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# amfora: gemini browser


Amfora is a rather pretty terminal client for the gemini web.

It handles certificates well although you do have to create them manually for now.

It is capable of managing atom/rss feed subscriptions and has a neat timeline view for posts on your subscribed feeds. 

## keyboard shortcut

| key seq. | description |

| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |

| ? | opens up the keyboard shortcut help |

| q | closes amfora |

| ctrl-b | opens the bookmark list |

| ctrl-d | add / rename / delete bookmark for current page |

| ctrl-a | opens the subscription list |

| ctrl-x | add or update a subscription |

| ctrl-t | opens a new tab |

| F1/F2 | go to next / previous tab |

| ctrl-w | close the current tab (will only work when on last tab) |

### basic navigation

| key seq. | description |

| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |

| hjkl | navigate with vim keys |

| 0-1 | open the link marked with the number |

| <space>-n | opens the link with the number - necessary for links after 9 |

| <space> | allows to enter an URL |

| b | go to previous page in browser history |

| f | go to next page in browser history |

| ctrl-r | reload current page |

## customization

Amfora has a config.toml file in ~/.config/amfora which is very well documented. You can customize every keybinding etc. Which is useful since some of the default ones conflict with tmux.

Overall through I haven't felt the need to customize amfora much.

## proxies

I recently learned that Adicus implemented stargate, a true HTTP to gemini proxy. It allows (some) HTML websites to be displayed in gemini browsers. Now it made sense for me to configure some proxies in amfora:


http = "stargate.gemi.dev:1994"

https = "stargate.gemi.dev:1994"

I don't believe stargate is public yet, but I'll try to set up a docker container for it once it is. Either way, credit where credit is due: Adicus did a fantastic job:

[Adicus' announcement of stargate](gemini://gemi.dev/gemlog/2023-02-22-replacing-duckling.gmi)

## themes

Okay, I caved. I tokyonight'ed amfora:


bottombar_label = "#787c99"

bottombar_text = "#acb0d0"

bottombar_bg = "#43455b"

btn_text = "#32344a"

dl_choice_modal_bg = "#449dab"

dl_choice_modal_text = "#444b6a"

dl_modal_bg = "#449dab"

dl_modal_text = "#444b6a"

info_modal_bg = "#449dab"

info_modal_text = "#444b6a"

error_modal_bg = "#449dab"

error_modal_text = "#444b6a"

yesno_modal_bg = "#449dab"

yesno_modal_text = "#444b6a"

tofu_modal_bg = "#449dab"

tofu_modal_text = "#444b6a"

subscription_modal_bg = "#449dab"

subscription_modal_text = "#444b6a"

bkmk_modal_bg = "#449dab"

bkmk_modal_label = "#32344a"

bkmk_modal_text = "#444b6a"

input_modal_bg = "#449dab"

input_modal_text = "#444b6a"

input_modal_field_text = "#444b6a"


# mutt: mail client


Mutt is a mail client that claims to suck less than many others. I believe that to be true, simply because it can be configured till the cows come home to work _precisely_ as you want it.

Of course, the downside is that personally, I found it pretty much unavoidable to configure it a lot until it becomes usable.

I cannot possibly include a full setup explanation here, but I'll try to cover the things I found necessary to make mutt superior to many other CLI mail clients for my own usecase.

As you might have guessed already, I want vim-keys for navigation. Also, I want the option to GPG-sign and -encrypt messages, work with different mail accounts and some of them being gmail, work with gmail labels efficiently.

