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????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? * UFOs * " THE TRUTH OF THINGS " * UFOs * ? ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ? ? TALE OF TWO FORCES - 94/02/15 - THE GAME OF GOD ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This article only touches upon the basic philosophies of the author and should not be accepted as the absolute truth by either human or alien. - - - - - - - BEFORE WE BEGIN.... This is a humble attempt to give the reader a closer understanding of the UFO Forces that visit our planet. This literature does not deal with so called UFO phenomena. Meaning; the amount of people that have seen UFOs or the scores of people who have had missing time periods or the amount of women who might have been inpregnated by these forces and/or how many new cattle mutilation we have had this year or last year. No details will be discussed in this material or article. It only deals with the how and why the UFO Forces come to our planet! There also is a certain amount of repetition utilized, since the concepts discussed are difficult to understand and it will help to give the reader a quicker grasp of things, without leafing back to: where was it now that I read about that kind of stuff! I hope that I have expressed this difficult subject clearly enough so that most readers get a greater understanding of how things really are in these so called enlightening times we're living in. I have tried to express the "Truth of Things" with the patience of an old fashioned Angel and with the determination of the most modern Saint I can think of. Me! Pun intended! The following also contains some far sighted metaphysical philosophies for they belong to the far reaching realities about UFOs. Please be patient if you are not interested in all of it, for some readers just might be! By all means; please contact me with either positive or negative comments, for there is nothing worse than sitting here in dead silence! You're most welcome to call me anything you like for no doubt I am all you think I am. Gerardus Everardus Tros CompuServe 72704,731 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Pleasant reading! ! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- ! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- ! FOREWORD.... Before we can explain what UFOs are, we first of all have to understand what the basic medium of the universe really is. The entire universe is a free and flowing vibration of energy that is infinite in its variety and diversity. Also, the universe is full! There are no open spaces or areas where "nothing" is happening! All visible and invisible aspects of the universe are our very own mind or consciousness, engaged in the processes of creation! It is also necessary to have some understanding of Time and Space before the puzzling phenomena of UFOs can be understood. We begin therefore, with a discussion of Time/Space and Matter! - 1 - 2 ABOUT TIME AND SPACE - THE CENTER POLES OF PHYSICAL REALITY! We experience time and space when we are awake. And even then, depending on our activity; time and space are quite flexible. The duration of time and the volume of space, depend on our attention or focus. The more we focus on either, the more pronounced they become! This proves that time and space are actually created by us and when we are unconscious or asleep we stop creating them. Time and space are the center-poles of our matter reality or physical world. They form the psycho-physical background of our day to day existence. The more attention we give them, the more they acquire! They are flexible components or conditions. Time and Space are created by our mind, our brain and our senses, working in a synchronizing energy field. The reality of time and space are generated by this special energy field that we are involuntarily subjected to, as long as we live in a physical body. Time and space, in and by themselves, do not exist and we become more and more aware of them when we focus upon them and thus co- create them. Time and space are each other's opposite. Time is the result of movement and space is the distance traveled during this movement. Time and space are also each other's mirror images. There is no time without space and no space without time. Time and space are a continuum! WE CREATE SPACE BY DEFAULT. The universe around us is like an ocean full of vibrating energy in which we swim. Different energies in this ocean vibrate in different patterns and frequencies and these differences create different kinds of matter or substances. Certain patterns and frequencies of vibration are noticed by our sensory system and the substances that are experienced as material or solid substances form our physical world and universe. The majority of the activities that take place in our environment however, are beyond our grasp. We experience only a small aspect of the total action! The total activity IS the universal mind or the entire ocean of vibrations! Aspects of this mind that are not noticed by us, leave openings and this gives us the false or illusionary impression, that these openings are empty spaces. We do not notice the energies that occupy these many openings because the energies or objects that are there, are created by vibrating energies with frequencies we cannot sense and