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---------------------------------------------------------------- LAPTOP AND PORTABLE COMPUTER BOOKS ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 1992 edition of PC Magazine. Comprehensive laptop and portable computer edition. Available at most public libraries. A classic, MASSIVE edition providing laptop purchasing tips, detailed reviews concerning specific portable computers and a surprising amount of software information for laptop users. Also contains a guide of useful travel tips and secrets from the magazine editors who use laptops daily at work. The Complete Laptop Computer Guide by David H. Rothman. Everything from equipment you can buy at Radio Shack so you can hook your laptop into hotel telephone networks to the eccentricities of using a laptop computer in Egypt. This one is the best guide if you want to know about using modems and telecommunications with a laptop under ANY travel conditions ANYWHERE on planet earth! On the Road. The portable Computing Bible, by Jim Seymour. Detailed laptop and portable use guide. Clever tips and tricks the manufacturer forgot to put in your insturction manual! Jim has been a writer for PC Magazine for years and shares some surprising information for laptop users and buyers. Tips and tricks from a laptop guru who uses a laptop daily. The Complete Laptop Computer Guide: How to Choose and Get the Most Out of Your Portable PC or Mac, by David H. Rothman. 384 pages. Large and quite detailed. Covers both hardware and software resources for portable computer users. The Little Laptop Book, by Steve Cummings. Peachpit Press. 186 pages. How to use, buy and travel with laptops. Extensive software recommendation and research is offered. Clever ideas not seen in other books. PC Magazine Guide to Notebook and Laptop Computers, by Bob Howard. Hundreds of productivity tips, purchasing suggestions and a disk of shareware and public domain software round out this comprehensive book. The disk alone is worth the price of the book since the software is especially tuned for laptops. ---------------------------------------------------------------- WINDOWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- There are dozens of books out there about Microsoft Windows, but for my money the best collection of articles and tips ever published on using Windows is at your local library: obtain a back issue of PC/Computing Magazine, November 1992. Over 174 pages of Windows power tips that even the most jaded computer guru will find amazing. The best coverage of Windows ever done in any publication. ---------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Understanding Computers (multiple volume series) By editors of Time-Life Books. 1985. Reader information service, 541 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago, Ill 60611. Found in most libraries, this multiple volume set of lavishly illustrated computer guides covers topics such as computer security, data input, programming, computer history, new technology and other topics. Managing Your Hard Disk. Don Berliner. 1988 Que Publishing. Topics include installing and formatting a hard disk, learning about subdirectories, backup methods plus many tips, tricks and traps in using the all essential hard drive in your PC. Next, the popular "Build Your Own...And Save A Bundle" series: Build Your Own IBM Compatible and Save A Bundle Upgrade Your Computer And Save A Bundle Build Your Own 80286 And Save A Bundle Build Your Own 80386 And Save A Bundle Build Your Own 80486 And Save A Bundle Above books by Aubrey Pilgrim. TAB-McGraw-Hill Publishing. Order via toll free telephone number 1-800-765-1714. This series of books features detailed photos, notes, diagrams and PLAIN ENGLISH instructions on how to assemble or upgrade a complete computer system. Save hundreds of dollars on equipment. Over 200,000 copies sold of this popular series. Incidentally, you can obtain a free catalog listing the TAB-McGraw-Hill computer books by calling 1-800-822-8138. The Printer Bible. Scott Foerster, Que Corporation, 1990. This is by far the biggest and best book ever written on using ANY type of printer effectively. How to fully use, buy, maintain, upgrade everything from the humble dot matrix printer to the flashiest laser. Contains a thorough review of printer technology, comprehensive charts, installation tips, postscript, ribbons, ink technology! Using 123. 1989 Que Publishing. With over one million copies sold, this is the number one choice in Lotus 123 guides. Includes basics of command structure, installation, spreadsheet template examples, graphing, traps and techniques for advanced use, menu structure, effective macro use and much more. 837 pages. Dvorak's Guide to PC Telecommunications. John Dvorak and Nick Anis. 1990 McGraw-Hill. At over 1037 pages this is the essential book for those interested in learning about modems, bulletin board systems, E-Mail, Compuserve or anything related to computers and telecommunications. Contains two disks with useful programs such as Telix, CED, Shez, PKZip, Modem Tutor, and others which compliment the text section of the book. Appendix sections include the Hayes AT command set and hundreds of BBS telephone numbers plus discount coupons for products and services. The Joy of Computer Communications. William Cook. 1984 Dell Publishing. Inc. Magazine's Databasics: Your Guide to Online Business Information. 