## config file structure

Mutt allows for a very flexible config file structure within ~/.config/mutt/ and I'm using that to keep track of things. Here is a rough outline:


↳ muttrc the main config file, this is what mutt actually loads

↳ account-abc.rc config file for account 'abc'

↳ account-abc.gpg gpg-encrypted mail account password for 'abc'

↳ account-def.rc config file for account 'def'

↳ account-def.gpg gpg-encrypted mail account password for 'def'

↳ appearance.rc global look and feel config

↳ colors-tokyonight my theme, contains color declarations

↳ common.rc global config options. to be fair this could be inside muttrc

↳ gpg.rc GPG commands. GPG _behaviour_ is in the account.rcs

↳ keybinds.rc keybind changes

mutt itself will load the `muttrc` file. Its basic structure looks like this:

this is the main script

it loads all common .rc files,

configures folder hooks and useful macros to switch accounts

and then sources the default account

general settings are included

source ~/.config/mutt/common.rc

source ~/.config/mutt/gpg.rc

source ~/.config/mutt/appearance.rc

source ~/.config/mutt/keybinds.rc

configure folder hooks and macros for all accounts

folder-hook 'account-abc' 'source ~/.config/mutt/account-abc.rc'

folder-hook 'account-def' 'source ~/.config/mutt/account-def.rc'

load default account

source '~/.config/mutt/account-abc.rc'

account switching macros

macro index <f2> '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source ~/.config/mutt/account-abc.rc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>'

macro index <f3> '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source ~/.config/mutt/account-def.rc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>'


source ~/.config/mutt/colors-tokyonight

As you might have spotted, I can switch between accounts by pressing F2 / F3.

## account config

There really isn't anything special here: The `account-xyz.rc` files source the GPG-encrypted passwords, set all parameters and folders for the mail account and configure the GPG setup. The GPG setup isn't centralized because I want only my main account to automatically sign my messages. All others are GPG capable but completely passive.

There is a separate section on GPG further down.

What the main `account.rc` file also does is activate the sidebar and configure the relevant GMail mailboxes to show up in the sidebar. More on that in the sidebar section.

## GPG

The main `gpg.rc` file only configures the mutt command to call the right GPG commands in turn.

set crypt_use_gpgme=yes

set pgp_decode_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode=loopback? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"

set pgp_verify_command="gpg --status-fd=2 --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - --verify %s %f"

set pgp_decrypt_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode=loopback? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"

set pgp_sign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode=loopback? --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"

set pgp_clearsign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode=loopback? --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"

set pgp_encrypt_only_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap gpg --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"

set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode=loopback? --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"

set pgp_import_command="gpg --no-verbose --import %f"

set pgp_export_command="gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"

set pgp_verify_key_command="gpg --verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r"

set pgp_list_pubring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --list-keys %r"

set pgp_list_secring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --list-secret-keys %r"

set pgp_good_sign="^\\[GNUPG:\\] Good signature from"

set pgp_check_gpg_decrypt_status_fd

This is a mixup of several sources, including an old mutt-gnupg-howto:

[codesorcery.net mutt-gnupg-howto](https://codesorcery.net/old/mutt/mutt-gnupg-howto)

How a mail account handles GPG is configured in the respective `account.rc` file.

For example the config below activates pgp for my respective key and will automatically sign all outgoing mails, including replies.
It will also automatically encrypt mails from people I have a key for.

set pgp_use_gpg_agent = yes

set crypt_autopgp = yes

set pgp_default_key="..."

automatically sign all mails, even unsigned / unencrypted ones

set crypt_autosign = yes

DO sign / encrypt replies to mails which are themselves signed / encrypted

set crypt_replysign = yes

set crypt_replyencrypt = yes

set crypt_replysignencrypted = yes

-- automatically encrypts mails to recipients we have a key of

set crypt_opportunistic_encrypt = yes

For accounts that don't use GPG at all, I need to `set crypt_autopgp = no` to deactivate.

## the sidebar

For the longest time I didn't know that the sidebar exists in mutt. I now use it to show the different mail folders and quickly navigate between them.

