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THE TRUTH ABOUT GORDON KAHL RADICAL TAX PROTESTOR AND MILITANT POSSE COMITATUS MEMBER BY LEN MARTIN This book is dedicated to Gordon Kahl, a man who gave his life trying to restore America's freedoms as stated in the U.S. Constitution by our Founding Fathers. It is hoped that his spirit will be a guiding force for other Americans to follow--united with other patriots in the battle against the common enemy and their "agents." So that HIS and OUR children and grandchildren might live in freedom, we must ensure that Gordon Kahl did not die in vain. Like other patriotic Americans, Gordon Kahl was NOT against paying taxes. He realized that if we are to have a strong, free country, all who enjoy the freedoms our country offers must pay their "fair share" to support legitimate government activities in order to preserve these freedoms. When he learned that our government was no longer a government of, by, and for the people but had been taken over by subversive forces, he decided to do something about it. Yes, Gordon Kahl had been fighting on many fronts, trying to stop the un-American activities taking place in our country; but his main effort was to expose "WHO" are the groups of people behind these un-American activities. In this, he was being successful. In fact, he was being TOO successful. So, "they" had to stop him. The easiest way was to bring in the IRS "Goon Squads" and their flunkie police force, the U.S. marshals. To eliminate this thorn in their side (Gordon Kahl), one of the enforcement arms of the IRS, the U.S. marshals, struck north of Medina, North Dakota. But they bit off more than they bargained for. After seeing his son shot by so-called "protectors of the citizens," he reacted as would any protective parent and "took care" of these law-breaking U.S. marshals. (Careful documentation of the violations by the U.S. marshals and other government figures has been made.) To cover up these violations, government officers started a smear campaign. This campaign was aided and abetted by the Money Czar-controlled news media. If you have read the papers, watched TV, or listened to the radio, you are aware that in referring to Gordon Kahl, these terms were used: "Militant tax protestor," "fanatic tax-protester," "an extremist tax protestor," "right wing anarchist," "militant survivalist," "anti-tax," "a threat to national law and order," etc., etc. Government officials, news reporters, and editors in their smear campaign zeroed in on two groups--the tax rebels and the Posse Comitatus. Since these government and news-media jokers have used these derogatory labels in referring to tax rebels and the Posse Comitatus, it is necessary for us to address these areas and set the record straight for people who are looking for the truth. To believe what these government and most news media characters are saying is like believing in fairy tales. Since the income tax is the most familiar to the average American, lets start with it. HOW WOULD OUR GOVERNMENT OPERATE WITHOUT THE INCOME TAX? In trying to combat the destructive income tax, the greatest problem pro-Americans face is misinformation. The question usually asked by average Americans who don't know the score is, "How would our government operate without the income tax?" OK. Here is what Congressman Larry McDonald wrote in 1975: "The latest federal budget shows that individual income taxes supply only 42 percent of the federal budget revenues; the rest comes from other sources. There is ample documentation to prove that getting the federal government out of unauthorized businesses would cut the cost of government by at least 50 percent, while revenue is reduced 42 percent, which would give us a surplus of 8 percent." Both this and much more material by Congressman McDonald, proving that we DO NOT NEED the income tax, appeared in the publication "The Freeman." Before 1913, when the income tax was put into effect, our nation got along very well without it. This was because our government engaged in just activities that were lawful-- activities as outlined in the Constitution. At first, the tax on income was small and no one complained, but it has been the history of governments to begin oppression in a small way and then little by little expand this oppression. This has been proven to be the case with the income tax. Few people felt the impact of the income tax until President F.D. Roosevelt started a multitude of social programs in the 1930's. It was then that the downhill skid towards Socialism in the United States began. To carry out these Socialist programs, the size and powers of our government expanded rapidly. In the early 1940's, there were sixteen workers in private enterprise supporting one government employee. Now the ratio is 4-1 -- four workers in the private field supporting one government employee. The sad truth of the matter is this: the Socialist activities in which these government workers are engaged are unconstitutional. It doesn't take much imagination to realize that OUR NATION'S PROBLEMS ARE CAUSED BECAUSE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS PROMOTING TOO MANY UNCONSTITUTIONAL PROGRAMS. The income tax is probably the most destructive of all. In case you are wondering why such information hasn't been carried by the national news media, just remember that the Money Czars who instigated the income tax are the same jokers who own or otherwise control the press, TV, and radio. Sadly, our educational system is also being used to distort or omit the truth about the income tax. This is because the companies that print the textbooks used in our public and many private schools are owned by the same Money Czars who own or control the national news media. Naturally, they don't want the truth known, so it is left out or distorted. Now you can disregard Congressman McDonald's statement and continue to let the "agents" of the Money Czars dip into your pockets, or you can go a little farther and do a little digging on your own. Later in this booklet are listed some sources to help you get started. WE MUST PAY OUR FAIR SHARE When it comes to condemning what the "agents" of the Money Czars call "tax rebels," many people say, "everyone should pay their fair share," or "I pay my taxes, why shouldn't they?" But, damn it! Are the rich paying their fair share? In 1971, the year before I finally wised up, the IRS suckered me for $1400. IT WAS THAT SAME YEAR THAT ONE OF THE "MONEY CZARS," NELSON ROCKEFELLER, WAS REPORTED TOP HAVE PAID $1400 IN INCOME TAX. Now, I pay my fair share. Did Nelson Rockefeller pay his share? For seventy years the Money Czars, who control our nation's money supply through their ownership of the Federal Reserve, have had their grubby hands in the pockets of the working people in America--in taking larger and larger portions of their earnings through the income tax. In recent years, the portion of earnings has become so great that many concerned citizens started looking into the makeup of the income tax and the IRS. They found: 1) There is evidence to prove the Internal Revenue Service, which collects the income tax, is a PRIVATE CORPORATION and NOT an agency of the federal government. Isn't it ironic that both the federal reserve and the income tax came into existence the same year, 1913; and neither are under the control of our U.S. government? 