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FXGSv6.4e.sdk and FXGSFNT.DD1.SDK - INFO. DOX and Manual FONTRIX IIgs - v6.4e and (v6.5e DOX-pending release with updates) Program Status: FREEWARE Copyright (c) 1997 by SSS/OWSW/OSRL (All Rights Reserved) Distribution: World - no restrictions Furnished as a ShrinkIt GS v1.1 archive (FXGSv6.4e.sdk) Updated and released 12/7/97 As the name says, this program is only for use with the Apple IIgs Any ROM version will work and it only reqires 256K :) About Fontrix IIgs. The FIRST thing to do after you unshrink the archive is to rename the disk: FONTRIX.IIGS. I assure you, it's essential you rename the disk with that name. More on why later. The disk contents follow. Disk Contents GS/OS - Fonts AQUINAS BAYVIEW.6 BRADBURY DICKINSON HAWTHORNE JULIET MICRO MILTON.10 ProDOS PSY.FONT QUICKSILVER.10 QUINT.5 RIMBAUD SWIFT TENNYSON ------------------ Program files FONTRIX.GS.DOX FXGS.SYSTEM ProDOS ------------------ Fontrix - Fonts (with some Apple /// font format inclusions) FONT1/ FONT.ALTERNATE2 FONT.APSHAI FONT.ASCII FONT.BLIPPO.BLA FONT.BOLD6 FONT.BYTE FONT.COLOSSAL FONT.COMIC FONT.COUNT FONT.ESPERANTO FONT.FLOBYGS FONT.FLOW FONT.FXGS FONT.GAUNTLET FONT.HACKER2 FONT.LEGACY FONT.NEVERENDIN FONT.OUTLINE FONT.PINOCCHIO FONT.SHADOW FONT2/ SET.ASCII SET.BIZAROID SET.BOLD5 SET.BOOK SET.CAESAR SET.CELTIC SET.CHAPTER SET.DELTA SET.DIFFUSION SET.ECHO SET.HENDRIX SET.HUXLEY.VERT SET.JONATHAN SET.KUDZU SET.LATITUDE SET.PAPER.MOON SET.PRESTIGE.LI SET.RAZOR SET.ROMAN.HEADL SET.SCRIPT SET.SMALL FONT3/ SET.BAREFOOT SET.BBYTEETH SET.BIG.PIG.THE SET.BREEZE SET.BRODERBUND SET.DOLLAR SET.DOLORES SET.DOUBLE.DEFT SET.DREAMS SET.EMERALD SET.GAMES.SV SET.GREEK SET.GUMBY.MG SET.HALFLINE SET.HEINLEIN SET.HYBORIA.SHI SET.ITALICS SET.KARATEKA SET.LCD SET.MILTON FONT4/ SET.3D SET.AVANT.GARDE SET.BARNUM SET.BLACKLET SET.BROADWAY SET.CHANCERY SET.CHAUCER SET.COMPUTER SET.FASHION SET.FUTURA SET.GASTON SET.HELVET15 SET.HESS SET.MARQUEE SET.PIONEER SET.SHADED SET.SKYLINE SET.STENCIL SET.STYLE SET.THINLINE FONT5/ SET.BENGOTH SET.CDOUBLE SET.CHROME SET.ELF SET.GRAFFITI SET.LEROY SET.LIMITED SET.ONYX SET.PARISIAN SET.PATRIOT SET.PEIGNOT SET.PHASEOUT SET.PRESS15 SET.PUNK SET.SNOW SET.SOUVENIR SET.SUNRISE SET.TAVERN SET.TIMES15 SET.TINKER SET.TRIPLETS FONT6/ SET.ANGELICO SET.ART.SCRIPT SET.BENGUIAT SET.BRIGHTON SET.BRITISH SET.BULLS SET.CASLON SET.CASLON.B SET.CLEARFAC SET.DARKLORD SET.FIDELIO SET.KELLS SET.LARGE.PCS SET.MARISELA SET.MICROGRM SET.MISTRAL SET.OFF.SSS SET.OPTIMA SET.PARK.AVENUE SET.PERPETUA ------------------- SHR Graphics WINDOW.640MODE PSY.FONT ------------------- Program/disk - Instructions When you boot this disk, it will display nothing (a blank SHR screen) - then launch the FXGS system file. At this point, press the spacebar or Apple key. That will put you into the special P8 graphics user interface of the main Fontrix IIgs program. A note to the user - any SHR picture you have on screen from any system or program - can be saved using Fontrix GS. When you have any SHR mode graphic on screen via ProDOS 8, P16, GS/OS or Pascal or any other OS for the IIgs - all you need to do is put the Fontrix GS disk in your 3.5 drive (boot drive that is :) then reboot. You'll see the graphic that was on screen when you rebooted, (at this point press either the Apple key or the space bar), walla you are in the Fontrix GS main program, then you can save it, as an SHR graphic, use it, modify it, enhance it, if you wish, for what ever you care to use it for. If the (older versions 6.1 thru 6.3 of the FXGS (using FreeOS) original disk boot code has been removed, then you will (most likely) see nothing but, a blank (BLACK) screen. If you see this, press Control-C, then press the spacebar. That will put you into the special graphics user interface of the main Fontrix IIgs program. The Fontrix IIgs program is a system file named FXGS.SYSTEM, that you can launch, when you quit Fontrix IIgs, via the disk launcher. You can also launch any other program, P8 system file or GS/OS application, via launch of P8 and BASIC.SYSTEM, from your GS/OS disk, hard drive or any other on-line device/volume. Fontrix IIgs, is a disk based FREE TOOLS