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b Document #, or ('E' to end): 1 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 1 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-09-1986 Subject: 1947 J. EDGAR HOOVER FBI CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memorandum for Mr. Ladd Mr. ________ also discussed this matter with Colonel L. H. Forney of MID. Colonel Forney indicated that it was his attitude that inasmuch as it has been established that the flying disks are not the result of any Army or Navy experiments, the matter is of interest to the FBI. He stated that he was of the opinion that the Bureau, if at all possible, should accede to General Schulgen's request. SWR:AJB ADDENDUM I would recommend that we advise the Army that the Bureau does not believe it should go into these investigations, it being noted that a great bulk of those alleged discs reported found have been pranks. It is not believed that the Bureau would accomplish anything by going into these investigations. DML (Clyde Tolson) - I think we should do this. (Dated 7/15) (J. Edgar Hoover) - I would do it but before agreeing to it we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the SW case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination. Document #, or ('E' to end): 2 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 2 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-09-1986 Subject: 1947 AAF W/FBI UFO INVES. CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE OF DOCUMENT 7/30/1947 (B) FLYING DISCS -- The Bureau, at the request of the Army Air Force intelligence, has agreed to cooperate in the investigation of flying discs. The Air Forces have confidentially advised that it is possible to release three or more discs in odd numbers, attached together by a wire, from an airplane in high altitudes and that these discs would obtain tremendous speed in their descent and would descend to the earth in an arc. The Army Air Forces Intelligence has also indicated some concern that the reported sightings might have been made by subversive individuals for the purpose of creating a mass hysteria. (AUTHORIZATION TO INVESTIGATE) 7-30-47 BUREAU BULLETIN NO. 42 -2- Series 1947 You should investigate each instance which is brought to your attention of a sighting of a flying disc in order to ascertain whether or not it is a bonifide sighting, an imaginary one or a prank. You should also bear in mind that individuals might report seeing flying discs for various reasons. It is conceivable that an individual might be desirous of seeking personal publicity, causing hysteria, or playing a prank. The Bureau should be notified immediately by teletype of all reported sightings and the results of your inquiries. In instances where the report appears to have merit, the teletype should be followed by a letter to the Bureau containing in detail the results of your inquiries. The Army Air Forces have asured the Bureau complete cooperating in these matters and in any instances where they fail to make information available to you or make the recovered discs available for your examination, it should promptly be brought to the attention of the Bureau. Any information you develop in connection with these discs should be promptly brought to the attention of the Army through your usual liason channels. Document #, or ('E' to end): 3 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 3 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-09-1986 Subject: 1966 J.E.HOOVER RESPONSE CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST-101 July 2l, 1966 ___________________ Cleburne, Texas 76031 Dear Mr. ____________ Your letter of July 16th has been received. For your information, the investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects is not and never has been a matter that is within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI. I can assure you the photograph you mentioned does not represent employees of this Bureau and the FBI has never had custody of an occupant from a foreign planet. Enclosed are some booklets pertaining to our activities which I hope you will enjoy reading. Sincerely yours, John Edgar Hoover Director Enclosures (2) Know your FBI Story of the FBI NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. The Bureau has had other inquiries concerning this photograph. The article which appeared in a recent issue of this magazine purported to be an actual report of unidentified flying objects and has been brought to the attention of the Bureau previously. In view of the fictional aspects of the material and our relations with "Real" magazine no contact was made with the magazine regarding the representation of FBI Agents. MAIL ROOM ___ TELETYPE UNIT ___ Document #, or ('E' to end): 4 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 4 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-09-1986 Subject: 1949 FBI MEMO RE: PHOTOS CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : DIRECTOR FBI DATE: January 10, 1949 FROM : SAC KNOXVILLE SUBJECT : "FLYING SAUCERS" OBSERVED OVER OAK RIDGE AREA INTERNAL SECURITY - X There are being submitted herewith two photographs of reputedly "flying saucers" which were seen at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, sometime during July of 1947. All of the information contained in this letter was received from George Rateman, Resident Engineer, Air Material Command, United States Army, who is the principal army technician at the Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft Research Center at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Mr. Rateman advised that the attached photographs were taken by ______ in July of 1947. He stated that interview with _______ revealed that he had been snapping photographs of his family in front of his residence at 218 Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, late in the afternoon, when he looked into the sky and observed the vapor trail as exhibited by the photograph numbered "1." __________ stated that he took a snap of this trail, was winding the film to the next number, when he looked into the sky and observed the ball of fire as shown in photograph 2. _______ made these photographs available to reporters of the Knoxville News-Sentinel and a story concerning them was run in that paper; however, as shown by the photostatic copy of the newspaper clipping, which is also being submitted herewith to the Bureau, the print was very indistinct; the news story did not contain any factual information; and it was regarded generally by the public at the time as a possible trick. Later, it was learned by Rateman and _________ that _________ had made several copies of this photograph and had distributed them among his aquaintances at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Upon ___________ finding that the photographs had received some distribution, he requested Rateman as Head of the Compliance and Investigations Division, to recover as many as possible of the photographs, advise the persons in whose possession they were found to say nothing to anyone concerning them, and to return the said photographs to him for transmission to the United States Air Force Intelligence Service. Rateman advises that he succeeded in rounding up twenty four copies of these photographs, and that, according to the statements of ________, no more copies were made or distributed. Rateman further stated that _______ had appeared extremely concerned over the matter and seemed quite emphatic that the matter should be given no more publicity than was absolutely necessary. Rateman also advised that he studied the negatives from which the reproductions were made, and they appeared to be authentic in that trick photography should have been apparent, but from the ______________ ________________. Document #, or ('E' to end): 5 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 5 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-09-1986 Subject: 1947 GEN. TWINING LETTER CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 September 1947 SUBJECT: AMC Opinion Concerning "Flying Discs" TO: Commanding General Army Air Forces Washington 25, D.C. ATTENTION: Brig. General George Schulgen AC/AS-2 1. As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered opinion of this command concerning the so-called "Flying Discs." This opinion is based on interrogation report data furnished by AC/AS-2 and preliminary studied by personnel of T-2 and Aircraft Laboratory, Engineering Division T-3. This opinion was arrived at in a conference between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, Office, Chief of Engineering Division, and the Aircraft, Power Plant and Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3. 2. It is the opinion that: a. The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious. b. There are objects probably approximately the shpe of a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft. c. There is the possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomena, such as meteors. d. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely. e. The apparent common description of the objects is as follows: (1) Metallic or light reflecting surface. (2) Absence of trail, except in a few instances when the object apparently was operating under high performance conditions. (3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top. (4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects. (5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted. (6) Level flight speeds normally about 300 knots are estimated. Continued on Next One Document #, or ('E' to end): 6 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 6 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-09-1986 Subject: 1947 GEN. TWINING LETTER CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER FROM GENERAL N.F. TWINING TO COMMANDING GENERAL, ARMY AIR FORCES 23 SEPTEMBER 1947 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- f. It is possible within the present U.S. knowledger - provided extensive detailed development is undertaken--to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object in subparagraph (e) above which would be capable of an approximate range of 700 miles at subsonic speeds. g. Any devlopments in this country along the lines indicated would be extremely expensive, time consuming and at the considerable expense of current projects and therefore, if directed, should be set up independently of existing projects. h. Due consideration must be given the following: (1) The possibility that these objects are of domestic origin - the product of some high security project not known to AC/AS-2 or this command. (2) The lack of physical evidence in the shape of crash recovered exhibits which would undeniably prove the existence of these objects. (3) The possibility that some foreign nation has a form of propulsion possibly nuclear, which is outside of our domestic knowledge. 3. It is recommended that: a. Headquarters, Army Air Forces issue a directive assigning a priority, security classification and code name for a detailed study of this matter to include the preparation of complete sets of all available and pertinent data which will then be made available to the Army, Navy, Atomic Energy Commission, JRDB, the Air Force Scientific Advisory Group, NACA, and the RAND and NEPA projects for comments and recommendations, with a preliminary report to be forwarded within 15 days of receipt of the data and a detailed report thereafter every 30 days as the investigation develops. A complete interchange of data should be effected. 4. Awaiting a specific directive AMC will continue the investigation within its current resources in order to more closely define the nature of the phenomenon. Detailed Essential Elements of Information will be formulated immediately for transmittal thru channels. N.F. TWINING Lieutenant General, U.S.A. Commanding. Document #, or ('E' to end): 7 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 7 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1975 LORING AFB LANDING CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Headquarters Aerospace Defense Command Reply to Attn of: DAD Subject: Request for Information Under The Freedom of Information Act To ____________________ 1. A copy of you letter dated 22 August 1977 was received in this headquarters for direct reply on 19 September 1977. The following log entries have been extracted for release: a. NORAD Command Director's Log ( 1975 ) 29 Oct/0630Z: Command Director called by Air Force Operations Center concerning an unknown helicopter landing in the munitions storage area at Loring AFB, Maine. Apparently this was second night in a row this occurrence. There was also an indication, but not confirmed, that Canadian bases had been overflown by a helicopter. 31 Oct/0445Z: Report from Wurtsmith AFB through Air Force Ops Center - incident at 0355Z. Helicopter hovered over SAC Weapons storage area then departed area. Tanker flying at 2700 feet made both visual sighting and radar skin paint. Track object 35NM SE over Lake Huron where contack was lost. 1 Nov/0920Z: Received, as info, message from Loring AFB, Maine, citing probable helicopter overflight of base. 8 Nov/0753Z: 24th NORAD Region unknown tract J330, heading SSW, 12000 feet. 1 To 7 objects, 46.46N 109.23W. Two F-106 scrambled out of Great Falls at 0745Z. SAC reported visual sighting from Sabotage Alert Teams ( SAT ) K1, K3, L1 and L6 ( lights and jet sounds ). Weather section states no anomalous propagation or northern lights. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continued On Nexts Document #, or ('E' to end): 8 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 8 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1975 MALMSTROM AFB, MT CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORAD Region Senior Director's Log (Malmstrom AFB, Montana). 0835Z: SAT Teams K3 and L4 report visual, K3 report target at 300 feet altituds and L4 reports target at 5 miles. Contact lost at 0820Z. F-106s returned to base at 0850Z with negative results. 0905Z Great Falls radar search and height had intermittent contact. 0910Z SAT teams again had visual (Site C-1, 10 miles SE Stanford, Montana0. 0920Z SAT CP reported that when F-106s were in area, targets would turn out lights, and when F-106s left, targets would turn lights on. F-106s never gained visual or radar contact at anytime due to terrain clearance. This type of activity has been reported in the Malmstrom area for several days although previous to tonight no unknowns were declared. The track will be carried as a remaining unknown. 7 NOV 75 (1035Z) - Received a call from the 34st Strategic Air Command post (SAC CP), saying that the following missile locations reported seeing a large red to orange to yellow object: M-1, L-3, LIMA and L-6.The general object location would be 10 miles south of Moore, Montana, and 20 miles east of Buffalo,Montana, Commander and Deputy for Operations (DO) informed 7 NOV 75 (1203Z) - SAC advised that the LCF at Harlowton, Montana,observed an object which emitted a light which illuminated the site driveway. 7 NOV 75 (1319Z) - SAC advised K-1 says very bright object to their east is now southeast of them and they are looking at it with 10x50 binoculars. Object seems to have lights (several) on it, but no distinct pattern. The orange/gold object overhead also has small lights on it. SAC also advises female civilian reports having seen an object bearing south from her position six miles west of Lewistown. 7 NOV 75 (1327Z) - L-1 reports that the object to their northeast seems to be issuing a black object from it, tubular in the shape. In all this time, surveilance has not been able to detect any sort of track except for known traffic. 7 NOV 75 (1355Z) - K-1 and L-1 report that as the sun rises, so do the objects they have visual. 7 NOV 75 (1429Z) - From SAC CP: As the sun rose, the UFOs disappeared. Commander and DO notitier. 