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?        Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids/hiv Bulletin Boards        ?
?              Compiled For All People Affected By hiv/arc/aids              ?
?        ABBS9302.DOC - 1993 Revision #2 - Updated to 1 February 1993        ?
?             Compiled by Norman R. Brown -  Copyright (c) 1993              ?
?                               CORRECTIONS                                  ?
?     Send NetMail to Norman Brown at FidoNet 1:104/909 or GayCom 1/104.     ?
?   The acronyms "aids/hiv/arc" are in lower case in this document in order  ?
?   to lessen their appearance of importance for the reader.  Check with     ?
?   your sysop as to whether it should be in upper or lower case on your     ?
?   particular bulletin board when making reference to particular echoes.    ?

 This list is published and available for FREQ'ing as ABBS on or near the
 1st of each month from:

                     Phone Number    Fidonet     ADAnet     GayCom

 Black Bag           302-994-3772    1:150/140   94:3020/1  -------
 Boat Town USA       313-468-0912    1:2202/0    94:3130/0  -------
 Denver Exchange     303-623-4965    1:104/909   ---------  1/104
 Doc In The Box      314-893-6099    1:289/8     94:3140/1  -------
 Erie Canal          315-445-4710    1:2608/31   ---------  -------
 hiv/aids Info       714-248-2836    1:103/927   ---------  -------
 hivNET-Amsterdam    31-20-6647461   2:280/413.1 ---------  -------
 SCHWUBS             49-71-5256330   2:244/52    ---------  -------
 Southmed Sydney     61-2583-1027    3:712/700   ---------  -------
 The shareware program FONDIR*.ZIP is also available from the same bulletin
 boards.  Please discuss with your sysop your desire to make it available on
 your BBS.  Give her/him a big hug and a big smile :) and know that you are
 doing your part to educate the world ... the first step in eradicating this
 dreadful virus!

? Copyright 1993 by Norman R. Brown for all people affected by hiv/arc/aids. ?
? All rights reserved.  For individual use only.  Permission is granted for  ?
? posting this list in the file areas of public bulletin boards, provided no ?
? charge is made for access. Bulletin board users may print or copy this list?
? for their own use or for limited sharing with others in their hiv/aids or  ?
? computer-user organizations, or for posting in such places as public       ?
? libraries.  Please do not place in a BBS message area other than in brief  ?
? response to a specific question.  Unauthorized publication, in whole or in ?
? part, in any other form or any commercial use of the material contained    ?
? herein is expressly forbidden.                                             ?
Page 1 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????


    B  Maximum Baud Rate (1=1200, 2=2400, 9=9600)
Codes  Provides the following echoes or services:

Group #1 echoes:

         1 = aids.DATA            - aids-related data only.
         2 = aids.DIALOGUE        - aids-related discussion.

Fidonet echoes:

         4 = aids.hiv             - Fidonet aids-related discussion.
         5 = aids/arc             - Fidonet aids-related discussion.

Miscellaneous echoes:

         6 = TAA                  - GayCom aids-related discussion.
         7 = hivNET               - European aids-related network
         8 = ACT UP               - Informal worldwide aids activist

 Primarily, this list includes all of the known BBS's which participate in
 the aids/hiv-related ADAnet, FidoNet, GayCom and RBBS-NET conferences
 marked with an asterisk in the footnote column below. This list is compiled
 from ORIGIN lines in messages reaching San Francisco, CA; San Juan
 Capistrano, CA; Denver, CO; Washington, DC; and Syracuse, NY, plus
 information learned from other sources. Please remember when using
 information from it that much of it changes each month.

                  Available aids-Related Conferences (Echoes)

ECHO NAME        TOPIC                          MODERATOR         Z:NET/NODE FN
ACT UP           ACT UP discussion              Bearded Crewman   1:141/107   *
aids.DATA        aids data.  No discussion.     Mary Elizabeth    1:103/927   *
aids.DIALOGUE    aids-related discussion.       Mary Elizabeth    1:103/927   *
aids.hiv         aids-related discussion.       Howie Ducat       1:278/0    F*
aids/arc         aids-related discussion.       Mary Elizabeth    1:103/927  F*
TAA (GayCom)     aids-related discussion.       Johnny Chased     G:1/0      G*
 F Available on FidoNet "Backbone" in most Fido regions.
 * Participants included in this list.
 G Available only to GayCom subscribers.