To activate the sidebar and display a bunch of existing mail folders:

set sidebar_visible = yes

mailboxes =INBOX =done =done/amazon =done/paypal =done/gemini =family

To have the mailboxes appear exactly in the order I configure them, my `common.rc` sets the sorting:

set sidebar_sort_method = "unsorted"

To quickly navigate between sidebar folders I've chosen to use Ctrl plus j/k for vim-key like up and down, also Ctrl-l to go to the active mailbox. My `keybinds.rc` therefore contains:

bind index,pager \Cj sidebar-next

bind index,pager \Ck sidebar-prev

bind index,pager \Cl sidebar-open

For a bit of neatness my `appearance.rc` tweaks the vertical divider between sidebar and mail index / pager:

set sidebar_divider_char = "║"

To quickly send mails to a specific mailbox I have setup macros in `keybinds.rc`. For example:

bind index,pager \Ce noop

macro index,pager \Ce ":set confirmappend=no delete=yes\n<save-message>=done\n<sync-mailbox>:set confirmappend=yes delete=ask-yes\n"

This causes Ctrl-e to send the active mail (selected in the index or displayed in the pager) to be sent to my done folder.

Two gotchas here: Firstly: if the mailbox name contains a space I found mutt to behave randomly, mostly assigning other keyboard commands to the macro than what I configured. I couldn't find an escape sequence to mitigate this. Secondly: The built-in help sometimes didn't display that a keyboard shortcut was already used, so I find it wise to unbind the shortcut before assigning the macro.

## keyboard shortcuts

I find that most default keybinds make a lot of sense. Nonetheless switching to vim-keys took some care, also the sidebar navigation above. There isn't much else to be honest.

common keybinds

by default IMAP mail fetching isn't bound, G is used for POP3

bind index G imap-fetch-mail

scrolling in mail-view

scroll with mouse-wheel

bind pager <up> previous-line

bind pager <down> next-line

scroll with vim-keys

bind pager j next-line

bind pager k previous-line

bind pager h previous-entry

bind pager l next-entry

bind pager \Cf next-page

bind pager \Cb previous-page

bind pager \Cd half-down

bind pager \Cu half-up

bind pager b exit

bind index l display-message

clear up some keybinds

bind pager i noop # seems bound to 'exit'

bind pager q noop # seems bound to 'exit'

bind pager x noop # seems bound to 'exit'

move within sidebar

bind index,pager \Cj sidebar-next

bind index,pager \Ck sidebar-prev

bind index,pager \Cl sidebar-open

## theming

I did only minor visual tweaking. One is to slightly change the colums in the index as well as introducing vertical dividers between the columns. The sidebar divider was already mentioned above. My `appearance.rc` file looks like this:

set date_format = "!%d %b %R"

set index_format = "%4C │ %Z │ (%?l?%4l&%4c?) │ %D │ %-30.30L │ %s"

set sidebar_divider_char = "║"

The other change was my theme. I like tokyonight although it is overdone. Also I couldn't actually find a tokyonight theme for mutt so I made my own. It isn't complete but it works for me:


general ------------ foreground ---- background -----------------------------

color indicator black cyan

color status brightblack magenta

color error red black

unchanged below

color markers color210 default

color message default default

color normal default default

color prompt default default

color search color84 default

color tilde color231 default

color tree color141 default

message index ------ foreground ---- background -----------------------------

color index brightgreen default ~N # new unread messages

color index brightgreen default ~O # old unread messages

color index default default ~R # read messages

color index green default ~U # unread messages

color index cyan default ~Q # messages which have been replied to

color index red default ~D # deleted messages

unchanged below

color index color84 default ~F # flagged messages

color index color215 default ~T # tagged messages

color index color141 default ~v # messages part of a collapsed thread

message headers ---- foreground ---- background -----------------------------

color header color231 default ^Subject:.*

color header color231 default ^From:.*

color header color231 default ^To:.*

color header color231 default ^Date:.*

color hdrdefault cyan default

message body ------- foreground ---- background -----------------------------

color quoted blue default

color quoted1 brightblue default

color quoted2 cyan default

color quoted3 brightcyan default

color quoted4 green default

color body color231 default [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ # email addresses

color body color228 default (https?|ftp|gemini)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+ # URLs

color body brightyellow default " [:;][-o][)/(|D]" # emoticons with nose

color body brightyellow default " [:;][/)(|D]" # emoticons without nose

color body brightyellow default (o.O|O.o) # emoticon: confused look

color body color231 default (^|[[:space:][:punct:]])\\*[^*]+\\*([[:space:][:punct:]]|$) # *bold* text

color body color231 default (^|[[:space:][:punct:]])_[^_]+_([[:space:][:punct:]]|$) # _underlined_ text

color body color231 default (^|[[:space:]])/[^/]+/([[:space:][:punct:]]|$) # /italic/ text

unchanged below

color attachment color228 default

color signature color212 default

## conclusion and links

I know this has been a long cheat sheet. It certainly took me quite a while to piece it all together. I am very certain that a lot of mutt goodness still evades me but with the setup above mutt has replaced my gmail webclient and Thunderbird. It is perfectly usable. Anything from here on out is optimization.

