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From FrInk@andronix.org Sun Oct 23 09:40:47 1994
Date: Thu Oct 20 15:23:02 1994
From: FrInk@andronix.org
To: a-albionic.com!jhdaugh@uunet.uu.net
Subject: 'Congress and Media email accounts'

Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 22:53:54 -0700
From: Jeff Chan <chan@shell.portal.com>
To: firearms-alert@nova.unix.portal.com
Subject: INFO: Congress, media email addresses

Here is a list of Congressional Represeintatives and senators who can be
reached by e-mail. You may want to save it for future reference.
                            United States Senate
     ID        Craig, Larry         larry_craig@craig.senate.gov.
     MA        Kennedy, Ted         senate@kennedy.senate.gov
     NM        Bingaman, Jeff       Senator_Bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov
     VA        Robb, Charles        senator_robb@robb.senate.gov
                  United States House of Representatives

     AK   4   Dickey, Jay           JDICKEY@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     AZ   1   Coppersmith, Sam      SAMAZ01@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     CA   7   Miller, George        FGEORGEM@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     CA  13   Stark, Pete           PETEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     CA  14   Eshoo, Anna           ANNAGRAM@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     CN   2   Gejdenson, Sam        BOZEH@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     FL  20   Deutsch, Peter        PDEUTSCH@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     GA   6   Gingrich, Newton      GEORGIA6@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     IL  14   Hastert, Dennis       DHASTERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     ME   1   Andrews, Thomas       TANDREWS@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     MI   3   Ehlers, Vernon        CONGEHLR@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     MI   4   Camp, Dave            DAVECAMP@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     MI  14   Conyers, John         JCONYERS@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     MN   3   Ramstad, Jim          MN03@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     MN   6   Grams, Rod            RODGRAMS@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     NC   7   Rose, Charlie         CROSE@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     NC  11   Taylor, Charles       CHTAYLOR@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     NC  12   Watt, Mel             MELMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     ND       Pomeroy, Earl         EPOMEROY@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     NJ  12   Zimmer, Dick          DZIMMER@ZHR.HOUSE.GOV
     NY  23   Boehlert, Sherwood    BOEHLERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     OH   2   Hoke, Martin          HOKEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     OR   1   Furse, Elizabeth      FURSEOR@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     TX   3   Johnson, Sam          SAMTX03@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     UT   2   Shepherd, Karen       SHEPHERD@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     WA   1   Cantwell, Maria       CANTWELL@HR.HOUSE.GOV
     WA   9   Kreidler, Mike        KREIDLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV
                  U.S. House of Representatives Committees
   Education and Labor
     Subcommittee on Labor-Management Relations
   Natural Resources
   Science, Space, and Technology
   The above information was compiled from the Senate and House Gophers..
 Send corrections/additions to grace.york@um.cc.umich.edu


                          Media on Internet list

What follows is a list of newpapers and other mass media outlets which
have some form of contact via internet. This is nowhere near as
comprehensive as it should be, so if you know of a paper which should be
added, or of corrections to be made, drop me a line giving details.

If you plan on writing a letter or note to any of the following media,
don't forget to include your name, address and daytime phone.

If you can't find a listing where you expect it, check at the very end,
where new entries have been placed. These either have not been
alphabetized yet, or their geographic location could not be ascertained
by my under rested thinking organ. If you can't find it there, submit a
correction / addition.