2) The manner in which money is confiscated from tax-paying suckers is unconstitutional. The IRS "goon Squads" don't even follow their own IRS agents handbook. 3) The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which gave us the income tax, was not legally ratified by three-fourths of the states as required by the U.S. Constitution; only twelve states legally ratified the Income Tax Amendment. Also, nowhere can be found a President's signature as required. The illegality of the income tax and the manner by which it is collected is so ROTTEN that it is amazing the Money Czars have gotten away with it for so long. But, don't just believe me; read what others are saying: Dr. Martin A. Larsen, one of America's leading authorities on taxes and money: "THE AMERICAN TAX REBELLION IS IN NO SENSE A MOVEMENT TO OVERTHROW THE LAW; on the contrary its purpose is to enforce the Constitution against those who would destroy it... Our only hope consists in a middle class rebellion which will be so strong that unless a majority of Congress fails to heed its mandate, they will be replaced by others that will. That is the political solution for which we hope... The only other recourse will be a bloody revolution, and perhaps the destruction not only of our culture, but of civilization itself." Various patriotic organizations have put together pamphlets of statements by former IRS officials that are revealing--very revealing. Here are a few of the choice ones: T. Coleman Andrews, former IRS Commissioner: "I believe that a better way to raise revenue not only can be found but must be found, because I am convinced the present system is leading us right back to the very tyranny for which those who established this land of freedom risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to forever free themselves." B.C. "Bill" Clifton, former IRS fraud investigator: "NO TAXPAYER SHOULD EVER COOPERATE WITH IT (IRS) in any way because every agent has taken an oath to overcome any love he might develop for the taxpayer during the course of an investigation. THE WORST THING A TAXPAYER CAN DO IS TO BE TOO COOPERATIVE. THAT CAN GET HIM SHAFTED--EVEN INDICTED." Those are pretty strong statements. Since they formerly worked for the cut-throat IRS, they should know what they are talking about. If you still think you can get a fair shake from the IRS by trying to cooperate with i t, here is another goodie: The Seventh Circuit Court in Chicago: "Who would believe the ironic truth that the taxpayer who cooperates with the IRS and supplies information fares much worse than the individual who relies upon his Constitutional rights." There are many other statements by concerned government officials. Former Utah Governor J. Bracken Lee is one of those concerned officials. The following letter written by Governor Lee was taken, in part, from the book "The Rise and Fall of the United States": "There has never been anything more destructive to our form of government than the Sixteenth Amendment. Had those who brought about its passage been interested in the American people, they would not have lied, cheated, and tricked them into adopting anything so completely incompatible with our Constitution. When they say the government needs this to get money, THEY LIE, because there are other means of collecting the needed funds without destroying the freedom, or taking away the rights which the people had while the courts still honored our Constitution. "I do not believe that the government should have all the money it demands; and it is certain that no other tax confers upon it the power to exploit its people and destroy their freedom as does the income tax. Some form of national sales tax would produce more income with very minor collection cost, and, what is more important, would free the American people from harassment by the most corrupt of all government agencies. Under this substitute tax, the rich would pay more than they pay now, and the poor would pay less, and there would be no discrimination, no loopholes, no special privileges. "The Congress has granted to the courts and to the Collector of Internal Revenue the right to ride roughshod over the taxpayer in order to collect the income tax. Our legislators know and our courts realize that THIS TAX COULD NOT BE COLLECTED IF THEY WERE TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE TAXPAYING CITIZENS as they do those who are guilty of heinous or violent crimes. "History should convince our elected leaders that revolution becomes inevitable when those who govern assume special privileges an d display the arrogance, the rank injustice, the dishonesty, the corruption, the complete disregard for the rights of the people now exercised by the Internal Revenue Department. THE EVILS OF WHICH IT IS GUILTY HAVE INFILTRATED TO SOME DEGREE TO EVERY OTHER BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT. The attitude of this department is, " The public be damned," and this is lowly but surely expanding to a point that if the leaders do not act, the people most certainly will." (Emphasis added.) In 1979, the American Mercury printed an article written by Dr. Martin A. Larson. This article has been reproduced and circulated by many patriotic organizations. Dr. Larson has been recognized as America's foremost authority on taxes and money; so listen to what he has to say, in part: ARE YOU STILL PAYING INCOME TAXES? "This title may sound odd or ironic, but when we explain its implications, you will not, perhaps, be surprized. The fact is that literally MILLIONS of Americans, are either refusing to pay federal income tax entirely or are drastically reducing the amounts they are surrendering to Big Brother in Washington. TAX AVOIDANCE THROUGH LOOPHOLES "In the first place, let me remind the reader of what we wrote a dozen years ago in a book called "The Great Tax Fraud", which demonstrated that even at that time there were enough loopholes (or truckholes) in the Internal Revenue Code to enable the WEALTHY AND FAVORED CORPORATIONS to escape about $45 billion in taxation, a sum which since--in spite of highly publicized attempts to establish tax equity--has increased to not less than $80 billion. Mr J. Paul Getty in 1969 and 1970 paid tax of $6,000 ON A PERSONAL INCOME OF $70 MILLION. TAXPAYERS NOW HAVE MORE PROTECTION "It is indeed interesting to note that, as a result, various and successive exposes of the IRS and its high-handed methods of extortion, one claw after another has been extracted from its talons... The taxpayer now has many means of self-defense--if he will merely learn how to use them--which he did not possess before the Tax Rebellion began a few years ago. WIDESPREAD TAX-EVASION "However, as increasing members of the wage and salaried classes and especially the great, independent middle class become more aware of the immunities conferred upon the American elite, they, too, began to resist or rebel in one way or another. As early as 1972, a Gallop Poll revealed that 74 percent of the American public would be in complete sympathy with a general tax strike; in 1973, the commissioner of Internal Revenue testified before a congressional committee that the agency knew of at least five million taxpayers who had ceased making reports; that it had been able to establish contact with less than one-third of them; and that the losses to the treasury totalled $5 or $6 billion. However, other knowledgeable sources placed the actual loss somewhere between $25 and $30 billion because of the phenomenon