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Subject:  v001SRC068:  coff (OMF Disassembler) 03/09
Newsgroups: comp.sources.apple2
Approved: jac@paul.rutgers.edu

Submitted-by: Albert Chin-A-Young (26285659t@servax.fiu.edu)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:68
Archive-name: utility/gs/disassem/coff/part03
Architecture: ONLY_2gs
Version-number: 1.1

- lst off
-* UNIX coff utility
-* startup code
-* 1990-1992, tao Developer Project
- rel
- xc
- xc
- mx %00
- put coff.h ;global defines
- put x.data ;data externals
- put x.general ;general externals
- put x.gsos ;GS/OS i/o externals
- put x.output ;output externals
- put x.structure ;data structure externals
- put x.asm ;65816 OMF disassembler externals
- put x.omf ;OMF parser externals
- put 4/gsos.h ;GS/OS defines
- put 4/memory.h ;memory manager defines
- put 4/resource.h ;resouce manager defines
- put 4/texttool.h ;text tool defines
- put 4/getopt.h ;getopt command-line option defines
- put 4/env.h ;run-time environment settings
- put 4/signal.h ;signal defines
- use coff.mac ;macro definitions
- use 4/datatype.mac ;HLL data types
- use 4/env.mac ;run-time environment macros
- use 4/signal.mac ;signal macros
-* start of program                               *
- phk ;program bank is data bank
- plb
- jsr init_tool ;startup tools
- jsr init_default ;init default values
- jsr init_signal ;setup signal handlers
- fin
- pea #0 ;flag indicating next address is return
- jsr start ;address
- jsr end_tool
- jsr GSOSclose ;close input file
- _GSOS Quit;@Quit
-* startup tools                                  *
-init_tool equ *
- sta userID ;acc contains userID
- stx command_line+2 ;save pointers to command-line
- sty command_line
- lda userID
- pha
- _ResourceStartUp
- rts
-* initialize default values of variables.        *
-init_default equ *
-]label_handle = $f0 ;handle to linked list of labels
-]label_ptr = $f4
- stz }version
- stz }tool
- stz }assembly
- stz }shorta
- stz }shorti
- stz }label
- stz }infix
- stz }hex
- stz }header
- stz }noheader
- stz }nooffset
- stz }help
- stz }compress
- stz }exact
- stz @omf+`library
- stz segname_found
- stz segname_found+2
- lda #TRUE
- sta }postfix ;output expressions in postfix form
- sta }default_opt ;read in default options
- stz @omf+`offset ;zero offset into OMF file
- stz @omf+`offset+2
- stz @label+`label_name ;initialize @label linked list
- stz @label+`label_name+2
- stz @label+`expr_name
- stz @label+`expr_name+2
- stz @label+`type
- stz @label+`next
- stz @label+`next+2
- stz @label+`prev
- stz @label+`prev+2
- stz @label+`last
- stz @label+`last+2
- rts
-* initialize signal handlers for GNO             *
-* environment.                                   *
-init_signal equ *
- signal SIGINT;stop_signal;:errno ;set up ctrl-c signal handler
- rts
-:errno dw 0 ;signal call error number
-* ctrl-c signal handler.                         *
-stop_signal equ *
-]rtl = $01
-]signal_num = $04
-]code = $06
- phk
- plb
- jsr end_tool
- jsr GSOSclose ;close input file
- _GSOS Quit;@Quit
- rtl
- fin
-* end program                                    *
-end_tool equ *
- lda segname_found
- tax
- ora segname_found+2
- beq :0
- ldy segname_found+2
- phy
- phx
- _DisposeHandle
-:0 lda resourceID
- pha
- _CloseResourceFile
- lda userID
- pha ;word - user ID
- _DisposeAll
- _ResourceShutDown
- rts
-* parse command-line arguments.                  *
-decode_switches equ *
-]ret_value = $20 ;value returned by getopt
-]longind = $22 ;index into long options
-]long_option = $24 ;option currently examining
-]argv_lo = $28 ;pointer to first argument in command-line
-]argv_hi = $2c
-:get_options pha ;word - result
- pea #^:cl_options ;longword - pointer to command-line
- pea #:cl_options ;           short options
- pea #^~long_options ;longword - pointer to program long
- pea #~long_options             options
- clc ;long - pointer to variable holding
- tdc ;       option index
- adc #]longind
- pea #0
- pha
- jsl getopt_long
- pla
- cmp #EOF
- beq :end
- sta ]ret_value
- bne :test_opt
- lda ]longind
- asl
- tax
- lda ~long_options,x
- sta ]long_option
- ldy #`val
- lda (]long_option),y
- sta ]ret_value
-:test_opt lda ]ret_value
- cmp #'D'
- bne :default
- stz }default_opt
- bra :get_options
-:default lda #]argv_lo
- jsr dp_argv
- lda []argv_lo] ;first argument on command-line is
- tax ;program name
- lda []argv_hi]
- tay
- lda ]ret_value
- jsr set_option
- bra :get_options
-:end rts
-:cl_options str 'vDdTxltpmoaisnfceh' ;command-line options
-* return short-option of C-string based option   *
-* name (short/long).                             *
-* ---------------------------------------------- *
-* (input)                                        *
-*  x - LOW of cstring.                           *
-*  y - HOW of cstring.                           *
-* (output)                                       *
-*  a - option value.                             *
-get_option equ *
-]option_str = $80 ;option string to search
-]option_offset = $84 ;index into long-options
-]option_struct = $86 ;pointer to individual long-option structures
-]long_option_name = $88 ;long-option name
-]option_name_len = $8a ;length of option name
- stx ]option_str
- sty ]option_str+2
