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+==| Super NES |==| Genesis |==| Arcade |==| Jaguar |==| News |==| Opinion |==+
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|                                                                    ISSUE 52 |
| An Innovative Creations production                  July 12 - July 18, 1994 |
| Complete 3DO coverage, including info on Way of the Warrior!                |
| Super Street Fighter II (SNES) Reviewed, news on SSF2T for 3DO              |
| RLR: The top and bottom five Summer CES 'stories'                           |
| Ace's Angles: 19 feet deep and falling                                      |
| NEWS: Atari to send 300,000 Jags to market by year's end                    |
  Ace's Angles..........................................................[ACE'S]
    What it's like to be rescued by lifeguards
  Ultimate '94 Summer CES Tape........................................[TAPE-AD]
    The goods are shipping this week!
  The NEWS...............................................................[NEWS]
    Atari to send Jags en masse to market
    3DO to get only version of Super Street Fighter II Turbo
  Express Mail...........................................................[MAIL]
    "Twisted Facts", and more
  Gamer's World.........................................................[GW-AD]
    The official home of GMJ
  Information Update......................................................[NFO]
    What's going on with Game Master Journal
  Summer CES Report, part 2..............................................[SCES]
    Complete 3DO coverage
  Project TNT..........................................................[TNT-AD]
    Order the Ultimate CES-only printed/disk-based mag

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   Welcome to the friendliest place on the Information Superhighway, Game
 Master Journal!  I'm your non-toll keeper, Anthony "Ace" Shubert, bringing you
 the news, opinion and banter you have come to expect.  Even if you don't like
 it.. :)
   Well, Mortal Kombat II is coming out at 24 megs compressed, instead of the
 32 meg we reported here last week.  OOPS.. :)  I guess the gang at Frontier
 and TGF won't have to buy more RAM for their Super Wild Cards..
   You like our new SearchWords (tm)?  Like ACE'S in the brackets.  Think of
 them like bookmarks.  If you have a text editor that searches for words, this
 will make it easier for you to more around the mag.  Any suggestions on them?
 For more info, please SearchWord INFO.  (Oh yeah, SearchWord is a noun and a
 verb.  Ahh, you gotta love the gang at Marketing.)
   Oh!  I won Blockbuster Video's World Game Championship in my store (Quincy,
 Mass.) with a score of 654,709 in the Super NES division.  Regionals are this
 weekend... report next week.
   Well, sorry that I can't report too many rumors this ish - I have been a bit
 pre-occupied.  I almost drowned this weekend.  [And all of those who are
 cheering/laughing, go into your room! =]
   During the Family Reunion Of Doom (tm) I went to a state park here on
 Massachusetts' Cape Cod.  Tanya (Arkady) and Timothy (Matrix) and I were
 swimming and having fun in the pond, when the two of them took off into the
 deep part of the "safe-for-swimming" area, marked off by some buoys.  I figure
 'Okay, chase them - you can rest on the buoys and get your strength and breath
 back.'  I did, and they were not strong enough to hold my 225 pound frame.
 And I was tired.  I paniced - despite Ark's and Matrix' best efforts, I "went
 under."  Twice.
   One of the 2 lifeguards on duty made it to me, went behind me and CHOKED ME,
 me going into the water.  Just when I think I'm about to 'bite the big one,'
 the other lifeguard appears with a floatation device, which I hold onto as if
 my life depended on it.  (Because it did!)
   My, THAT was fun.  Well, gotta go and put in for hazard pay - enjoy GMJ 52.

