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Electronic Communication

Compiled by
Anne Balsamo
Program in Science, Technology and Culture
School of Literature, Communication and Culture
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332

(additions welcomed)

November, 1992

Alexander, Michael. "Is it real, or is it digitized? Computerworld 25 
(January 14, 1991): 22.

Aronowitz, Stanley. Science as Power: Discourse and Ideology in Modern
Society.Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1988.

(Art)n Laboratory. Sexy Science. Video, 1991.

Ashbrook, Tom. "Dive Into your home computer." Boston Globe, (August 22, 

Ashby, W. Ross. An Introduction to Cybernetics. NY: John Wiley & Sons, 

Auslander, Philip. "Intellectual Property Meets the Cyborg: Performance 
and the cultural politics of technology." Performing Arts Journal (Fall, 
1991): forthcoming.

Bailey, Jr., Charles."Intelligent Mulitmedia computer systems." Library 
Hi-Tech (1990).

Balsamo, Anne.  "Reading Cyborgs Writing Feminism." Communications,
1988: 331-345.

Balsamo, Anne. "The Virtual Body in Cyberspace." Journal of Research
in the Philosophy of Technology, forthcoming.

Bankowsky, Jack. "Slackers." Artforum (November, 1991): 96-100.

Barlow, John Perry. "Being in Nothingness." Mondo 2000 #2 (Summer 
1990): 34-43.

Barlow, John Perry. "Life in the DataCloud: Scratching your Eyes Back 
In." Interview with Jaron Lanier. Mondo 2000 #2 (Summer 1990): 44-51.

Barlow, John Perry. "Crime and Puzzlement: in advance of the law on the 
electronic frontier." Whole Earth Review (Fall 1990): 44-57.

Barr, Marleen. "'The Females do the Fathering!': James Tiptree's Male 
Matriarchs and Adult Human Gametes." Science-Fiction Studies 13 (1986): 

Bairstow, Jeffrey. "Who Reads your Electronic Mail?" Electronic Business 
(June 11, 1990) 16 (11): 92.

Bateson, Gregory. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. San Francisco: Chandler 
Pub. co., 1972.

Baudrillard, Jean.  Simulations. New York: Semiotext(e), 1983.

Baudrillard, Jean. In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities. New York: 
Semiotext(e), 1983.

Baudrillard, Jean. The Ecstacy of Communication. Trans. Bernard an 
Caroline Schutz, Sylvere Lotringer. New York: Semiotext(e), 1987.

Baudrillard, Jean. America. Verso, 1988.

Baudrillard, Jean. Seduction. ST. Martin's P, 1990.

Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories. Verso, 1990.
Beck, Stephen. "Virtual Light & Cybervideo." Mondo 2000 #2 (Summer 
1990): 64-65.

Benedikt, Micahel L., ed. Cyberspace: The first steps. Boston: MIT 
press, 1991.

Bertrand, Kate. "Virtual reality on Marketing Horizon." Business 
Marketing v.75 November 1990: 14.

Best, Steve. "Robocop: The recuperation of the subject." Canadian 
Journal of Political and Social Theory 13, 1-2 (1987): 44-55.

Bey, Hakim. The Temporary Autonous Zone, Ontological Anarcy, Poetic
Terrorism."Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 1985 (anti-copywrited)

Bomba, Ty. "Wargaming: A Philosophic and resource guide." Whole Earth
Review (Summer) 1990: 118-121.

Bolter, Jay David. Turing's Man:Western culture in the computer age.
Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1984.

Bolter, Jay David. Writing Space: The computer, hypertext, and the
history of writing.  Hillside, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991.

Boyce, Jim. "Whose Reality is it anyway?" Cadence (March 1, 1990).

Brand, Stewart. The Media Lab: Inventing the future at MIT. New York: 
Viking press, 1987.

Brand, Stewart and Kevin Kelly. "Cyberspace." Whole Earth Review 
(Summer 1989): 84-86.

Brand, Stewart. "Outlaws, musicians, lovers, and spies: The future of 
control." Whole Earth Review Summer 1990: 130-135.

Branwyn, Gareth. "Virtual Reality." The Futurist May-June,(1990): 45.

Branwyn, Gareth. "The salon virtual: plugging in to a transcontinental 
creative community." Utne Reader (March/April, 1991): 86-88.

Branwyn, Gareth, Mark Frauenfelder, and Peter Sugarman, eds. Beyond
Cyberpunk. The Computer Lab, Rt. 4, Box 54c, Louisa, VA 23093.