alone. "Shortly thereafter, the then Secretary of the Treasury, John Connelly declared that in the southwestern portion of the United States, 74 PERCENT OF ALL RETURNS PREPARED BY TAX PREPARERS WERE, to a greater or lesser degree, FRAUDULENT AND THAT THE GOVERNMENT WAS POWERLESS TO PROSECUTE BECAUSE OF THE NUMBER OF DELINQUENTS; and another official declared that in other parts of the country, fraud was even WORSE and more prevalent. "All this, nevertheless, was only the beginning of the tax revolt now sweeping the nation. Individually, highly articulate tax rebels began formulating techniques by which total and legal refusal to pay federal income tax might be achieved. Some of these were prosecuted and convicted, and some were acquitted. But this was purely a matter of selective prosecution or persecution; those indicted were charged, not because of failure to pay taxes, but because of their public proclamations in regard to the tax laws and their enforcement. The IRS hoped, by obtaining a few convictions, that it would be able to suppress the tax rebellion and cow the masses into submission and obedience. Such, however, has not been the result. THE REBELLION SPREADS AND DEEPENS "The rebellion has spread throughout the nation and now involves great numbers of people in every stratum of society. Let us summarize the most common techniques of resistance. "More millions have simply stopped making any returns at all and these include: (1) Wage workers who have reported enough exemptions and allowances so that no income tax is taken from their pay or at least so that no refund would be due even if a conventional return were filed; (2) Self-employed persons who have ceased making any estimated payments or final returns; and (3) Proprietors and others classified as self-employed who make returns but who drastically understate their income and thus exempt themselves from most of the taxation which would otherwise be levied upon their incomes. WHAT HAPPENS THEN "You may wonder what action the government takes when the wage earner or self employed person makes no return at all. Since there are millions of these, the IRS simply places their names in what is known as the Correspondence File, sends a series of form letters demanding a full return with all payments due within ten days, and hopes for the best. In many cases, the addressee has moved and left no forwarding address; if the form letter reaches the intended recipient, he usually throws it into the waste basket; sometimes he writes DECEASED on the envelope and returns it to the IRS, without opening it. "For the great majority of these cases, the IRS is quite helpless; it cannot spend hundreds of hours tracking down each delinquent and then hundreds more attempting to prosecute the elusive evader. Remember that IRS agents must produce $100 an hour for all time spent in making audits--otherwise their efforts are counterproductive. "Then there are other millions who claim one or two or three additional allowances when they file their W-4 forms with their employers; by so doing they not only prevent the government from keeping their money interest-free until it is time for refunds; often they have less taken from their pay than is actually due, and then "forget" to make a return or pay any additional taxes on the due date. THE SELF-EMPLOYED PROPRIETORS "And then we have the self-employed, especially business proprietors. the number of these increased from 5, 689,000 in 1945 to 10,874,000 in 1974; their receipts from $79 to $328 billion; and the average reported receipts from $13,870 to $30,280. Almost 96 percent of these businesses reported receipts of less than $50,000; and all of them reported net taxable incomes averaging only $4,217.00 "The conclusion seems obvious that they must have been understating their gross and net incomes drastically. The IRS is well aware of this, but is powerless to do much about the situation because of the vast numbers involved and even more because of the recently developed expertise among these taxpayers in concealing cash flow and reducing taxable income. this is done by keeping two sets of books and by diverting a portion of cash income from destinations where it might be traced and documented without great difficulty. "A remarkable and comparatively new phenomenon has developed in recent years and has now reached dimensions where it CONSTITUTES a definite threat to the entire Federal system of taxation; this is known as the Underground Economy. When a painter does a house job for $350 instead of $500 but does not report the income to taxing authorities, he has joined the Underground. When a girl baby-sits and her pay goes unreported, the employer and employee have both done the same. When a mechanic repairs a neighbor's car in his home garage and fails to report his compensation for the job, he, too, has become a member of the Economic Underground. "It is now freely admitted that at least $100 billion of unreported and untaxed income goes to the Underground; some estimates place the total at not less than $200 billion. How great it is, no one knows; but that it is enormous is incontestable, as is the fact that it is growing rapidly and that the IRS is quite incapable of coping with the problem. "So again, ARE YOU STILL PAYING TAXES TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ON ALL YOUR "TAXABLE" INCOME? If so, YOU BELONG TO A DIMINISHING SEGMENT OF THE POPULATION. Inflation and confiscatory taxation together with a general disenchantment with the federal government have combined to drive millions or tens of millions into a mental state in which they are ready to take any step they can in order to preserve for themselves a larger share of the money they earn so that they can survive in decency -- even if this means that they must risk the danger of prosecution and prison. More and more of them, however, are learning the techniques long practiced by their European counterparts by which they avoid a large fraction -- often all -- of the demands made upon them by their central government. "Again and finally: Are YOU still paying all the taxes demanded by Big Brother in Washington?" Take special note of what Dr. Larson has written; he knows what he's talking about. Dr. Larson has written many books on the subject of the income tax. he also writes a weekly column for the Spotlight, 300 Independence Ave., S.E., Washington D.C. 20003, an excellent weekly patriotic publication. INCOME TAX IS COMMUNIST PLANK What Dr. Larson, Gov. Lee, and the other public figures have said should make you plenty angry about the income tax. If not, here's the capper: The Second Plank of the Communist Manifesto advocates A HEAVY PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAX. In other words, the writer of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, Karl Marx, was saying i.e. one of the things that will bring about the downfall of a nation is to impose a progressive income tax on the working class of people. So, anyone who keeps on paying income taxes is playing right into the hands of the Communist (Money Czars) schemers. Isn't it odd that none of this information is reported by the mass news media? But, of course, we average Joes and Janes aren't supposed to know these things. The Money Czars, who control the news media, figure if they can keep us ignorant of the facts, they can buffalo us into a lifetime of work and pay taxes -- work and pay taxes -- work and pay taxes. You can do what you wish, but millions of people have already said, "Enough!" and have become tax rebels. Most groups call themselves "tax patriots." It is certainly an apt name. Leslie Snyder in her book Justice or Revolution wrote, "To become a tax rebel at this time is one's patriotic duty." THE TAX REBELLION IS BIG AND GROWING 1972 -- Secretary of the Treasury john Connelly declared that a survey found that in the southeastern part of the United States, 97 percent of all returns prepared by tax preparers were fraudulent and that the government was powerless to prosecute because of the enormous number of delinquents; and another official declared that in other parts of the country, the fraud was even worse. (By cheating on their tax returns these taxpayers are rebelling; they just haven't had the nerve to go all the way.) 1973 -- IRS Commissioner Johnnie Walters admitted the tax strike was frightening -- that the number of fraud cases increased 4000 percent in three years. If the IRS admitted to that many, it's a sure bet the number of cases is much higher.) 