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			The Eamon Adventurer's Guild

				December 1990

Editorial and Comment - by Tom Zuchowski

This issue was done in a hurry, as I have been pretty busy during November and will be out of town for most of December, and if I don't get this thing mastered, copied, and sealed in envelopes by the day after Thanksgiving, it could well be January before it gets out.  So if any corners got cut, please forgive me.

Well, we have been involved in ProDOS Eamon for about a year now.  By and large, ProDOS Eamon has not proven to be particularly effective in garnering new members for the EAG.  While it seems to be reasonably popular, we have not seen any noticeable upswing in inquiries about the club.  This comes as a bit of a surprise to me, after seeing firsthand how hostile many people are to using DOS 3.3.  But it turns out that those same people aren't too happy with 40-column, upper-case text, either.  Let me take this opportunity to repeat: if you want to do an Eamon that is 80-col. or lower-case, DO IT!  There are no rules; you do it the way you see fit.  But I do suggest that you do such an Eamon in ProDOS, since you can be sure that all ProDOS users have these capabilities.  Also, the ProDOS DDD has been specifically modified to handle lower-case, while the DOS 3.3 DDD has not.

That's not to say that the EAG isn't growing.  We seem to have settled down into a growth rate of about one new member per month, on the average.  If the usual number of people renew, we will have a membership number in the high 90's.  This isn't what you would call radical growth, but at least it's in the right direction!  Our membership is very loyal, with renewals commonly in the 80-90% range.

It seems like time to clarify the EAG Update Program. You can update DOS 3.3 Eamons or ProDOS Eamons, but you can not get a ProDOS Eamon back in return for a DOS 3.3 one.

Softkey Publishing sells a nifty set of preprinted Eamon disk labels done in Olde English script.  It includes all EAG adventures plus DDD's, Utility, and Masters (223 in all), and sell for $5.00.  They are very popular among people who have seen Softkey disks, and after receiving several requests they have decided to make the label set available as a separate item.

I heard from Sam Ruby yesterday...I would have printed his letter but this newsletter has already been mastered.  He tells me that he has embarked on his most ambitious Eamon yet, with several quests, subplots, etc.  It will run in simulated "real time", with days and nights, with conditions altering radically once night falls.  He says that it will be easily 3 disks, or possibly 4, "...especially if I add another city."  Don't look for it soon; Sam estimates that it will take a year or more to complete. ______________________________________________________

EXPIRATION DATE:  The usual reminder: be sure to check the expiration date next to your name on the address. If it is 'DEC 90' and highlighted in yellow, this is your last issue. ______________________________________________________

Apple-based back issues of the formerly Apple-based NEUC's 'Adventurer's Log' are available from us: 
Mar'84, May'84, Aug'84, Oct'84, Jan'85, Mar'85, May'85, Aug'85, Oct'85, Jun'86, Jan'87, Oct'87

EAG back issues: Jun'88, Sep'88, Dec'88
		Mar'89, Jun'89, Sep'89, Dec'89
		Mar'90, Jun'90, Sep'90

All issues are $2.00 each.

You may obtain updated versions of your Eamon adventures from the EAG.  Send in a copy of the adventure to be updated and $1.00 per copy to cover  our cost, and an updated copy will be returned to you. You MUST include a copy of EACH adventure for which you wish an update.  NOTE: the update program does not cover conversion of DOS 3.3 Eamons to ProDOS; if you send in a DOS 3.3 Eamon, you will get DOS 3.3 back.

We want to improve Eamon all we can; this includes getting authors to use the latest and best version. Therefore, the version 7.0 Dungeon Designer Diskette and the 7.0 Multi-Disk Supplement may be obtained from us for $1.00 each (US & Canada; foreign $2.00 each). Please specify DOS 3.3 or ProDOS for the DDD (the Supplement is presently available in DOS 3.3 only).
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Thomas Zuchowski, Editor

Membership/subscription fee for 4 issues:
	US-Canada: $7.00; foreign: $12.00; in U.S. funds The Eamon Adventurer's Guild is published 4 times per year in Mar., Jun., Sep., and Dec.


We are always looking for new material!  If you would like to publish your own letter or article in this newsletter, feel free to send one in.  If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the list, send it on a disk to the above address.  It will be assigned an Adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems before release.  An informal critique and disk with bug corrections will be returned.  We also trade a disk for a disk for all new adventures that are sent in, whether you wrote it or not. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 

New Adventures

Well, there aren't any, this issue.  I am aware of 6 Eamons that are in the works from 4 old hands and one new author, and have seen one that is approaching the Beta stage.  Hopefully they all will make it into the March issue!

The vast majority of you have never written an Eamon adventure.  You really owe it to yourself to give it a try; believe me, it is a lot more fun to write Eamons than it is to play them!  The top authors, who have learned the skills, seldom if ever play Eamon  except during development; it really is that much fun. If you aren't sure how to go about it, please feel free to write for all the assistance that you need. We all had to learn how the first time.  I might add that, once you get your adventure started, it becomes a lot easier to write and develop it.  It is getting it off the ground in the first place that is so difficult.  Also, your second Eamon is a lot easier to write, because you have learned the methods and know what you're doing. 
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Eamon Lore

A Few Observations about Fashions in Eamon

by Nathan Segerlind

Eamon, like any other hobby with considerably devoted followers, is prone to fads and trends.