- stz ]option_offset
- stz ]option_name_len
-:loop lda ]option_offset
- asl
- tax
- lda ~long_options,x
- sta ]option_struct
- clc
- adc #`name
- sta ]long_option_name
- shorta
- lda (]long_option_name)
- sta ]option_name_len
- longa
- beq :error ;error if at end of long-options
- ldy #`val
- lda (]option_struct),y
- beq :2
- tax ;save short-option value
- shorta ;if option string has short-option
- ldy #1 ;as second character (i.e. '-x'), then
- cmp []option_str],y ;test for '-' character; else test
- bne :0 ;for long-option
- lda []option_str]
- cmp #'-'
- bne :0
- longa
- txa ;return short-option value
- rts
-:0 ldy #1
- shorta
-:1 lda (]long_option_name),y
- cmp []option_str],y
- bne :2
- iny
- cpy ]option_name_len
- blt :1
- beq :1
- longa
- ldy #`val ;return short-option of default
- lda (]option_struct),y ;long-option or short-option
- rts
-:2 longa
- inc ]option_offset
- bra :loop
-:error lda #ERROR
- rts
-* set command-line option.                       *
-* ---------------------------------------------- *
-* (input)                                        *
-*  a - option to set.                            *
-*  x - LOW of program name ("coff").             *
-*  y - HOW of program name ("coff").             *
-set_option equ *
-]str_handle = $80 ;handle to string in resource fork
-]str_ptr = $84
-]option = $88 ;option to set
-]progname = $8a ;name of program
- sta ]option
- stx ]progname
- sty ]progname+2
- ldx #TRUE ;set options
-:version cmp #'v' ;test 'version' option
- bne :asm
- pha ;long - result
- pha
- pea #rText ;word - type of resource
- pea #^VERSION ;long - ID Of resource
- pea #VERSION
- _LoadResource
- plx
- ply
- stx ]str_handle
- sty ]str_handle+2
- ldy #2
- lda []str_handle],y
- pha
- lda []str_handle]
- pha
- pei ]progname+2
- pei ]progname
- _WriteCString
- pea #' '
- _WriteChar
- _WriteCString
- rts
-:asm cmp #'d' ;test 'asm' option
- bne :tool
- lda #MERLIN_16
- sta ~assembler
- stx }assembly
- stz }compress
- rts
-:tool cmp #'T' ;test 'tool' option
- bne :hex
- stx }tool
- rts
-:hex cmp #'x' ;test 'hex' option
- bne :label
- stx }hex
- rts
-:label cmp #'l' ;test 'label' option
- bne :infix
- stx }label
- rts
-:infix cmp #'t' ;test 'infix' option
- bne :postfix
- stx }infix
- stz }postfix
- rts
-:postfix cmp #'p' ;test 'postfix' option
- bne :merlin
- stx }postfix
- stz }infix
- rts
-:merlin cmp #'m' ;test 'merlin' option
- bne :orca
- lda #MERLIN_16
- sta ~assembler
- stx }assembly
- stz }compress
- rts
-:orca cmp #'o' ;test 'orca' option
- bne :shorta
- lda #ORCA_M
- sta ~assembler
- stx }assembly
- stz }compress
- rts
-:shorta cmp #'a' ;test 'shorta' option
- bne :shorti
- stx }shorta
- rts
-:shorti cmp #'i' ;test 'shorti' option
- bne :header
- stx }shorti
- rts
-:header cmp #'s' ;test 'header' option
- bne :noheader
- stx }header
- stz }noheader
- rts
-:noheader cmp #'n' ;test 'noheader' option
- bne :nooffset
- stx }noheader
- stz }header
- rts
-:nooffset cmp #'f' ;test 'nooffset' option
- bne :compress
- stx }nooffset
- rts
-:compress cmp #'c' ;test 'compress' option
- bne :exact
- stx }compress
- rts
-:exact cmp #'e' ;test 'exact' option
- bne :help
- stx }exact
- rts
-:help cmp #'h' ;test 'help' option
- bne :thanks
- ldx ]progname
- ldy ]progname+2
- jmp usage_verbose
-:thanks cmp #1 ;test 'thanks' option
- bne :default
- pha ;long - result
- pha
- pea #rText ;word - type of resource
- pea #^THANKS ;long - ID Of resource
- pea #THANKS
- _LoadResource
- plx
- ply
- stx ]str_handle
- sty ]str_handle+2
- ldy #2
- lda []str_handle],y
- pha
- lda []str_handle]
- pha
- _WriteCString
- rts
-:default ldx ]progname
- ldy ]progname+2
- jmp usage
-* read default options from resource fork.       *
-read_default equ *
-]argv_lo = $20 ;pointer to first argument in command-line
-]argv_hi = $24
-]default_handle = $28 ;handle to DEFAULT option text
-]default_ptr = $2c
-]option = $30 ;default short-option
-]progname = $32 ;program name
- lda }default_opt ;end if not to read default options
- bne :read_default
- rts
-:read_default lda #]argv_lo
- jsr dp_argv
- lda []argv_lo] ;first argument on command-line is
- tax ;program name
- lda []argv_hi]
- tay
- stx ]progname
- sty ]progname+2
- pha ;long - result
- pha
- pea #rText ;word - type of resource
- pea #^DEFAULT ;long - ID Of resource
- pea #DEFAULT
- _LoadResource
- plx
- ply
- stx ]default_handle
- sty ]default_handle+2
- phy
- phx
- phy
- phx
- _HLock
- lda []default_handle]
- sta ]default_ptr
- ldy #2
- lda []default_handle],y
- sta ]default_ptr+2
- pha ;long - space for result
- pha
- pea #rText ;word - type of resource
- pea #^DEFAULT ;long - ID of resource
- pea #DEFAULT
- _GetResourceSize
- plx
- pla
-:loop cpx #0 ;parse default options until no more
- beq :end
- phx
-:0 ldx ]default_ptr
- ldy ]default_ptr+2
- jsr get_option
- sta ]option
- cmp #ERROR
- beq :1
- ldx ]progname
- ldy ]progname+2
- jsr set_option
-:1 plx
- lda #0
- ldy #0
-:2 shorta
- lda []default_ptr]
- longa
- dex
- inc ]default_ptr
- bne :3
- inc ]default_ptr+2
-:3 cmp #0
- bne :2
- bra :loop
-:end _HUnlock
- rts
-* main entry point of coff.                      *
-start equ *
-]argv_lo = $00 ;pointer to first argument in
-]argv_hi = $04 ;command-line
-]seg_name = $08 ;display segment or loadsegments in file?