Page 2 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
Codes - (cont'd.)
              <- Group 1 -->    <-Fidonet ->   <- Miscellaneous ->
              aids.   aids.     aids.  aids/
              data  dialogue     hiv   arc     TAA  hivNET  ACT-UP
       1 ..   .X..  ........    ....  .....    ...  ......  ......
       2 ..   ....  ...X....    ....  .....    ...  ......  ......
       3 ..   ....  ........    ....  .....    ...  ......  ......
       4 ..   ....  ........    ..X.  .....    ...  ......  ......
       5 ..   ....  ........    ....  ..X..    ...  ......  ......
       6 ..   ....  ........    ....  .....    .X.  ......  ......
       7 ..   ....  ........    ....  .....    ...  ..X...  ......
       8 ..   ....  ........    ....  .....    ...  ......  ...X..
       A ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  .....    ...  ......  ......
       B ..   ....  ........    ..X.  ..X..    ...  ......  ......
       C ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  .....    ...  ......  ......
       D ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  ..X..    ...  ......  ......
       E ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  ..X..    ...  ......  ......
       F ..   ....  ........    ..X.  .....    .X.  ......  ......
       G ..   ....  ........    ..X.  .....    ...  . X...  ......
       H ..   ....  ........    ..X.  .....    ...  ......  ...X..
       I ..   ....  ........    ....  ..X..    .X.  ......  ......
       J ..   ....  ........    ....  ..X..    ...  ..X...  ......
       K ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  ..X..    .M.  ..M...  ...M..
       L ..   ....  ........    ....  ..X..    ...  ......  ...X..
       M ..   ....  ........    ....  .....    .M.  ..M...  ...M..
       N ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  .....    .X.  ......  ......
       O ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  .....    ...  ..X...  ......
       P ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  .....    ...  ......  ...X..
       Q ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  .....    .X.  ......  ......
       R ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  .....    ...  ..X...  ......
       S ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  .....    ...  ......  ...X..
       T ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  .....    .M.  ..M...  ...M..
       U ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  ..X..    .M.  ..M...  ...M..
       V ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  ..X..    .X.  ......  ......
       W ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  ..X..    ...  ..X...  ......
       X ..   .1..  ...1....    ..X.  ..X..    ...  ......  ...X..
       Y ..   .X..  ........    ....  .....    .X.  ......  ......
       Z ..   .X..  ........    ....  .....    ...  ..X...  ......
       ! ..   .X..  ........    ....  .....    ...  ......  ...X..
       @ ..   .X..  ........    ..X.  .....    .X.  ...... .......
       # ..   ....  ........    ..X.  ..X..    .X.  ...... .......
       = ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  .....    .M.  ..M... ....M..
       % ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  ..X..    .X.  ...... .......
       - ..   ....  ........    ..X.  .....    .M.  ..M... ....M..
       & ..   ....  ........    ....  ..X..    .M.  ..M... ....M..
       + ..   ....  ........    ....  .....    ..   ...... .......
       ( ..   .1..  ...1....    ....  ..X..    ...  ..X... .......

            X = Echo offered
            1 = Both Group #1 echoes offered
            M = Two or more Miscellaneous echoes offered
Page 3 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????

   ST  U.S. State or Canadian Province
SYSOP  System Operator
   Z:  FidoNet Zone, or other network, as follows:
          n: FidoNet (where n is:  Zone 1 - North America;
                                   Zone 2 - Europe, etc.;
                                   Zone 3 - Oceania;
                                   Zone 4 - Latin America;
                                   Zone 5 - Africa; or
                                   Zone 6 - Asia.
          A: ADAnet
          G: GayCom private gay network
          L: Local only; primarily aids/hiv, but does not carry echoes
          R: RBBS-NET