My address is gsu0010@bgu.edu



AK Anchorage   Daily News          74220.2560@compuserve.com
AL Birmingham  Blazer Tribune      kpate@vprua.vprua.uab.edu   Ken Pate
AL Birmingham  WYDE-AM             tony.giles@the-matrix.com   Tony Giles
AL Mobile      WALA-TV             gripper@aol.com             Bob Grip
AR Little Rock KARK                newsfour@aol.com
AZ Phoenix     Phoenix Gazette     phxgazette@aol.com
AZ Tuscon      KUAT-TV, PBS        comments@kuat.arizona.edu
BC Vancouver   Vancouver Columbian vanpaper@aol.com
CA Contra Cost CC County Times     cctletrs@netcom.com
CA Los Angeles Fox TV Network      foxnet@delphi.com
CA Los Angeles Urb Magazine        urbmag@netcom.com
CA Palo Alto   Palo Alto Weekly    paweekly@netcom.com.
CA Palo Alto   KZSU-FM             info@kzsu.stanford.edu
CA Sacremento  Sacremento Bee      sacbee@netcom.com
CA San Diego   SD Union-Tribune    computerlink@sduniontrib.com
CA San Diego   APR "Marketbasket"  market@mizar.usc.edu
CA San Francis Associated Press    weise@well.sf.ca.us         On the Net
CA San Francis KDFC-AM/FM          -------------------            
               General comments    comments@kksf.tbo.com
               News releases       news@kksf.tbo.com
CA San Francis KKSF-FM             SAME AS KDFC-AM/FM
CA San Francis KPIX-TV, CBS        74001.3461@compuserve.com
CA San Francis SF Examiner         sfexaminer@aol.com
CA San Francis SF Examiner Mag.    sfxmag@mcimai.com
CA San Francis Whole Earth Review  wer@well.sf.ca.us
CA San Francis U. Magazine         umag@well.sf.ca.us
CA San Jose    Mercury News        ------------------          --------------
                          Editorial Columnist JOJACOBS@aol.com     Joanne
               Environment Writer  STHURM@aol.com              Scott Thurm
               Editorial           PHILIPY809@aol.com          Phil Yost
CA San Jose    OutNOW!             jct@netcom.com
CA San Jose    The Spartan Daily   MEAGHER@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu    Jason Meagher
               (408)924-3280 Ed.   (408)924-7932 V-mail
CA San Luis Ob KCBX                kcbx@slonet.org
CA San Mateo   San Mateo Times     smtimes@crl.com
CA Santa Cruz  Cruz Cnty Sentinel  --------------------
               Voice (408)423-4242 kevinw@cruzio.com           Kevin Woodward
               Letters to editor   sented@cruzio.com       
               News desk           sentcity@cruzio.com
CA Santa Cruz  KUSP-FM             kusp@cruzio.com
CA Santa Rosa  The SRJC Oak Leaf   roger@well.sf.ca.us         Roger Karraker
CA Santa Rosa  Silueta             silueta@wave.sci.org
CA Travis AFB  Tailwind            paffairs@EMH1.TRAVIS.AF.MIL TSgt. DC
Washington  Aviation Daily      grahamg@mgh.com
DC Washington  Journal Newspaper   thejournal@aol.com
DC Washington  National Pub Radio  ----------------------
               Mon.Radio Letterbox letterbox@wshb.csms.com
               Talk of the Nation  totn@aol.com
               Science Friday      scifri@aol.com
               Fresh Air           freshair@hslc.org
               West Coast Live     west_coast_live@netcom.com
               Weekend ATC         watc@cap.gwu.edu
               Weekend Ed./Sunday  wesun@clark.net
DC Washington  PBS "POV"           povonline@aol.com
DC Washington  Surveillant,Mil Int 70346.1166@compuserve.com
DC Washington  U.S.News&World Rpt  vic@access.digex.net        Vic Sussman
               Voice (202)955-2093 Fax (202)955-2549
DC Washington  USA Today           usatoday@clark.net
DC Washington  VOA/Worldnet TV     -------------------
               From outside the US letters@voa.gov
               From within the US  letters-usa@voa.gov
               QSLs outside US     qsl@voa.gov
               QSLs inside US      qsl-usa@voa.gov
               Agriculture Today   agri@voa.gov
               VOA-Europe(English) voa-europe@voa.gov
               VOA-Morning Program voa-morning@voa.gov
FL Miami       Sun-Sentinel        vineeditor@aol.com
FL Orlando     GQ Magazine         gqmag@aol.com
FL St.Petersbu St.Petersburg Times 73174.3344@compuserve.com
FL Tallahassee Tallahasse Democrat letters@freenet.fsu.edu
IA Des Moines  WHO-AM              news@who-radio.com