Bricken, Meredith. "Inventing Reality" CADalyst (Dec 1989): 45-46.

Bricken, William. "Cyberspace 1999: The shell, the image, and now the 
meat." Mondo 2000 #2 (Summer 1990): 56-75.

Briggs, John and F. David Peat. Turbulent Mirror. Harper & Row, 1989.

Brooks, Rosetta. "Between the Street and the Screen."

Brown, Bob. "EMA Urges Users to Adopt Policy on E-mail Privacy."  
Network World (Oct 29, 1990), 7.44: 2.

Bryant, Edward. "Dateline 1999." Omni (January 1989): 22 (5).

Bukatman, Scott. "The Cybernetic (City) State: Terminal Space becomes 
Phenomenal." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 2 (1989): 43-63.

Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the subversion of 
identity. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Bylinsky, Gene. "The Marvels of 'Virtual Reality:' Fortune (June 3, 
1991): 138-143.

Carlson, Richard and Bruce Goldman. 2020 Vision: Long view of a 
changing world. Stanford, CA: Stanford Alumni Assoc., 1990.

Caruso, Denise. "Virtual Reality, Get Real." Media Letter (August 1990) 
vol. 1, no. 3.

Ceteras, Seth. "Through the Virtual Looking Glass." ETC: A Review of 
General Semantics (Spring 1990): 67-72.

Chesebro, James and Donald Bonsall. Computer-mediated Communication:
Human relationships in a computerized world. U of Alabama p, 1989.

Clarkson, David. "Vision Machines." M5V (Winter, 1991-92).

Coate, John. "The Well Turns Five." Whole Earth Review (Summer) 1990: 

Comeau, C. and Bryan J. "Headsight Television systems provides remote 
surveillance." Electronics (Nov. 10, 1961): 86-90.

Cornell, Regina. "Where is the window? Virtual reality technologies 
now."  Artscribe Intent (January 1, 1991): 52-55.

Cox, Donna J. "The Tao of Postmodernism: Computer art, scientific 
visualization and other paradoxes." 

Cox, Donna J. "The Art of Scientific Visualization." Academic Computing 
March 1990: 20-40.

Crimp, Douglas. "On the Photographic Activity of Postmodernism." 
October: 91-101.

Crowley, A. Magick in Theory and Practice. Dover Press, 1976.

Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan. "Cyberpunk and Neuromanticism." Mississippi 
Revew 16.2-3 (1988): 266-78.

Cunningham, Scott and Alan L. Porter. "Communication Networks: A dozen 
ways they'll change our lives." The Futurist 26, 1 (January-February, 
1992): 19-22.

Daedalus: Journal of the American academy of arts and sciences.
Special Issue: A New Era in Computation. Winter, 1992.

Davis, Erik. "Virtual Video." The Village Voice March 26, 1991: 41.

Daviss, Bennett.  "Grand Illusions: Virtual reality computer simulation 
technology." Discover (June 1990): 36-42.

Delaney, Samuel R. "Some Real Mothers: An Interview with Samuel R. 
Delaney." by Takayuki Tatumi. Science Fiction Eye (March 1988): 5-11.

Delaney, Samuel R. "The Semiology of Silence." Science-Fiction Studies 
14.2 (July 1987): 134-164.

deLauretis, Teresa, Andreas Huyssen, Kathleen Woodward, eds. The 
Technological Imagination: Theories and fictions. Madison, WI: Coda 
press, 1980.

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. Anti-Oedipus.

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. One Thousand Plateaus.

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari.  Nomadology: The war machine.  New 
York: Semiotext(e), 1986.

Denning, Peter J., ed. Computers Under Attack: Intruders, Worms, and 
Viruses. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

Dery, Mark. "Cyberpunk: Riding the Shockwave with the Toxic 
Underground." Keyboard (May, 1989): 75-89.

Dibbell, Julian. "Virtual Kool-Aid Acid Test." Spin (March 4, 1991).

Discourse 9: Journal for theoretical studies in media and culture.
Special issue: On Technology (cybernetics, ecology, and the postmodern
imagination.) (Spring/Summer) 1987.

Ditlea, Steven. "Computerized tour guides: Virtual reality for Day 
trippers--the safer, easier way to travel." Omni (October 1990): 26.

Ditlea, Steven. "Grand Illusion" New York (August 6, 1990): 26-35.

