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The Eamon Adventurer's Guild March 1992 News and Stuff - by Tom Zuchowski Annual Financial Report Here's a breakdown of the EAG finances for 1991: Starting Balance: $234.77 Income: 789.65 Outgo: -850.79 Ending Balance: $173.63 Profit (Loss): ($61.14) While on the face of it, the EAG showed a loss for 1991, we also extended everyone's membership by 6 months during this period. While we never see a 100% renewal rate, the cash value of this 6-month extension represents about $350 in potential lost income, and close to $300 in actual lost income. The bottom line is that we had a very good year. Correspondence and inquiries dropped off a lot at about the same time the Mac LC appeared. I don't know if there is a connection or if the two events are totally unrelated. If they are related, I can't quite see how one could cause the other. In any event, it's picked back up quite a bit. Some of this appears to be related to the dissemination of the new ProDOS stuff, and some seems to be coming as a result of some software houses falling back on Eamon for promotions. On that subject, I recently got a phone call from a distraught Apple owner who had gotten the ProDOS Eamon Master in a software house promotion and ordered 30 adventures to go along with it. The software house sent him 30 DOS 3.3 Eamons (apparently all part of the same promotion). Well, this guy knows nothing about DOS 3.3 and of course couldn't get the adventures to run. He called the software house, and they told him that all he had to do was to copy the ProDOS Master files to a DOS 3.3 disk. Besides the fact that this will not work because DOS 3.3 doesn't support pathnames, the poor guy wound up with a DOS 3.3 Master that had no DOS on the disk (remember, he knows nothing about DOS 3.3). He found the EAG name & address on one disk and in desperation called me. Completely apart from the operating system fiasco, I was pretty annoyed to learn that these Eamons had some pretty old revision dates. Basically, I told him that the software house had screwed him and told him to write me for a list of places to get Eamon. The moral of this story is: if you buy your Eamons from anyone that isn't working with the EAG, you take your chances and those chances aren't good. By the way, this software house is not an EAG affiliate and I had never heard of them--it was some outfit in the LA area somewhere. Sorry, I won't name the outfit--I've been sued before and it is a very unpleasant experience, even when you win. Let's just say that you should only buy Eamon adventures from EAG affiliates and let it go at that. Which brings me to the next item: after a couple of reports that B&M Consultants isn't answering correspondence, I wrote them myself to see if they were still in business. I did not get an answer, so I must assume that B&M is out of business. Please note in your Sep'91 issue that they are history. If you have any problems with one of our recommended Eamon sellers, please let us know so that we can follow up and see what the story is. I don't want to be recommending any outfit that isn't treating our people well. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ EAMON ADVENTURER'S GUILD Thomas Zuchowski, Editor Membership/subscription fee for 4 issues: US-Canada: $7.00; foreign: $12.00; in U.S. funds The Eamon Adventurer's Guild is published 4 times per year in Mar., Jun., Sep., and Dec. ______________________________________________________ We are always looking for new material! If you would like to publish your own letter or article in this newsletter, feel free to send one in. If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the list, send it on a disk to the above address. It will be assigned an Adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems before release. An informal critique and disk with bug corrections will be returned. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ BACK ISSUES: Apple-based back issues of the formerly Apple-based NEUC's 'Adventurer's Log' are available from us: Mar'84, May'84, Aug'84, Oct'84, Jan'85, Mar'85, May'85, Aug'85, Oct'85, Jun'86, Jan'87, Oct'87 EAG back issues: Jun'88, Sep'88, Dec'88 Mar'89, Jun'89, Sep'89, Dec'89 Mar'90, Jun'90, Sep'90, Dec'90 Mar'91, Jun'91, Sep'91, Dec'91 Quantities of 1-5: $1.75 each Quantities of 6 or more: $1.25 each ADVENTURE UPDATES: You may obtain updated versions of your Eamon adventures from the EAG. Send in a copy of the adventure to be updated and $1.00 per copy to cover our cost, and an updated copy will be returned to you. You MUST include a copy of EACH adventure for which you