There are a lot of helpful links for mutt without I wouldn't have been able to get here. Also the man page is fantastic.

Some of the most important web resources:

[an old mutt & gnupg howto. It is a very good source to understand GPG.](https://codesorcery.net/old/mutt/mutt-gnupg-howto)
[the official mutt manual](http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/)
[The mutt command reference. Anything that can be `set` in the .rc files.](https://www.enet.umn.edu/docs/software/linux/mutt/reference.html)

Sadly, getting mail encryption going isn't trivial, even today. I recommend these two sources to get started:

[email self-defense](https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/)
[generating secure and easy-to-remember passphrases with diceware](https://theworld.com/~reinhold/diceware.html)


# ncmpcpp: music player


ncmpcpp takes the cake for having the most unintuitive name of the lot. So much that I have created a shell alias for it. That aside, it is a pretty fantastic client for mpd to play / stream music.

## notes

It is important to understand that ncmpcpp isn't actually playing any music, it is simply a client for mpd. Mpd is what plays the music. This has implications:

The whole thing can look pretty neat in my opinion:

[Here's a screenshot](/gfx/tui-ncmpcpp.jpg)

### screen and slave screen

`ncmpcpp` can be launched with a specific screen and an additional slave screen right next to it:

`ncmpcpp -s media_library -S playlist` will launch the media library as main screen, and the playlist as slave. You can switch between controling both screens with cursor-right and cursor-left.

Personally I don't use that feature (yet?) since it messes with my head regarding keyboad navigation, I prefer to launch several instances. But that's just me. 

## keyboard shortcuts

### general navigation

| keybind | description |

| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |

| 1 | opens the current playlist |

| 2 | opens the media folder browser |

| 3 | opens the search options |

| 4 | opens the media library |

| 5 | playlist editor (create/edit playlists) |

| 6 | tag editor |

| 7 | output options |

| 8 | music visualizer |

| <left> | move to main screen (when slave screen is present) |

| <right> | move to slave screen (when present) |

### playback options

| keybind | description |

| --------| ------------------------------------------------------ |

| <Space> | add the current selection to playlist |

| <Enter> | add current selection to playlist and start playing |

| p | toggle play/pause |

| s | stop playback |

| < | jump to previous song |

| > | jump to next song |

| z | toggle random mode |

| r | toggle repeat mode |

## playlist

| keybind | description |

| --------| ------------------------------------------------------ |

| x | remove highlighted song from playlist |

| A | add file path or URL to playlist |

Note that ncmpcpp can play streaming radios if the URL of the stream is
copied into the playlist, try with https://liveradio.swr.de/sw331ch/swr3/play.aac

## tweaks and config changes

By default ncmpcpp doesn't use vim keys for navigation. They can however easily be added by tweaking the ~/.config/ncmpcpp/bindings file:

def_key "j"


def_key "k"


def_key "ctrl-u"


def_key "ctrl-d"


def_key "u"


def_key "d"


def_key "h"


def_key "l"


def_key "J"


def_key "K"


def_key "h"


def_key "l"


def_key "l"


def_key "l"


## plugins, addons, dependencies

Remember that ncmpcpp is only a client for mpd, it needs a few other programs installed to work, and work well


# ranger: file manager


Ranger is a file browser for the commandline. This page contains my personal tweaks, config changes and commonly used keyboard shortcuts.

