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?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC Supplement to TheRef(tm) Drive & Controller Listing ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? In "publishing" TheRef(tm), I've often been asked the difference ?? ? between the types of drive controllers and recording methods. I'm ?? ? not going to get into that in this document, as it would require a ?? ? good sized doc. of it's own. What I have supplied are diagrams of ?? ? the different connectors associated with the technology today. ?? ? frf ?? ?????????????????????????????? CABLES ????????????????????????????????? ? ?? ? Controller Drive 2(or none) Drive 1 ?? ? ?? ? 1???? ?????????1???? ????stripe?????1???? Pins 10-16 ?? ? FLOPPY cable ?::????????????????????????????????????? are twisted ?? ? with twist ?::?????????????????????????????XX?????? before the ?? ? (control & ?::????????????????????????????????????? connector. ?? ? data, 34 pin) ?::????????????????????????????????????? (7 wires) ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ? 1???? ?????????1???? ????stripe?????1???? Pins 25-29 ?? ? ST412 & ESDI ?::????????????????????????????????????? are twisted ?? ? Hard Drive ?::????????????????????????????????????? before the ?? ? cable w/twist ?::?????????????????????????????XX?????? connector. ?? ? (control) ?::????????????????????????????????????? (5 wires) ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ? 1???? ???????????stripe?????????????1???? (no twists) ?? ? ST412 & ESDI ?::????????????????????????????????????? Each drive ?? ? Hard Drive ?::????????????????????????????????????? has it's ?? ? (data, 20 pin)?::????????????????????????????????????? own data ?? ? ???? ???? cable ?? ? ?? ? IMPORTANT NOTE: Pin #1 on any drive cable SHOULD be indicated by a ?? ? a colored stripe. If you should find the stripe ?? ? by connector pin 34 (or 20), inspect the whole ?? ? cable VERY throughly! ?? ? ?? ? DRIVE SELECT For both Floppy and Hard drives, when the 34 pin ?? ? JUMPERS: cable has a twist, the device number should be set ?? ? to the second position. Drives numbered 0-3, set to ?? ? 1, those numbered 1-4, set to 2. When cables with- ?? ? out a twist are used, Floppy "A", and(or) Hard drive ?? ? "C" should be set to 1, and the second Floppy and ?? ? (or) Hard drive should be set to 2. ?? ? ?? ? TERMINATORS: When using more than one drive on a cable (ie; 2FDs ?? ? or 2HDs), the terminating resistor pack should be ?? ? left on the drive furthest from the controller, and ?? ? removed from the drive closest to the controller. ?? ? ?? ? NOTE: On SCSI drives, the Host Adapter also has resistors. ?? ? These are needed to terminate both ends of the bus. ?? ? Since the SCSI bus can have up to 7 devices attached ?? ? to it, only the Host Adapter and the device farthest ?? ? from it will retain the resistors. All devices in- ?? ? between should have theirs removed. ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC 2 ?? ???????????????????????????? CONNECTIONS ?????????????????????????????? ? ?? ? FLOPPY DRIVES ??????? ?? ? HI/LO DENSITY >?2 1? GND ?? ? The connector on a floppy drive N/C ?4 _ 3? | ?? ? consists of 34 conductors. Both N/C ?6 5? | ?? ? control and data use this same INDEX <?8 7? | ?? ? cable. Most cables have a twist MOTOR ENAB. A >?10 9? | ?? ? that interchanges pins 10 through DRIVE SEL. B >?12 11? | ?? ? 16 at the end of the cable (on DRIVE SEL. A >?14 13? | ?? ? drive 1). Most floppy connect- MOTOR ENAB. B >?16 15? | ?? ? ors have a "key" between pins DIRECTION SEL. >?18 17? | ?? ? 