therefore belong to another dimension. We as human beings are not made to experience these other energy densities of the Universal Mind. They belong to the astral and/or higher dimensions. The energy-bodies of our deceased relatives could be standing right beside us, but most people would never notice them, because we are not attuned to the frequencies of the next dimension or density! All realities, activities, objects or things are consciousness or mind in vibration! The aspects we see or experience of this ocean of vibrating mind; we call our surroundings. The things we do not sense or experience are dismissed by us. However, they are still aspects of our surroundings. Our invisible surroundings! We just do not notice these invisible energy vibrations, but they occupy the openings or room we call space. We look right through these energies, and therefore; we create space by default! SPACE IS FULL OF ENERGY VIBRATIONS. In other words: space is not nothingness or empty!! It is full of energy vibrations that are not noticed or sensed by us. When we live in a human body, physical reality is the main vibration of the universal mind we are able to experience. This vibration or reality includes time and space for they are the most important aspects of the scenery or stage we perform on. Physical reality is a minuscule aspect of the infinite spectrum of energy vibrations we call the universal mind. However, since we as human beings - 2 - 3 have our existence in a physical reality at this moment in time, does not mean that our reality is the only one. Naturally, there are an infinite amount of realities. It's up to us to discover them! The UFOs and their inhabitants "emerge" from the invisible realities or cosmic energies that are invisible to us, but are surrounding us at all times! MATTER - THE BEAUTIFUL ILLUSION! Matter as we think of it... does not exist! What we call matter is an energy vibration of a specific type and frequency within a certain band or range of the spectrum. This frequency band contains all known or physical phenomena that take place in our physical universe. Some scientists think that 90% of our universe is missing. They probably come to this conclusion because they are only using 10% of their mind. Which is not all that bad, for most people use only 5% of what is available. Maybe the reason why all of us return to this earth again and again, is to claim the 90/95% that is missing. The universe is 100% complete and not a thing is left out, except full understanding! Since mind or consciousness is all there is in the universe, the seeming expansion of the physical universe, is the expansion of our awareness or understanding of it. THE UNIVERSE OR UNIVERSAL MIND IS ONE! When we are able to experience all energy vibrations or dimensions of the universal mind, we will soon discover that the visible and the invisible universes have merged. All universes are really one! Since we as human beings experience certain vibrations only, we therefore experience certain aspects of the universe only! The aspects we experience form the physical reality or the Plane of Separation. All things seem to be separated from each other. This experience however; is an illusion! We have purposely chosen to experience this illusion by living life as human beings! Life as a human being therefore is a celebration! We are the Essence of the universe and we have succeeded in creating a "vehicle" for our Mind/Soul to live in that allows us to experience specific aspects of our creation only! It's an absolutely astounding achievement!!! However, when Godbeings separate themselves from their own Wholeness, they invariably get lost in their creation or dream! This is what has happened to mankind! We are aspects of our own universal mind and at this moment we dream that we are separate entities living in a body that is subjected to time and space. In order for us to return to our Source or Wholeness, we must awaken and attain Cosmic Consciousness. Also called; The Christ or Buddha Consciousness. We are this Consciousness, but do not know it! Eventually all human beings will attain the levels of awareness necessary to promote themselves to the higher levels of consciousness or mind. Yes, by all means remember that we're not here because we have sinned and have been kicked out of Heaven. We are here to experience our physical reality! TRAVELING FROM THOUGHT TO THOUGHT. Since we are consciousness or mind and all things are different vibrations of mind; we should be able to travel from vibration to vibration - or from thought to thought. This will prove to us that time and space are psycho- physical conditions and are created by the vehicles we live in! Traveling from thought to thought has been mastered by the UFO Intelligences. Their crafts enable them to go any place in the universe they can think of. They are the free Godbeings of the universe and the highest among them, do not even need a vehicle or craft to go anywhere. Their thought will place them wherever they are needed. They do not really travel! - 3 - 4 ABOUT THE DIMENSIONS OR DENSITIES OF THE UNIVERSE. We live in a universe; that has at least seven 7 dimensions or densities. Human beings at this moment are living in the third dimension or density and transcendence to the fourth is just around the corner for some of us. Most UFO Forces occupy