-]filename = $0a ;offset into argv of OMF filename
-]file_len = $0c ;length of OMF file
-]omf_bytecnt = $10 ;temp @omf+`bytecnt
-]segname_found = $14 ;pointer of handle 'name_found'
-]invalid_name_msg = $18 ;if 'invalid name ...' message printed
-]progname = $1a ;program name
-]offset = $1e ;current offset into printing segment names not found
- plx
- ply
- phx
- phy
- pha ;long - result
- pha
- lda userID ;word - userID to find
- pha
- pea #1 ;word - find current file
- _LGetPathname2
- plx
- ply
- pha ;word - result
- pea #readEnable ;word - file access
- pea #NULL ;long - pointer to resource map
- pea #NULL
- phy
- phx
- _OpenResourceFile
- pla
- sta resourceID
- ldx command_line
- ldy command_line+2
- lda userID
- phy
- phx
- pha
- jsl init_getopt ;init command-line arguments
- jsr decode_switches ;interpret command-line arguments
- lda optind
- sta ]filename
- cmp argc ;error if no filename given
- bne :0
- ldx #0
- txy
- jmp error
-:0 lda }default_opt
- beq :1
- jsr read_default ;read in default options
-:1 lda #]argv_lo
- jsr dp_argv
- lda optind ;open OMF file
- asl
- tay
- lda []argv_lo],y
- tax
- lda []argv_hi],y
- tay
- jsr GSOSopen
- bcc :2
- lda optind
- asl
- tay
- lda []argv_lo],y
- tax
- lda []argv_hi],y
- tay
- jmp error
-:2 stx ]file_len
- sty ]file_len+2
- inc optind ;point to next filename
- stz ]seg_name ;default is no segment/loadsegment names
- lda optind ;on command-line
- cmp argc
- beq :3
- sta ]seg_name
-:3 sec
- lda argc
- sbc optind
- beq :4
- pha ;long - result
- pha
- lda argc
- pea #0 ;long - block size
- pha
- lda userID ;word - user ID of block
- pha
- pea #attrNoSpec+attrFixed ;word - block attributes
- pha ;long - start of block
- pha
- _NewHandle
- plx
- ply
- stx segname_found
- sty segname_found+2
- stx ]segname_found
- sty ]segname_found+2
- ldy #2
- lda []segname_found],y
- tax
- lda []segname_found]
- sta ]segname_found
- stx ]segname_found+2
- shorta
- ldy argc
- lda #0
-:zero_segname dey
- sta []segname_found],y
- bne :zero_segname
- longa
- lda optind ;save optind value
- sta []segname_found]
- jsr test_key
- fin
- ldx @omf+`offset+2
- ldy @omf+`offset
- jsr GSOSset_mark ;move to segment in file to disassemble
- bcc :read_header ;error means end of file
- brl :end
-:read_header ldx ]file_len
- ldy ]file_len+2
- jsr read_header ;read header of OMF file
- clc ;update displacement into OMF file
- lda @omf+`offset
- adc @omf+`dispdata
- sta @omf+`displacement
- lda @omf+`offset+2
- adc #0
- sta @omf+`displacement+2
- stz @omf+`counter ;initialize counter
- stz @omf+`counter+2
- lda ]seg_name
- beq :5
- jsr parse_segname
- lda optind ;if no more segments to parse, end
- cmp argc
- blt :6
- bra :end
-:5 jsr parse_OMF
-:6 lda @omf+`version
- cmp #1
- bne :inc_offset_2 ;update offset for OMF 2.0
- lda @omf+`library ;library files have byte offsets even
- bne :inc_offset_2 ;though they might be OMF 1.0
-:inc_offset_1 lda @omf+`bytecnt
- ldx @omf+`bytecnt+2
- stx ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl ;each block is 512 bytes
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- asl
- rol ]omf_bytecnt+2
- clc
- adc @omf+`offset
- tax
- lda ]omf_bytecnt+2
- adc @omf+`offset+2
- bra :test_eof
-:inc_offset_2 clc
- lda @omf+`offset
- adc @omf+`bytecnt
- tax
- lda @omf+`offset+2
- adc @omf+`bytecnt+2
-:test_eof sta @omf+`offset+2
- stx @omf+`offset
- cmp ]file_len+2
- beq :8
- bge :end
- brl :4
-:8 cpx ]file_len
- bge :end
- brl :4
-:end lda segname_found
- ora segname_found+2
- beq :11
- stz ]invalid_name_msg
- lda []segname_found]
- tay
-:loop shorta
-:9 lda []segname_found],y
- beq :error
- iny
- cpy argc
- bne :9
- longa
-:10 lda ]invalid_name_msg
- beq :11
- brl :15
-:11 pla
- rts
-:error longa
- phy
- ldx ]invalid_name_msg
- bne :12
- jsr get_progname
- stx ]progname
- sty ]progname+2
- sty ]invalid_name_msg
- phy ;long - pointer to C-string
- phx
- _WriteCString
- pea #^:invalid_name
- pea #:invalid_name
- _WriteCString
- lda #36
- sta ]offset
-:12 lda 1,s
- asl
- tay
- lda []argv_lo],y ;get length of string
- tax
- lda []argv_hi],y
- tay
- phy
- phx
- jsr strlen
- phy ;save length of string
- clc
- tya
- adc ]offset
- sta ]offset
- blt :13
- put_cr
- pei ]progname+2
- pei ]progname
- _WriteCString
- pea #':'
- _WriteChar
- pea #' '
- _WriteChar
- lda 1,s
- sta ]offset
-:13 pla
- _WriteCString
- ply
- shorta
-:14 iny
- cpy argc
- bge :15
- lda []segname_found],y
- bne :14
- phy
- longa
- pea #','
- _WriteChar
- pea #' '
- _WriteChar
- inc ]offset
- inc ]offset
- ply
- brl :loop
-:15 longa
- put_cr
- lda []argv_lo] ;first argument on command-line is
- tax ;program name
- lda []argv_hi]
- tay
- jmp usage
-:invalid_name cStr ': segment/loadsegment name not found: '
-* disassemble segment or loadsegment names on    *
-* command-line.                                  *
-parse_segname equ *
-]name_found = $18 ;if segment or loadsegment name found
-]argv_name = $1a
-]segname = $1e
-]segname_len = $22 ;length of segment name
-]optind = $24
- stz ]name_found ;default is false
- ldx @omf+`segname
- ldy @omf+`segname+2
- stx ]segname
- sty ]segname+2
- ldy #2
- lda []segname],y
- tay
- lda []segname]
- sta ]segname
- sty ]segname+2
- lda []segname]
- sta ]segname_len
- incr #2;]segname
- ldx optind
-:loop txa
- asl
- tay
- lda []argv_lo],y
- sta ]argv_name
- lda []argv_hi],y
- sta ]argv_name+2
- lda }exact ;compare command-line name against
- beq :test_partial ;current segment name. must be
-:test_exact shorta ;exact match.