4 & 6, and 3 & 5, to prevent the HEAD STEP >?20 19? | ?? ? cable from being reversed. At WRITE DATA >?22 21? | ?? ? the other end, the dual row con- WRITE GATE >?24 23? | ?? ? nector that attaches to the con- TRACK 00 <?26 25? | ?? ? troller card will usually have a WRITE PROTECT <?28 27? | ?? ? set of ridges that coincide with READ DATA <?30 29? | ?? ? cutouts in the controller card's HEAD SELECT >?32 31? | ?? ? connector. Note that old style DISK CHANGE <?34 33? GND ?? ? floppy-only controllers used a ??????? ?? ? card-edge connector just like that > Input ( At the ?? ? of the drive. < Output Drive Conn.) ?? ? ?? ? ST506/412 HARD DRIVE (MFM & RLL) ?? ? ?? ? This standard drive system uses ??????? ?? ? two cables; a 34 conductor control HEAD SEL. 8 ?2 1? GND ?? ? cable, and a 20 conductor data HEAD SEL. 4 ?4 _ 3? | ?? ? cable. The control cable contains WRITE GATE ?6 5? | ?? ? a twist of the conductors going to SEEK COMPLETE ?8 7? | ?? ? the farthest drive, which is drive TRACK 0 ?10 9? | ?? ? "C" on most systems. This twist WRITE FAULT ?12 11? | ?? ? consists of conductors 25 through HEAD SEL. 1 ?14 13? | ?? ? 29. As with the floppy cable, the RESERVED ?16 15? | ?? ? ST506/412 cables normally have a HEAD SEL. 2 ?18 17? | ?? ? key to prevent reversal, and the INDEX ?20 19? | ?? ? controller end has a pin-type con- READY ?22 21? | ?? ? nector, while the drive end has a STEP ?24 23? | ?? ? card-edge type connector. DRIVE SEL. 1 ?26 25? | ?? ? DRIVE SEL. 2 ?28 27? | ?? ? ??????? DRIVE SEL. 3 ?30 29? | ?? ? DRIVE SEL'D ?1 2? GND DRIVE SEL. 4 ?32 31? | ?? ? RESERVED ?3 _ 4? | DIRECTION IN ?34 33? GND ?? ? | ?5 6? | ??????? ?? ? | ?7 8? GND ?? ? RESERVED ?9 10? RESERVED Though control signals ?? ? GND ?11 12? GND go through a single 34 ?? ? * WRITE DATA+ ?13 14? * WRITE DATA- conductor cable, data ?? ? GND ?15 16? GND flows through seperate ?? ? * READ DATA+ ?17 18? * READ DATA- 20 conductor cables ?? ? GND ?19 20? GND for each drive (C,D). ?? ? *(MFM or RLL) ??????? ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC 3 ?? ???????????????????????????? CONNECTIONS ?????????????????????????????? ? ?? ? ESDI HARD DRIVES ??????? ?? ? HEAD SEL. 3 ?2 1? GND ?? ? Though ESDI and ST506/412 drives HEAD SEL. 2 ?4 _ 3? | ?? ? share similar looking cables, WRITE GATE ?6 5? | ?? ? even to the point of having a CONFIG/STAT DATA ?8 7? | ?? ? twist, the actual data and con- TRANSFER ACK. ?10 9? | ?? ? trol signals are very different. ATTENTION ?12 11? | ?? ? One should never mix components HEAD SEL. 0 ?14 13? | ?? ? from these two drive types. SECT/ADD.MK. FOUND ?16 15? | ?? ? While the ST506/412 interface HEAD SEL. 1 ?18 17? | ?? ? utilizes a standard pulse code INDEX ?20 19? | ?? ? to transmit data between the READY ?22 21? | ?? ? drive and controller, ESDI uses TRANS.REQUEST ?24 23? | ?? ? a pulse code that does not require DRIVE SEL. 1 ?26 25? | ?? ? the level to return to zero between DRIVE SEL. 2 ?28 27? | ?? ? pulses. This format is refered to DRIVE SEL. 3 ?30 29? | ?? ? as NRZ, or Non Return to Zero. By READ GATE ?32 31? | ?? ? utilizing NRZ, the clock that data COMMAND DATA ?34 33? GND ?? ? is transfered by can be increased, ??????? ?? ? thereby increasing the troughput to ?? ? and from the ESDI disk. ?? ? ??????? ?? ? DRIVE SEL'D ?1 2? SECT/ADD.MK. FOUND ?? ? SEEK COMPLETE ?3 _ 4? ADDRESS MARK ENABLE ?? ? RESV'D FOR STEP MODE ?5 6? GND ?? ? WRITE CLOCK+ ?7 8? WRITE CLOCK- ?? ? CARTRIDGE CHANGED ?9 10? READ REF. CLOCK+ ?? ? READ REF. CLOCK- ?11 12? GND ?? ? NRZ WRITE DATA+ ?13 14? NRZ WRITE DATA- ?? ? GND ?15 16? GND ?? ? NRZ READ DATA+ ?17 18? NRZ READ DATA- ?? ? GND ?19 20? GND ?? ? ??????? ?? ? ?? ? ???????????????? And in this corner... Recording ????????????????? ?? ? ?? ? Times were, you had a simple choice for type of disk drive... ?? ? Any kind, as long as it was ST506/412. Those were the heydays of ?? ? MFM drives. But many manufacturers weren't content with the 17 ?? ? sectors/track that MFM provided. They devised a newer encoding ?? ? scheme to pack data tighter, and called it RLL, or Run Length ?? ? Limited, as