wish an update. NOTE: the update program does not cover conversion of DOS 3.3 Eamons to ProDOS; if you send in a DOS 3.3 Eamon, you will get DOS 3.3 back. We want to improve Eamon all we can; this includes getting authors to use the latest and best version. Therefore, the version 7.0 Dungeon Designer Diskette and the 7.0 Multi-Disk Supplement may be obtained from us for $1.00 each (US & Canada; foreign $2.00 each). Please specify DOS 3.3 or ProDOS for the DDD (the Supplement is presently available in DOS 3.3 only). _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ New Adventures _____________________________________________________ 214 Deathstalker's Castle by Phil Schulz 215 Treasure Island by Margaret Anderson 216 The Pirate's Cave by Margaret Anderson In "Deathstalker's Castle", you are tasked to enter this peril-filled abode, and seek out and do away with the evil Deathstalker. It's reviewed in this issue. "Treasure Island" and "The Pirate's Cave" were designed specifically for young Eamonauts and are nicely done. They are also reviewed in this issue. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Letters _____________________________________________________ Glancing back through the Sept. issue of the EAGN, I like how you did the listing of all the articles that have run. One article, however, that is missing from the list is 'Average Player Attributes/ Average Weapon Damage ratio to Average Monster Attributes.' Different Authors use different monster statistics for their adventures. In one's adventure, a given monster might be easy to beat, while in another Author's adventure, they might be extremely hard to kill. I am not saying that we should standardize the monster attributes, but I would like to see a set of numbers to work from, as well as for the character AND for weapons. For instance, Orcs are small (or at least, a tad smaller than a human) and quick, while a Giant is large and a tad slow, so their respective attributes might be: Hard: Agility: Weight: Armour Orc: 12 18 97 1 Giant: 18 12 529 4 The Orc's "armour", in his case, would be his smallish stature and his quickness. The Giant's would be his size (harder to hit more vital spots with normal, hand-held weapons). If the Giant were quicker (higher Agility), his Armour type would also increase. Mind you, this is just something I've had on my computer for a couple months now. But, I would really like to see an EAMON MONSTER MANUAL to work from. I bet I'm not the only Author with the AD&D MONSTER MANUAL and FIEND FOLIO within reach! And believe me, I consult them quite a bit during idea stages. In fact, if you supply enough information to get this further down the road, I'll enter all the data into Text files myself, so us Authors will have something. Besides, it would also give us a chance to show off our favorite, very rare, monsters (Mr. R, The Bookworm, those Pigs from Ruby's Animal Farm, etc...). - Robert Parker That sounds like it would be a great thing to have available, Rob! However, TSR is very zealous in protecting their copyrights, and we wouldn't want to rip off their data. Still, it sounds like you have a pretty good head for what reasonable monster attributes are. If you wanted to put together a generic list of recommended attributes and perhaps a list of recommended reference materials and made it into article form, I would very much like to run it in a future 'Dungeon Designs' column. - Tom I have a nephew (8 years old) who wants to play Eamons. I am not familiar off hand with any that are suitable for a real beginner (that is, simple and consistent map, easy monsters, uncomplicated descriptions, no misspelled words, and no serious bugs) so I wrote some very easy starter adventures. I would appreciate any advice from anyone out there who has had any experience with very young adventurers. Thanks for the adventure ratings that you enclosed with your letter! I wish more people would take the time to send them in. I don't really have a list of Eamons that are especially suitable for young people. All I can suggest is that you try to choose those that rate 5 or higher but have low difficulty numbers. Hopefully, any EAG Eamon that you play will have no serious bugs, assuming that the P-D sellers are making the bug fixes listed in this newsletter. As for spelling errors, I think that's a lost cause; I would estimate that there are a couple thousand spelling errors extant in Eamon adventures, and life is too short to fix them all. I do take a shot at fixing all spelling errors that I notice on new adventures as I playtest them before release, if the adventure is good enough to merit the