Page 4 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
?                     Conversion to a Dialing Directory                      ?
?                                                                            ?
? You can convert ABBSyymm.DOC into a dialing directory for most major       ?
? communications programs by using a shareware program called FONDIR,        ?
? available on many BBS's.                                                   ?
?                                                                            ?
? To use ABBSyymm.DOC together with FONDIR simply enter this command at the  ?
? DOS prompt:                                                                ?
?                                                                            ?
?        FONDIR ABBSyymm.DOC /O:? /L:nnn- /A:1- /M:x /F:y                    ?
?                                                                            ?
? where: "ABBSyymm.DOC" is the name of the file;                             ?
?                                                                            ?
?                   "?" is the code for your software:                       ?
?                                                                            ?
?        + = ProComm+ 1.1               K = K9 Express 8.8                   ?
?        2 = ProComm+ 2.0               L = Ultiterm 2.0                     ?
?        A = PCanywhere 3.11            M = Telemate 3.01 - see FONDIR.DOC   ?
?        B = Boyan 5.0                  O = Mirror 3 1.01                    ?
?        C = PC Talk 1.39               P = Procomm 2.4.3                    ?
?        D = A Dialer 2.0               Q = Qmodem 4.5/5.0                   ?
?        E = Pilot 2.0                  R = Rcomm 2.1                        ?
?        F = Commo 5.0                  T = Telix 3.15                       ?
?        G = GT Powercomm 17.00         U = Unicom 3.0                       ?
?        I = Pibterm 4.1                Y = Carbon Copy Plus 4.01            ?
?                                                                            ?
?        "nnn" is your local Area Code;                                      ?
?                                                                            ?
?        "A:1-" adds the long-distance access code.                          ?
?                                                                            ?
?        "x" is the maximum speed of your modem:                             ?
?                                                                            ?
?               1 = 1200;                                                    ?
?               2 = 2400;                                                    ?
?               4 = 4800; and                                                ?
?               9 = 9600.                                                    ?
?                                                                            ?
?        "y" is the encoded mask of the bulletin boards carrying the         ?
?            specified echoes you desire to create a directory for.          ?
Page 5 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
ST City        Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (1+) B Codes
               |n31                                        |#12         |p4
United States (FidoNet Zone 1)
AL Birmingham  ADAnet Zone Coord/Bill Freeman  A:94:94/0   205-854-5863 9B
AL Birmingham  Int.Tech.Coord/Marlin Johnson   A:94:94/97  205-254-3344 9B
AL Pinson      ADAnet One Hub/Bill Freeman     1:3602/24   205-854-9074 9+
AZ Phoenix     Cade/William Richards           1:114/113   602-931-3468 2+
AZ Phoenix     Cloud 9/Tom Thurston            1:114/184   602-225-0512  B
AZ Phoenix     Meat Rack/Rick Haubert          1:114/188   602-273-6956 9E
AZ Phoenix     Messenger/Howard Marshall       1:114/183   602-547-9513 9B
AZ Phoenix     Shadow Keep/Jandar              1:114/188   602-395-0500  +
AZ Tucson      Western Connection              L:          602-881-8283  +
CA Anaheim     Meditation, etc./Bob Johnstone  1:10/227    714-952-2110 95
CA Benicia     Task Force/Don Morse            1:161/513   707-747-5738 9A
CA Clovis      Clovis Connection/Rod Jessen    1:205/48    209-323-7583 9E
CA Clovis      Clovis Connection/Rod Jessen    R:8:910/512 209-323-7583 9E
               LightHouse/                     R:8:910/524 209-442-8329  4
CA Concord     Building Bridges/Drew Blanchar  1:161/203   510-827-0804 2A
CA Concord     Grateful Med/T.C. Dufresne      1:161/63    510-689-0347 9+
CA Concord     Grateful Med/T.C. Dufresne      A:94:5100/3 510-689-0347 9+
CA Danville    Dear Theophilus/Mark Spaulding  1:200/703   510-831-8436 94
CA FountainVal Ye Olde BBS/Dallas Jones        1:103/552   714-968-1899 24
CA Hayward     Big Board/Cliff Wilson          1:204/10    510-582-9364 2+
CA No.Highland Silverado Express/Rod Abbott    1:203/1102  916-344-8146 9+
CA Pacifica    Chemist'sComPort/Larry McGee    1:125/190   415-359-6036 95
