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                          The Wife-Slut Course

                            Table of Contents
                          Course of Instruction



   Part One: Rules (Defining the MASTER/slave relationship)

               A: Rules for the MASTER

               B: Rules for the slave

                  1. General Rules
                  2. Rules on clothing
                  3. Rules concerning body positioning
                     a. General rules
                     b. Rules for submissive positioning
                     c. Rules concerning body positioning in the
                        presence of others
                     d. Rules concerning body positioning for anal,
                        oral and vaginal usage
                     e. Rules concerning the positioning of the
                        slave for discipline and punishment
                  4. Rules governing the slaves conversations
                  5. Rules concerning pornographic material
                  6. Rules concerning sex "toys"
                  7. Rules concerning sexual relations for
                     the slave
                     a. General rules
                     b. Rules concerning the frequency of sexual
                        relations for the slave
                     c. Rules concerning masturbation
                     d. Rules concerning sex with MASTER
                     e. Rules concerning sex with others
                     f. Rules concerning sex with animals

   Part Two: Training (the training of the slave in pleasing MASTER)

               A:  The Importance of the Trained Slave

               B:  The Goal of the Training Process

               C:  Training Techniques

               D:  Self-Image and Slavery

   Part Three: Encounters (the MASTER and slave together alone)

               A:  The Role of the Slave in Encounters

               B:  The Role of the MASTER in Encounters

               C:  Announcing a Coming Encounter (MASTER)

               D:  Requesting an Encounter (slave)

   Part Four: Adventures (the slave sent out in the world)

               A:  The Role of the Slave in Adventures

               B:  The Role of the Master in Adventures

               C:  Announcing an Coming Adventure (MASTER)

               D:  Requesting an Adventure (slave)


                            The Wife-Slut Course


         The Wife-Slut Course, hereafter referred to as the course or the
   program,  is  a  well researched and planned training program designed
   to  allow  the  candidate to discover who she is sexually and what her
   sexual  limits  are  in  the  context  of  a loving and caring marital
   relationship,  and  to  furthermore  allow  her the freedom to stretch
   those  limits  to  whatever extent possible within the confines of the
        The requirements for admission to the program are as follows:

   1.    The  candidate must express both a willingness and an ability to
   become the wife of her MASTER.
   2.    The  candidate  must have exhibited in her past relationships an
   ability  to  be  loyal  to  her  husband  and  must vow an unswavering
   devotion and dedication to her marital relations.
   3.    The  candidate  must be the type of person who appears to others
   to  be  the "Madonna" type, but must have the inner desire and ability
   to allow herself to be a "whore, slut, tramp, slave" to her husband.
   4.    The  candidate  must  be physically attractive, comfortable with
   her  own  body and sexuality, and must display an inclination to enjoy
   sex  for  the  sake  of  sex  itself  and  at  no time view the sexual
   relationship  between  she  and her husband as an obligation or a gift
   from her to him.
   5.    The  candidate  must  be  intellectually and emotionally able to
   diferentiate  between  fact and fantasy and must be able to accept her
   husband's decision as to where fantasy ends and fact begins.
   6.    The  candidate  must be able to trust her husband explicitly and
   must  be willing to both allow him to share his fantasies with her and
   to share her fantasies with him.
   7.    The  candidate  must at all times have an open mind about sexual
   encounters  of  every type, but must also freely communicate her likes
   and dislikes to her husband.
   8.    The  candidate, after the proper indoctrination, must display an
   ability  to  be  totally  submissive to her husband sexually, and must
   furthermore  display a hunger for that submissiveness.  She must agree
   to be a "slave" and for her husband to be her MASTER.
   9.    The  candidate  must understand and accept her role as a "slave"
   and  all  that  her indenture will entail, with the understanding that
   it  is only in the area of the sexual relationship that this dominance
   by  her  MASTER  will  be  in effect.  The wife may at any time freely
   communicate  her  real  life  wishes  to  her husband and may never be
   forced to do something which is against her "real" will.
   10.   The  candidate must love her husband and must in addition to the
   MASTER/slave  qualifications meet the normal qualifications of a wife,
   being  able  to nurture her husband, respect and admire him and having
   the  ability  to enjoy the many other wonderful aspects of life as she
   interacts  with  her  love  in  the  context  of  their  shared  lives

         The  course  itself  is  a continuing program which one does not
   graduate  from  at  any  particular  time  or  after  the satisfactory
   completion  of  certain  tasks.   Many  portions of the course will be
   repeated  often,  in  order to continually reinforce the impact of the
   course on the candidates life.
         The program may be seen for purposes of description to have four
   aspects  or  divisions.   These  divisions often intertwine and should
   not  be  thought of as being detached from each other in any way.  The
   divisions are described as follows:

   RULES:    A  list  of  do's  and don'ts and required actions which the
   candidate  will  learn and promise to obey at all times.  This list of
   rules  may  be  ammended or changed at any time if the MASTER believes
   it  to  be  in the best interest of his slave or of the marriage to do
   so.   The  wife may suggest changes to these rules at any time, but as
   a  slave  has  no  input  to  the  rules and is expected to at no time
   question  them  or  fail to obey them.  Failure to obey the rules will
   result in the punishment of the slave.
   TRAINING:   The  slave  will spend many, many hours of training at the
   hand  of  her  MASTER.   This  training will be in accordance with the
   RULES  and  the  purposes of the program.  Its major thrust will be to
   enable  the  slave  to  be  please her MASTER totally and will involve
   both  the emotional and physical ability of the slave.  TRAINING  will
   involve  the  use  of  films,  magazines,  stories,  sex  toys, books,
   bondage,   "performances"   by   the   slave,   assignments,  behavior
   modification  in  both private and public settings, and involvement in
   ENCOUNTERS:   ENCOUNTERS  may be defined as those times when the slave
   is  in  the  presence  of  her MASTER in a private setting.  This will
   include  but not be limited to the sexual sharing that the couple does
   in  the privacy of their home alone.  ENCOUNTERS will also include the
   sexual  sharing  that  the  couple does outside the home whenever they
   are alone and not in the view of others.
   ADVENTURES:   In contrast to ENCOUNTERS, the ADVENTURES segment of the
   program  refers  to  those  times when there are others present.  This
   portion  of  the  program  may  include those times when the MASTER is
   absent  and when the slave is performing required tasks at the whim of
   her  MASTER,  and may also include times when the MASTER is present to
   observe  or  actively participate.  As an example, if MASTER and slave
   are  fucking in the back seat of their car and no one can see them, it
   would  be an encounter.  If however MASTER is finger-fucking the slave
   in  the  movie  theatre  with  others  around  them  it  would  be  an
   ADVENTURE.    A further example of an ADVENTURE might be if the MASTER
   required  the  slave  to  wear certain clothing on a shopping trip she
   took  alone  and  required  her  to buy certain items to bring home to