effort. But I don't spend much time on adventures that rate 3 or lower except to fix the serious bugs. All members: if you have some favorite adventure candidates for an Eamon list for Young Eamonauts, please send them in. We'll run the resulting list in a future issue. I frankly admit that I don't have a real good head for identifying such adventures. - Tom _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Dungeon Designs _____________________________________________________ Back to the Basics: Monsters by Tom Zuchowski A "monster" in Eamon is defined as any animate denizen of the dungeon. This includes friends, foes, bystanders, people, wild animals, pets, and all other categories of creatures. The monster routines support weapon-carrying monsters, natural weapons such as claws and teeth, and unarmed monsters who can't fight until they are able to find a weapon. Monsters can be individuals or groups. A group can be a pack of wolves, an orc patrol, a horde of locusts, or whatever. Groups are important; they permit the author to include many more monsters without filling up the database (which quickly uses up memory and disk space and makes the game run slower). Groups can also make the game play better, as it makes the list of monsters in the room much shorter. If you've ever played an Eamon in which there were 12 or 15 monsters in the room, then you know what I am talking about! In version 7.0, a monster's fighting ability is determined by his Agility (AG) and his armor. The higher the Agility, the better he can fight. The weight of his armor lowers his fighting ability, but it also protects him. Lastly, his Hardiness (HD) defines how many hits he can take before he dies. Be careful not to select numbers that are too high. If the monsters are too strong then the player will keep getting killed out and will give up in disgust before he gets the chance to see all of your adventure. Here's a rule of thumb that isn't too far off: for the most difficult fights, a character with a fairly strong HEAL spell, chain mail and shield, and a 2D6 weapon should get killed no more than 50 percent of the time. Of course, this balance will be affected by whatever companions you have given the player by the time the confrontation takes place. One item that seems to confuse many new authors is how to define the room location of an artifact that is a monster's weapon. The artifact's "room number" should be the negative of the monster's number, minus 1. For example, a weapon being carried by monster #5 should have a room number of (- 5 - 1) or -6. Also, a monster can carry any artifact, not just weapons, and you can start him out with as many as you please. Let's do a few examples. First, lets do a generic sword, artifact #8, that our monster will carry. Next, let's do a simple orc, and let's make him monster #4. (NOTE: the following is not a complete printout of everything that you will see on the screen. There are quite a few on-screen menus during data input so that you don't have to memorize such things as the weapon type of a sword.) ROOM-0 ART.-7 EFF.-0 MONS.-3 YOUR CHOICES ARE-- 1. ADD NEW ROOM,ARTIFACT,EFFECT, OR MONSTER 2. (etc.) ENTER KEY FOR YOUR CHOICE (1-7) 1 DO YOU WANT TO ADD A ROOM, ARTIFACT, EFFECT, OR MONSTER (HIT KEY, RAEM) A ENTER ARTIFACT NAME: SWORD ARTIFACT DESCRIPTION: YOU SEE A PLAIN IRON SWORD. VALUE : 10 (not worth a lot) TYPE : 2 (weapon) WEIGHT : 5 (not too heavy) ROOM : -5 (carried by monster #4) ODDS : 10 (ordinary weapon) W.TYPE : 5 (sword) DICE : 1 (not a real good sword) SIDES : 4 (not a real good sword) ROOM-0 ART.-8 EFF.-0 MONS.-3 YOUR CHOICES ARE-- 1. ADD NEW ROOM,ARTIFACT,EFFECT, OR MONSTER 2. (etc.) ENTER KEY FOR YOUR CHOICE (1-7) 1 DO YOU WANT TO ADD A ROOM, ARTIFACT, EFFECT, OR MONSTER (HIT KEY, RAEM) M ENTER NAME: SMALL ORC ENTER DESC-- YOU HAVE SURPRISED A SMALL ORC! EVEN THOUGH HE'S SMALL, HE'S MAD AS HECK AND HE IS READY TO TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF. ENTER HD: 8 (he's pretty scrawny) ENTER AG: 16 (he's pretty quick, though) ENTER # MEMBERS: 1 (he's not a group monster) ENTER COUR: 175 (he's fairly determined to kill you. A courage value of less than 100 makes him more likely to run away, and a value of more than 100 makes him more likely to chase you if you FLEE.) ENTER ROOM: 14 (you'll find him in room 14) ENTER WEIGHT: 80 (he's a little guy) ENTER ARMOR: 1 (light armor) ENTER WEAPON #: 8 (do NOT use neg. number here) ENTER DICE: 1 (doesn't matter-he doesn't use natural weapons, so his dice and sides will be determined by the weapon he is carrying) ENTER SIDES: "4� (doesn't matter) ENTER FRIEND: "1� (an enemy) OK, now let's do a group monster, a pack of rats. Remember that the data for group monsters is always that of just a single member of the group: ROOM-0 ART.