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F?5GERBILDOC BCCNNT This is for Jim Spieser of Paranet Alpha and must be given tohim the quickest way possible. Jim Spieser is to safeguardthe information and get it into the hands of Stan Friedman.This file contains information that is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS towhoever has it. It is therefore a matter of Life or Deaththat you NEVER DEVULGE THE SOURCE OF THIS INFORMATION ORADMIT TO ANYONE THAT YOU HAVE SEEN IT. Many people who havehad this information have disappeared. This is not a hoaxand I must again warn you of the DANGER.MAJESTIC TWELVE (continued)The first series of evidence that Flying Saucers are realcame at the close of WWII when captured German documentsrevealed that the Germans had recovered a downed Saucer in1939. The Germans spent the rest of the war attempting tobuild a duplicate craft at a secret location which was foundafter the war. The craft was built and was being tested whenthe war ended. The craft fell into american hands and hasbeen cloaked in secrecy ever since. The Germans had not beenable to reproduce the metalurgy nor had they been able tolearn the secret of propulsion. The recovered craft was aconglomeration of conventional and cutting edge technology ofthe time. Even though German documents revealed that a realFlying Saucer had been in German hands, no such craft wasever found. Skepticism prevented further research. Much ofthis information can be verified through records and bookspublished on WWII aviation and other subjects.The seco nd piece of evidence of Alien vi sitors surfaced in1946 when General James H. Doolittle was sent to SpitzbergenSweden to examine what was described as but not named aFlying Saucer. His official report discribed a craft thelikes of which existed nowhere in the known world. The craftwas placed under tight security but remained in Sweden. Thisis a matter of record, however skepticism prevailed.The situation became serious and believable (for the firsttime) when the Roswell incident occurred on 07/07/47. Thisi ncident was the cata lyst in the formation of MAJESTIC TWELVEby President Harry Truman on 09/24/47 with an EXECUTIVE ORDER01156 that closed the door on the subject. The use of DEADLYFORCE was authorized in order to contain the secret and hasbeen used. Of particular concern was the level of technologyof the craft and the fact that the bodys recovered wereobviously not of terrestrial origin. It was also disturbingthat the vehicle seemed to be a short range reconnaissancecraft. This finding was due primarily to the fac t that nofood, water or other provisions of any kind could be found.This indicated that there were more Aliens and more FlyingSaucers with an unknown mission and with a technology thatwas far beyond our reach.The concern escaleted when a second crash occurred on06/12/50 on the Mexican side of the Texas/Mexican border.The craft struck the earth at such a high speed that verylittle could be found. What was found was taken to a nearbyAt omic Energy Commission facility for examination. It wasdetermi ned that the pieces recovered belonged to a similarcraft as that recovered at Roswell. It was decided that thealien technology must be kept out of foreign hands at allcosts. A world wide network was established to identifyfallen alien craft so that they would be recovered only bythe U.S.Subsequent craft were recovered near Aztec, New Mexico, andnear Laredo, Texas. Over the years Alien craft have beenrecovered not only in the United State s but all over theworld. The most recent to my knowledge was in late 1975 orearly 1976 when a craft was recovered from a small island offthe coast of Norway after having been shot down by theNorwegian Air Force. It was recovered by OPERATION UFO andBLUEFLY teams. The craft was delivered to Kirtland AFB, andthe Alien bodys to Homestead Air Force Base both of which aredesignated as secure storage and examination areas forrecovered Alien craft and Alien bodys. Some other designatedareas are Holloman AFB, Edwards AFB, Kirtlant AFB, VandenbergAFB, and Wrig ht Patterson AFB. There are more but this mustbe kept brief. Some are overseas for those objects that areto large or for some other reason cannot be transported tothe U.S.The first face to face meeting between agents of MAJESTICTWELVE and the ALIENS occurred on 04/30/64 at Holloman AFB.A special area was designated and 3 Alien craft landed. Asecond landing occurred in May of 64. Contact, meetings, andcommunications have existed ever since. An agreement wasreached and an Alien underground base was established nearthe small town of Dulce, New Mexico. Another undergroundfacility was built at Groom Lake, Nevada.The result of the meeting with the aliens and the result ofdiplomatic overtures resulted in the finding that the aliensneeded human blood & other human biological fluids tosurvive. The aliens avowed that the toll would be minimaland they agreed to furnish a list of victims to MAJESTICTWELVE on a periodec basis. The level of their technologyleft MAJESTIC TWE LVE helpless but to a gree. An agreementwas reached whereby a certain number of humans woulddisappear and in return the aliens would furnish a list ofthe victims and would aid the U.S. in becoming the dominateworld military power by furnishing the U.S. with alientechnology. It must be realized that at the time of theagreement MAJESTIC TWELVE had no choice but to agree. Inthis way MAJESTIC TWELVE believed that they had boughtenough time to perfect a defense against the aliens.All of the early space flights w ere acco mpanied by Aliencraft. The later orbiting of the moon and the subsequentmoon landings revealed a large Alien base on the moon. Thecraft on the moon are much larger than our biggest aircraftcarrier. They account for some of the sightings whichdescribe "football field sized flying saucer" or "mothershipfrom which smaller craft emerged or into which smaller craftentered". Due to the danger involved and the desire not toantagonize the aliens, further exploration of the moon wascancelled. A project ed moonbase was scrapped. Our spaceprogram withered while the Russians (from whom we kept thealiens a secret) surged ahead. It was theorized that if theRussians became too agressive in space the aliens woulddestroy them and thus eliminate the communist threat for us.This theory was proved to be wrong as the Russian spaceeffort continued without interuption and became dominate.During the 50s the first obvious animal mutilations oc curred.The animals involved were cattle, sheep, horses, occassional dogs & cats, and even a few scattered humans. Afterhistorical research was conducted it was determined that thephenomenon had been occurring for at least the last 