         Hopefully  this introduction to the program has answered many of
   the  questions that you may have had with respect to just exactly what
   it  entails.   Congratulations  on  being chosen as a candidate to the
   program.   Further  information  regarding the program may be found in
   the  RULES section of the program material or in private conversations
   with the MASTER.
                            The Wife-Slut Program
         This  section  of  rules is divided into two sections; rules for 
   the  MASTER and rules for the slave.  Understandably the rules for the 
   MASTER  are  very limited, while those for the slave are quite complex 
   and may be expected to become even more so with the passage of time.
                            Rules for the MASTER
   1.   The MASTER will at all times keep the emotional and physical well 
   being  of  his  slave  upermost  in  his mind.  No activity whatsoever 
   which   might   permanently   harm  the  slave  either  physically  or 
   emotionally will ever be sanctioned.
   2.   The  MASTER  will always seek to use his slave in such a way that 
   she  is  consistently  brought  to a zenith of sexual stimulation.  He 
   will  encourage  her  to stretch her limits of performance and will be 
   most pleased when her orgasm's are continuous and extremely strong.
   3.    The  MASTER  may  from time to time withold sexual gratification 
   from  the  slave in order to ultimately enhance her experience, and he 
   may  also  from  time  to time take advantage of her submissiveness to 
   enjoy  things  which he alone finds sexually stimulating...but he will 
   always  be aware of her desires and wishes and will at no time require 
   her  to  do  things which he knows as a wife she is unwilling to do as 
   his slave.
   4.   The  MASTER will accept those changes to the RULES which are made 
   by  the  husband  and  wife  and  will  adhere to those changes at all 
                             Rules for the slave
                           Part One: General Rules
   1.      The  slave  will acknowledge her complete and total submission 
   to  her  MASTER in all sexual things and when acting as his slave will 
   do   ANYTHING   and  EVERYTHING  her  MASTER  commands  that  she  do, 
   regardless  of the degree of humiliation, embarrassment, or pain which 
   may accompany it.
   2.    The  slave  will  accept  gladly  the  TRAINING which her MASTER 
   provides,  aware  of  the  fact  that  her training will enable her to 
   better please her MASTER.
   3.    The  slave  will  eagerly  participate  in  ENCOUNTERS  with her 
   MASTER,  and  will  accept  his judgement as to the frequency of these 
   4.     The slave will eagerly participate in ADVENTURES at the command 
   of  her  MASTER  and  will accept his judgement as to the frequency of 
   these adventures.
   5.     The  slave  will accept the punishment she deserves for failing 
   to  obey  any  of the rules her MASTER has been so good to provide for 
   6.      The  slave  will  offer,  present  and display her body to her 
   MASTER at any time or in any way which her MASTER may choose.
   7.      The  slave will allow her MASTER total freedom in deciding for 
   her  how  her  body  will  be  clothed  and  will  wear  anything  and 
   everything  her  MASTER  tells  her  to wear no matter how sluttish or 
   revealing it may be.
   8.      The  slave  will  accept instruction from her MASTER as to the 
   positions  her  body  should  be  placed  in  at  all times.  Upon his 
   command  she  will  assume  any  position which he requests of her and 
   will maintain that position until he has allowed her to change it.
   9.    The  slave will position her clothing in any manner described by 
   her  MASTER  and  will  leave that clothing in the prescribed position 
   until and if her MASTER tells her to change it.
   10.    The slave will perform for her MASTER whenever he requests that 
   she perform and she will stop the performance only upon his command.
   11.    The slave will learn "routines" taught to her by her MASTER and 
   will be able to perform these "routines" at his command.
   12.    The slave will learn any and all codes which her MASTER teaches 
   her  and  will  at  all times be alert and watching for coded messages 
   her  MASTER  might  send  to  her.  Upon recieving a coded request for 
   action  from  her  MASTER,  the  slave  will immediately carry out the 
   required action.
   13.    The  slave  will  at  all  times  be spoken to by her MASTER in 
   whatever  way  he  chooses.  It is understood that he will use filthy, 
   dirty  words  in  referring to her and that there are no words or word 
   pictures  which  he  will  not  feel free to use with her.  The MASTER 
   will  often choose the most revolting words he can imagine in order to 
   enhance the submissiveness of his slave.
   14.    The  slave will use any words or word pictures which her MASTER  
   commands  her  to  use,  will  say any word or combination of words he 
   tells  her  to say, and will, as a part of her training, learn various 
   combinations of words which she will recite upon his suggestion.
   15.    The  slave  will  never forget that some things are "dirty" and 
   will  be reminded by her MASTER that many of the things she enjoys and 
   needs to do are "dirty" things.
   16.    The  slave  will  never  refuse to do anything which her MASTER 
   requires  her  to  do  simply  because it is "dirty".  She will at all 
   times  admit  her  sluttishness  and  her status as his slave and will 
   both  expect and agree to do terribly "dirty" things simply because it 
   will please her MASTER for her to do them.
   17.    "Dirty"  things are understood to include but not be limited to 
   the  eating  of  cum and cunt juice, the licking of cocks, pussies and 
   assholes,  the  hunching of inanimate objects, the display of her body 
   in public settings, and the drinking of piss.
   18.    The  slave  will  accept  whatever punishment or discipline her 
   MASTER  chooses  to give her, and will assume the prescribed positions 
   for  that  punishment  automatically.   She  will  aid  her  MASTER by 
   bringing  to him objects to enhance that punishment whenever requested 
   to do so.
   19.   The  slave will accept punishment or discipline without need for 
   an  explanation  and  understands  that  there  will be times when her 
   MASTER punishes or disciplines her simply because it pleases him.
                         Part Two: Rules on Clothing
   1.    The  slave will understand and accept that as a slave she has no 
   inherent  right  to cover her body at any time.  Clothing is therefore 
   something   which   her   MASTER  uses  as  a  way  of  enhancing  her 
   submissiveness  and  slutishness  and which he may enjoy seeing on her 
   2.    The  slave  will  understand  and  accept  that the clothing her 
   MASTER  allows  her  to  wear  will  often be clothing which has been 
   chosen  because  it  allows  various  parts  of her body to be exposed 
   either to himself or to others.
   3.   The  slave  will  at all times arrange her clothing in any manner 
   which  her  MASTER  may  require  of  her.  She will unbutton buttons, 
   raise  her  skirt,  pull  her panties to the side, or any other action 
   requested  by  her MASTER, regardless of the circumstances surrounding 
   his request.
   4.    As a general rule, the slave will understand that panties, bra's 
   and  slips  are not items of clothing which are to be worn under other 
   items  of  clothing,  but are to be worn alone with nothing over them.  
   Only  with  the  permission of her MASTER may such items be worn under 
   dresses, pants, skirts, or blouses.
   5.   Certain  outfits  may  from time to time be designated as special 
   purpose  outfits.   As an example, a certain garter-belt and stockings 
   outfit  might  be referred to as "Your ass-fucking outfit".  The slave 
   will  memorize  the names of these special purpose outfits and will at 
   all  times  be  prepared  to  put  on  whatever  outfit her MASTER may 
   command her to put on at his request.
   6.    The  slave  will understand that she owns no clothing of her own 
   and  that the clothes which her MASTER allows her to wear from time to 
   time  belong  to  him and him alone.  This ownership of course implies 
   the  right  of  the MASTER to make gifts to others of various articles 
   of  clothing from time to time, including but certainly not limited to 
   the slave's dirty panties.
   7.    Should any item of clothing fail to please her MASTER, the slave 
   will  make  every  effort to modify it in whatever way he suggests, by 
   trimming, cutting out, hemming or any other suitable means.
   8.    The  slave  will model any clothing which her MASTER may request 
   that  she model and will do so at any time in the presence of whomever 
   her MASTER may allow to be present.
   9.   The  slave  will at all times make sure that there is an adequate 
   supply  of  stockings  and  panties  for  her  to wear at her MASTER'S 
   request and will inform him if at any time her supply is getting low.
   10.   Pantyhose  are generally speaking an abomination and will not be 
   worn  by  the  slave  without  permission  from  her  MASTER or at his 
   specific   request.   The  slave  will  keep  an  adequate  supply  of 
   crotchless pantyhose on hand for use in some public situations.
   11.   In  addition  to  an adequate supply of clean panties, the slave 
   will  keep  several pair of recently soaked panties available and will 
   replace  them  at  any  time  should  they  lose their aromatic value.  
   Dirty  panties  which  are  an obvious favorite of her MASTER'S may be 
   rejuvenated  by  fingering  herself  and  pushing  the  crotch  of the 
   panties up inside her wet pussy.
   12.   The slave will sleep in whatever clothing her MASTER may request 
   her  to wear, regardless of her thoughts as to the suitability of that 
   clothing for sleeping or of its comfort
   13.   The  slave  will  learn that there are particular motions of her 
   body  or particular positions which she assumes when she wears certain 
   articles  of clothing which excite and please her MASTER, and she will 
   memorize  these  motions  and  positions  and  use them regularly when 
   wearing those items of clothing.
   Rules-Second Chapter
                            The Wife-Slut Course
                       Rules for the slave, continued
                 Part Three:Rules concerning body positions
                        General rules of positioning
   1.    The  slave  will  understand  that her body may be positioned in 
   different  ways for different reasons and to achieve differing results 
   at  different  times.   Some  positions  will  be positions which will 
   enhance  the  slave's feeling of submissiveness.  Other positions will 
   simply  be  pleasing to her MASTER because he enjoy's the sight of her 
   body  in  that  position.   Positions will be used to display her body 
   and  her  sexual  organs  to  others.   Positions  will  be helpful in 
   permitting  her  sexual  orrifices to be filled properly.  Still other 
   positions   will   be   required   when  administering  discipline  or 
   punishment to the slave.
   2.      The slave will learn the various positions required of her and 
   will  at  all  times  move  quickly and surely to assume the positions 
   required of her by her MASTER.
                      Rules for submissive positioning
   1.    The  first  and  most important position the slave must learn is 
   the  position  which  she  will normally use to present herself to her 
   MASTER.   This  position,  which  we  will  refer  to  simply  as "the 
   position",   is in common use among submissives and their MASTER'S and 
   has  proven  its  usefulness  through  the  years.  The slave presents 
   herself  naked  and  sitting  on the floor in front of her master with 
   her  legs  bent  back  and her ass on the floor between her feet.  Her 
   legs  are  spread  and  her  hands are clasped behind her back and her 
   head  is  lowered.   This position displays the slave's pussy and tits 
   and  creates  proper  body  tension  through  the  stomach  area.  The 
   slave's  feeling  of  submissiveness  is enhanced and her nudity taken 
   advantage  of.   Her sexual organs may be both seen and touched easily 
   by those with her MASTER'S permission to do so.
   2.    Another  often  used position is one in which the slave presents 
   herself  naked in a standing position, her legs spread approximately 2 
   1/2  feet  apart  and her hands behind her head. This position has the 
   effect  of  giving  easy  access  to  her  whole  body and thrusts her 
   breasts  out  forward  making  the  examination  or stimulation of her 
   nipples  quite  easy.   The  slave will easily learn this position and 
   must  be ready to assume it upon being given the command to assume the 
   "standing position".
   3.      The third position the slave must become familiar with and use 
   automatically  is  the  "passenger  position".   This  position is the 
   position  the slave will assume when riding as a passenger in the same 
   seat  as  her  MASTER  in  an  automobile,  whether  it  be  a private 
   automobile,  a cab or a limousine.  The slave may be excused from this 
   position  under  some  circumstances  if there are others present, but 
   will  not  automatically  assume that she is excused from it under any 
   circumstances.   She  will  recieve  a  coded  signal  from her MASTER 
   should  he choose for her to not assume the position. (For more on the 
   coded  signal see the section of rules concerning coded messages).  To 