-8 EFF.-0 MONS.-4 YOUR CHOICES ARE-- 1. ADD NEW ROOM,ARTIFACT,EFFECT, OR MONSTER 2. (etc.) ENTER KEY FOR YOUR CHOICE (1-7) 1 DO YOU WANT TO ADD A ROOM, ARTIFACT, EFFECT, OR MONSTER (HIT KEY, RAEM) M ENTER NAME: RAT (always use singular name) ENTER DESC-- THE ROOM IS CRAWLING WITH RATS! ENTER HD: 1 (easy to kill with one blow) ENTER AG: 20 (fast and hard to hit) ENTER # MEMBERS: 18 (18 rats in the pack) ENTER COUR: 30 (a bunch of little cowards) ENTER ROOM: 22 (you'll find them in room 22) ENTER WEIGHT: 1 (real small) ENTER ARMOR: 0 (none) ENTER WEAPON #: 0 (natural weapons--teeth) ENTER DICE: 1 (these values are used here) ENTER SIDES: 2 (a single rat bite isn't that dangerous) ENTER FRIEND: 1 (another enemy) That pretty much covers basic data entry. If you keep your weapons straight and pick the right numbers for good balance in the fighting, you've got it nailed down. Be sure to print out the manual! You will find it a valuable reference when plotting and populating your dungeon. Think long and hard before using dead bodies in your adventure. It is not an error that the 7.0 DDD comes with dead bodies disabled with a REM! Only very rarely do dead bodies do anything but take up tons of valuable memory and disk space and slow down the program execution. Dead bodies complicate late data additions while fine-tuning your adventure. And they are very difficult to do that read well with group monsters. Really, the only time that bodies are worth implementing is if you want to use their descriptions to print death scenes when monsters die. But if all you have to say is YOU SEE A DEAD MONSTER, then your adventure will be much better without them. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Bugs'n'Fixes _____________________________________________________ EAG Eamon Utilities Disk DESC EDIT Date Fixed: 1/26/92 Problem: Won't select correct monster record. Fix: In Line 3410, change NM to NO Problem: Misses some DOS commands (DOS 3.3 only) Fix: In Line 10, change DK$ = CHR$(4) to DK$ = CHR$94): D$ = DK$ _____________________________________________________ #48 Picnic in Paradise Date Fixed: 2/8/92 The speedup mods were added. _____________________________________________________ #129 Return to Moria Date Fixed: 12/1/91 Problem: Bad room connection Fix: In Room 16, change 'N' from 16 to 15 _____________________________________________________ #150 Walled City of Darkness (ProDOS version only) Date Fixed: 1/23/92 Problem: UNDEF'D STATEMENT errors Fix: In Line 29020, change 29210 to 100 In Line 29900, change 29210 to 29220 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Adventure Reviews _____________________________________________________ #48 Picnic in Paradise - by Phil Schulz Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 6 Extra Commands: ACTIVATE Deleted Commands: None Special Features: None Playing Time: 1 hr. Reviewer Rating: 7.0 Average Rating: 6.2/4 Description: You finally managed to get a date with Heather, that cute girl in the Main Hall you'd been watching. She wanted a picnic in Paradise Park just a short way down the road. You remember the place: a nice quiet park with lots of trees, birds, and flowers. You soon reach the park and find a nice spot a few yards from the cliff. The journey has worn you out more than you expected and you decide to take a short nap prior to eating. While asleep, you dream of a horrible abduction and it scares you enough that you wake up with a start. You look around, and your date is gone, without a single trace. You don't know what happened to the girl; she must've gone home. You must now find your own way home, too. Comment: Well, as you probably guessed, she didn't go home but was kidnapped; and if you go home without her you wind up regretting it. There's a couple of levels of questing here: of course your main goal is to rescue Heather, but there is a second bonus rescue to fulfill if you can figure out the clues. This was the very first version 6.0 Eamon, and John made his usual excellent utilization of the then-new features. There's a couple of interesting twists on room lighting, several locked doors, and lots of embedded artifacts to find. John also programmed the game to recognize the character's sex and modify the text to accommodate it. For example, if the player is female, the date is with Marcus, not Heather. The dungeon is medium-sized, with 50 rooms. The map is interesting, with something to see or do every couple of rooms. I give it a (7) for difficulty, for