opposed to MFM, or Modified Frequency Modulation. It ?? ? involves using groups of 16 bits rather than each individual bit, ?? ? thus achieving a sort of "compression" of the information as it is ?? ? encoded. Since the same information takes up less space as RLL ?? ? encoded data, more info can be writen to the disk. The most com- ?? ? mon RLL technique, known as 2,7 RLL, can pack roughly 50% more on ?? ? a disk than MFM. Of course, there is always a trade-off, and the ?? ? timing and media required for RLL is it. RLL requires a higher ?? ? grade of media because of it's dense bit-packing, and timing is ?? ? more critical, since the data is flowing at 50% higher rate than ?? ? an MFM drive. Also, the mechanics of the drive must have tighter ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC 4 ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? tolerences because head positioning becomes more critical. These ?? ? requirements kept RLL drives at a premium. It has only been the ?? ? last two years, that RLL drives have outsold MFM, and have all but ?? ? wiped them from the marketplace. This turnabout has come from the ?? ? need to increase disk capacity more and more. Both ESDI, and SCSI ?? ? type drives utilize RLL.(1*) encoding to achieve high capacity and ?? ? transfer rates (from the disk). And the newest interface, IDE, or ?? ? Integrated Drive Electronics, is also based on this technology. ?? ? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ? SCSI HARD DRIVES DB0 <>?2 1? GND 5 ?? ? DB1 <>?4 3? | 0 ?? ? The normal internal cable for SCSI DB2 <>?6 5? | ?? ? is a 50 conductor ribbon, with all DB3 <>?8 7? | P ?? ? odd numbered conductors grounded. DB4 <>?10 9? | I ?? ? Two conductors, numbers 25 & 26, are DB5 <>?12 11? | N ?? ? often left not-connected, as they DB6 <>?14 13? | ?? ? deal with Terminator power, and can DB7 <>?16 15? | D ?? ? be easily shorted by cable reversals. DBP <>?18 17? | U ?? ? There are no twists in this cable, GND ?20 19? | A ?? ? and it's length may be a maximum of GND ?22 21? | L ?? ? 6 meters. But one is advised to use GND ?24 23? | ?? ? minimum lengths to improve timing. TERM PWR ?26 25? | R ?? ? Up to seven drives, or devices may be GND ?28 27? | O ?? ? attached to an SCSI cable. Each is GND ?30 29? | W ?? ? daisy-chained on the cable, or, when ATN < ?32 31? | ?? ? a device has two connectors, another GND ?34 33? | C ?? ? cable may be "spliced" into the chain BSY <>?36 35? | O ?? ? starting at the second connector, and ACK < ?38 37? | N ?? ? continued on. Care must be taken to RST <>?40 39? | N ?? ? insure that cables and connectors are MSG >?42 41? | E ?? ? not reversed, as this would short pin SEL <>?44 43? | C ?? ? 26 (TERMPWR) to ground, and likely C/D >?46 45? | T ?? ? damage the drive or controller. Also, REQ >?48 47? | O ?? ? as explained earlier, the terminating I/O >?50 49? GND R ?? ? resistors should remain only on the ??????? ?? ? controller (Host Adapter) and the LAST ???? DB-25F CONN. ?? ? drive on the cable, regardless of it's GND ?1 ???? ?? ? address. DB1 <>?2 14?<> DB0 ?? ? Most SCSI Host Adapters also have DB3 <>?3 15?<> DB2 ?? ? a connector for external drives in the DB5 <>?4 16?<> DB4 ?? ? form of a Centronics(tm) type 50 pin, DB7 <>?5 17?<> DB6 ?? ? or an "alternate", DB-25F connector. GND ?6 18?<> PARITY ?? ? Only the internal 50-pin, and the SEL <>?7 19? GND ?? ? "alternate" external connector are GND ?8 20? > ATN ?? ? shown here. (see also: MORE SCSI) TMPWR ?9 21?< MSG ?? ? Also, these diagrams refer to the RST <>?10 22? > ACK ?? ? single-ended SCSI connections, since C/D ?11 23?<> BSY ?? ? this is the most common arrangement I/O >?12 24?< REQ ?? ? for PCs today. The Differential SCSI GND ?13 25? GND ?? ? requires balanced lines, and is used ? ???? ?? ? mostly on high-end workstations. ???? FUTURE DOMAIN?