the fifth and sixth density and the highest levels or densities are occupied by the Great Consciousnesses who are in command or control of specific areas of the universe or Universal Mind in Action. The highest level of all is the very Source in Bliss enjoying the Infinite Knowingness that All is Well and always will be! IT IS ALL AND ALWAYS WAS! WHAT ARE UFOs? All during the ages of human existence the UFO phenomena have been a part of our life. They are even mentioned in the Bible where they are called flaming chariots. Some people might have heard the stories about Ezekiel and his journeys. Many of us haven't always been aware of their existence however and what they really are, was so far beyond our understanding that our wildest guess would still be miles off target. Most likely UFO lights or happenings were taken for lightning, acts of the Gods or for some other simple minded explanations. Nowadays however, a few people in the world are coming very close to understanding who and what UFOs and their Beings truly are. Some of them are the Keepers or Guardians of the world and they have been instrumental in its creation, as well as they have been and are the genetic engineers of the bodies we as mankind live in. For ages we have come to some planet to have our physical experiences as spiritual and mental entities. There are also other UFO Beings, who in their turn also have influence over the population of the earth by trying to dominate them and try to make the whole earth their dominion of slavery. There are thus basically two different kinds of forces that have direct influence on the population of the earth at this time. More than two different kinds of UFO forces however, visit or have been encountered on our planet. THE MASSES ARE KEPT COMPLETELY IN THE DARK. Many governments have known for about 50 years what the UFO phenomena and their forces are really all about. These institutions however keep many, many things hidden from the people. So, the masses of man are completely in the dark as to who or what these "things" are and what they are doing! The most popular media suggest, that they are beings from other planetary systems that visit here. Space travelers! How convenient! Well, let's be bold and tell the truth. The UFO phenomena are the activities of alien beings or entities and this alien presence is two-fold! There are beings who engage themselves with serving mankind, and there are beings who keep themselves busy with dominating and exploiting humanity. These two forces are in competition for the attention of mankind. Mankind is the target! The Bible speaks about Armageddon and this is truly what it is all about. THE REAL BATTLE IS ABOUT OUR SPIRIT OR BEHAVIOUR. However, the actual battle is not over our country, properties, bodies or any other material value or possession. The battle is about the nature of our Inner-Self and the values we practice. Are we servants or lovers of our brothers, or are we brain washed egos who could not care less about others? The very nature of our Soul, that is what the real battle is all about! The religions in their rantings and ravings have a different view of things and therefore their understanding of what really is going on is misleading. They might indeed have some of the truth, but the real Truth of Things, will put them out of business! This is not to say that Love, Sharing and Understanding will disappear. On the contrary; those are the very three things the new age of mankind will be based on! - 4 - 5 TO WHAT FORCE DO WE LISTEN? When you're engaged in serving mankind there is no outside influence that can stop you! But if you're busy serving yourself, you fall victim to the forces that try to enslave you to a level of interest, that is so far below human capability, that it would scare any person who's still capable of thinking! The secrecy that is perpetrated by our governments, is the very same type of delusion and/or enslavement our governments have fallen victims to themselves! In the present moment, the world is in the grip of what could be considered a negative force. It is the result of a trade off between the USA government and alien forces, that stresses technology over honesty and/or peace. Presumably certain deals have been made with these alien forces and certain USA government departments have been deceived! It is assumed that a considerable force of aliens are present at underground locations all over the world. So what? Do we have more right to the earth than they have? However, the whole world becomes upset, when they start stealing the farmer's cows, but we have been stealing honey from the bees for ages! Who is to stop them from doing what we do? MAN STILL IS A FIGHTER INSTEAD OF A LOVER. What to do now? Apparently the late president JFK wanted to enlighten the people of the United States and the world, but never got that far. It is assumed that the real government of the world stopped him in his tracks! The entire world is suffering from the results. The deals that were made favor the almighty dollar and warlike policies over peace. There is some evidence that the same government departments were approached also, by the forces that keep themselves busy serving others. They promised that help would be available if all nuclear weapons would be abandoned. The same weapons would be made inoperable by them