1986. Garland Publishing. The Complete Handbook of Personal Computer Communications: Everything you need to go online with the world. Alfred Glossbrenner. 1987 St Martin's Press. The PC Configuration Handbook. John Woram. 1991 Bantam Computer Books. The total guide to troubleshooting hardware related problems. A 768 page resource rich with notes on tests such as configuration of laser printers and other hardware setup needs. The Winn Rosch Hardware Bible. Winn L. Rosch. 1991 Brady Computer Books. A hands on approach to repairing and troubleshooting PC problems. Including printers, memory, keyboards, software settings and more. 628 pages. The Laserjet Handbook. Steven Bennett. 1991 Brady computer Books. 518 pages with a utility diskette for information on the care and feeding of the HP Laserjet printer. Using PFS: First Choice. George Omura. 1988 Sybex. A thorough beginners guide to mastering the First Choice integrated program which is popular with those needing a single program which contains a word processor, spreadsheet, database, report generator, graphics and telecommunications package. Using Wordstar. Steve Ditlea. 1988 Que. Wordstar users will delight in over 600 pages of tips on this classic word processing package. Covers installation, editing, printing, command structure, mail-merging techniques, spell-checking, macros and much more. Also includes tips on using this classic word processor with other packages such as 123 and PC-Outline. Recommeded Wordperfect Resources: Wordperfect 5.1 Tips, Tricks and Traps. Charles Stewart III Wordperfect 5.1 made Easy. Mella Mincberg Wordperfect 5.1: The Complete Reference. Karen Acerson Wordperfect 5.1 Macros and Templates. Gordon McComb Wordperfect Desktop Publishing in Style. Daniel Will-Harris Wordperfect 5.0 Instant Reference. Greg Harvey Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer Programs and other Threats to Your System. John McAfee and Colin Haynes. 1989 St Martins Press. Written by the chairman of the Computer Virus Industry Association, this book presents a chillingly detailed look at viruses. Includes actual programming code for two virus samples as well as detailed reviews of software protection programs, computer security methods and historical anecdotes about virus infections in corporate and university settings. Computer Viruses. Ralph Roberts. 1988 Chilton Books. Discusses many known viruses, how they work, telephone and sources for help and virus antidotes. IBM XT Clone Buyers Guide and Handbook IBM AT Clone Buyers Guide and Handbook 386 Buyers Guide and Handbook By Edwin Rutsch. 1988. Modular Information Systems. This trilogy of books cover computers of all major categories in the IBM clone world. Buy an edition which is six months or less old; frequent updates are common. Back issues of PC Magazine also review computers and recommend "editor's choices" and best buys in most classes of IBM clone computers. Dr. File Finder's Guide to Shareware by Michael Callahan and Nick Anis. ISBN: 0-07-881646-7. A book and disk package teaching you how to find and use the best in shareware. Learn about disk vendors, computer club sources, the best shareware in 20 categories. Includes such popular programs as Qmodem, Dos line editor, Anarkey, MackMail and more. Two additional disks available upon submission of a postcard contained in the book. Writing & Marketing Shareware - a book and companion cassette tape by Steve Hudgik, HomeCraft, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR 97062. Tel 503/692-3732. The best book in the industry for learning about programming, designing and MARKETING shareware for maximum financial return. Shows you how to become a successful shareware author who develops WINNING shareware for maximum income. Includes mailing list of distributors, equipment suppliers, service providers, how to design your shareware and more! $hareware Marketing $ystem. Two disk set containing tutorials and quarterly marketing newsletter for shareware authors plus dBase format mailing list on disk of over 4,000 addresses for industry contacts: computer clubs, disk vendors, magazine writers and more who use, distribute or review shareware. The mailing list on disk is ready to import into many database software packages and print mailing labels directly. By Jim Hood, the author of THIS tutorial! POB 1506, Mercer Island, WA 98040. 206/236-0470. Alfred Glossbrenner's Master Guide to Free Software and Shareware, c/o FireCrystal Communications, 699 River Rd, Yardley, PA 19067. One of the largest and most respected guides to shareware in the industry. Editor is a contributor to computer industry magazines. Tips and Techniques for Using Low-Cost and Public Domain Software. John Gliedman. 