:::: ADVERTISEMENT :[TAPE-AD]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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::  You've read the reviews - now SEE the moves! Exclusive video footage!!  ::
::                                                                          ::
:                                                                            :
: Video Source and GMJ have teamed up to create the ultimate Summer Consumer :
: Electronics Show video.  Our video will contain:                           :
:                                                                            :
: * direct feed of the hottest games,                                        :
: * interviews from well known people from various companies, such as        :
:     Bill White from Sega and many more,                                    :
: * previews of the 32X, Jaguar add-ons and Ultra 64!                        :
: * Mortal Kombat II, Donkey Cong Country, Super SF2, Alien vs. Predator,    :
:   Way of the Warrior, and more!                                            :
:                                                                            :
:Marty Chinn is known for running Video Source, day by day CES reports from  :
:last winter, and the WCES video.  GMJ is the #1 online gaming magazine      :
:and without them, the interviews could not be possible.                     :
:                                                                            :
:What a perfect team!                                                        :
:                                                                            :
:The price of the video will be 12 dollars plus shipping.  Shipping costs are:
:as follows:                                                                 :
:                                                                            :
:     US: $3.00   Canada: $3.50   International: $10.00                      :
:                                                                            :
:Please make check or money orders payable to _Linda Chinn_ and send it to:  :
:                                                                            :
:>>>>>>  Video Source                                                        :
:>>>>>>  973 Foxglove Dr.                                                    :
:>>>>>>  Sunnyvale, CA 94086                                                 :
:                                                                            :
:OR - call 617.472.0041 and ask for the Summer CES video if you have         :
:an Visa, MasterCard or Discover/Novus.  Same Day shipping if you order      :
:with a credit card! [After tape is complete: about 7/7/94.]                 :
:You can email your credit card orders to shuubert@usc.edu with your name,   :
:address, phone number, card, card number and exparation date.               :
:                                                                            :
:Marty Chinn and GMJ are also a part of Project TNT and it will definately be:
:hot so don't hesitate to order your copy.  TNT for in depth info and Video  :
:Source and GMJ for the ultimate video, will give the CES experience to you. :
:Forget the rest, get the best.  TNT and Video Source/GMJ.                   :
:                                                                            :

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+-[ NEWS: The Computer Workshop 617.472.0041  386SX-33 system only $850!    ]-+


 Atari Corporation (ASE:ATC) confirmed today a majority of its 1994 300,000
 piece production of Jaguar will be manufactured by IBM in Charlotte, North
 Carolina.  Jaguar is the only 64-bit multimedia entertainment system and is
 the only video game system made exclusively in the United States.

 Sam Tramiel, President said, "We are pleased to have IBM's manufacturing
 strength and support as we commence volume production for the Christmas
 selling season and we are proud that this relationship has enabled us to
 competitively manufacture Jaguar in the United States."

 What does this mean?  Cheaper Jags.  If the Jaguar was manufactured overseas,
 as some other companies do, the Jag would be 30 to 50 dollars more than what
 it is now (from $225 to $249 retail.)


 Matssushita Consumer Electronics Company will market Super Street Fighter II
 Turbo for the 3DO platform.  It's projected for a November release with no
 MSRP at press time.

 SSF2 Turbo for the 3DO will be the first Capcom game on the multimedia
 platform.  It will take full advantage of the 32-bit RISC processor, providing
 a true arcade feel with arcade-quality graaphics and CD-quality sound.

 Everything from the new animations and moves for each character to the new
 "Super Death Combos" will all be included.  Gouki, a hidden character, will
 also be in the game for players to fight against.

 As it stands now, there are no plans to produce a special controller for the
 game, which may make game-play a bit diffucult.  The standard 3DO controller
 has 6 buttons, 3 on the right thumb (like a standard Genesis stick), a start
 button and 2 under your pointer fingers atop the stick (like the Super NES
 stick.) All SF2 games use 6 buttons during gameplay, 3 for punching and 3 for
 kicking, so one must wonder how the 3DO version will play.

  Leader in Coin-Operated Gaming Systems to Power Machines with Jaguar Engine

 Atari Corporation today announced that it has signed an agreement with the
 coin-operated game division of Time Warner Interactive, Inc., a worldwide
 leader in video games and entertainment software and creator of such arcade
 hits as Hard Drivin', Race Drivin' and Roadblasters.  The agreement will make
 Jaguar's award- winning 64-bit technology engine available for Time Warner
 Interactive arcade games.  The deal also states that all software titles
 developed on the Jaguar platform by Time Warner Interactive will also be
 available on the Jaguar home video system.