   assume  the  "passenger  position"  the  slave sits with her legs open 
   wide  and  raises her skirt all the way to her waist, making sure that 
   her  crotch  is  easily  visible  by  her  MASTER.  Once the slave has 
   assumed  this  position  she may not change it without permission from 
   her  MASTER,  regardless of the circumstances, and it is considered to 
   be  in  very bad taste for the slave to request a change.  Undoubtedly 
   such  a  request  would  involve puhishment of some type, except under 
   very  rare  circumstances.   Should  the  slave  be  wearing slacks or 
   jeans,  she  will  ask  her  MASTER if he would like for her to remove 
   them,  and  will  assume  the  open  legged position regardless of his 
   4.   The  fourth submissive position is called the "feeding position".  
   It  is  modeled  somewhat after the position of baby birds who must be 
   fed  by  their  mothers,  and  is useful when the MASTER has something 
   which  he wishes to feed his slave.  In this position the slave kneels 
   in  front  of  her MASTER, her back straight and her hands in her lap.  
   Her  mouth  is  open,  her  head tilted back slightly.  The slave will 
   assume  this  position  whenever  her  MASTER says "I have cum to feed 
   you"  and  will  also assume the same position next to the bowl in the 
   bathroom  when  waiting to clean her MASTER'S cock after his urination 
   or when hoping to be allowed to drink some of his piss.
   5.      The  fifth submissive position is more a category of positions 
   which  the  slave must be accustomed to assuming automatically without 
   any  command  being given and for that reason we will simply call them 
   the  "automatic  positions".   Because of the flexibility required and 
   the  often changing circumstances of these positions the slave will be 
   required  to  be  inventive  and  to always keep the anticipated usage 
   that  her  MASTER  has  for  her  uppermost in her mind.  The value of 
   these  positions  lies  mainly  in  the readiness with which the slave 
   assumes  them  and  the  fact  that  she  does have to be commanded to 
   assume  them.   This  both  pleases her MASTER and impresses those who 
   might  be  watching  her  performance.   An example of such a position 
   might  be  if  the  MASTER states that his slave needs to be fucked in 
   the  ass, and the slave automatically gets on her hands and knees with 
   her  ass  in  the  air.  Another example would be when the slave, upon 
   having  returned  with  the  dildo  that  her  MASTER sent her to get, 
   automatically  lays on her back with her legs spread open and her cunt 
   exposed  and  ready.   The  circumstances  and  possiblities  for such 
   positioning  is  limitless  and the slave is merely put on notice that 
   her inventiveness and compliance in such situations is expected.
               Rules for positioning in the presence of others
                                General Rules
   1.      The  major  rule  which  must  always  be  obeyed  when in the 
   presence  of others is that the slave will always endeavor to position 
   herself  in a manner in keeping with her station and her understanding 
   of  her  MASTER'S  desires  under  the circumstances.  The MASTER will 
   make  his desires clear to her either vocally or in coded messages and 
   the slave will obey her MASTER in every way.
   2.      There  are  three  major  divisions  of  rules  concerning the 
   positioning  of  the  slave  in  the  presence  of  others.  They are:      
   1.  Restrictive positioning, 2. Relaxed positioning, and 3. Instrutive 
   positioning.   It is imperative that the slave learn the disctinctions 
   between  the  different  divisions  and  be  able  to follow the rules 
   explained below at all times and in every situation.
                 Rules concerning "Restrictive Positioning"
   1.     The   slave   will   automatically   assume  that  "restrictive 
   positioning"  rules  are in effect unless in the circumstances spelled 
   out  below  in  the  subsections  to follow.  Whenever there is doubt, 
   "restrictive positioning" rules will be followed.
   2.      The  slave will never allow other men  to see up her dress nor 
   will  she be careless in crossing her legs or uncrossing them while in 
   the  presence  of  other  men unless she is performing in a prescribed 
   way at the behest of her MASTER.
   3.    The  slave  will  be  concious of the positions of her legs even 
   when  wearing slacks and will normally be very careful to not open her 
   legs  in the presence of other men who would surely look at her crotch 
   and fantasize about her cunt.
   4.      The slave will be careful not to bend over with her ass facing 
   another  man  when  she  is wearing slacks or jeans because of the way 
   her ass is displayed to the man and the thoughts he might have of ass-
   fucking her or of spanking her.
   5.      The  slave  will not allow other men to glance down her blouse 
   or  the  top  of  her  dress  and  will  make  sure enough buttons are 
   buttoned to preclude them seeing her breasts.
                   Rules concerning "Relaxed Positioning"
   1.      The  MASTER  may  inform his slave either vocally or through a 
   coded  message  that he is allowing her "relaxed positioning" while in 
   the  presence  of  others.   The  next  series of rules apply to those 
   periods  of  "relaxed  positioning".   This type of positioning should 
   not  be  confused  with "instructed positioning" which will be covered 
   in the next section.
   2.     The  slave  will always be allowed "relaxed positioning" in the 
   presence  of  other  women as long as other men are not present.  This 
   is  in  recognition  of the fact that many women have bi fantasies and 
   that  the  slave  may  in  fact  find  herself  being  excited  by the 
   difference  in  which  she  is  allowed  to  position  herself  in the 
   presence  of  women.    The slave is permitted to position her body in 
   such  a  way as to tease, excite, embarass, or arouse the curiosity of 
   other  women  who  might have bi-tendencies, but is of course expected 
   to  tell her MASTER of any and all of her actions and the consequences 
   of such actions.
   3.      When  being  allowed  "relaxed positioning" in the presence of 
   other  men,  the  slave  will  be allowed to position her body in ways 
   which  she is aware may stimulate the men who look at her.  At no time 
   should  the  slave  be  obvious  in her positioning or acknowledge the 
   fact  that  the  other men are becoming excited by her positions.  She 
   will   look   to   her   MASTER  for  instructions  regarding  further 
   positioning  should  it  become  obvious  that other  men are becoming 
   aroused by her.
   4.     When  being  allowed  "relaxed  positioning" in the presence of 
   other  men the slave will never allow her dress to rise above the tops 
   of  her  stockings  or  to  allow  them  to  see her garters.  She is, 
   however,  encouraged  to let her dress or skirt rise to the very limit 
   of  this  restriction whenever possible, and to continuously cross and 
   uncross her legs and to touch them with her hands as she does so.
   5.      When  being  allowed  "relaxed positioning" in the presence of 
   other  men  the  slave  may  feel  free  to open her legs or bend over 
   displaying her ass as long as she is wearing slacks or jeans.
   6.      When  being  allowed  "relaxed positioning" in the presence of 
   other  men  the  slave  need not be concerned about whether or not the 
   men  can  see  down  the  top  of her dress or whether her buttons are 
   buttoned to preclude them seeing her breasts.
   7.    When  riding  in  an automobile in the presence of other men the 
   slave  upon  recieving  the  proper signal from her MASTER will revert 
   from  the  "passenger  position" to relaxed positioning and will cross 
   her  legs  letting  her  dress  ride  up no higher than the top of her 
   stockings,  but  no  lower than a position six inches above the top of 
   her  knee.   If  not  in  the  presence  of her MASTER, the slave will 
   always  assume relaxed positioning in automobiles and will always keep 
   her   legs   crossed,   unless  otherwise  instructed  by  her  MASTER 
   8.   The  slave  will  only  wear  two  piece  bathing suits, but when 
   wearing  one  the  slave  will come to her MASTER before putting it on 
   and  will  say  the  following  to  her MASTER:  "MASTER, I am a dirty 
   little  tramp slave slut who wants other men and women to see my whore 
   body...it  is  for  this  reason  that  I  have  chosen  this  bathing 
   suit...may  I wear it please?"  While wearing a bathing suit the slave 
   will  be  admitting her desire to expose her nakedness and will not be 
   required  to  obey  the rules regarding positioning her body.  All who 
   see  her  will  know  that she is a slut and will be free to enjoy the 
   view of her whore body.
   9.    There  may  be  occasions  when  her  MASTER  allows her to wear 
   pantyhose  and/or  no  hose  and short skirts when relaxed positioning 
   will  enable  the  slave to let her skirt ride up higher than it might 
   when  she  is  wearing  garters and nylons.  While relaxed positioning 
   will  allow  this  under  those  circumstances,  the  slave should not 
   construe  that  to mean that she can open her little legs and show off 
   her  pussy  or pantied crotch to other men when being allowed "relaxed 
                 Rules concerning "Instructive Positioning"
   1.     It  should  be  clear that because of the nature of a slave and 
   the  scope  of  the  above rules that there is really no such thing as 
   "free  positioning"  for the slave and that in fact all positioning is 
   instructive  positioning  as  far  as her body is concerned.  However, 
   for  the  purposes  of  illustration  and  to  make training the slave 
   easier,  we  have attempted to break down the sections into their pre-
   mentioned  divisions.   "Instructive  positioning"  in  this  section, 
   therefore,  refers  to  positioning  which  is commanded by the MASTER 
   either  vocally  or  through  pre-arranged  coded messages.  The slave 
   will  at  all  times  be alert and attentive and ready to recieve such 
   commands   and   will   carry  them  out  with  eagerness,  speed  and 
   2.      It  will  be the decision of the MASTER and his decision alone 
   when  to  use  vocal  commands  or  coded  messages in giving commands 
   regarding  "instructive positioning".   There are certainly times when 
   it  will  be embarrasing or humiliating to the slave to be given vocal 
   commands  regarding  her  positioning  and when she would prefer coded 
   messages,  but  her  position  as  a slave precludes her being able to 
   choose.  In every instance, the MASTER will decide.
   3.      When  the MASTER has decided to use vocal commands he will use 
   any  and  all  combinations of words that he chooses to use regardless 
   of  what those present will think of the slave for allowing herself to 
   be  spoken  to in such a way.  The slave will comply submissively with 
   all   commands  and  will  show  absolutely  no  surprise  with  being 
   commanded  in  such a tone of voice, other than any understandable and 
   permitted   physical  expressions  such  as  fear  or  extreme  sexual 
   4.      It  should  be  understood  by  the  slave that the purpose of 
   "instructive  positioning"  is  to  allow  the  slaves  body  to be an 
   instrument  of  visual  and/or  sexual  pleasure to someone other than 
   herself.    There   is  no  guarantee  that  the  postioning  will  be 
   comfortable,  pleasing, or sexually exciting for her, nor that it will 
   not  be  embarrasing,  humiliating  or painful.  The only guarantee is 
   that  it  is  her  MASTER'S  desire  that  she  position  her  body as 
   requested and that to fail to do so will result in punishment.
   5.     There is no part of the slave's body which will not be involved 
   in  "instructive  positioning".   Her  MASTER will freely position her 
   body  for  whatever  purposes  and  for whatever reasons he chooses in 
   whatever situations may seem pleasing to him at the time.
   6.    Because  of  the different atmosphere involved in vocal commands 
   and  in  coded  messages,  the  slave  will approach the postioning in 
   different  ways in each situation.  When vocally commanded to assume a 
   position  the  slave  will  have  little  to  hide  about her MASTER'S 
   intent.   However  when  coded  messages  are being used, her MASTER'S 
   intent  will  not  be  obvious to others, and the slave is expected to 
   assume  the  commanded  positions  with  finesse  and without allowing 
   others  to  realize that she is being commanded to assume the postions 
   by her MASTER.
   7.    In order to be able to adequately please her MASTER with respect 
   to  "Instructive positioning" when receiving coded commands, the slave 
   will  study  and  memorize  all  vocal  codes, hand signals, and other 
   means  her  MASTER  may choose to use to convey those commands to her.  
   These  codes  will  be  found  in  the section on Codes in the  course 
   Course-Chapter Three
                            The Wife-Slut Course
                       Rules for the slave, continued
           Part Three-Rules concerning body positioning, continued
        Positioning the slave's body for anal, oral or vaginal usage
      The  slave  is  aware  that  there  is almost an endless variety of 
   positions  in which two people may have sex, and of course that as the 
   size  of  the group is expanded to include other men and/or women that 