1988. McGraw-Hill. A thorough guide to low cost, effective shareware and public domain programs including RAM disks, word processors, batch file systems, hard disk managers, tutorials and other topics. Fire in the Valley, Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine, Berkeley California, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1984. The classic pre-history of the early days of personal computers. Colorful, animated and witty discussion about the makers of the personal computer revolution. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Steven Levy, New York: Doubleday, 1984. A fascinating look at the early computer hacker culture in the days at MIT. A great book to curl up with on a long rainy weekend! The Joy of Computers, Peter Laurie, London: Hutchinson, 1983. The Computer Glossary, Alan Freedman, 1989, AMACOM. Find out exactly what determines the difference between a pixel and a TSR. Thousands of terms explained in a savvy and witty manner. The Elements of Style, William Strunk and EB White, 1979, Macmillan. This little book is a classic for writers and communicators alike. For those who aspire to write simply, cleanly and well, the is the little book which should accompany all word processing packages. Learning the precepts of this book requires a lifetime of practice and reward you with text which explains, delights and clarifies. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig, 1977, Bantam Books. Understanding how YOU fit in with computers means understanding the philosophy and history of computers. A non- technical look at using high technology to tinker effectively and adapt to the pleasures of life in this electronic age. History of Programming Languages, Richard Wexelblat, New York: Academic Press, 1981. The Elements of Spreadsheet Style, John Nevison, 1987, Brady Books. The essentials of proper construction and use of spreadsheets. Years later you can come back to the spreadsheet you designed for a complex budget report and know WHAT and HOW it works plus WHERE the formulas are. Packed with exceptional techniques for using these marvelous number crunching programs. Home Businesses Under $5000. Joyce Lain Kennedy. Sun Features Inc. POB 368, Cardiff, CA 92007. (cost: $4.50). Everyone who owns a computer wonders if there isn't a way to start their own small business out of the den or garage and use the computer to make money rather than punch a time clock for the boss. This 36 page booklet is a practical guide with tips for starting everything from a mail list maintenance business to a pet portrait business. $4.50 and a self stamped (75 cents) self- addressed envelope. Windows 3.0: A Self-Teaching Guide. Keith Weiskamp and Saul Aguiar. 1991. Published by John Wiley and Sons. The ins and outs of installing and running windows from the ground up for the novice. ---------------------------------------------------------------- DOS OPERATING SYSTEM BOOKS ---------------------------------------------------------------- PC Magazine DOS Power tools, 1991, Bantam - includes 2 disks with utilities. Probably the ultimate DOS book for those willing to roll up both shirtsleeves and crawl under the hood for a "nuts and bolts" understanding of the PC. Batch files, DOS, DEBUG, the works! $40 but available at discount from many bookstores. The disks of software utilities are worth the price of the book. 1251 pages! Running MS-DOS (2nd edition), Van Wolverton, 1985, Microsoft Press Quick Reference guide to MS-DOS, Van Wolverton, 1987, Microsoft Press Peter Norton's DOS Guide (rev. edition), Peter Norton, 1987, Brady Books Also responsible for the essential software utility toolkit of the same name, Peter Norton takes you on a friendly and detailed tour of setting up shop and getting results quickly. Tricks of the MS-DOS Masters, John Angermeyer, 1987, Howard Sams & Co. MS-DOS Bible, Steven Simrin, 1985, Howard W. Sams and Company (Division of Macmillan Inc. Publishers) ---------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER MAGAZINES ---------------------------------------------------------------- PC MAGAZINE (at most newstands) The preferred magazine for businesses and serious hobbyists. This is the one to subscribe to if you can afford the financial and time committment to only ONE computer magazine. The best and most detailed equipment and software reviews in the industry. Back issues at most libraries are ESSENTIAL goldmines for beginner and advanced alike. Software utilities published by PC Magazine and available through most computer clubs and PC Magazine MagNet (modem service) are instant classics. SHAREWARE MAGAZINE. Published by PC-SIG, 1030-D East Duane Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Voice telephone: 408/730-9291 FAX: 408/730-2107. Included with membership in PC-SIG, one of the largest shareware disk distributors in the world. A bimonthly, "light and lively" guide to the shareware market featuring reviews and articles on the best and latest. COMPUTER SHOPPER (at most newstands) A monthly review of mail order and deep discount computer sources. The largest and most detailed pc purchasing guide in existence. Contains updates on new software, discount computer reviews, news articles, listings of local computer clubs and mail order sources for shareware. Page after page of mail order ads offer tremendous diversity and equipment choice. HOME OFFICE COMPUTING combines computers with topics and techniques for working at home including equipment and software reviews, new ideas for making money with a computer in a home office environment, using a modem, money management for the work at home computerist, new business ideas, time management, interesting franchise ideas, and more. 730 Broadway, NY, NY 10003. 