The first fad originated in the bowels of that Grand Daddy of all Eamon adventures, the "Beginners Cave". The MIMIC was a very popular monster in many old John Nelson and Don Brown Eamons.  From chests to doors to even a sword in a stone, mimics have surprised adventurers.  This fad continues today in some remote areas of Eamon gaming.

In the early days, Eamon used the concept of the "In-and-Out-in-a-half-hour" "Loot & Kill" scenario. This popular concept of Slash'n'hacking with minimal designer work still lives on today.  Typical of this timeless genre is the 30-room, 6-monster, guarded-treasure-vault pattern.

Later people got more advanced and started to put in quests, and they had to come up with good titles.  What could be easier than _____Quest?  Insert the basic concept of your adventure and you got a title! Examples are SwordQuest, LifeQuest, FutureQuest, etc.

Another long-running fad was the idea of an all powerful wizard having a "life orb" that kept him going.  Of course, all benevolent magi have an unfortunate habit of losing their orb or having it stolen, requiring the services of Adventurers to get it back.  This concept was popularized by "The Orb of Polaris", "Rhadshur Warrior", "Wrenhold's Secret Vigil", "Orb of my Life", and others.  Nobody knows where this trend came from, but a hand points at the godfather of modern Eamon, John Nelson.  (Ed. note: actually, the "orb" thing arose from a contest that the NEUC ran many years ago.  The contest bombed, but we did get some nice adventures from it. -TomZ)

For a while it seemed like stealing from J.R.R. Tolkein's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy was the thing to do.  Sam Ruby started it with "The Mines of Moria", and Tom Zuchowski soon joined in with "Thror's Ring" and "Assault on Dolni Keep".  The Eamons using Middle Earth for the scenario and plot are too many to list.

Now, my fashion-minded Eamonauts, what is today's greatest rage in adventure designing?  Why, it's the use of active companions!

Don't you think that normal companions are rather dull, just following you around, smiling and fighting bad guys?  Well, not any more!  Today, companions can be their own person.  Version 7.0 alone has added much interaction; you can heal, inventory, and do other neat things with your companions.

But what about monsters carrying extra weapons?  No adventurer would carry just one weapon!  Well, the carrying of extra weapons would be no hard thing. Just put some weapons in the monster's possession and modify the code at 7400 so that they will ready their own weapons before they pick up stuff just laying around.  "Assault on Dolni Keep" does this.  Also, in version 7.0 a monster knows which weapon is "his" and will pick up the weapon that he dropped in combat just like you would.

Talkative companions are becoming more popular.  Most Eamons with talking companions use Effects or a special text file to print out companions' comments when appropriate.  Sometimes companions will do things as well as talk.  Talking and actions are controlled by complicated sets of special flags and other checks and are very difficult to get right.

For information on active companions, check these adventures: "Thror's Ring", "Assault on Dolni Keep", "Operation Endgame", and "Ragnarok Revisited".

Well, that's all I have on Eamon trends.  There may be more but I haven't played every Eamon in existence. I'm just hoping to stir some interest in you people. I can be contacted at the address in this issue's "Correspondence Corner". 
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 

Dungeon Designs

Using 10 directions in version 7.0.

By Tom Zuchowski and Robert Parker

While working on one of his adventures, Rob had terrible problems with database corruption in the EAMON.ROOMS file.  The problem was traced to the fact that it was to be a 10-direction adventure instead of the normal 6 directions.

Version 7.0 allows for an average of 4 digits for each of the 6 directions from a given room plus the lighting status, for a total of 32 bytes (including CR's after each value).  Rob's adventure used lots of special room connections and was averaging very close to 4 digits for ten directions, for a total of about 50 bytes.  This meant that the room data was overrunning the disk record space that was allotted for it.

Version 7.0 can accommodate different record lengths, depending on the author-specified length for the room name.  It defaults to a room name length of 38 bytes, but a wide latitude of name lengths can be specified when the adventure is initialized, or later with the RESIZE FILES utility.

The allotted record space for room data cannot be so easily modified, but room data shares the same record with the room name.  Thus it is quite easy to make more space for extra room data by specifying a longer room name than you really intend to use.

For a 10-direction adventure, you should specify a room name length that is at least 20 characters longer than you really intend to use.  For example, if you plan to use the default 38-character name length, you should specify a name length of at least 58.  Then you must remember not to let your room name run past the first line even though the editor shows that you have another half-line available.

Yes, this is a kluge fix, but it is very easy to implement.  If you don't want to do something mickeymouse like this, you have two other options for 10-direction adventures:

1) Limit your room data to an average of 2 digits per room connection. As long as you don't exceed 20 digits (plus an additional 10 bytes for CR's), the data will fit very well within the standard record space.

2) Rework the DUNGEON INIT, EDIT, & LIST programs to accommodate the extra space.  This isn't very difficult to do but then you must somehow make sure that no one ever runs a normal DDD on the adventure.

Rob opted for a modification of option #1.  He reworked his room connections to use fewer bytes.  But he also deleted the UP and DOWN directions from the database, which gave him an average of 2.75 bytes per direction to play with.


