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Subject: HCI Semi-Annual Progress Report

    Handgun Control Semi-Annual Progress Report
    December 1992

X  HCI's agenda for action in the 103rd Congress detailed - the Brady Bill
   and beyond!

X  HCI's '92 PAC victories:  Welcoming new friends

X  Hollywood celebs highlight Center to Prevent Handgun Violence's
   first Washington, DC, gala, honoring Jim Brady

X  Center's anti-violence curriculum launched in key school districts
   across country

X  Gun dealers beware:  CPHV's Legal Action Project is watching you

X  It's not too late to vote!  HCI's Board of Directors ballot enclosed

X  HCI lobbyists shut out the NRA hired guns on the state level this year

X  Sign up for HCI's '93 Annual Members' Meeting


"Free the Brady Bill" Succeeds, But Measure Left Unfinished as 
Congress Adjourns

   Despite getting off to a great start in the 102nd Congress, with
passage of the Brady Bill - for the first time - in the U.S. House of
Representatives in May 1991, the 102nd Congress adjourned without
sending this important bill to the President.

   The U.S. Senate, which had passed the Brady Bill as part of its
larger, more comprehensive omnibus crime bill, ultimately failed to get
enough votes to send the conference (final version) crime bill to the
President in the last days of the session.  Senate leaders had tried
unsuccessfully throughout 1992 to break a Republican filibuster to move
the bill.  The U.S. House passed the conference version ten months

   When it became clear that the Brady Bill was being held hostage to a
stalled crime bill, Handgun Control launched a massive, national
grassroots effort to "Free the Brady Bill" and move it separately.  At
more than three dozen news conferences from coast to coast during the
month of September, local handgun control advocates, doctors, teachers,
mayors, law enforcement officers, clergy and victims joined together in
an unprecedented effort to persuade Congress to send the Brady Bill to
the President.  On the kick-off day, Sarah Brady joined Coretta Scott
King and other civil rights leaders in Atlanta, and Jim Brady joined
Mayor David Dinkins and law enforcement leaders in New York City to call
for action.  Ten other cities from Los Angeles to Portland, Maine,
hosted events that first day.

   Our efforts paid off when, on September 28th, Senate Majority Leader
George Mitchell (ME) "freed" the Brady Bill, by reintroducing it as a
free-standing measure.  However, under strong threat of a filibuster,
orchestrated by NRA-backed Senators Phil Gramm (R-TX) and Larry Craig
(R-ID), an NRA Board Member, Mitchell was not able to bring the bill up
for a separate vote before adjournment.

   While a handful of Republican Senators blocked votes on both the
crime bill containing the Brady Bill, and the Brady Bill as a separate
measure, President Bush attempted to posture himself as "moderate" on
the Brady Bill.  Appearing on a national television talk show, Bush said
that he supported the Mitchell-Dole measure (the final Senate Brady
Bill language).  However, his true position became clear when on October
2nd, the day the Senate failed to move the omnibus crime bill, NBC News
reported that "the President's aides have told Senate Republicans to
stand firm - no separate vote on handgun controls, no action this year."

   With President Bush no longer able to clock this important bill, we
are confident we will see the Brady Bill become law very soon.

 [picture]  Coretta Scott King joins Sarah Brady in Atlanta for kick-off
            "Free the Brady Bill" news conference.


   102nd Congress Yields Gun Control Victories

   Although the 102nd Congress adjourned without sending the Brady Bill
to the President, it did produce two key gun control victories.

   Congress stopped the restoration of gun rights to convicted felons, a
program which had been administered by the federal Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).  This program, which cost ATF more than $4
million per year, and involved more than 40 full-time federal employees,
had restored the right to possess firearms to more than 2,000 felons
between 1985 and 1990.  In committee, Rep. Larry Smith (D-FL) added a
provision to the Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
Appropriations Bill which forbids ATF from spending any money on this
program.  The bill subsequently cleared both Houses of Congress, was
signed into law, and the money and staff will now be directed toward
enforcing federal gun laws.

   And, in a major victory for District of Columbia residents, who
overwhelmingly passed an assault weapon dealer liability law a year ago,
a serious challenge to this landmark law was rebuffed.  NRA supporter,
Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH), offered an amendment to repeal the District's
law to the Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary Appropriations Bill on
the Senate floor, where it was adopted.  Fortunately, Sen. Howard
Metzenbaum (D-OH) crafted an agreement to get the repeal language
removed from the final appropriations bill, saving the law, which holds
that gun dealers and sellers can be held civilly liable for the deaths
and injuries caused by assault weapons in Washington, D.C.