   the  variety  of possible positions is also increased. It is therefore 
   not  the  intent  of  this  section to limit the possible positions in 
   which  the slave may find herself, but merely to spell out some of the 
   positions  her  MASTER  will  require  her to assume most often and to 
   allow  her  to  learn  the  proper  way of positioning herself for his 
   pleasure.  The  rules  concerning  these positions may be conveniently 
   divided  into  seven  subdivisions:  1.  The slave on her back, 2. The 
   slave  on  her  side, 3. The slave on her stomach, 4. The slave on her 
   knees,  5.  The  slave standing, 6. The slave sitting, 7. The slave in 
                            The slave on her back
   1.    There  is  little need to expound on the virtues of the position 
   of  a  slave  slut  on  her  back  except to say that this position is 
   useful   in   training   situations,  for  purposes  of  display,  for 
   masturbation,  and  for  both  private  and  group  sex, allowing easy 
   access  to  her  sexual orifices at all times.  The position is easily 
   adaptable  to a number of locations including but not limited to beds, 
   floors,  tables,  the  back  seats  of  cars,  blankets,  and  doctors 
   examining  tables.   The  slave  who is reading this would hardly be a 
   candidate  if  she  did  not  already  know how to lay on her back, so 
   little  more  will  be  said  except that the slave will automatically 
   open  her  legs  wide  whenever  laying  on  her back unless otherwise 
   instructed by her MASTER.
   2.    The  sight of a naked slave slut lying on her side is a pleasing 
   one  to  any  MASTER  and  the  ease  with which oral, anal or vaginal 
   entrance  may  be  achieved  is  quite  satisfactory in both group and 
   individual  situations.   The  natural  position of the legs bent in a 
   sitting  type  position  while  the  slut  is  on  her  side offers an 
   attractive  and  enticing  view  of  her asshole and cunt to those who 
   observe  her.   This  position can and will be enhanced by the binding 
   of  the  slaves  ankles  and wrists and at times by the insertion of a 
   3.     Madonna  types  through  the  years  have been reassured by the 
   availability  of  the  position of laying on their stomachs, believing 
   that  the fact that their breasts and cunts were not exposed gave them 
   some  type  of  protection against penetration.  The slave however has 
   no  such  misconceptions and is very much aware that her tender bottom 
   is  exposed  and available to her MASTER for spanking and/or whipping, 
   and  is  also aware that her asshole is readily available for entrance 
   by  whatever  objects her MASTER may choose to insert there.  The well 
   used  slave  will  find  this position often taken advantage of by her 
   MASTER  and  no doubt will cringe just a little at hearing him command 
   her  to  assume  it.  As opposed to the requirement of her legs always 
   being  opened  when  she lays on her back, the slut will keep her legs 
   together when lying on her stomach until asked to open them.
   4.    Ahhhh,  the  slave  on  her  knees!   What  a rich and wonderful 
   position  the  kneeling slave position is!  There is no other position 
   which  implies  more  nor  which  offers more to the innovative MASTER 
   than  this  position.   The  candidate  will find herself on her knees 
   often  for  numerous  purposes and will come to find this position one 
   of  her  favorite  ones  although  not  at all times "enjoyable".  The 
   slave  will  be  fucked  doggy  style  while on her knees, will finger 
   herself  for  her  MASTER  while  on her knees, will be examined often 
   while  on  her  knees,  will fuck cocks, dildos and vibrators while on 
   her  knees,  will  be fed cum and piss while on her knees and be eaten 
   and  will  eat  pussy  while  on  her knees.  She slave will also find 
   herself  being  disciplined  while  on  her knees and will always feel 
   submissive  whenever  she is commanded to assume this position whether 
   she  is  kneeling  upright  or bent over with her ass in the air.  The 
   slut  will  assume  this position always upon hearing the statement "I 
   have cum to feed you".
   5.     Often  the  slave will be needed for purposes of display or for 
   the  quick  and  uncerimonious  dumping of cum.  In such instances the 
   standing  position is quite useful.  The slave may be pushed against a 
   nearby  wall,  her  skirt or dress lifted and her cunt filled.  Or she 
   may  simply  be  made to stand and disrobe in front of others, turning 
   around  so  that  they can easily observe her ass as well as her tits.  
   For  display  to  large  groups  of people or for bondage in extremely 
   confined spaces the standing position is hard to beat. 
   6.    The  sitting  slave  can  be a highly pleasing slave.  To either 
   watch  or  feel  a  slave slut impale herself on a hard cock in either 
   her  cunt  or her ass is a very satisfying thing, and in that position 
   she  may  either  masturbate herself or use her mouth on the crotch of 
   another  person  at  the same time she is being fucked.  This position 
   also   has   the   advantage  of  allowing  her  breasts  to  be  used 
   simultaneously  with  the rest of her body.  The slave will sit on her 
   MASTER'S  cock  often  and  will  also  impale  herself on two pronged 
   dildo's designed and built by her MASTER solely for that purpose.
   7.    There  are  those who would argue that "The slave in bondage" is 
   not  at  all  a  position,  and  I  suppose  they  would be semanticly 
   correct.   Bondage  may  in  fact  be  a  part  of the other positions 
   previously  mentioned  and  often will be, of course.  But as a way of 
   positioning  a  slave  for  the purposes of sexual usage, bondage does 
   take  on  a  uniqueness which causes me to include it in this section. 
   The  slave  will  understand that bondage includes the usage of ropes, 
   scarves,  hand-cuffs, ankle and wrist cuffs, gags, stretching devices, 
   and  any  and all other devices which may enable the slave to be bound 
   in  a  useful  way  for sexual purposes.  Bondage will be necessary in 
   many  instances for training purposes to allow the slave to be brought 
   slowly  to  a  fever  pitch  or  to  make  sure that her squirming and 
   wiggling  does  not  cause  the  intruding members to do damage to the 
   holes  in  which they are being inserted.  Bondage can be particularly 
   helpful  in  aiding  a slave to take a fist in her cunt, a cock in her 
   ass,  or  helping  her  to  learn  to  enjoy  the  pleasures of nipple 
   stimulation.   When combined with sensory deprivation in the form of a 
   blindfold,  bondage  can  create  a  feeling  of submissiveness in the 
   slave  which  nothing else would be able to help her feel as strongly.  
   The  helplessness  that  a  slave  feels when bound can also be useful 
   when  it  is  necessary  to discipline or punish her and of course for 
   long  periods  of  continuous  sexual stimulation little else works as 
   well.   The  bound  slave  may also be exposed and displayed to others 
   easily and the sight is often quite exciting to both men and women.
             Positioning the slave for discipline and punishment
   1.   There are two major positions which the slave will be required to 
   assume  when  punishment  or  discipline  is required.  The slave will 
   assume  these  positions  quietly and quickly and without any argument 
   when  her  MASTER commands her to assume them.  They are:  The bending 
   over  position  where  the  slave  bends over with her legs spread and 
   grabs  her  ankles presenting her ass to her MASTER and the across the 
   lap  position where the slave lays across her MASTER'S lap to give him 
   ready  access  to  her  tender  cheeks.  If the slave is wearing pants 
   when  she  recieves  the  commands  she will remove them and lower her 
   panties  midway  between  her  ass  and  her knees.  If however she is 
   wearing  a dress or skirt she will simply assume the position allowing 
   her  MASTER  or  his  accomplice  to  raise  her  skirt  and lower her 
   2.   Discipline  may  also  include the display of her body in various 
   and  sundry positions or the deprival of certain types of satisfaction 
   for  varying  periods  of  time.  Whereas punishment is in retaliation 
   for  disobedience,  discipline  is  merely  the enforcement of certain 
   actions  in  order  to  further  acclimate  the  slave to her role.  A 
   typical  disciplinary  technique  might include a  period of time when 
   the  slave  would  be  allowed to climax only by masturbation from her 
   own  hand  and  at  the  same  time  be  required to take her MASTER'S 
   ejaculate  in  her  mouth  whenever  he chose, whether the preliminary 
   stimulation  of  his  cock  had  been by her hand, mouth, cunt or ass.  
   The  length of time of such a disciplinary measure would be unknown to 
   the  slave  and  would  of course be increased if there was reluctance 
   felt which needed to be overcome.
   3.    The  MASTER  may  from  time  to  time  prescribe other forms of 
   punishment  for  the slave which will require her adapting to new body 
   positions.   The  slave  will  in  all  instances  obey her MASTER and 
   assume   the   positions   necessary  for  the  carrying  out  of  her 
   Course-Chapter Four
                            The Wife-Slut Course
                               Part One: Rules
                         Rules for the slave, cont.
   4.Rules Governing the slaves Conversations
         The  slave  will  learn the importance of the spoken word as her 
   training  progresses.   She  will learn that her conversations and her 
   use  of  words  in those conversations can have a great deal of impact 
   on  her  role  as a slave and her performance quality as she endeavors 
   to  please  her  MASTER.   The following rules will be followed by the 
   slave at all times.
   1.   The  slave will use proper english at all times.  Nothing is more 
   disconcerting or less attractive than a slave who uses poor english
   2.    The  slave  will  present  the "Madonna" image unless instructed 
   otherwise  by  her  MASTER  in  her choice of words and the things she 
   says  to  others.   Using  words like "fuck" or other such four letter 
   words  in normal conversations takes away from the "Madonna" image and 
   depreciates  the  value  of  those  words  when  used  in their proper 
   3.    The  slave  will learn to use words effectively when involved in 
   an  encounter  with  her  MASTER or when being sent on an adventure by 
   him.   No word will be too dirty or too embarrasing for her to use and 
   she  will  make  a  wise choice of when and where to use words such as 
   Cunt,  and  Fuck  and  Slut  and  Whore,  etc. in order to enhance her 
   perception as a slave or her degree of sluttishness.
   4.    The  slave will learn the phrases and strings of words which her 
   MASTER  particularly  enjoys  hearing her say and will use those words 
   to  excite  him and to bring him to an orgasm whenever she senses that 
   they would be helpful.
   5.   The  slave will guard her conversations with others, and will not 
   reveal  to  anyone  without  the  prior consent of her MASTER anything 
   concerning  her  relationship  as a slave to him.  She will in no way, 
   either  through the spoken or written word indicate to others, without 
   his  permission,  that  she  enjoys  or  finds exciting such things as 
   Dominance and Submission.
   6.   The  slave  will not discuss the sexual habits of others, her own 
   sexual  habits  or  preferences,  or  anything of a sexual nature with 
   anyone  other  than  her  MASTER,  without  his  knowledge and consent 
   unless  in the case of a conversation with another woman the slave has 
   reason   to   believe  that  such  a  discussion  might  result  in  a 
   relationship  of  some  type  with the woman for either herself or for 
   her  MASTER.   In  that  instance  if the slave is sure that the woman 
   will  keep  her conversation confidential and if she believes there is 
   no  chance  that  another  man  will  hear  of  it,  she  may pursue a 
   discussion   of   sexual  matters  for  the  intent  of  the  possible 
   procurement  of  the  woman  for  sexual purposes, and must inform her 
   MASTER  within  three hours of the conversation, giving her MASTER the 
   woman's name and address and general physical description.
   7.   If  in  the  course  of  general conversation a man begins making 
   suggestive  remarks  to  her  and she believes he would enjoy having a 
   sexual  relationship  with  her, the slave will change the subject and 
   avoid  such a discussion, but will also advise her MASTER of the other 
   man's  interest  in the event that her MASTER should choose to include 
   him in an adventure at some time in the future.
   8.   At no time will the slave follow up on a conversation of a sexual 
   nature  with  any  other  person  without  her  MASTER'S knowledge and 
   approval.   In  the  case  of  another  woman her MASTER may choose to 
   allow  her  to  make  the  contacts,  but  at all times in the case of 
   another  man,  even  if  he  chooses  to  require  her to dress or act 
   seductively  in  the  man's  presence,  the  MASTER will be the one to 
   engage the man in conversation concerning sexual matters.
   9.    The  slave  will  engage  in  no  telephone  conversation,  or a 
   conversation  of  any  other  type,  including computer conversations, 
   with  another  man  or with a person on a computer service or line who 
   has  not  been  proven  through  voice  verification  to  be  a  woman 