So how does one make a 10-direction adventure?  The mods to the MAIN PGM are actually quite simple:

1) Add 4 to the number in the DATA statement at line 31910.

2) Add NE,NW,SE,NW to the command list at line 31920, between DOWN and GET.

3) At Line 290, immediately after the GOTO, add the number 3000 four more times, so that the line has 3000 a total of ten times, consecutively.

Next, you must modify the EAMON.NAME file by running this small pgm:
		10 D$ = CHR$(4)

That's all there is to it!
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Adventure Reviews

#38  City in the Clouds - by Evan Hodson

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4
Deleted Commands: BLAST, HEAL, POWER, SPEED, WAVE,
	SAY, no Save
Special Features: ray-gun and light saber sound effects during battle, several good effects
Playing Time: 1 hour
Reviewer Rating: 6.5            Average Rating: 6.8

After destroying the Death Star, Han Solo and a group of key rebel personnel have come to the city in the clouds seeking refuge and repairs for the Millenium Falcon.  But the Empire had been awaiting them and they have walked into a deadly trap...

You, while leaving the Main Hall, have been caught in an inversion of reality and now you are a fledgling Jedi Knight.  Your weapons are gone but now you have a light saber.  Your spells don't work, but you are able to invoke the force, a powerful ally in battle.

While flying there, a vision showed that the Falcon has been disabled, and in any event Imperial patrols would destroy the ship, which is being held fast by tractor beams.  And you see that, unless Princess Leia is rescued, the rebellion will collapse. So you have come to meet your destiny in the city.  All you know is that somewhere in it is your way back home...

Comment: This is a good adaptation of 'The Empire Strikes Back'.  Besides the 'City' segment, a lot was borrowed from the first 'Battle Star' segment from 'Star Wars'.  It was skillfully blended into a quest with a half-dozen pieces that must all be successfully completed to escape alive.

The sound effects add a lot of fun to the battles. The encounter with Darth Vader is full of special stuff and is pretty exciting.  The only serious drawback to the adventure is the lack of a Save. Vader is no lightweight and this encounter is very difficult to survive.  (See Bugs'n'Fixes, this issue.)
If you like SF Eamon, you will definitely enjoy this one.  Hack'n'Slashers will love the fighting.  The only puzzling is figuring out when and how to use the new commands.  I give it a difficulty rating of (7). 

#92 The Fugitive - by Don Doumakes

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 6
Extra Commands: WEAR, DIAL
Deleted Commands: none, no Save
Special Features: roving soldiers
Playing Time: 1 hour
Reviewer Rating: 7.0

Description: While sitting in a bar, you happen to overhear a conversation between two men sitting nearby. It turns out that these two work for Lord H.R. Bottomsmith, a man whose utter lack of scruples is at least as famous as his great wealth. As they talk, you realize that they are paid assassins, discussing an upcoming murder. They notice that you are listening!

As you leave the bar, you are hit from behind and knocked unconscious. When you wake up, you find yourself in a cheap hotel room.  Beside you lies a dead body, and his blood is on your weapon! You realize that the assassins have decided to kill two birds with one stone, by framing you for the murder that they had committed!

The only way to clear your name is to travel to Lord Bottomsmith's castle, find the proof of this murderous conspiracy, and carry it to the local judge, before soldiers can arrest you.  If they find you before you can get the proof to the judge, you'll hang!

Comment: The really unique feature of this adventure is the roving soldiers that are combing the town for your whereabouts.  Like the description says, if they catch you, you die.  They move from room to room and don't jump randomly all over the map.  You can see them coming in time to get out of their sight.  This feature was done well in a nicely realistic manner.

You have a couple of things to accomplish here.  First and foremost is to avoid the guard.  Next, you need to visit much of the town, looking for clues, companions, and supplies.  Last, you have to travel to the castle and find the evidence.  Good use is made of 6.0 features and I found little to complain about.  The castle also has roving guards who move independently of one another.

There's not overmuch combat here, though you do need to dispatch the odd guard or slimy monster.  The only puzzles are the finding of the embedded artifacts that you need, such as a torch.  I give it a difficulty of (5).  The roving soldiers were a really nice touch. ______________________________________________________

#155 - Tomb of the Vampire

Reviewed by Robert Parker

MAIN PGM Version: 6
Extra Commands: None
Deleted Commands: None 
Special Features: Hi-Res picture during intro
Reviewer Rating: 4                      Average Rating: 5.0/2

Description: You have been asked to help a Transylvanian city defeat a vampire located in an abandoned cave in a mountain behind a cemetery.

Comment: This adventure consists of 80 rooms, or so I have read in an Eamon catalog from a PD shop.  I was only able to hit about 65.  This is version 6, which means that hidden passages are located by LOOKing, and I got tired of doing it in EVERY room that I went into, and it eventually made me quit the game.  Yes, I did not complete the adventure (shame on me, eh?). The map I made showed a better-than-average go at making a good map, but some of the monsters in it shouldn't be in abandoned caves; the guards for one. There is a trace of humor in a couple of the monster descriptions, which kept it from being a totally serious game, but not enough to make it a funny game. Also, quite a few of the rooms have incomplete descriptions, lacking which directions can be moved from it.  One of the rooms has no description at all! One just says HALL, etc.  You are warned at the beginning of it that it is not 'The Beginners Cave', and not recommended for beginning characters, and that you are to know all of the spells.  I dunno, I only needed to use POWER twice; maybe the rooms I missed required the other three spells.

