms and could not get past several "force walls".  And it didn't help any that the program crashed 5 or 6 times with OUT OF MEMORY stack overflows during play (but the simple POKE51,0:GOTO100 restart command got me going again every time).  I was left with the strong impression that this Eamon does deserve its (10) difficulty rating.

Here are a few hints that I gathered:

Take the cemetery route.
Don't go down the well until you can find nothing else to do.
You'll take a life-threatening hit every time you enter the anteroom off the
   front door.

It's too bad that this Eamon wasn't finished.  It's got a lot of Good Stuff in it.  But it's just too hard.

#85 The Time Portal		by Ed Kuypers

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 5.0
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 1-2 hours
Reviewer Rating: 5.0	Average Rating: 5.0/2

Description: "I've heard from a few of the boys that you're looking for something to do to 'pass the time'.  Well I've got something you just might be interested in, old buddy!

"I've heard that the boys down at the Science Institute have made a fantastic discovery.  They've come up with a wonderful new time machine!!!  This machine is supposed to be able to take you to places you never dreamed were possible."

Comment: This Eamon is actually a conglomeration of three small Eamon dungeons linked together through the "time portals". The three themes are movie monsters, movie cavemen, and Star Trek.

Each of them was smallish, of course, with very similar-feeling, unimaginative maps.  There were a few specials that upped the rating somewhat, though.  The CLOSE and DRINK commands are pretty useless, so don't expect too much from them.

I guess it gets a (5) for difficulty, too.  Be sure to read the descriptions carefully, as each place has a death trap that is described before you get nailed by it.

#88 The Shopping Mall		by Allan Porter

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 6.0
Extra Commands: None
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 5-15 min.
Reviewer Rating: 1.0	Average Rating: 1.0/4

Description: "By the whim of whatever gods or spirits control your destiny, you have been chosen to enter...   THE SHOPPING MALL"

Comment: Here we have a leisurely stroll through a shopping mall. I'd bet that it reflects a real mall somewhere, and that the store clerks are real people.  As for content, we've got 17 store clerks and ONE artifact.  No one to fight, no puzzles to solve, nothing to find.  There is one rather bizarre side path to a little cabin with an underground tunnel that contains nothing but seemed to spring from the author's childhood memories.

Strangely enough, it's very well written.  But it's pointless and BORING.  Difficulty of (1).

#89 Superfortress of Lin Wang   by Sam Bhayani

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 6.0
Extra Commands: HELP
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 30 min.
Reviewer Rating: 3.0	Average Rating: 3.9/4

Description: "You are now in Japan.  A tyrant, Lin Wang, recently seized power there, by force.  He built a huge fortress, so that no one could harm him.  You must avoid his karate experts (ranging from white to black belt), his Samurai and Ninja guards, captains, and generals, and you must avoid his Oriental and Komodo dragons.  Finally, you must kill Lin Wang and escape his fortress.

Comment:  This is straight Hack'n'slash fare.  No puzzles, no secret passages, just lots and lots of combat.

I confess that I was put off from the beginning by Sam's use of a Chinese name for a Japanese bad guy, and it didn't help that the punctuation is all over the map. Also, every one of the dead bodies had the same spacing error.

It's an OK Eamon, but not a great one.  Once you've killed one Ninja, you killed them all, so to speak.  Sam added some bits to his narrative, such as gratuitously calling me a coward in the middle of an empty passage, that didn't set well with me, either.

There is a lot of combat here, so you may want to bring along a good set of magic weapons.  Given a good magic sword, I peg the difficulty at (6).

#94 Blood Feud			by Rick Krebs

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 5.0
Extra Commands: READ, OPEN, UNLOCK, USE
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: Saves game when leaving castle
Playing Time: 1-2 hours
Reviewer Rating: 5.0

Description: "A Gnome takes three hours to fill you in on the history of Blood Feud Castle and the rivalry between the Pozzis and the Spanners.  Now he gets to his point.  The evil Suedo Guru has stolen the Rod of Stupidity from the Royal Depository and he has taken up residence in Blood Feud Castle.

"Should you succeed in recovering the Rod you will be given the title of Knight of the Realm, and all will call you 'sir'.  You may keep all possessions that you find, and that includes an amulet that has the power of increasing all your attributes!!