   (regardless of their handle) without her MASTER'S approval.
   10.   The  slave  will  not  engage  in  communication  via  postal or 
   electronic  mail  with  any  member  of  the  opposite sex without her 
   MASTER'S permission.
   11.   If  requested  to  do so by her MASTER, the slave will engage in 
   any  type  of  communication  with  any  person male or female for any 
   purpose  which  her  MASTER wishes her to and will allow her MASTER to 
   watch  that  communication and share it in any way he so chooses.  She 
   will  furthermore  follow  his  suggestions and leads in directing the 
   conversation  in  whatever  manner  he chooses her to direct it.  This 
   may  or  may  not include computer sex or phone sex with other men and 
   women at her MASTER'S request.
   5. Rules Concerning Pornographic Material
         Material  which  the  MASTER   and slave find exciting and which 
   they  enjoy  reading  or seeing on film or in magazines will be a part 
   of  their  relationship.   Whether  it  is  generally  construed to be 
   pornographic  or  acceptable  or  unacceptable  to  others  is  of  no 
   consequence  and  will  not  be  considered.   Material which involves 
   children,  killing,  or  sexual  relations with the dead or other such 
   despicable  behaviour  will  not  be a part of the relationship at any 
          The  slave  will  be required at times to watch movies in which 
   men  display  their sexual organs and present their bodies in sexually 
   appealing  ways.   Her  MASTER may choose to require her to masturbate 
   while  she  watches  or may choose to stimulate her physically through 
   other  means  while  she  watches.   He  may  also  choose  to ask her 
   questions  concerning  her interest in the men on the screen while she 
   watches,  expecting her to admit the excitement which she feels as she 
         The  slave  will  also be required at times to watch movies with 
   women  in  them  and  will  also  be  physically  stimulated while she 
   watches the women. 
         The  slave  will  be  required at times to stimulate her husband 
   while  he  watches  other  women  on  film  or on television, and will 
   administer  to her MASTER'S needs at any time regardless of the source 
   of  his  interest in being serviced.  Oral sex, hand jobs, and vaginal 
   or  anal  entry  may  be requested by the MASTER at such times and the 
   slave  will  provide  those  services  gladly  for  as  long as he may 
   request  them.   While the slave is perfoming such services the MASTER 
   will  feel free to discuss the physical attributes of the women on the 
   screen  and  to  talk  to  the  slave about sexual encounters he would 
   enjoy  with  those women or which he would like to see the slave share 
   with the women.
         The  slave will be required to do a certain amount of reading at 
   times  in  material  of  a highly salacious nature, both orally and to 
   herself.   During  some periods of discipline the slave may be read to 
   each night before she is allowed to sleep.
          The  slave  will  be  required  at  times  to  perform  writing 
   assignments  which  include highly blatant sexual comments.  These may 
   be  in  the  form  of  sentences  which  she will be required to write 
   repetitively  a  large  number  of  times,  or  may include letters to 
   others  which  may  or may not be sent at her MASTER'S discretion.  At 
   all  times the slave will write exactly what her MASTER directs her to 
   write  and  will  assume whatever position or dress in whatever manner 
   her MASTER dictates as she writes.
   Course Chapter Five
                            The Wife-Slut Course
                               Part One: Rules
                         Rules for the Slave, cont.
   6.  Rules Concerning Sex Toys
         The slave should understand that "toys" is a rather generic term 
   which  her  MASTER  uses  to include any object which he may choose in 
   connection  with  the  domination,  sexual  usage or punishment of his 
   slave.   It  should  be  further  understood that he alone will choose 
   which items or "toys" will be used and when he will use them.
          At  no time will the slave object to having any item her MASTER  
   may  choose  inserted  in  her  sexual orrifices.  She will understand 
   that  her  holes  belong  to her MASTER and that he may fuck them with 
   cocks,  dildo's, flashlights, candles, vibrators, fingers, tongues, or 
   any  other  animate  or  inanimate  thing  he  chooses  to  use.   Any 
   complaint from the slave will result in her immediate punishment.
         It  should  also  be  understood by the slave that such items of 
   bondage  and  discipline  as  paddles, handcuff's, wristcuff's, nipple 
   clamps  and  clips,  clothespins,  bobby  pins, ropes, chains, leather 
   restraints,  whips,  dog  collars, leashes, halters, straps, harnesses  
   canes, and belts will also be used whenever the master so chooses.  
         The  slave will not only offer her body to be used by her MASTER 
   with  sexual  toys,  but  will  actively search for new toys which her 
   MASTER  might  choose to use on her whore body.  As she goes about her 
   normal  daily routines she will view items with their potential sexual 
   usage  in  mind,  and will inform her MASTER of any items which arouse 
   sexual  interest  in  her as she views them, or which make her tremble 
   whcn  she  considers  their  usage on her body.  Concern that the item 
   might  cause  pain  or  discomfort  or embarrasment to the slave is no 
   excuse for the slave failing to mention such an item to her MASTER.
          Should the slave find an item which she finds herself hungering 
   for  as a toy for her MASTER to use on her, she will not merely inform 
   her  MASTER  that  such  an  item  might  be  useful, but will beg her 
   MASTER   to  use  that item on her body.  Such begging will please her 
   MASTER,  but  of  course  will  not  gaurantee that it will be used on 
   her.   There  will  be  times  when  the  MASTER will avoid using that 
   particular  toy  on  his  slave  simply to discipline her, and when he 
   will  often tease her with a particular toy simply because he is aware 
   of  the sexual hunger the horny little slave slut associates with that 
   particular toy.
          In  addition to the slave allowing her MASTER or those to  whom 
   he  is  granting  permission to use her with toys, the slave will also 
   use  whatever  toy's  her MASTER instructs her to use on herself or on 
   other  sluts  whom  the  MASTER may choose to include in an ADVENTURE.  
   She  will  fuck  herself  with  whatever  her  MASTER chooses, or fuck 
   others with whatever toy he may dictate.
         The  slave  will  always  freely come whenever she desires while 
   toys  are  being  used  on  her,  regardless  of  the  humiliation  or 
   embarrasment  which  might  be  associated with having an orgasm while 
   being  fucked  with  such  a toy.  She will never try to hide the fact 
   that  that particular toy is making her come, but will simply admit to 
   those  observing  that  she  is  tremendously excited and will give in 
   completely  to  the  feelings the toy has created in her slut body and 
                            The Wife-Slut Course
                               Part One: Rules
                         Rules for the Slave, Cont.
   7.  Rules Concerning Sexual Relations For The Slave
        a.  General Rules
             It  should  go  without saying that sexual relations for the 
   slave  are important to both the slave and her MASTER.  The slave must 
   understand  at  all  times  that  her  MASTER has her best interest at 
   heart  at  all  times  and  will  make decisions concerning her sexual 
   relations  which  will benefit her in the long run even if it does not 
   appear so at the moment.
         b.   Rules  concerning the frequency of sexual relations for the  
               The slave will in general have sexual relations more often 
   than  normal  women.   She  may  be  assured  that there will with few 
   exceptions  be  daily orgasms for her except in certain periods during 
   which  she  is  being  disciplined by her MASTER.  Generally, when the 
   slave  is  pleasing  her MASTER adequately, she will find that she has 
   multiple  orgasms daily, sometimes at her own hand, but usually due to 
   the  way  her  MASTER  has  chosen to use her at that time.  The slave 
   will  undoubtedly find that the more orgasm's she experiences the more 
   she   hungers   for  them,  and  will  find  herself  turning  into  a 
   nymphomaniac  whore  who  her  MASTER  can  make  come  at any time he 
   chooses,  but  whom  other  men  cannot  satisfy  without her MASTER'S 
         c.   Rules concerning masturbation
                The   slave   will   become  even  more  accomplished  at 
   masturbation  than  she  is  at the beginning of her indenture.  It is 
   her  MASTER'S   wish  that  she masturbate often, not only for her own 
   pleasure  but  for the pleasure of himself or others whom he may allow 
   to  watch.  The slave will masturbate at any time her MASTER tells her 
   to  and  will  follow  his  directions  as  to how and where she is to 
   masturbate  as  well  as  to  what  she  is  to  think  about  as  she 
   masturbates.   She  will  learn to be efficient in masturbation of her 
   asshole  as well as her cunt and will even learn to climax merely from 
   the  stimulation of her nipples.  Often her MASTER will require her to 
   vocally  share  her fantasies with himself or others as she plays with 
   her  body  and  will  expect complete honesty and candor at all times, 
   even if her openess results in punishment for the slave.
           The  slave will often be sent to her room to masturbate by the 
   MASTER,  and  when  such an event has occured she will perform any and 
   all tasks her MASTER requests her to perform during the masturbation.
             The   slave  will  inform  her  MASTER  not  only  of  every 
   masturbatory  act  she performs but also of the dirty, filthy thoughts 
   she thinks as she masturbates.
              In  addition  to  masturbating  herself  for  her  MASTER'S 
   pleasure,  the  slave will masturbate other men or women or animals at 
   her MASTER'S request.
            d.  Rules concerning sex with her MASTER
                  The  slave will of course engage in sex with her MASTER 
   at  his  command whenever or wherever he may choose.  There will be no 
   type   or   quantity  of  sex  in  which  the  slave  will  refuse  to 
   participate,  nor  will  she  complain  about  any  sexual request her 
   MASTER makes of her, under threat of punishment.
                    The  slave  will  be  allowed to climax only when her 
   MASTER chooses, but may beg for such relief at any time.
                   The  slave  will take cum from her MASTER whenever she 
   has  been  informed that he has cum to dump, and will of course assume 
   any  and  all  required  positions he has instructed her to assume for 
   the  purpose  of receiving his ejaculate.  Unless otherwise instructed 
   by  her MASTER, the cum he spills into her body will be retained there 
   until her normal bodily functions eliminate it.
                 "Sexual  relations"  with respect to activities with her 
   MASTER  may  include  anything  and  everything  her MASTER chooses to 
   include.   The  slave  should understand that the term includes but is 
   not  limited  to  fucking,  sucking,  hunching, display, masturbation, 
   performing,  bondage, discipline, punishment, eating, being fed, being 
   washed,  enema's, douche's, the elimination of body wastes, posing for 
   nude  pictures,  the  positioning  of  her  body,  and  the wearing of 
               e.  Rules concerning sexual relations with others
               The slave should understand that her MASTER will always be 
   the  one  to  decide whether or not she has sex with others.  Under no 
   circumstance  should the slave assume that because she is a slut slave 
   that  she  will be able to have sex with anyone other than her MASTER.  
   By  the same token, she should never assume that she will not have sex 
   with  other people of both sexes.  The decision is totally that of her 
   MASTER  at  all  times, and although the slave may and surely will beg 
   at  times  to  be  allowed to fuck others or to eat juicy pussies, she 
   must  accept  the fact that such begging will not automatically result 
   in  her  wishes  being granted.  She may expect no predictability with 
   respect  to her wishes being granted, for to do so would deny both the 
   slut  and  the  MASTER  of  the  excitement  connected  with surprise.  
   Therefore  the  slave should never fail to beg for a relationship with 
   another  person  if  she desires it, regardless of the fact that often 
   such begging will result in the punishment of the slave.
                Should  the  slave  ever  engage in a sexual relationship 
   with  anyone  of  either  sex  without the expressed permission of her 
   MASTER,  she  will automatically lose all status as his slave and will 
   be  subject  to  the most extreme disciplinary measures, including but 
   not   limited  to  the  expulsion  from  the  MASTER'S  home  and  the 
   possiblity   of   the  complete  and  total  divulgence  of  her  past 
   experiences with her MASTER.
                f.  Rules concerning sexual relations with animals
                 The  slave  may  rest assured that her MASTER will never 
   require  her  to do anything which might be harmful to her in any way. 
   She  may  also  take  confidence in the knowledge that her MASTER will 