CA San Diego   Hillcrest Community/MichaelBlair1:202/703   619-291-0544 95
CA San Francis aids Info/Ben Gardinier         L:          415-626-1246 2+
CA San Francis Fog City/Bill Essex             1:125/100   415-863-9697 9%
CA San Francis Fog City/Bill Essex             G:1/5       415-863-9697 9%
CA San Francis Fog City/Bill Essex             G:1/5       Members Only 9%
CA San Francis Recovery/Rick Gorin             1:125/9     415-255-2188 95
CA San Mateo   HTG/Outreach/Allan Hurst        1:204/462   415-572-9594 95
CA San Mateo   PCBL/Les Kooyman                1:204/501   415-572-9563 95
CA SanJuanCapi hiv/aids Info/Sr.Mary Elizabeth 1:103/927   714-248-2836 9X
CA N.Hollywood L.A.ValleyCollege/Tom Klemesrud 1:102/837   818-985-7150 94
CA Simi Valley Library/Gary Vedvik             1:102/1006  818-999-4391 9+
CA Tujunga     Mysteria/Phil Hansford          1:102/943   818-353-8891 9+
CA Vallejo     Power Station/Joe Martin        1:161/123   707-552-0462 94
CO Col.Springs Socialism OnLine/Randy Edwards  1:128/105   719-392-7781 9B
CO Col.Springs FireNet Leader/Wood/Sanders     1:128/16    719-591-7415 94
CO Denver      Denver Exchange/James Craig     1:104/909   303-623-4965 9K
CO Denver      Denver Exchange/Sex Pistol      G:1/104     303-623-4965 9K
CO Denver      Denver Exchange/Sex Pistol      G:1/104     Members Only 9K
CO Littleton   GC Fido/Steve Raymond           1:104/19    303-795-1215 94
CO WestAdamsCo Telepeople/Terry Travis         1:104/69    303-426-1866 9A
Page 6 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
ST City        Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (1+) B Codes
               |n31                                        |#12         |p4
United States (FidoNet Zone 1) - Cont'd.
CT Branford    Lifestyles (Gay)/Rick Sande     1:141/107   203-481-4836 9L
CT Hartford    Masques/Firestorm               G:1/7       203-291-0135 2+
CT New Haven   Lambda Conn/Daniel Wayward      G:1/13      203-877-7576 9+
CT Newington   First Impressions/Corey Keaton  1:142/667   203-667-9666 28
CT Yalesville  Emerogronican/Steven Ambrosini  1:141/845   203-949-0189 98
DC Washington  GLIB/Jon                        G:1/3       703-578-4542 9Y
DC Washington  GLIB/Jon                        G:1/3       Members Only 9Y
DC Washington  HRCF NET                        L:          202-639-8735 2+
DC Washington  OASH/Ted Foor                   1:109/166   202-245-1423 9+
DE Wilmington  Black Bag Medical/Ed DelGrosso  1:150/140   302-994-3772 2D
DE Newark      Black Bag/Edward DelGrosso      A:94:3020/1 302-994-3772 2D
FL             Stetson Legal                   L:          813-345-8208 9+
FL Hialeah     LatinConnection/AdrianaFernandez1:135/323   305-826-0778 95
FL Hollywood   Dracula's Castle/Robert Fonner  1:369/24    305-964-2696 95
FL Miami Lakes Telcom Central/Ray Vaughan      1:135/23    305-828-7909 9+
FL Orange Park OverbytesIndustries/Jaime Gibson1:112/92    904-278-0771 94
FL PampanoBeac Backstreet/Bob Kecskemety       G:1/17      305-941-0216 9+
FL Raiford     MedLink Node 1/Bill Matthews    1:3600/3    904-431-1913 95
FL StPetersbur Mercury Opus/Emery Mandel       1:3603/20   813-321-0734 95
FL Sarasota    Courts of Chaos/Lanier Kingsley 1:137/124   813-923-1055 2+
FL SatelliteBc MOTSS/Dan McAllister            1:374/41    407-779-0058 9C
FL Talahassee  Dreamland/David Barfield        1:3605/900  904-224-3545 2+
FL Tampa       PrideNET USA!/Tony Myers        1:377/24    813-837-5463 25
FL Venice      Venice Recovery/John Grossberg  1:137/408   813-492-9592 9+
GA Atlanta     PC Connect/Louis Kahn           1:133/620   404-565-8250 94
GA Atlanta     hivNET Atlanta/David Coobs      2:280/413.53 Unpublished  (
GA Atlanta     Trash Shack/Dennis Dore         1:133/518   404-320-0026 9B
GA Atlanta     CDC aids Info Line              L:          404-377-9563 2+
GA Atlanta     CDC aids Lab Info               L:          800-522-6388 2+
GA Atlanta     Medical Forum                   L:          404-351-9757 2+
GA Centerville Mother's Kitchen/Mike Tucker    1:3611/19   912-953-2708 9+
GA Conyers     Atlanta Connection/Bill Noel    1:133/205   404-929-0800 94
GA Lawrencevil Retreat/Andria Duncan           1:133/618   404-339-3660 24
GA Norcross    Pharmacy/Mike Mayer             1:133/601   404-729-1766 2+
GA Valdosta    HOT South/Aulton White          1:3645/30   912-242-0496 9+
HI Honolulu    Homeboy Shopping/David Roberts  1:345/23    808-624-1294 94
IA Des Moines  Silver Xpress/Brad Meyers       1:290/6     515-288-7793 25
ID BonnersFerr King Morpheous/Jeff Burns       1:346/16    208-257-5801 2+
IL Champaign   LawBoard Fido/Fred Grosser      1:233/1     217-352-6118 2+
IL Chicago     Lambda Zone/Toby Schneiter      G:1/106     708-696-4298 96
IL Danville    Grapevine/Danny Keele           1:233/30    217-431-8555 9+
IL Moline      Rampage/John Buckwalter         1:232/49    309-764-9794 9+
IN Evansville  Digital Dreams/Dave Worley      1:2310/220  812-421-8011 9+
IN Whiting     ADAnet EList Coord/Rick Catania A:94:94/98  219-659-0112 9B