## keyboard shortcuts

### use nvim keys

| key seq. | description |

| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |

| h | up one level |

| k | down one level |

| j | down one item in list |

| k | up one item in list |

| Ctrl-D | scroll down one half screen |

| Ctrl-U | scroll up one half screen |

| gh | quick jump to home dir |

### copy path and information

| key seq. | description |

| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |

| yd | yank directory information (excludes filename) |

| yp | yank absolute path information (includes filename) |

| yn | yank name (this is _only_ the file/dir name, no path |

| y. | yank name without extension |

### operations

| key seq. | description |

| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |

| :touch n | create new file `n` |

| :mkdir n | create new diectory `n` |

| a | rename append (cursor at end of current name, before extension) |

| A | rename append (cursor at end of extension) |

| I | rename insert (cursor at beginning of name) |

| Space | mark file |

| v | mark all files in current list |

| V | mark in visual mode (can do this multiple times for segments) |

| uV | unmark in visual mode |

| t | toggle tag |

| yy | copy marked (if any), current otherwise |

| dd | cut marked (if any), current otherwise |

| dD | delete marked (if any), current otherwise |

| pp | paste (will dynamically rename doubles) |

| po | paste overwrite |

| pl | paste absolute symlink to yy-copied file |

| pL | paste relative symlink to yy-copied file |

## tweaks and config changes

Generally the `rc.conf` is extensive and superbly documented. Tweaking ranger is really easy. 

Do have a look at the official documentation however, some aspects of the program are configured in other files.

Ranger has multiple options to integrate file previews into the TUI. What you can use depends on what other programs you have installed and which terminal you use. Do have a look.

## theming

By default ranger will use the terminal theme, which is good enough for me. The `rc.conf` however does have some default colorschemes.

## plugins & addons

I find the `devicons` plugin tremendously useful. If you're using a Nerdfont in your terminal — and you really should! — it adds file and folder icons and similar things to the interface. I find that this makes it much easier to find the right things.

=> https://github.com/alexanderjeurissen/ranger_devicons

To get the most out of ranger, I find that a bunch of additional software was required to make use of some of the built-in addons:


# various short shell commands


This one contains a list of one-liners or short shell scripts to get stuff done.

## conversions

### convert video to gif

This one works in several steps: first analyze the video and generate an image that acts as color palette, then create the gif using the video and palette as inputs:

# create palette

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v] palettegen" palette.png

# converting to gif

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i palette.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] paletteuse" video.gif

### convert images to a standard size with ImageMagick

magick mogrify -path output/folder/ -resize 1000x1000^ -gravity center -monitor *.jpg

### convert WAV to Ogg Vorbis

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then

echo "converts an audio file to Ogg vorbis"

echo "Usage $0 path/to/audiofile.wav"

exit 1



dirname=$(dirname "$filepath")

filename=$(basename "$filepath")




ffmpeg -i $filepath -c:a libvorbis $targetpath

### convert numbers to different bases

this converts from base 10 to base 16

echo "obase=16;" 73 | bc

This converts from base 16 to binary (base 2)

echo "ibase=16;obase=2;" F | bc

All wrapped up in a script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then

basename=$(basename $0)

echo "Converts a decimal number into another base"

echo "Usage: $basename target_base decimal_number"


echo "Examples:"

echo " $basename 2 30 converts decimal 30 to binary 11110"

echo " $basename 16 73 converts decimal 73 to hexadecimal 4B"

exit 1





# convert bases

if [[ $obase == "h" || $obase == "hex" ]]; then obase=16

elif [[ $obase == "o" || $obase == "oct" ]]; then obase=8

elif [[ $obase == "b" || $obase == "bin" ]]; then obase=2


# helpful prefixes

if [ $obase -eq 16 ]; then prefix="0x"


targetNum=$(echo "obase=$obase;$decimalNum" | bc)

echo "$decimalNum in base $obase is $prefix$targetNum"

## monitoring

### Raspberry Pi 4 system health

#!/usr/bin/env zsh


mem=`free --mega | awk 'NR==2 {printf "%.1f/%.1f GB\n", $3/1024, $2/1024}'`

tmp=`head -1 /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | awk '{printf "%.1f°C\n", $0/1000}'`

dsk=`df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print "hdd: "$3" ("$5") of "$2}'`

echo "$mem $sep $tmp $sep $dsk"