its heavy use of embedded artifacts that require the full name to find and for a mildly inconsistent implementation of some commands. I enjoyed it. _____________________________________________________ #148 Journey to Jotunheim - by Tom Zuchowski Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 6 Extra Commands: EAT, REQUEST, TELL, JMP, VERBOSE, BRIEF Deleted Commands: HEAL, SPEED, BLAST, SAVE Special Features: "text" artifact recognition unusual SAVE feature, 40/80 column display Playing Time: 1 hr Reviewer Rating: - Average Rating: 8.2/4 Description: You had become interested in legends of the far northern lands, and traveled there to see what you could see. While there, you saw several wondrous things before you were set upon by robbers and killed. But this land is ruled by Odin, and his Valkyrior chose you for Valhalla. Soon you find yourself wandering the land of Asgard, tasked by Odin himself to learn about the gods and their deeds. Suddenly you are called to the Valhall. There, you are told that the TIME of Ragnarok nears, and the gods find themselves ill-prepared. Frey had given up his mighty sword in a fit of wrong-headedness, and now Thor's war hammer Mjollnir has been stolen! You have been chosen to accompany the gods on a journey of desperation to the land of the giants in an attempt to find and recover the hammer. This is truly a desperate move. The giants do not love men nor the gods, and the Valkyrior do not go there. Comment: OK, I know, I shouldn't be reviewing my own adventure, but I've been waiting for years and no one else ever did it for me! <grin> This adventure has some unique features, and I want to spread the word. The above description is not the intro text, but is a condensation of a good deal of the actual adventure. You get "killed" about a quarter of the way into the adventure, and don't find out what the true quest is until it is about half over. I wrote this adventure in response to a challenge by John Nelson in an old "Adventurer's Log" to come up with a way for the player to get intelligent responses when he tries to manipulate anything that he can see in the room descriptions. I did this by coming up with a new class of artifact, the "Text" artifact. These text artifacts don't really exist, but when the player examines them he will get an item description. The program recognizes hundreds of words, and I am very pleased with the way this feature turned out. Though there are only 30-odd rooms, there are nearly 100 special effects, and there is something special going on most of the time. Properly handling all those effects was an enormous task; for example, it took me two weeks of steady work to get all the bugs out of the encounter with the Man in Blue at the start of the adventure. The MAIN PGM is huge, and I didn't have enough memory left for the standard SAVE command. It was replaced by the JMP command, which moves you to the middle of the adventure if you can answer a question about the first half. The adventure is based on real Norse legends which I spent a lot of time researching. I also stole heavily from the novella "The Last Trump" by Fletcher Pratt and L. Sprague de Camp. It's a great story and you should try to find it. There is a fair amount of combat, but there is only one encounter that can kill you dead unless you are dumb enough to go around picking fights with gods or groups of giants. Most of the puzzles are pretty similar, so once you figure out one, the rest should be easier--they are mainly used to trigger special effect sequences. In many ways, this is more like an interactive novel than a regular adventure. The difficulty rating falls in at about (7). I hope you enjoy it. _____________________________________________________ #214 Deathstalker's Castle - by Phil Schulz Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 7 Extra Commands: BLOCK Deleted Commands: None Special Features: 40-col. text only Playing Time: 1 hr. Reviewer Rating: 6.5 Description: The Deathstalker is again threatening the world. If something isn't done soon, doom will overtake all. His power has grown, and now he claims to be immortal. The only weapon that might be able to kill him is the Sword of the Gods, which is rumored to be hidden somewhere in his castle. Your mission is to enter the castle and kill the Deathstalker. His castle is huge, and his lair is protected by two enormous mazes. The task is formidable; can you do it? Comment: The above is not the actual intro but is a summary. The actual intro has a rambling style that eases you into the scenario from other activities that you are doing at the Main Hall. This adventure