8 NOV 75 (0635Z) - A security camper team at K-4 reported UFO with white lights, one red light 50 yards behind white light personnel at K-1 seeing same object. 8 NOV 75 (0645Z) - Height personnel picked up object 10-13,000 feet, track J330, EKLB 0648, 18 Knots, 9,500 feet. Objects as many as seven, as few as two A/C. 8 NOV 75 (0753Z) - J330 unknown 0753, Stationary / seven knots /12,000. One (varies seven objects.). None, no possibility, EKLB 3746, two F-106, GTF, SCR 0754. NCOC notified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continued On Nexts Document #, or ('E' to end): 9 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 9 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1975 MALMSTROM AFB, MT CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24th NORAD Region Senior Director's Log (Malmstrom AFB, Montana). 8 NOV 75 (0820Z) - Lost radar contact, figters broken off at 0825, looking in area of J331 (another height finder contact). 8 NOV 75 (0905Z) - From SAC CP: L-sites had fighters and objects; fighters did not get down to objects. 8 NOV 75 (0915Z) - From SAC CP:From four different points:Observed objects and fighters; when fighters arrived in the area, the lights went out; when fighters departed, the lights came back on; to NCOC. 8 nov 75 (0953Z) - From SAC CP: L-5 reported object increased in speed - high velocity,raised in altitude and now cannot tell the object from stars . to NCOC. 8 NOV 75 (1105Z) - From SAC CP: E-1 reported white light (site is approximately 60 nautical miles north of Lewistown). NCOC notified. 9 NOV 75 (0305Z) - SAC CP Called and advised SAC crews at sites L-1, L-6 and M-1 observing UFO. object yellowish bright round light 20 miles north of Harlowton, 2 to 4,000 feet. 9 NOV 75 (0320) - SAC CP reported UFO 20 miles southeast of Lewistown, orange white disc object. 24 NORAD Region survellance checking area. Surveillance unable to get height check. 9 NOV 75 (0320Z) - FAA Watch Supervisor reported he had five air carriers vicinity of UFO, United Fight 157 reported seeing meteor, "arc welder's blue" in color. SAC CP advised,sites still report seeing object stationary 9 NOV 75 (0348Z) - SAC CP Confirms L-1, sees object, a mobile security team has been directed to get closer and report. 9 NOV 75 (0629Z) - SAC CP advises UFO sighting reported around 0305Z. Cancelled the flight security team from site L-1, checked area and all secure, no more sightings. 10 NOV 75 (0215Z) - Received a call from SAC CP. Report UFO sighting from site K-1 around Harlowton area. Surveillance 10 NOV 75 (0153Z) - Surveillance report unable to locate track that would correlate with UFO sighting by K-1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continued on Next Document #, or ('E' to end): 10 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 10 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1975 MALMSTROM AFB, MT. CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24th NORAD Region Senior Director's Log (malmstrom AFB, Montana). 10 NOV 75 (1125Z) - UFO sighting reported by Minot Air Force Station, a bright star-like object in the west, moving east, about the size of a car. First seen approximately 1015Z. Approximately 1120Z, the object passed over the radar station, 1,000 feet to 2,000 feet high, no noise heard. Three people from the site or local area saw the object. NCOC notified. 2. HQ USAF/DADF also forwarded a copy of a NORAD document for a review for possible downgrade and release. We have determined the document is properly and currently classified and is exempt from disclosure under public law 90-23, 5 USC 552b(1). 3. The decision to withhold release of this document may be appealed in writing to the Secretary of the Air Force within 45 days from the date of this letter. If you appeal, include any reasons for reconsideration you wish to present and attach a copy of this letter. Address your letter as follows: Secretary of the Air Force, thru HQ ADCOM/DAD, Peterson AFB CO 80914. TERRENCE C. JAMES, COLONEL, USAF Director of Administration CY to: HQ USAF/DAD HQ USAF/JACL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 11 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 11 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1980 KIRTLAND AFB, NM CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLAINT FORM ADMINISTRATIVE DATA TITLE DATE TIME --------------- ------ KIRTLAND AFB, NM, 8 Aug - 3 Sep 2 - 9 Sept 80 1200 80 Alleged Sighting of Unidentified Aerial Lights in Restricted Test Range. PLACE --------------------------------------- AFOSI Det 1700, Kirtland AFB, NM NOW RECEIVED Yes in person SOURCE OF EVALUATION Major Ernest E. Edwards RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS ADDRESS PHONE Commander, 1608 SPS, Manzano 4-7516 Kirtland AFB, NM CR 44 APPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS SUMMARY OF INFORMATION 1. On 2 Sept 80, SOURCE related on 8 Aug 80, three Security Policemen assigned to 1608 SPS, KAFB, NM, on duty inside the Manzano Weapons Storage Area sighted an unidentified light in the air that traveled from North to South over the Coyote Canyon area of the Department of Defense Restricted Test Range on KAFB, NM. The Security Policemen identified as: SSGT STEPHEN FERENZ, Area Supervisor, ATC MARTIN W. RIST and AMN ANTHONY D. FRAZIER, were later interviewed separately by SOURCE and all three related the same statement; at approximately 2350 hrs., while on duty in Charlie Sector, East Side of Manzano, the three observed a very bright light in the sky approximately 3 miles North-North East of their position. The light traveled with great speed and stopped suddenly in the sky over Coyote Canyon. The three first thought the object was a helicopter, however, after observing the strange aerial maneuvers (stop and go), they felt a helicopter couldn't have performed such skills. The light landed in the Coyote Canyon area. Sometime later, three witnessed the light take off and leave proceeding straight up at a high speed and disappear. 2. Central Security Control (CSC) inside Manzano, contacted Sandia Security, who conducts frequent building checks on two alarmed structures in area. They advised that a patrol was already in the area and would investigate. 3. On 11 Aug 80, RUSS CURTIS, Sandia Security, advised that on 9 Aug 80, a Sandia Security Guard, (who wishes his name not be divulged for fear of harassment), related the following: At approximately 0020 hrs., he was driving east on the Coyote Canyon access road on a routine building check of an alarmed structure. As he approached the structure he observed a bright light near the ground behind the structure. He also observed an object he first thought was a helicopter. But after driving closer, he observed a round disk shaped object. He attempted to radio for backup patrol but his radio would not work. As he approached the object on foot armed with a shotgun, the object took off in a vertical direction at a high rate of speed. The guard was a former helicopter mechanic in the U.S. Army and stated the object he observed was not a helicopter. 4. SOURCE advised on 22 Aug 80, three other security policemen observed the same aerial phenomena described by the first three. Again the object landed in Coyote Canyon. They did not see the object take off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 12 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 12 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1980 KIRTLAND AFB, NM. CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTINUED FROM COMPLAL FORM 1, DTD 9 Sept 80 5. Coyote Canyon is part of a large restricted test range used by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Sandia Laboratories, Defense Nuclear Agency and the Department of Energy. The range was formerly patrolled by Sandia Security, however, they only conduct building checks there now. 6. On 10 Aug 80, a New Mexico State Patrolman sighted an aerial object land in the Manzano's between Belen and Albuquerque, NM. The Patrolman reported the sighting to the Kirtland AFB Command Post, who later referred the patrolman to the AFOSI Dist 17. AFOSI Dist 17 advised the patrolman to make a report through his own agency. On 11 Aug 80, the Kirtland Public Information office advised the patrolman the USAF no longer investigates such sighting unless they occur on a USAF base. 7. WRITER contacted all the agencies who utilized the test range and it was learned no aerial tests are conducted in the Coyote Canyon area. Only ground test are conducted. 8. On 8 Sept 80, WRITER learned from Sandia Security that another Security guard observed a object land near an alarmed structure sometime during the first week of August, but did not report it until just recently for fear of harassment. 9. The two alarmed structures located within the area contain HQ CR 44 material. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE FORWARDED HQ AFOSI 10 Aug 80 AFOSI FORM ---------------------------------------------------- DATE TYPE OR PRINTED NAME OF SPECIAL AGENT Sept 80 Richard C Doty, SA ---------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT FILE NO 8017D93-0/29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 13 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 13 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1980 KIRTLAND AFB, NM CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLAINT FORM ADMINISTRATIVE DATA DATE TIME 14 Aug 80 0730 KIRTLAND AFB, NM 13 Aug 80, Possible Hostile Intelligence Intercept Incident, PLACE Frequency Jamming. AFOSI District 17, BID, KIRTLAND AFB, NM SOURCE AND EVALUATION 1960th Communication Officer RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS ADDRESS 1960 COMMSq KAFB, NM PHONE 4-5098 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS SUMMARY OF INFORMATION 1. On 13 Aug 80, 1960 COMMSq Maintenance Officer reported Radar Approach Control equipment and scanner radar inoperative due to high frequency jamming from an unknown cause. Total blackout of entire radar approach system to include Albuquerque Airport was in effect between 1630-2215 hrs. Radar Approach Control back up system also were inoperative. 2. On 13 Aug 80, Defense Nuclear Agency Radio Frequency Monitors determined, by vector analysis, the interference was being sent from an area (V-90 degrees or due East). On DAF map coordinates E-28.6. The area was located NW of Coyote Canyon Test area. It was first thought that Sandia Laboratory, which utilizes the test range was responsible. However, after a careful check, it was later determined that no test were being conducted in the canyon area. Department of Energy, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and DNA were contacted but assured that their agencies were not responsible. 3. On 13 Aug 80, Base Security Police conducted a physical check of the area but because of the mountainous terrain, a thorough check could not be completed at that time. A later foot search failed to disclose anything that could have caused the interference. 4. On 13 Aug 80, at 2216 hrs., all radar equipment returned to normal operation without further incident. 5. CONCLUSION: The presence of hostile intelligence jamming cannot be ruled out. Although no evidence would suggest this, the method has been used in the past. Communication maintenance specialists cannot explain how such interference could cause the radar equipment to become totally inoperative. Neither could they suggest the type or range of the interference signal. DNA frequency monitors reporeted the interference beam was wide spread and a type unknown to their electronical equipment. Further checks of the area was being conducted by Technical Services, AFOSI. 6. High command interest item. Briefings requested IAW AFOSIR 124-4 be completed at HQ AFOSI/IVOE. HQ CR 44 and 51 items. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 14 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 14 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1980 PROJ. AQUARIUS DOC. CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECRET 17 NOV 1980 RTTEZYVW RUFLOJA9136 ZNY S E C R E T GT SECRET FOR AFOSI ONLY R 171130Z NOV 80 FM HQ AFOSI BOLLING AFB DC//IVOE TO RUWTFBA AFOSI DIST 17 KIRTLAND AFB NM//BID INFO 7602 AINTELG FT BELVOIR VA//INSR SECRET FOR AFOSI ONLY Ref: Request for Photo Imagery Interpretation Your MSG 292030Z Oct 80. Subject Case NR: 8017D93-126 HQ CR 44 1. Subject Negatives/Film were analyzed by HQ IVT and 7602 AINTELG, it and the following results were found: A. Negative #1: Deplicting C-5A aircraft on approach and streaking unidentified aerial object in lower right portion of film. Film found to be unaltered. Size differential was not consistent with size of aircraft. Conclusion: Inconclusive B. Negative #2: Deplicting cylinder shaped unidentified aerial object in upper left portion of photo. Film found to be unaltered. Film showed object to be consistent with field depth and consistent with relative size of fixed objects. Conclusion: Legitimate negative of unidentified aerial object. Bolton/Reinfeld method did not reveal visible markings on object. C. Negative #3: Deplicting irregular shaped unidentified aerial object in seven frames of 8MM film. Because of the size and apparent speed of object no further classification or conclusion could be drawn. Film shown to be unaltered. D. 34 inches of 8MM film: Deplicting apparent colored object moving in front of still camera. Film found to be unaltered. Spectrography revealed colors to be basic prism features. Depth analysis revealed object to be within 152MM of camera. Object was not consistent with relative size of fixed objects observed for several seconds in film. Conclusion: inconclusive. E. Original Negative Deplicting Unidentified Object: Film found to be unaltered. Because of a lack of fixed objects in the film, no depth analysis could be performed. Bolton, Reinfeld method revealed object to be saucer shaped, approximate diameter 37 feet. Object contained a trilateral insignia on the lower portion of object. Conclusion: Legitimate negative of unidentified aerial object. 