1975 -- More than 100 million persons paid into Social Security for that year. Yet, there were only 82,177,000 income tax returns; and of these only 61,753,000 paid any tax. (1977 SA p. 259) let's put it another way; In 1975, nearly 38 million workers paid no federal income taxes and 18 million didn't even file. Since that time, the tax rebellion has grown tremendously. This is due to three reasons: 1) More people have learned how to legally defend themselves against the criminal acts committed by the IRS and are no longer afraid to be a tax rebel. 2) The depressed state of the economy has forced many taxpayers to decide whether to pay the IRS or to feed their families. They decide the welfare of their families comes first. 3) Since the tax rebellion has grown so large, the chances of IRS prosecution is very small, especially if the taxpayer knows how to defend him or herself. THE IRS OPERATES ON FEAR The reason there hasn't been a mass tax rebellion before now is "fear." A common reaction of the uninformed taxpayer is, "They (IRS) will put me in jail." The news media cooperates in creating this fear. During the period preceding April 15th, the deadline for paying taxes, it can be expected the news media will play up the conviction of a tax patriot. Oddly, nothing is mentioned of the MILLIONS of others who are defying the IRS. This fear among the taxpayers is largely unwarranted. Note this statement by Senator Bellmon of Oklahoma, speaking before a Senate Committee a few years ago: "In a recent conversation, with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed when He told me, 'If the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the Internal Revenue Service operates on 90 percent bluff, the entire income tax system will collapse.'" Did you get that? just in case you didn't, here it is again: Senator Bellmon of Oklahoma speaking before a Senate Committee said, "IN A RECENT CONVERSATION WITH AN OFFICIAL AT THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, I WAS AMAZED WHEN HE TOLD ME, 'IF THE TAXPAYERS OF THIS COUNTRY EVER DISCOVER THAT THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OPERATES IN 90 PERCENT BLUFF, THE ENTIRE INCOME SYSTEM WILL COLLAPSE.'" As far as the IRS putting anyone in jail, forget it! The IRS can't put anyone in jail for not paying income taxes. Only a JURY can do that; and that leads us to the ultimate solution to the income tax scam. Even if the taxpayers learn their rights and exert them, the IRS will break every law on the books to try to "railroad" a FEW individuals in order to create FEAR among the rest; and the judges practically always play along with the IRS criminals. The judges even break a few laws themselves in the process of helping the IRS. Due to the high-handed criminal manner in which judges now run trials involving tax rebels, there is only one PEACEFUL way to stop them. The best way to explain it is to tell the "Montana Story." THE MONTANA STORY In July of 1979, the IRS put out a news release which was carried by newspapers across the state of Montana. It said that it was very risky to be a tax protestor because the IRS had won twelve of thirteen cases tried in courts by juries in the previous two years. The news release was designed to create FEAR among the taxpayers of Montana. A few months after the news of these convictions hit the papers, a disgusted taxpayer, Martin L. (Red) Beckman and some of his patriotic friends went to work to put out a TV special called "People and Taxes." This TV special was shown across the state of Montana and it woke up a lot of people. In January of the following year, 1980, Red Beckman made another TV special, "People-Controlled Government." This also, was shown across the state. the result of these TV Specials was that in 1980 the IRS lost four out of five cases tried before a jury; and since that time, in 1981, 1982, and so far in 1983, there have been NO convictions of a tax rebel brought before a jury. In fact, the IRS has been able to get only three indictments of which I am aware -- and the IRS has lost all of these. How did this all happen? Well, Red Beckman in the TV specials told the truth -- something our news media and schools were supposed to be doing. Basically, this is what Red Beckman was saying: Through the power of the jury, the people are the final judge of whether a law is just or not just. An unconstitutional law is in reality "no law." No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it. In a jury trial, just one jurist voting "not guilty" can nullify any law. In a jury trial, the "Jury is the Judge." The judge is merely the headmaster on charge of proceedings. When the jurists leave the courtroom to decide on the guilt or innocence of a accused person, they are completely out of the reach of the judge. Regardless of what the judge told them regarding his interpretation of the law and the criteria on which they could base their decision, the JURY IS FREE TO DECIDE AS THEY PLEASE AND NO EXPLANATION IS NECESSARY. In a jury trial, if one person feels the law under which a defendant is charged is unjust for whatever reason, he and she HAS THE RIGHT TO VOTE "NOT GUILTY," the one "Not Guilty" vote causes a hung jury. It has become common practice for the courts to try to pack the jury with the people who are in the "Hen House" with the enemies of America, but it takes only one person with concern for his or her country and fellow neighbor voting "Not guilty" to protect this fellow countryman from a bad law and from those who try to enforce it. One person on a trial jury has more power than Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court put together. Congress can pass a law, the President can sigh it, and the Supreme Court can uphold it. BUT -- one person sitting on a trial jury can vote "Not Guilty" and the law has been nullified. Red Beckman, affectionately known as "Montana's Fighting Redhead" has been traveling into many other states showing these TV specials, and the American people are finally finding out how they can completely stop the IRS and other government agencies that are making life miserable for the average Americans. Like Gordon Kahl, Mr. Beckman believes everyone should pay their fair share of taxes. he also believes, "We are committing national suicide. we are destroying ourselves by allowing tax consumers (government officials) to