"Since this mission is quite difficult you will have the advantage of leaving the castle and returning to the Main Hall to heal, without disturbing the castle."

Comment:  I have no idea what all that is about in regards to a feud.  You see no one other than the Guru's guards and some oddball allies and monsters.  There are a bunch of sporting artifacts lying about plus some other stuff which makes me think that it all might have something to do with wherever Rick was going to school at the time he wrote this thing.

It has 99 rooms and takes a while to explore.  You have two options to save.  As Rick wrote it, he intended that you save the game by returning to the Main Hall, and this does work well.  When you relaunch the adventure, it picks up right where you left off.  However, someone has also added the normal type of save routine.  NOTE: see the bug fixes in this issue!

It's an OK Eamon but nothing special.  Some of the bad guys are really tough, so be sure to pack your magical weapons.  Between the tough guys and a couple of death traps, it gets a (7) for difficulty.

#96 The Chamber of the Dragons - Brian Kondalski

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4.0
Extra Commands: None
Deleted Commands: None, no SAVE
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 10 min.
Reviewer Rating: 3.0	Average Rating: 2.3/3

Description: Explore the Chamber of the Dragons.

Comment:  This is a very simple Hack'n'Slash foray.  There are 21 rooms, simple treasures and no puzzles apart from one "hidden" room that is hinted at in the previous room's description.

This would be an excellent choice for the Young Eamonaut.  The low ratings reflect low content rather than a quality problem.  A difficulty rating of (1).

#101 Ground Zero		by "Sam"

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4.0
Extra Commands: OPEN, SWIM, EAT, UNLOCK, EAT,
Deleted Commands: none, no SAVE
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 30-60 min.
Reviewer Rating: 2.0	Average Rating: 1.5/2
Description: "You are probably beginning to think that you should not have come here.  Too late!!!  There has been a full scale nuclear war where you are going and are just about to get close to what is known as GROUND ZERO.

"I am not sure how to get back to the Main Hall from here, or even if you can get back, or even survive.  You probably wish that you didn't come here.  Now.  Too late!  There is no turning back now."

Comment: This is a strange Eamon.  It is set in the present, and you find yourself near the flat crater of a nuclear blast.  You explore a sleazy night club and also a tunnel that inexplicably services both the anti-nuke "good guys" and the "evil" military installation.

The stance of this Eamon is that the military is a bunch of idiots who believe that nuclear weapons can't hurt you. The anti-nuclear energy, anti-military preaching got real old real quick.

Even so, the two things that really shot it down in my estimation were a huge number of useless rooms to explore and quite a few bad room connections.  The stupid nightclub seemed to go on forever and was staffed.  Also, the treasures seemed inappropriate for a setting right next to a fresh nuclear bomb crater.

Difficulty of (2) if you play the author's game and avoid doing anything that might expose you to radiation or pollution.

#102 The Eamon Railroad		by "Sam"

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4.0
Extra Commands: None
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 20-30 min.
Reviewer Rating: 2.0	Average Rating: 2.2/5

Description: Take a tour on the Eamon Railroad.  The train makes five stops and you get to explore each one.

Comment:  It's a novel idea and actually not badly done, but the content is extremely low here.  The setting is contemporary and there is darned little to see or do.  The excitement of hanging out at any old train station is about what you would expect in real life.

By the time I reached the last stop, I found myself wondering why I bothered to explore it.

Difficulty of (2).

#104 The Lost World		by "Sam"

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4.0
Extra Commands: OPEN, SWIM, EAT, UNLOCK, EAT,
Deleted Commands: none, no SAVE
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 10-60 min.
Reviewer Rating: 2.0	Average Rating: 1.5/2

Description: "As you leave the Main Hall, you find yourself being teleported to what appears to be a planet that seems to have suffered a very bad fate in the past.  The air is quite polluted.  There are signs around that point the way to see mainly ruins.  Some of the buildings look more damaged than others.  Please be careful when you explore.

"If you survive and get back home, try not to let the real world suffer the same fate that has befallen this world."