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC 5 ?? ?????????????????????????????? CABLES ????????????????????????????????? ? SCSI (cont.) ?? ? (T) ??(DC)? (T) ?? ? On an SCSI cable, the 1?????stripe?1??????1??????1?????????1???? ?? ? terminating resistors ?::???????????::?????::?????::?::?????::? ?? ? (T) remain at the END ?::???????????::?????::?????::?::?????::? ?? ? devices on the cable, ?::???????????::?????::?????::?::?????::? ?? ? even when 2 cables are ?::???????????::?????::?????::?::?????::? ?? ? "Daisy-Chained" (DC). ?::???????????::?????::?????::?::?????::? ?? ? Also, the external ?::???????????::?????::?????::?::?????::? ?? ? connector may be used, ???? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ? requiring the removal (HA) Drives 1-7 (in any order) ?? ? of the Host Adapter's ?? ? internal Term. resistors. ?? ???????????????????????????? CONNECTORS ??????????????????????????????? ? ?? ? IDE (AT) HARD DRIVES (<> AT THE DRIVE CONN) ?? ? ??????? ?? ? IDE, or Integrated Drive Electronics RST >?1 2? GND ?? ? is the most recent drive interface to SD7 <>?3 4?<> SD8 ?? ? gain popularity. Often, the control SD6 <>?5 6?<> SD9 ?? ? circuitry is built into the mother- SD5 <>?7 8?<> SD10 ?? ? board, eliminating the requirement for SD4 <>?9 10?<> SD11 ?? ? a seperate Host Adapter. There are 2 SD3 <>?11 12?<> SD12 ?? ? types of IDE interfaces...those for the SD2 <>?13 14?<> SD13 ?? ? 8-bit XT bus, and those for the 16-bit SD1 <>?15 16?<> SD14 ?? ? AT bus (detailed here). The cable for SD0 <>?17 18?<> SD15 ?? ? IDE contains 40 conductors and has no GND ?19 20?N/C (KEY) ?? ? twists. Like an SCSI cable, the IDE RES.N/C?21 22? GND ?? ? cable uses a Dual-row Pin connector for IOW >?23 24? GND ?? ? both ends. A single cable may be used IOR >?25 26? GND ?? ? to connect two drives, or two cables RES.N/C?27 28?N/C RES. ?? ? may be Daisy-Chained. Most IDE Host RES.N/C?29 30? GND ?? ? Adapters will support two hard drives. IRQ14 <?31 32?> I/O CS16 ?? ? The first drive should be jumpered as SA1 <>?33 34?<> PDIAG ?? ? the Master drive, and the second as the SA0 <>?35 36?<> SA2 ?? ? Slave drive. Plug-in IDE Host Adapters CS0 >?37 38?< CS1 ?? ? are often called Paddle-Boards, and ACTIVE <?39 40? GND ?? ? may contain a floppy controller, and ??????? ?? ? serial and parallel ports. ?? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????? CABLES ????????????????????????????????? ? Note: ?? ? 1????????stripe?????1???????????????1???? ?? ? The IDE Host Adapter ?::??????????????????::??????????????::? ?? ? connector may be on ?::??????????????????::??????????????::? ?? ? a plug-in Paddle-Board ?::??????????????????::??????????????::? ?? ? or may be integrated ?::??????????????????::??????????????::? ?? ? on the Motherboard. ?::??????????????????::??????????????::? ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ? Host Adapter Drives 1-2 (any order) ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? 1* There ARE some SCSI drives that utilize MFM, but very few. ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC 6 ?? ????????????????????????? More on Recording ??????????????????????????? ? ?? ? WRITE PRECOMPENSATION ?? ? ?? ? OK, so we've all seen it listed, and maybe even had to set it ?? ? in the CMOS. So what IS it? And what does it do? ?? ? PreComp. is the way in which the electronics compensates for ?? ? eventual "drift" of the magnetic domains written on the disk. A ?? ? simple explaination is that it allows the head to space bits that ?? ? would attract each other, further apart, while it puts those that ?? ? repel each other, closer together. It does this by analyzing the ?? ? data stream, and adjusting the timing for each bit, to allow it to ?? ? be recorded earlier or later, if needed. ?? ? Not all disks require you to set their PreComp value. Those ?? ? that do are asking for a cylinder to start PreComp. at. Since the ?? ? packing of the bits on a disk increases as you get closer to the ?? ? center of the disk (higher cylinders), the requirement for PreComp.?? ? increases too. The PreComp. value specified by the Manufacturer ?? ? for a disk is his way of insuring your long term data stability. ?? ? ?? ? ??