in the first place, in case of a nuclear war. However they never said so, naturally! There is no way that they would let the school be destroyed, by a bunch of greedy bureaucrats that happen to be in control of our little world. The things that happened in the past, are almost beyond belief, but here we are; the UFO situation still has to be dealt with and the people are getting very restless! They know that they have been lied to and they would like to hear the truth for a change. They are entitled to it, enough is enough! ARE THESE TWO FORCES GOOD AND EVIL? Well, the Force of Service to Others is the force that millions of years ago, engineered the species that now is known as mankind. Yes, you and I! These Beings are not our Heavenly Gods, but they are to us; what a modern genetic engineer is to the creatures he or she experiments on, or what the zoo keepers are to the animals, or what a modern farmer is to his cattle! In other words; they are our Guardians and/or Benefactors since the very dawn of mankind and our endeavors upon this earth! We ought to see them as God's helpers if you like, or as Co-Creators! We are all aware that "God like decisions" are even made by human beings day in day out. In all ways therefore; it is not that hard to understand that all of us are God! And then, there are the Forces who are instrumental in creating divisions among mankind by influencing us to become more and more interested in the sciences as well as the domination of our brothers. They are ego-powered individuals with the intentions of complete domination via our systems of governments and institutions. These alien forces have been successful in contacting the real governments of the world and the domination processes are well on their way. This is visible by the uniting and standardizing efforts of the trades and banking systems of our world by the real forces that govern. A united world is a lot easier to dominate than hundreds of - 5 - 6 different systems and people. The modern media of communication is the very means of enchanting our great diversity, into one dull type of human being, more robot than preliminary God! Basically, one could call the two Forces Good and Evil, however it should be remembered that all the entities involved in any of the two groups, are but temporary or timely manifestations of the one infinite Force or infinite Creator. All this Creator does is: play the Game of God! Mankind and other species of the universe, including the UFO Intelligences are but actors on the Universal Stage of Creation. In other words, it makes no difference on which side of the ledger one is scripted or engaged, for all of us are really ONE! In order to have a universe or a world at all, certain scenarios or games have to be created by opposing polarities. The Creator or God is both! This does not mean however, that we have to create a reality of slavery and other conditions far below our capabilities. We are able to create a far better reality for ourselves, by means of diversified and plain old fashioned individual ingenuity and individual freedom! The old fashioned American Dream can still be brought to fruition, but not with a united world of slaves indoctrinated by the nonsense they are being told today! However not to worry, the real benefactors of man are forever watchful in their crafts and all will be well in the end! This does not mean however that our present system of government will be maintained. No doubt in the future we will be able to govern ourselves, without the influence of the almighty buck! It's high time for a true and more realistic democratic government to take over the shambles of present day manipulation. THE SUBLIMINAL OR SUBCONSCIOUS CONTROL. So, specific UFO forces are man's benefactors and others are a group of very smart entities, who are trying to dominate and exploit mankind via "Secret Government Organizations and a Banking System" that the ordinary masses have not the slightest notion of. Most likely there is a movement afoot to brainwash the entire population of the world into some kind of robot like existence by means of the conditioning that's going on via TV and other medias. All this with the approval of our own elected and so called democratic governments! Naturally, the masses of this world are totally ignorant of these procedures because they are busy consuming and watching their TVs. TVs that could be laced with subliminal instructions to consume and stay contently dumb amidst the pretensions of happiness! Indeed, a great accomplishment; 3 billion robots and the rest just died from aids related diseases, that was created and distributed by the same forces that were the suppliers of dope to the unwanted! Well now, it's awful hard to believe, but so are UFOs and their phenomena! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Two big questions now are: ? ? How long are our Benefactors staying in the back ground and/or, how ? ? can we who know, help our brothers from becoming slaves or a robots? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? On the other hand, maybe the changes in the world in the future will unite mankind and its governments and we'll sail into the next century on a bed of roses in the moonlight as reborn lovers. That would really be nice, but as many of us suspect, things are going to be a lot tougher than that! - 6 - 7 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE POLARIZATION. The UFO Intelligences like the people on Earth consist of two main groups: "The Service to Others Group" and "The Service to Self Group". Both groups are just as valuable, because it is the very friction or polarity between these two groups that needs to be transcended by all Entities (of the two groups) in order to grow in awareness and reach the ultimate level of Love and/or Consciousness. The religions call these two groups good and evil. Positive and Negative Polarizations might be a better terminology. THE SERVICE TO OTHERS GROUP. The Service to Others Group has been with us from the very beginning and we should consider them as our Benefactors or parents. For millions if not billions of years they have been there to help us and protect us from the rest of the interested forces. It is well possible that the protective net of electronic/magnetic/forces around the world has been split by our atomic explosions in the past. Atomic explosions do more than make a mess of the physical reality we live in, it very well could affect other realities and therefore expose us to negative forces of all kinds. Not one iota is known about this by our sciences. What our sciences know is close to nothing! THE SERVICE TO SELF GROUP. We need also remember that most of the UFO activities are from the Service to Self Group. They apparently are quite busy trying to "get" something from mankind and our continuation-unit, the Soul. It appears to them as a most desirable characteristic! They most likely are more electrical than emotional or psychological. Who knows, maybe all they have is their body? To become immortal, like our Soul, must be quite alluring! Another thing that we should remember is, that what we call morality, could be missing entirely in the Service to Self Group of Entities. Morale is a funny thing anyway! It depends how one has been raised or has become used to. Maybe morale and survival are the same thing for them. For most of us on earth there is a difference! Well, it is at least hoped there is! The UFO Intelligences live or dwell in the higher dimensions or densities and do not necessarily have a home planet. Possibly they might live on huge satellites. They have direct command/control over energy and they are able to "emerge" into our dimension. Naturally they create quite a stir among the nut and bolt philosophies of our scientific world and its many followers. There might well be as many as fifty to sixty different kinds or groups of higher entities who visit planet earth. Most likely they all use different means and/or vehicles to do so. Some groups of higher beings strive to have influence over the population of our world and the result seems to appear as if there is a battle going on over the inhabitants of the earth. The real battle however takes place within each individual; who in its struggles to find the Truth of Things* sometimes unknowingly aligns with the one Group and then with the other. ?? * ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? Eventually the Truth of Things will show that all Realities ? ? are Virtual Realities and that the One and Only Reality that is ? ? Real is the Reality of Absolute Consciousness or the Reality of ? ? the Universal Mind. Which All of Us Are! Creation therefore ? ? is the result of the Actions of all Individual Aspects, of this ? ? Universal Mind, according to their individual/group desires and ? ? their particular Creative Abilities. So be it! ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 7 - 8 WE ARE THE INITIATING FORCE. Our world and its creation is the manifestation of our thoughts since the very beginning of this solar system and every human-spiritual-being is an active aspect of the Creative Force and is co-responsible for the earth and its ecological state. In the mean time all of us, as aspects or Souls of this universal force, take turns to incarnate into the earth plane and try to make sense of what seems to be going on around us. Very, very few people really know or even suspect that we are the "Initiating Force" or Creator of our system. Mankind is in the beginning stages of awakening, which means that most people are still fast asleep and they are not aware of what this world is really all about or who is in control. For many God the Father is still their favorite hero and his only Son is the only one who can be relied upon. The truth about the UFOs will play greater havoc with the religions than the fact that the sun does not turn around the earth anymore. What to do is indeed a problem, for the suppressed press and the books in the book stores are not read by the masses. It's one way of telling the "Truth of Things" to people one at the time. However, very few read books, for they have been trained to watch TV! One never knows though, maybe the TV shows Unsolved Mysteries or Sixty Minutes will tell all one of these days! A FOUR DIMENSIONAL WORLD. The world is a school and it is still good for another three/four billion years in order to raise the level of awareness of a myriad of individual entities. In the mean time; a transcendence of certain frequency levels will promote our earth to make it suitable for a different kind of being to live on. It will become Fourth Dimensional! Which means that there will be an END OF TIME! For