Comment: If you can't tell from the stats above, this Eamon uses exactly the same MAIN PGM as Eamon #101.  It even has the same number of rooms.  It has the same good guy, some scientist named Sally, and everyone else is a guard or a wacko.

This was mildly painful to play.  It is insufferably preachy about the Evil of nuclear power and the Goodness of solar and hydro power.  All the nuke facilities are, of course, in horrible shape, and all the alternative energy facilities are showplaces.  Sheesh.

It's a stupid Eamon and only worth a play if you are working on playing the entire set.  I give it a (4) for difficulty because of all the hits taken from radiation, but if you stay out of the nuke facilities, it's more like a (2).


Eamon Adventure Listing

125. The Mattimoe Palace         J. Actor
142. The Beermeister's Brewery   J. Actor
143. The Alternate Zone          J. Actor
 30. The Underground City        S. Adelson
 55. The Master's Dungeon        J. Allen
 56. The Lost Adventure          J. Allen
 59. Jungles of Vietnam          J. Allen
 60. The Sewers of Chicago       J. Allen
140. Beginner's Forest           M. Anderson
215. Treasure Island             M. Anderson
216. The Pirate's Cave           M. Anderson
139. Peg's Place                 M.& A. Anderson
 64. Modern Problems         Anderson/Barban/Thompson
 32. House of Ill Repute         Anonymous
196. The Cat House               Anonymous
197. Star Wars-Tempest One       S. Averill
 64. Modern Problems         Anderson/Barban/Thompson
 43. Priests of Xim!             M.& E. Bauman
 50. Behind the Sealed Door      T. Berge
 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff    T. Berge
 58. The Land of Death           T. Berge
 72. House on Eamon Ridge        T. Berge
222. The Halls of the Adept      Berge/Cottingham
 66. Dungeons of Xenon           S. Bhayani
 67. Chaosium Caves              S. Bhayani
 89. Super Fortress of Lin Wang  S. Bhayani
 73. The Deep Canyon             K. Blincoe
 13. Caves of Treasure Island    Genz & Braun
  1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave  D. Brown
  2. The Lair of the Minotaur    D. Brown
  5. Castle of Doom              D. Brown
  6. The Death Star              D. Brown
  9. Assault on the Clonemaster  D. Brown
 11. The Tomb of Molinar         D. Brown
 29. The Lost Island of Apple    D. Brown
 79. The Castle of Count Fuey    D. Brown
 80. The Search for the Key(80a) D. Brown
 81. The Rescue Mission    (80b) D. Brown
191. Enhanced Beginners Cave     Brown/Nelson
 69. The Black Castle of NaGog   D. Burrows
 86. Castle Mantru               S. Constanzo
233. The Domain of Zenoqq        R. Claney
 10. The Magic Kingdom           D. Cook
222. The Halls of the Adept      Berge/Cottingham
 46. Lifequest                   D. Crawford
151. Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid) D. Crawford
146. The House of Horrors        D. Cross
238. Sagamore                    J. Czarnik
172. The Mountain of the Master  M. Dalton
 78. The Prince's Tavern         R. Davis1
121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil     R. Davis1
199. Quest of the Crystal Wand   R. Davis2
200. The Lost Isle               R. Davis2
 14. Furioso                     W. Davis
 49. The Castle Kophinos         D. Doumakes
75. Temple of the Guild         D. Doumakes
 76. The Search for Yourself     D. Doumakes
 92. The Fugitive                D. Doumakes
123. Wizard of the Spheres       M. Elkin
230. Well of the Great Ones      M. Ellis
 61. The Harpy Cloud             A. Forter
187. Batman!!                    A. Geha
 13. Caves of Treasure Island    Genz & Braun
110. Fire Island                 G. Gioia
144. Gartin Manor                G. Gioia
167. Expedition to the Darkwoods G. Gioia
184. Quest For Orion             P. Gise
205. Utterly Outrageous          P. Gise
155. Tomb of the Vampire         Trent/Grayson
135. Tomb The of Evron           M. Greifenkamp
136. The Mountain Fortress       M. Greifenkamp