Page 7 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
ST City        Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (1+) B Codes
               |n31                                        |#12         |p4
United States (FidoNet Zone 1) - Cont'd.
KS OverlandPar South of the River/John Schmake 1:280/9     913-642-7907 94
KS Witchita    Land of Awes/Rex Rivers         1:291/9     316-269-3172 96
KS Witchita    Land of Awes/Rex Rivers         G:1/10      316-269-4208 9+
KS Wichita     Q Continuum/Mike Randolph       1:291/1701  316-721-8466 95
KY Erlander    DataNet/Rich Ashworth           1:108/90    606-727-3638 9+
LA New Orleans Tulane Med. Ctr.                L:          504-584-1654 9+
MA Billerica   Chicken Coop/Daniel Shapiro     1:324/295   508-667-7234 9+
MA Billerica   Vision/Joseph Oliveira          1:324/279   508-670-0934 98
MA Leicester   Lighthouse/George Lafreniere    1:322/605   508-892-8857  +
MA Leicester   Lighthouse/George Lafreniere    A:94:6021/5 508-892-8857 9+
MA Melrose     Den/Ray Rouin                   1:101/225   617-662-6969 2A
MA Westminster DarkSide/David Place            1:322/247   508-874-6334 95
MD Baltimore   Harbor Bytes                    G:1/15      301-235-4651 96
MD Baltimore   Writer's Block/Ed Lawyer        1:261/1056  410-945-1540 95
MI Birmingham  Alternate One/Ronald Miotke     1:2202/1    313-644-1260 9+
MI Lansing     Friends of Dorothy/Jim Knauer   1:159/675   517-336-7846 95
MI Monroe      Fast Eddie's/Ed Dobie           A:94:3130/2 313-243-0944 9B
MI Mt. Clemens Boat Town USA/Dan Dalton        1:2202/0    313-468-3572 9B
MI Mt. Clemens Boat Town USA/Dan Dalton        1:2202/0    313-468-6982 9B
MI Mt. Clemens Boat Town USA/Dan Dalton        1:2202/18   313-468-0912 9B
MI Mt. Clemens Boat Town USA/Dan Dalton        A:94:3130/0 313-468-0912 9B
MI Mt. Clemens JADA Editor/Peggy McBride       A:94:94/94  313-468-0912 9B
MI Roseville   Lyme Light/Anne Bussell         A:94:3130/4 313-774-5038 9B
MI SterlingHts New Life/Julia Sidebottom       1:2202/2    313-795-5829 94
MN Andover     DRAGnet/Guy Winters             1:282/1007  612-753-1942 95
MN Andover     DRAGnet/Guy Winters             A:94:6120/1 612-753-1943 95
MO JeffersonCy Doc In The Box/Mark D. Winton   1:289/8     314-893-6099 9A
MO JeffersonCy Doc In The Box/Mark D. Winton   A:94:3140/1 314-893-6099 9A
MO Kansas City Shrouded Realm*Terry Goodlett   1:280/27    816-483-7018 08
MO Kansas City KC aids Infolink/Scott Cohan    1:280/14    816-561-1187 9D
MO Kansas City GCOMM/Scott Cohan               G:1/110     816-561-1187 9D
               ARC Angel Express/              1:284/7
MO Springfield Art's Toy/Art Rainey            1:284/55    417-866-2284 9+
MO St. Louis   Hotflash/Rhett Butler           G:1/105     314-771-6272 96
MO St. Louis   Hotflash/Rhett Butler           G:1/105     800-245-2601 96
MS Coldwater   Coldwater/Rogert Martin         1:123/421   601-562-9385 95
NC Charlotte   Exchange/Ron Alspaugh           1:379/24    704-339-0333 95
NC Charlotte   MetroLink/Matthew Irvin         1:379/20    704-567-6124 9D
NC Charlotte   MetroLink/Matthew Irvin         G:1/8       704-567-6124 9D
NC Greensboro  NC Triad/Richard Epson-Nelms    1:151/2325  919-854-7952 9+
NC Greensboro  NC Triad/Richard Epson-Nelms    G:1/14      919-854-7952 9+
Page 8 ????????????? Together We Can Make A Difference! ???????????? 1 Feb 1993
??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
ST City        Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (1+) B Codes
               |n31                                        |#12         |p4
United States (FidoNet Zone 1) - Cont'd.
NE Beatrice    S.E. Community/Dick Douglass    1:285/115   402-223-2889 9+
NE GrandIsland Central Community/Fred Roeser   1:285/116   308-389-6495 9+
NE Lincoln     Medicine Cabinet/Tom Hoover     1:285/207   402-435-0797 2+
NE Lincoln     NE EducationHub/Merle Rudebusch 1:285/100   402-471-0897 9+
NE Lincoln     TC Forum Univ. Neb./Ed Nemeth   1:285/110   402-472-3338 95
NE Lincoln     TC Forum Univ. Neb./Ed Nemeth   1:285/110   402-472-5370 95
NE Lincoln     TC Forum Univ. Neb./Ed Nemeth   R:8:963/2   402-472-3365 94
NE Omaha       Central Community               L:          402-461-2442  +
NE Omaha       Omaha Pub.School/Rich Molettier 1:285/113   402-554-6181 9+
NE Wayne       Wayne St.College/Dennis Linster 1:285/111   402-375-7564 9+
NJ Cape May    Inferno/Glenn Laws              1:266/72    609-886-6818 9+
NJ Cape May    Inferno/Glenn Laws              G:1/11      609-886-6818 9+
NJ Dayton      Altered Illusions/Lou Braconi   1:107/345   908-329-3216 9+
NJ FranklinPrk Digital Abyss/Glen Panniche     1:107/398   908-422-4130 94
NJ Metuchen    Micro-Fone/John Kelley          1:107/331   908-494-8666 9+
NJ Parlin      Central Jersey/Fred Seibal      1:107/600   908-525-9440 95