decide what is a fair share. We also give our consent when fear and force is used by tax consumers (government officials) to collect taxes. This is insanity which is discouraging the production of jobs and wealth." Red is solution oriented, and his best selling book, Born Again republic, and now, So Unto the IRS as They Would Do Unto You, were written to help the people stop the insanity which grips our tax-consuming public servants. We can protect each other by using our Grand Jury and Trial Jury votes to control our government. One of the saddest situations has been that too many ministers in the churches have been telling their parishioners that it is their duty to pay the income tax. Some have done so out of ignorance -- completely unaware that the income tax is illegal, unnecessary, and destructive to the economy; some are spineless and fear that if they speak out, they will lose their tax-exempt status; and others are intentially misleading their congregations. Red Beckman calls them all "Pious Puppets." These ministers are speaking in the name of God; and yet; by urging the payment of income tax, they are serving the goals of the Money Czars whose intentions and actions are Anti-Christ. One must especially suspect the ministers on TV who say we must pay the income tax. Certainly, if they told the truth during their programs, the Money Czars who own the TV networks would boot these "Pious Puppets" off the air. One must wonder which god they are serving -- our Heavenly Father or the Money Czars. However, a heartening development is taking place of late. A growing number of ministers have become aware that the main intent of the income tax is to control the productive class of Americans, and they are speaking out. Some are openly urging their parishioners to refuse to pay this scourge of the working people. WHERE CAN YOU GET IMMEDIATE HELP IN COMBATING THE IRS? There are many publications devoted to the tax rebellion -- too many to list here. So, I'll give you the two best-known ones: JUSTICE TIMES, P.O. BOX 562, Clinton, Ar 72031 T.R.U.E., P.O. BOX 424, Altadena, CA 91001 The tax rebellion has grown so large, and because so many organizations fighting the illegal income tax have been started, it would take a large book to even begin to tell the story. It is not the intent of this booklet to tell the whole story; it is merely intended to counteract the lies put out by the IRS and the national news media "parrots" and to steer you in the right direction. Many good organizations place ads in the two above newspapers. But, a word of caution -- like any group of organizations, there are GOOD ONES and there are some that are NOT SO GOOD. So, do some checking. Well, fellas and gals, that's a birds-eye view of what the tax rebellion is all about. It's a lot different from what you've been getting from TV, radio, and the daily newspapers, isn't it? But remember, the various big-time news media is owned or otherwise controlled by the Money Czars; and they tell us only what they want us to believe. We've been taken for suckers, haven't we? PRIVATE BANKERS CONTROL U.S. MONEY SYSTEM In telling about the illegal and destructive income tax, it is appropriate, even necessary, for you to know about another cute trick the Money Czars put over on us that same year, 1913. They succeeded in getting Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act. Now remember, 1913 was the same year the Money Czars stuck us with the income tax. The year 1913 was the bad one for us average Americans but one for the Money Czars. The income tax gave them the right to STEAL from us, and the Federal Reserve gave them the right to CREATE MONEY, OUT OF NOTHING! Thats right -- out of nothing! Our U.S. Constitution states that Congress has the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. But, in 1913, Congress gave the private bankers that power. Put simply, Congress gave these Money Czars the power to create money out of nothing and then LEND IT TO OUR GOVERNMENT -- and even CHARGE US INTEREST ON IT! Now, the Federal Reserve is a corporation, NOT an agency of our government; and it has been learned that the income tax is collected by a private corporation, NOT an agency of our government. It seems that Money Czars and their agents have been mighty busy screwing s while we have been busting our butts trying to operate under their private money-making scheme. Your local banker operates under the same system. When you finance the purchase of a house for instance, the banks don't lend you any money, they just credit your account with "X" number of so-called dollars, and you can write checks on it. It's a case of fancy paper shuffling by your local friendly (??) banker. Yet, you are required to pay them the amount they created out of nothing -- plus interest. President Andrew Jackson in the 1830's said, "You bankers are a bunch of vipers and I will rout you out. If the American people should ever find out how you operate, there would be a revolution before morning." I'll bet you didn't learn any of this in school or from the daily newspapers. The bandits for the Money Czars (the IRS) and the banks are "bed partners." How many of you have had the IRS come into the bank where you do business and take funds out of your account? It's illegal, but it's done anyway. Then too, the IRS can go into the bank and get a record of your deposits and checks you have written and, from this, figure out what you would owe in income tax -- without this information, the IRS would have a hell of a time building a case against you; and believe me, sooner or later the IRS agents will be knocking on your door in an effort to "suck" as much money from you as they can. Because the banks and the IRS are sleeping in the same bed, people who know the score have stopped doing business with any banks. It is true, withdrawing from banking does create a problem; but there is an alternative to doing business with your FRIENDLY (?) local banker. The alternative banking method has the advantage of providing privacy from the IRS and other snoopy government agencies. Also, the money on deposit is backed with silver, which is more than you can say for the regular banks. Take special note: When the nation's economy finally takes a dive, the silver-backed deposits you have in the alternative banking system will be worth much more than when you made the deposit. BUT -- anyone who has their earnings deposited in the regular banks -- well, tough going, Buddy -- your deposits are backed by NOTHING. The piddling F.D.I.C. won't even cover an ant's eye worth of the lost deposits. For information on this alternative banking, send me a self-addressed envelope at P.O. Box 1015, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501. There is a strong move to force Congress to get rid of the Federal Reserve -- to take back the control of our nation's money supply from the Money Czars. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to borrow money without having to pay a high rate of interest? OK, then write to Jim Townsend, Editor, National Educator, P.O. Box 333, 1110 South Panora Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92632. LAW OFFICERS NOT UPHOLDING OATH OF OFFICE In counties where the Sheriff upholds his oath of office, he welcomes the assistance of the Posse Comitatus. In counties where the sheriff gets involved in shady activities, he naturally doesn't want to have a posse group organized. He wants to keep breaking the law without opposition. In recent years there has been an alarming change in the attitude and actions of the law enforcement officials from the F.B.I. and U.S. marshals down to the county sheriffs and city police. They seem to have fallen under the influence of the Money Czars and have become, in effect, their private police force. This is particularly true when it comes to going after tax protesters. It is also true in the case of farm foreclosures which is nothing more than theft by the Money Czars and their "agents." This gets into the illegality of our money which is a ROTTEN MESS that I can't even begin to explain it in this short pamphlet; but the sheriff is INVOLVED in helping the Money Czars in their dirty work. You see, it has now become one of the main duties of the county sheriff to be "errand boy" for LAW-BREAKING JUDGES. So it is understandable that the sheriffs do not want a posse around to see that they uphold the law; nor do judges want them around for the same reason. Since, in recent years, law enforcement officers are not upholding their oath of office, which is to uphold the Constitution, the Posse Comitatus groups have been viewed by law-breaking officers and judges as enemies and have been treated as such. MONEY CZARS USE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS It would be wrong to accuse all persons entering the U.S. Marshal's Service or the F.B.I. as having the criminal intent to help destroy America. Certainly, to get a government job is the goal of many average Americans. The jobs are secure, the pay is good, and there are many side benefits. People working in the private industry must work up to 45 years before being able to retire with any type of pension, but a government employee can work as little as twenty years to retire with excellent benefits. So the enticement to enter government service is great indeed. this is especially true in such positions as those with the F.B.I. and the U.S. Marshal's Service. But -- After serving in these law enforcement positions for a period of time, these officials often find their duties quite different from what they imagined. They find their efforts to apprehend criminals hampered by restrictive laws to protect the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizens. They also find that a big part of their job is to carry out acts if suppression against people who are trying to expose and stop the criminal, unconstitutional acts by government officials and others of influence. They are required to carry out illegal acts against patriotic individuals -- even conduct clandestine acts such as the attack on Gordon Kahl at Medina, North Dakota. Facing the alternative of either committing such an un- American, even treasonous acts OR giving up their good government jobs, most choose to obey the order. It is amazing the depths to which some people sill stoop for financial gain. There are many "BAD" law enforcement officers who know that what they are doing is wrong and seem to relish doing it. But in all honesty, it must be said that most are innocently unaware that they are being USED to weaken America -- in the case of tax rebels, for instance. These officers believe that the income tax is legal and necessary. So, they help the IRS "goon squads" zero in on a law abiding citizens rather than protect the citizen. AID AND ABET There is an excellent newsletter to which every law enforcement officer should subscribe. In fact, it is a newsletter that EVERY American should read. It is called "AID and ABET." What makes it so potent is that it is written for law enforcement officers by a man who, for six years, has been a law enforcement officer. This concerned officer is Jack McLamb. What Mr. McLamb writes is so relative to what is happening in the law enforcement field in America that it is my hope that a copy reaches the eyes of every mature American. here is a part of his "AID and ABET" #3: "Brother and Sister Officers, you and I are being played for fools! We are being used to commit illegal acts against our country and fellow citizens under the pretext of serving and protecting society. "We are being kept uninformed as to the real dangers facing America today. I am about to share some information with you that will shock you. When I'm through, you will be burning mad at some of our state and national leaders. "How do I know this? Because I reacted the SAME WAY, and so have many of our fellow officers who are now INFORMED as to the treacherous plans that have been put into action in America -- a plan in which we have played a very important part so far, and, if not stopped, in which we will play a MAJOR role in the near future. "When you are through digesting this information, you will have this compelling drive to prove it FALSE, to put it out of your mind. And that's good...because, if you are the kind of American as the officers I've been working with for over six years, you will not even be able to sleep, you will not even be able to SLEEP until you find out some ANSWERS as to HOW this could happen in our beloved country. "...if, after you read this letter, the first thing out of your mouth isn't "THEY'LL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS WHILE THERE IS A BREATH LEFT IN MY BODY!!!...you don't deserve to be called a law officer, much less an American." Later in the newsletter he writes, "How many of us (lawmen) have gone to WAR and faced the ENEMY on another shore, believing we were insuring our families' continued right to FREEDOM here in America? How many of us have clutched a dying friend to our breast during the last few seconds of his life on some faraway, bloody battlefield? Many lawmen have. And, what is so amazing is that these traitors to America are using US (many of whom are VETS) as their "ENFORCERS" against fellow countrymen." Jack McLamb has also written a booklet entitled "Sanction America." It's great! I'd like to print the whole booklet for you, but space prohibits doing this, so I'll just print some of the key material: "...if one were really to get down into history books, they would find that on every occasion where a country was subverted and the citizens put into slavery by their own government leaders...the 'local police'...(those who were the neighbors and relatives of 'those enslaved') were the FORCE ('army') that was used to control and check any attempts by their fellow citizens from regaining control of their government. "It is at this time...that I, as one of those on the 'INSIDE', (serving as one of the SUBROSA government's 'ENFORCERS') must inform you...that any hope of the patriots winning back our 'Land of the Free,' WITHOUT BLOODSHED, IS ALMOST AT AN END!" But, "At this moment, there IS STILL TIME to take back control of our lives and government by 'non-violent' means..." It is "...the sincere HOPE that by UNITING the people to stand against these evil men who have gained control of our economy and government, we may still, in a 'NON-VIOLENT MANNER,' take back our and our children's sacred heritage before it is too late!" Jack McLamb has done a terrific job in awakening his fellow officer. Now, he asks that we join in helping. Since law enforcement has a key position in the PRESERVATION OR LOSS of our freedoms, I am reprinting his request: "There are many good, INFORMED patriots in every community in the U.S., but many do not know that there is 'NOW' a method of reaching into their