137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle   M. Greifenkamp
 97. The House of Secrets        G. Gunn
141. The Infested Fortress       M.& P. Hamaoka
168. The High School of Horrors  Haney/Hunt
203. Lotto's Masterpiece         H. Haskell
235. Vaalpa's Plight             H. Haskell
 98. Slave Pits of Kzorland      R. Hersam
 17. Merlin's Castle             R. Hersom
195. Training Ground, The        C. Hewgley
201. The Caverns of Vanavara     C. Hewgley
 44. Escape from the Orc Lair    J. Hinkleman
 35. The Lair of Mutants         E. Hodson
 36. The Citadel of Blood        E. Hodson
 37. Quest for the Holy Grail    E. Hodson
 38. City in the Clouds          E. Hodson
 54. Crystal Mountain            K. Hoffman
168. The High School of Horrors  Haney/Hunt
119. Grunewalde                  P. Hurst
126. The Pyramid of Anharos      P. Hurst
145. Buccaneer!                  P. Hurst
147. The Dark Brotherhood        P. Hurst
202. The Plain of Srevi          K. Ivers
  4. The Zyphur Riverventure     J. Jacobson
  7. The Devil's Tomb            J. Jacobson
  8. The Abductor's Quarters     J. Jacobson
 12. The Quest for Trezore       J. Jacobson
  3. The Cave of the Mind        Jacobson/Varnum
 84. Castle of Riveneta          R. Karsten
231. Keep of Skull Gorge         D. Kellogg
117. Dungeon of Doom             D. Knezek
 95. The Maze of Quasequeton     B. Kondalski
 96. The Chamber of the Dragons  B. Kondalski
 93. Flying Circus               R. Krebs
 94. Blood Feud                  R. Krebs
225. Adventure in Interzone      F. Kunze
237. Fiends of Eamon             F. Kunze
 85. The Time Portal             E. Kuypers
228. Shipwreck Island            R. Ledbetter
 53. Feast of Carroll            D.& J. Lilienkamp
 34. Death's Gateway             R. Linden
 52. The Devil's Dungeon         J. Merrill
 62. The Caverns of Doom         M. Mullin
 15. Heroes Castle               J. Nelson
 16. The Caves of Mondamen       J. Nelson
 19. Death Trap                  J. Nelson
 20. The Black Death             J. Nelson
 21. The Quest for Marron        J. Nelson
 24. Black Mountain              J. Nelson
 25. Nuclear Nightmare           J. Nelson
 26. Assault on the Mole Man     J. Nelson
 27. Revenge of the Mole Man     J. Nelson
 31. The Gauntlet                J. Nelson
 33. The Orb of Polaris          J. Nelson
 48. Picnic in Paradise          J. Nelson
 77. Temple of the Trolls        J. Nelson
 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain    J. Nelson
 99. In the Clutches of Torrik   J. Nelson
100. Sorceror's Spire            J. Nelson
120. Orb of My Life              J. Nelson
186. Beginner's Cave II          J. Nelson
191. Enhanced Beginners Cave     Brown/Nelson
206. Curse of the Hellsblade     Nelson/Zuchowski
 18. Hogarth Castle              K. Nestle
 57. The Manxome Foe             R. Olszewski
219. The City of Sorcerors       R. Osgood
171. The Pyramid of Cheops       R. Parker
173. The House that Jack Built   R. Parker
174. Escape from Granite Hall    R. Parker
175. Anatomy of the Body         R. Parker
176. Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze      R. Parker
177. Shippe of Fooles            R. Parker
178. The Alien Intruder          R. Parker
179. The Wizard's Tower          R. Parker
180. Gamma 1                     R. Parker
181. The Eamon Sewer System      R. Parker
182. Farmer Brown's Woods        R. Parker
185. The Body Revisited          R. Parker
188. Encounter: The Bookworm     R. Parker
193. The Creature of Rhyl        R. Parker
198. Revenge of the Bookworm     R. Parker
221. Count Dracula's Castle      R. Parker
226. Bookworm 3-D                R. Parker
234. The Forbidden City          R. Parker
 45. SwordQuest                  R. Pender
 47. FutureQuest                 R. Pender
 74. DharmaQuest                 R. Pender
 91. FutureQuest II              R. Pender
107. The Last Dragon             R. Pender
132. Rhadshur Warrior            R. Pender