is certainly Phil's most ambitious undertaking to date, with 143 rooms and several interesting but not too difficult puzzles to solve. The two mazes are quite straightforward without insanely twisting room connections, but they are both very large. These mazes would definitely not be for amateurs, but Phil has thoughtfully provided maze maps for those who are clever enough to find them. This adventure has one new twist that is new to Eamon. Every hit that is deflected by your armor "weakens" it until it breaks apart. There is plenty of armor available in the dungeon to replace yours if you should need it. I was somewhat worn down by the sheer enormity of the place. It would have played a little better if there had either been fewer hallways or else more content in the hallway descriptions. Still, this is a pretty good dungeon with interesting special effects and a decent quest. The mazes are killers, but the maps bring the difficulty down to about (7). _____________________________________________________ #215 Treasure Island - by Margaret Anderson Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 7 Extra Commands: None Deleted Commands: None Special Features: 40-col. text only Playing Time: 30 min. Reviewer Rating: 6.0 Description: You found an old map in a pirate's treasure chest. There was a note on the map saying that there were a lot of treasures on an island in the ocean. You thought you could use some more money, so you found a boat and went sailing out to look for the island. By following the map, you found it. It is a very small island, so it should be easy to find the treasures. You pull your boat up on a small sandy beach, get out, and start looking. Comment: This adventure was written specifically for Margaret's 8-year-old nephew. It is a small, simple 'kill & loot' type scenario, with very simple puzzles and just 34 rooms. It is well-written and effectively error-free, and has a half-dozen very nicely done special effects. This is a very easy adventure; I give it a (3) for difficulty. At the same time, I'd say that this is the best game of this difficulty level that I've ever played. If you are looking for Eamons for very young people, take a look at this one. I think you'll like it. _____________________________________________________ #216 The Pirate's Cave - by Margaret Anderson Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 7 Extra Commands: None Deleted Commands: None Special Features: 40-col. text only Playing Time: 30 min. Reviewer Rating: 5.0 Description: Dirty Dick is the meanest pirate there ever was. He and his crew have kidnapped Prince Charlie. Dirty Dick and his crew left their ship at the Pirate Cave and went to town. You think that it is a good time to check the cave and see if you can find Prince Charlie. There are also a lot of treasures in the cave. Good luck. Comment: This too is an adventure that was written for an 8-year-old boy. It seems to have hit the target audience very well. This adventure is a bit more sophisticated than #215, getting plus points for a fair number of locked doors to open and a clear quest to fulfill. I felt that the 39-room map was a bit less interesting to explore than the one in #215; hence the slightly lower rating. Still, it seems to be an excellent selection for young Eamonauts. I give this one a (3) difficulty rating. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Eamon Adventure Listing ______________________________________________________ EAG ProDOS Eamon Revision Dates: 40-col. 80-col. 1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave 3 06/06/91 5. Castle of Doom 4 02/24/90 8. The Abductor's Quarters 7 04/21/90 12. The Quest for Trezore 8 09/03/90 16. The Caves of Mondamen 8 03/28/90 19. Death Trap 9 07/10/90 20. The Black Death 6 09/15/90 21. The Quest for Marron 8 08/05/90 22. The Senator's Chambers 5 02/26/90 23. The Temple of Ngurct 7 09/19/90 24. Black Mountain 8 08/29/90 25. Nuclear Nightmare 7 02/25/90 26. Assault on the Mole Man 7 10/03/90 27. Revenge of the Mole Man 7 10/06/90 28. The Tower of London 6 02/25/90 33. The Orb of Polaris 7 08/15/91 09/21/91 34. Death's Gateway 6 01/18/91 09/07/91 35. The Lair of Mutants 7 01/15/91 36. The Citadel of Blood 7 07/23/90 37. Quest for the Holy Grail 6 10/13/90 38. City in the Clouds 8 10/20/90 39. Museum of Unnatural History 7 01/22/91 41. Caverns of Lanst 5 01/28/91 45. SwordQuest 8 08/20/90 47. FutureQuest 7 07/14/90 48. Picnic in Paradise 7 08/08/90 49. The Castle Kophinos 7 08/11/90 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff 6 10/23/90 53. Feast of Carroll 4 02/26/90 55. The Master's Dungeon 4 03/03/90 56. The Lost