Ditlea, Steven. "Another World: Inside Artificial Reality." P/C 
Computing. November 1989: 90-101.

Ditlea, Steve. "Inside Virtual Reality." PC/Computing (Summer 1989): 91-

Druckery, Timothy. "Lost in Cyberspace: Writing the history of virtual 
reality." Afterimage (December 1991): 8-9.

Edwards, Paul N. "Border Wars: The Science and politics of artificial 
intelligence." Radical America 19.6 (1985): 39-50.

Edwards, Paul N. "The Army and the Microworld: Computers and the 
politics of gender identity." SIGNS 16.11 (1990): 102-127.

Elmer-Dewitt, Philip. "Through the 3-d looking glass." Time May 1, 1989: 

Elmer-Dewitt, Philip. "(Mis)Adventures in Cyberspace." Time September 
3, 1990: 74-76.

Elmer-DeWitt, Philip. "In search of artificial life: Some scientists 
believe that things inside their computers are actually alive." Time 
(August 6, 1990): 64.

Ellis, Stephen R., ed. Pictorial Communication in Virtual and Real 
Environments. Taylor & Francis, 1991.

Export, Valie and Herbert Blau, eds. Special issue of Discourse:
Theoretical studies in media and culture. "Performance Issues:
Happening, body, spectacle, virtual reality. 14.2 (Spring, 1992).

Farmer, F.R. "Cyberspace: Getting There From Here." Journal of
Computer Game Design. (October 1988).

Feenberg, Andrew. Critical Theory of Technology. New York: Oxford UP, 1991.

Fisher, Scott and Jane Tazelaar. "Living in a Virtual World." Byte July 
1990: 215-221.

Fisher, S.S., E.M. Wenzel, C. Coler, M.W. McGreevy. "Virtual Interface 
Environment Workstations." Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 
32nd annual meetings, 1988: 91-95.

Fiske, John. Television Culture. London: Routledge, 1987.

Forester, Tom, ed. Computers in the Human context: information
technology, productivity and people.  MIT, 1989.

Foucault, Michel. The Order of Things: An archeology of the human 
sciences. New York: Pantheon, 1970.

Friedhoff, Richard and William Benzon. Visualization: The Second 
Computer Revolution. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1990.

Foley, James D. "Interfaces for Advanced Computing." Scientific 
American 257.4 (1987): 126-135.

Gans, David and R.U. Sirius. "Civilizing the Electronic Frontier: An 
interview w/ Mitch Kapor & John Barlow of the Electronic Frontier 
Foundation." Mondo 2000 #3 (Winter 1991): 45-49,

Gelernter, David. Mirror Worlds. New YOrk: Oxford UP, 1991.

Gilmore, M. "The Rise of Cyberpunk." Rolling Stone (Dec 4, 1986): 77.

Glazer, Miryam. "'What is Within now Seen without': Romanticism, 
Neuromanticism, and the Death of the imagination in William Gibson's 
Fictive World." Journal of Popular Culture 23 (Winter 1989): 155-164.

Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a new science. New York: Penguin, 1987.

Glitman, Russell. "Bringing the cyber office to corporate America." PC 
Week January 14, 1991: 73.

Goldstein, Harry. "Virtual Reality." Utne Reader March/April 1990: 41-

Gordon, Joan. "Yin and Yang Duke it Out." Science Fiction Eye 2 
(February 1990): 37-39.

Gotschalk, F.C. "Nakajima Cyberspace." The magazine of fantasy and 
science fiction 74 (June 1988): 149-160.

Grant, Glenn. "Transcendence through Detournement in William Gibson's 
Neuromancer." Science Fiction Studies 17 (March 1990): 41-49.

Greenfield, Adam. "New Romancer." Spin (December 1, 1988).

Greer, Jonathan. "Helmet of Dreams." San Jose Mercury News, (January 12, 

Gullichsen, Eric, Randal Walser, and Patrice Gelband. "Cyberspace: 
Experiential Computing." CADalyst (Dec 1989): 46-47.

Haddon, Leslie. "Electronic and Computer Games: The history of an 
interactive medium." Screen 29.2 (Spring 1988): 52-81.

Hall, Trish. "'Virtual Reality' Takes its place in the Real." New York 
Times, Sunday, July 8, 1990 sec. 1: 1, 14.

Hamit, Francis and Wes Thomas. Virtual Reality: Adventures in 
Cyberspace. Freeman, 1991.