169. The Black Phoenix           R. Pender
138. Starfire                    E. Phillips
134. Pyramid of the Ancients     J.& R. Pirone
 22. The Senator's Chambers      J. Plamondon
 23. The Temple of Ngurct        J.& R. Plamondon
 68. The Smith's Stronghold      A. Porter
 88. The Shopping Mall           A. Porter
227. B I Z A R R O               A. Porter
209. Apocalypse 2021             H. Purvis
210. Return to Ngurct            H. Purvis
211. Lair of the Marauders       H. Purvis
212. Haunted Keep                H. Purvis
213. Demongate                   H. Purvis
217. Eye of Agamon               H. Purvis
218. Return to Pendrama          H. Purvis
232. Jewel of Yara               H. Purvis
 70. The Tomb of Y'Golonac       R. Romanchuk
236. Search for Mack             C. Roth
108. The Mines of Moria          S. Ruby
109. The Forest of Fear          S. Ruby
115. The Ring of Doom            S. Ruby
116. The Iron Prison             S. Ruby
122. The Valley of Death         S. Ruby
127. The Hunt for the Ring       S. Ruby
128. Quest of Erebor             S. Ruby
129. Return to Moria             S. Ruby
130. Haradwaith                  S. Ruby
149. Elemental Apocalypse        S. Ruby
161. Operation Endgame           S. Ruby
165. Animal Farm                 S. Ruby
204. Sanctuary                   S. Ruby
166. Storm Breaker               S. Ruby
183. The Boy and the Bard        S. Ruby
SD#137  Redemption               S. Ruby
SD#152  Banana Republic          S. Ruby
SD#156  The Curse of Talon       S. Ruby
101. Ground Zero                 Sam
102. The Eamon Railroad          Sam
103. Top Secret                  Sam
104. The Lost World              Sam
105. The Strange Resort          Sam
152. The Computer Club of Fear   N. Segerlind
153. Lost!                       N. Segerlind
156. The Lake                    N. Segerlind
157. Pathetic Hideout of Mr. R.  N. Segerlind
158. The Lair of Mr. Ed          N. Segerlind
159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum    N. Segerlind
160. Monty Python & Holy Grail   N. Segerlind
170. Ragnarok Revisited          N. Segerlind
194. Attack of the Kretons       N. Segerlind
223. Time-Shift                  C. Sena
207. Eamon Renegade Club         P. Schulz
208. Assault on Helstar          P. Schulz
214. Deathstalker's Castle       P. Schulz
220. Catacombs of Terror         P. Schulz
224. Prisoner of Darkness        P. Schulz
229. Firestorm                   P. Schulz
106. Camp Eamon                  R. Slemon
133. The Final Frontier          R. Slemon
131. Nucleus of the Ruby         K. Somers
111. A Vacation in Europe        D. Smith
112. Hills of History            D. Smith
 28. The Tower of London         F.& S. Smith
189. The Ruins of Belfast        D. Sparks
190. Shift Change at Grimmwax    D.& A. Sparks
 82. Escape from Mansi Island    S. Starkey
118. Pittfall                    S. Starkey
163. The Sands of Mars           T. Swartz
164. A Real Cliffhanger          T. Swartz
 83. The Twin Castles            J. Tankard
 90. The Doomsday Clock          J. Tankard
192. Mean Streets                T. Tetirick
 64. Modern Problems         Anderson/Barban/Thompson
 65. The School of Death         K. Townsend
154. A Trip to Fort Scott        W. Trent
155. Tomb of the Vampire         Trent/Grayson
  3. The Cave of the Mind        Jacobson/Varnum
 71. Operation Crab Key          J. Vercellone
 39. Museum of Unnatural History R.Volberding
 40. Daemon's Playground         R.Volberding
 41. Caverns of Lanst            R.Volberding
 42. Alternate Beginners Cave    R.Volberding
113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek   R.Volberding
 63. Valkenburg Castle           J. Weener
114. Thror's Ring                T. Zuchowski
124. Assault on Dolni Keep       T. Zuchowski
148. Journey to Jotunheim        T. Zuchowski
150. Walled City of Darkness     T. Zuchowski
162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure    T. Zuchowski
206. Curse of the Hellsblade     Nelson/Zuchowski