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THE MOST TERRIBLE ETs PART II - Searching For the Truth For the past few hundred years we have used the scientific process to learn about the physical world around us and harness its energies. In recent years we have started to become aware of a different non-physical world and an energy that main-stream science is incapable or unwilling to acknowledge. (For more information on such energies contact Jim Martin, Editor of Flatland magazine 72130,1124.) If we are to understand the mysteries of this new world we must put aside the more rigid rules of proof and reproduciblity and find new tools of exploration. It may be time to look seriously at developing our intuition and learn to trust our feelings. As we explore this new world we should not forget the power of logic to point the way and the value of a truly open mind to prevent us from rejecting the extraordinary. Maintaining an open mind is much more difficult than it sounds. The difficulty comes from fear. Having an open mind means having a willingness to accept the most seemly preposterous theories. A wiliness to accept is not the same as accepting, but it is the same level of openness that was required years ago when the most preposterous theory of its day was presented; "The Earth is not flat, it is round." Back then it would have taken a lot of courage to say, "wait a minute let s think about this". It took courage because of the fear of humiliation, of being found in error. That same fear still exists today. It exists at the local coffee shop where we are trying to impress our friends and it exists in scientific circles were image alone can make the difference between getting a grant or losing a chance at tenure. When it comes to feelings, fear is one of the strongest and intuition one of the weakest. So how can you use your intuition to guide your explorations when the more progressive theories are going to instill fear? One way is to diminish your ego. Realize that it is admirable to admit being wrong and learn to recognize your fear. Only then can you learn to ground it out. Learn how to trust your intuition and embrace it. This is not easy, but it is worth every erg of effort. The most effective way to accomplish this is to meditate daily, learn to remove blocks, clear out your energy channels, and love life. There, I just reduced half of my first book to three sentences. Like I said, it is not easy, and perhaps you shouldn't proceed - for any number of reasons. How do you tell? The only way is to try to feel, as you are continue, if you are ready to read what lies beyond. If you feel hesitation, print this file out and put the pages inside the cover of an old book. The subconscious mind is very protective. If you are not ready to read this you just may forget all about it. Or at least I would like to think so. This is one way I hope to protect some people from the potential dangers that lay ahead. It is not a very fool proof protection, but, as you will soon realize, I must try to protect some of you. What I am about to tell you is dangerous. A few or you, I hope only a very few, will be devastated. This outrageous claim is, unfortunately, easy to substantiate by the following true story. The names are changed to protect my friends' privacy. Last summer I was visiting a dear friend of some 14 years and her new husband, Mike. Ann invited another couple over for the evening. I talked to Bob while dinner was being prepared. He turned out to be a new seeker and was looking into a few New Age subjects. I asked him what he thought of ET activity and he seemed open minded. I started telling him what I am about to tell you. He became fascinated and questioned me at length. I gave him a transcript of the file SPEAK.ET (UFO section of the Encounters library) which covered other subjects from the same source. I also recommended that he read a book which shall remain nameless. I will tell anyone the title if you ask via e-mail. I recommend that you take things one at a time. Read the book a few months after reading this file. This is how I hope to protect the more susceptible people out there. The book does not contain the really the dangerous information, but has exciting implications. The information in the book is actually public knowledge. It has sold over a million copies and I would imagine that a third of you have read it. This file, on the other hand, contains the information that has fortified our government's resolve to protect the public from learning about ET activity on our planet. Getting back to the story. The rest of the evening was spend playing water volleyball in Ann's pool and nothing more was said on the subject. I returned home after the weekend and didn't think about Bob until the next week when Bob's fiancee called. She said that she had read the transcript and wanted to know what else Bob and I had talked about. She seemed very hesitant on the phone so I asked her if everything was all right. She said, "Bob has been committed and I am afraid it has to do with what you have written or what you talked about". I was shocked, but then a few things fell into place. I told her I was very sorry and pressed her for details but she said she had to go. When I got a hold of Ann, she told me the whole story. The four of them had gone camping the weekend after my visit. It seems that after reading the transcript and the book, Bob got so wound up that he couldn't sleep. By the