I have to give it a 4, but that is only because of the too many hidden rooms and the sparse text in some of the rooms.  Maybe if Dr. Trent were to get version 7.0 and redo it and take care of these problems would it be a better game, but until then I stand by my rating.

(Counterpoint: I personally feel that Rob is coming down a little hard on this adventure, blaming it for the same obsolete methods that 65% of all Eamons in existence use.  It is well-known that you must keep careful track of LOOKs in rooms while playing a version 6 Eamon so that you don't miss any; in my view that's just part of the game, much like the fact that very early Eamons don't permit abbreviations.  We discussed this point, and Rob feels this way about all adventures that lack the sophistication and user friendliness that we have come to expect from modern, top-rated Eamons.  He is not inclined to allow for the standard of the time but feels that old stuff should be upgraded to allow for evolving standards.  So I advised him that I would probably follow his review with my own opinion, and he had no problem with that.

I gave it a 6 rating, and like Rob I might have given it a higher rating if some of the descriptions were better.  If Dr. Trent would like to comment, I would be happy to publish it  - TomZ)

#204 Sanctuary - by Sam Ruby

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 6.2 (heavily modified) with 7.0 database structure and lots of new goodies
Deleted Commands: BLAST, POWER, SPEED, WAVE
Special Features: can READY artifacts in both hands; 2-game SAVE; can RESUME a saved game at any 	time; true distance fighting using a bow with real arrows; comprehensive SOLUTIONS program; 	detailed player instructions can be dumped to printer; 2-disk adventure; uses 7.0 ML search 	routines
Playing Time: 2-10 hours, depending on how much you use the SOLUTIONS program.
Reviewer Rating: 9.0

Description: Your people were nearly wiped out when they were driven from their homeland generations ago. Now, their numbers have grown, and many think that it is time to march and reclaim the homeland.  But the coming battle is anything but certain, for the enemy is very formidable.  A party must first recover the Staff of Retribution, a talisman of enormous power that was hidden by the priests when the final battle 
was fought outside the great temple named "Sanctuary". With this power, victory would be more assured.

So you find yourself leading the party, sneaking into enemy territory in a desperate bid to win entry into Sanctuary and then to try to discover where and how the Staff was hidden.  But when you near the site, your entire band is wiped out in a surprise attack! You are the only survivor...but the Staff must be found!

Comment: Every time I think that Sam has peaked out, he comes up with something new that amazes me.  With this adventure he again breaks new ground.  Starting with the 'encumbrance' system that originally appeared in 'The Boy and the Bard', it has been greatly expanded into what Sam calls 'ACE': Advanced Combat & Encumbrance.  ACE has many new features never seen before in Eamon.  Among them is a combat system that takes distance into account--for example, you might be pinned down by enemy bowmen who you would have no choice but to shoot with arrows. You carry a quiver and must actually nock an arrow for each round (this isn't as inconvenient as it sounds, for there are several different types of magic arrows available).

There is TONS more Good Stuff.  Surprise attacks are possible.  You must brew your own healing potions. More magic than you can shake a stick at.  Lots of sophisticated combat.  Dozens of subtle puzzles.  Sam buries you in clues; which are real and which are bogus?  Most are real, but you will have to work it all out.

Hack'n'Slashers can pass this one by; even the combat requires careful thought: sword or bow?  What kind of arrow?  Is this thing supernatural?  Is it charging? Omigod, what weapons do I have readied?  A mindless approach will not give satisfactory results!  And some of the puzzles are pretty complicated, though I found them all to be reasonable.

It's hard to judge the difficulty.  The SOLUTIONS program gives you a progression of hints that work right up to outright solutions of each puzzle and trap.  If you do it all yourself, it probably rates a (9) or (9.5) difficulty.  If you use the hints, it of course drops considerably.

One hint: if you think that you have run across some typos or mapping screwups, the odds are pretty good that you haven't!  I missed entry into a series of important puzzles because I made this mistake.

I can't decide if this is the best Eamon that Sam has ever done, but it is certainly a contender!
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Terminological Inexactitudes

(We are trying something new this time: a tongue-in-cheek review by Rob of one of his own adventures.  It seemed that it fit this column better than the 'Adventure Reviews' section. <grin> - TomZ)

#188 Encounter: The Bookworm - by Robert Parker

Reviewed by Robert Parker, sort of

MAIN PGM Version: 7
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: Bonanza of humor, inside jokes with Eamon authors/players involved
Reviewer Rating: 25             (Real Rating: 6.5/4)

Description: The Eamon Public Library has been vandalized.  Hokas searches for you and finds you in the usual spot: the bar.  He asks you to follow him, and you do.  He leads you to the library, where you see the damage yourself.  Books have holes 'drilled' through them, and all the pages are blank!  You discover the culprit was the nefarious BOOKWORM.  You get a tip to his hideout, and you're on the way to capture him...