- ldy #0
-:segname_exact lda []argv_name],y
- beq :0
- cmp []segname],y
- bne :0
- iny
- cpy ]segname_len
- blt :segname_exact
- lda []argv_name],y
- beq :parse
-:0 ldy #0 ;compare command-line name against
-:loadname_exact lda []argv_name],y ;current loadsegment name. must be
- beq :next_argv ;exact match.
- cmp @omf+`loadname,y
- bne :next_argv
- iny
- blt :loadname_exact
- bra :parse
-:next_argv inx
- cpx argc
- blt :loop
- longa
- rts
-:test_partial shorta
- ldy #0
-:segname_part lda []argv_name],y ;parse if at end of command-line
- beq :parse ;name
- cmp []segname],y
- bne :1
- iny
- cpy ]segname_len
- blt :segname_part
- lda []argv_name],y
- beq :parse
-:1 ldy #0
-:loadname_part lda []argv_name],y
- beq :parse
- cmp @omf+`loadname,y
- bne :next_argv
- iny
- blt :loadname_part
- bra :next_argv
-:parse txa
- txy
- sta []segname_found],y
- longa
- stx ]optind
- lda }noheader ;display header?
- bne :2
- jsr print_header
-:2 lda }header ;display only headers?
- bne :end
- lda }assembly
- bne :parse_segment
- lda }hex
- beq :parse_segment
- jsr parse_segment_hex
- bra :end
-:parse_segment jsr parse_segment
-:end lda optind
- cmp ]optind
- beq :3
- asl
- tay
- lda []argv_lo],y
- tax
- lda []argv_hi],y
- pha
- lda ]optind
- asl
- tay
- pla
- sta []argv_hi],y
- txa
- sta []argv_lo],y
-:3 lda }exact
- beq :rts
- inc optind
-:rts rts
-* disassemble segment.                           *
-parse_OMF equ *
- lda }noheader ;display header?
- bne :0
- jsr print_header
-:0 lda }header ;display only headers?
- bne :end
- lda }assembly
- bne :parse_segment
- lda }hex
- beq :parse_segment
- jsr parse_segment_hex
- bra :end
-:parse_segment jsr parse_segment
-:end rts
-startstop_rec adrl 0 ;reference to StartStop record
-command_line adrl 0 ;pointer to command-line
-segname_found adrl 0 ;if segment/loadsegment name found
-resourceID dw 0 ;file ID of resource file
- sav coff.l
- lst off
-* UNIX coff utility
-* variables
-* 1990-1992, tao Developer Project
- rel
- xc
- xc
- mx %00
- put coff.h ;coff defines
- put 4/getopt.h ;getopt command-line library definitions
- use coff.mac ;macro file
- use 4/datatype.mac ;data-type definitions
- use 4/getopt.mac
-* variables
-coff ent
- str 'coff'
-userID ent ;userID returned by MMStartUp
- dw 0
-long_hex_str ent ;string hex representation of long value
-short_hex_str ent ;string hex representation of short value
-char_hex_str ent ;string hex representation of char value
-long_dec_str ent ;string decimal representation of long value
-short_dec_str ent ;string decimal representation of short value
-char_dec_str ent ;string decimal representation of char value
- ds 11
-blank_str ent ;blank string
- ds 80,' '
-vert_separator ent ;separate displacement/bytes
- cStr ') | '
-space_vert_bar ent ;spaced vertical bar
- cStr '               | '
-space_12 ent ;space between left edge and operand
- cStr '            '
-;assembly record names
-DS_asm ent ;DS directive
- cStr 'ds     '
-GEQU_asm ent ;GEQU directive
- cStr 'gequ   '
-EQU_asm ent ;EQU directive
- cStr 'equ    '
-hex_asm ent ;merlin hex directive
- cStr 'hex    '
-db_asm ent ;merlin db directive
- cStr 'db     '
-dw_asm ent ;merlin dw directive
- cStr 'dw     '
-adr_asm ent ;merlin adr directive
- cStr 'adr    '
-adrl_asm ent ;merlin adrl directive
- cStr 'adrl   '
-dc_a_asm ent ;orca address directive
- cStr 'dc     a'
-dc_h_asm ent ;orca hex directive
- asc !dc     h'!,00
-dc_i_asm ent ;orca integer directive
- cStr 'dc     i'
-dc_d_asm ent ;orca double directive
- asc !dc     d'!,00
-dc_e_asm ent ;orca extended directive
- asc !dc     e'!,00
-dc_f_asm ent ;orca float directive
- asc !dc     f'!,00
-* boolean bariables
-}version ent ;display version number
- Boolean
-}tool ent ;interpret ToolBox, GS/OS, ProDOS, ROM calls
- Boolean
-}assembly ent ;dump in asm format
- Boolean
-}label ent ;print expressions with labels, not offsets
- Boolean