local law enforcement agencies with the TRUTH. They must be aware of our plan for CRIPPLING the OPPOSITION'S ARMY and restoring it to the PEOPLE. "NOW, BE SURE TO GET THIS...if even one fourth of one percent of the millions of patriots across this land would 'PLANT A SEED'...by donating a year's subscription of 'AID and ABET' NEWSLETTERS for Lawmen to one of their local police officers, in just a few months the PLANNED TAKE OVER OF AMERICA WOULD 'LITERALLY COLLAPSE.' THINK OF IT "If the patriots acted on this request, every police officer would have read of this PLANNED DESTRUCTION! FIFTY PERCENT WOULD TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS TO STOP THEIR OWN ACTIONS OF SUPPORT FOR THESE TRAITORS! Other officers, who are 'PROFESSIONAL FOLLOWERS,' would soon FOLLOW THEIR LEAD! REMEMBER, these guys and gals are already GOOD AMERICANS, they just are MISDIRECTED! "So...what in God' Green Earth could the PLANNERS enforce without their OBEDIENT ENFORCERS'? What could they do? If the President used his secret 'Executive Orders' to declare 'MARTIAL LAW,' because the patriots (THE PEOPLE), started demanding a CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT instead of the current style, WHO WOULD ENFORCE IT UPON THE PEOPLE...? "If the I.R.S. came out to 'fraudulently' take YOUR business, trailer, farm, or house -- 'IMAGINE' your local 'friends and neighbors,' THE POLICE, arresting THEM for CONSPIRACY and attempted THEFT. "Is it not TIME WE UNITE AND REGAIN WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS? "Join with us as we reach out to our fellow American lawmen and save them from the grips of the WORLD PLANNERS. And in so doing, 'strike a blow' at the very heart of their "WELL OILED SOCIAL MACHINE." "SOUND EXCITING? Let me tell you, I have never, NEVER done ANYTHING in the Constitutional movement that warms the cockles of this ole patriots heart MORE than FINALLY hitting these SUCKERS where it really HURTS! I LOVE IT, AND YOU WILL TOO!" Yours in Freedom, Officer Jack J. McLamb Ok, now. Take that first step. Help Jack McLamb, help yourself, and help America: order Issue #3 of "AID and ABET." Just send $1.00 to AID and ABET, P.O. BOX 8787, Phoenix AZ 85066. The importance of Officer McLamb's efforts to alert his fellow officers cannot be over emphasized. certainly, if law enforcement officers continue to so the bidding of the Money Czars and supress the actions of patriotic Americans, the Money Czars will have ALL of America in their web. Evidence indicates that at least some of the U.S. Marshals who attacked Gordon Kahl at Medina did so knowing that they were acting unlawfully. As a result of this unlawful act initiated by the U.S. Marshals or on the orders from higher up, Gordon Kahl is dead and three others are in prison. It can hardly be denied that Gordon Kahl and the three imprisoned victims of Medina were defending themselves in the unwarranted and illegal attack. During the attack, Gordon Kahl admirably acted to protect the lives of his son and friends. Yet, in spite of all the evidence proving the U.S. Marshals acted illegally, the government took the attitude that two U.S. Marshals are dead and SOMEONE MUST BE BLAMED. Regarding the deaths of the two U.S. marshals who obviously were acting unlawfully, thee are two interesting court cases for us average Americans to seriously consider: "Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking the Officers life if necessary": Plummer V. State, 135 Ind 308. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld this ruling twice after citizens killed officers in this manner: John Bad Elk V. U.S. (1900) 177 U.S. 529; L.S. V. Di Re (1948) 332 U.S. 581. "An arrest made with defective warrant; or one issues without warrant; or one issued without affidavit; or one that fails to allege a crime is without jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested may RESIST ARREST AND BREAK AWAY. If the arresting officer is killed by one so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter": Housh V. People 75 III 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State V. Leach, 7 Conn 452; State V. Gleason, 32 Kan 245. Yet, in spite of the court cases, the Benson Court in Fargo, North Dakota, found the three victims guilty. In view of the attack at Medina, and the trial that followed, we law-abiding, freedom loving Americans evidently face two critical, interlocking conditions: 1) Many law enforcement officers (some knowingly, some unknowingly) are breaking the law in taking aggressive actions against patriots, who are trying to force, in a peaceful manner, our government officials to operate under Constitutional Law. 2) U.S. Attorneys and federal district judges are acting in support of the law enforcement officers who commit these illegal, aggressive acts. (Again, I repeat Red Beckman's charge, "The U.S. attorneys and federal district judges are the greatest coverup gang in history.") If law enforcement officers, backed by the courts, are allowed to continue to engage in illegal acts, we law-abiding citizens don't have a chance of stopping the Money Czars. In viewing the critical situation. There seems to be three alternatives facing us: 1. Surrender to the Money Czars and their agents; 2. Resort to Firearms; 3. Help Jack McLamb wake up his fellow law enforcement officers. Personally, I prefer number 3. Many people are buying copies of Officer McLamb's newsletters and giving them to their local officers, but first get one for yourself. It'll open your eyes. If Jack McLamb's newsletter "AID and ABET" continues to expand in circulation, law enforcement will once again hold the respect of the American Citizenry. With law enforcement officials upholding the law, the Posse Comitatus can once again take its rightful place in helping the Sheriff protect the citizens of their counties. MEDINA BLUNDER STARTS NEWS MEDIA SMEAR The attack on Gordon Kahl at Median backfired; so the various "agents" of the Money Czars started a smear campaign in order to try to cover up their crimes. They referred to Gordon Kahl and ALL tax rebels in derogatory terms; and since Gordon had once been involved in the Posse Comitatus, the "agents" also started to slander the Posse. It is understandable that the Money Czars want to stop the Posse Comitatus movement because the Posse is one of the most powerful forces standing in the way of a takeover of the United States by the Money Czars. I was told by one high-ranking Posse member that right now they are strong enough to stop a take over of our country. One other Posse leader said, "To ensure the freedoms of our country, EVERY MAN AND WOMAN fifteen years and over should have a gun and know how to use it -- AND BE WILLING TO USE IT IF NECESSARY. ONLY THEN CAN WE BE SURE OF KEEPING OUR COUNTRY FREE." His assistant added, "It is also necessary to know who the enemy 'agents' are." OTHER DEFENDERS OF AMERICA'S FREEDOM The Posse Comitatus is a formidable force in stopping the enemy forces trying to destroy America. But there are others. One is made of fairly young men who have had their eyes opened. They are the veterans of the Viet Nam War. They got a royal screwing by the Money Czars and their "agents" who planned and directed that war. These Viet Nam veterans are organized in many areas of the country. They realize that the Money Czars can cause a collapse of the economy in America any time they wish and are only waiting until the time is