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Nomed the Demon of the Mausoleum presents
the documentation of King's Quest III

King's Quest III : To Heir Is Human

A long,long time ago, when magic was the only science known to man,
there dwelt in the land of Llewdor a wizard named Manannan. He was very
learned in all matters of the heavens and earth.

Of great age, Manannan presented a frail appearance, as though his skin
were made of bleached and weathered parchement. Manannan's impression
of fragility lasted only until one looked into his coal-black eyes,
which burned with a strange fire. This was, indeed, a powerful wizard.

Although he was powerful, and capable of conjuring up vast armies of
spirit servants to sweep his hearth, prepare his with which he would
not soil his hands, this solution to his everyday needs was not
satisfactory to him. For he liked his solitude, and didn' want a lot of
spirits (who besides all else, are quite inquisitive and mishievous)
cluttering up his house. Instead, he impressed a very young boy to do
his bidding, taking the lad when he was only a year old, so he would
have no memories to tug at him in the years to come.

Unfortunately for Manannan, boys grow up and become adventuresome young
men. As his slave grew in stature and in strength, Manannan was
irritated to find him poking around in areas of the house where he
didn't belong. Or he would climb down the narrow path leading to
Manannan's mountaintop retrat to explore the surrounding countryside.
Even punishment did not stop him for long.

One day, when his slave was 18 years of age, the wizard found him
practicing magic spells. This was the last straw!

"YOU!" Manannan screamed. "You have read my books of spells and
plundered my supplies of powders and potions. You have even ventured
into Llewdor again, against my expressed command, for nowhere else
could you have gathered some of these ingredients!"

"You think you will win your freedom with these tricks ?" the wizard
sneered. "You shall see your mistake ! You have earned only your own
demise!" And with that, Manannan raised his hands menacingly.

Suddenly the earth began to shake. And his slave was no more. Only a
small pile of ashes remained where he had stood.

"Nest time, I won't make the same mistake," Manannan snarled. "I'll
never let any of my slaves reach manhood. I'll have no more accidents."

And so the years passed. Manannan went out and found another small boy
to be his slave. He stole him from a country some distance from
Llewdor, to direct suspicion away from himself. Manannan was more
careful with this child, and watched him closely. The wizard punished
the boy severely when he caught him away from the house. ANd he made
sure the boy didn't get his hands on even any ordinary items that might
be transformed into magic charms or potions. On the whole, Manannan
didn't have much trouble with him, but still, on the lad's 18th
birthday, the wizard zapped him out of existence.

"It's a nuisance, having to train a slave all over again," he mumbled
complainingly. "But it's better than having trouble like the last

And so he went on, every 17 years kidnapping a small boy from his
loving parents, then slaying him on the 18th anniversary of his birth.
(Occasionally the cycle was shortened slightly, when he unfortunately
chose a precocious child that learned too much before his 18th year.)

And time went on...

Tips for the beginning Adventure

If you haven't played one of Sierra's 3-D animated adventure games
before, here are a few suggestions to help you get started.

LOOK everywhere. When you go somewhere you haven't been bafore, the
first thing to do is look around. You should get a description of the
general area. Often there is a clue to the game or an indication that
something in the scene bears further investigation.

EXPLORE each area of the game very carefully. Search the wizard's
domain, both inside and out -- even (or perhaps especially) those
places he doesn't want you poking around in. Venture out to mix and
mingle with the inhabitants of the surrounding countryside of Llewdor.

DRAW A MAP that includes each place you visit, objects found, dangerous
areas, any and every landmark you see along the way. Try not to miss
any area, or you may miss an important clue or item necessary to the
completion of your quest. And don't think that because you've been
somewhere once, it will be the same the next time. The population of
Llewdor (and other countries you might visit) can move around as well
as you (some better). In addition to constructing your own map, you may
also find a certain magic map hidden in the wizard's hause. It's up to
you to unlock its special powers.