NJ Parlin      RC's Place/R. C. Mann           1:107/682   908-525-1939 9+
NJ Piscataway  gLiTcH/JOD                      G:1/4       908-968-7883 9N
NV Las Vegas   Las Vegas aids/Michael T. Swift 1:209/238   702-658-3591 9A
NV Las Vegas   Las Vegas aids/Michael T. Swift A:94:7020/2 702-656-7654 9A
NV Reno        Advanced System/Richard Dias    1:213/900   702-334-3308 95
NY             CCMC-aids                       L:          518-783-7251 2+
NY Albany      Lower Albany/Phil Losacco       1:267/140   518-465-1072 2B
NY Brooklyn    Blacknet/Idette Vaughan         1:278/618   718-692-0943 9+
NY Brooklyn    Brooklyn College/Howie Ducat    1:278/1     718-951-4631 2E
NY Brooklyn    Brooklyn College/Howie Ducat    1:278/600   718-951-4631 2E
NY Brooklyn    KinQuest/Bill Gage              1:278/611   718-998-6303 2B
NY Brooklyn    Pier/Michael Stewart            1:278/6969  718-531-9475 24
NY Clifton Prk Fantasy Land Adult/Tony Manino  1:267/106   518-383-2282 95
NY New York    Backroom/Tiger Tom              G:1/0       718-951-8256 9N
NY New York    City People/Barry Weiser        1:278/720   212-255-6656 95
NY New York    Comm Specialties/Howie Ducat    1:278/99    212-951-4631 2B
NY New York    Dorsai Mission/Skip Mac-Stoker  1:278/706   718-729-6101 9+
NY New York    Utopian Quest                   L:          212-686-5248 9+
NY New York    Utopian Quest                   L:          516-842-7518 9+
NY Rochester   Recovery Room/Patrick Daugherty 1:2613/207  716-461-5201 95
NY Rochester   Frog Pond/Nick Francesco        1:260/270   716-461-1924 9B
NY Syracuse    Erie Canal/Ray Bucko            1:2608/31   315-445-4710 9A
NY Waterford   Biologicalnightmare/RobLevine   1:267/139   518-233-9529 95
NY Whitestone  Corner Deli/Mike Schiffman      1:278/777   718-352-0821 94
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??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
ST City        Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (1+) B Codes
               |n31                                        |#12         |p4
United States (FidoNet Zone 1) - Cont'd.
OH Columbus    Black Bag II/Paul Prior         1:226/320   614-293-8810 9+
OH Columbus    aids Info/Michael Kelly         1:226/520   614-279-7709 2D
OH Dayton      Olman/James Hale                1:110/247   513-427-9473 95
OH Dayton      Olman/James Hale                A:94:5130/3 513-427-9473 95
OH Galloway    Information Exchange/Dan Styers 1:226/210   614-878-0161 95
OK MidwestCity Torii Station/Jim Oxford        1:147/20    405-737-7565 9B
OK OklahomaCit OK NORML/Michael Pearson        1:147/3     405-282-8777 25
OK Ponca City  Wordshop #2/Wayne Majors        1:3810/1    405-765-0951 9+
OK Tulsa       Looking Glass/Arnie Holder      1:170/706   918-743-1268 9B
OR Portland    Club/Gary Seid                  1:105/98    503-232-0332 2+
OR Portland    Medical Education/Jerry Donais  1:105/35    503-256-7758 25
OR Portland    GayNet/Michael Hile             1:105/76    503-295-0877 2+
PA Milford     Omega/Gordon Craig              1:268/18    717-296-8560 9+
PA Philadelphi Critical Path/Kiyoshi Kuromiya  L:          215-564-1090 2+
PA Philadelphi Club Philadelphia/Matt Zarkos   1:273/904   215-626-7398 2B
PA Philadelphi East Co Bear/John D. Steele     1:273/910   215-755-1917 25
PA Philadelphi La Dolce Vita                   L:          215-463-7888  +
PA Pittsburgh  Meeting Place/Marc Shannon      1:129/45    412-482-7057 9+
PA Pittsburgh  Meeting Place/Synful            G:1/6       412-482-7057 9+
PA Wyndmoor    Altern.Lifestyles/Jeff Nonkey   1:273/715   215-242-4485 95
RI Providence  Eagles Nest/Mike Labbe          1:323/126   401-732-5290 95
RI West Warwic AdvantageVoice&Data/Joe Caparco 1:323/113   401-885-5695 95
RI Warwick     GAYtway/Blind Faith             1:323/121   401-435-6544 9N
RI Warwick     GAYtway/Blind Faith             G:1/20      401-739-1380 9N
SC Central     Spawl/David Scott               1:3639/18   803-653-4536 94
SC Columbia    Dog Alley/Maddog                G:1/16      803-926-9110 9+
SC Goose Creek Medical Forum/Shelley Crawford  1:372/106   803-824-0317 9B
SC Greensville Evolution/John Hames            1:3639/17   803-244-9556 24
TN Brighton    Unbridled Desires/Ken McCleaft  1:123/415   901-476-3097 94
TN Chattanooga Cove/Joel Davenport             1:362/960   615-855-9956  4
TN Chattanooga Cove/Joel Davenport             A:94:6151/1 615-855-9956 94
TN East Ridge  TEL(Medical BBS)/Oliver Jenkins 1:362/621   615-622-6099 9+
TN Memphis     Personals/John Heizer           1:123/22    901-274-6713 9A
TN Memphis     Personals/Lucky Ernie           G:1/12      901-274-6713 9A
TN Memphis     Riverside/Gary Wilkerson        1:123/424   901-373-5348 2E
TN Red Bank    Eternal Flame/Jack Whaley       1:362/940   615-875-0290 9+