Time and Space will be transcended by these entities. Maybe only a few million people will be promoted to this higher grade. Who knows... and who cares?! It's not up to us to either judge or promote anybody. The required standards most likely are measured by the evolvement/awareness/love levels combined over thousands of lifetimes. The people who don't make the higher grade, no doubt will incarnate upon the earth again or some other planet for there are plenty of them around. We're all in good hands! Our own! IS ALL THIS REALLY TRUE? How do some people know all this? And what proof do they have? To the first question they answer: How come YOU do not know this??!! And to the second: The proof IS in the pudding!! Just wait and see!! Some of us are more mystical than others, however this does not imply that mystical people are better or more than others. We're all the same Force or Entity for that matter. In order to pass the infinite amount of time and space that is available to THE FORCE WE ARE, we engage ourselves in the enjoyment and/or endurement of the unlimited diversities of creation and its dimensional possibilities and differences. We do this, until all of us return Home again and take another Eternal Breath! It's quite the game for it has a built in Win-Win outcome! In the ultimate beginning or end we start or finish as the same Illustrious Creative Force and in between, we chose our own individual forms and our individual kind or functions to make it a real game of Hide and Seek. Bravely, my function includes writing! Why is this so? Because I as the Force determine that! - 8 - 9 THE ANIMALS IN THE WORLD OF ZOOS. Certain UFO Intelligences look after man and his world, like we look after a zoo full of expensive animals. As you know; we do this with dedication, love, understanding and gratitude. We learn from looking after the animals and the higher beings learn from looking after us. There is an Eternal Law in the universe that the higher planes look after the lower! There also is a force, as in any zoo, that destroys the scenery, tries to upsets the animals by throwing rocks, and in general has a good time doing what they like best. We all have different inclinations and we all live in a free universe with an unlimited amount of free worlds. UFOs AND THEIR REPERCUSSIONS. Many people have had experiences with UFOs and their Intelligences. Most often they come to the conclusion that there is a "missing time lapse" in what they have been doing. They also have strong feelings that something very unusual has happened to them. If they do remember what happened, they have great trouble convincing others! By no means is it a pleasure to be picked up and examined. It is a very traumatic and Soul searching experience indeed! Especially if you have to go through it two or three times because you are curious enough to utilize your Soul memory via hypnosis in order to remember! The greater percentage of UFO encounters are between the negative polarized Entities and contactees, for in some kind of fashion, the positive polarized Entities use the others to do some of their bidding. At least that is the way all sophisticated forces in the world work and no doubt the same technic is used in the higher planes. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE ENCOUNTER AN UFO? First of all we must remember that all things in the universe are energy vibrations. All these energy vibrations have different frequencies and all vibrations have different patterns or complexes. Also we should try to understand that these energy vibrations take up no actual space, and therefore many different patterns of vibrations can take place within the same locale or environment. Space thus, is not something that is empty. Space is full of vibrating energy! Most of these vibrations are beyond our range of detection. The activity or vibration we are aware of, in what we call space, is the activity that forms the physical universe as we know it. The entire physical universe could well be less than 1% of the total, although size or volume is not a measurable property of the universe. Whenever UFOs and their operators enter our energy fields or our physical reality system, they emerge from the invisible into the visible regions of our mind. They do this, by lowering their vibrational frequencies. They were present at all times, but now they have become visible. Normally we look right through them! That is why, in many cases, these vehicles seem to appear from nowhere. These beings have control over their energy and can appear to us, as almost anything; including merging balls of light, beautiful spaceships and possibly even as lovely virgins. In an instant they change their form and appear as physical beings. It is certain, that all UFO beings have x-ray vision and see through brick walls or bathroom doors. They know our whereabouts at all times. They could even touch our valuables in a steel safe, for they are not bothered by walls of steel or concrete. They see right through physical matter, for as you know, what is really there; is but a fine mist of vibrating energies, that we see or experience as solid matter! We are only equipped with surface vision and a brick wall or a steel safe are mighty solid to us. - 9 - 10 OUR MIND CONTAINS ALL THINGS. UFOs and their operators actually move from thought to