Comment: Robert has been improving his Eamons since hooking up with the likes of Tom Z. and Nathan S. (last names not given to protect the innocent. What?!?!  Those two innocent???  Yeah, RIGHT!)  Ahem. Anyway, ENCOUNTER: THE BOOKWORM is a great game. Indeed, this game should be taken off the public domain market and marketed directly in the private sector.  Robert could be, and should be! getting rich off this one.

The map was very well thought out, as well as the placement of the monsters.  Puzzles?  You want puzzles?  This adventure contains puzzles never done before in an Eamon adventure.  In fact, one other author had a crying fit when he found out that a puzzle he was trying to debug could be done in 3 lines!  One thing that Robert did go overboard on was Effects.  Being the author of the Effects Manual that appeared in the Sep'89 newsletter, Robert demonstrated that Effects are his specialty, and proved himself worthy of the title of FX Master with this one.  This adventure is a start of a VERY humorous series by Robert.  Fellow Eamon authors (many who were friends before this game was released) are 'blasted', so to speak.  Heck, even Robert catches flak!  He and a mysterious man in a San Francisco T-shirt are being chased by a red dragon (SMOG, on loan from the J.R.R. Bustoken collection).  A young man with a Michigan accent is there to greet you at the end as he helps negotiate the placement of a statue declaring Robert Parker Day (and let's face it, he deserves it!) Everyone jumps in the back of a pickup truck with North Carolina license plates and get out of there, only stopping on the way so the driver can climb a tree, his favorite pastime according to some and an attempt to 'get you good' by others.

Rating wise, I give it a 25.  I would have awarded it a much higher score, but it only took third in the EAG contest.  If Robert had known that Nate S. or Pat G. was going to take first and second (respectively), he would have sent the SMOG and THE BOOKWORM to warn them to drop out...

(When I attempted to contact Rob about this, he was out being fitted for a Napoleon hat and a shirt with extra long sleeves and a belt in the back.  Sounds like he is hitting his stride to me, if he can figure out how to type with that funny shirt on.  - TomZ)

Speaking of "other authors", wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall when Nate Segerlind stumbles across the reference to himself in "Sanctuary"? 
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 

Bugs 'n' Fixes

Dungeon Designer Diskette 7.0
Date Fixed: 10/7/90

Problem: A gift of gold less than 100 results in a BAD

 In Line 9540, change   M%(M,11) = 100
	to   M%(M,11) = 101 

#1 ProDOS Eamon Master
Revision Date: 9/19/90

The Adventure launching menu was reworked to use the arrow keys rather than the spacebar, so that forward and reverse scrolling is now possible. _____________________________________________________ 

ProDOS Graphics Main Hall
Revision Date:7/23/90

The Adventure launching menu was reworked to use the arrow keys rather than the spacebar, so that forward and reverse scrolling is now possible.

Problem: BAD SUBSCRIPT ERROR if nore than 10 Eamons in a given folder.
In MAIN.0:
	 Replace this line:
	40 DIM B$(100): IF WN$(1) < > "NONE" THEN N = 1
In MAIN.3:
	 Renumber line 1800 to 1805 and
	change   GOTO 1800   to   GOTO 1805   in this line.
	 Add this line:
	1800 FOR A = 1 TO 100: B$(A) = "": NEXT: PRINT

NOTE: There is a fix floating around for this bug that adds the line 1007 DIM B$(100) to MAIN.3. This 'fix' can cause a REDIM'D ARRAY crash under certain conditions.

NOTE: There is very little free memory with this Main Hall.  If too many subdirectories are in a single folder, it may crash with an OUT OF MEMORY error.  I recommend that you put no more than 50 Eamons in a single folder to avoid this problem. _____________________________________________________ 

#37 Quest for the Holy Grail
Date Fixed: 10/7/90

Problem: BAD SUBSCRIPT IN 7540
Fix: In Line 7540, change   MD(OF,9) = -1
			to   MD%(OF,9) = -1 _____________________________________________________ 

#38 City in the Clouds
Date Fixed: 10/24/90

The Speedup Mods and the SAVE command were added, and the "S6,D1' references were deleted. _____________________________________________________ 

#74 DharmaQuest (ProDOS ONLY)
Date Fixed: 10/15/90
Problem: Wizard's name is blank.
Fix: Move (renumber) Line 15 to 1020. 

#133 The Final Frontier
Date Fixed: 7/29/90

Problem: program crashes in medical section.
Fix: In Line 12019, change   MD%(0,13)
		to   MD%(I,13)   in 2 places. _____________________________________________________

#148 Journey to Jotunheim
Date Fixed: 10/7/90

Problem: UNDEFINED STMT IN 30786
In Line 30786, change   30090   to   30786

Problem: Inverse screen with some 80-col. Setups
Fix: (DOS 3.3: MAIN PGM;  ProDOS:  MAIN.PGM)
 In Line 59, delete the INVERSE: and NORMAL: statements from the line.

Problem: Text data loaded twice. (ProDOS only)
 Delete Line 30794. 

#155 Tomb of the Vampire
Date Fixed: 10/7/90   (DOS 3.3 only)

Problem: The 'fix' listed in the Sept'89 issue was in error. I have no idea how I screwed this up; I apologize to you all and especially to the authors. The 'fix' as listed in the Sept. issue generates a playable adventure with about half the database missing.  The player never encounters the Vampire or a lot of other stuff.