2. Ref your request for further information regarding HQ CR 44, the following is provided: Capt. Grace 7602 Aintelg, INS contacted and related following: (S/WINTEL) USAF no longer publicly active in UFO research, however USAF still has interest in all UFO sightings over USAF installation/test ranges. Several other government agencies, lead by NASA, actively investigates legitimate sightings through covert cover. (S/WINTEL/FSA) One such cover is UFO Reporting Center, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville, MD 20852. NASA filters results of sightings to appropriate military departments with interest in that particular sighting. The official US Government Policy and results of project Aquarius is still classified top secret with no dissemination outside official intelligence channels and with restricted access to "MJ Twelve". Case on Bennewitz is being monitored by NASA, INS, who request all future evidence be forwarded to them thru AFOSI, IVOE. 4. Ref your request for technical assistance. Because of a chance of public disclosure, no knowledgeable personnel with SPA will be provided. Continue to receive assistance from individuals mentioned in your message, Miller, fugate. Because of the sensitivity of case, request they be thoroughly debriefed at regualr intervals. BTS NNNS DOWNGRADE 17NOV2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 15 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 15 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1986 NSA REPLY AQUARIUS CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755-6000 Serial: J9014C 15 APR 1986 This responds to your letter of 7 March 1986 in which you further narrowed your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records pertaining to Project Aquarius. The document located in response to your request as stated in your 7 March letter has been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and has been found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 12356. This document meets the criteria for classification as set forth in subparagraphs 2, 4, and 8 of section 1.3 and remains classified TOP SECRET as provided in section 1.1 of Executive Order 12356. The document is classified because its disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security. Because the document is currently and properly classified, it is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the first exemption of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. section 552(b) (1)). In addition, this Agency is authorized by various statues to protect certain information concerning its activities. We have determined that such information exists in this document. Accordingly, those portions are also exempt from disclosure pursuant to the third exemption of the FOIA which provides for the withholding of information specifically protected from disclosure by statute. The specific statutes applicable in this case are Title 18 U.S. Code 798; Title 50 U.S. Code 403(d) (3); and Section 6, Public Law 86-36 (50 U.S. Code 402 "note"). No portion of the information is reasonably segregable. Since your request has been denied, you are hereby advised of this Agency's appeal procedures. Any person denied access to information may, within 45 days after notification of the denial, file an appeal to the NSA/CSS Freedom of Information Act Appeal Authority. The appeal shall be in writing addressed to the NSA/CSS FOIA Appeal Authority, National Security Agency, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000. The appeal shall reference the initial denial of access and shall contain, in sufficient detail and particularity, the grounds upon which the requester believes release of the information is required. The NSA/CSS Appeal Authority shall respond to the appeal within 20 working days after receipt. In your letter, you take exception to the amount requested by this Agency for manpower and computer search fees to process your original request for all information on Project Aquarius. Please be advised that NSA search and duplication fees are computed in accordance with guidance promulgated in sections 6-201 and 6-202 of Dod Directive 5400.7-R Sincerely, JULIA B. WETZEL Director of Policy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 16 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 16 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1983 P.L. CLARKE MEMO CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Peter L. Clarke 5 December 1983 KOB Television 4 Broadcast Plaza SW PO Box 1351 Albuquerque NM 87103 Dear Mr. Clarke This is in reference to your Freedom of Information Act request of 18 November 1983 requesting access to information regarding photographs taken by Paul Bennewitz in 1980 near Kirtland AFB. The only information we have in our files regarding this incident is a copy of a message, originator unknown, which apparently was placed in circulation in at least three cities in the U.S. This message discusses analysis of UFO photographs, and, while it does not mention who the photographer was, it does mention the name Bennewitz. The purported originator, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, has reviewed the message and confirmed that it is a hoax. While the Air Force Intelligence Service is listed as a recipient of the message, we have no record of ever receiving it from AFOSI. The copy which we have in our files was forwarded to us by the organization Citizens Against UFO Secrecy. We are attaching a copy of the document as we received it. We have, however, removed the bogus security markings so as not to alarm any recipients. We are also attaching other documents created by this agency as a result of the bogus message. These documents have previously been released to the public through the Freedom of Information Act. For your further information, this agency collected information on UFO sightings for a few years. However, our interest in this topic was discontinued in the mid-1970's and our UFO records were transferred to the General Services Administration for inclusion in Project Blue Book. These records are available for public inspection through the National Archives and Records Service, Modern Military Branch, 8th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington DC 20408. Sincerely 3 Atch 1-3. Docs on UFO Incident SUSAN COOKSEY Freedom of Information Manager -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 17 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 17 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1983 UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Headquarters Air Force Intelligence Service Fort Belvor Virginia 22060 DAD 25 January 1983 Possible Unauthorized Release of Classified Material INSA (MSgt Heldman) DA 1. Per our telephone conversation today, I am forwarding Mr Robert Todd's FOIA request along with the AFOSI message for determination as to classification level. As you can see, Mr Todd retyped the message "for easier reading." I have talked to AFOSI/DADF, Nadine Dulacki. According to her, they did not release the message to Mr Todd nor does she know how it came into his possession. Maj Kilikauskas (AFSAC/INOB, 664-4488) has looked at the message and he feels that it is a fake for several reasons: a. There never has been an office within AFSAC (or 7602nd) with the symbol INS, INSR, or IT. b. There has never been a "Capt Grace" (or anyone with the surname Grace) assigned to AFSAC. c. The purported imagery interpretation done is outside AFSAC's and AFOSI's mission. Further, AFSAC has no individuals who are photo interpreters. d. The term WNINTEL is spelled phonetically on each occurrence. OSI should certainly be familiar with the correct spelling. Further, the document is replete with grammatical errors, typing errors, and in general, makes no sense. e. The document is not in the standard, accepted format for classified messages. Neither Maj Kilikauskas nor Mr Nehlig (who has worked in AFSAC many years) remember hearing of a "Project Aquarius." Further, Maj Kilikauskas had no idea if the information purported supplied by this Capt Grace is, in fact, classified at the Secret/WNINTEL level. He suggests that both NASA and Coast and Geodetic Survey be contacted to see if they have an interest in the message. 2. Finally, I have talked to Mr Earl Middaugh (AFOSI/IVOE, 767-5144). He remembers a FOIA request that his office staffed which involved an AFOSI message similar to this one. However, they were unable to identify it as OSI originated. He thinks perhaps this might be the same message. I have forwarded a copy of the Todd request to the AFOSI Freedom of Information Office (Bob Walker, 767-5262). Upon receipt both Mr Walker and Mr Middaugh will be better able to determine if this is a legitimate AFOSI document. 3. Until a determination is made, we ill regard the document as classified. SUSAN COOKSEY 2 Atch Documentation Management Branch 1. Todd Request 2. Message, 2 cys (S/WNINTEL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 128 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 18 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1986 NSA PROJ. AQUARIUS CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755-6000 Mr. _____________________ Serial: J9014A _________________________ _________________________ 20 FEB 1986 Dear Mr. ________________ This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act request of 8 January 1986 in which you request information on a group referred to as MJ12 or "Majestic 12" and Projects Sigma, Snowbird and Aquarius. Please be advised that Sigma and Snowbird are not projects of this Agency, so we would have no records responsive to that portion of your request. In addition, no records were located relating to M12 or "Majestic 12." An initial survey of materials responsive to that portion of your request dealing with Project Aquarius would result in search fees in excess of $15,000 for manpower and computer costs. Our search would be facilitated and the search fees may be less if you provide us with additional information regarding the type of information in which you are interested. This request for further specificity is in accordance with DoD regulations governing the processing of FOIA requests. Should you wish us to initiate a search for records responsive to your request as stated inyour 8 January letter, please be advised that our policy is to request advance payment of one-half the estimated cost, as well as an agreement to pay the balance, prior to initiating the search. Please be advised that your agreeing to incur these fees will not necessarily result in the disclosure to you of any information. It has been our experience, that any records responsive to your request, if such records exist, most likely would be classified or otherwise exempt from release in accordance with the exemption provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. The application of these exemptions to NSA information has been consistently approved by the Federal Judiciary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 19 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 19 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1986 NSA PROJ. AQUARIUS CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755-6000 __________________________ Serial: J9014A __________________________ __________________________ 03 MAR 1986 Dear Mr. _________________: This is in response to your letter of 20 February 1986 in which you stated that, regarding your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information on Project Aquarius, you are interested in Aquarius as it pertains to unidentified aerial objects. Please be advised that Project Aquarius does not deal with unidentified aerial projects. We, therefore, have no information to provide to you on the subject. In your letter you also ask for information on Projects Sigma and Snowbird. The FOIA provides that a person has a right of access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records are protected from disclosure by one of nine exemptions. It does not require that an agency answer questions. As I mentioned in my letter of 20 February, Sigma and Snowbird are not NSA projects; therefore, we have no information to give you on these topics. Since you indicate in your letter that you will not be paying the $15,000.00 fee to search for records pertaining to Aquarius, this response completes our action on your request. Sincerely, DENNIS C. CHADWICK Chief Information Policy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 20 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 20 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 06-10-1986 Subject: 1986 ANSWER TO NSA CUFON - UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Dennis C. Chadwick 3-7-86 Chief, Information Policy National Security Agency Fort George G. Meade Maryland 20755-6000 Dear Mr. Chadwick: Thank you for your letter of 3 March 1986 and reply to my previous letter on Project Aquarius. I understand from your letter that you intend to abide strictly by the letter of the law in responses to FOIA requests. I had not realized that this was the attitude of the NSA or I would not have bothered you with questions in general. I have gotten the impression from other sources that the NSA does not maintain a generally open attitude toward the public, particularly where the subject of unidentified aerial objects is involved, and while completely understand the need to restrict some information what good is a country if its citizens are kept ignorant. Personally I feel that assessing a $15,000 charge for information is simply a convenient way to disuade requests. Let me therefore rephrase my request as I would prefer to judge for myself whether Aquarius has anything to do with my interests. Firstly, I do not want to endanger this country or any of its intelligence gathering sources. I am not a spy or a subversive, my father is a surgeon and Lt. Colonel in the Air Force and I wouldn't want to harm his career. Therefore I am requesting just a clean copy of the material NSA is maintaining which describes what the goal of project Aquarius is. I am not asking for all material you have but simply the initial forms, papers, or letters, which initiated this project and those which outline its purpose. I cannot conceive that there should be anything but negligible costs to photocopy these materials. This should be waived inasmuch as it should be in the interest of the public to be aware of what their taxes are paying for. But if NSA needs reimbursement of copying costs then please let me know what the cost will be. Sincerely, Mr.______________________ _________________________ _________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 21 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 21 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-11-1986 Subject: 1980 RAF WOODBRIDGE DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUAILRS COMBAT SUPPORT GROUP (USAFC) APO NEW YORK REPLY TO: 13 JAN 81 CD ATIN OF. SUBJECT: Unexplained Lights TO: RAF/CC 1. Early in the morning of 27 Dec 80 (approximately 0300L),two USAF security police patrolmen saw unusual lights outside the back gate at RAF Woodbridge. Thinking an aircraft might have crashed or been force down, they call for permission to go outside the gate to investigate. The on-duty flight chief reponded and allowed three patrolmen to pro- ceed on foot.The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in the forest.The object was described as being metalic in appearance and triangular in shape, approximately two to three meters across the base and approximately two meters high. It illuminated the entire fo- rest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath. The object was hovering or on legs. As the patrolmen approached the object, it maneuvered th- rough the trees and disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy. The object was briefly sighted approximately an hour later near the back gate. 2. The next day, three depressions 1 1/2" deep and 7" in diameter were found where the object had been sighted on the ground. The foll- owing night (29 Dec 80) the area was checked for radiation.Beta/Gamma readings of 0.1 milliroentgens were recorded with peak reading in the three depressions and near the center of the triangle formed by the depressions. A nearby tree had moderate (.05-.07)readings on the side of the tree toward the depressions. 