100 yearswithin the American continent. One of the humans was aSargeant at the White Sands Proving Grounds. Witnesses sawhim being abducted into an alien craft and later he was foundmutilated in the same way as the other animals. Theseincidents continued off and on until through d iscussions withthe aliens in the 60s they agreed to that they would leave noevidence of human involvement. The other animal mutilationscontinued. Our end of the bargain was to conceal the animalmutilations.After 1970 it became obvious that the aliens were violatingthe agreement. They began (or we just discovered) to abducthumans and perform experiments which included surgicaloperations, implants, sexual assualts, impregnation of femalehumans, collection of human ova & sperm, post hypnoticsuggestion (or something similar), erasure of memory, andkidn apping. Some abduction victims were given to believethat they had undergone a religious experience. It wasbelieved by some that they had seen God, or Jesus, or Angels,etc. It was subsequently learned that many people were notreturned and disappeared altogether. Great concern wasmanifested when it was learned that these missing people werenot listed by the aliens as had been previously agreed upon.When a group was held hostage at the underground base nearDulce, New Mexico in 1979 a rescue attempt was made whichresulted in failure and the death of over 60 militarypersonnel.It has become obvious that the aliens are conducting geneticexperiments on humans. Prosthetic genetic material has beenfound in the genetic structure of some of the victims and insome pregnant womens amniotic fluid. The devices resembleelectronic chips (much smaller than we have even conceivedof) and were artificially spliced into the genetic structure.The purpose of this genetic manipulation is not known,howev er it c onsists of medical-genetic technology far beyondour wildest dreams.It has also become obvious that the aliens are developing acrossbreed between themselves and humans. Several of theresults of these cross breedings have been identified and arebeing monitored in hopes of learning the ultimate goal. Itis theorized that the goal is to breed a continuance of theirrace that will be able to live alongside humans without usingthem for food. It is theorized that the aliens wish to endthe present situa t ion by having crossbred a race that can eatas we do. This is the liberal (and hoped for) viewpoint. Inview of what is happening, however, the theorys do not holdup upon examination. The main reason being that the numberof aliens has not increased but the number of victims has.There are other reasons.Indications are that something very ominous is approaching.Exactly what is only subject to speculation, however, it hasbeen decided that the h uman race is in great danger. Oneresult of this decisio n is that the Russians have beeninformed of the entire situation. This disclosure to theRussians has resulted in more cooperation between the twocountries and a tremendous change inside Russia itself. Therecent improvement in relations between the two countries hasbeen a direct result of this disclosure.The abductions and disappearances have increased each year sothat now it is out of all control. The aliens have alsoadopted an attitude of contempt and are not even pretendingto keep a low profi le. In fact speculation is that thealiens wish to be discovered by the population but to whatpurpose is unknown. This is making it increasingly difficultfor MAJESTIC TWELVE to keep the lid on. A crises conditionhas existed for the last two years. The resultant publicity,books, FOIA requests, etc., have seriously disturbed thecontrol group. The result is that a minority is pushingtoward disclosure. The majority is keeping the lid on untilEXCALIBUR can be utilized. One of the major blocks to pu blic disclosure is thatapparantly the aliens have played a major role in thereligious history of the human race. The aliens claim thatthey created religion as we know it in order to control theirfood supply. The aliens claim and have furnished proof thatChrist was their creation and MAJESTIC TWELVE is inpossession of a film which authenticates this claim. It isfeared that disclosure would cause the collapse ofcivilization as we know it and result in anarchy and/or a newreligion worshipping the a liens. At the very least even themost optimistic do fear that the world power structure andeconomy would be shaken to its very foundations, the outcomeof which cannot be predicted. It can be stated with someauthority that the human race may be the result of aliengenetic engineering.UPDATE SNOWBIRDIt is speculated upon sound evidence that the project hassucceeded at least in part. My sources claim that an aliencraft has finally been flown by human pilots. This is bornout by reports of alien craft accompanied by BLACKHELICOPTORS. Black helicoptors, and indeed any helicoptors,have never been and are not now a part of the alien endeavor.My sources have witnessed night flights accompanied by U.S.helicoptors which were painted black in order to limitdiscovery. They have stated that this is neccessary becausedirectional control is not yet mastered. Flights arereported to have strayed as much as 800 miles from that intended.NOTE!This document was prepared from memory. The basis of t hisinformation are briefings performed for very high rankingmilitary commanders who were assuming duty as members ofMAJESTIC TWELVE. For the safety of those involved indisclosure no written documentation of any information ispermitted. This information comes from personnel who are, orwere, members of the intellegence community and who's dutyis, or was, to perform the briefings. Due to the fact thatthis is reconstructed f rom memory there are bound to beerrors, however, the information is presente d to the best ofmy knowledge and any errors are completely unintentional.All information is from personal knowledge or from contactswithin the intelligence community whom I trust explicitly.The sources are all high ranking personnel within theMAJESTIC TWELVE framework and all previous informationobtained from these sources has been correct. I canpersonally swear that all information that I have personalknowledge of (most of th is document) is true and correct tothe best of my knowledge and memory. I and my contacts donot seek public acclaim or credit. We have nothing to gainby making this information public, on the contrary we canonly lose. We believe that the information presented herewill probably be ridiculed and at best will probably besubject of wild conjecture. We do not delude ourselves thatit will accomplish anything, however we hope and pray that itwill accomplish much.h much. lish much.llcomplish much.ch.ch.