Fix: Run this program (do not add it to the disk):
10 D$ = CHR$(4)
40 PRINT "80": PRINT "74": PRINT "1": PRINT "40"

#170 Ragnarok Revisited  (ProDOS only)
Date Fixed: 9/15/90

Problem: Character attributes not returned to Main Hall correctly.
Fix: In MAIN.PGM Line 2550:
	change   MD%(0,1)   to   M%(0,1)
	change   MD%(0,2)   to   M%(0,2)
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Eamon Adventure List

Ratings are given on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 highest. Format is R/N, where R = the adventure's overall rating; N = the number of people who have rated it.

Note key:
		a: version 4 or older	h: contemporary setting
		b: version 5	i: 40/80 column capability
		c: version 6	j: 80-column only
		d: version 7	k: 40 & 80 col. versions
		e: (not used)	l: 2-disk adventure
		f: contains a quest	m: 3-disk adventure
		g: science-fiction	n: 4-disk adventure

1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave  	D. Brown	4.0/5 a
2. The Lair of the Minotaur	D. Brown	4.3/4 a
3. The Cave of the Mind	  Jacobson/Varnum	2.6/4 a
4. The Zyphur Riverventure	J. Jacobson	5.6/5 a,f
5. Castle of Doom		D. Brown	4.5/5 a
6. The Death Star		D. Brown	3.6/5 a,f,g
7. The Devil's Tomb		J. Jacobson	4.8/5 a
8. The Abductor's Quarters	J. Jacobson	5.0/2 a,f
9. Assault on the Clonemaster  	D. Brown	4.0/2 a,f
10. The Magic Kingdom		D. Cook	3.0/1 a
11. The Tomb of Molinar		D. Brown	3.0/3 a,f
12. The Quest for Trezore	J. Jacobson	6.5/2 a,f
13. Caves of Treasure Island	Genz & Braun	2.5/2 a,f
14. Furioso			W. Davis	4.0/1 a
15. Heroes Castle		J. Nelson	5.0/1 a
16. The Caves of Mondamen	J. Nelson	7.7/3 a,f
17. Merlin's Castle		R. Hersom	4.8/2 a
18. Hogarth Castle		K. Nestle	4.0/1 a,f
19. Death Trap			J. Nelson	7.5/2 b
20. The Black Death		J. Nelson	7.0/1 a,f,h
21. The Quest for Marron	J. Nelson	7.5/2 b,f
22. The Senator's Chambers	J. Plamondon	5.2/3 b,f
23. The Temple of Ngurct	J&R Plamondon	7.0/2 b,f
24. Black Mountain		J. Nelson	7.5/2 b,f,h
25. Nuclear Nightmare		J. Nelson	6.5/2 b,f,h
26. Assault on the Mole Man	J. Nelson	6.5/2 b
27. Revenge of the Mole Man	J. Nelson	7.0/2 b
28. The Tower of London		F.& S. Smith	6.0/1 a,h
29. The Lost Island of Apple	D. Brown	2.0/1 a
30. The Underground City	S. Adelson	2.0/1 a,g,h
31. The Gauntlet		J. Nelson	5.0/1 b
32. House of Ill Repute		Anonymous	1.7/3 a,h
33. The Orb of Polaris		J. Nelson	7.5/2 b,f
34. Death's Gateway		R. Linden	6.5/2 a,h
35. The Lair of Mutants		E. Hodson	6.7/3 a,f,g
36. The Citadel of Blood	E. Hodson	6.3/3 a,h
37. Quest for the Holy Grail	E. Hodson	7.0/2 a,f
38. City in the Clouds		E. Hodson	6.5/2 a,f,g
39. Museum of Unnatural History R.Volberding	6.0/3 b,f
40. Daemon's Playground		R.Volberding	4.7/3 b
41. Caverns of Lanst		R.Volberding	6.0/1 b
42. Alternate Beginners Cave	R.Volberding	4.7/3 b
43. Priests of Xim!		M & E Bauman	5.0/2 b
44. Escape from the Orc Lair	J. Hinkleman	3.8/4 b
45. SwordQuest			R. Pender	7.5/2 b,f
46. Lifequest			D. Crawford	2.0/1 b,f
47. FutureQuest			R. Pender	7.3/3 b,f,g
48. Picnic in Paradise		J. Nelson	6.0/2 c
49. The Castle Kophinos		D. Doumakes	7.0/1 b,f
50. Behind the Sealed Door	T. Berge	4.0/2 a
51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff	T. Berge	7.0/1 b
52. The Devil's Dungeon		J. Merrill	5.5/2 a,h
53. Feast of Carroll		D&J Lilienkamp	5.0/2 a
54. Crystal Mountain		K. Hoffman	5.0/1 b
55. The Master's Dungeon	J. Allen	6.1/3 a
56. The Lost Adventure		J. Allen	6.0/1 a,h
57. The Manxome Foe		R. Olszewski	4.0/1 b
58. The Land of Death		T. Berge	6.0/1 a