3. Later in the night a red sun-like light was seen through the tree . It moved about and pulsed. At one point it appeared to throw off glowing particles and then broke into five separate white objects and then disappeared. Immediately thereafter, three star-like objects were noticed in the sky.Two objects to the north and one to the south , all of which were about 10 degrees off the horizon. The objects moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and displayed red, green and blue lights. The objects to the north appeared to be elliptical thro- ugh an 8-12 power lens. They then turned to full circles. The objects to the north remained in the sky for an hour or more. The object to the south was visible for two or three hours and beamed down a stream of light from time to time. Numerous individuals, including the unde- rsigned, witnessed the activities in paragraphs 2 and 3. CHARLES I. HALT, Lt Col, USAF Deputy Base Commander Document #, or ('E' to end): 22 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 22 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-12-1986 Subject: 1975 B.GOLDWATER,REQ-INFO BARRY GOLDWATER Committees: Arizona Aeronautical & Space Sci. Armed Services Preparedness Inv Subcommit UNITED STATES SCNATE Tactical Air Power Subcomm Washington D.C. 20510 N. S. Naval Petroleum Reserves Subcommittee March 28, 1975 Mr.Shlomo Arnon U.C.L.A. Experimental College 308 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles, California 90024 Dear Mr.Arnon: The subject of UFOs is one that has interested me for some time. About ten or twelve years ago I made an effort to find out what was in the building at Wright Patterson Air Force Base where the information is stored that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was understandably denied this request. It is still classified above Top Secret. I have, however, heard that there is a plan under way to release some, if not all, of this material in the near future. I'm just as anxious to see this material as you are, and I hope we will not have to wait too much longer. Sincerely. Barry Goldwater Document #, or ('E' to end): 23 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 23 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-12-1986 Subject: 1981 GOLDWATER,LETTER # 2 BARRY GOLDWATER Cmmittees: Intelligence Chairman Armed Services Tactical Warfare.Chair UNITED STATES SENATE Preparedness Washington D.C. 20510 Strategic Nuclear Force Communications Chairman October 19,1981 Aviation Science Technology and Space Indian Affairs Mr. Lee M. Grahan: 526 West Maple Monrovia, California 91016 Dear Mr.Graham: First, let me tell you that I have long ago give up acquiring access to the so-called Blue Room at Wright-Patterson, as I have had one long string of deials from chief after chief, so I have give up. In answer to your questions, "one is essentially correct." I don't know of anyone who has access to the "Blue Room," nor am I aware of its contents and I am not aware of anything having been relocated. I can't answer your question six, in fact, I can't find anyone who would answer it. To tell you the truth, Mr Graham, "this thing has gotten so highly classified," ecen though I will admit there is a lot of it that has been released, "it is just impossible to get anything on it." I am returning your papers because I know they are of value to you. Sincerely, Barry Goldwater Document #, or ('E' to end): 24 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 24 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-12-1986 Subject: 1983 GOLDWATER,LETTER # 3 BARRY GOLDWATER Committees: Intelligence Chairman Armed Services Tactical Warfare Chair UNITED STATES SENATE Preparedness Strategic Nuclear Forces C. S. Transportation June 20, 1983 Washington D.C. 20510 Communications Chairman Aviation Science Technology and Space Indian Affairs Mr. William S. Steinman 15043 Rosalita Drive La Mirada, California 90638 Dear Mr.Steinman: To answer your questions, I have never gained access to the so-called "Blue Room" at Wright Patterson, so I have no idea what is in it. I have no idea of who controls the flow of "need-to-know" because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I've never tried to made it my business since. I wish you luck on your investigation. I'm one of those people who believe that with some two billion planets scattered around our universe, there has to be a couple of more that can subport life on it. Sincerely, Barry Goldwater Document #, or ('E' to end): 25 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 25 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-20-1986 Subject: 1942 MEMO FOR PRESIDENT CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECRET February 26, 1942. OCS 21347-86 MENORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT: The following is the information we have from GHQ at this mement regarding the air alarm over Los Angeles of yesterday morning: "From details available at this hour: 1. Unidentified airplanes, other then American Army or Navy planes, were probably over Los Angeles, and were fired on by elements of the 37th CA Brigade ( AA ) between 3:12 and 4:15 AM. These units expended 1430 rounds of ammunition. 2. As many as fifteen airplanes may have been involved, flying at various speeds from what is officially reported as being very slow to as much as 200 MPH and at elevations from 9000 to 18000 feet. 3. No bombs were dropped. 4. No casualties among our troops. 5. No planes were shot down. 6. No American Army or Navy planes were in action. Investigation continuing. It seems reasonable to conclude that if unidentified airplanes were involved they may have been from commercial sources, operated by enemy agents for purposes of spreeding alarm, disclosing location of antiair- craft positions, and slowing production through blackout. Such conclusion is supported by varying speed of operation and the fact that no bombs were dropped. Gen. George C. Marshall Chief Of Staff Document #, or ('E' to end): 26 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 26 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-21-1986 Subject: 1950 W.B. SMITH MEMO CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP SECRET CONFIDENTIAL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE OTTAWA, Ontario, November 21, 1950 ---------------------------------- PLACE DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUR FILE SUBJECT OUR FILE Geo-Magnetics (R.ST.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMORANDUM TO THE CONTROLLER OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS: For the past several years we have been engaged in the study of various aspects of radio wave propagation. The vagaries of this phenomenon have led us into the fields of aurora, cosmis radiation, atmospheric radio-activity and geo-magnetism. In the case of geo-magnetics our investigations have contributed little to our knowledge of radio wave propagation as yet, but nevertheless have indicated several avenues of investigation which may well be explored with profit. For example, we are on the track of a means whereby the potential energy of the earth's magnetic field may be abstracted and used. On the basis of theoretical considerations a small and very crude experimental unit was constructed approximately a year ago and tested in our Standards Laboratory. The tests were essentially successful in that sufficient energy was abstracted from the earth's field to operate a voltmeter, approximately 50 milliwatts. Although this unit was far from being self-sustaining, it nevertheless demonstrated the soundness of the basic principles in a qualitative manner and provided useful data for the design of a better unit. The design has now been completed for a unit which should be self-sustaining and in addition provide a small surplus of power. Such a unit, in addition to functioning as a `pilot power plant' should be large enough to permit the study of the various reaction forces which are expected to develop. We believe that we are on the track of something which may well prove to be the introduction to a new technology. The existence of a different technology is borne out by the investigations which are being carried on at the present time in relation to flying saucers. While in Washington attending the NARB Conference, two books were released, one titled "Behind the Flying Saucer" by Frank Scully, and the other "The Flying Saucers are Real" by Donald Keyhoe. Both books dealt mostly with the sightings of unidentified objects and both books claim that flying objects were of extra-terrestrial origin and might well be space ships ...... 2 Document #, or ('E' to end): 27 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 27 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-21-1986 Subject: 1950 W.B.SMITH MEMO #2 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 from another planet. Scully claimed that the preliminary studies of one saucer which fell into the hands of the United States Government indicated that they operated on some hitherto unknown magnetic principles. It appeared to me that our own work in geo-magnetics might well be the linkage between our technology and the technology by which the saucers are designed and operated. If it is assumed that our geo-magnetic investigations are in the right direction, the theory of operation of the saucers becomes quite straight forward, with all observed features explained qualitatively and quantitatively. I made discreet enquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information: a. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. b. Flying saucers exist. c. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush. d. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance. I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a nubmer of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena and I gather that they are not doing too well since they indicated that if Canada is doing anything at all in geo-magnetics they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited Canadians. While I am not yet in a position to say that we have solved even the first problems in geo-magnetic energy release, I feel that the correlation between our basic theory and the available information on saucers checks too closely to be more coincidence. It is my honest opinion that we are on the right track and are fairly close to at least some of the answers. Mr. Wright, Defence Research Board liaison officer at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, was extremely anxious for me to get in touch with Doctor Solandt, Chairman of the Defence Research Board, to discuss with him future investigations along the line geo-magnetic energy release. ...... 3 Document #, or ('E' to end): 28 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 28 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-21-1986 Subject: 1950 W.B.SMITH MEMO #3 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 I do not feel that we have as yet sufficient data to place before Defence Research Board which would enable a program to be initiated within that organization, but I do feel that further research is necessary and I would prefer to see it done within the frame work of our own organization with, of course, full co-operation and exchange of information with other interested bodies. I discussed this matter fully with Doctor Solandt, Chairman of Defence Research Board, on November 20th and placed before him as much information as I have been able to gather to date. Doctor Solandt agreed that work on geo-magnetic energy should go forward as rapidly as possible and offered full co-operation of his Board in providing laboratory facilities, acquisition of necessary items of equipment, and specialized personnel for incidental work in the project. I indicated to Doctor Solandt that we would prefer to keep the project within the Department of Transport for the time being until we have obtained sufficient information to permit a complete assessment of the value of the work. It is therefore recommended that a PROJECT be set up within the frame work of this Section to study this problem and that the work be carried on a part time basis until such time as sufficient tangible results can be seen to warrant more definitive action. Cost of the program in its initial stages are expected to be less than a few hundred dollars and can be carried by our Radio Standards Lab appropriation. Attached hereto is a draft of terms of reference for such a project which, if authorized, will enable us to proceed with this research work within our own organization. (W.B. Smith) Senior Radio Engineer WBS/cc Document #, or ('E' to end): 29 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 29 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-26-1986 Subject: 1953 GEN.BURGESS 4602nd CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLASSIFIED PER EXECUTIVE ORDER 12356, Section 3.3, NND 841508 By WG Lewis NARS, Date Jan 29, 1985 CONFIDENTIAL Brig. General W. M. Burgess 23 DEC 1953 Deputy for Intelligence Air Defense Command Ent Air Force Base Colorado Springs, Colorado Dear Woody: In your new function in the Unidentified Flying Object Program, it is our understanding that your 4602nd people will do the "leg work" so to speak, and furnish ATIC with its findings. For those types that cannot be identified by your Squadron, ATIC will handle from an exploratory point of view. Many times the publicity connected with this program has been somewhat embarrassing, in that we are dealing with a subject, parts of which, are not ex- plainable, and the public feeling is that we are holding back information they should know about. Due to a policy letter General Samford wrote this Directorate a while back, this office has assumed motor- ship of releases to the public. I would like to quote the last sentence of General Samford's letter as it pertains to publicity: "The Directorate of Intelligence, USAF, will resist consistently any idea that a releasable story can be developed about any intelligence activity, pro- cess, or experience." As you realize, there is a 10-20% area of unexplainable objects, in this program. Also, for this area, we believe General Samford's statement above applies, in that it deals in an intelligence process performed by ATIC. Therefore, we would like to offer you guidance in the publicity angle as it pertains to your activity. CONFIDENTIAL Document #, or ('E' to end): 30 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 30 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-26-1986 Subject: 1953GEN.BURGESS 4602nd #2 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLASSIFIED PER EXECUTIVE ORDER 12356, Section 3.3, NND 841508 By WG Lewis NARS, Date Jan 29, 1985. AFOIN-X/Lt Col Smith/tjc/71092 Wrtn 21 Dec 53 CONFIDENTIAL We think it would be well for your 4602nd people in the ZI, to discuss a particular sighting with the public or press, anytime the object can be identified. Meaning, if they can verify the object as a balloon, aircraft, helicopter, etc., go ahead and inform interested parties. However, for those times where the object is not explainable, it would be well to advise your people to say something on this order, "The information on this sighting will be analyzed by the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Dayton, Ohio", and leave it go at that. If your people get into analyzing the 10-20% area to the public, every news media across the country will pick up the story. For your information, we have requested ATIC to sub- mit to this office, a report that can be released to the public. If you desire we could forward to your office a copy of this report, that could be used by your agency, for release purposes. Sincerely yours, 1 Incl GEORGE E PERRY Cy of RSR #1 Colonel, USAF to ATIC dtd Directorate of Intelligence 21 Dec 53 fr D/I P.S. I am informed this letter is somewhat pre-mature, in that complete coordination has not effected on the regulation that puts you in this business; however, you might be able to use this in your pre- planning. OSAF-OP1 LT. R.C. WHITE AFOIN-X AFOIN-X Lt Col Smith Col Perry 2 CONFIDENTIAL Document #, or ('E' to end): 31 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 31 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-26-1986 Subject: 1973 HELICOPTER ENCOUNTER CUFON Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington Freedom Of Information Act Document Files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPOSITION FORM AR 340-15: the proponent agency is The Adjutant General's Office. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference Office Symbol ) Subject ) ) Near Midair Collision with UFO Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Commandor Flight Operations Off DATE 23 Nov 73 Cmt 1 83D USARCOM USAR Flight Facility ATTN: AHRCCG Cleveland Hopkins Airport Columbus Support Facility Cleveland, Ohio 44135 1. On 18 October 1973 at 2305 hours in the vicinity of Mansfield, Ohio, Army Helicopter 68-15444 assigned to Cleveland USARFFAC encountered a near midair collision with a unidentified flying object. Four crewmembers assigned to the Cleveland USARFFAC for flying proficiency were on AFTP status when this incident occurred. The flight crew assigned was CPT Lawrence J. Coyne, Pilot in Command,1LT Arrigo Jozzi, Copilot, SSG Robert Yanacsek, Crew Chief, SSG John Healey,Flight Medio,All the above personnel are member of the 316th MED DET(HEL AMB). a tenant reserve unit of the Cleveland USARFFAC. 