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DATE: 2021-11-26
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee
I have built a web app[1] to make it easier to quickly filter plots in the SEOSAW network[2] based on plot metadata and attributes of the plot. I built the app using Shiny[3], which offers a neat solution for creating simple HTML5 web apps in R.
1: https://johngodlee.shinyapps.io/shiny_data_explorer/
I've pasted the code for the app below. The app is actually fairly simple. It has a sidebar with a bunch of sliders and dropdown checkbox options to filter a dataframe of plot metadata. The main panel has a map displaying the plot locations, with the points optionally shaded according to one of the fields of plot metadata. The map is built using leaflet[4], and pulls background tiles from mapbox[5]. Below the map is a table showing the selected plots with their metadata values.
4: https://rstudio.github.io/leaflet/
# Packages library(shiny) library(dplyr) library(sf) library(leaflet) library(shinyWidgets) library(DT) library(scico) # Import data plots_clean_sf <- readRDS("plots_clean_sf.rds") species <- readRDS("species.rds") # Country names lookup africa_lookup <- readRDS("africa_lookup.rds") # Column names lookup column_lookup <- readRDS("column_lookup.rds") # Construct mapbox URL mbox_base <- "https://api.mapbox.com/" mbox_id <- "styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=" mbox_token <- "redacted" mapbox_url <- paste0(mbox_base, mbox_id, mbox_token) # Define some functions for inputs to cut down on code replication pickerInputFunc <- function(id, name, choices, rem_na = FALSE) { out <- list( pickerInput(id, column_lookup[[name]]$html, choices, options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, `live-search` = TRUE), selected = choices, multiple = TRUE) ) if (rem_na == TRUE) { out[[2]] <- checkboxInput(paste0(id, "NA"), label = paste("Include NA values?"), value = TRUE) } return(out) } sliderInputFunc <- function(id, name, x, rem_na = FALSE) { lo <- floor(min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) hi <- ceiling(max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) out <- list( numericRangeInput(id, column_lookup[[name]]$html, min = lo, max = hi, value = c(lo, hi) ) ) if (rem_na == TRUE) { out[[2]] <- checkboxInput(paste0(id, "NA"), label = paste("Include NA values?"), value = TRUE) } return(out) } # UI ui <- fluidPage( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(".leaflet-container { background: white; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid black; }")) ), titlePanel( tagList(span("SEOSAW plot data explorer", span(actionButton('more_info', 'More information'), style = "position: absolute; right: 2em;") ) ), windowTitle = "SEOSAW plot data explorer"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( style = "overflow-y: auto; height: 90vh;", selectInput("pointHiSel", "Shade points", c("None", unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label")))), selected = "None"), pickerInput("speciesSel", "Species", unique(species$species), options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, `live-search` = TRUE), selected = unique(species$species), multiple = TRUE), pickerInputFunc("siteSel", "site", unique(plots_clean_sf$site)), pickerInputFunc("country_iso3Sel", "country_iso3", africa_lookup), pickerInputFunc("prinvSel", "prinv", unique(plots_clean_sf$prinv)), pickerInputFunc("permanentSel", "permanent", unique(plots_clean_sf$permanent)), pickerInputFunc("plot_shapeSel", "plot_shape", unique(plots_clean_sf$plot_shape)), pickerInputFunc("teow_biomeSel", "teow_biome", unique(plots_clean_sf$teow_biome), rem_na = TRUE), pickerInputFunc("whites_veg_minorSel", "whites_veg_minor", unique(plots_clean_sf$whites_veg_minor), rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("plot_areaSel", "plot_area", plots_clean_sf$plot_area), sliderInputFunc("longitudeSel", "longitude", plots_clean_sf$longitude), sliderInputFunc("latitudeSel", "latitude", plots_clean_sf$latitude), sliderInputFunc("elevationSel", "elevation", plots_clean_sf$elevation, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("min_diam_threshSel", "min_diam_thresh", plots_clean_sf$min_diam_thresh, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("ba_haSel", "ba_ha", plots_clean_sf$ba_ha), sliderInputFunc("agb_haSel", "agb_ha", plots_clean_sf$agb_ha, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("n_stems_ge5Sel", "n_stems_ge5", plots_clean_sf$n_stems_ge5), sliderInputFunc("richnessSel", "richness", plots_clean_sf$richness), sliderInputFunc("n_censusSel", "n_census", plots_clean_sf$n_census), sliderInputFunc("bio1Sel", "bio1", plots_clean_sf$bio1, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("bio12Sel", "bio12", plots_clean_sf$bio12, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("travel_time_citySel", "travel_time_city", plots_clean_sf$travel_time_city, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("forest_heightSel", "forest_height", plots_clean_sf$forest_height, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("soil_org_c_densitSel", "soil_org_c_densit", plots_clean_sf$soil_org_c_densit, rem_na = TRUE), sliderInputFunc("soil_sandSel", "soil_sand", plots_clean_sf$soil_sand, rem_na = TRUE) ), mainPanel( leafletOutput("mapOutput"), pickerInput("tableColSel", "Select columns", choices = unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))), selected = unlist(unname(lapply(column_lookup[c( "plot_id", "country_iso3", "prinv", "permanent", "plot_area", "plot_shape", "min_diam_thresh", "n_census", "agb_ha", "ba_ha", "n_stems_ge5", "richness")], "[[", "label"))), multiple = TRUE, options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, `live-search` = TRUE)), DTOutput("tableOutput") ) ) ) # Server server <- function(input, output, session) { plotsFil <- reactive({ plots_clean_sf %>% filter( plot_id %in% unique(species$plot_id[species$species %in% input$speciesSel]), site %in% na_if(input$siteSel, "NA"), country_iso3 %in% na_if(input$country_iso3Sel, "NA"), prinv %in% na_if(input$prinvSel, "NA"), permanent %in% na_if(input$permanentSel, "NA"), plot_shape %in% na_if(input$plot_shapeSel, "NA"), teow_biome %in% na_if(input$teow_biomeSel, "NA"), whites_veg_minor %in% na_if(input$whites_veg_minorSel, "NA"), between(plot_area, input$plot_areaSel[1],input$plot_areaSel[2]) | is.na(plot_area), between(longitude, input$longitudeSel[1],input$longitudeSel[2]) | is.na(longitude), between(latitude, input$latitudeSel[1],input$latitudeSel[2]) | is.na(latitude), between(min_diam_thresh, input$min_diam_threshSel[1],input$min_diam_threshSel[2]) | is.na(min_diam_thresh), between(ba_ha, input$ba_haSel[1], input$ba_haSel[2]) | is.na(ba_ha), between(agb_ha, input$agb_haSel[1], input$agb_haSel[2]) | is.na(agb_ha), between(n_stems_ge5, input$n_stems_ge5Sel[1], input$n_stems_ge5Sel[2]) | is.na(n_stems_ge5), between(richness, input$richnessSel[1], input$richnessSel[2]) | is.na(richness), between(n_census, input$n_censusSel[1], input$n_censusSel[2]) | is.na(n_census), between(bio1, input$bio1Sel[1], input$bio1Sel[2]) | is.na(bio1), between(bio12, input$bio12Sel[1], input$bio12Sel[2]) | is.na(bio12), between(travel_time_city, input$travel_time_citySel[1], input$travel_time_citySel[2]) | is.na(travel_time_city), between(elevation, input$elevationSel[1], input$elevationSel[2]) | is.na(elevation), between(forest_height, input$forest_heightSel[1], input$forest_heightSel[2]) | is.na(forest_height), between(soil_org_c_densit, input$soil_org_c_densitSel[1], input$soil_org_c_densitSel[2]) | is.na(soil_org_c_densit), between(soil_sand, input$soil_sandSel[1], input$soil_sandSel[2]) | is.na(soil_sand) ) %>% filter(if (!input$teow_biomeSelNA) !is.na(teow_biome) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$whites_veg_minorSelNA) !is.na(whites_veg_minor) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$min_diam_threshSelNA) !is.na(min_diam_thresh) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$bio1SelNA) !is.na(bio1) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$bio12SelNA) !is.na(bio12) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$travel_time_citySelNA) !is.na(travel_time_city) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$elevationSelNA) !is.na(elevation) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$forest_heightSelNA) !is.na(forest_height) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$soil_org_c_densitSelNA) !is.na(soil_org_c_densit) else