Adventure 7 01/29/91 58. The Land of Death 6 02/07/91 64. Modern Problems - 02/19/91 68. The Smith's Stronghold 5 02/24/91 69. The Black Castle of NaGog 5 07/11/90 09/03/91 73. The Deep Canyon 4 03/06/91 74. DharmaQuest 8 10/13/90 75. Temple of the Guild 5 03/17/91 76. The Search for Yourself 6 04/18/90 77. Temple of the Trolls 9 08/15/90 08/01/91 78. The Prince's Tavern 7 05/28/91 05/28/91 80. The Search for the Key 4 10/27/90 81. The Rescue Mission 8 10/27/90 86. Castle Mantru 3 03/23/91 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain - 03/26/91 90. The Doomsday Clock 9 04/01/91 91. FutureQuest II 7 01/25/90 07/28/91 92. The Fugitive 5 11/02/90 93. Flying Circus - 11/07/90 97. The House of Secrets 5 04/06/91 99. In the Clutches of Torrik 8 04/14/91 100. Sorceror's Spire 9 05/09/90 106. Camp Eamon 6 11/11/90 107. The Last Dragon 7 10/15/91 10/15/91 108. The Mines of Moria 8 04/18/90 09/29/91 109. The Forest of Fear 6 01/09/91 112. Hills of History 5 04/19/91 113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek 8 11/15/90 114. Thror's Ring 9 03/05/90 05/04/91 117. Dungeon of Doom 7 01/15/91 118. Pittfall 6 06/18/90 09/02/91 119. Grunewalde 8 04/28/91 120. Orb of My Life 9 06/19/91 06/19/91 121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil 8 06/02/90 124. Assault on Dolni Keep 6 05/09/90 05/21/91 126. The Pyramid of Anharos 8 07/04/90 127. The Hunt for the Ring 9 11/20/90 128. Quest of Erebor 7 11/24/90 129. Return to Moria 9 12/01/91 12/01/91 130. Haradwaith 7 11/27/90 132. Rhadshur Warrior 9 03/03/90 138. Starfire 4 06/15/90 05/21/91 139. Peg's Place 7 11/30/90 145. Buccaneer! 9 07/31/90 147. The Dark Brotherhood 9 04/11/90 05/27/91 148. Journey to Jotunheim 7 10/07/90 02/09/92 149. Elemental Apocalypse 9 01/06/91 150. Walled City of Darkness 10 01/23/92 01/23/92 154. A Trip to Fort Scott 4 06/05/90 155. Tomb of the Vampire 5 10/07/90 158. The Lair of Mr. Ed 7 12/25/90 160. Monty Python & Holy Grail 6 01/25/90 161. Operation Endgame 10 06/29/91 06/29/91 162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure - 05/26/90 166. Storm Breaker 8 03/14/90 169. The Black Phoenix - 03/15/90 11/15/91 170. Ragnarok Revisited 9 09/15/90 183. The Boy and the Bard 9 06/20/90 191. Enhanced Beginners Cave 3 01/27/90 194. Attack of the Kretons 7 07/30/91 07/30/91 195. The Training Ground 2 02/12/90 204. Sanctuary 7-10 10/14/90 206. Curse of the Hellsblade - 02/04/91 10/28/91 Dungeon Designer Diskette Ver.7.0 10/06/91 Eamon Utilities Diskette 01/26/92 Graphics Main Hall 05/23/91 ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Eamon Adventure Listing ______________________________________________ 124. Assault on Dolni Keep 9.2/4 161. Operation Endgame 9.1/4 114. Thror's Ring 9.0/5 78. The Prince's Tavern 9.0/3 194. Attack of the Kretons 9.0/2 120. Orb of My Life 9.0/1 204. Sanctuary 9.0/1 150. Walled City of Darkness 8.8/2 147. The Dark Brotherhood 8.7/3 129. Return to Moria 8.5/3 166. Storm Breaker 8.5/2 108. The Mines of Moria 8.3/3 145. Buccaneer! 8.3/3 148. Journey to Jotunheim 8.2/4 121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil 8.2/2 47. FutureQuest 8.0/4 91. FutureQuest II 8.0/4 117. Dungeon of Doom 8.0/3 77. Temple of the Trolls 8.0/2 76. The Search for Yourself 8.0/1 118. Pittfall 8.0/1 74. DharmaQuest 7.9/4 100. Sorceror's Spire 7.9/4 132. Rhadshur Warrior 7.9/4 16. The Caves of Mondamen 7.8/4 149. Elemental Apocalypse 7.8/4 169. The Black Phoenix 7.8/3 170. Ragnarok Revisited 7.8/3 183. The Boy and the Bard 7.8/3 19. Death Trap 7.5/2 21. The Quest for Marron 7.5/2 33. The Orb of Polaris 7.5/2 45. SwordQuest 7.5/2 69. The Black Castle of NaGog 7.5/2 107. The Last Dragon 7.5/2 139. Peg's Place 7.5/2 24. Black Mountain 7.3/3 126. The Pyramid of Anharos 7.3/3 73. The Deep Canyon 7.0/3 23. The Temple of Ngurct 7.0/2 37. Quest for the Holy Grail 7.0/2 106. Camp Eamon 7.0/2 130. Haradwaith 7.0/2 20. The Black Death 7.0/1 49. The Castle Kophinos 7.0/1 75. Temple of the Guild 7.0/1 81. The Rescue Mission 7.0/1 92. The Fugitive 7.0/1 93. Flying Circus 7.0/1 113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek 7.0/1 128. Quest of Erebor 7.0/1 154. A Trip to Fort Scott 7.0/1 158. The Lair of Mr. Ed 7.0/1 160. Monty Python & Holy Grail 7.0/1 193. The Creature of Rhyl 7.0/1 213. Demongate 7.0/1 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff 6.8/3 38. City in the Clouds 6.8/2 165. Animal Farm 6.8/2 35. The Lair of Mutants 6.7/3 55. The Master's Dungeon 6.5/4 188. Encounter: The Bookworm 6.5/4 25. Nuclear Nightmare 6.5/2 26. Assault on the Mole Man 6.5/2 34. Death's Gateway 6.5/2 109. The Forest of Fear 6.5/2 119. Grunewalde 6.5/2 