< THE EFFECT OF PRECOMPENSATION OVER TIME >?? ?? ? ?? ? When recorded (w/o PreComp) When recorded (with PreComp) ?? ? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?? ? ? +- -+ +- +- -+ -+ ? ? +- -+ +- -+ -+ -+? ?? ? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?? ? After time (w/o PreComp) After time (with PreComp) ?? ? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?+- -+ +- +- -+ -+ ? ? +- -+ +- -+ -+ -+ ? ?? ? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?? ? From the figures above, we can see how a slight amount of Pre- ?? ? Compensation can insure long term stability. The disk that didn't ?? ? employ PreComp was eventually unreadable. Of course, this would ?? ? take time to happen, but no one can give cold hard specs on how ?? ? much drift will occure. (Of course, this example is a gross sim- ?? ? plification of the process, but, hey, who's counting?) ?? ? ?? ????????????????????????? For Notes & Such ???????????????????????????? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC 7 ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? APPLE SCSI ?? ? ?? ? Unlike in the PC world, the Apple APPLE DB-25 SCSI ?? ? standardized on one drive interface, ?????? ?? ? SCSI. Also, Apple standardized on REQ >?1 ?? ?? ? a 25 pin connector for external con- MSG >?2 14? GND ?? ? nections. However, Apple decided not I/O >?3 15?< C/D ?? ? to implement the complete ANSI spec., RST <>?4 16? GND ?? ? so one must be careful that peripherals ACK < ?5 17? > ATN ?? ? used are certified to work with Apple's BSY <>?6 18? GND ?? ? SCSI bus. GND ?7 19?<> SEL ?? ? Apple also developed it's own pin- DB0 <>?8 20?<> PARITY ?? ? configuration. The Apple and Future GND ?9 21?<> DB1 ?? ? Domain 25-pin SCSI connectors are as DB3 <>?10 22?<> DB2 ?? ? close to "Standards" as there are in DB5 <>?11 23?<> DB4 ?? ? the world of PCs. But the real ANSI DB6 <>?12 24? GND ?? ? Standard called for a 50 pin connector DB7 <>?13 25? TMPWR ?? ? commonly referred to as a "Centronics" ? ?? ?? ? type (made popular by the Centronics ?????? ?? ? printer company). Instead of the 25 ?? ? staggered pins of the Apple & Future ?? ? Domain type connectors, the Centronics ????? ?? ? type uses 2 parallel rows of 25 pins. ? ??? ?? ? This arrangement allows the use of extra GND ?1 26?<> DB0 ?? ? grounds for better isolation. ? ?2 27?<> DB1 ?? ? ? ?3 28?<> DB2 ?? ? SCSI HISTORY ? ?4 29?<> DB3 ?? ? ? ?5 30?<> DB4 ?? ? SCSI has it's roots in the mainframe ? ?6 31?<> DB5 ?? ? world, but it's first implementation in ? ?7 32?<> DB6 ?? ? the PC world came soon after the first ? ?8 33?<> DB7 ?? ? PC. Shugart Associates devised an inter- ? ?9 34?<> DBP ?? ? face that they designated the SASI, or ? ?10 35? GND ?? ? "Shugart Associates Standard Interface" ? ?11 36? GND ?? ? They proposed that SASI be adopted by ANSI ? ?12 37? GND ?? ? for small computers, but durring the work ? ?13 38? TERM.PWR. ?? ? required for ratification, they discovered ? ?14 39? GND ?? ? the process would take too much effort, and ? ?15 40? GND ?? ? that the IPI groups were already well into ? ?16 41? > ATN ?? ? their effort. (which had many features the ? ?17 42? GND ?? ? same as SASI) A decision was made to take ? ?18 43?<> BSY ?? ? features of both interfaces, and put forth ? ?19 44? > ACK ?? ? a new specification for a new interface, ? ?20 45?<> RST ?? ? SCSI was born, and ratified in 1986 by ? ?21 46?< MSG ?? ? ANSI. Since then, many have said that the ? ?22 47?