-}infix ent ;display expressions in infix (default for +asm)
- Boolean
-}postfix ent ;display expressions in postfix (default)
- Boolean
-}hex ent ;nonzero means dump in hex format
- Boolean
-}header ent ;nonzero means dump
- Boolean
-}noheader ent ;nonzero does not display segment headers
- Boolean
-}nooffset ent ;nonzero means don't print offset into file
- Boolean
-}help ent ;nonzero means print switch descriptions
- Boolean
-}shorta ent ;8-bit accumulator
- Boolean
-}shorti ent ;8-bit index registers
- Boolean
-}compress ent ;compress OMF listing
- Boolean
-}exact ent ;match segment, loadsegment names exactly
- Boolean
-}default_opt ent ;disable default options
- Boolean
-* constant variables
-~assembler ent ;output code for which assembler
- dw 0 ;00000001 - Merlin 16
-;00000010 - Orca/M
-~error_msg ent ;error messages
- dw :no_filename,:invalid_filename
- dw :premature_end,:omf_version
- dw :invalid_length,:more_data
-:no_filename cStr 'object filename not specified'
-:invalid_filename cStr 'error opening OMF file: '
-:premature_end cStr 'premature end of file'
-:omf_version cStr 'OMF v1.0 and v2.0 supported. received: v'
-:invalid_length cStr 'segment length must be less than 64k. received: 

-:more_data cStr 'data left in file but not enough to make sense of'
-;format of ~opcodes
-;word - number of bytes opcode generates
-;word - if 16-bit mode accumulator
-;word - if 16-bit mode index register
-;word - addressing mode
-;string - opcode name
-;cstring - operand format
-~opcodes ent ;65816 opcodes
- dw :00,:01,:02,:03,:04,:05,:06,:07,:08,:09,:0a
- dw :0b,:0c,:0d,:0e,:0f,:10,:11,:12,:13,:14,:15
- dw :16,:17,:18,:19,:1a,:1b,:1c,:1d,:1e,:1f,:20
- dw :21,:22,:23,:24,:25,:26,:27,:28,:29,:2a,:2b
- dw :2c,:2d,:2e,:2f,:30,:31,:32,:33,:34,:35,:36
- dw :37,:38,:39,:3a,:3b,:3c,:3d,:3e,:3f,:40,:41
- dw :42,:43,:44,:45,:46,:47,:48,:49,:4a,:4b,:4c
- dw :4d,:4e,:4f,:50,:51,:52,:53,:54,:55,:56,:57
- dw :58,:59,:5a,:5b,:5c,:5d,:5e,:5f,:60,:61,:62
- dw :63,:64,:65,:66,:67,:68,:69,:6a,:6b,:6c,:6d
- dw :6e,:6f,:70,:71,:72,:73,:74,:75,:76,:77,:78
- dw :79,:7a,:7b,:7c,:7d,:7e,:7f,:80,:81,:82,:83
- dw :84,:85,:86,:87,:88,:89,:8a,:8b,:8c,:8d,:8e
- dw :8f,:90,:91,:92,:93,:94,:95,:96,:97,:98,:99
- dw :9a,:9b,:9c,:9d,:9e,:9f,:a0,:a1,:a2,:a3,:a4
- dw :a5,:a6,:a7,:a8,:a9,:aa,:ab,:ac,:ad,:ae,:af
- dw :b0,:b1,:b2,:b3,:b4,:b5,:b6,:b7,:b8,:b9,:ba
- dw :bb,:bc,:bd,:be,:bf,:c0,:c1,:c2,:c3,:c4,:c5
- dw :c6,:c7,:c8,:c9,:ca,:cb,:cc,:cd,:ce,:cf,:d0
- dw :d1,:d2,:d3,:d4,:d5,:d6,:d7,:d8,:d9,:da,:db
- dw :dc,:dd,:de,:df,:e0,:e1,:e2,:e3,:e4,:e5,:e6
- dw :e7,:e8,:e9,:ea,:eb,:ec,:ed,:ee,:ef,:f0,:f1
- dw :f2,:f3,:f4,:f5,:f6,:f7,:f8,:f9,:fa,:fb,:fc
- dw :fd,:fe,:ff
-:00 stack_interrupt 'brk' ;$00
-:01 dp_index_indirect_x 'ora' ;$01
-:02 stack_interrupt 'cop' ;$02
-:03 sr 'ora' ;$03
-:04 dp 'tsb' ;$04
-:05 dp 'ora' ;$05
-:06 dp 'asl' ;$06
-:07 dp_indirect_long 'ora' ;$07
-:08 stack_push 'php' ;$08
-:09 immediate_m 'ora' ;$09
-:0a accumulator 'asl' ;$0a
-:0b stack_push 'phd' ;$0b
-:0c absolute 'tsb' ;$0c
-:0d absolute 'ora' ;$0d
-:0e absolute 'asl' ;$0e
-:0f absolute_long 'asl' ;$0f
-:10 pc_relative 'bpl' ;$10
-:11 dp_indirect_index_y 'ora' ;$11
-:12 dp_indirect 'ora' ;$12
-:13 sr_indirect_index_y 'ora' ;$13
-:14 dp 'trb' ;$14
-:15 dp_index_x 'ora' ;$15
-:16 dp_index_x 'asl' ;$16
-:17 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'ora' ;$17
-:18 implied 'clc' ;$18
-:19 absolute_index_y 'ora' ;$19
-:1a accumulator 'inc' ;$1a
-:1b implied 'tcs' ;$1b
-:1c absolute 'trb' ;$1c
-:1d absolute_index_x 'ora' ;$1d
-:1e absolute_index_x 'asl' ;$1e
-:1f absolute_long_index_x 'ora' ;$1f
-:20 absolute 'jsr' ;$20
-:21 dp_index_indirect_x 'and' ;$21
-:22 absolute_long 'jsl' ;$22
-:23 sr 'and' ;$23
-:24 dp 'bit' ;$24
-:25 dp 'and' ;$25
-:26 dp 'rol' ;$26
-:27 dp_indirect_long 'and' ;$27
-:28 stack_pull 'plp' ;$28
-:29 immediate_m 'and' ;$29
-:2a accumulator 'rol' ;$2a
-:2b stack_pull 'pld' ;$2b
-:2c absolute 'bit' ;$2c