second day of the camping trip, Bob had been awake for three or four days. He started to hear voices and became irrational. When they tried to get him back to town he became paranoid and a little violent. Both Ann and Mike work in the mental health field and realized how dangerous the situation had become. They managed to tape his hands and feet together in hopes that he wouldn't try to jump from the truck. Because of his behavior they tried to 5150 him (a type of commitment). This would have required more supervision (more work) for the hospital staff. The hospital wouldn't cooperate. The doctors gave Bob some drugs so he would sleep, told everybody to go home, and left Bob alone. Bob didn't fall asleep. He became violent, but he turned it upon himself. He was able to get out of his room and find something to assist him. The first object Bob could find was a sprinkler head. He destroyed one of his eyes completely and badly damaged the other. Reactions like this are just one reason why this material is dangerous. The others will become apparent to the more insightful reader. If you decide you are ready to proceed, then pick up whatever "new" tools (a few are listed below) for exploration you have developed. Because the world of ETs is very much a part of this new world and recognizing the existence of the most terrible ETs will take all the above described, intuition, logic, and courage you can muster. Logic to follow the path, intuition to know that it is the right path, and courage not to reject something because accepting it means that you will open yourself to ridicule. Remember, if you approach this writing with the old tools of scientific exploration you will not gain any insight. Scientific process is safe and defendable and cannot accept anything that only relies on logic, evidence and intuition. The scientific process demands unequivocal and reproducible proof. But, if you want to proceed beyond the realm where science can lead you, and learn what the most terrible ET have been up to, make sure you hold on to something - definitely not religion or science, but perhaps love. Perhaps not love of that special someone, but love of life, love for the little things like a sunny spot on a winter's day, or the smell of the morning air, and perhaps one big thing; the potential we all have to discover something beautiful and suddenly, if only for an instant, soar above our troubles and feel that we are part of something great, beautiful and never ending. TELLING OTHERS I have presented the following concepts to many people and have realized that, it is simply too much to rebut. It is a long story based, to a large extent, on logic and commonly known evidence. In fact it answers a number of unanswered questions. Such as; what was the missing link, how could it rain for 40 days and nights... The problem is that the theory only holds together if a large number of the parts can be presented at once. This is usually not possible in polite conversation. If you want to tell this theory to other people, recognize that you are, most likely, not as familiar with the details as I am. It is the quantity of the details and their logical procession that make this theory so hard to deny. I take a long time to explain it to my friends, usually over four or five get- togethers. Therefore, I recommend, if you want to spread this awareness, that you give people the following pages. This will allow the quantity of the details and the logical development to produce the best possible opportunity for people to judge for themselves. Remember, it is nearly impossible to present sufficient details of this theory without hogging the conversation and losing your ability to be convincing. If you decide to try and present this theory verbally, do not tell your audience the heart of the theory in advance. Establish a recognition of ET activity, point out the millions of stars - many many ETs - good ETs bad ETs, telepathy.... THE BEGINNING Yes, after all the reading you have done, you are only at the beginning. Don't moan. It took me ten years of searching and many books of reading to put this together. You can read a few pages to find it. Honestly, all this preliminary discussion is essential and important. If I first explained what the most terrible ETs have been up to, you would reject it out of hand. I would then have the almost impossible task of changing your mind. Therefore, I am presenting the necessary warning, logic, and evidence first then I will tell you the conclusions. A lot of the evidence lies in Bramley's book, The Gods of Eden. It is well documented with a 16 page bibliography plus an additional 12 pages of references by chapter, and has a 23 page index. It is essential that you read this book before continuing to read this download. If you do not read The Gods of Eden is likely that you will gain nothing from what is written here. GOVERNMENT COVER-UP LEADS THE WAY The exploration that lead to the information I will soon relate, started when I realized that the part of our government that has decided to withhold ET information is aware of the following: 1) If you listen to the news broadcasts about the typical mass murder there is always someone who says, "He was a good neighbor, a polite man who simply keep to himself". The conclusion; there are more dangerous neighbors to fear than there are aliens. 2) Half of us would love to be abducted. Of course once it had actually happened we wouldn't be so enamored. 