HCI On The Move Across America

In 1992, Handgun Control state legislative efforts resulted in a shutout
against the National Rifle Association.  In every previous year, the NRA
has passed at least one state bill - preemption legislation, carrying
concealed weapons legislation, or Constitutional "right to bear arms"
amendments.  This year, Handgun Control, Inc., and our allies have
defeated the NRA's legislation in every state, with major battles
occurring Indiana, Louisiana and Missouri.  On the state and local
level, we are beating the NRA across the nation.  In what appears to be
an important trend toward saving the lives of children, many states have
passed child accident protection (CAP) laws, which hold adults liable if
a child gets hold of a loaded, accessible handgun.

FLORIDA  The legislature passed a bill banning shotgun ammunition
marketed as "Dragon's Breath."

HAWAII  Capping a two-year effort, the legislature passed a landmark bill
banning assault pistols and pistol ammunition magazines holding more
than ten rounds.  This bill is significant because it is the first
_state_ law to use a generic definition of assault weapons, and its
magazine ban is the most restrictive in the nation.  The legislature
also passed a child accident prevention bill and a bill to increase the
State's waiting period to 14 days.  After meeting with Sarah Brady in
Washington, D.C., Governor John Waihee signed all three bills last

INDIANA  After the Senate passed an NRA bill which would have preempted
all local gun control laws, we focussed attention on how absurd it was
to wipe out effective laws when crime is on the rise, and managed to
defeat the NRA proposal on the House floor.

LOUISIANA  The NRA suffered a tremendous setback in the South when the
Louisiana House of Representatives defeated a bill to allow citizens to
carry concealed weapons.  The measure was the subject of an intense
lobbying effort by HCI, law enforcement, and activists in the State.

MARYLAND  The legislature passed, and the Governor signed into law, the
broadest state child accident prevention law to date, stating that
adults can be held liable even if no injury occurs.  HCI worked closely
with Governor Schaefer and Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse in this
successful two-year effort.

MINNESOTA  The Minnesota legislature passed a first-in-the-nation law
prohibiting the sale of firearms to persons convicted of spousal abuse.
This new law was skillfully ushered through the legislature by Citizens
for a Safer Minnesota.

MISSOURI  An NRA bill to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons passed
the House, but was killed in a Senate committee after HCI worked with
the local law enforcement community to explain how dangerous this
measure was to the public safety.

NEW JERSEY  Completing a two-year effort, the legislature passed, and the
Governor signed into law, a child accident prevention bill.

   Also in New Jersey, it appears that the legislature will not succeed
in its NRA-backed effort to overturn Governor Florio's veto of
legislation designed to repeal the State's historic ban on assault
weapons.  However, since the NRA has invested more than $300,000 in a
attempt to elect pro-gun lawmakers, we must be prepared for another
attempt to defeat this public safety law.

WISCONSIN  Completing a three-year effort, the legislature passed, and
Governor Tommy Thompson signed into law, a child accident prevention

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS  The City of Chicago enacted a ban on the possession
of both assault weapons and ammunition magazines holding more than 12

HOUSTON, TEXAS  In response to a series of tragedies, the City Council
passed a strong child accident prevention bill.


HCI's Legislative Agenda for the 103rd Congress

   HCI lobbyists will hit the ground running in January, as the new
Congress convenes.  With a new Administration and many new advocates in
Congress, we have an unprecedented opportunity to advance out
life-saving agenda.

   First we must quickly pass the Brady Bill, the cornerstone of an
effective federal gun policy.  In 1991, we stunned the gun lobby by
pushing this important measure through both the House and Senate by huge
margins.  We must ensure that this bill becomes law early in the

   The Brady Bill alone will save many, many lives and prevent countless
injuries.  But after this measure is law, we have many other important
battles to fight.

Banning Crime Guns

   There are whole categories of guns and gun accessories which are
primarily used in crime - not for law enforcement, sport, or
self-protection.  In the next Congress we will work to:

the AK-47.

hold 30-40 rounds, and "drum" magazines, which hold 75-90 rounds of
ammunition at a time.