-:2d absolute 'and' ;$2d
-:2e absolute 'rol' ;$2e
-:2f absolute_long 'and' ;$2f
-:30 pc_relative 'bmi' ;$30
-:31 dp_indirect_index_y 'and' ;$31
-:32 dp_indirect 'and' ;$32
-:33 sr_indirect_index_y 'and' ;$33
-:34 dp_index_x 'bit' ;$34
-:35 dp_index_x 'and' ;$35
-:36 dp_index_x 'rol' ;$36
-:37 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'and' ;$37
-:38 implied 'sec' ;$38
-:39 absolute_index_y 'and' ;$39
-:3a accumulator 'dec' ;$3a
-:3b implied 'tsc' ;$3b
-:3c absolute_index_x 'bit' ;$3c
-:3d absolute_index_x 'and' ;$3d
-:3e absolute_index_x 'rol' ;$3e
-:3f absolute_long_index_x 'and' ;$3f
-:40 stack_rti 'rti' ;$40
-:41 dp_index_indirect_x 'eor' ;$41
-:42 wdm_ 'wdm' ;$42
-:43 sr 'eor' ;$43
-:44 block_move 'mvp' ;$44
-:45 dp 'eor' ;$45
-:46 dp 'lsr' ;$46
-:47 dp_indirect_long 'eor' ;$47
-:48 stack_push 'pha' ;$48
-:49 immediate_m 'eor' ;$49
-:4a accumulator 'lsr' ;$4a
-:4b stack_push 'phk' ;$4b
-:4c absolute 'jmp' ;$4c
-:4d absolute 'eor' ;$4d
-:4e absolute 'lsr' ;$4e
-:4f absolute_long 'eor' ;$4f
-:50 pc_relative 'bvc' ;$50
-:51 dp_indirect_index_y 'eor' ;$51
-:52 dp_indirect 'eor' ;$52
-:53 sr_indirect_index_y 'eor' ;$53
-:54 block_move 'mvn' ;$54
-:55 dp_index_x 'eor' ;$55
-:56 dp_index_x 'lsr' ;$56
-:57 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'eor' ;$57
-:58 implied 'cli' ;$58
-:59 absolute_index_y 'eor' ;$59
-:5a stack_push 'phy' ;$5a
-:5b implied 'tcd' ;$5b
-:5c absolute_long 'jmp' ;$5c
-:5d absolute_index_x 'eor' ;$5d
-:5e absolute_index_x 'lsr' ;$5e
-:5f absolute_long_index_x 'eor' ;$5f
-:60 stack_rts 'rts' ;$60
-:61 dp_index_indirect_x 'adc' ;$61
-:62 stack_pc_relative 'per' ;$62
-:63 sr 'adc' ;$63
-:64 dp 'stz' ;$64
-:65 dp 'adc' ;$65
-:66 dp 'ror' ;$66
-:67 dp_indirect_long 'adc' ;$67
-:68 stack_pull 'pla' ;$68
-:69 immediate_m 'adc' ;$69
-:6a accumulator 'ror' ;$6a
-:6b stack_rtl 'rtl' ;$6b
-:6c absolute_indirect 'jmp' ;$6c
-:6d absolute 'adc' ;$6d
-:6e absolute 'ror' ;$6e
-:6f absolute_long 'adc' ;$6f
-:70 pc_relative 'bvs' ;$70
-:71 dp_indirect_index_y 'adc' ;$71
-:72 dp_indirect 'adc' ;$72
-:73 sr_indirect_index_y 'adc' ;$73
-:74 dp_index_x 'stz' ;$74
-:75 dp_index_x 'adc' ;$75
-:76 dp_index_x 'ror' ;$76
-:77 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'adc' ;$77
-:78 implied 'sei' ;$78
-:79 absolute_index_y 'adc' ;$79
-:7a stack_pull 'ply' ;$7a
-:7b implied 'tdc' ;$7b
-:7c absolute_index_indirect 'jmp' ;$7c
-:7d absolute_index_x 'adc' ;$7d
-:7e absolute_index_x 'ror' ;$7e
-:7f absolute_long_index_x 'adc' ;$7f
-:80 pc_relative 'bra' ;$80
-:81 dp_index_indirect_x 'sta' ;$81
-:82 pc_relative_long 'brl' ;$82
-:83 sr 'sta' ;$83
-:84 dp 'sty' ;$84
-:85 dp 'sta' ;$85
-:86 dp 'stx' ;$86
-:87 dp_indirect_long 'sta' ;$87
-:88 implied 'dey' ;$88
-:89 immediate_m 'bit' ;$89
-:8a implied 'txa' ;$8a
-:8b stack_push 'phb' ;$8b
-:8c absolute 'sty' ;$8c
-:8d absolute 'sta' ;$8d
-:8e absolute 'stx' ;$8e
-:8f absolute_long 'sta' ;$8f
-:90 pc_relative 'bcc' ;$90
-:91 dp_indirect_index_y 'sta' ;$91
-:92 dp_indirect 'sta' ;$92
-:93 sr_indirect_index_y 'sta' ;$93
-:94 dp_index_x 'sty' ;$94
-:95 dp_index_x 'sta' ;$95
-:96 dp_index_y 'stx' ;$96
-:97 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'sta' ;$97
-:98 implied 'tya' ;$98
-:99 absolute_index_y 'sta' ;$99
-:9a implied 'txs' ;$9a
-:9b implied 'txy' ;$9b
-:9c absolute 'stz' ;$9c
-:9d absolute_index_x 'sta' ;$9d
-:9e absolute_index_x 'stz' ;$9e
-:9f absolute_long_index_x 'sta' ;$9f
-:a0 immediate_i 'ldy' ;$a0
-:a1 dp_index_indirect_x 'lda' ;$a1
-:a2 immediate_i 'ldx' ;$a2
-:a3 sr 'lda' ;$a3
-:a4 dp 'ldy' ;$a4
-:a5 dp 'lda' ;$a5
-:a6 dp 'ldx' ;$a6
-:a7 dp_indirect_long 'lda' ;$a7
-:a8 implied 'tay' ;$a8
-:a9 immediate_m 'lda' ;$a9
-:aa implied 'tax' ;$aa
-:ab stack_pull 'plb' ;$ab
-:ac absolute 'ldy' ;$ac
-:ad absolute 'lda' ;$ad
-:ae absolute 'ldx' ;$ae
-:af absolute_long 'lda' ;$af
-:b0 pc_relative 'bcs' ;$b0
-:b1 dp_indirect_index_y 'lda' ;$b1
-:b2 dp_indirect 'lda' ;$b2