3) A few abductions will not cause a panic. Abductions have become public knowledge, but there has been no panic. Where was never any chance of such a panic. A sudden invasion could cause a panic, but a missing person or two a year that turns into an abduction is not going to cause a panic no matter how poorly the government released the information. 4) Every year a survey is conducted across the US. One of the questions that are asked is to determine how many people believe that UFOs really belong to ETs. The percentage that answer "yes" has been increasing every year. In 1985 the percentage exceeded 50%. That was 10 years ago. Our government is not afraid of people starting to believe that we are being visited by other civilizations because we already do. Therefore, the government cover-up could not be based on the governments desire to prevent us from realizing that we are being visited or even that we are occasionally being abducted by ETs. WHY THE COVER-UP The government (or rather the few in our government who know what is going on) have actually launched an active campaign to mislead the public. They have consciously broken federal laws, intercepted U.S. mail (UFO Contact From Reticulum, Willian J. Hermann) and had military personnel impersonate civilian agencies. If you read about the extent of these illegal activities (Project Blue Book) your intuition might tell you that they are based on fear. What things are the government afraid of? Loss of control, panic, riots? Whatever it is, the government has spent a considerable amount of effort to prevent it. Why? A lot can be learned from the effect the government has achieved because it actually may be what they wanted to achieve. As unlikely as that may seem, it may actually be the case. Keep in mind that we are not talking about politicians or bureaucrats, but most likely the higher levels of the Navy, Air Force and/or the CIA. It is interesting to note that the creation of the CIA followed immediately after the first major cover-up, Roswell. The government has achieved this: those civilians who are interested in ETs spend their time chasing their tails trying to prove that ETs are active on Earth. The result is that these people never get past that question to ask the really important questions. The above arguments indicate that the following is true: 1. There is little to fear from public acceptance of ET activity on Earth. 2. Nevertheless the government keeps us chasing around trying to prove if ETs are here when they could easily end the debate. 3. The government actually violates laws, lies to the public and itself in a desperate attempt to keep us busy with the ET "existence" question. 4. Such government activity implies that there is some information that, if released, would be devastating to them and perhaps to the public as well. If #1 above is true, then a logical conclusion of the other points is that the devastating information concerns the questions we would ask if the government said "yes aliens visit Earth". Those question would be: 1. How many civilizations have visited us? 2. Are there good ETs and "other kinds" of ETs? 3. What are the other kinds doing? 4. Are we smart enough to detect what they are doing or even understand them? 5. How long have they been coming here and doing these things? 6. What effect have these things had on us? Our history? Religion?... Those are the questions and the solution to the problem all in one. If you keep the questions in mind and look at encounters and debunking, you can eliminate a lot of useless information. First you must realize that the government is not out of the debunking business. In the beginning the government tried to debunk all sightings and encounters. Once project blue book came out they could no longer be so brazen. Many sightings started to go undebunked. The government hired civilians to act as independent UFO investigators, to debunk some of the encounters. Of course any encounter where the devastating information was revealed, had to be debunked immediately. Encounters where this information wasn't revealed could go undebunked. This is the key. Finally. With this selective debunking we have a method to home in on the information. Any encounter that is not quickly debunked will not have the information. Do not be fooled. It is incredibly easy to debunk even the most concrete evidence. Take the crop circles for example. Two old men claimed to be responsible for the crop circles. Nearly every newspaper ran stories that the mystery was solved. Even though the hundreds of circles all over England would have required the old men, who had jobs and families, to never sleep and work very very fast. In other words the simplest look at the facts would have shown that these men could not have made the crop circles. Nine months after the old men completely failed at making anything even remotely resembling crop circles (in their "demonstration" one week after making their claim), Time magazine, in its "Year in Review" section, still credited these old men with constructing the circles! The circles have concrete evidence of advanced technology. For weeks after a real circle is produced, the grain continues to grow horizontally - as if the grain's gravity sensor had been so strongly overcome by a synthetic gravity field that it became programmed to think that horizontal was actually up. This evidence has been overlooked by the media s typical desire to perform great