59. Jungles of Vietnam		J. Allen	2.1/4 a,h
60. The Sewers of Chicago	J. Allen	3.3/4 a,h
61. The Harpy Cloud		A. Forter	4.0/2 b
62. The Caverns of Doom		M. Mullin	3.0/1 b,h
63. Valkenburg Castle		J. Weener	2.0/1 a,f
64. Modern Problems   Anderson/Barban/Thompson	6.5/1 a,f,h
65. The School of Death		K. Townsend	5.0/1 b,f,h
66. Dungeons of Xenon		S. Bhayani	5.0/1 a,f
67. Chaosium Caves		S. Bhayani	3.0/1 a,f
68. The Smith's Stronghold	A. Porter	6.0/1 b,f
69. The Black Castle of NaGog	D. Burrows	7.0/1 b,f
70. The Tomb of Y'Golonac	R. Romanchuk	4.0/1 a,f
71. Operation Crab Key		J. Vercellone	1.0/1 a,h
72. House on Eamon Ridge	T. Berge	3.0/1 b
73. The Deep Canyon		K. Blincoe	6.0/1 a
74. DharmaQuest			R. Pender	7.9/4 b,f
75. Temple of the Guild		D. Doumakes	7.0/1 b
76. The Search for Yourself	D. Doumakes	8.0/1 b,f
77. Temple of the Trolls	J. Nelson	8.0/2 c,f
78. The Prince's Tavern		R. Davis1	9.0/3 b,f
79. The Castle of Count Fuey	D. Brown	5.7/4 a,f
80. The Search for the Key(80a) D. Brown	2.5/2 a,f
81. The Rescue Mission    (80b) D. Brown	7.0/1 a
82. Escape from Mansi Island	S. Starkey	5.0/1 b,f
83. The Twin Castles		J. Tankard	5.5/2 c,f
84. Castle of Riveneta		R. Karsten	5.0/1 b,h
85. The Time Portal		E. Kuypers	5.0/1 a,g
86. Castle Mantru		S. Constanzo	6.0/1 c,f
87. Caves of Hollow Mountain	J. Nelson	6.0/2 c
88. The Shopping Mall		A. Porter	1.0/3 b,h
89. Super Fortress of Lin Wang  S. Bhayani	4.2/3 c,f
90. The Doomsday Clock		J. Tankard	6.0/1 c,f,h
91. FutureQuest II		R. Pender	8.0/4 b,f,g
92. The Fugitive		D. Doumakes	7.0/1 c,f
93. Flying Circus		R. Krebs	7.0/1 b
94. Blood Feud			R. Krebs	5.0/1 b,f
95. The Maze of Quasequeton	B. Kondalski	3.0/3 a,f
96. The Chamber of the Dragons  B. Kondalski	2.0/2 a
97. The House of Secrets	G. Gunn		6.0/1 a
98. Slave Pits of Kzorland	R. Hersam	3.0/1 a
99. In the Clutches of Torrik	J. Nelson	6.0/2 c,f
100. Sorceror's Spire		J. Nelson	7.9/4 c
101. Ground Zero		Sam		1.0/2 a,g
102. The Eamon Railroad		Sam		2.3/4 a,h
103. Top Secret			Sam		1.0/1 a
104. The Lost World		Sam		1.0/1 a,g
105. The Strange Resort		Sam		1.0/1 a,h
106. Camp Eamon			R. Slemon	7.0/2 b,f,h
107. The Last Dragon		R. Pender	7.5/2 c,f
108. The Mines of Moria		S. Ruby		8.3/3 c,f
109. The Forest of Fear		S. Ruby		6.5/2 c,f
110. Fire Island		G. Gioia	5.0/1 c,f
111. A Vacation in Europe	D. Smith	4.5/2 c,h
112. Hills of History		D. Smith	6.0/2 c
113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek	R. Volberding	7.0/1 c,f
114. Thror's Ring		T. Zuchowski	9.0/4 c,f,i
115. The Ring of Doom		S. Ruby		5.0/1 c,f
116. The Iron Prison		S. Ruby		5.5/2 c,f
117. Dungeon of Doom		D. Knezek	8.0/3 a,f,k
118. Pittfall			S. Starkey	8.0/1 c,f
119. Grunewalde			P. Hurst	6.5/2 b,f,l
120. Orb of My Life		J. Nelson	9.0/1 c,f
121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil	R. Davis1	8.3/2 c,f
122. The Valley of Death	S. Ruby	4.0/1 c
123. Wizard of the Spheres	M. Elkin	5.0/1 c,f
124. Assault on Dolni Keep	T. Zuchowski	9.3/4 c,f,i
125. The Mattimoe Palace	J. Actor	3.0/1 b,f,h
126. The Pyramid of Anharos	P. Hurst	6.5/2 c,f
127. The Hunt for the Ring	S. Ruby		7.0/1 c,f
128. Quest of Erebor		S. Ruby		7.0/1 c,f
129. Return to Moria		S. Ruby		8.5/3 c,f,l
130. Haradwaith			S. Ruby		7.0/1 c,f
131. Nucleus of the Ruby	K. Somers	6.0/1 c,f,j
132. Rhadshur Warrior		R. Pender	7.9/4 c,f,h
133. The Final Frontier		R. Slemon	5.0/1 c,f,g
134. Pyramid of the Ancients	J.& R. Pirone	4.0/1 c
135. The Tomb of Evron		M. Greifenkamp	2.0/1 b
136. The Mountain Fortress	M. Greifenkamp	3.0/1 b,f