-:b3 sr_indirect_index_y 'lda' ;$b3
-:b4 dp_index_x 'ldy' ;$b4
-:b5 dp_index_x 'lda' ;$b5
-:b6 dp_index_y 'ldx' ;$b6
-:b7 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'lda' ;$b7
-:b8 implied 'clv' ;$b8
-:b9 absolute_index_y 'lda' ;$b9
-:ba implied 'tsx' ;$ba
-:bb implied 'tyx' ;$bb
-:bc absolute_index_x 'ldy' ;$bc
-:bd absolute_index_x 'lda' ;$bd
-:be absolute_index_y 'ldx' ;$be
-:bf absolute_long_index_x 'lda' ;$bf
-:c0 immediate_i 'cpy' ;$c0
-:c1 dp_index_indirect_x 'cmp' ;$c1
-:c2 immediate_rep 'rep' ;$c2
-:c3 sr 'cmp' ;$c3
-:c4 dp 'cpy' ;$c4
-:c5 dp 'cmp' ;$c5
-:c6 dp 'dec' ;$c6
-:c7 dp_indirect_long 'cmp' ;$c7
-:c8 implied 'iny' ;$c8
-:c9 immediate_m 'cmp' ;$c9
-:ca implied 'dex' ;$ca
-:cb implied 'wait' ;$cb
-:cc absolute 'cpy' ;$cc
-:cd absolute 'cmp' ;$cd
-:ce absolute 'dec' ;$ce
-:cf absolute_long 'cmp' ;$cf
-:d0 pc_relative 'bne' ;$d0
-:d1 dp_indirect_index_y 'cmp' ;$d1
-:d2 dp_indirect 'cmp' ;$d2
-:d3 sr_indirect_index_y 'cmp' ;$d3
-:d4 stack_dp_indirect 'pei' ;$d4
-:d5 dp_index_x 'cmp' ;$d5
-:d6 dp_index_x 'dec' ;$d6
-:d7 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'cmp' ;$d7
-:d8 implied 'cld' ;$d8
-:d9 absolute_index_y 'cmp' ;$d9
-:da stack_push 'phx' ;$da
-:db implied 'stp' ;$db
-:dc absolute_indirect_long 'jmp' ;$dc
-:dd absolute_index_x 'cmp' ;$dd
-:de absolute_index_x 'dec' ;$de
-:df absolute_long_index_x 'cmp' ;$df
-:e0 immediate_i 'cpx' ;$e0
-:e1 dp_index_indirect_x 'sbc' ;$e1
-:e2 immediate_sep 'sep' ;$e2
-:e3 sr 'sbc' ;$e3
-:e4 dp 'cpx' ;$e4
-:e5 dp 'sbc' ;$e5
-:e6 dp 'inc' ;$e6
-:e7 dp_indirect_long 'sbc' ;$e7
-:e8 implied 'inx' ;$e8
-:e9 immediate_m 'sbc' ;$e9
-:ea implied 'nop' ;$ea
-:eb implied 'xba' ;$eb
-:ec absolute 'cpx' ;$ec
-:ed absolute 'sbc' ;$ed
-:ee absolute 'inc' ;$ee
-:ef absolute_long 'sbc' ;$ef
-:f0 pc_relative 'beq' ;$f0
-:f1 dp_indirect_index_y 'sbc' ;$f1
-:f2 dp_indirect 'sbc' ;$f2
-:f3 sr_indirect_index_y 'sbc' ;$f3
-:f4 stack_absolute 'pea' ;$f4
-:f5 dp_index_x 'sbc' ;$f5
-:f6 dp_index_x 'inc' ;$f6
-:f7 dp_indirect_long_index_y 'sbc' ;$f7
-:f8 implied 'sed' ;$f8
-:f9 absolute_index_y 'sbc' ;$f9
-:fa stack_pull 'plx' ;$fa
-:fb implied 'xce' ;$fb
-:fc absolute_index_indirect 'jsr';$fc
-:fd absolute_index_x 'sbc' ;$fb
-:fe absolute_index_x 'inc' ;$fe
-:ff absolute_long_index_x 'sbc' ;$ff
-~operator ent ;operator precedence
- operator 0;0 ;no operator of value $00
- operator 3;LEFT_RIGHT ;addition
- operator 3;LEFT ;subtraction
- operator 2;LEFT_RIGHT ;multiplication
- operator 2;LEFT ;division
- operator 2;LEFT ;modulus
- operator 1;LEFT_RIGHT ;negation
- operator 4;LEFT ;bit shift
- operator 10;LEFT ;and
- operator 11;LEFT ;or
- operator 12;LEFT ;eor
- operator 1;LEFT_RIGHT ;not
- operator 5;LEFT ;less than or equal
- operator 5;LEFT ;greater than or equal
- operator 6;LEFT ;not equal
- operator 5;LEFT ;less than
- operator 5;LEFT ;greater than
- operator 6;LEFT ;equal
- operator 7;LEFT ;logical and
- operator 9;LEFT ;inclusive or
- operator 8;LEFT ;exculsive or
- operator 1;LEFT_RIGHT ;complement
-~long_options ent ;command-line options accepted by coff
- dw :version,:nodefault,:asm,:tool
- dw :hex,:label,:infix,:postfix
- dw :merlin,:orca,:shorta,:shorti
- dw :header,:noheader,:nooffset
- dw :help,:thanks,:compress,:exact
- dw :NULL
-:version option 'version';0;NULL;'v'
-:nodefault option 'nodefault';0;NULL;'D'
-:asm option 'asm';0;NULL;'d'
-:tool option 'tool';0;NULL;'T'
-:hex option 'hex';0;NULL;'x'
-:label option 'label';0;NULL;'l'
-:infix option 'infix';0;NULL;'t'
-:postfix option 'postfix';0;NULL;'p'
-:merlin option 'merlin';0;NULL;'m'
-:orca option 'orca';0;NULL;'o'
-:shorta option 'shorta';0;NULL;'a'
-:shorti option 'shorti';0;NULL;'i'
-:header option 'header';0;NULL;'s'
-:noheader option 'noheader';0;NULL;'n'
-:nooffset option 'nooffset';0;NULL;'f'
-:help option 'help';0;NULL;'h'
-:thanks option 'thanks';0;NULL;1
-:compress option 'compress';0;NULL;'c'