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??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
ST City        Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (1+) B Codes
               |n31                                        |#12         |p4
United States (FidoNet Zone 1) - Cont'd.
TX Amarillo    Town Crier/Matt Montgomery      1:3816/126  806-358-7032 94
TX Austin      Health-Link/Bruce Baskett       1:382/5     512-444-9908 25
TX Austin      Lambda Link/Joshua              1:382/25    512-873-8299 9+
TX Austin      Lambda Link/Joshua              G:1/109     512-873-8299 9+
TX Beaumont    Super Collider/Pat Presley      1:3811/320  409-833-8583 9+
TX Dallas      DaBBS Dallas/Dale Becker        1:124/2126  214-821-7732 2+
TX Dallas      Dallas Mandate/Mark Taylor      1:124/6503  214-528-1816 2+
TX Forth Worth Stallions Coral/Stallion        G:1/107     817-545-7317 9+
TX GrandPrairi aids Chat Line/John Pfeifer     1:130/55    214-256-5586 9E
TX GrandPrairi Puss N Boots/Aaron Davis        1:124/3103  214-641-1822 9S
TX Houston     Beehive/Brad Wartman            1:106/41    713-974-6995 2+
TX Houston     Houston Exchange/John Fields    1:106/20    713-521-2191 9U
TX Houston     Houston Exchange/Johnny Night   G:1/103     713-521-2191 9U
TX Houston     Houston Exchange/Johnny Night   G:1/103     Members Only 9U
TX Houston     Last Call/Doug Sutherland       1:106/8366  713-523-8366 2B
TX Houston     Medico/Dave Ray                 1:106/595   713-895-7945 24
TX Houston     PIC of the MID Town/Geo. Worley 1:106/31    713-527-8939 9+
TX Houston     Penguin/Rusty Henry             1:106/53    713-498-0432 2E
TX Roanoke     GlobalInfoNetwork/Steve Loeckle 1:130/86    817-491-1516  A
TX San Antonio ETC MedNet/Bob Jackson          1:387/801   210-829-0346 95
TX San Antonio Gardens of Avalon/Ed Tillman    1:387/57    210-308-9579 24
UT West Jordan Midnight Express                L:          801-565-8330  +
VA Arlington   NAPWA-Link/Richard Smith        L:          703-998-3144 2+
VA Richmond    888 Online/Bill Smith           1:264/190   804-266-0212 92
VA Richmond    888 Online/Cheese Box           G:1/9       804-266-0212 92
VA VirginiaBch ADAnet File Dist/Warren King    A:94:94/99  804-496-3320 9B
WA Olympia     Radio Point/Jay Andrews         1:352/111   206-943-1513 9+
WA Seattle     Seattle aids Info/Steve Brown   L:          206-323-4420 2A
WA Seattle     Stage Seattle/Randy             G:1/102     206-286-1850 9N
WA Seattle     U. of Wash. HHS/Cindy Riche     1:343/35    206-543-3719 9+
WA Tumwater    Elder's Council/Daniel Smerken  1:352/458   206-357-8992 94
WA Tumwater    Elder's Council/Daniel Smerken  A:94:2061/2 206-357-8992 94
WI Milwaukee   Back Door/Paul Parkinson        1:154/700   414-744-9336 9+
WI Milwaukee   Back Door/Paul Parkinson        G:1/108     414-744-9336 9+
WI Milwaukee   Starcom/Rick Gardner            1:154/69    414-873-6969 9&
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??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
ST City        Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (1+) B Codes
               |n31                                        |#12         |p4
Canada (FidoNet Zone 1)
AB Lethbridge  Lost Planet/Terry Fleming       1:358/16    403-381-3185 94
AB Lethbridge  Terminal/Laz Gottli             1:358/17    403-327-9731 9B
BC Nanaimo     ADAnet Canada/Celia Corriveau   A:94:94/10  604-756-3177 9B
BC Vancouver   Lambda Speaks/Warren Cox        1:153/756   604-681-3667 95
BC Vancouver   PC-WorkShop/Ervin Jay           1:153/767   604-682-0914 9+
BC Vancouver   Phaonica * aids/hiv/Ed Parker   1:153/732   604-683-2144 94
BC Vancouver   PC-WorkShop/Ervin Jay           1:153/797   604-687-0913 9+
BC Vancouver   PC-WorkShop/Ervin Jay           1:153/798   604-689-0437 2+
ON Hamilton    Villa Gryphus/Kelly Ryan        1:244/106   416-545-5789 9B
ON Mississauga Canada Remote System/Rich Munro 1:229/15    416-579-6302 9B
ON Ottawa      AlterNet/Paul Hannon            1:163/113   613-230-9519 25
ON Ottawa      Echo Valley/Michelle Chartrand  1:243/26    613-749-4550 2B
ON Ottawa      Mother's Board/Perry Davis      1:243/38    613-728-4122 9D
ON Ottawa      Mother's Board/Perry Davis      G:1/203     613-728-4122 9D
ON Richmond    Ultimate/Steve Allan            1:243/52    613-838-4812 95
ON Toronto     LeftoverHippies/Lesley-Dee Dyla 1:250/824   416-466-8931 95
ON Toronto     Ability OnLine                  L:          416-650-5411  L
ON Toronto     Gay Blade/Phil Dermott          G:1/202     416-882-4800 9+
ON Toronto     Kaikatsu na Sakaba/Phillip Catt 1:250/470   416-778-7334 9+
ON Vanier      Echo Valley/Rick Chartrand      1:243/26    613-749-1016 2+
PQ Montreal    S-TEK/Eric Blair                G:1/201     514-597-2409 96