   pay  particular  attention  to  the wishes of the wife with respect to 
   this  most  unusual  of  sexual  practices.   It  is doubtful that the 
   MASTER  would  ever wish to involve his slave with animals in any way, 
   and  he  as  included  this section merely to cover the fantasizing of 
   sharing  his  slave with animals which is something which from time to 
   time  he may choose to do.  The slave is encouraged to play along with 
   her  MASTER  whenever  possible  in  this  regard  and  to  voice  any 
   displeasure  she  may associate with such fantasies as the wife rather 
   than  as  the  slave.  At no time may the slave fuck or suck an animal 
   without her MASTER'S permission.
                            The Wife-Slut Course
                             Part Two: Training
   A:  The Importance of the Trained Slave
            Once  embarked on by two people the MASTER/slave relationship 
   is  not  something which is easily ended.  When properly approached by 
   both  parties  there should be no need for an end to a relationship of 
   this  type.   To  assure that longevity is a part both of the marriage 
   and  of  the  MASTER/slave relationship, both the MASTER and the slave 
   must  take  their  roles  seriously.   While the MASTER must always be 
   sensitive  to  the  ultimate goals of the relationship, the slave must 
   be  willing  to  submit  to  his  training  in  order  to  assure  the 
   accomplishment  of those goals.  For her to fail to submit or to apply 
   herself   fully   to   the   training  he  supplies  is  to  doom  the 
   relationship.   The  well  trained  slave will find herself growing in 
   all  areas  of her life and will find her ability to please her MASTER 
   constantly  enhanced.   This  will result in a more rewarding life for 
   herself as her MASTER directs them toward their goals. 
   B:  The Goal of the Training Process
         An  athlete who trains trains for several reasons.  He trains to 
   condition  his body and to prepare it to do the things he will have to 
   call  on  it  to  do during the performance of his assigned tasks.  He 
   trains  to  condition  his mind, in order that his attitude and mental 
   concentration  will  be  at  their peaks when he needs them to be.  He 
   trains  in  order  to be able to compete with others who would like to 
   have  his  position  on the team or those on the opposing team that it 
   is his challenge to beat.
         So  it  is with the slave.  She must train in order to condition 
   her  body  to  allow it to do the things her MASTER will require it to 
   do.   She must train in order to condition her mind to have the proper 
   mental  attitude  and  concentration  to be able to fulfil her role as 
   the  slave.   She  must train her body in order to continually be able 
   to  please  her  MASTER  more  than  others who might like to have her 
   position as his slave.
         The  goal  of the training process is then to allow the slave to 
   both  learn  the  necessary  things  which  she must learn in order to 
   please  her  MASTER,  and to condition herself mentally and physically 
   in order to carry out his commands.
   C:  Training Techniques
          One  who  applies  himself  or herself to a study of successful 
   people  in  any  walk  of  life will discover that there are two major 
   areas  where  much  emphasis  was placed by those people at all times.  
   Those two areas are Attitude and Emphasis on the Fundamentals.
          The well trained slave will also find that much of her training 
   is  in  those  two  areas.   Techniques  will  be chosen by her MASTER 
   because  of  their  ability to create or maintain the proper attitude, 
   and  they will be chosen because of their ability to assure the proper 
   performance of the fundamental tasks of slavery.
         The creative MASTER will always endeavor to use techniques which 
   will  keep  the training of his slave an exciting process for both the 
   slave  and the MASTER.  Many of the things he requires the slave to do 
   will  be repetitious in nature, but he will require that repetition in 
   such  a  way  as  to  eliminate  the  boredom  which  might  otherwise 
   accompany  it.   As an example, the ability to perform a pleasing hand 
   job  requires  a  degree  of  competence with respect to both physical 
   dexterity  and  the  proper  attitude.  To assure the proper degree of 
   physical  dexterity  in  the  muscles  of the hand a certain amount of 
   repetition  is  required.   Too  much  repetition  of that act however 
   would  almost  certainly  result  in  boredom by the slave which would 
   affect  her  attitude, resulting in an undesired level of performance.  
   The  challenge then to the MASTER, is to provide for enough variety in 
   terms  of  times  and  situations  that  his  slave is able to stay in 
   condition  but  at  the  same  time continue to approach that act with 
   enthusiasm and patience.
         One  technique  which  the  MASTER   will  find  useful  is  the 
   technique   of   witholding  information  from  the  slave  concerning 
   activities  in  which  she will be involved until just prior to  their 
   occurance.   He  may  of course hint at certain activities to make the 
   slave  wonder, or even at times worry, but he must always feel free to 
   lead   the  slave  in  one  direction  mentally  and  to  require  her 
   performance  in  another  direction physically.  Such flexibility will 
   result  in  the  element  of  surprise  which  in  the realm of sexual 
   relations is often quite an aphrodisiac in itself.
         At  other  times  the  reverse  technique will be employed.  The 
   MASTER  will  give  the  slave  notice  well in advance that a certain 
   performance  will  be  required  of  her and will allow her excitement 
   concerning  the  event  to grow bit by bit, insuring that her attitude 
   will be good by the time the performance is required.
         The  MASTER  will at times require the slave to write in her own 
   handwriting  various  and  sundry  sentences which refer to either her 
   level  of  submissiveness  to  him  or  to  actions  which she will be 
   admitting  a  desire  to  perform.   This will be done in a repetitive 
   fashion  and  the  impact  on  the mental preparedness of the slave to 
   carry  out  that  action  or  to  submit  to  a  proper degree will be 
         Another  often  used  technique will be the reinforcement of the 
   specialness  of  the MASTER/slave relationship.  By allowing the slave 
   to  consider  what  those  who  do not have a similar relationship are 
   missing,  or  allowing  her  to  see the happiness of others who enjoy 
   similar  things,  the slave will continually value what she has in her 
   relationship  to  her  MASTER, assuring the proper attitude.  This may 
   be  done  through  the use of books, video tapes, or the observance of 
   others in real life situations.
         Another  technique  which the MASTER may find helpful is the act 
   of  giving  the  slave  assignments  to  complete for him by a certain 
   date.   These assignments might include the study of a particular type 
   of  sexual  encounter  in  both  written  material  and  film,  or the 
   questioning  of  her  friends concerning their experience and interest 
   in  certain  types  of  sexual  behavior.   A slave has been having an 
   attitude  problem  with  respect  to  anal  sex,  for example might be 
   assigned  to  study  the possible physical dangers of engaging in anal 
   sex,  or  might be required to question a certain number of her female 
   friends  concerning  their enjoyment or lack of enjoyment with respect 
   to  that  sex  act.   Should  the study result in the slave being less 
   interested  in  some particular area , the MASTER may of course choose 
   to  require  the  slave  to  repeat  the  assignment  until the proper 
   attitude  is  obtained.   (The MASTER will be reminded here however of 
   the  old  axioms  about  beating  dead  horses  and  leading  them  to 
   water...or  is  it  vice  versa?)  Seriously, the slave and her MASTER 
   should  both endeavor to keep an open mind about any activity in which 
   they  have an interest and should both be willing to study the history 
   of  and  the  future  of  such  activities as it might relate to their 
   D:  Codes for the Slave
           As  mentioned  earlier  in the training material there will be 
   numerous  occasions  when  the  MASTER  and slave will communicate via 
   coded  messages of various types.  The number of codes and the variety 
   which  are used between the MASTER and slave will no doubt increase as 
   they  become  more  experienced  in  their  roles.  Generally speaking 
   however  they  will  be of two types; either spoken coded messages, or 
   messages  given  in  code  by  the  movement  of various body parts in 
   certain  ways.   For  the  purposes  of  illustration we will describe 
   these  codes  as  either  voice  codes, or physical codes.  (It should 
   perhaps  be  noted here that there may be occasions when written coded 
   messages  will  be  used,  however  their  employment will with little 
   doubt be rare enough that we may exclude them at this point.)
         Men  and  women  have  used  coded  messages with each other for 
   years,  and  our  adaptation,  while perhaps a bit more complicated at 
   first,  is  simply  a  concrete and spelled out approach which enables 
   the  MASTER  and slave to move ahead of others in this area who do not 
   have  a  structured approach to communicating in this way.  The reader 
   who  doubts  such  a statement will be wise to consider the ability of 
   those  who  have  been  married  for many years to seemingly read each 
   others  minds.   It  is the proper reading of physical signs and voice 
   codes  to  which  they have becomed accustomed through the years which 
   makes  such  a  thing possible.  Our approach simply allows the MASTER 
   and  slave  an enhanced ability in communication in the area of sexual 
   relations,  allowing  them  to  enjoy many things which they might not 
   otherwise  be  able  to  enjoy.  The remainder of this section will be 
   devoted  to  spelling  out  some  of  the  codes which the MASTER will 
   employ  and  explaining  them  for  the  slave so that she might learn 
        1. Physical Codes
                Generally  speaking,  physical  codes will be used by the 
   MASTER  and  slave when in the presence of other people to communicate 
   either  desired  actions  which the MASTER is requiring that the slave 
   perform,  or to enable to allow the slave to communicate her desire to 
   perform  certain  actions.    The  MASTER  could  for  example wish to 
   require  his  slave  to  slide  her skirt up higher in order to excite 
   those  others  who  are  present in the room at the time.  Or, a slave 
   might  wish  to  convey to her MASTER that she would very much like to 
   be  the object of a group fuck with some or all of those people in the 
   room as participants.
         The  observant reader will at once notice a very real difference 
   in  the  two examples given.  In the one instance the coded message is 
   from  the  MASTER  to  the  slave,  and  as  such  is  an "instructive 
   message",  or  one  which describes an action which the MASTER expects 
   the   slave  to  carry  out,  subject  as  always  to  punishment  for 
   disobedience.   In  the  other  example  the coded message is simply a 
   statement  of  desire  from  the  slave to the MASTER, or a "statement 
   message"  and  as  such may or may not result in a carried out action.  
   While  both  types  of  messages  may be used by the MASTER, the slave 
   will be limited, of course, to the "statement message".
         The  following  hand  signals are codes which the MASTER expects 
   the slave to learn and to be able to obey at any time.  
          a. Hand Signals From the MASTER
              1.   The  raised index finger (right hand):  This code will 
   indicate  to  the  slave that her MASTER wishes to allow her to change 
   from "restrictive positioning" to "relaxed positioning".
               2.    The  index  finger  pointing  downward (right hand):  
   This  code will indicate a reversal of the above, that is the changing 
   of the slaves positioning from "relaxed" to "restrictive".
               3.    Two fingers pointing upward (right hand):  This code 
   will  indicate  to  the  slave that her MASTER wishes for her to cross 
   her  legs.  A repeat of this code will be an indication that the slave 
   is to recross them.
               4.    Two  fingers  pointing  downward (right hand):  This 
   code  will  indicate  to  the  slave that her MASTER wishes for her to 
   uncross  her legs.  If the fingers are held together then her legs are 
   to  remain  together.  If the fingers are held apart, then the slave's 
   legs  are  to  be  spread  apart  as well.  If the MASTER continues to 
   display  this  code  after the legs have been uncrossed then the slave 
   will  arrange  her skirt in such a manner as to allow others to see up 
   it,  either on the sides if her legs are together, or up the middle if 
   the legs are apart.
                5.    Three  fingers  pointing upward (right hand):  This 
   code  will  indicate  that  the  slave is to raise her skirt until the 
   MASTER  stops  giving the command.  When the coded signal is no longer 
   displayed  to  her  the  slave will stop the raising of her skirt.  If 
   she  reaches  her  waist before the MASTER discontinues the display of 
   the code she may assume that her MASTER wants the skirt at her waist.