<> SEL ?? ? original spec. was not tight enough, and ? ?23 48?< C/D ?? ? that it allowed Manufacturers to make ? ?24 49?< REQ ?? ? drives that met the ANSI spec., but would GND ?25 50?< I/O ?? ? not talk to each other. Recently, the ? ??? ?? ? ANSI SCSI committee has proposed newer, ????? ?? ? tighter, more extended specs., for 50 PIN "CENTRONICS" ?? ? SCSI-2, and now SCSI-3. FOR "PC" TYPE COMPUTERS ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DIAGRAMS.DOC 8 ?? ?????????????????????? CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ??????????????????????????? ? SCSI TERMINATION ?? ? ?? ? With the advent of increased use of SCSI for peripherals comes ?? ? the chance that one day you'll need an SCSI terminating resistor. ?? ? Prepare for a shock, because you might be very suprised at the ?? ? prices charged, for what you get. Many Manufacturers still have ?? ? SCSI peripheral hardware priced ???????????????????????????????? ?? ? for the Workstation market, not ? 1 ?/\/\/\/? 26 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? the PC market. We may see these ? 2 ?/\/\/\/? 27 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? prices erode as more PCs adopt ? 3 ?/\/\/\/? 28 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? SCSI as their disk interface of ? 4 ?/\/\/\/? 29 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? choice, but for now be prepared ? 5 ?/\/\/\/? 30 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? to pay a premium for anything to ? 6 ?/\/\/\/? 31 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? do with SCSI. ? 7 ?/\/\/\/? 32 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? So here you are, with a disk ? 8 ?/\/\/\/? 33 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? drive mounted internally, and a ? 9 ?/\/\/\/? 34 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? CDRom hanging off the back of the ? 10 35 ? ? ?? ? PC. Everything looks great, but ? 11 36 ? ? ?? ? it just doesn't work... Maybe it ? 12 37 ? ? ?? ? doesn't even recognize the CDRom. ? 13 38 ?????????? ? ?? ? You've checked the connectors, and? 14 39 ? ? ?? ? everything looks good... So what's? 15 40 ? ? ?? ? the problem? Well, did you check ? 16 ?/\/\/\/? 41 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? the terminators? (Say Whaaat??) ? 17 42 ? ? ?? ? Improper termination of an SCSI ? 18 ?/\/\/\/? 43 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? bus can raise havock with the Host? 19 ?/\/\/\/? 44 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? Adapter's interface circuit, and ? 20 ?/\/\/\/? 45 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? result in missing peripherals, or ? 21 ?/\/\/\/? 46 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? intermittent operation and pos- ? 22 ?/\/\/\/? 47 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? sible loss of data. ? 23 ?/\/\/\/? 48 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? Well, here's a way to build an ? 24 ?/\/\/\/? 49 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? inexpensive terminator that will ? 25 ?/\/\/\/? 50 ?/\/\/\/?? ? ?? ? connect to the second SCSI con- ? 220? 330? ? ?? ? nector on many SCSI peripherals. ???????????????????????????????? ?? ? All you need is a Male 50-pin SCSI Terminator Schematic ?? ? Centronics type connector, a small ?? ? length of wire, and 18 resistors of 330? and 18 of 220?, 1/4 watt. ?? ? The schematic for connecting the resistors & connector is above, ?? ? and I'll not go any deeper into construction except to say that if ?? ? you can't take it from here without explaination, you should buy ?? ? your terminator instead, as you can do too much damage if you do it?? ? wrong. ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? (This space left unintentionally blank!) ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????