-:exact option 'exact';0;NULL;'e'
-:NULL option NULL;0;NULL;0
-* data structure variables
-@omf ent ;OMF header structure
-:offset UnsignedLong ;offset from beginning of file for this segment
-:bytecnt UnsignedLong ;number of bytes in file that segment requires
-:resspc UnsignedLong ;number of bytes of zeros to add to end of segment
-:length UnsignedLong ;memory size of segment
-:kind UnsignedShort ;type and attributes of segment
-:lablen UnsignedShort ;length of each name or label record in segment
-:numlen UnsignedShort ;length of each number field in segment body
-:version UnsignedShort ;version number of OMF segment is compatible with
-:revision UnsignedShort ;revision number of OMF v2.0 segment is compatible with
-:banksize UnsignedLong ;maximum memory-bank size for segment
-:org UnsignedLong ;absolute address at which to load segment
-:align UnsignedLong ;boundary on which to align segment
-:numsex UnsignedShort ;order of bytes in a number field
-:lcbank UnsignedShort ;load segment into language card
-:segnum UnsignedShort ;segment number
-:entry UnsignedLong ;offset into segment that corresponds to entry point
-:dispname UnsignedShort ;displacement of the loadname field within segment
-:dispdata UnsignedShort ;displacement from start of segment header to start of
segment body
-:temporg UnsignedLong ;temporary origin of object segment for OMF v2.0
-:loadname Char LOADNAME_LEN ;name of load segment
-:segname CharPtr ;name of segment
-:displacement UnsignedLong
-:counter UnsignedLong
-:library UnsignedShort ;if file is a library
-:refNum Word ;reference number associated with file
-@parse_data ent ;global/local data parsing structure
-:on Boolean ;test if parsing on
-:data_type Boolean ;type of data to parse
-:count UnsignedShort ;number of records to parse
-:edge UnsignedShort ;right margin for output of data
-@label ent ;label references
-:label_name Handle ;name of label
-:expr_name Handle ;expression label evaluates to
-:type UnsignedShort ;GLOBAL or LOCAL label
-:next Handle ;next label reference
-:prev Handle ;previous label reference
-:last Handle ;last label reference
-@expr_list ent ;expression list
-:lo Handle ;handle to array of expressions
-:hi Handle
-:size UnsignedShort ;number of elements in list
-@btree ent ;binary-tree structure
-:ptr dw :0,:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9 ;elements in binary tree array
- dw :10,:11,:12,:13,:14,:15,:16,:17,:18,:19
- dw :20,:21,:22,:23,:24,:25,:26,:27,:28,:29
- dw :30,:31,:32,:33,:34,:35,:36,:37,:38,:39
- dw :40,:41,:42,:43,:44,:45,:46,:47,:48,:49
-:0 ds 10
-:1 ds 10
-:2 ds 10
-:3 ds 10
-:4 ds 10
-:5 ds 10
-:6 ds 10
-:7 ds 10
-:8 ds 10
-:9 ds 10
-:10 ds 10
-:11 ds 10
-:12 ds 10
-:13 ds 10
-:14 ds 10
-:15 ds 10
-:16 ds 10
-:17 ds 10
-:18 ds 10
-:19 ds 10
-:20 ds 10
-:21 ds 10
-:22 ds 10
-:23 ds 10
-:24 ds 10
-:25 ds 10
-:26 ds 10
-:27 ds 10
-:28 ds 10
-:29 ds 10
-:30 ds 10
-:31 ds 10
-:32 ds 10
-:33 ds 10
-:34 ds 10
-:35 ds 10
-:36 ds 10
-:37 ds 10
-:38 ds 10
-:39 ds 10
-:40 ds 10
-:41 ds 10
-:42 ds 10
-:43 ds 10
-:44 ds 10
-:45 ds 10
-:46 ds 10
-:47 ds 10
-:48 ds 10
-:49 ds 10
-@stack ent ;stack structure
-:lo Handle ;array of handles containing stack
-:hi Handle ;elements
-:size UnsignedShort ;number of elements in stack
-* gs/os data structures
-@Close ent
-:pCount ds 2
-:refNum ds 2
-@Open ent
-:pCount ds 2
-:refNum ds 2
-:pathname ds 4
-:requestAccess ds 2
-:resourceNumber ds 2
-:access ds 2
-:fileType ds 2
-:auxType ds 4
-:storageType ds 4
-:createDateTime ds 8
-:modDateTime ds 8
-:optionList ds 4
-:eof ds 4
-:blocksUsed ds 4
-:resourceEOF ds 4
-:resourceBlocks ds 4
-@GetMark ent
-:pCount ds 2
-:refNum ds 2
-:position ds 4
-@SetMark ent
-:pCount ds 2
-:refNum ds 2
-:base ds 2
-:displacement ds 4
-@Quit ent
-:pCount ds 2
-:pathname ds 4
-:flags ds 2
-@Read ent
-:pCount ds 2
-:refNum ds 2
-:dataBuffer ds 4
-:requestCount ds 4
-:transferCount ds 4
-:cachePriority ds 2
- sav data.l