Hafner, Katie and John Markoff. Cyberpunk: Outlaws and hackers on the
Computer Frontier.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.

Haraway, Donna. "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and
Socialist Feminism in the 1980s." Socialist Review 16.2 (March/April
1985): 65-107.

Haraway, Donna. Cyborgs, Simians, and Women: The reinvention of nature. 
New York: Routledge, 1991.

Haraway, Donna. "Otherworldly conversations: Terran topics; local
terms." Science as CUlture 14 3.1 (1992): 64-98.
Hardison, Jr. O.B. Disappearing Through the Skylight. New York: Viking, 1989.

Harwood, Jim. "Agog in Goggles: Shape of things to come reshaping 
Hollywood's future." Variety 56th Anniversay issue (1989): 66.

Haugeland, John, ed. Mind Design: Philosophy, psychology, artificial 
intelligence. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 1981.

Hayes, Brian. "Machine Dreams." Discover (October 1989): 82-88.

Hayes, Frank. "VR." UNIX/World (August 1, 1990).

Hayles, N. Katherine. The Cosmic Web: Scientific field models &
literary strategies in the 20th century. New York: Oxford UP, 1984.

Hayles, N. Katherine. "Space for Writing: Stanislaw Lem and the 
Dialectic 'That Guides my Pen.'" Science-Fiction Studies 13.3 (1986): 

Hayles, N. Katherine. "Text Out of Context: Situating postmodernism 
within an information society." Discourse 9 (1987): 24-36.

Hayles, N. Katherine. Chaos Bound: Scientific Field Methods and 
Literary Strategies. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1990.

Hecht, Jeff. "Tune in, turn on, plug in your software: Simulating 
virtual reality on computer." New Scientist (August 19, 1989): 32.

Heilbrun, Adam and Barbara Stacks. "An Interview with Jaron Lanier: 
Virtual Reality." Whole Earth Review (Fall 1989): 119.

Helsel, Sandra K. and Judith Paris Roth. Virtual Reality: Theory, 
Practice, and Promise. Westport, CT: Meckler Publishing, 1991.

Highfield, Roger. "A robot that lets the mind wander." The Daily 
Telegraph (October 6, 1986).

Hillier, Bill. "The Architecture of the Urban Object." 
Ekistics.Oikistike (January 1, 1989).

Hollinger, Veronica. "Deconstructing the Time Machine." Science-Fiction 
Studies 14.1 (1987): 201-221.

Hollinger, Veronica. "Cybernetic Deconstructions: Cyberpunk and 
Postmodernism."  Mosaic 23, 2 (Spring, 1990): 29-44.

Intercon Production. Cyberpunk. Video, 1990.

Ishii, Hiroshi. "Cross-Cultural Communication & Computer-supported 
cooperative work." Whole Earth Review (Winter) 1990: 48-49.

Jacobs, Karrie. "Design for the Unreal word: Travels through 
cyberspace." Metropolis (September 1, 1990).

Jameson, Fredric. The Political Unconscious. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 

Jameson, Fredric. "Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late 
Capitalism." New Left Review 146 (July/Aug 1984): 53-92.

Jameson, Fredric. "Science Fiction as Spatial Genre: Generic 
Discontinuities and the problem of figuration in Vonda McIntyre's The 
Exile Waiting." Science-Fiction Studies 14.1 (1987): 44-59.

Jameson, Fredric. "Shifting Contexts of Science-Fiction Theory." 
Science-Fiction Studies 14.3 (1987): 241-247.

Jenish, D'arcy. "Re-creating Reality." Macleans (June 4, 1990): 56-58.

Kadrey, Richard. "Simulations of Immortality." Science Fiction Eye 1 
(July 1989): 74-76.

Kadrey, Richard. "Cyberpunk 101 Reading List." Whole Earth Review 
(Summer 1989): 83.

Kadrey, Richard. "Cyberthon No. 1: Virtual Reality fair in San 
Francisco". Whole Earth Review (Winter, 1990): 145.

Kadrey, Richard. "Cyberthon 1.0: Virtual Reality fair in San 
Francisco". Whole Earth Review (Spring, 1991): 54-58.

Kandebo, Stanley W. "Navy to evaluate agile eye helmet-mounted display 
system."  Aviation Week and Space Technology (August 15, 1988).

Keizer, Gregg. "Reality  Check: Cyberthon 1990." Omni.