These are already banned from import.  They should not be produced

Curbing Interstate Gun Running

   The Brady Bill will make it much tougher for gun traffickers to buy
weapons on a "cash-and-carry" basis in one state and take them to
another to sell on the black market.  But we will also work for
legislation to:

operating retail businesses.

unlicensed individuals at gun shows.

Protecting Children Through Safety Requirements

   Too many children are killed or maimed in gun accidents every year.
HCI lobbyists will work to:

chances of accidental shootings.

as automobile drivers must do to obtain licenses.

   Finally, we know the ever-more-extreme NRA will not sit idle next
year.  Over the past year, their aggressive membership drive, which
played on fears over the L.A. riots, has recruited many new members and
raised millions of dollars.  The new NRA President, Bob Corbin, has
vowed to double the NRA membership - to over 5 million.  The NRA will
continue to be a formidable foe in our fight for a sensible national gun

   But the future is bright, and with hard work and your help, we will


HCI/CPHV Name New President

   Richard Aborn, a New York City-based attorney was elected President
of Handgun Control and its sister organization, The Center to Prevent
Handgun Violence, in June.  Aborn, who had served on HCI's Board of
Directors for four years and the Center's for one, has been involved in
the gun control movement since 1979.  A former homicide prosecutor in
the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, Aborn has been directly
involved in a wide range of activities promoting gun control - from
testifying in support of legislation to lobbying on Capitol Hill.  Aborn
has served to two commissions dedicated to utilizing the public health
profession in violence prevention, and has worked with law enforcement
on methods to stop illegal gun trafficking.


Guns Don't Die... People Do

> In Tampa, FL, at their wedding reception, an angry bride threw a plate
of macaroni at her new husband, who responded by shooting her in the
stomach with a handgun.

> A 16-year-old Japanese exchange student living in Baton Rouge, LA, was
shot to death when he failed to understand a warning to "Freeze!" after
mistakenly approaching the wrong house for a Halloween party.

> A Milwaukee man said he was "just being stupid" when he tried to shoot
a beer can off the head of a 16-year-old, who died from the stunt.

> A 15-year-old honor student was murdered while gardening at his
Washington, D.C., home.  He was apparently chosen at random by a gunman
who said he "had the urge to do it."

> A Philadelphia, PA, executive fatally shot himself at his New Mexico
ranch while apparently using a loaded shotgun as a crutch.

> A Miami, FL, clubgoer who was chased into a men's room and doused with
beer by a woman, shot a man to death for laughing at him.

> "I'm the NRA" posterboy, actor Jameson Parker, was shot in a dispute
with his neighbor over dog waste.


Members' Page

New Materials to Help Spread Message

   Our 1990 "God Bless America" poster is now available.  As in years
past, it makes a powerful statement on the need for sensible gun laws.
If you would like a copy, please contact Shawn Taylor at (202) 898-0792.

   HCI bumper stickers are here!  Show your support by putting one on
your car, hanging it in your office, or passing them out to your
friends.  To receive a bumper sticker, send a stamped, self-addressed
envelope to "Bumper Sticker," 1225 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100.
Washington, D.C. 20005

[poster]           IN 1990, HANDGUNS KILLED
                  22 PEOPLE IN GREAT BRITAIN
                         13 IN SWEDEN
                       91 IN SWITZERLAND
                         87 IN JAPAN
                        10 IN AUSTRALIA
                         68 IN CANADA
                AND 10,567 IN THE UNITED STATES.

                       GOD BLESS AMERICA.

[snub-nose revolver painted red, white, and blue]                 
[fine print unreadable in newsletter]



HCI Rocks at Lollapalooza

   Once again, HCI participated in the summer concert series,
Lollapalooza, in an effort to reach America's young people - those most
at risk of gun violence.  Lollapalooza was organized by former Jane's
Addiction lead singer Perry Farrell to promote political activism among
young, progressive music lovers.  The 32-date tour travelled from San
Francisco to Florida, featuring bands, local artists, local musicians,
and performers.  HCI staff and volunteers distributed "NRA-NOT!" and
"I'm for Gun Control and I Vote" stickers and HCI material to the

   We'd like to thank everyone who volunteered at our booths, all across
the country.  We couldn't have done it without you.  See you again, next


Citizen Action Groups Form in Wake of Gun Violence.