IA Iowa City   Icon                icon@igc.apc.org
IL Chicago     Playboy             playboy@class.com
IL Chicago     The Tribune         tribletter@aol.com
                                   ericzorn@aol.com            Eric Zorn
IL Chicago     The Sun Times       decc@cs.uchicago.edu        Don Crabb
               Voice (312)702-7173 Fax(312)702-9417
IL Chicago     WBBM-TV, CBS        wbbmch2@aol.com
IL Chicago     WGN-TV              wgntv@aol.com
IL Evanston    Daily Northwestern  daily@merle.acns.nwu.edu
IL Glen Ellyn  WDCB Radio          scotwitt@delphi.com
IL Park Forest 2nd Amend. Caucus   gunsmoke@bgu.edu            Karl
IL Peoria      Peoria Journal Star xxnews@heartland.bradley.edu
IL Peoria      WEEK-TV             xxweek@heartland.bradley.edu
IL Springfield Illinois Issues     wojcicki@eagle.sangamon.edu.
IL Univ. Park  The Innovator       gsurag@bgu.edu              Jeff Dinelli
               Voice (708)534-4517
IL Urbana      News-Gazette        gazette@prairienet.org
IN Greencastle DePauw Magazine     mlillich@depauw.edu
KS Lawrence    C User's Journal    cujsub@rdpub.com
MA Cambridge   Sky & Telescope     skytel@cfa.harvard.edu
MA Cambridge   The Tech            ------------------          -------------
               News                news@the-tech.mit.edu               Sports
MA Boston      Bay Windows         baywindo@world.std.com
MA Boston      The Boston Globe    multiple listings
               letters to editor   letter@globe.com
 MA Framingham  Middlesex News      multiple listings
               general             news@news.ci.net
               letters to editor   letters@news.ci.net
               op ed page          oped@news.ci.net
               The Answer guys     guys@news.ci.net
MI Albion      Student Newspaper   cleverett@albion.bitnet     Chris Leverett
MI Detroit     WXYZ-TV, ABC Affil. wxyztv@aol.com
MI Flint       Flint Journal       fj@flintj.com
MI ?           Student Movement    smeditor@andrews.edu
ME Maine PubTV "Media Watch"       greenman@maine.maine.edu
MN Minneapolis Minnesota Daily     network@edit.mndly.umn.edu.
MN Minneapolis Training Magazine   trainmag@aol.com
MN Minneapolis Twin Cities Reader  sari23@aol.com
MN Minneapolis WCCO-TV             wccotv@mr.net
MN St. Paul    Pioneer Press       vpress@aol.com
MO Columbia    KOMU-TV, NBC        swoelfel@bigcat.missouri.edu.
MO St. Charles St.Charles Countian pacmosteve@aol.com
MO St. Louis   KWMU-FM             kwmu@umslva.bitnet
MO Springfield News-Leader         ---------------------       --------------
               Letters to editor   nleditor@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
               Press releases      nlnews@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
MO West County West Countian       pacmosteve@aol.com
NAM Windhoek   The Namibian        tom@namibian.com.na
NE Lincoln     Neb.Educational TV  etv@unlinfo.unl.edu
NF St. John's  The Muse            muse@morgan.ucs.mun.ca      Raylene Rowe
               Voice (709)737-4758 Fax (709)737-4753
NM Albequerque Albequerque Journal multiple listings
               higher education    ntipton@carina.unm.edu      Nancy Tipton
               columnist           jbelshaw@triton.unm.edu     Jim Belshaw
               national security   jfleck@hydra.unm.edu        John Fleck
NOR Oslo       Morgenbladet        truls@telepost.no
NY Buffalo     WBFO                wbfo@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
NY Geneva      WEOS                weos@hws.bitnet
NY Ithaca      WICB                wicb@aol.com
NY New York    NBC Nightly News    nightly@nbc.com
NY New York    NBC Dateline        dateline@nbc.ge.com
NY New York    New York Press      nyp@echonyc.com
NY New York    Rolling Stone       rollingstone@echonyc.com
NY New York    Rush Limbaugh Show  70277.2502@compuserve.com
NY New York    Small Business Gaz. jimd34@aol.com
NY New York    Spectrum            n.hantman@ieee.org
NY New York    NY Transfer News    nyt@blythe.org              Kathleen Kelly
               Modem (718)448-2358 Fax (718)448-3423
NY New York    The Village Voice   voice@echonyc.com
NY New York    Washington Squ.News nyuwsn@aol.com