2. The reported incident happened as follows: Army Helicopter 68-15444 was returning from Columbus, Ohio to Cleveland, Ohio and at 2305 hours east, south east of Mansfield Airport in the vicinity of Mansfield, Ohio while flying at an altitude of 2500 feet and on a heading of 030 degrees, SSG Yanacsek observed a red light on the east horizon,90 drgrees to the flight path of the helicopter. Approximately 30 seconds later, SSG Yanacsek indicated the object was converging on the helicopter at the same altitude at a airspeed in excess of 600 knots and on a midair collision heading. Cpt Coyne observed the converging object, took over the controls of the aircraft and initiated a power descent from 2500 feet to 1700 feet to avoid impact with the object. A radio call was initiated to Mansfield Tower who acknowledged the helicopter and was asked by CPT Coyne if there were any high performance aircraft flying in the vicinity of Mansfield Airport however there was no response received from the tower. The crew expected impact from the object instead, the object was observed to hesistate momontarily over the helicopter and then slowly continued on a westerly course accelerating at a high rate of speed, clear west of Mansfield Airport then turn 45 degree heading to the Northwest. Cpt Coyne indicated the altimeter read a 1000 fpm olimp and read 3500 feet with the collective in the full down position. The aircraft was returned to 2500 feet by CPT Coyne and flown back to Cleveland, Ohio. The flight plan was closed and the FAA Flight Service Station notified of the incident. The FSS told CPT Coyne to report the incident to the FAA GADO office a Cleveland Hopkins Airport Mr. Porter, 83d USARCOM was notified of the incident at 1530 hours on 19 Oct 73. 3. This report has been read and attested to by the crewmembers of the aircraft with signatures acknowledgeing this report. Lawrence J. Coyne Arrigo Jozzi _______________________ _____________________ Robert Yanacsek John Healey _______________________ ______________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DA FORM 2496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #, or ('E' to end): 332 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 32 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-30-1986 Subject: 1976 IRAN INTERCEPT CASE CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 UNCLASSIFIED PRIORITY OCT1 MSG654 PAGE 01 267 0813 ACTION: NONF-OR. INFO: ATCZY UW RUFK JCS 97 17 76-0810 MTMS-CCCC--RJFFHQA_. NY CCCCC P 2308107 SEP 76 FM JCS INFO RUSHC/SECSTATE WASH DC RUFAIIF/C I A RUFOIAH/NSA WASH DC RUFADWW/WHITE HOUSE WASH DC RUFFHQA/CSAF WASH DC RUFNAAA/CNO WASH DC RUFADHD/CSA WASH DC P 2306307 SEP 76 FM USOAO TEHRAN TO RUFK.ICS/OIA WASH DC INFO RUFKUCS/SECDEF DEPSECDEF WASH DC RUFRBAA/COMIDFASTF OR RUDOECA/CINCUSAFF LINDSEY AS GE/INCF RHRAAB/CINCUSAFF RAMSTEIN AB GE/INOCN RUSNAAA/FUDAC VAIHINGEN GER RUSNAAA/UGCINCEUR VAIHINGEN GER/ECJ-2 RT C O N F I D E N T I A L 1235 SEP76 THIS IS IR 6 846 0139 76 1. (U) IRAN 2. REPORTED UFO SIGHTING (U) 3. (U) NA 4. (U) 19 & 20 SEP 76 5. (U) TEHRAN. IRAN: 20 SEP 76 6. (U) F-6 7. (U) 6 846 008 (NOTE RO COMMENTS) 8. (U) 6 846 0139 76 9. (U) 22SEP 76 10. (U) NA 11. (U) `INITIATE' IPSP PT-1440 12. (U) USDAO. TEHRAN. IRAN 13. (U) FRANK B. MCKENZIE. COL. USAF. :DA TT 14. (U) NA 15. (U) THIS REPORT FORWARDS INFORMATION CONCERNING THE SIGHTING OF AN UFO IN IRAN ON :19 SEPTEMBER 1976. A. AT ABOUT 1230 AM ON 19 SEP 76 THE ------------------------------- ----------------------------RECEIVED FOUR TELEPHONE CALLS FROM CITIZENS LIVING IN THE SHEMIRAN AREA OF TEHRAN :SAYING UNCLASSIFIED PRIORITY Document #, or ('E' to end): 33 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 33 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-30-1986 Subject: 1976 IRAN INTERCEPT CASE CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIORITY UNCLASSIFIED 57 OCT1 MSG654 PAGE 02 267 08L3 THAT THEY HAD SEEN STRANGE OBJECTS IN THE SKY. SOME REPORTED A KIND OF BIRD-LIKE OBJECT WHILE OTHERS REPORTED A HELICOPTER WITH A LIGHT ON. THERE WERE NO HELICOPTERS AIRBORNE AT THAT TIME.------------------------ ------------------------- AFTER. HE TOLD THE CITIZEN IT WAS ONLY STARS AND HAD TALKED TO MEHRABAD TOWER HE DECIDED TO LOOK FOR HIMSELF. HE NOTICED AN OBJECT IN THE SKY SIMILAR TO A STAR BIGGER AND BRIGHTER. HE DECIDED TO SCRAMBLE AN F-4 FROM SHAHROKHI AFB TO INVESTIGATE. B. AT 0130 HRS ON THE 19TH THE F-4 TOOK OFF AND PROCEEDED TO A POINT ABOUT 40 NM NORTH OF TEHRAN. DUE TO ITS BRILLIANCE THE OBJECT WAS EASILY VISIBLE FROM 70 MILES AWAY. AS THE F-4 APPROACHED A RANGE OF 25 NH HE LOST ALL INSTRUMENTATION AND COMMUNICTIONS (UHF AND INTERCOM). HE BROKE OFF THE INTERCEPT AND HEADED BACK TO SHAHROKHI. WHEN THE F-4 TURNED AWAY FROM THE OBJECT AND APPARENTLY WAS NO LONGER A THREAT TO IT THE AIRCRAFT REGAINED ALL INSTRUMENTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. AT 0140 HRS A SECOND F-4 WAS LAUNCHED. THE BACKSEATER ACQUIRED A RADAR LOCK ON AT 27 NH. 12 O'CLOCK HIGH POSITION WITH THE VC (RATE OF CLOSURE) AT 150 NHPH. AS THE RANGE DECREASED TO 25 NH THE OBJECT MOVED AWAY AT A SPEED THAT WAS VISIBLE ON THE RADAR SCOPE AND STAYED AT 25 NH. C. THE SIZE OF THE RADAR RETURN WAS COMPARABLE TO THAT OF A 707 TANKER. THE VISUAL SIZE OF THE OBJECT WAS DIFFICULT TO DISCERN BECAUSE OF ITS INTENSE BRILLIANCE. THE LIGHT THAT IT GAVE OFF WAS THAT OF FLASHING STROBE LIGHTS ARRANGED IN A RECTANGULAR PATTERN AND ALTERNATING BLUE- GREEN, RED AND ORANGE IN COLOR. THE SEQUENCE OF THE LIGHTS WAS SO FAST THAT ALL THE COLORS COULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. THE OBJECT AND THE PURSUING F-4 CONTINUED ON A COURSE TO THE SOUTH OF TEHRAN WHEN ANOTHER BRIGHTLY LIGHTED OBJECT, ESTIMATED TO BE ONE HALF TO ONE THIRD THE APPARENT SIZE OF THE MOON, CAME OUT OF THE ORIGINAL OBJECT. THIS SECOND OBJECT HEADED STRAIGHT TOWARD THE F-4 AT A VERY FAST RATE OF SPEED. THE PILOT ATTEMPTED TO FIRE AN AIM-9 MISSILE AT THE OBJECT BUT AT THAT INSTANT HIS WEAPONS CONTROL PANEL WENT OFF AND HE LOST ALL COMMUNICATIONS (UHF AND INTERPHONE) AT THIS POINT THE PILOT INITIATED A TURN AND NEGATIVE G DIVE TO GET AWAY. AS HE TURNED THE OBJEAZ FELL IN TRAIL AT WHAT APPEARED TO BE ABOUT 3-4 NH. AS HE CONTINUED IN HIS TURN AWAY FROM THE PRIMARY OBJECT THE SECOND OBJECT WENT TO THE INSIDE OF HIS TURN THEN RETURNED TO THE PRIMARY OBJECT FOR A PERFECT REJOIN. D. SHORTLY AFTER THE SECOND OBJECT JOINED UP WITH THE PRIMARY OBJECT ANOTHER OBJECT APPEARED TO COME OUT OF THE PRIORITY UNCLASSIFIED Document #, or ('E' to end): 34 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 34 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-30-1986 Subject: 1976 IRAN INTERCEPT CASE CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 PRIORITY UNCLASSIFIED OCT1 MS6654 PAGE 03 267 0813 OTHER SIDE OF THE PRIMARY OBJECT GOING STRAIGHT DOWN. AT A GREAT RATE OF SPEED. THE F-4 CREW HAD REGAINED COMMUNICATIONS AND THE WEAPONS CONTROL PANEL AND WATCHED THE OBJECT APPROACH THE GROUND ANTICIPATING A LARGE EXPLOSION. THIS OBJECT APPEARED TO COME TO REST GENTLY ON THE EARCH AND CAST A VERY BRIGHT LIGHT OVER AN AREA OF ABOUT 2-3 KILOMETERS. THE CREW DESCENDED FROM THEIR ALTITUDE OF 26H TO 15H AND CONTINUED TO OBSERVE AND MARK THE OBJECT'S POSITION. THEY HAD SOME DIFFICULTY IN ADJUSTING THEIR NIGHT VISIBILITY FOR LANDING SO AFTER ORBITING MEHRABAD A FEW TIMES THEY WENT OUT FOR A STRAIGHT IN LANDING. THERE WAS A LOT OF INTERFERENCE ON THE UHF AND EACH TIME THEY PASSED THROUGH A MAG. BEARING OF 150 DEGREE FROM EHRABAD THEY LOST THEIR COMMUNICATIONS (UHF AND INTERPHONE) AND THE INS FLUCTUATED FROM 30 DEGREES - 50 DEGREES. THE ONE CIVIL AIRLINER THAT WAS APPROACHING MEHRABAD DURING THIS SAME TIME EXPERIENCED COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE IN THE SAME VICINITY (KILO ZULU) BUT DID NOT REPORT SEEING ANYTHING. WHILE THE F-4 WAS ON A LONG FINAL APPROACH THE CREW NOTICED ANOTHER CYLINDER SHAPED OBJECT (ABOUT THE SIZE OF A T-BIRD AT 10M) WITH BRIGHT STEADY LIGHTS ON EACH END AND A FLASHER IN THE MIDDLE. WHEN QUERIED THE TOWER STATED THERE WAS NO OTHER KNOWN TRAFFIC IN THE AREA. DURING THE TIME THAT THE OBJECT PASSED OVER THE F-4 THE TOWER DID NOT HAVE A VISUAL ON IT BUT PICKED IT UP AFTER THE PILOT TOLD THEM TO LOOK BETWEEN THE MOUNTAINS AND THE REFINERY. E. DURING DAYLIGHT THE F-4 CREW WAS TAKEN OUT TO THE AREA IN A HELICOPTER WHERE THE OBJECT APPARENTLY HAD LANDED. NOTHING WAS NOTICED AT THE SPOT WHERE THEY THOUGHT THE OBJECT LANDED (A DRY LAKE BED) BUT AS THEY CIRCLED OFF TO THE WEST OF THE AREA THEY PICKED UP A VERY NOTICEABLE BEEPER SIGNAL. AT THE POINT WHERE THE RETURN WAS THE LOUDEST WAS A SMALL HOUSE WITH A GARDEN. THEY LANDED AND ASKED THE PEOPLE WITHIN IF THEY HAD NOTICED ANYTHING STRANGE LAST NIGHT. THE PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT A LOUD NOISE AND A VERY BRIGHT LIGHT LIKE LIGHTNING. THE AIRCRAFT AND AREA WHERE THE OBJECT IS BELIEVED TO HAVE LANDED ARE BEING CHECKED FOR POSSIBLE RADIATION ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE INFORMATION WILL BE FORWARDED WHEN IT BECOMES AVAILABLE. RT #9717 PTCCZYUW RUFKJCS9712 2670810:0130-CCCC 2670814 PRIORITY UNCLASSIFIED Document #, or ('E' to end): 35 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 35 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-15-1986 Subject: 1986 BRAZILIAN FOIA CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D.C. 20301-6111 U-4,339/RTS-1 Mr. _______________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Dear Mr. ___________: This responds to your request under the Freedom of Information Act dated 11 June 1986 for any documents concerning UFOs, any documents received from U.S. Embassies concerning the Brazilian UFO incident, and all documents pertaining to PROJECT MOON DUST. Upon review, it has been determined that there are 61 documents responsive to your request. Of these 61 documents, portions of 16 are properly classified and are not releasable. The properly classified portions withheld are exempt from release pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 (b)(1), (b)(3), and (b)(5), Freedom of Information Act. Subsection (b)(1) applies to information properly classified under the criteria provided by Executive Order 12356. The statutory basis for invoking subsection (b)(3) is to be found at 50 U.S.C. 402, NOTE (Public Law 86-36). Subsection (b)(5) applies to inter- and intra-agency memoranda which are advisory in nature. All reasonably segregable portions of the 16 documents, absent administrative and classification data, are attached hereto. All substantive portions of three other documents are properly classified and are not releasable. There are no reasonably segregable portions of this exempt material. The properly classified portions withheld are exempt from release pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 (b)(1), Freedom of Information Act. The remaining material is not forwarded because it is routinely deleted administrative and classification data unrelated to the subject matter of the request. The remaining 42 documents are attached hereto, absent administrative and classification data. You are advised that the documentation provied is the most legible available from our archives. You are advised that a requester may appeal, within 45 working days, an initial decision to withhold a record or part thereof. Should you wish to exercise this right, you may do so by referring to case #F0I-0504-86 and addressing your appeal to: Director Defense Intelligence Agency ATTN: RTS-1 (FOIA) Washington, D.C. 20301-6111 Sincerely, GORDON NEQUS Executive Director 58 enclosures a/s Document #, or ('E' to end): 36 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 36 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-22-1986 Subject: 1980 BRAZILIAN FOIA CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Joint Chiefs of Staff Message Center RECEIVED JUN - 3 1980 VZOZCMLT565 7YUW MULT DIA RT3 - 2B ACTION 18134 DIA: DISTR IADB(01) J5(02) JE:NMCC NIDS SECDEF(07) SECDEF: USDP(15) ATSD:AE(01) ASD:PA&E(01) ::DIA(20) NMIC - CMC CC WASHINGTON DC - CSAF WASHINGTON DC - CNO WASHINGTON DC - CSA WASHINGTON DC - CIA WASHINGTON DC - SFCSTATE WASHINGTON DC - NSA WASH DC FILE (047) TRANSIT/1542115/1542207/0001525941542204 DE RUESLMA #4888 1542115 7NY CCCCC R 0220527 JUN 80 FM USDAD LIMA PERU TO RUEKJCS/DIA WASHDC INFO RULPALJ/USCINCSO QUARRY HTS PN RULPAFA/USAFSO HOWARD AFB PN BT SUBJ: IR 6 876 0146 80 (U) THIS IS AN INFO REPORT, NOT FINALLY EVAL INTEL 1. (U) CTRY: PERU (PE) 2. TITLE (U) UFO SIGHTED IN PERU (U) 3. (U) DATE OF INFO: 800510 4. (U) ORIG: USDAD AIR LIMA PERU 5. (U) REQ REFS: Z-D13-PE030 6. (U) SOURCE: 6 876 0138. OFFICER IN THE PERUVIAN AIR FORCE WHO OBSERVED THE EVENT AND IS IN A POSITION TO BE PARTY TO CONVERSATION CONCERNING THE EVENT. SOURCE HAS REPORTED RELIABLY IN THE PAST. 7. SUMMARY: SOURCE REPORTED THAT A UFO WAS SPOTTED ON TWO DIFFERENT OCCASIONS NEAR PERUVIAN AIR FORCE (FAP) BASE IN SOUTHERN PERU. THE FAP TRIED TO INTERCEPT AND DESTRY THE UFO, BUT WITHOUT SUCCESS. PAGE 1 00101111 Document #, or ('E' to end): 37 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 37 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-22-1986 Subject: 1980 BRAZIL.FOIA PAGE 2 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Joint Chiefs of Staff Message Center PAGE 2 18134 8A. DETAILS: SOURCE TOLD RO ABOUT THE SPOTTING OF AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT IN THE VICINITY OF MARIANO MELGAR AIR BASE, LA JOYA, PERU (168058, 0715306W). SOURCE STATED THAT THE VEHICLE WAS SPOTTED ON TWO DIFFERENT OCCASIONS. THE FIRST WAS DURING THE MORNING HOURS OF 9 MAY 80, AND THE SECOND DURING THE EARLY EVENING HOURS OF 10 MAY 80. SOURCE STATED THAT ON 9 MAY, WHILE A GROUP OF FAP OFFICERS WERE IN FORMATION AT MARIANO MALGAR, THEY SPOTTED A UFO THAT WAS ROUND IN SHAPE, HOVERING NEAR THE AIRFIELD. THE AIR COMMANDER SCRAMBLED AN SU-22 AIRCRAFT TO MAKE AN INTERCEPT. THE PILOT, ACCORDING TO A THIRD PARTY, INTERCEPTED THE VEHICLE AND FIRED UPON IT AT VERY CLOSE RANGE WITHOUT CAUSING ANY APPARENT DAMAGE. THE PILOT TRIED TO MAKE A SECOND PASS ON THE VEHICLE, BUT THE UFO OUT-RAN THE SU-22. THE SECOND SIGHTING WAS SURING HOURS OF DARKNESS. THE VEHICLE WAS LIGHTED. AGAIN AN SU-22 WAS SCRAMBLED, BUT THE VEHICLE OUT-RAN THE AIRCRAFT. 8B. ORIG CMTS: RO HAS HEARD DISCUSSION ABOUT THE SIGHTING FROM OTHER SOURCES. APPARENTLY SOME VEHICLE WAS SPOTTED, BUT ITS ORIGIN REMAINS UNKNOWN. 9. (U) PROJ NO: N/A 10. (U) COLL MGMT CODES: AB 11. (U) SPEC INST: NONE. DIRC: NO. 12. (U) PREP BY: NORMAN h. RUNGE, COL. AIRA 13. (U) APP BY: VAUGHN E. WILSON, CAPT, DATT, ALUSNA 14. (U) REQ EVAL: NO REL TO: NONE 15. (U) ENCL: N/A 16. (U) DIST BY ORIG: N/A BT #4888 ANNOTES JAL 117 PAGE 2 00101111 NNNN 0222087 Document #, or ('E' to end): 38 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 38 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-22-1986 Subject: 1977 FAA REPORT CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER 1801 East Loula Street Olathe, Kansas 6606l FEDERAL AVIATION APR 14 1977 ADMINISTRATION Mr. __________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your letter concerning your research on the mystery of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and I understand that you are participating in an international effort to establish contact with persons having past experiences involving UFOs. In June 1970, I had occasion to come in direct contact with a UFO. I was stationed in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with the Federal Aviation Administra- tion (FAA) and was flying with the Puerto Rico Air National Guard. In the early morning, a report had been received from two air carriers; Pan American, and a local carrier, Caribair, that at dawn a large balloon-like object was sighted drifting slowly southwestward at an approximate altitude of 5,000 to 7,000 feet. The object was detected on the Air Route Traffic Control Center radar and subsequently tracked. Movement appeared to be in a southwesterly direction at 4 to 8 knots per hour, varying slightly hour to hour. I was a member of a flight of 104s and a T-33 aircraft that went to the site where the object had been sighted to observe and to photograph it if possible. The object was visible from the ground at Isla Verde Airport, San Juan, Puerto Rico, lying low in the skies on a south southwesterly heading. Its appearance was similar to a balloon. After becoming airborne and flying towards the object, it became immediately apparent that it was at a very high altitude and was quite a distance away. The object was approximately 40 miles southwest of Ponce, Puerto Rico, at an altitude in excess of 60,000 feet, estimated roughly at 80,000 feet. Myself in a T-33 and four other pilots in f104s observed and photographed the object. The following details are noted: 1. It was a manufactured item. 2. It was at least 125 feet in width with the same approximate length. 