ideal. Realizing this, they are getting prepared. In North Dakota these Viet Nam War veterans wouldn't come to any of our meetings. They were in agreement with what we were doing, but they didn't want to be known. We were assured they are armed and ready. The strength of this Viet Nam War veteran force is unknown to me, and it is well that it remains secretive. What the anti-american Money Czars and their "agents" don't know is to the advantage of the pro-American forces. Another major force designed to stop the Money Czars and their "agents" is even more secretive. It is known as "Leaderless Resistance" or more commonly as "Phantom Teams." In any organization there is always the danger of infiltration by "agents" of the Money Czars. To avoid this danger the "Phantom teams" movement was initiated. This is the way it works: Two to four persons, who know and trust each other, decide to form a "team." The number is to exceed no more than four people. No one outside their "team" knows that it is in existence. the purpose of the "team" is to work together to protect their families in case of an ATTEMPTED TAKEOVER. But their actions are also aggressive in nature -- to take action at an opportune time. This action may be the destruction of property of an "agent" or even "eliminating" that agent. These "teams" operate individually and anything they decide to do is entirely on their own. Then there is the "33" and the many similar militant groups, highly organized and highly trained. A new welcome force is emerging to bolster the fight against the anti-american forces. It is made up of segments of the religious community headed in many cases by members of the clergy. Many religious people have become disgusted with the "watering down" of their denomination and the lack of "guts" on the part of most of the clergy to face the dangers facing religion in general and their parishioners in particular. Large numbers have dropped out of their churches. Even the once-strong bond of Catholics to their church has been broken and new militant Catholic churches formed. Their strength is kept secret, and this seems to be worrying the Money Czars and their "agents." THE POSSE COMITATUS Until the attack by U.S. marshals and other law officers at Medina, North Dakota, most people in America had never heard of the Posse Comitatus. Because, at one time, Gordon Kahl had been involved in Posse Comitatus activities, the "agents" of the Money Czars used the Medina blunder by the marshals as an opportunity to smear the Posse groups -- just as they did the tax rebels. What you read in the daily newspapers about the Posse Comitatus is just what the Money Czars wanted printed; and since they control the news media, they can print (any and) all the bull chips they want. So, what IS the truth about the Posse Comitatus? You can just about imagine that it is 100% opposite from what the "funny" boys are saying. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE POSSE COMITATUS The legality of the Posse Comitatus goes back to the beginning of out country's history. It is based on Common Law -- the same base as that upon which our U.S. Constitution was written. Early in our country's history, it was common for a country sheriff to call on men in their country to help enforce the law. It was, and STILL IS, the right of the sheriff of a county to call on any male in the county between the ages of 15 and 55 to help enforce the law; those older than 55 could volunteer. This group of sheriff's deputies is called the Posse Comitatus which, in Latin, means "power of the county." It can be expected that occasionally a county elects a sheriff that does not do his duty. In this case the Posse can take action. But first, the Posse must ask the county coroner to issue an arrest warrant. If the coroner refuses, the Posse has the right to arrest the sheriff and take him before a jury for trial. "AGENTS" OF THE MONEY CZARS FEAR GUNS There are some individuals who are outspoken in their intentions. One eastern North Dakota tax rebel was last visited in 1969. At that time he said to the IRS agents who visited him, "Do you see those guns hanging on the wall? The next time you come through my door, they'll carry you out feet first." It has been over fourteen years; and no IRS agents have dared to go back, because they know he meant what he said. He confided to me, "I know that when our country falls, they (the "agents" of the Money Czars) will be out to get me; but you can be damn sure I'll get some of those bastards first." While most are not as outspoken as he, there are many who are planning to so the same as the above described tax rebel. In all the operations I have discussed, there is one thing they all have in common: those involved realize that the greatest danger we face is from within and the only way to stop a takeover by the Money Czars and their "agents" is to be prepared -- armed prepared-ness. The jokers who are trying to shut down the Posse Comitatus are the same bunch of anti-Americans who are behind the move to take away guns from law-abiding citizens. IF THEY SHOULD SUCCEED, WE WILL BE IN NO BETTER SHAPE THAN THE PEOPLE IN POLAND. IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE FACT THAT MILLIONS OF AMERICANS HAVE GUNS, THE MONEY CZARS WOULD HAVE HAD US IN COMPLETE BONDAGE YEARS AGO. An "Agent" is anyone that acts in an unconstitutional, un- American manner. To this must be added certain segments of the educational system that have intentionally been feeding lies to the American people and to members of the mass news media who distort or omit important events and information. BLOODSHED LIKELY The patriotic Americans who are striving to stop the anti- American forces working from within and without the country are trying to do so by legal means. But, since the Money Czars and their "agents" are so entrenched and so close to accomplishing their goal, there are a good number of patriots who believe that bloodshed cannot be avoided because they feel the Money Czars and their 'agents" will not back off peacefully. the hope and aim is to minimize the bloodshed. Realizing that bloodshed is inevitable, they want to make sure that the blood that is shed will be that of the 'agents" and not their own. Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn the Russian author, wrote words to the effect that when the Bolsheviks were taking over Russia, they cowered. They were afraid they would be next. They hoped it would all blow over. Once in prison, they thought about the things they could have done to stop the Bolsheviks. In America, most people are like those Russians; but they are millions who are already aware of the aims of the Money Czars and are prepared to do whatever is necessary to stop them. It is this group of modern-day patriots who offer hope that the United States of America will not experience the fate that fell upon Russia. * * * * * * * * * * * The IRS agents and other agents of the Money Czars called Gordon Kahl a "radical tax protestor" and a member of the "anti- government Posse Comitatus" and other "bad guy" names. After reading just the information in this little booklet, you can decide who is the "bad guy" -- Gordon Kahl or the Money Czars and their "agents" -- plus most of the news media characters who, like parrots, repeatedly use these "bad guy" labels. It is better to fight while there is a chance of winning, than to wait and be forced to fight when all hope is lost.