   Gun control advocates are countering the powerful lobbying efforts of
the NRA with grassroots citizen action.

   "Virginians Against Handgun Violence" was formed earlier this year by
citizens outraged at the rising incidents of gun violence in the
Tidewater area.  Armed with HCI's House Party video kits, VAHV enlisted
more than 200 new HCI members in less than 60 days!  VAHV is now
actively building coalitions around the state to encourage state
legislators to enact tougher gun laws.

   In Iowa, the "November First Coalition" was formed in the wake of a
gunman's shooting spree on the University of Iowa campus, which left
five people dead and one woman permanently paralyzed.  Organizer Dennis
Smith declared, "A statewide network of concerned citizens has a
profound influence with lawmakers and a tremendous education impact on
local communities."

   Gun violence prevention and education groups have also formed this
year in Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.  They join
already established groups in Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York,
Ohio, Oregon, Minnesota, Missouri, and Washington, which have become an
indispensable part of our grassroots campaign.  Kudos to all of you!

   For more information on HCI's House Party video kit, call Jane Kelso
at 202-989-0792.


Don't Miss the 1993 Handgun Control, Inc. Members' Meeting and Lobby Day

Annual Members' Meeting - Monday, June 7th
Lobby Day - Tuesday, June 8th

   The Annual Member's Meeting and Lobby day are two days of valuable
information on the gun control movement and HCI's lobbying strategy.
You can attend workshops led by HCI Chair Sarah Brady and HCI staff,
learn more about the education and legal action work of the Center to
Prevent Handgun Violence, and visit your federal legislators.  It's also
a great time to meet other gun violence victims and gun control
advocates to share views and ideas on how to build our movement.  You
don't want to miss it!

   [] I'd like more information on HCI's Annual Member's Meeting and
Lobby Day.  Please send an information packet to me at the address
listed below.  [space for Name, Address, City/State/Zip, Phone Number]
Return these coupons to:  Handgun Control, 1225 Eye St., NW, Room 1100,
Washington, DC 20005


Dear Sarah,

I want to help you and Jim in your lobbying efforts to enact the Brady
Bill and an assault weapons ban early in the 103rd Congress.

I'm enclosing a special contribution to assist Handgun Control, Inc., in
its aggressive lobbying campaign for 1993 and beyond.

Enclosed is my contribution for: [check-off boxes for $15/25/50/other]
[space for Name, Address, City/State/Zip, Phone Number]



[picture of baby playing with pistol]

   Founded in 1983 by Pete Shields, also a founder of Handgun Control,
Inc., the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence is a national 501 (c)(3)
education, research and legal action organization.  Its mission is to
educate the public about the scope of handgun violence and ways to
prevent it.

   This initiative is base on the Center's recognition that fundamental
change in public attitudes - and an increased level of public outrage -
is necessary to reduce the wave of gun violence endangering today's

LAP Outgunning NRA

   In its first three years of existence, the Center's Legal Action
Project (LAP) has become the guardian of our nation's gun control laws
and the champion of the legal rights of victims against the gun

   Facing a relentless gun lobby legal attack on new state and local gun
laws passed with HCI support, Legal Action Project lawyers have been in
courtrooms from coast to coast defending these hardwon legislative

> California:  A federal appeals court upheld California's assault
weapon ban, dismissing the NRA's lawsuit attempting to overturn the law.
The Legal Action Project had filed a brief in support of the law, along
with a coalition of nine police groups.  _The_NRA_is_expected_to_

> New York City:  A federal judge rebuffed the NRA's attempt to stop New
York's assault rifle ban from going into effect.  The Legal Action
Project entered the case as amicus curiae, with eight New York police

> Columbus, Ohio:  With the Project's help, the Columbus assault weapon
ban survived a federal suit by gun makers Colt's Manufacturing and
Springfield Armory.

   The Legal Action Project is also taking the offensive against gun
violence by helping victims and their families in liability lawsuits
against irresponsible gun dealers.  In Farley v. Guns Unlimited, in
Virginia Beach, Virginia, Project lawyers helped to achieve the
nation's first jury verdict against a gun dealer for selling a pistol
to a minor through an adult "straw purchaser."  The Project's help also
was instrumental in the Goldfarb v. The Grant Boys case, which resulted
in a $900,000 settlement against a California dealer who sold a shotgun
to a woman who showed obvious signs of mental instability while in the
gun shop.  The woman shot and killed an acquaintance several hours
later.  The price tag was still attached to the gun.