NY New York    WCBS-AM, CBS        news88@prodigy.com
NY New York    WNYC                76020.560@compuserve.com
NY Oswego      WRVO-FM             wrvo@oswego.edu
NY ?           JSU Newsl, Poly UNY jsu@photon.poly.edu
NY ?           Reporter, Poly UNY  reporter@photon.poly.edu
OH Bowling Gre The BG News         bgnews@andy.bgsu.edu        Chris Hawley
OH Cleveland   WWWE 1100 AM        talk11a@prodigy.com
OH Elyria      Chronicle-Telegram  macroncl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
OH Elyria      WEOL-AM             maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
OH Elyria      WNWV-FM             maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
OH Lorain      Morning Journal     mamjornl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
OH Oberlin     Oberlin Alumni Mag. pgrashoff@ocvaxa.cc.oberlin.edu
               Editor              Voice(216)775-8182          Linda Grashoff
OH Oberlin     Chronicle-Telegram  macroncl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
OH Yellow Spri Antioch Comm.Record record@chaos.antioch.edu    Anne Danahy
               Voice(513)767-6418                              C. Feuerstein
OH Youngstown  WFMJ-TV             news21a@yfn.ysu.edu
OH ?           The Morning Journal a1356@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
                                                               R. Hendrickson
OH ?           Ohio U.Public Radio radio@ohiou.edu
OH ?           Ohio U.Public TV    tv@ohiou.edu
ON ?           TV Ont."The Future" the_future@tvo.org
ON Carleton    The Charlatan       ---------------------       --------------
               Voice(613)788-6680  wcspaper@ccs.carleton.ca
                                   mcr@physics.carleton.ca     Mike
ON Ottawa      CJOH-TV             ab363@freenet.carleton.ca
ON Ottawa      Frank Magazine      ag419@freenet.carleton.ca
ON Ottawa      Hill Times          ab142@freenet.carleton.ca
ON Ottawa      Ottawa Citizen      ----------------------      --------------
               Editorial Pg Editor ac583@freenet.carleton.ca   Peter Calamai
OR Eugene      KLCC                tammyr@efn.org              Tammy Rae
OR Portland    KOIN                koin06A@prodigy.com
OR Portland    Portland Oregonian  oreeditors@aol.com
PA Philadelphi City Paper          71632.57@compuserve.com
PA Philadelphi Drexel U. Triangle  blyweias@duvm.bitnet     
PAPhiladelphi Phil. Inquirer      editpage@aol.com
PA Pittsburg   WRCT-FM             wrct@andrew.cmu.edu
PA Univ. Penn  Daily Pennsylvanian dailypenn@a1.relay.upenn.edu
PA Westchester The Quad            dlatham@wcupa.edu           David Latham
RI Providence  Brown Alumni Monthl R.I.bam@brownvm.brown.edu
SAF Johannesb  Weekly Mail&Guardia wmail-info@wmail.misanet.org
TN Nashville   WTVF-TV             craig.owensby@nashville.com Craig Owensby
TN Knoxville   The News-Sentinel   ---------------------
               Newsroom            kns-news@use.usit.net
               Letters             kns-letters-to-editor@use.usit.net
TX Austin      Austin Chronicle    xephyr@bga.com
TX Austin      Daily Texan         texan@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
TX Houston     KHOU-TV             khou@neosoft.com
TX San Antonio Trinitonian         hlewis.cs.trinity.edu       Hugh Lewis
UK London      BBC World Service   iac@bbc-iabr.demon.co.uk
UK London      Journal Publication dbailey@cix.compulink.co.uk Diane Bailey
UT Salt Lake   Salt Lake Tribune   the.editors@sltrib.com
VA U or Virgin Cavalier Daily      cavdaily@virginia.edu
WA Bellevue    Journal American    jaedit@aol.com
WA Seattle     KIRO-AM/FM          kiro@halcyon.com
WA Seattle     KING-AM             king1090@aol.com
WA Seattle     KOMO-AM             normg@halcyon.com
WA Seattle     KUOW Radio          kuow@u.washington.edu
WA Seattle     The Seattle Times   pauland@HEBRON.CONNECTED.COM Paul Andrews
               Voice(206)464-3730  edtimes@hebron.connected.com
WA Seattle     The Stranger        stranger@cyberspace.com
WA ?           Washington Technews technews@access.digex.net
WI Madison     Nat. Campus Report  pavogt@students.wisc.edu    Peter Vogt
WI Madison     The Progressive     progmag@igc.apc.org