142. The Beermeister's Brewery 6.5/2 159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum 6.5/2 198. Revenge of the Bookworm 6.5/1 205. Utterly Outrageous 6.5/1 214. Deathstalker's Castle 6.5/1 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain 6.3/3 12. The Quest for Trezore 6.2/4 48. Picnic in Paradise 6.2/4 28. The Tower of London 6.2/2 64. Modern Problems 6.2/2 36. The Citadel of Blood 6.0/4 27. Revenge of the Mole Man 6.0/3 39. Museum of Unnatural Histor 6.0/3 52. The Devil's Dungeon 6.0/3 83. The Twin Castles 6.0/3 70. The Tomb of Y'Golonac 6.0/2 99. In the Clutches of Torrik 6.0/2 112. Hills of History 6.0/2 155. Tomb of the Vampire 6.0/2 56. The Lost Adventure 6.0/1 58. The Land of Death 6.0/1 68. The Smith's Stronghold 6.0/1 86. Castle Mantru 6.0/1 90. The Doomsday Clock 6.0/1 97. The House of Secrets 6.0/1 127. The Hunt for the Ring 6.0/1 131. Nucleus of the Ruby 6.0/1 137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle 6.0/1 143. The Alternate Zone 6.0/1 146. The House of Horrors 6.0/1 164. A Real Cliffhanger 6.0/1 208. Assault on Helstar 6.0/1 211. Lair of the Marauders 6.0/1 215. Treasure Island 6.0/1 4. The Zyphur Riverventure 5.7/6 79. The Castle of Count Fuey 5.7/5 41. Caverns of Lanst 5.7/3 43. Priests of Xim! 5.7/3 163. The Sands of Mars 5.7/3 57. The Manxome Foe 5.5/2 65. The School of Death 5.5/2 116. The Iron Prison 5.5/2 152. The Computer Club of Fear 5.5/2 203. Lotto's Masterpiece 5.5/2 184. Quest For Orion 5.4/5 14. Furioso 5.3/3 22. The Senator's Chambers 5.1/4 7. The Devil's Tomb 5.0/6 42. Alternate Beginners Cave 5.0/5 138. Starfire 5.0/3 185. The Body Revisited 5.0/3 53. Feast of Carroll 5.0/2 31. The Gauntlet 5.0/1 54. Crystal Mountain 5.0/1 66. Dungeons of Xenon 5.0/1 82. Escape from Mansi Island 5.0/1 84. Castle of Riveneta 5.0/1 85. The Time Portal 5.0/1 94. Blood Feud 5.0/1 110. Fire Island 5.0/1 115. The Ring of Doom 5.0/1 123. Wizard of the Spheres 5.0/1 133. The Final Frontier 5.0/1 140. Beginner's Forest 5.0/1 144. Gartin Manor 5.0/1 153. Lost! 5.0/1 157. Pathetic Hideout of Mr. R. 5.0/1 171. The Pyramid of Cheops 5.0/1 172. The Mountain of the Master 5.0/1 191. Enhanced Beginners Cave 5.0/1 195. The Training Ground 5.0/1 199. Quest of the Crystal Wand 5.0/1 201. The Caverns of Vanavara 5.0/1 207. Eamon Renegade Club 5.0/1 209. Apocalypse 2021 5.0/1 210. Return to Ngurct 5.0/1 212. Haunted Keep 5.0/1 216. The Pirate's Cave 5.0/1 17. Merlins' Castle 4.8/2 8. The Abductor's Quarters 4.7/3 40. Daemon's Playground 4.7/3 50. Behind the Sealed Door 4.7/3 5. Castle of Doom 4.6/6 10. The Magic Kingdom 4.5/2 15. Heroes Castle 4.5/2 72. House on Eamon Ridge 4.5/2 111. A Vacation in Europe 4.5/2 168. The High School of Horrors 4.5/2 190. Shift Change at Grimmwax 4.5/2 202. The Plain of Srevi 4.5/1 2. The Lair of the Minotaur 4.4/5 13. Caves of Treasure Island 4.4/5 179. The Wizard's Tower 4.4/2 1. Beginners Cave 4.3/6 80. The Search for the Key 4.3/3 89. Super Fortress of Lin Wang 4.2/3 61. The Harpy Cloud 4.0/2 18. Hogarth Castle 4.0/1 122. The Valley of Death 4.0/1 134. Pyramid of the Ancients 4.0/1 156. The Lake 4.0/1 178. The Alien Intruder 4.0/1 192. Mean Streets 4.0/1 200. The Lost Isle 4.0/1 44. Escape from the Orc Lair 3.8/4 6. The Death Star 3.7/7 9. Assault on the Clonemaster 3.7/3 11. The Tomb of Molinar 3.5/4 151. Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid) 3.5/2 167. Expedition to the Darkwoods 3.5/2 174. Escape from Granite Hall 3.5/2 180. Gamma 1 3.5/2 3. The Cave of the Mind 3.2/6 60. The Sewers of Chicago 3.2/4 95. The Maze of Quasequeton 3.0/3 141. The Infested Fortress 3.0/2 62. The Caverns of Doom 3.0/1 67. Chaosium Caves 3.0/1 98. Slave Pits of Kzorland 3.0/1 125. The Mattimoe Palace 3.0/1 136. The Mountain Fortress 3.0/1 175. Anatomy of the Body 3.0/1 176. Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze 3.0/1 177. Shippe of Fooles 3.0/1 189. The Ruins of Belfast 3.0/1 102. The Eamon Railroad 2.2/4 59. Jungles of Vietnam 2.1/4 96. The Chamber of the Dragons 2.0/2 173. The House that Jack Built 2.0/2 186. Beginner's Cave II 2.0/2 29. The Lost Island of Apple 2.0/1 30. The Underground City 2.0/1 46. LifeQuest 2.0/1 63. Valkenburg Castle 2.0/1 135. The Tomb of Evron 2.0/1 187. Batman!! 2.0/1 197. Star Wars-Tempest One 2.0/1 32. House of Ill Repute 1.7/3 103. Top Secret 1.5/2 88. The Shopping Mall 1.0/3 101. Ground Zero 1.0/2 71. Operation Crab Key 1.0/1 104. The Lost World 1.0/1 105. The Strange Resort 1.0/1 181. The Eamon Sewer System 1.0/1 182. Farmer Brown's Woods 1.0/1 196. The Cat House 1.0/1 162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure /0 206. Curse of the Hellsblade /0