   Groundbreaking victims' cases like these are sending a strong message
to the gun industry:  putting profit ahead of public safety can carry a
high price.  As a Washington Post editorial put it, "Those who supply
these weapons must bear the costs of marketing decisions that expose
society to extraordinary risks."

   Finally, Project lawyers are exposing NRA lies and distortions of the
Second Amendment wherever they are found.  Last year, the Center's
landmark study of high school social studies texts found widespread
ignorance by textbook writers about court decisions limiting the Second
Amendment right to the "well-regulated militia."  We are working to
ensure that those who publish textbooks, and the educators who by them,
understand the truth:  that the Second Amendment _does_not_ guarantee an
individual right to own guns.


First CPHV Gala a Smashing Success

   "Be a Life Saver - Help Stop the Violence" was the theme of the
Center's first-ever Washington fundraising gala, held on June 8th.
Actor Beau Bridges emceed the event, which honored Former White House
Press Secretary James Brady.  Mr. Brady received the first annual "Pete
Shields" award, which recognizes the outstanding work of one individual
who has made a difference in the campaign for a safer America.  The
award, named for the Center's founder, Pete Shields, was presented to
Jim by Pete's wife, Jeanne.  Mrs. Shields expressed Pete's regrets that
he was unable to attend.

   Hundreds of supporters showed up, including Washington, D.C. Mayor
Sharon Pratt Kelly, Senator Paul Simon (D-IL), D.C. Delegate Eleanor
Holmes Norton, Daniel Shea, President of the American Academy of
Pediatrics, and D.C. Police Chief Isaac Fulwood.  Entertainment was
provided by Comedy Central's Paul Provenza.

[picture] Actress Mariette Hartley, Wendy Bridges, Beau Bridges and D.C.
          Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton greet Jim Brady at CPHV gala.


Docs Help Parents Keep Kids Safe

   Parents can now learn from the pediatricians how to prevent childhood
gun injuries, a leading cause of death for children.  Under a new
partnership program of the Center and the American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP), pediatricians across the country will be counseling parents and
distributing safety information.

   Just as doctors warn parents of other household dangers and potential
hazards, they will explain to parents that guns in the home are a danger
to children and that their children may be at risk where they play and
visit, as well.  Doctors will counsel parents on the risks guns in the
home present to children, and provide clear prevention steps to avoid
gun accidents.

   The Center worked with the AAP, with its 44,000 member pediatricians,
to develop effective educational tools for doctors, and for parents.
Pediatricians will be provided with a kit containing posters for their
waiting rooms, brochures to distribute to parents, and background
information for their use, including an audiotape discussion by C.
Everett Koop, MD, former U.S. Surgeon General.

   In November, "Child Safety and Protection Month," the Center and the
AAP began distributing these educational kits to a random sample of
pediatric practices nationwide to evaluate the materials before
embarking on a large scale national distribution.


"Straight Talk" About Guns and Kids

[picture] Jim Brady is joined by school children 
          at STAR kick-off in New York City

   Daily headlines are a harrowing reminder of the violence striking our
children, our communities and our schools.  Every day, 12 American
children under the age of 19 are killed in gun homicides, suicides and
accidents.  Many more are wounded.

   The Center has undertaken a multi-year effort to educate American
schoolchildren about avoiding the danger of guns and to provide ways to
prevent gun violence.  We have developed and introduced the nation's
first comprehensive gun violence prevention program for Pre-K-12

   Straight Talk About Risks (STAR) helps students build life-saving
skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, resisting peer
pressure and managing anger or conflicts nonviolently.  STAR
demonstrates that gun fights and shooting accidents between children and
teens _can_ be prevented - when young children recognize the dangers of
guns and know how to stay away from them - when teens learn to resist
peer pressure to carry or handle weapons - and when parents unload and
lock up guns in the home, away from children.

   The STAR program is considered by school teachers and administrators
across the country as a proactive step towards reducing gun violence
among children, both at home and in the community.  New York City public
schools adopted STAR last spring to combat a rising tide of gun violence
in schools.  The State of New Jersey followed by putting STAR in more
than 25 middle schools, statewide.  STAR is also reaching thousands of
students in Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland and Ventura County,
California.  Plans for a national expansion are underway.