program. It is not hard-drive compatible, nor can it be launched from GS/OS. The program is designed to be used with this disk only. Any other system disk, with other disk caches and with another volume name, may cause problems with its operation. You have been warned. Because Fontrix IIgs is a FREE TOOLS (NO-TOOLS) program, the special P8 graphics user interface (GUI), will not allow the use of the ECHO II card for (GUI) talking text. Thus, If you are a visually impaired IIgs user, this program will not be useful to your needs. We are working on an update (FXGS v6.5e) that will be compatible with the ECHO II card and GS/OS, also for support of many other font formats - like the; PrintShop, The New PrintShop, PrintShop GS, Publish It and TrueType fonts. This is the same program that was used by; the ACS, FTA, POMS,TOOLBOX, SSS, OWSW and OSRL and many.many other IIgs classic software authors and groups for most graphic-font SHR creations. Thanks to the generosity and goodness of the original author, Olivier Goguel, co-founder with me of: One World Software Wizards (OWSW), it's a FREEWARE for all IIgs users to explore and enjoy the many unique and creative abilities it offers with the combination and composites of SHR graphics and a vast collection of Fontrix fonts and GS/OS fonts. This program can handle multiple palette 8 bit and 16 bit graphics, SHR 320 mode and 640 mode using up to 256 colors, with 4 unique modes for each, using both overlay and underlay special effects. It uses a multitude of fonts from the original Apple II series Fontrix/Printrix font data disks, which total well over sixteen (3.5 - 800k) disks - full. A selection of these fonts are found in the folders FONT1 through FONT6. (see contents list noted above in this file) Fontrix IIgs, can use all of the IIgs system fonts (GS/OS) - file type (FON). Fontrix IIgs also loads and can use all of the older APPLE /// FONTS - file type 07 - (FNT) using the FONT select pull-down menu - A3 option. With Fontrix IIgs, you can create a vast varity of impressive graphics with words and customized multi-mode text/lettering inputs of your choice, in single, full palette gradient color or custom selected multicolors. You can do all of this conviently, from any P8 launcher, using very little memory requirments. You could use the program to type a letter, flyer, poster or any SHR graphic display with lettering applications using your favorite Fontrix/Printrix, Apple /// or IIgs (GS/OS) System fonts. You can load any standard 16 or 256 color SHR picture (320 or 640 mode), save it or any portion, framed or unframed as window files, then load picture window files and paste them where you want, saving the finished SHR picture file. When you load a window, you must select paste and press the spacebar to place it on the display screen. Fontrix IIgs does not have a print option. So, you will have to save, then load the SHR picture you created and print it via your favorite IIgs paint program. There are so many creative uses for Fontrix IIgs. You could use such programs as; PrintShop GS or PrintShop GS Companion and Font Factory versions 2.0 and up (from Seven Hills Software), to convert your favorite PrintShop GS fonts to IIgs system fonts or Printrix fonts (same as Fontrix fonts), then load and use them in Fontrix IIgs with your favorite SHR pictures and Fontrix IIgs windows that you saved, to create some amazing works of art. The creative options go on and on - limited only by your own imigination. You can use the window maker - (Capture, Save Window, Load Window, Paste) to create, save and import portions of one graphic and/or font composition to another, for some amazing results. You can load a Window file (a 640 mode sample is on the disk), by selecting the Load Window option, then select Paste and press the spacebar. That will paste the window at the exact position it was saved from, on the original screen that it was created on. You can move it with the mouse pointer. You are limited to only two paste functions of the window. Each time it will paste to the same position. You can move it with the mouse pointer, to any area of the screen it is loaded to. But, you can only do this twice. The