3. It was shaped similar to the forward one-third of a speedboat hull with a flat rear section and a pointed nose section. (See sketch.) 4. There was an area of high reflectivity on the "keel" approxi- mately one-third from the nose of the object. (See sketch.) Document #, or ('E' to end): 39 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 39 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-22-1986 Subject: 1977 FAA REPORT PAGE 2 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 5. The object remained oriented in a northeasterly/southwesterly direction with the nose pointed northeast; the stern to the southwest, and drifting slowly against the prevailing winds to the southwest about 8 knots per hour. 6. There were no signs of any type of propulsion unit on the object. Extensive gun-camera film was collected showing the object very closely. A B-52 from Ramey Air Force Base acquired the target on the radar. Upon "locking on," the B-52 received electronic jamming. The object was kept in surveillance throughout the remainder of the daylight hours and was lost after dark. The prevailing weather at the time of the incident was clear skies and unlimited visibility. The object was viewed by the majority of the popu- lation of the island of Puerto Rico; visible in plain sight for most of the day, and reported to all military intelligence activities, National Weather Service, etc. We have yet to receive a satisfactory explanation as to what the object was. The San Juan Star published a series of articles concerning the incident. I am presently the Deputy Chief at the Kansas City Air Route Traffic Control Center and would welcome any additional inquiries on this subject and perhaps I could direct you to where film could be obtained of the object. Thank you, CHARLES M. BUMSTEAD, Deputy Chief Kansas City ARTC Center Document #, or ('E' to end): 40 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 40 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-30-1986 Subject: 1978 BLUEFLY & MOONDUST CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON 20330 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY __________________________________________________________________________ 13 November 1978 Mr._____________________ ________________________ ________________________ Dear Mr.________________: This is in response to your letter of October 21, 1978 requesting information on MOONDUST AND BLUEFLY. BLUEFLY was a project for the acquisition of airlift for a quick reaction capability. It was determined that the need did not exist and the project was discontinued several years ago. MOONDUST is a program in which the Air Force provides technical assistance in determining the origin of space debris, U.S. or foreign. These programs are under the purview of Air Force Systems Command, Andrews AFB, MD, 20034. Please write to the Director of Information there, if you desire additional data. He may be able to help. Sincerely, ALBERT W. SCHUMANN Colonel, USAF Deputy Chief Community Reations Division Office of Information RECEIVED 16 NOV 1978 Document #, or ('E' to end): 41 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 41 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-30-1986 Subject: 1979 BLUEFLY & MOONDUST CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON 20330 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 20 AUG 1979 _________________________________________________________________________ Mr._____________________ ________________________ ________________________ Dear Mr.________________: This letter is in reference to your appeal from the decision of the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, partially denying your request for a copy of a Biographical Sketch, dated 1 January 1957; two AFCIN memoranda, dated 11 February 1958 and 26 December (no year indicated); the AFCIN-1E-0 letter, dated 3 November 1961; the AFOIN-X(SG) memo, dated 29 April 2952; and the AFOIN-SSG letter. The Office of the Secretary of the Air Force has considered your appeal, and I have determined your appeal should be granted in part and denied in part. The Biographical Sketch, dated 1 January 1957, is exempt from mandatroy disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6). The disclosure of this information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Release of this type of information is also prohibited by paragraph 27b, Air Force Regulation 12-35 (32 CFR 806b). The two AFCIN memoranda, dated 11 February 1958 and 26 December (no year indicated) are intra-agency memoranda con- taining opinions and suggestions and are exempt from manda- tory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5). These memoranda are withheld in an effort to promote the free and frank interchange of ideas, opinions and recommendations among Air Force personnel. The infor- mation withheld is primarily opinion which would not be routinely available through the discovery process. Portions of the AFCIN-1E-0 letter, dated 3 November 1961 are releasable; however, the remaining portions are still exempt from mandatory release under the Freedom of Informa- tion Act 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1). This information and the AFOIN-X(SG) memos are currently classified under Executive Order 12065, Section 1-301 (a) and (c), as implemented by Department of Defense regulation 5200.1-R, paragraphs 2-301 (C) (3) and (5). The continuing protection of this informa- tion is essential to the national security because it reveals intelligence sources and methods. The release of this infor- mation could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable damage to the national security. The AFOIN-SSG letter has been declassified and is released. This letter constitutes the final Air Force action on your appeal. Under the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. 552, provision exists for judicial review of this determination. Sincerely, ROBERT W. CRITTENDEN Deputy Administrative Assistant 1 Attachment Releasable Material Document #, or ('E' to end): 42 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 42 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-30-1986 Subject: 1986 BLUEFLY & MOONDUST CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20330-5025 ________________________________________________________________________ 11 APR 1986 Mr.______________________ _________________________ _________________________ Dear Mr._________________ This responds to your 25 March 1986 Freedom of Information request. Attached is the only document in the Air Force Intelligence Office (AF/IN) relative to your request. AF/IN has no knowledge of "ICGL#4" dated 25 April 1961, pertaining to Project Moon Dust. No "AFCIN SOP for Blue Fly Operations, February 1960" was located. The programs (UFO, Blue Fly, Moon Dust) no longer exist and records were destroyed. There is no Air Force Intelligence unit responsible for collections under these projects since the projects are no longer active. Fees are waived in this instance. Sincerely ANNE W. TURNER 1 Atch HQ USAF Freedom of AF/IN Document Information Manager RECEIVED 16 APR 1986 86-370 Document #, or ('E' to end): 43 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 43 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-15-1986 Subject: 1961 MOONDUST PAGE 1 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE WASHINGTON 25, D.C. REPLY TO ATTN OF: APCIN-1E-0/Colonel Betz SUBJECT: (U) AFCIN Intelligence Team Personnel 3 NOV 1961 TO: APCIN-1E This draft proposal was not APCIN-1 approved and was not for - IN TURN ___________ (word not clear) for action. N.M. Rosner PROBLEM: NORMAN M. ROSNER Lt. Colonel, USAF 1. (U) To provide qualified personnel for APCIR intelligence teams. FACTORS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM: 2. c. In addition to their staff duty assignments, intelligence team personnel have peacetime duty functions in support of such Air Force projects as Moondust, Bluefly, and UFO, and other AFCIN directed quick reaction projects which require intelligence team operational capabilities (see Definitions). d. Normal personnel attrition, through PCS, discharge, retirement, etc., has reduced the number of intelligence team qualified personnel below a minimum requirement, and programmed personnel losses within the next ten months will halve the current manning. e. Personnel actions within the authority of AFFMP, AFCIN and AFCIN-1E can be taken to reverse the trend toward diminishment of the intelligence team capability. 3. Document #, or ('E' to end): 44 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 44 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-15-1986 Subject: 1961 MOONDUST PAGE 2 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. ___ Criteria a. Intelligence team personnel can perfomr effectively only with an adequate background of training and experience. Inadequately qualified personnel in such assignment would be a liability rather than an asset to successful accomplishment of the mission. 5. ___ Definitions. a. Linguist: Personnel who can develop intelligence information through interrogation and translation from Russion and/or Bloc country languages to English. b. Tech Man: Personnel qualified to develop intelligence infor- mation through field examination and analysis of foreign material, with emphasis on the Markings Program and technical photography. c. Ops Man: Intelligence team chief. Qualified to direct intel- ligence teams in gaining access to target, in exploitation of enemy personnel and material, and in use of field communications equipment for rapid reporting of intelligence information. d. Airborne Personnel: Military trained and rated parachutists. e. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO): Headquarters USAF has established a program for investigation of reliably reported unidenti- fied flying objects within the United States. AFR 200-2 delineates 1127th collection responsibilities. f. Blue Fly: Operation Blue Fly has been established to facilitate expeditious delivery to FTD of Moon Dust or other items of great tech- nical intelligence interest. AFCIN SOP for Blue Fly operations, February 1960, provides for 1127th participation. g. Moon Dust: As a specialized aspect of its over-all material exploitation program, Headquarters USAF has established Project Moon Dust to locate, recover and deliver descended foreign space vehicles. ICGL #4, 25 April 1961, delineates collection responsibilities. DISCUSSION: 6. ___ a. Headquarters USAF (AFCIN) maintains intelligence teams as a function of AFCIN-1E (1127th USAF Field Activities Group). Personnel comprising such teams have normal AFCIN-1E staff duties, and their maintenance of qualification for intelligence team employment is in addition to their normal staff duties. For example, the Chief of AFCIN-1E-OD, the Domestic Operations Section, additionally participates in approximately 18 hours of training per month for intelligence team employment. Such training includes physical training, classroom combat intelligence training, airborne operations, field problems, etc. Document #, or ('E' to end): 45 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 45 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-15-1986 Subject: 1961 MOONDUST PAGE 3 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Intelligence teams are comprised of three men each, to include a linguist, a tech man, and an ops man. All are airborne qualified. Cross-training is provided each team member in the skills of the other team members to assure a team functional capability despite casualties which may be incurred in employment. c. Peacetime employment of AFCIN intelligence team capability is provided for in UFO investigation (AFR 200-2) and in support of Air Force Systems Command (AFSC) Foreign Technology Division (FTD) Projects Moon Dust and Blue Fly. These three peacetime projects all involve a potential for employment of qualified field intelligence personnel on a quick reaction basis to recover or perform field exploitation of unidentified flying objects, or known Soviet/Bloc aerospace vehicles, weapons systems, and/or residual componants of such equipment. The intelligence team capability to gain rapid access, regardless of location, to recover or perform field exploitation, to communicate and provide intelligence reports is the only such collection capability available to AFCIN, and is vitally necessary in view of current intelli- gence gaps concerning Soviet/Bloc technological capabilites. d. Wartime employment of AFCIN intelligence team capability is currently primarily geared to the CONAD/NORAD air defense mission (Atch I). The intelligence team concept was originally developed within the Air Defense Command (ADC). The ADC Director of Intelligence was charged in 1953 with organizing the 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS), with a wartime mission of exploiting downed enemy "people, paper, and hardware" for intelligence information that would contribute to the air defense of the continental US, and ADC was allocated manpower for this function (ADC Regulation 24-4, 3 Jan 53, Organization and Mission of the 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squadron). e. As an economy move, the 201 spaces of the 4602d AISS were trans- ferred to AFCIN in July 1957 (Hq Comd General Order 46, dtd 8 Jul 57), to provide manning for peacetime AFCIN functions, but with the contin- gency that AFCIN would continue to maintain a capability to support CONAD/NORAD in the wartime people, paper, and hardware mission (Atchs 2 and 3). From the 194 spaces that AFCIN allocated to the 1006th AISS, activated by Hq Comd General Order #49, 2 Jul 57, this capability was provided for (Dept of AF ltr, dtd 16 Jul 59, subj: Mission of the 1006th AISS), and the capability has been maintained to the present time, through the redesignation of the 1006th to the 1127th USAF Field Activities Group (AFCIN Policy Ltr 205-13, 13 April 1960). f. The maintenance of the intelligence team capability over the four year period since inactivation of the 4602d AISS has been possible largely because members of the original highly select and trained 4602d personnel remained with the organization during its subsequent designa- tions. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3 Document #, or ('E' to end): 46 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 46 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-15-1986 Subject: 1961 MOONDUST PAGE 4 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________ In addition, a minimum number of new personnel assigned to the organization and fortuitously possessing basic requisite skills, were further trained and integrated into the intelli- gence team program as additional duty. g. Manning of the intelligence teams from these sources has now reached the point of diminishing returns. Only 21 qualified intelligence team personnel are now assigned, and of these approximately half are scheduled for PCS departure from the organization during the next 12 months. There is no forecast input of previously qualified personnel. There are currently five basically qualified volunteers for further training and assignment to intelligence team additional duty. h. In an effort to augment the diminishing capability, USAF personnel assigned to organizations other than the 1127th within the Washington area who have airborne/intelligence team qualification, and/or who are former members of this organization's intelligence teams, and who have been approved by their organization of assignment and Hq USAF (AFCIN) for wartime assignment to the 1127th, have been issued appro- priate orders, and participate in the peacetime training program for wartime employment. Two such personnel are attached, with no known available additional personnel. i. The most serious immediate and forecast intelligence team shortage is in Linguists. There are now only five Russion Linguists assigned or attached, and of these only two are of native fluency, with the other three of language school capability. Four of the five, including the two of native fluency, are forecast for PCS by November 1962. Only one gain, fortunately of native fluency, is scheduled for airborne training for intelligence team qualification and assignment. Two additional Russian Linguists are forecast for assignment to the 1127th, but neither are yet intelligence team qualified or are known to be volunteers for intelligence team assignment. All intelligence team personnel are volunteers. j. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Eight personnel in these categories are forecast for PCS loss within the next twelve months, with an input forecast of five personnel, four of whom are presently assigned, basically qualified volunteers for airborne training, and one of whom is a forecast gain to the 1127th. k. A sizeable number of qualified Linguists are presently assigned to _____________________________________________________________________ _______ ZI bases. Many of the Linguists are either airborne rated and/ or have had intelligence team assignments to this organization in its present or former designations. Reassignment of these individuals to AFCIN-1E upon completion of their present tours is a logical method by Document #, or ('E' to end): 47 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 47 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-15-1986 Subject: 1961 MOONDUST PAGE 5 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- which the current and forecast shortage could be met. A problem that would be encountered in implementing such assignment is the lack of 1127th Linguist AFSC manpower vacancies. The 1127th has only twelve Linguist AFSC manpower spaces allocated and seven of these spaces are filled with either non-Russian/Bloc country Linguists or with non- intelligence team qualified Linguists. 1. Possible solutions to the current and forecast shortage are: (1) Basically qualified personnel currently assigned to AFCIN-1E who volunteer for further training, to include airborne training, and assignment to intelligence teams, should be given such training and assignment as additional duty to normal staff duty employment. (2) Assignment to the 1127th of intelligence team qualified Linguists returning from overseas or completing other ZI assignments on an authorized overage basis. Such authorized overages were previously assigned to the organization and provided not only for the intelligence team capability, but for fruitful peacetime ZI employment of Linguists. Ten such personnel could be fully and effectively utilized during peace- time in duties directly in or closely allied to their AFSC's, with the intelligence team capability being an additional duty. (3) Qualified intelligence team personnel now assigned to the 1127th could be retained beyond their normal duty tours until a simi- larly qualified replacement is forecast or assigned. e. A standard AFPMP and AFCIN-P policy should be the identification to AFCIN-1E of previously qualified intelligence team personnel fore- cast for return to the ZI form overs3eas assignments for assignment against AFCIN-1E forecast personnel vacancies. Latitude may be required and should be authorized in the assignment of such personnel be grade and AFSC. For example, if a 204XX vacancy is forecast withing AFCIN-1E and an intelligence team qualified 203XX is forecast available, and the 203XX is determined able to perform the staff duties required, either from personal knowledge of the individual's capabilities, or by means of an exchange of correspondence between the losing command and AFCIN-1E, authorization for asignment of the 203XX against the 204XX vacancy should be granted. It is generally true that 203's with AISS background are normally able to perform 204 duties effectively with a minimum of experience on the job. To a lesser degree, and on a selective basis, this is also true of 203's being able to perform intelligence organiza- tion 702 duties. n. Discussion to this point has covered the intelligence team development, composition, current peacetime and wartime missions, and personnel problems. To further establish the value of the unique Air Force capability represented by the intelligence teams, their future potential for employment should be considered. 5 Document #, or ('E' to end): 48 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 48 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-15-1986 Subject: 1961 MOONDUST PAGE 6 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONCLUSION: 7. __ There is a valid current and continuing need for the AFCIN intelligence team capability for peacetime and wartime employment. Actions necessary to maintain the capability in "cadre" strength should be immediately implemented, and actions to expand the capability should be implemented on a sound basis of personnel acquisition, training, equipping, and employment. ACTION RECOMMENDED: 8. ___ a. Basically qualified personnel currently assigned to AFCIN-1E who volunteer for further training, to include airborne training, and assignment to intelligence teams, should be given such training and assignment as additional duty to normal staff duty employment. Attach- ment 4 is a current request for airborne training quotas for five qualified volunteers. b. AFCIN-1E should prepare, and submit through appropriate channels, individual justifications for the following: (l) Authorized overage assignment on a selective basis of an initial ten intelligence team qualified Linguists returning to the ZI from overseas assignment, with a later additional supplement in the event of AFCIN authorized expansion of cadre strength of the intelligence team capability. (2) Detention beyond normal duty tours of qualified intelligence team personnel now assigned to the 1127th until similarly qualified replacements are forecast or assigned. (3) Request for establishment of an AFPMP and AFCIN-P practice to identify to AFCIN-1E previously qualified intelligence team personnel forecast for return to the ZI from overseas assignments. Latitude should be requested by AFCIN-1E in assignment of such personnel against actual or forecast vacancies in AFSC and grade spaces in variance with those possessed by the returnees if it is established that returnees have non- AFSC skills which can be effectively utilized in the vacant spaces. (4) Ninety-day TDY of AFCIN intelligence team to South Viet Nam for employment in Viet Nam/Laos against USAF intelligence requirements. Experience gained in establishing logistical support and operational employment will be invaluable in developing further plans for intelligence team utilization. The team should be attached to the Air Attache, Viet Nam, and under his operational control for the period of TYD. 4 Atch 1. Excerpt, 1127 COP 1-60, re NORAD Supper 2. Cy 1tr, Gen Taylor, 23 Jan 57 3. Cy 1tr, Gen Lewis, 4 Mar 57 4. Req for Airborne Tng Quotas 7 Document #, or ('E' to end): 49 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 49 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-17-1986 Subject: 1986 HQ CR 44 IVOE CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332-6001 6 JAN 1986 Mr________________ ________________ Dear Mr.__________ This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act requests of 19 and 21 December 1985. A search of the Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII), using the data furnished in your letter, has disclosed that AFOSI is not maintaining any information identifiable with "PROJECT SNOWBIRD,PROJECT SIGMA,PROJECT AQUARIUS" or "MJ TWELVE". The DCII is a consolidated listing of files held by the Department of Defense. The releasable portions of AFOSI Headquarters (HQ) Collections Requirement (CR) 44A, dated 23 Norember 1983, is attached. HQ CR 44 was superseded by HQ CR 44A. Notations were inserted in the attached document wherever a deletion was made. The notations are explained as follows: a. "b1" pertains to information which is currently and properly classified under criteria established by Executive Order and is authorized to remain classified in the interest of national security or foreign policy. The authority for this exemption may be found in the United States Code, Title 5, Section 552(b)(1) and the Air Force Regulation 12-30, paragraph 10a. b. "b5" pertains to information which concerns inter - or intra-agency memoranda exchanged between components of this headquarters or between components of this headquarters and other Federal agencies. The authority for this exemption may be found in the United States Code,Title 5, Section 552(b)(5) and Air Force Regulation 12-30, paragraph 10e. Should you decide that an appeal to this decision is necessary, you must write to the Secretary of the Air Force within 45 days from the date of this letter. Include in the appeal your reasons for reconsideration and attach a copy of this letter. Address your letter as follows: Secretary of the Air Force Thru: HQ AFOSI/DADF Bolling AFB, DC 20332-6001 HQ AFOSI is not maintaining the document described in your 21 December 1985 request as, "a document from AFOSI/IVOE dated 171130Z Nov 80." Document #, or ('E' to end): 50 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 50 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-17-1986 Subject: 1986 HQ CR 44 PAGE 2 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HQ CR 44 IVOE Page 2 The third item of your 21 December 1985 letter pertained to abbreviations, which are explained as follows: a. "HQ IVOE: "HQ" is an abbreviation for "Headquarters" and when it appears on documents originated by AFOSI, denotes Headquarters AFOSI at Bolling AFB, DC. The "IVOE" is an AFOSI office symbol for the "Security Operations Division" of the Directorate of Counterintelligence, HQ AFOSI. b. "HQ IVOS": "HQ is explained above. "IVOS" is an AFOSI office symbol for the "Security Operations Division" of the Directorate of Counterintelligence, HQ AFOSI. c. "(S/WINTEL)": This acronym is a warning lable used to identify intelligence sources and methods. This notice is applied to documentd which contain such information. d. "(S/WINTEL/FSA)": "S/WINTEL" is explained above. The term "FSA" is unknown to AFOSI. Sincerely, ________________________ CECIL W. FRY, SA 1 Atch Chief, Information Rrlease Division CY of HQ CR 44A, Directorate of Administration Less Exemptions Document #, or ('E' to end): 51 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 51 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-17-1986 Subject: 1983 REQUIREMENT(CR)44A CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332-6001 REPLY TO ATTN OF: IVO SUBJECT: Collections Rrquirement (cr) 44A (U) 23 NOV 1983 TO: ALL AFOSI Districts,Detachments,and Operating Locations (CAT III) (Less IGQ, CSD, AFMPC, and NESA) 1. (2) ------------------------ b1 ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- 2. (U) BACKGROUND: a. (U) This collection Requirement implements DoD Manual 5210.41M, "Nuclear Weapons Security Manual," 9 Mar 83, which states in para 1-309: Under the guidance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Military Services, and the Unified and Specified Commands shall provide commanders or organizations responsible for safety and security of nuclear weapons with current intelligence concerning threats to nuclear weapons. Further, DoDM 5210.41M specifically directs that: The Military Services ... shall direct their counterintelligence and/or criminal investigative agencies to actively seek information concerning threats to nuclear weapons and to report such evaluated information expeditiously to reponsible commanders and to organizations responsibles for the safety and security of nuclear weapons. b. (U) All AFOSI units are required to maintain and be aware of this Collection Requirement as: (1) (U) Some organizations that may pose a threat to the security of nuclear weapons operate internationally. (2) (U) Nuclear weapons could be moved through or be stored temporarily in virually any area. (3) (U) The dissemination of threat information to nuclear weapons is of paramount importance, regardless of service custodial or security responsibilities. This CR supersedes HQ CR 44, Classified by Multiple Sources dated 4 Oct 74. DECL: OADR NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS SECRET Document #, or ('E' to end): 52 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 52 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-18-1986 Subject: 1983 REQ-(CR)44A PAGE 2,3 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FRESSDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332 Page 2,3 (4) (U) AFOSI has the sole DoD responsibility in certain area for providing counterintelligence support to non-USAF commanders charged with nuclear weapons security. 3. (U) REFERENCES:-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- b5------------------------------------ 4. (S) SCOPE: a. (S/AF)-------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- b1/b5 --------------------------------- b. (U) The resurgence of antinuclear movements throughout the world, particularly in Europe, should not be considered as a threat in itself to the safety or security of nuclear weapons. Antinuclear protests and demomstrations will not be reported under this CR unless there is information to indicate that they have other than peaceful intentions towoards installations at which nuclear weapons are maintained. Even then, theiractivities may be more correctly reported under CR 42A unless they have specifically directed their actions towards nuclear weapons storage areas or nuclear weapons in transit. c. (U)----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- b5 ------------------------------------ Page 3 -----------------------------------b5 ------------------------------------ 5. ( ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- b1/b5 ---------------------------------- 6. (U) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: _____________________ a. (U) Districts are not reqired to locally supplement this CR but may do so subject to HQ AFOSI/IVOA validation. District supplements will be in letter format and will only contain the minimum additional information or instructions necessary to implement this CR. b. (U) During the process of collecting information in reponse to this CR all collectors must ensure that they do not disclose the existence or presnce of nuclear weapons at any specific location to unauthorized personnel. ---------------------- b5 ------------------------------------. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS 3 SECRET Document #, or ('E' to end): 53 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 53 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-18-1986 Subject: 1983 REQ-(CR)44A PAGE 4,5 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332 Page 4,5 ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- c. (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- d. (U) AFOSI units servicing nuclear weapone storage sites will maintain close and coninuing liaison with the commander of the site and the site security office.------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- (1) (U)---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- (2) (U)--------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- 7. (U) CAVEATS AND DISTRIBUTION ________________________ a. (U) All documents, IIRs, and correspondence relating to and in response to this CR will be marked at least FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.-------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ b5 ---------------------------------------- b. (U) IIRs responsive to this CR will, at a minimum, include the following as direct distributees: Page 5 (a) (U) Concerned site or installation commander (b) (U) Concerned intermediate commands (c) (U) Concerned Theater Services headquarters (d) (U) Concerned Unified and Specified Commands (e) (U) AFOSI districts servicing any of the above (f) (U) Local U.S. counterpart agencies (g) (U) HQ AFOSI/IVOA 8. (U) SUSPENSES: _____________ a. (U) This CR is of continuing and indefinite applicability. HQ AFOSI/IVOAA will monitor its status. b. (U) Districts preparing supplements to this CR must review them at least annually on the anniversary of the original validation or on the anniversary of the last review or change. If no change to the supplement is needed, the district will notify HQ AFOSI/IVOA of the review by AFOSI Fm 158. RICHARD F. LAW, Colonel, USAF Director of Counterintelligence NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS 5 SECRET Document #, or ('E' to end): 54 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 54 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-27-1986 Subject: 1969 BOLENDER MEMO CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 AFCC Coord 2 AFRDC Appr 7 SAFRD Coord 3 SAFOI Coord 8 SAFCS Sig 4 SAFLL Coord 9 5 AFCCS Appr 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SURNAME OF ACTION OFFICER AND GRADE SYMBOL PHONE TYPISTS INIT.SUSP.DAT Major Espey AFRDDG 52181 vc -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT DATE Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) 20 OCT 1969 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY 1. For more than twenty years the Air Force has had the responsibility within the Department of Defense for the investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) (Atch 2). As stated in Project Blue Book, this investigative program has two objectives: a. To determine whether UFOs pose a threat to the security of the United States: and b. To determine whether UFOs exhibit any unique scientific information or advanced technology which could contribute to scientific or technical research (Atch 3). Procedures for Project Blue Book reporting are defined in Air Force Regulation 80-17. This regulation requires the Commander of an Air Force base to provide a UFO investigative capability and for Air Force Systems Command to continue Project Blue Book (Atch 4). In response to this regulation most Commanders have appointed a UFO investigating officer, usually as an additional duty. Project Blue Book has two officers, are NCO and are civilian assigned on a full-time basis. In addition, Dr. A. J. Hynek served as a scientific consultant until 1 July 1969. 2. In 1966 the Air Force Office of Scientific Research contracted to have the University of Colorado conduct an independent scientific investigation of unidentified flying objects. This study, directed by Dr. Edward U. Condon and made available as the "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects," serves as a basis for evaluating the Air Force investigative effort (Atch 5). After an extensive study of this report as well as the review of the report by a panel of the National Academy of Sciences, past studies, Project Blue Book operations and other inputs, the Office of Aerospace Research concluded, and we agree, that the continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified, either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science (Atch 6). 3. The general conclusion of the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects is that "nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has added to scientific knowledge." As to what the federal government should do with the UFO reports it receives from the general public, the authors add that they are "inclined to think that nothing should be done with them in the expectation that they are going to contribute to the advance of science." A panel of the National Academy of Sciences concurred in these views, and the Air Force has found no reason to question this Document #, or ('E' to end): 55 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 55 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-27-1986 Subject: 1969 BOLENDER MEMO PG. 2 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- conclusion. For example, it has been the Air Force that although a significant portion of the Air Force's environmental research program is concerned with natural phenomena that could be associated with unidentified flying objects (Atch 7), Project Blue Book reports have not added any useful data to these research efforts (Atch 6). Thus, we concur with the University of Colorado recommendation "that only so much attention to the subject should be given as the Department of Defense deems to be necessary strictly from a defense point of view." 4. As early as 1953, the Robertson Panel concluded "that the evidence presented on Unidentified Flying Objects shows no indication that these phenomena constitute a direct physical threat to national security" (Atch 9). In spite of this finding, the Air Force continued to maintain a special reporting system. There is still, however, no evidence that Project Blue Book reports have served any intelligence function (Atch 8). Moreover, reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-11, and are not part of the Blue Book system (Atch 10). The Air Force experience therefore confirms the impression of the University of Colorado researchers "that the defense function could be performed withing the framework established for intelligence and surveillance operations without the continuance of a special unit such as Project Blue Book." 5. The conclusion which follows is that Project Blue Book does not merit future expenditures of resources. Accordingly, we recommend that it be terminated and that the actions which follow from this decision, such as cancelling Air Force Regulation 80-17 and not renewing the consultant contract, be initiated. Termination of Project Blue Book would have no adverse effect on Air Force operations or research programs. It would free manpower for useful purposes, eliminate the need for scientific consultant and relieve base commanders of a minor responsibility and an administrative burden. 6. Termination of Project Blue Book would leave no official federal office to receive reports of UFOs. However, as already stated, reports of UFOs which could affect national security would continue to be handled through the standard Air Force procedures designed for this purpose. Presumably, local police departments respond to reports which fall within their responsibilities. Similarly, as to scientific research, the Colorado researchers conclude that, although they do not see "any fruitful lines of advance from the study of UFO reports, we believe that any scientist with adequate training and credentials who does come up with a clearly defined, specific proposal for study should be supported." We see no reason why the normal channels and criteria for the funding of scientific research should not be adequate for UFO-related research. 7. Some feel that a central reporting center should be established, and a proposal has been made to establish a Rare Atmospheric Pehnomena Reporting Center (Atch 11 and 12). Because the problem affects a number of agencies, this center might be under the auspices of the Federal Council on Science and Technology. However, in the light of the University of Colorado recommendation 2 Document #, or ('E' to end): 56 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 56 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-27-1986 Subject: 1969 BOLENDER MEMO PG. 3 CUFON - Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- that the federal government should not set up a major new agency for the scientific study of UFOs, we do not favor this suggestion and feel that UFO reports should be left to normal scientific and defense channels. If such a center is established, it should not perform an investigative function and should be initiated only on a trial basis for a specified lifetime. 8. Project Blue Book has accumulated records on over 13,000 sighting cases. During his study, Dr. Condon expressed concern about the possible loss of these records and their relative inaccessibility at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base. He was assured by Secretary Brown that we would look into the feasibility and desirability of relocating the files in the Washington area and that no action would be taken until the Colorado report was released (Atch 13). If Project Blue Book is terminated, the records should be transferred to an appropriate archive and preserved for historical value and to prevent charges that the Air Force is concealing facts. 9. To receive the candor and cooperation essential to the successful investigation of UFOs, the Air Force adopted a practice of confidentiality witnesses were assured that their names would not be used without their ___________(Atch 14). Therefore, access to these records and the publications _____________________ access must be carefully reviewed and controlled. SAFOI feels that an Air Force controlled archive away from the Washington, D.C. area is the most appropriate storage facility. Considering the existence of local, privately sponsored UFO investigative organizations, the ready availability of these records in the Washington area would result in an inordinate workicad in clearing investigators, providing documentation, and reviewing and clearing manuscripts. Therefore, the Air University was queried about the possibility of storing these documents at the Air Force Archives (Atch 15). Air Force Air University will acept these records providing: a. SAFOI will answer all requests about Blue Book, and not require AU research to answer such queries. b. SAFOI will rigidly limit the right of access to recognized, legitimate researchers, and c. SAFOI will screen researcher's notes to insure that "confidentiality" is maintained (Atch 16). 10. Project Blue Book should be terminated, and Blue Book records should be transferred to the USAF Archives at Air University. The attached memorandum would initiate these actions. RECOMMENDATION 11. That the memorandum be signed. 3 C. H. BOLENDER, Brig Gen, USAF 16 Atch Deputy Director of Development (Listed on Separate Page) DCS/Research & Development Document #, or ('E' to end): 57 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 57 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 04-11-1987 Subject: 1987 SEN: GLENN:(AQUARIUS CUFON: UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE Fort George G. Meade. maryland 20755 - 6000 Serial: Q4-072-87 27 January 1987 The Honorable John Glenn United States Senate ATTN: Mr. Mark Frondorf SH-503 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Glenn: This responds to your letter of 7 January 1987 on behalf of your constituent, Mr. Clifford E. Stone ( Enclosure 1 ). The National Security Agency (NSA) has received numerous Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests for information pertaining to UFO incidents. Our records show that Mr. Stone has submitted six such requests over the past 7 years. One of those requests was for the information mentioned in paragraph 2 of his letter to you, the UFO incident at RAF Woodbridge Base. In our 1 February 1984 response to Mr. Stone ( Enclosure 2 ), we notified him that the estimated manpower and computer search costs involved in locating records responsive to his requests were $250.00. We advised him that, upon receipt of half that amount, a search would be made. Mr. Stone did not respond to our letter. Regarding the information in paragraph 1 of Mr. Stone's letter, we have no record of receiving an FOIA requests for documents dealing with a UFO destruction of a Cuban MiG-23. Paragraph 3 of his letter ask for NSA analysis of the document he attached. It appears to be an Air Force document. The project names which are referenced, Sigma and Snowbird, are not NSA projects. We have no knowledge of the information contained in the document. The subject of paragraph 4, project Aquarius, has been the subject of numerous FOIA requests. Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name which dealt with UFO's. Coincidentally, there is also an NSA project by that name. The NSA project does not deal with UFO's. We believe that the confusion on this issue results from an FOIA requests submitted by another person with interest in UFOs, Mr. Christian Lambright. Continued On Next Page # 58 Document #, or ('E' to end): 58 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 58 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 04-11-1987 Subject: 1987 SENATOR:JOHN GLENN#2 CUFON: UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE Fort George G. Meade. Maryland 20755 - 6000 Serial: Q4-072-87 Mr. Lambright requested all information on the NSA project Aquarius, apparently believing that the project pertain to UFOs. We advised Mr. Lambright that our project does not deal with UFOs. He then requested records revealing the "goal" of Aquarius, and we withheld the document because it is classified. We have reason to believe that our final response to Mr. Lambright, denying him access to the records, has been disseminated within a circle of those interested in UFOs and that subsequently a misunderstanding has developed regarding NSA, Aquarius and UFOs. In responding to general FOIA requests for UFO information, certain documents have been withheld from the public pursuant to the first and third exemptions of the FOIA. The first exemption provides for the protection of information which is currently and properly classified in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12356. The third exemption protects information from disclosure by statute. The statutes applicable in this case are 50 U.S.C. 402 note ( Public Law 86-36, Section 6 ), 50 U.S.C. 403(d) (3) and 18 U.S.C. 798. This Agency's decision to protect those records has been upheld by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. We hope that the information being providrd to you will be of help to Mr. Stone. Sincerely, Julia B. Wetzel Director Of Policy Document #, or ('E' to end): 59 CUFON Computer UFO Network Document #: 59 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 04-11-1987 Subject: 1987 AIR FORCE (AQUARIUS) CUFON: UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332-6001 MARCH 16 1987 Mr.________________ ________________ Dear Mr. This is in response to your request for information of 5 march 1987, which was received on 11 March 1987. A search of the Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) disclosed that the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), is not maintaining any files pertaining to "Project Aquarius". The DCII is a computerized listing of files held by the investigative components of the Department of Defense. Sincerely, Cecil W. Fry, SA Chief, Information Release Division Directorate Of Administration Document #, or ('E' to end): 60 No such Report number Document #, or ('E' to end): 61 No such Report number Document #, or ('E' to end):