thought since all things in the entire universe are only manifested thought forms or mind. The visible and invisible universes really ARE our mind or consciousness! We share this mind or consciousness with all creatures and things in the universe. All creatures and things are Cosmic Energy Vibrations and parts of these vibrations make up our day to day environment. We live in worlds within worlds and none of these worlds are of a physical nature. Our own beloved senses are the greatest liars we can think of! All this naturally is done to completely fool us. And as we know; it works perfectly! WHY DO UFOs VISIT EARTH? The human population in its entirety is the result of a gigantic cosmic experiment. We are the very offspring of this experiment and we have been evolving from the very beginning of time. Our Guardians or older brothers are responsible for our welfare! As soon as we become self-aware however, we become responsible for our own progress. Often this is a very critical stage! In this stage a few of us have reached self responsibility, while others still like to be told what to do. These people will be dominated by those who like to show off their political or religious belief systems. In the future however, the world of mankind will slowly enter a phase of government without exploitation and a state of mind in which religions are redundant. This will be a phase of love, trust and cooperation. The times of aggression, competition and phony belief systems have almost passed. At all times, the UFO visits of our Guardians are required to supervise the race of man and do the necessary experiments. In the near future a more direct contact with our Guardians will take place. The old stages of isolation are over! Meanwhile, many different kinds of UFOs visit our planet and it is possible that many space brothers know a lot more about us than we know about ourselves. So, just because you have seen a UFO, is no guarantee that you have seen a unit belonging to our Guardians. It is possibly only a visitor or a species of beings experimenting with future bodies they are trying to create either for themselves or others! There is an eternal process going on, to create new or better vehicles. The very same methods were used to create the vehicles we as human beings live in at this time. THE UNIVERSE IS OUR RELATIONSHIP. The relationship between our Guardians and ourselves, is similar to the relationship between ourselves and the animal world. We all are "The Universal Creator in Manifestation" and neither of us is any greater or better than any other. All of us are the Creator in different form! Naturally, this also means; that an ordinary virus, however nasty, is as much the universal Creator as the most powerful spiritual entity in all its glory! However, there is such a thing as "Value to the Whole" and by this is meant that a finger is less important than the head. Both of them however, serve the infinite Creator in their own perspective values, for there are many things a finger can do, a head cannot. An ant is not less than an elephant and an ordinary bloke is not less than a Son of God, or someone who has attained the Buddha Consciousness. Our universe is the relationship of equals that contains and embraces an infinite variety of differences, for unlimited diversity is its goal. In no way therefore, should we as humans be ashamed of our relatively low level of awareness compared to our older brothers or any other entity. We are all equal "mind-energy-aspects" of each other. All beings or entities - 10 - 11 in the universe are children of the infinite source or the one infinite Creator, we also refer to as the Universal Consciousness or Mind. This very Essence is the Infinite Medium in which all things, creatures, beings or entities relate, and are forms or vibrations of consciousness or mind. All things ARE this very Essence! There is nothing else in the universe! WE ALL PLAY THE GAME OF GOD. There are many different kinds of UFOs and anybody who is anybody in the UFO business, naturally visits their neighbors or distant relatives. After all, it only takes a second to think of them and you're there! UFO visits are common phenomena in our world and all visitors are aspects of a cosmic relationship. We all learn from these visits, and this includes the UFO beings. Many of them do not have the faintest idea what it is like to be human, or what it is like, to be taken aboard. The people who are taken aboard naturally are examined and they possibly might be experimented on, in order to assure that the proper vehicles are available for the human soul in the future stages of human evolution. We all are the Creator and we all play the Game of God... because We Are God! The universe and all that is in it is an infinite ocean of free universal energy in continuous vibration. This vibrating universal energy permeates all that exists and is all that exists. This vibrating universal energy is our consciousness or mind and this includes the UFO Intelligences. If they were not aspects (or parts) of our own consciousness, we would never be able to experience them and/or get to know them, for they would be "outside" of us! OUR WORLD IS AN AWESOMELY COMPLEX ORGANIZATION. To look after a world like ours with close to seven billion people takes an enormous amount of Guardians with all kind of expertise. Each