investigative journalism and to avoid, like the plague, anything that might make it lose credibility with even a small percent of its audience. Ratings win over truth - no contest. When I figured out the cover-up, I knew what to look for - someone with a great deal of ET information and evidence, who is debunked very quickly and effectively and whose information turns out to be very dangerous. What I found was perfectly logical and lead me right to what they don't want us to find out about. What they can't afford us to find out about. Before I tell you what it is you have to travel down the same road of logic I did or the result will seem unfounded. THE LOGIC BEHIND THE DEBUNKING I told you that story about Bob to warn you to be careful of this information and to try demonstrate to you how many people are riding the edge. Bob was a successful business man, he was about to marry a very pleasant woman who clearly loved him. He wasn't a crack baby grown up in the ghetto. He didn't think society owed him anything, he didn't own a ton of money. Things were going very well for him, but he still went over the edge. If Bob became violent, how many thousand people would turn violent if this information became public knowledge? Would they all turn their violence on themselves? What do the people in government, who know about this, think when they contemplate releasing this information? One of the most infuriating aspects of this information is that the government (or a small group of powerful people in our government) have been suppressing this information for years. As you will see, this information is not simple information of interest. This information impacts the very core of millions of people's lives. It implies that not only have they been duped, but that they have spent thousands of hours serving the most terrible ETs. Some people have actually dedicated their entire lives to this false cause. More about people's possible reactions later. It s time to develop some background. THE LOGIC BEHIND THE ETs - TELEPATHY What does this have to do with telepathy? Everything. First you need to recognize telepathy in your own life to realize how close Earth humans are to wide spread telepathy. Has this, or something similar, ever happened to you? You are in the fiction section of your local book store, you remember the title of the book you want, but you have momentarily forgotten the author s name. You have tried and tried, but you can't remember. A book store clerk walks over and you tell the clerk your problem. Then, just a second before the clerk tells you the author s name, you hear it in your head. Why did you hear or think it at the same time as the clerk? We pick up the thoughts of others all the time. The friend who you were just thinking you should call, calls you. The problem is we think they are our own. To learn telepathy you only need to concentrate on the sound, the feel, and the flow of our own thoughts. Once you are familiar with the characteristics of your own thoughts you will be able to recognize thoughts that aren't yours. It also helps to meditate. A meditation that releases blocks and makes you more sensitive to your inner feelings will heighten your awareness of the characteristics of your thoughts. Once you learn how easy it is to receive other's thoughts, you will very quickly realize how easy it is for people to pick up your thoughts and think they are their own. Yes we are talking about a bit of mind control. In personal relations is may be immoral, but at that all important job interview? I have been using this stuff reliably for ten years. It works. Admittedly I have been using a meditation that increases my sensitivity to such things, but if you have a low stress level and learn how to quiet your mind, you can do this. So here we are a couple centuries out of the dark ages and already see evidence of telepathy. How about the ETs that picked up Barney and Betty Hill? Didn't they use telepathy? You bet they did. How advanced would the telepathy be of a human race that has had space travel for thirty thousand years? The answer is of course very advanced. Most likely they would have complete telepathy. But what effects would that have on their society, their personal relations? The answers to the above questions depends, to a great deal, on the character of the society. In a corrupt society (bad ETs) where there are intrigues and struggles for power, the use of telepathy would take on two very important characteristics. The first would be a blocking ability. You could not allow just anybody to know your thoughts or else you could obtain no advantage, no power. The second characteristic use of telepathy would concern your intimate relations. You would be obligated to be completely open with the people you were in love with. The question then becomes; What is a typical course of an intimate relationship in a corrupt society where each person knows the thoughts of the other person. What happens when the initial "good behavior" of a love affair changes to the usual taking each other for granted? How about the struggle for power in the relationship? Think about the rulers in such a telepathy and corrupt society. Until I post Part III consider the following questions: 1) What must their intimate relationship be like? 2) How can these people get any lasting admoration? 3) How can a religion be used to satisfy the emotional needs of a telepathic despot? Happy Trails, Paul Winter 72122,2715