Latin America (FidoNet Zone 4)
PA Panama City Century XXI                     4:920/50   011507638075   4

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??????  Norman Brown's Consolidated List of aids Bulletin Board Systems ???????
               |n31                                        |#12        |p4
City           Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (?+) B Codes
Overseas - Asia (FidoNet Zone 6)
HK Island                /T.K.Kang             A:94:94/6   852-855-0569 2B

Overseas - Australia (FidoNet Zone 3)
Canterbury     Pride/Addam Stubbs              3:632/353   61-3836-6782 9+
Carnegie       Orion/Peter Fortey              3:632/338   61-3885-0002 94
Dolls Point    SouthmedSydney/Chris Moore      3:712/700   61-2583-1027 9A
Fitzroy        Big Tedd's #2/Robbie Bates      3:634/381   61-3417-1669 24
Sandgate       Soft-Tech/Alwyn Smith           3:640/201   61-7269-6355 94

Overseas - France (FidoNet Zone 2)
Paris          hivNET-Paris/Jean-Luc Dalous    2:280/413.3 33-142544519  O

Overseas - Germany (FidoNet Zone 2)
Haar           OASE/Wolfgang Roth              2:246/25    49-896883262 95
Muenchen       Medical System/Arnulf Bultmann  2:246/63    49-89-295223 9A
Rutesheim      SCHWUBS Gay/Roland Teich        2:244/52    49-715256330 9A
Seeheim        MoonBeam/Christoph Vaessen      2:2405/11   49-625786308 95

Overseas - Holland (FidoNet Zone 2)
Holland        MadCat'sHIVNET/Lodewijk Otto,MD 2:284/120   31-499060548  C

Overseas - Italy (FidoNet Zone 2)
Roma           SIDAnet Information/                        39-686801371  5

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               |n31                                        |#12        |p4
City           Bulletin Board/SYSOP            Z:Net/Node  Phone # (?+) B Codes
Overseas - Netherlands (FidoNet Zone 2)
               ArtNet/Martin Cleaver           2:280/204                 (
               Black Box/Stefan de Droog       2:280/403                 (
               FsFan BBS/Hans Hoekstra         2:280/304                 (
               Interface/Ron Huiskes(Mail Only)2:281/511                 (
               UTOPIA.HACKTIC.NL/F. Rodriquez  2:280/308                 (
Aalten         InfoBank/Freek Kempink          2:500/279                 (
Amsterdam      hivNET-Amsterdam/Jan Langenburg 2:280/413.2 31-206811504  O
Amsterdam      hivNET-Amsterdam/Matthew Lewis  2:280/413.3 31-206125918  O
Amsterdam      hivNET-Amsterdam/Tjerk Zweers   2:280/413.1 31-206647461 2=
Limburg        hivNET-Limburg/Lucas Vermaat    2:284/306   31-45-231754 2(
               Mad Cat's HIVNET                2:284/120   31-499060548  5
Rotterdam      hivNET-Rotterdam/Simon Bignell  2:280/413.4 31-102130501  O

Overseas - Oceania (FidoNet Zone 3)
Stanmore NSW             /Colin Lean           A:94:94/8   61-2569-5130 9B

Overseas - Sweden (FidoNet Zone 2)
Stockholm      Gay Telegraph/Bengt Ericson     G:1/301     999-999-9999 9+

Overseas - United Kingdom (FidoNet Zone 2)
Brighton       Spartacus/Barry Kingston        2:441/27    44-273509152 95
Locksheath     United Europe/George Cordner    A:94:94/9   44489-577514 9B
London         hivNET-London/Ron Dixon         2:280/413.2 44-816956113  (
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