Keizer, Gregg. "Explorations." Omni (January 1, 1991).

Kelly, Kevin. "Cyberpunk ERA: Interviews with William Gibson." Whole 
Earth Review (Summer 1989): 78-82.

Kelly, Kevin. "Sticking your head in Cyberspace." Whole Earth Review 
(Summer 1989): 84-87.

Kelly, Kevin. "Simple Words about the new Science of Complexity: A talk 
with George Cowan." Whole Earth Review (Summer 1989): 94-97.

Kelly, Kevin. "Perpetual Novelty: selected notes from the second 
artificial life conference." Whole Earth Review (Summer 1990): 20-29.

Kiesler, Sara, Jane Siegel, and Timothy W. McGuire. "Social and 
psychological aspects of computer-mediated communications." American 
Psychologist (October 1984).

Keizer, Greg. "Virtual Reality." Compute (June 1, 1991): 30-33.

Kroker, ARthur and David Cook. The Postmodern Scene: Excremental
Culture and Hyper-aesthetics. ST. Martins P, 1986.

Kroker, Arthur. The Panic Encyclopedia: The definitive guide to the 
postmodern scene. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.

Kroker, Arthur. The Possessed Individual: Technology and the french 
postmodern. New York: St. Martin's press, 1992.

Krueger, Myron. "Videoplace: A report from the artificial reality 
laboratory." Leonardo 18 (1985): 145-151.

Krueger, Myron. Artificial Reality.  Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1982 
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Kuhn, Annette, ed. Alien Zone:Cultural theory and contemporary science
fiction cinema. London: Verso, 1990.

Kurzweil, Raymond. The Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT, 1990.

Landon, Brooks. "Bet On It: Cyber/video/punk/performance." Mississippi
REview 47/48 (1988): 254-51.

Langton, Chris. "Toward Artificial Life." Whole Earth Review Spring 
(1988): 74-79.

Larish, John. Understanding Electronic Photography. Summit, PA: TAB 
Professional, 1990.

Lanier, Jaron. "Interview." Omni: 45 (6).

LaRue, James. "The Virtual Library." Wilson Library Bulletin March, 1991 

Lash, Scott and John Urry. The End of Organized Capitalism. Madison, 
WI: U of Wisconsin Press, 1987.

Laurel, Brenda. Toward the design of a computer-based interactive 
fantasy system. Unpub diss. Ohio State University, 1986.

Laurel, Brenda. "Culture Hacking." Journal of Computer Game Design 
(1988) 1: 8.

Laurel, Brenda. "On Dramatic Interaction." Verbum, 3.3 (1989): 6-7.

Laurel, Brenda. The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. Reading, MA: 
Addison-Wesley, 1990.

Laurel, Brenda. Computers as Theatre. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 

Laurel, Brenda, Abbe Don, and Tim Oren. "Issues in multimedia interface 
design: Media integration and interface agents." Proceedings of CHI '90, 
ACM, April, 1990.

Leary, Timothy. Neuropolitique, 1988.

Leary, TImothy. The politics of ecstacy.

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Leary, Timothy. "Cyberpunk: The Individual as Reality Pilot," Mississippi 
REview 47/48 (1988): 252-65.

Leebaert, Derek, ed. Technology 2001: The future of Computing and 
Communications. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 1991.

Levy, Steven. Hackers: Heroes of the computer revolution. Anchor
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Levy, Steven. "Brave New World." Rolling Stone (June, 1990): 92-98.

Levy, Steven. "Cyberspaced: A gentle demurral to the hype about virtual 
reality." MacWorld (November, 1991): 61-67.

Levy, Steven. "Out on a Sim." Macworld (April 1990): 51-53.

Lewis, Peter. "Put on your data glove and goggles and step inside." The 
New York Times, Sunday (May 20, 1990): 8.

Linderholm, Owen. "Mind Melding: How far cn the human/computer 
go?" Byte October 15, 1991: 41-46.

Lukes, Timothy W. Screens of Power: Ideology, domination and
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MacNicol, Gregory. "What's Wrong with Reality?" Computer Graphics World 
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Leary's Back! The New York Times (March 2, 1991): 11.

Martin, Michele. Hello Central? Gender, Technology and Culture in the
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McAfee, John and Colin Haynes. Computer Viruses, Worms, Data diddlers,
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McCaffrey, Larry, ed. Across the Wounded Galaxies: Interviews with
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