💾 Archived View for midnight.pub › posts › 685 captured on 2024-02-05 at 11:55:42. Gemini links have been rewritten to link to archived content
⬅️ Previous capture (2021-11-30)
i'm not prone to loneliness, but everyone struggled when the world went to sleep. tonight i'm pouring one out for a beloved cat, who came into my life when i was at my loneliest and with whom my time was too short.
misty, i really miss you. you were talkative. you purred easily. you leaned into head scritches. you napped beside my keyboard. i'm doing really well now and you helped get me there. i hope that i made your last year a happy one. fuck cancer.
anyway i hope your gemini browser can handle unicode.
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Ahoy, Misty!
Your existence was meaningful and you are missed. I hope that makes your warm wherever you are.
Memories are a place.
Remember, wbarlow will forever remember you. Your purr is not forgotten.
Now I know why Smudge's whiskers are drooping. Misty was a good cat. *raises glass*
Here's to Misty, one awesome cat!