   This  code  may  of  course  be  used immediately after the two finger 
   command  resulting  in  either  a  raised skirt with legs crossed or a 
   skirt raised with legs open effect.
                 6.   Three fingers pointing downward (right hand):  This 
   code  will  indicate  (right,  you're  catching on now, huh?) that the 
   slave  is  to lower her dress until the MASTER is no longer displaying 
   the  code.  Should he flash the code quickly the slave will understand 
   that  her dress or skirt is a very small amount too high to please her 
   MASTER.   If  he  should  continue  to display the code, the slave may 
   assume  that  her  MASTER wishes for her to lower the hem of her skirt 
   or dress to its extreme lower limit.
                  7.   Four  fingers  pointing upward (right hand):  This 
   code  will  indicate that the slave is to play with or rub her breasts 
   with  her hands.  She will toy with the buttons on her blouse, rub her 
   hands  over her breasts as if picking lint from her sweater, press her 
   hand  to  her  chest  as  if  she  is  readjusting her bra, and as she 
   observes  her  MASTER  continuing  to  display this code will make her 
   actions  more  explicit  as  he  continues  to  display it.  Should he 
   continue  to  display  the  code  the ultimate action would be for eht 
   slave  to  pinch  and twish her nipples and openly squeeze her breasts 
   until he discontinued the display of the command.
                   8.  Four fingers pointing downward (right hand):  This 
   code  will indicate that the slave is to rub her legs with one or both 
   hands.   She  is to rub her legs to the limit imposed by her hem until 
   the  discontinuance  of  the  code by her MASTER.  The ultimate action 
   here  would be if she had been previously commanded to raise her skirt 
   to  her waist and was then commanded to rub her legs, resulting in the 
   rubbing  of her legs all the way to her crotch.  In the event that the 
   slave  is  wearing  shorts  while  given this command she will rub her 
   legs  always  to  the  limit  of  the  bottom of the shorts during the 
   duration of the code.
                    9.   Five fingers pointing upward (rignt hand):  This 
   code  will  indicate  that  the  slave  is to insert her hand into her 
   blouse  or  top for the purpose of rubbing her breasts or tweaking her 
                    10.   Five  fingers  pointing  downward (right hand):  
   This  code  will  indicate that the slave is to insert her hand in her 
   panties  or  under  her  skirt  and  rub  her cunt.  Unless previously 
   advised  by  the  MASTER  this  coded  command  will  usually  include 
   permission to finger-fuck herself as well.
   Continued in Chapter Eight....
                            The Wife-Slut Course
                          Part Two: Training, Cont.
                        D:Codes For The Slave, Cont.
                   a: Hand Signals From The Master, Cont.
   11.-20.   Codes  eleven  through twenty are codes to be given with the 
   left  hand  and  are  variable in nature, often being explained to the 
   slave  in advance of a particular adventure.  For this reason they are 
   not spelled out in this portion of the course.
        b:  Hand Signals From The Slave.
        1.-10.   Codes  one  through  ten  for the slave will be the same 
   codes  as  those  used  by  the  Master.  The slave will display those 
   codes  if  at any time she would like direction from the Master, or if 
   she  would  like  to  perform  some  act and wants to ask her Master's 
   permission.   For  example,  if the slave-slut is becoming excited and 
   would   like   to  change  from  restrictive  positioning  to  relaxed 
   positioning,  she may display the index finger pointing up hand signal 
   to  indicate  that  desire  to her Master.  If her Master returns that 
   same code she will then know that her request has been granted.
        11.-20.   Codes  eleven through twenty are given with the fingers 
   of  the  slaves  left  hand and are to communicate the slave's current 
   state  of  arousal  as  well  as desire that she may feel at the time.  
   They are as follows:
        11.   Index finger raised:  This code is a simple reminder to her 
   Master that the slave recognizes that she is a slut.
        12.   Index  finger  pointing down:  This code is a communication 
   from the slave to her Master that her pussy is wet.
        13.   Two  fingers  pointing up:  This code tells the Master that 
   the  slave  would  like  to  suck a cock.  If the slave points the two 
   fingers  toward a person in  the room after showing them upraised, the 
   Master  will  understand  that  the  person  pointed to is the one the 
   slave would enjoy sucking off.
        14.   Two fingers pointing down:  The slave who diplays this code 
   to  her  Master  will be telling him that she desires to fuck.  If the 
   fingers  are  then  pointed  to  a  particular  man,  the  Master will 
   understand that the slave is saying she would like to fuck that man.
        15.   Three  fingers  pointing  up:   This  code indicates to the 
   Master  that  the  slave  would like to eat pussy.  If the fingers are 
   then  pointed at a particular woman the Master will understand that it 
   is that woman whom the slave would like to eat.
        16.   Three  fingers pointing down:  This is an indication to the 
   Master  that  the  slave would like to be eaten.  Pointing the fingers 
   will indicate who the slave would like to eat her pussy.
        17.   Four  fingers pointing up:  This code tells her Master that 
   the  slave  would  like to suck more than one of the cocks in the room 
   at  the  time.   Pointing the fingers will indicate which of the cocks 
   in  the  room the slave would like to take into her hungry little slut 
        18.   Four  fingers pointing down:  The slave giving this code is 
   indicating  that  she  would like to be fucked by more than one of the 
   men  in  the  room.  She may then point to the men whom she would like 
   to fuck her.
        19.   Five fingers pointing up:  The slave is indicating that she 
   has  a  very strong need to be used by her Master...that she is hot to 
   fuck, or needs to be fed cum, or wants to come over and over again.
        20.   Five  fingers  pointing  down:   The slave is indicating an 
   extreme  degree  of sluttishness here, saying that she needs very much 
   to  be  used  over  and  over  by everyone in the room at the time and 
   perhaps  others  as  well, both men and women.  She is saying that her 
   pussy  is  running  wet with fuck juice and that she is admitting that 
   she  is nothing but a pussy eating recepticle for cum who loves cocks, 
   balls, assholes and juicy pussies.
   E:  Self-Image and Slavery
        Throughout  history  it  has  been  made clear that those who are 
   subjected  to  slavery  are  robbed  of  their identity and that their 
   worth  as  a  person  is  denigrated  by  those  who  subject  them to 
   slavery.   In  the  MASTER/slave  relationship  however  the  slave is 
   choosing  to  be  submissive  to her MASTER and both parties enter the 
   relationship  with  the  understanding  that it is only in the area of 
   sexual  matters  that  the relationship exists.  The MASTER does "use" 
   his  slave, but he does so with her permission and always endeavors to 
   "use"  her  n such a way that her own needs and hungers are met in the 
   process.   While  there will certainly be moments when the slave feels 
   dirty  and  used  those  emotions  are  brought about only to make the 
   slave  more  submissive  and  to allow her to experience the zenith of 
   sexual  excitement.   If  at  any time the slave has negative feelings 
   about  the  ways  in which her MASTER chooses to use her and if at any 
   time  she  begins  to  confuse the slave in her with her real and true 
   identity  as  a  worthy and highly respected and loved person she must 
   in  her  role as the wife communicate those feelings to her husband so 
   that  they  can  be dealt with in a satisfactory way.  It is never the 
   husbands  desire  to do anything to destroy or endanger the self-image 
   or  feeling of worth of his wife through their mutual participation in 
   the MASTER/slave relationship.
        Just  as  there  are  many men who like to think of themselves as 
   MASTER'S  and  have  no real talent or ability to in fact be a MASTER, 
   there  are  also  many  women  who  like  to  think  of  themselves as 
   submissive  women  who  are  completely unable to assume the role of a 
   wife-slut.    The   MASTER   is  very  much  aware  of  that  and  his 
   appreciation  for  his  slave's abilities is very great.  The wife may 
   take  pride  in her ability to please her husband in this way, knowing 
   that  he  values  this  ability  and desire of hers highly.  The well-
   trained  Wife-Slut  is not just another slave to her husband, but is a 
   very  special  extension  of  himself  who gives him the freedom to be 
   totally  himself  sexually  when  with her.  Other slaves may have the 
   potential  of  being  submissive but do not have this ability to allow 
   him  the  freedom  to be honest and open about who he is at all times.  
   The  obedient slave will always be valued and desired above all others 
   by her MASTER.
   Continued in chapter nine....
                            The Wife-Slut Course
        Part Three: Encounters (The Master and slave together alone)
   A:  The Role of the Slave in Encounters
        It  goes without saying that the slave is expected to be obedient 
   and  submissive in all encounters with her MASTER.  Her role will vary 
   at  times  within the encounter itself.  At times she will be required 
   to  be  attentive  and  studious  as  many encounters will be training 
   experiences  for  her.  At other times she will be a performer for her 
   MASTER  displaying  her  body  in  various  ways in order to excite or 
   please  him  and  ultimately  herself.   There  will be times when the 
   slave  will  have  to  be  blindly obedient and trusting and do things 
   which  her MASTER asks her to do even though they may seem at first to 
   be silly or embarassing or humiliating.
        The  privacy  of  the  encounter  gives  the MASTER and slave the 
   opportunity  to try new things and to spend long periods of time doing 
   specific  things  which  the  MASTER may determine need to be done for 
   various  reasons.   There  will usually be some things which will only 
   be  done  in the encounter type situation and often these will be some 
   of  the  more  elicit  and  "dirtier"  things  that  the slave will be 
   required  to  do.   Encounters  will  often  change  from a very heavy 
   MASTER/slave  encounter  to a tender and loving husband/wife encounter 
   as  well,  something  which  will  not usually take place in adventure 
        The  slave  will  find  that  if  she  allows  herself  to  be as 
   submissive  as  possible  in  encounter  situations that there will be 
   many,  many  new  and thrilling moments for her and that she will find 
   herself  learning  to "fly" ever higher and higher.  The slave is also 
   granted  more  freedom  in  slipping  in  and out of the slave role in 
   encounter  situations  and may enjoy the freedom of discussing various 
   things at times as the wife rather than simply as the slave.
   B:  The Role of the MASTER In Encounters
        The  MASTER   will  view  encounters as special times between him 
   and  his  slave.   He will endeavor to use the time wisely in order to 
   help  his  slave  learn  more  about who she is sexually.  He will use 
   this  time  to train her in the various things which she needs to know 
   in  order  to  be  a  more  pleasing  slave.   He  will delight in the 
   enjoyment   of  her  body  and  mind  as  she  performs  for  her  and 
   demonstrates  what  she has learned in previous training sessions.  He 
   will  critique her performances and offer alternative approaches where 
   necessary to improve them.
        The  MASTER  will  at  all times be patient and understanding and 
   will  dominate  his  slave  in  such a way in encounters that she will 
   grow  through successes.  He must never fail to provide the leadership 
   which  his  slave  requires  nor  may  he  tire  in being creative and 
   demanding as he puts her through her paces.
        While  the  MASTER  may  also feel free to slip out of the MASTER 
   role  and  be simply the husband, he must be able to be firm enough to 
   discipline   when   discipline  is  called  for  and  to  punish  when 
   punishment is called for.
        The  MASTER  must  always be in total control of his emotions and 
   his  mind  when  in  encounters  with  his  slave.   Her emotional and 
   physical  safety must always be his major concern and he must never to 
   anything  to  endanger  her  in any way.  The use of alcohol and drugs 
   when  in  encounters with his slave is prohibited except in very small 
   quantities  as  those  substances  could impair the MASTER'S abilities 
   and  or  judgement.   Anger  must  also  be controlled and the husband 
   should  never  participate  in  a MASTER/slave encounter with his wife 
   when  he  is  truly  angry at her.  This is not to say that the couple 
   may  not or should not have sex under such circumstances, but that the 
   MASTER/slave  enounters  should not be participated in at those times.  
   In  short,  the  MASTER  must  be  truly  and completely in control of 
   himself before he can effectively control his slave.
        The  MASTER  must  provide leadership at all times in encounters, 
   but  must  also  be able to "tune in" to the slave's state of arrousal 