TRUE) %>% filter(if (!input$soil_sandSelNA) !is.na(soil_sand) else TRUE) }) output$mapOutput <- renderLeaflet({ leaflet() %>% addTiles(urlTemplate = mapbox_url, options = tileOptions( maxZoom = 18 ) ) %>% setView(lng = 30, lat = -15, zoom = 4) }) toListen <- reactive({ list( input$speciesSel, input$tableColSel, input$pointHiSel, input$siteSel, input$country_iso3Sel, input$prinvSel, input$plot_areaSel, input$permanentSel, input$plot_shapeSel, input$teow_biomeSel, input$teow_biomeSelNA, input$whites_veg_minorSel, input$whites_veg_minorSelNA, input$longitudeSel, input$latitudeSel, input$elevationSel, input$elevationSelNA, input$min_diam_threshSel, input$min_diam_threshSelNA, input$ba_haSel, input$agb_haSel, input$n_stems_ge5Sel, input$richnessSel, input$n_censusSel, input$bio1Sel, input$bio1SelNA, input$bio12Sel, input$bio12SelNA, input$travel_time_citySel, input$travel_time_citySelNA, input$forest_heightSel, input$forest_heightSelNA, input$soil_org_c_densitSel, input$soil_org_c_densitSelNA, input$soil_sandSel, input$soil_sandSelNA ) }) observeEvent(toListen(), { leafletProxy("mapOutput") %>% clearMarkers() %>% clearControls() if (nrow(plotsFil()) > 0) { if (input$pointHiSel != "None") { if (is.numeric(plotsFil()[[names(column_lookup)[ unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))) == input$pointHiSel]]])) { pal <- colorNumeric( palette = scico(n = 100, palette = "imola"), domain = plotsFil()[[names(column_lookup)[ unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))) == input$pointHiSel]]], na.color = "darkgrey" ) } else { pal <- colorFactor( palette = scico(n = length(unique(plotsFil()[[names(column_lookup)[ unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))) == input$pointHiSel]]])), palette = "imola"), domain = plotsFil()[[names(column_lookup)[ unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))) == input$pointHiSel]]] ) } leafletProxy("mapOutput") %>% addCircleMarkers(data = plotsFil(), popup = ~label, radius = 4, color = "black", opacity = 1, weight = 1, fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = ~pal(plotsFil()[[names(column_lookup)[ unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))) == input$pointHiSel]]])) %>% addLegend(position = "bottomright", pal = pal, values = plotsFil()[[names(column_lookup)[ unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))) == input$pointHiSel]]], title = unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "html")))[ unname(unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))) == input$pointHiSel], opacity = 1) } else { leafletProxy("mapOutput") %>% addCircleMarkers(data = plotsFil(), popup = ~label, radius = 4, color = "black", opacity = 1, weight = 1, fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = "tomato") } } }) observeEvent(toListen(), { plots_df <- plotsFil() %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::select(names(column_lookup)[ unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label")) %in% input$tableColSel]) names(plots_df) <- unlist(lapply(column_lookup, "[[", "label"))[ match(names(plots_df), names(column_lookup))] output$tableOutput <- renderDT({ datatable(plots_df, rownames = FALSE, options=list(autoWidth = TRUE, scrollX = TRUE) ) }) }) observeEvent(input$more_info, { showModal(modalDialog( title = "", HTML(paste0( tags$p("This app is designed to provide quick filtering of the plot data in the SEOSAW network, based on various plot attributes and metadata."), tags$p("For more information on SEOSAW, visit: ", tags$a(href = "https://seosaw.github.io", "https://seosaw.github.io", target="_blank") ), tags$p("Created by John L. Godlee (", tags$a(href = "mailto:john.godlee@ed.ac.uk", "john.godlee@ed.ac.uk"), ")"))), easyClose = TRUE, footer = NULL )) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)