Kepp your ears open -- TALK to just about averyone you meet, but use
discretion! Some characters will be friendly and helpful. They will
give you valuable information and advice. Others will try to trick you,
so be ready to run and hide. If that doesn't work, you may have to find
some other way of outwitting them.

PICK UP anything that isn't nailed down. You'll come across many
objects that have a use somewhere else in the game. Your inventory is
listed on the "status" screen (accessed with the TAB key).

USE the items you pick up to solve large and small problems in the
game. Some problems have obvious solutions. If you need to dig a hole,
use a shovel. Other problems require more imagination to solve.

BE CAREFUL. The way you must travel is long and dangerous. Be sure to
remain alert at all times -- disaster may strike in the most unlikely
of places.

SAVE YOUR GAME often. That way, if misfortune should strike along the
way, you won't have to start over from the beginning (see your
reference card for instructions on saving your game).

DON'T GET DISCOURAGED. If you come to an obstavle that seems
insurmountable, don't despair. Explore the game some more, then come
back later and try again. If you're stuck, you might try backtracking
to an earlier point in the game -- you might have forgotten to do
something vital. Or you can buy a King's Quest III hint book using the
enclosed order form.

Be brave, be resourceful, be true.

The following pages contain the only legible excerpts from "The Sorcery
of Old" (Manannan's book of magic). All other spells in the volume are
so faded that they are indeciperable to mortal eyes.

To perform any of these spells, open "The Sorcery of Old" to the
appropriate page and follow the directions precisely. Any deviation
from the correct procedure, including the EXACT recitation of the
empowering verse, can cause fatal (il sometimes humorous) results.

Note : parentheses indicate descriptive text, not instructions you need
to type into the computer.

Understanding the Language of Creatures


One small feathes from a bird
One tuft of fur from any animal
One died reptile skin
One rounded spoonful of porodesed fish bowl
One thimbleful of dew
One magic warid


I. Put the small feathes in a bowl
II. Put the fur in the bowl
III. Put the reptile skin in the bowl
IV. Add a spoonful of powdered fish bowl
V. Put a thimbleful of dew in the bowl
VI. Mix with hands (mixture will now be doughy)
VII. Separate mixture into two pieces
VIII. Put dough pieces into your ears
IX. (Recite this verse)
    Feather of fowl and bowl of fish,
    Molded together in this dish,
    Give me wisdom to understand
    Creatures of air, sea and land
X. Wave the magic wand

You will now be able to understand the speech of animals, birds and
fish. You will not, however, be able to speack to them. The spell will
last as long as the dough is in your ears.

Flying Like An Eagle Or a Fly


One fail feather from any eagle (to become an eagle)
One pair of fly wings (to become a fly)
One pinch of saffron
Rose petal essence
One magic wand


I. Put a pinch of saffron in essence
II. (Recite this verse)
    Oh winged spirits, set me free
    Of earthly bindings, just like thee
    In the essence, behole the might
    To graut the precious gift of flight
III. Wave the magic wand

You now have a potion which allow you to cats the transformation spell.
To cast the spell any time later : Dip the eagle feather in the essence
(if you want to become an eagle).
Dip the fly wings in the essence (if you want to become a fly).

You will turn into a eagle or a fly. If you do not transform back into
yourself, the spell will wear off after some time has passed. You can
use this spell until your rose petal/saffron potion is gone.

To return to your own form before the spell wears off, recite this verse :
   Eagle begone!
   Myself, return!
   Fly, begone!
   Myself, return!

Teleportation At Random


One spoonful of salt grains
One sporg of dried wistletol
One smooth rounded stone of unusual color
One magic wand


I. Grind a spoon of salt in a montar (with a pestle)
II. Grind the mistletol in montar
III. Rub the stone in the mixture
IV. Kiss the stone
V. (Recite this verse)
   With this kiss, I thee impart,
   Power most dear to my heart
   Take me now from this place hither,
   To another place far thither
VI. Wave the magic wand

You now own a charm which will allow you to cast the random
teleportation spell. To cast ths spell, rub the stone. It will
instantly wisk you awy from where you are. Remain alert, however --
even though you can use the spell to run away from danger, nothing
quarantees that you will not arrive in a more precarious situation than
the one you left. The power of the charm remains for as long as you
retain the stone.