   and  mental  and  emotional  state  as  well.   All activities will be 
   guided  by his reading of her condition at each stage of the encounter 
   and  he  must  always  be  alert  to  changes in that condition as the 
   encounter  continues.   He must end any encounter which seems to be in 
   any way endangering the slave in any way.
   C:  Announcing An Encounter
        The   MASTER   will   at  all  times  inform  his  slave  that  a 
   MASTER/slave  encounter  is  about  to take place.  He will not assume 
   that  she  is  aware  that such an encounter is about to happen or has 
   been  planned  by  the  MASTER.   While  he  does not have to formally 
   announce  an  encounter  in  so  many  words, the MASTER must give the 
   slave  sufficient  instruction  for  her to understand implicitly that 
   such  an even is occuring.  This may be done through coded messages or 
   through  written  or  spoken  commands which will indicate to the wife 
   that  she is being led into an encounter.  The well-trained slave will 
   recognize  many  phrases  or commands that will indicate the beginning 
   of  an  encounter.   If  at  any  time  there  is  any  doubt about an 
   encounter  beginning,  both  parties  will  assume  the  obligation of 
   clearing  up  any  doubts or questions which may exist.  The MASTER is 
   of  course  not limited to any particular time or place for encounters 
   and is not required to give any advance notice of any kind.
   D:  Requesting An Encounter
        The  slave  may  request  encounters when she so desires.  She is 
   free  to  make  such requests in any manner she chooses as long as she 
   does  not  expose  her  MASTER  to any potential embarassment in doing 
   so.   At  no  time  will the slave request an encounter vocally in the 
   presence  of others in such a way that they can hear her request.  She 
   may  do  so  through  coded messages of various types or by asking her 
   MASTER to join her in a more private area first.
        The  slave must realize that simply requesting an encounter is no 
   guarantee  that  one will be granted.  She may of course beg and plead 
   for  such  an  encounter  as  well  as  offer to do various and sundry 
   things  for  her  MASTER if he will grant her wish.  All requests will 
   be  done  in  a submissive way, and often will include the positioning 
   mentioned  in  earlier  portions of this course.  The slave will learn 
   the  proper  phrases  and  ways to ask her MASTER for an encounter and 
   will use the proper approaches at all times.
        The  slave must remember that there will be times when the MASTER 
   will  require  the  slave  to abstain from being satisfied in order to 
   discipline  and train her.  At such times he will not be able to grant 
   her   wish   for   an  encounter  and  though  she  may  feel  extreme 
   disappointment,  she  must  always accept his leadership and patiently 
   wait until such time as her MASTER decides to use her once again.
   Continued in Chapter Ten.....
                            The Wife-Slut Course
           Part Four: Adventures (The MASTER and slave in public)
   A:  The Role of the Slave in Adventures
        A  public  outing  may  or may not be an adventure for the slave.  
   Often  the  slave will understand in advance that such an outing is to 
   be  an  adventure,  at  other times she will find out after the outing 
   has  begun  that  it  is  to be an adventure.  Once the slave is aware 
   that  she  is  involved  in  an  adventure she will obey her MASTER in 
   every  way.   If  for  some  reason  she  is  unable  to obey she must 
   indicate  to  her MASTER the reason for her failure.  If the reason is 
   not  acceptable  to her MASTER the slave may expect punishment for her 
   failure  to  be  obedient.   Any  very  real  and serious desire to be 
   excused  from  the  adventure  should be made clear to the MASTER in a 
   private  communication  so  as  to allow the MASTER to terminate it as 
   easily as possible.
        Since  adventures  imply  the  presence of others, the slave will 
   understand  that  other  men and women who may or may not be strangers 
   to  her  will  be involved in some sexual way with she and her MASTER.  
   At  times  this  involvement  will be passive on their part, i.e. they 
   may  not  be  aware that there is an adventure occuring and may simply 
   be  observers  of whatever the MASTER requires of his slave.  They may 
   see  her  raising  her  skirt  higher,  for  example,  but may have no 
   knowledge  that  her  MASTER  has  directed her to raise it.  At other 
   times  they  may  be very actively involved in the adventure with full 
   knowledge  that  the  slave is obeying her MASTER.  An example of this 
   type  of  adventure  might be a situation in which her MASTER commands 
   her vocally to suck all the men in the group off.
        The  slave  must  be  alert  to the situation as it exists at the 
   moment  and  conduct herself in such a manner as to keep the adventure 
   within  the bounds prescribed by her MASTER.  If the other parties are 
   passively  involved,  the slave must not allow them to become actively 
   involved  until  and  if  her MASTER allows  or demands it.  If on the 
   other  hand it is active involvement of the others that her MASTER has 
   proscribed,  the  slave  will  conduct  herself  in  such  a way as to 
   provide for their active involvement.
        The  slave will at all times react eagerly to the commands of her 
   MASTER  in  adventures.   It  is  important  that  she  be  especially 
   vigilant  in displaying her submissiveness to her MASTER in order that 
   his  status  as  her  MASTER  will  be  respected by the others in the 
   group.   She  will  refrain  from  allowing herself to control her own 
   body  and  actions  in such situations and will look to her MASTER for 
   direction  as  the  adventure  unfolds.   While  the slave may express 
   delight  and  joy  at  the  performance of others in the adventure she 
   will  direct  such  expressions to her MASTER rather than to the other 
   individuals  involved.   For example, the statement "His cock fills my 
   slut-cunt  very  full,  MASTER!" is preferred over the statement "Your 
   cock  fills  my  slut-cunt  so  full!"  addressed  to the owner of the 
   cock.   This  provides  room  for the slut to express her pleasure and 
   for  the  other participants to feel pride in their perfromance but at 
   the  same  time  protects  and  enhances  the  slave's  status  as her 
   MASTER'S  slave-slut,  preventing any sense of surrepticious ownership 
   by  other  participants.   The  slave  who  fails  to  conduct herself 
   appropriately   in  this  respect  will  be  subject  to  very  severe 
   punishment  and  will find that she has limited her future involvement 
   in further adventures.
   B:  The Role Of The Master In Adventures
        As  in  encounters  the  MASTER  must  take seriously his role as 
   leader   and   protector   of  his  slave  when  she  is  involved  in 
   adventures.   The very involvement of others creates a situation where 
   the  slave's  condition  must  be more closely monitored by the MASTER 
   and  where  his  leadership  skills  and  control may be tested to the 
   fullest.   He  will  at no time relenquish this control and must stand 
   ready  to  take  whatever measures are necessary at any time to assure 
   that he maintains it.
        The  MASTER  will not involve his slave in adventures which could 
   be  harmful  or  dangerous  for her at any time.  He will choose those 
   who  participate  in  adventures wisely and will monitor the adventure 
   closely  as  it  unfolds to make sure that it is progressing in such a 
   way as to be both pleasing to his slave and to himself.
        The  MASTER  will be sensitive to the emotions and desires of his 
   slave  in  all adventures and will whenever possible allow her desires 
   to  be  granted  in  such  situations.   While  he will be aware of an 
   sensitive  to  the  needs  and desires of others in the adventure, his 
   primary  concern  will always be his slave's needs and desires and the 
   pleasure  that the two of them are recieving through their involvement 
   in the adventure.
        At  no  time  will  the  MASTER involve the slave in an adventure 
   which  he  believes  can  be  harmful  to  her,  nor  will he allow an 
   adventure   to  continue  if  it  appears  to  have  possibly  harmful 
   consequences.   When  properly  planned  and  conducted  no  adventure 
   should  ever be followed by feelings of remorse from either the MASTER 
   or  the slave.  Any such negative feelings will be discussed openly by 
   the  wife  and  husband  following  such  an  adventure  and  will  be 
   considered in the planning and execution of all following adventures.
   C:   Announcing An Adventure
        The  MASTER  will  indicate  in  a  clear way the beginning of an 
   adventure  to  the slave.  At times she will be advised far in advance 
   that  an  adventure is to occur.  At other times she will only be told 
   at  the  actual  onset of the adventure.  This is due to the fact that 
   there  will be times when the MASTER will want the slave to anticipate 
   the  coming  adventure  and  other times when the MASTER will want the 
   slave  to  experience  the  surprise and shock that she is momentarily 
   going  to  be  involved in an adventure.  The MASTER will at all times 
   be  the  one  to  decide  how  much  notice  the slave is to have with 
   respect to notification.
   D:   Requesting An Adventure
        The  slave  may  find herself fantasizing about particular people 
   or  situations  which  she finds exciting.  These people or situations 
   may,  at the option of her MASTER, be included in adventures from time 
   to  time.   The slave will advise her MASTER of such desires to enable 
   him  to  decide  if  her fantasies will be realized.  The MASTER knows 
   that  the  slave  is  a slut and she must not at any time be afraid to 
   share  her  fantasies  with  her  MASTER.  The well-trained slave will 
   share  her  fantasies at all times and will refrain from making direct 
   requests  for  adventures  with  those about whom she fantasizes.  She 
   will  simply  inform  her  MASTER  that  "I've  been fantasizing about 
   Timmy,  the  delivery  boy...I  think  about  what it would be like to 
   seduce  him  and fuck him" and her MASTER may or may not then consider 
   allowing  her to seduce and fuck the delivery boy.  The slave will not 
   however  say  to  her MASTER "I want you to set up an adventure for me 
   with  Timmy  the  delivery  boy...I  want to seduce him and fuck him".  
   The  slave  may be assured that she will have sufficient opportunities 
   to  have  her fantasies realized that she will not have to make direct 
   requests  of  that  nature.   Following  these guidelines will help to 
   prevent  disappointing situations for both MASTER and slave and leaves 
   the decision making with the MASTER where it belongs.
        The  slave may simply request an adventure without specifying who 
   or  where  the  adventure  is  to occur.  This merely tells her MASTER 
   that  the  little  slut  is  anxious to participate in an adventure of 
   some  kind.   The slave may as indicated in the coded messages portion 
   of  the  course  material  use  hand signals to communicate particular 
   desires  which  she  may have, but must realize that the decision will 
   rest  with  her MASTER at all times.  All communication concerning the 
   slaves  wishes  for an adventure will be confidential in nature unless 
   the  MASTER  directs  his slave to express her desires openly in front 
   of those who are present, in which case the slave will comply.
                           Part Five:  Conclusion
        The  very nature of the MASTER/slave relationship and the role of 
   the  Wife-slut  makes  it  impossible  to include in this course every 
   detail  of  training to which the wife will be subjected.  This course 
   material  is intended to serve as a guideline to the types of training 
   and  situations  involved  in  the  relationship  and  to  offer  in a 
   concrete  form  instructions and a general over-view of the philosophy 
   behind  the  Wife-slut  concept.   As the couple grows in togetherness 
   and  in  an  awareness  of  each other's needs various portions of the 
   material may change or be eliminated entirely.
        Since  the  sole  purpose  of  the  course  is to provide for the 
   maximum  in  happiness  and  pleasure  for  both  parties it should be 
   understood  that  there  is nothing in the course material that cannot 
   be  changed  if it is in the best interest of the marriage.  While the 
   author  believes  he  and  his wife can find pleasure and happiness in 
   this  type  of  relationship,  he also is aware that needs and desires 
   change  from  time  to time, and his greatest hope is that the marital 
   couple  will  be  able to openly and honestly communicate their needs, 
   desires,  fantasies,  hopes,  sorrows,  disappointments  and joys with 
   each other at all times.
        The  bonding  that  such  honest  communication  and  caring  can 
   provide  should  provide  for a relationship to be treasured above all 
   other  things.  It is this relationship and not any particular type of 
   sexual  activity  which  is the author's goal and greatest desire.  He 
   pledges  his  devotion to that relationship and his willingness to put 
   the  good  of the relationship ahead of any private and personal goals 
   which he might have.
                               *---THE END---*