Window files are always saved as file type: F1. Those of you, who are serious computer artists (WITH A LITTLE PRACTICE - TRIAL AND ERROR), can master the special use functions of Fontrix IIgs to compose some very complex and astounding SHR graphics with Font or lettering applications. You have 3 SHR formats for saving the graphics; PNT (file type C0 - Compressed), PIC (file type C1 - Screen format) & DENY (file type DE - a special compressed SHR graphic format). The .DE files can only be used with Fontrix IIgs. When saving a graphic in the Format DE, you will be asked to select the (WINDOW) with the keyboard. The graphic picture window will be framed with a white thin square line, around the picture on screen. Press the return key to save or position the fine white line and window area you wish to capture and save - then press the return key also. The Fontrix IIgs fonts included with this program, are just a few samples that I selected for you to use. I've got (27) 3.5 - 800k data disks full of many more fonts for the Fontrix IIgs program. All are available upon written request. (email or snail mail). Fontrix IIgs uses BINARY FILES for its fonts and has coding within the program to allow it to access any of these fonts within the (FONT1 - FONT6) folders, included with the program. These fonts and folders can be accessed from the pull-down menu font option of the program and the (FONT1 - FONT6) folders must reside on the Fontrix IIgs program disk. You are limited to these 6 folder names and no more on the Fontrix IIgs program disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW FOR THE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE RENAMED THE PROGRAM DISK AS: FONTRIX.IIGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- About - FXGSFNT.DD1.SDK I've also included in this FONTRIX.IIGS folder a ShrinkIt GS v1.1 archive titled: FXGSFNT.DD1.SDK. This archive can be unshrunk as a data disk for use with the Fontrix IIgs program disk or swapped with it - if you only have one 3.5 disks drive to use. This file should have instructed you on how to use it. If you have any questions, problems or need additional instructions on using it iwth the program disk - please either email, snail mail or give me a voice call. If you wish to use additional font data disk collections, use another data disk (WITH THE SAME VOLUME NAME AS THE PROGRAM DISK) and place the BINARY FILES -(FONTS) in folders that you create named FONT1 - FONT6, for use as an inter-changable font data disk in the same drive. There is a limit, to the number of fonts that Fontrix IIgs can recognize within each of the folders; FONT1 - FONT6. PLEASE NOTE: THE (FONT1 - FONT6) FOLDERS MUST RESIDE IN THE MAIN DIRECTORY, JUST AS THEY ARE ON THIS DISK. IF THEY ARE PLACED IN A SUB-DIRECTORY, THE PROGRAM CAN'T LOCATE THEM AND YOU WILL SEE AN ERROR MESSAGE. THE FONTS WITHIN THE FOLDERS MUST HAVE THE PREFIX OF EITHER; (FONT.) OR (SET.) TO ALLOW FONTRIX IIGS TO RECOGNIZE AND LOAD THEM PROPERLY) The IIgs (GS/OS) SYSTEM fonts can be on any disk or device,( i.e., RAM, HARD-DRIVE, SYSTEM DISK, TAPE OR FLOPTICAL DRIVE), within any folder or sub-directory. You can load them from any disk, RAM, tape drive or other data-storage device, folder or sub-directory. IF YOU WANT MORE FONTRIX FONTS TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE FONT1 - FONT6 FOLDERS, OR OR GS/OS FONTS - TO USE FROM ANY DRIVE AND/OR DATA STORAGE DEVICE THAT THE IIGS CAN USE, TO DESIGN YOUR OWN INTER-CHANGEABLE FONTRIX IIGS FONT DATA DISKS, AS OUTLINED ABOVE OR IIGS SYSTEM FONTS TO USE WITH IT, PLEASE SEND ME A 3.5" 800K FORMATED DISK, WITH A SELF-ADDRESSED (STAMPED) RETURN POSTAGE ENVELOPE AND I'LL SEND YOU AN EXTENSIVE AND VERY NICE COLLECTION, FOR YOU TO USE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- AGAIN - ABOUT USING THE PROGRAM TO SAVE YOUR SHR SCREENS Here's a special note of interest for all of you, that have always wished you could capture an SHR graphic from other exotic programs, (INCLUDING ANIMATIONS) that were not available in file format*. Screen capture utilities are great. But, they do not always work. Fontrix IIgs comes to the rescue. It can serve as a 'PICTURE RIPPER' also.