Causing A Deep Sleep


Three dried acoms
One cup mightshade juice
One magic wand
One emphy ponch


I. Grind the acoms in a mortar (with a pestle)
II. Put the acom pouder in a bowl
III. Put the mightshade juice in the bowl
IV. Stir the mixture with a spoon
V. hight a charcoal brazier
VI. Heat the mixture on the brazier (boil the mixture until the
    mightshade juice is almost gone then remove from heat)
VII. Spread the mixture on a table (wait until dry)
VIII. (Recite this verse)
   Acom powder ground so fine
   Nightshade juice like bitter wine
   Silently in darkness you creep
   To bring a soponific sleep
IX. Wave the magic wand
X. Put the sleep powder in the pouch (for safekeeping)

You have now mixed a powder for casting a sleep spell over whoever is
nearby. To cast the spell, pour the sleep powder on the ground (or
floor) in a dank, dark place. Then recite :
Slumber, henceforth!

Transforming another into a cat


One-half cup mandrake root powder
One small ball of cat hair
Two spoonfuls of fish oil
One magic wand


I. Put mandrake root powder in a dowe
II. Put the cat hair in the bowl
III. Put two spoons of fish oil in bowl
IV. Stir the mixture with a spoon (dough will be oily)
V. Put the dough on the table
VI. Pat the dough into a cookie (let harden on table)
VII. (Recite this verse)
   Mandrake root and hair of cat
   Mix oil of fish and give a pat
   A feline from the one who eats
   This appetizing magic treat
VIII. Wave the magic wand

You have just created a cookie that, when eaten, will turn the victim
into a cat. Forever !

Brewing a Storm


One cup of ocean water
One spoonful of mud
one pinch of toadstool powder
One magic wand
One empty jar


I. Put a cup of ocean water in bowl
II. Dight a chanal bratier
III. Heat the bowl on the brazier (heat slowly, but not to boiling, then
   remove from eat)
IV. Put a spoon of mud in the bowl
V. Add a pinch of toadstool powder
VI. Blow into the hot bren
VII. (Recite this verse)
   Elements from the earth and sea,
   Combine to set the neavens free.
   When I stir this magic brew,
   Great god Thor, I call on you.
VIII. Wave the magic wand
IX. Pour the storm brew into the jar (to stove)

You have mixed a potion that you can brew a storm. To active the spell,
stir the storm brew with your finger and recite :
   Brew of storms,
   Churn it up!
Outdoors, a rainstorm complete with thunder and lightning will occur. It
will last for some time, but will eventually rain itself out. If you
wish it to subside earlier, recite :
   Brew of storms,
   Clear it up!

Becoming invisible


One jar of lard
One cactus
One spoonful of cactus juice
Two drops of foad spittle
One magic wand


I. Cut the cactus with a knife
II. Squeeze the cactus juice on spoon
III. Put the cactus juice in a bowl
IV. Put the lard in the bowl
V. Add two drops of toad spittle
VI. Stir the mixture with a spoon
VII. (Recite this verse)
   Cactus plant and hny toad
   I now start down a dangerous road
   Combine with fire and mist to make
   Me disappear without a trace
VIII. Wave magic wand
IX. Put ointment in the empty lard jar

You now have a magic ointment that will allow you to turn invisible
(but beware, the ointment only works in a place where there is both
fire and mist). To cast the invisible spell, rub the ointment on your
body. You will be invisible for a short while. You have enough for one

(C) Nomed the Demon of the Mausoleum, 1989 in Belgium (Europe)