New Stuff, Not yet alphabetized or geographically located
?              New Liberation News nlns@igc.apc.org
? ?            Advertising Age     ehbu73a@prodigy.com
? ?            Allure              alluremag@aol.com
? ?            AAState Col & Univs memo@aascu.nche.edu
? ?            American Prospect   tap@aol.com
? ?            Amer Journalism Rev amerjourrv@aol.com
? Bucknell U   The Bucknellian     bucknellian@bucknel.edu
? ?            Business Week       bwreader@mgh.com
? ?            China Biz Econ Upda chinahand@aol.com
? ?            Chronicle Higher Ed editor@chronicle.merit.edu
? ?            Cowles Media Daily  simba02@aol.com
? ?            Cornell Daily Sun   Cornell.Daily.Sun@cornell.edu
? ?            Dealmakers          Ted.Kraus@property.com
? ?            Details             detailsmag@aol.com
? ?            Earth First! Journ  earthfirst@igc.apc.org
? ?            Forbes              5096930@mcimail.com
? ?            Glamour             glamourmag@aol.com
? ?            Go World            ishius@ishius.com
? ?            Infosecurity News   2439796@mcimail.com
? ?            Info. Law Alert     markvoor@phantom.com
? ?            Int. Herald-Tribune iht@eurokom.ie
? ?            iX, Germany         post@ix.de
? ?            Journal Newspapers  tstreuli@sugar.neosoft.com  Ted Streuli
? ?            Mademoiselle        mllemag@aol.com
? ?            Media Page          mpage@netcom.com
? ?            Midwifery Today     midwifery@aol.com
? ?            Mother Jones        x@mojones.com
? ?            The Nation          nation@igc.org
? ?            Nat Press Photograp 70501.763@compuserve.com
? ?            The New Republic    editors@tnr.com
? ?            New Scientist       75310.1661@compuserve.com
? ?            Newsweek Periscope  71333.3401@compuserve.com
? ?            One Country, Baha'i 1country@bic.org
? ?            Reason              70703.2152@compuserve.com
? ?            "Radio Graffiti"    alan@panix.com
? ?            Scientific American letters@sciam.com
? ?            Security Insidr Rep p00506@psilink.com
? ?            The Tartan          tartan@andrew.cmu.edu
? ?            Time Magazine       timeletter@aol.com
? ?            Ultramarathon       an346@freenet.carleton.ca
? ?            USA Weekend         usaweekend@aol.com
? ?            Utne Reader         editor@utnereader.com
? ?            Multichannel News   higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org
? ?            Soc. Newspaper Desi fairbairn@plink.geis.com
? ?            Spec-Com Journal    spec-com@genie.geis.com
? ?            Vogue               voguemail@aol.com
? ?            Washington City Pap washcp@aol.com
? Saskatoon    Western Producer    fairbairn@plink.geis.com
? ?            Windows User        75300.3513@compuserve.com
NY New York    Workers World       ww@blythe.org
DC Washington  US News & World Rep 71154.1006@compuserve.com             

This list is maintained as a service of Academic Computing Services, 
Governors State University, University Park Ill. The material contained 
herein is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Full permission to 
copy and distribute is granted provided it's done without profit and
this message remains attached in full. (C) May, 1994 Karl Rademacher,
ACS-GSU. Please send additions or corrections to gsu0010@bgu.edu
Writing to Editors is not so dificult.  Just keep the letter breif, sign with
name and address and phone number.  If your letter doesn't get published, it
will still contribute by supporting the publishing of a similar point of

Regards, Clint

 | Disclaimer  - Neither FrInk@andronix.org nor  anyone mentioned herein nor |
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 | Copyright 1991, 1192, 1993, 1994 by FrInk@andronix.org, Sui Juris, S.L.E. |
 | All  Rights Reserved." All duplicated material is Copyright by the Author |
 | and quoted under the "Fair Use Doctrine" with permission where possible.  |
"The tank, the B-52, the fighter-bomber, the state controlled police and
the military are the weapons of dictatorship.  The rifle is the weapon of
democracy...  If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns.
Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our
rulers.  Only the government - and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the
outlaws." --Edward Abbey