137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle	M. Greifenkamp	6.0/1 b
138. Starfire			E. Phillips	6.0/1 c,f
139. Peg's Place		M&A Anderson	7.5/2 c,f,h
140. Beginner's Forest		M. Anderson	5.0/1 b
141. The Infested Fortress	M&P Hamaoka	3.0/2 c
142. The Beermeister's Brewery	J. Actor	6.5/2 b,f,h
143. The Alternate Zone		J. Actor	6.0/1 b,f
144. Gartin Manor		G. Gioia	5.0/1 c,f,h
145. Buccaneer!			P. Hurst	8.3/3 c,f,l
146. The House of Horrors	D. Cross	6.0/1 c,f,h
147. The Dark Brotherhood	P. Hurst	8.7/3 c,f,l
148. Journey to Jotunheim	T. Zuchowski	8.3/4 c,f,i
149. Elemental Apocalypse	S. Ruby	7.8/4 c,f,n
150. Walled City of Darkness	T. Zuchowski	8.7/2 c,f,i
151. Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid)D. Crawford	3.5/2 c,f,g
152. The Computer Club of Fear	N. Segerlind	5.5/2 c,f,h
153. Lost!			N. Segerlind	5.0/1 c
154. A Trip to Fort Scott	W. Trent	7.0/1 c
155. Tomb of the Vampire	Trent/Grayson	5.0/2 c,f
156. The Lake			N. Segerlind	4.0/1 c
157. Pathetic Hideout of Mr. R. N. Segerlind	5.0/1 c,f,h
158. The Lair of Mr. Ed		N. Segerlind	7.0/1 c,f,h
159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum	N. Segerlind	6.5/2 c,f,h
160. Monty Python & Holy Grail	N. Segerlind	7.0/1 c,f
161. Operation Endgame		S. Ruby		9.1/4 c,f,h,m
162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure	T. Zuchowski   (N/A) d,i
163. The Sands of Mars		T. Swartz	5.7/3 a,f,g
164. A Real Cliffhanger		T. Swartz	6.0/1 a,h
165. Animal Farm		S. Ruby		6.8/2 c,f,h,l
166. Storm Breaker		S. Ruby		8.5/2 c,f,m
167. Expedition to the DarkwoodsG. Gioia	3.5/2 c,f
168. The High School of Horrors M.Haney/A.Hunt	4.5/2 a,h
169. The Black Phoenix		R. Pender	7.8/3 c,f,g
170. Ragnarok Revisited		N. Segerlind	7.8/3 c,f,i
171. The Pyramid of Cheops	R. Parker	5.0/1 b
172. The Mountain of the Master M. Dalton	5.0/1 a,f
173. The House that Jack Built	R. Parker	2.0/2 b,h
174. Escape from Granite Hall	R. Parker	3.5/2 b
175. Anatomy of the Body	R. Parker	3.0/1 b,g
176. Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze	R. Parker	3.0/1 b,h
177. Shippe of Fooles		R. Parker	3.0/1 b
178. The Alien Intruder		R. Parker	4.0/1 b,g
179. The Wizard's Tower		R. Parker	4.4/2 b
180. Gamma 1			R. Parker	3.5/2 b,g
181. The Eamon Sewer System	R. Parker	1.0/1 b
182. Farmer Brown's Woods	R. Parker	1.0/1 b,h
183. The Boy and the Bard	S. Ruby		7.8/3 c,f
184. Quest For Orion		P. Gise		5.4/5 d,f,i
185. The Body Revisited		R. Parker	5.0/3 d,f,i
186. Beginner's Cave II		J. Nelson	2.0/2 c
187. Batman!!			A. Geha		2.0/1 b
188. Encounter: The Bookworm	R. Parker	6.5/4 d,f,i
189. The Ruins of Belfast	D. Sparks	3.0/1 a,h
190. Shift Change at Grimmwax	D&A Sparks	4.5/2 a,f,h
191. Enhanced Beginners Cave	Brown/Nelson	5.0/1 c
192. Mean Streets		T. Tetirick	4.0/1 c,h
193. The Creature of Rhyl	R. Parker	7.0/1 d,f,i
194. Attack of the Kretons	N. Segerlind	9.0/2 d,f,i
195. The Training Ground	C. Hewgley	5.0/1 c
196. The Cat House		Anonymous	1.0/1 b,h
197. Star Wars-Tempest One	S. Averill	2.0/1 c,g
198. Revenge of the Bookworm	R. Parker	6.5/1 d,f,i
199. Quest of the Crystal Wand	R. Davis2	5.0/1 c,f
200. The Lost Isle		R. Davis2	4.0/1 c
201. The Caverns of Vanavara	C. Hewgley	5.0/1 c,f
202. The Plain of Srevi		K. Ivers	4.5/1 c
203. Lotto's Masterpiece	H. Haskell	5.5/2 d,f
204. Sanctuary			S. Ruby		9.0/1 d,f,l

Dungeon Designer Diskette    Version 7.0         
DDD 7.0 Multi-Disk Supplement
Dungeon Designer Diskette    Version 6.2
Eamon Utilities Diskette
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