## recording

### record video and audio (Wayland WM)

I need the --geometry parameter to record only one monitor in my dual monitor setup.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then

basename=$(basename $0)

echo "records the left screen as 720p video with audio"

echo "Usage: $basename path/to/output.mkv"

exit 1




wf-recorder -g "0,0 1920x1080" -R 44100 -F "scale=-1:720" -a=$audioDevice -f "$outputFile"

## web-related

### download a single webpage as markdown

Instead of `commonmark_x` you can experiment with `commonmark`, `markdown_strict` or simply `markdown`

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

# Uses pandoc to download a file and convert it to a markdown file

binPandoc=$(which pandoc)

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then

echo "Usage: "

echo "$0 URL filename"

exit 1


$binPandoc --from=html --to=commonmark_x --standalone --embed-resources=false --output=$2 $1

### download all pages in a website directory, but nothing above it

This will convert relative links so they still work after downloading.

wget --convert-links --page-requisites --recursive --no-parent "https://example.com/path/to/download"

...in a script that's a little flexible

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

# uses wget to download a website and all links / images / ...

# to use locally. inline links are converted

binWget=$(which wget)

if [[ $# -eq 0 || $# -gt 2 ]]; then

echo "Usage:"

echo "$0 [-d|--directory] URL"


echo "-d\t--directory\twill recursively download the given directory, but nothing above it"

exit 1;


if [[ $1 == "-d" || $1 == "--directory" ]]; then







if [[ $dirOnly -eq 1 ]]; then

$binWget --convert-links --page-requisites --recursive --no-parent "$url"


$binWget --convert-links --page-requisites "$url"


### make a gemini certificate

#!/usr/bin/env zsh


if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then

echo "Usage $0 label hostname"

exit 1





openssl req -new -subj "/CN=$label" -x509 -newkey ec \

-pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -days 7300 -nodes \

-out $basedir$hostname.crt \

-keyout $basedir$hostname.key


# tmux: terminal multiplexer


Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that is allows to split a terminal window into multiple panes and add multiple virtual windows within a single tmux session. 

On top of that tmux allows you to detach from a session and reconnect later. Sessions are preserved until the system reboots. Multiple sessions can be managed and switched between.

Panes live inside a single window. Windows live inside a single session.

The session preservation feature makes tmux extremely useful when connecting to remote computers: Combinations of windows and panes — for example for different users on that computer — can be created and arranged once, then detached and attached to as needed. All over one single SSH connection.

Long-running processes are safe from disconnects since tmux keeps them running even if your SSH connection drops.

The panes feature isn't very useful for me since I'm using a tiling window manager to begin with. Having multiple virtual windows per session saves on screenspace though. But the killer feature for me comes with the plugins ‘continuum’ and ‘resurrect’: If configured just right, they will …well… resurrect all applications that were running in the windows and panes, even across system reboots.

On my desktop I use this to preserve pane tilings and launch apps that I'll inevitably use anyway, like my mail client, gemini space reader, matrix client, ncmpcpp music client… it is _so_ convenient.

On my selfhosted server I use it to have ready-made login shells for common users.

In the command list below, those command marked with a * are customized.

## links and resources 

[tmux Getting Started wiki page](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki/Getting-Started)
[awesome tmux - list of howtos, plugins, themes](https://github.com/rothgar/awesome-tmux)
[TPM, the tmux plugin manager](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm)