and every one of us might have from four to seven guides or helpers. This adds up to about thirty-five billion entities, just for this world alone. Then again multiply this by 10.000 for this galaxy and then again with another factor of let's say a billion for the entire universe. The figures are staggering indeed! Then there are the billions and billions of insects, animals and other creatures. Plus the zillions of creatures in the astral and other dimensions. The one infinite Creator is a hell of a lot of entities!! WE MUST LEARN TO ENJOY OUR CREATION. Another thing to consider is that the energy resources of our world, like oil and gas or any other resource or mineral all have been put there by a very carefully planned activity we call the Processes of Creation. We have been here from the very beginning and even then there were UFOs. We might even have been the occupants! For Time and Space are the most illusionary conditions we could think of. They are aspects of the dream we're dreaming and all the fixtures or figments in our dream are only relatively real. So whatever reality we live in, they are but realities we create. It would be wise to learn to enjoy them. If we cannot, the entire creation is useless! Life is the greatest and most important Celebration we will ever be a part or an aspect of. There isn't one thing around that is superior! Life in all its diversity and variety is the opportunity to appreciate Life. This is the most important lesson for all of us to learn and to remember. The purpose of life is to have fun, in whatever we are doing. The Creator in all its Glory, living within all of us, does not require anything of us. The Creative Force is a neutral, but uplifting force, and its satisfaction is guaranteed, when we are satisfied and fulfilled. However small and/or childish our desires or wishes might seem to be! - 11 - 12 The one and only infinite Creator is present in each and every particle of its own manifestation, without appearing on the scene but once, in its own full or infinite Entirety so to speak. To say, that each and every one of us is this Creator might sound absurd indeed. However, there is no other way to utter or express it. There is nothing else in the entire universe! ! ALL OF US ARE IT ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- ! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- ! There are other files about UFOs in the CompuServe Forums and some of them are listed below. Thank you for being inquisitive and open to... What Is. - - - - - - - - - - - Go ISSUESFORUM GULF.TXT Shot down of a UFO. Library 10 UFOCRA.TXT List of UFO crashes. JMACK.ABD Sixty abduction cases. FIRSTE.TXT Encounter with alien beings. GBUFOS.392 Multiple witnesses of UFO flights. Go NEWAGE AAVFAQ.ZIP Frequently asked Questions about UFOs. Library 15 LEAR.ZIP Account of government's UFO involvements. MUFON.ZIP Mutual Network UFO files. SKEP.TXT UFO views from the Skeptical Inquirer. ALIEN.TXT Various types of UFO Beings. IMPLNT.GIF Gif file of implant in abductee. Go SPACEFORUM NASATP.TXT Discussing a NASA Video Tape. Library 7 10BEST.UFO 10 best known UFO crashes. MJ-12.TXT Bill Cooper's Top Secret MJ-12 file. ! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- ! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- ! Gerardus Everardus Tros CompuServe 72704,731 Yes, I'm always home! | | | | | | | | | | | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 12 - 13 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? We have included the following listing of the ? ? - Works of Gerardus - ? ? just in case you are interested ? ? in what else is available from the same author. ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS LIKE THESE...??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who or what is this force people call God? Are we created by this force or are we responsible ourselves? If the force of the universe is Love why are so many people suffering? What is the purpose of religions and is the bible the answer to our needs? Why are some people wiser than others? Do we indeed live before birth and after death? Are all human beings hypnotized and don't know it? Is physical reality an artificial environment and if so... why is this so? What is real?... and what isn't? Is the nature of ordinary life like a dream? What is time really... and what is space... and who creates them? Why are so many innocent people suffering because of religious wars? What are UFO's all about? What is Cosmic Consciousness! Is reincarnation a belief or a reality? Why are some people so mature and others behave like children? What is the purpose of life? What is wrong with the world nowadays? How long is it going to take before things improve? Are we slowly moving into the Fourth Dimension of our Creative Endeavor? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? The above questions and many others are answered in the ? ? "Works of Gerardus" ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? WISDOM PUBLICATIONS... is the sole publisher of the Works of Gerardus and his work is distributed by means of: Books, Electronic Books and Computer Programs. Gerardus has been writing "Metaphysical Compositions" for the last 16 years and from the very beginning it was clear that his work was remarkable. 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