   STAR services and materials, often paid for by grant funding, include
teacher training, a curriculum guide for teachers, videos for middle and
high school students, and tools for educating parents.  STAR is
available in English and Spanish to maximize student and parent


Entertainers Join Fight Against Gun Violence

   The Center's Los Angeles-base Entertainment Resources Division is
working with entertainers, writers and producers in an effort to get gun
violence prevention themes incorporated into television, music and

   In August, the Center held its first "lot briefing" at Universal
Studios, attended by more than 100 writers, producers, actors, and
entertainment executives, to familiarize them with the issue of gun
violence and to share ideas.  CPHV Chair Sarah Brady was joined by
Michael Chitwood, Police Chief of Portland, Maine, and Garen Wintemute,
MD, a nationally recognized health and gun violence prevention expert.
The briefing included motivating and informative sessions on the issues
of guns in the home, guns in schools, guns and self-protection, and
children and guns.

   A similar briefing was held in November at Warner Brothers Studios.
The Entertainment Resources Division will continue to encourage industry
professionals to portray the tragic consequences of gun violence in
their creative projects.


Where There's a Will, There's a Way

   Through your will or through planned giving of assets, you guarantee
that your commitment to preventing gun violence will carry into the
future and become a lasting memorial for a safer society.

   If you would like to receive additional information on giving through
your will - or through other giving plans - please complete the
information, right, and mail to our Development Office at 1225 Eye
Street, N.W., Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005  or call us as (202)
289-7319.  All gifts made to the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence are
tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

[space for Name, Address, City/State/Zip, Daytime telephone]


NRA Fails to "Clinton-Proof" 103rd Congress

New Gun Control Supporters Elected

   Long before the first ballots were cast in this year's Presidential
election, the NRA had already conceded the contest to Arkansas Governor
Bill Clinton, an outspoken advocate of the Brady Bill and a ban on
semi-automatic assault weapons.

   With their grip on the White House slipping away, the NRA focussed
its efforts on the U.S. Congressional races, with a nearly $3 million
campaign to "Clinton-proof" the Congress.

   The NRA's goal was to win enough seats in the House and Senate to
block any new control proposals.  They did not succeed.

   In the Senate, the NRA failed to make any significant gains.  Of the
36 seats up this year, Brady Bill supports won 18 - a not loss of only
one for us.  However, we expect we'll have to face a major battle to
defeat an NRA-backed effort to substitute legislation for the Brady
Bill, and may still have to fight a filibuster.

   Newly elected HCI supporters include Senators-elect Carol Moseley
Braun (D-IL), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Patty
Murray (D-WA), and Bruce Feingold (D-WI).

   In the House, of the top 24 incumbents in the NRA's "hit list,"
_only_two_were_defeated_.  Gun control leaders like Congressmen Bill
Hughes (D-NJ), Herb Bateman (R-VA), Vic Fazio (D-CA), and Tom Andrews
(D-ME) all beat back fierce challenges by well-funded, pro-NRA

   HCI's Voter Education Fund ran hard-hitting radio and print ads in a
number of key House and Senate races, highlighting the candidates'
positions on the gu issue.  We won in four of the six most hotly
contested House races.

   Governor Clinton's victory, and his strong support for sensible gun
laws, greatly improves the chances for passing meaningful legislation in
the 103rd Congress.  And while we still face tremendous opposition from
the NRA, we no longer need to overcome the added obstacle of an
administration bent on frustrating our efforts.

[picture]  Senator-Elect Carol Moseley Braun, a strong handgun control
           advocate, was endorsed by Illinois native Jim Brady in September.


Ballot: Handgun Control, Inc., Board of Directors

Please detach and mail this entire page by December 31.
Return to:  Handgun Control, Inc., 1225 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100, 
Washington, D.C.  20005     
Vote for ONE candidate:  To ensure that the gun lobby cannot disrupt 
this election, only original ballots will be accepted.  Please do not 
return copies of this page.

[] WILLIAM BLOOMFIELD, Jr.  Los Angeles, California

   President of Web Service Company, Inc.  Raised in Los Angeles,
degrees from University of California Berkeley & Harvard University.