## console commands 

| command | description |

| ---------------------------------- | -------------------------------------|

| tmux | start a new unnamed session |

| tmux new -s docker | start a new session named docker |

| tmux ls | lists available sessions |

| tmux attach -t [name] | re-attach to existing session [name] |

| tmux rename-session -t [old] [new] | renames a session |

| tmux kill-session -t [name] | kills a session and everything in it |

## keyboard shortcuts

| keybind | description |

| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |

| <prefix> ? | show keybinds |

| <prefix> : | open the command prompt |

### handling panes

| keybind | description |

| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |

| <prefix> b * | create a new pane to the right of current |

| <prefix> v * | create a new pane below the current |

| <prefix> hljk * | navigate between panes |

| <prefix> Ctrl-[CURSOR] | resize pane |

| <prefix> x | close current pane |

| <prefix> z | zoom / unzoom current pane |

| exit | exit current pane / window when last pane |

### handling windows 

| keybind | description |

| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |

| <prefix> c | create a new window |

| <prefix> [n] | switch to window [n] inside current session |

| <prefix> , | rename current window |

| <prefix> & | close current window |

| <prefix> w | list windows |

| <prefix> p | move to previous window |

| <prefix> n | move to next window |

| <prefix> a * | toggle to last active window |

| <prefix> . | move a window (use numeric indexes or cursor keys) |

### handling sessions from within a session

| keybind | description |

| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |

| <prefix> s | switch to a different session from a list |

| <prefix> d | detach from current session |

| <prefix> $ | rename session |

| <prefix> ( | move to previous session |

| <prefix> ) | move to next session |

## plugins

Tmux has strong plugin support. It all starts with the tmux plugin manager:

[TPM, the tmux plugin manager](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm)

To add new plugins, add them to your tmux.conf file and press Ctrl-b I to load new plugins.

## tweaks and config changes

Tmux reads config options from ~/.tmux.conf or my personal preference ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf but _only_ when the server is started, not when a new session is created or attached to. My config file looks like this:

---- remap prefix key to Ctrl-a --------------------------

unbind C-b

set-option -g prefix C-a

bind-key C-a send-prefix

---- enable mouse control --------------------------------

set -g mouse on

---- start window numbering from 1, not 0 ----------------

set -g base-index 1

---- set 256 color space ---------------------------------

set-option -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"

set-option -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm-256color:Tc'

---- keybinds --------------------------------------------

pane creation same as SwayWM

bind-key -T prefix v split-window

bind-key -T prefix b split-window -h

pane navigation same as vim

bind-key -T prefix h select-pane -L

bind-key -T prefix l select-pane -R

bind-key -T prefix j select-pane -D

bind-key -T prefix k select-pane -U

left-/right-shift windows in a session by one

bind-key -r "<" swap-window -d -t -1

bind-key -r ">" swap-window -d -t +1

---- resurrection ----------------------------------------

set -g @continuum-restore on

set -g @resurrect-capture-pane-contents "on"

declare additional applications as safe for resurrection

set -g @resurrect-processes "amfora ncmpcpp w3m"

---- theme and styling -----------------------------------

using nova theme customization to make it look like tokyo night

since the tokyo night theme isn't working for me

set -g @plugin "o0th/tmux-nova"

set -g @nova-nerdfonts true

set -g @nova-nerdfonts-left 

set -g @nova-nerdfonts-right 

set -g @nova-pane-active-border-style "#7da6ff"

set -g @nova-pane-border-style "#444b6a"

set -g @nova-status-style-bg "#32344a"

set -g @nova-status-style-fg "#787c99"

set -g @nova-status-style-active-bg "#449dab"

set -g @nova-status-style-active-fg "#32344a"

set -g @nova-status-style-double-bg "#acb0d0"

set -g @nova-pane "#I#{?pane_in_mode,  #{pane_mode},}  #W"

set -g @nova-segment-mode "#S #{?client_prefix,Ω,ω}"

set -g @nova-segment-mode-colors "#ad8ee6 #32344a"

set -g @nova-segment-whoami "#(whoami)@#h"

set -g @nova-segment-whoami-colors "#ad8ee6 #32344a"

set -g @nova-rows 0

set -g @nova-segments-0-left "mode"

set -g @nova-segments-0-right "whoami"

list of plugins

set -g @plugin "tmux-plugins/tpm"

set -g @plugin "tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible"

set -g @plugin "tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect"

set -g @plugin "tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum"

---- initialize TMUX plugin manager ----------------------

(keep this line at the very bottom of tmux.conf)

run "~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm"