212/505-3580. LOTUS MAGAZINE (circulation office: PO Box 9123, Cambridge, MA, 02139-9123, telephone (617) 494-1192) The ultimate spreadsheet periodical. Back issues at some public libraries and many university and college libraries are essential resources. The spreadsheet is the ultimate number crunching engine as well as an adequate database and even a poor man's word processor. Lotus magazine shows you how to turbocharge your spreadsheet via detailed and interesting examples. PC RESOURCE MAGAZINE. No longer published, but back issues in library archives are ESSENTIAL reading for computer beginners and novices. UNCLE HANKS SHAREWARE REVIEW Magazine is a Bi-Monthly collection of reviews of some of the finest Shareware Programs available today. A great little magazine discussing low cost quality shareware programs for beginners and advanced computer users alike! For a sample copy, send $1 to: Uncle Hank's Shareware, 8 Hendricks Street, Easthampton, MA 01027. ---------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED READING - EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE CATALOGS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Below are listed several reputable software and hardware vendors who provide interesting catalogs and reasonable service. This does not suggest an endorsement, simply a resource with printed catalogs which are of good educational value. Selective Software Catalog (903 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz CA 95060) Power Up Software Catalog, POB 7600, San Mateo, CA 94403-7600. 1-800-851-2917. US Micro Inc 1-800-874-5505 or (206) 453-4046 CompuAdd Computer 1-800-627-1967 or 1-800-666-1872 Dell Computer 1-800-283-1290 Austin Computer 1-800-752-1577 Swan Computer 1-800-468-9044 Northgate Computer 1-800-548-1993 Zeos Computer 1-800-423-5891 PC-Brand 1-800-PC BRAND ---------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED READING - SELECTED MAGAZINE ARTICLES ---------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Word Processors tested and evaluated, PC Magazine, February 29, 1988 Programming Languages, Lawrence Tesler, Scientific American, September 1984. Economy class accounting for small business. PC Magazine, April 10, 1990. Advanced accounting packages evaluated and rated, PC Magazine, September 15, 1987 Spreadsheet review, PC Magazine, April 24, 1988 Hard drive use and evaluations, PC Magazine, June 9, 1987 Best low end integrated packages including Microsoft Works, PC Magazine, December 26, 1989 Printer evaluations and ratings, PC Magazine, November 10, 1987 Also covered in PC Magazine issues: October 31, 1988 & November 14, 1989 Basic programming language compilers, PC Magazine, October 31, 1989 Best utilities, backup systems, fax review, PC Magazine, June 23, 1987 Keyboards, mouse and other input devices, useful utilities, PC Magazine, August 16, 1987 Project management programs, keyboard macro programs, 386 high speed computers, disc diagnostic programs, PC Magazine, September 29, 1987 Desktop publishing, spelling checkers PC Magazine, October 13, 1987 Spreadsheet reviews, backup software evaluation, PC Magazine, October 27, 1987. Hard drive cards - mail order drives, Low cost CAD packages, PC Magazine December 8, 1987 The Excel spreadsheet from Microsoft, popup scratchpad/note- takers PC Magazine, December 22, 1987 Best programs and hardware of 1989, PC Magazine, January 16, 1990 Databases, expanded memory, graphics packages, 80386 computers, Personal Computing, January, 1988 Portable computers, worms, PC Magazine, March 29, 1988 Database package evaluation, Desktop publishing software, PC Magazine April 12, 1988 Top charting and graphing packages, Projection screen systems, integrated word processors, PC Magazine March 15, 1988 Evaluation of OS/2, Running a small business with personal finance software, Personal Computing, February 1988 High speed modems, Personal Computing, December 1987 Tutorial finished. Be sure to order your FOUR BONUS DISKS which expand this software package with vital tools, updates and additional tutorial material for laptop users! Send $20.00 to Seattle Scientific Photography, Department LAP, PO Box 1506, Mercer Island, WA 98040. Bonus disks shipped promptly! Some portions of this software package use sections from the larger PC-Learn tutorial system which you will also receive with your order. Modifications, custom program versions, site and LAN licenses of this package for business or corporate use are possible, contact the author. This software is shareware - an honor system which means TRY BEFORE YOU BUY. Press escape key to return to menu.