   "I am involved in Handgun Control to help level the playing field.
The NRA's deleterious effect on the legislative process needs to be
neutralized so the people can be protected by the firearm legislation
they need.

   I purchased a billboard on Santa Monica Boulevard.  It ran for seven
months on one of the busiest streets in Los Angeles.  Hundreds of
thousands of area residents witnessed Handgun Control's powerful
message.  I will bring to the Board my experience gained from running a
large, successful corporation, and my passion for the cause."

[] VINCENT DEMARCO  Baltimore, Maryland

   Assistant Attorney General of Maryland; Author of Maryland's landmark
law banning Saturday Night Special handguns.  Baltimore _Sunpapers_
"Marylander of the Year," 1988.  Current Chairman of Marylanders Against
Handgun Abuse.

   "I first became seriously involved in the gun control movement in
late 1985.  Our preemptive lobbying paid off when, as predicted, the NRA
mounted a massive effort for a bill in the 1986 Session of the Maryland
General Assembly to overturn the _Kelley_ case, the MD Court of Appeals
decision holding distributors of Saturday Night Special handguns liable
for damages caused by these crime guns.

   The bill to ban Saturday Night Specials was presented to the 1988
General Assembly and passed by wide margins in both Houses and was
signed by the Governor.  This new measure was recognized around the
country as a landmark gun control law.  During the 1992 session, I
organized a coalition of law enforcement, community, religious,
education, medical, and child advocacy groups behind a landmark child
accident prevention law.  Our new law took effect on October 1, 1992."

[] MICHAEL GARNER  Seattle, Washington

   Partner, Short, Cressman & Burgess; volunteer attorney with the
Center to Prevent Handgun Violence

   "I see Handgun Control's agenda as having three key items - to
educate, to persuade and to advocate.  The educational process has
largely succeeded, but must continue.  However, our next step is to
persuade our lawmakers to enact legislation we so desperately need.
This requires marshalling public efforts and one-on-one meetings with
our representatives.  The third stage will be to provide the legal
defense necessary to withstand the inevitable attacks which come on the
constitutionality of the legislation after it has been enacted.

   We need to move more aggressively and confidently into the second and
third areas.  As a lawyer, I have had a chance to work with legislators
and defend legislation in our courts.  I believe I can contribute my
professional experience and personal commitment to serve Handgun
Control, and would welcome the opportunity to do so."

[] NELSON GOODMAN, MD  Crownsville, Maryland

   Doctor since 1954; Bowie Internal Medicine Associates, 1970 to
present.  Member since 1982 and long-time HCI Network Activist.

   "As a physician, I have witnessed firsthand the results of handgun
violence, and have sought to emphasize the medical aspects of the
handgun problem.  I have sought support for study, dialogue, and
legislative initiatives on the part of organized medicine to promote
handgun control.  I have been successful (along with others) in gaining
AMA endorsement of gun control statutes on a national level, and Med Chi
(the state medical society of Maryland) help, locally.

   As a native of Baltimore, I have long recognized the need to control
the distribution and the use of handguns because of the devastation they
wreak and the fear the engender.  The are a major factor in the decline
of our cities; and their havoc continues to escalate and spread.

   I have written many letters and resolutions, have testified before
the Maryland legislature several times, and currently work for control
of handguns on several committees of the Medical Society."

[] DANIEL SEIGEL  Havertown, Pennsylvania

   Attorney, Gay & Chacker, Member since 1983 and along-time HCI Network
Activist and local spokesperson.

   "I frequently participate - both on my own and at HCI's request - in
radio and television programs discussing the issue of gun control.

   In addition, I write extensively about both gun control and Second
Amendment issues.  Last year, I authored "The Second Amendment:
Judicial Unanimity, Gun Owner Dissent," a chapter in The Bill of Rights:
a Bicentennial View, a book published by the Pennsylvania Bar

   My legal practice provides me with an opportunity to assist and
represent victims of handgun violence.  In these cases, it becomes
increasingly obvious why we need laws to prevent persons who should not
have guns from obtaining them.  Stiff sentences for crimes committed
with a gun may remove the criminal from the streets, but they do
absolutely nothing for the innocent victim.  The only thing that could
have assisted the victim is a pre-sale background check.  My diverse
experience will be an asset to HCI's Board."