 "Embedding the 64-bit horsepower of Jaguar in our coin- operated video games
 will enable us to broaden our presence in the largest sector of the arcade
 market that demand high performance at competitive pricing," said Geoff
 Holmes, CEO of Time Warner Interactive.  "We believe the Jaguar engine will be
 instrumental in helping us meet this important goal."

 "We are pleased that Time Warner Interactive has chosen the Jaguar engine to
 power its outstanding arcade video games," said Sam Tramiel, President, Atari
 Corporation.  "This agreement will give a new segment of game players access
 to Jaguar's unprecedented performance and provide a host of hot, new titles
 for Jaguar.  We look forward to continuing to expand Jaguar's market reach."

 Time Warner Interactive, a subsidiary of Time Warner Inc., is a leading
 developer and publisher of Interactive consumer entertainment products that
 span across platforms from coin-operated video arcade games and home video
 games systems, to game-based CD and computer CD-ROM platforms and interactive
 TV applications.  TWI was formerly known as Atari Games / Tengen.

     ] Innovative Creations                                                [
     ] 25 Temple Street          +--- +  + +--+ +--+ +--- +--  +--         [
     ] Quincy, MA 02169          |-    ++  +--+ |-++ |-   +--+ +--+        [
     ] (shubert@usc.edu)         +--- +  + |    |  \ +---  --+  --+        [
     ]                                  |\ /| +--+ -+- |                   [
     ]                                  |   | |--|  |  |                   [
     ]                                  |   | |  | -+- +---                [
 >>> We publish as many letters as we can - so send your in to the email
 >>> address above if you want everyone in GMJ to read it, or mail it to one
 >>> of our writers directly [see email list, below.]

  We screwed up, sew us...

  "[GMJ] Game Master Journal #51 - over 58k big!"
  58k's worth of... twisted facts?
  Case in point, in a review of the arcade game Alien vs.  Predator:

> This game is setup like Final Fight, and you have a choice betweeen four
> different characters: Maj.  D.  Schaeffer has the best strength , Lt.  Ripley
> has the best skill rating,

  Lt. Ripley?!  She wasn't even in the game!
  I'm sure our editor sure was taking his job as a fact-checker real seriously.
  :) Way to go GMJ...  being the first doesn't mean being the best.

  Eddie | edju@phakt.usc.edu (Mortal Kombatant)

[ACE: Ahh, my fans from USC.  Yes, Ripley was _NOT_ in the game.  My bad!  I
      guess that you should stop reading us now - we made one error.  This
      happens when you print as much info as we do.
      Sorry.  5 bytes incorrect out of 58k is a pretty good average, I think.]

 Dissatisfied reader doesn't like ads

 Might want to include some articles in between the ads next time!
 -Mike | [email address withheld upon request]

 [ACE: Electronic Gaming Monthly has a 1 page of "info" to 1 ad ratio.  Ours
       over our 4 years has been about 88:1 [no joke], and over the last 3
       months better than 8:1.  Considering that we are FREE, the ads are a
       small price to pay (otherwise, we can't exist.  Lights, phone, rent..)]

 Aussie wants Jaguar info...
 Hallo Anthony,

   I read your mag every week since ish #45 and I reckon it's pretty cool.  I
 get it from the alt.games.mk newsgroup but I missed ish #50.  Can you please
 make me a subscriber so I never miss a copy!
   By the way, is the Jaguar really 64bit or is it 2 x 32bit processors?
 Because I heard that it was 2 x 32bit processors.  Have you played the Jag or
 3DO are they cool?
   Please remember to put my subscription in! And could you also please
 include ish 50 because I heard that it had great CES coverage.

  From your #1 GMJ Fan in Sydney Australia!
  Guy (Son of John (I love the Net!)) <jdonald@ozemail.com.au>

 [ACE: Thanks for subscribing - by the time you read this you should have ish
       50 in your inbox.  The Jag has a 64-bit Graphics processor (and others
       to help it, like a 'Blitter'), a 32-bit match co-processor, and a 16-bit
       controller processor (can be used for other things.)  For a more
       complete answer, seek the FAQ from the newsgroup rec.games.video.atari ]

 Rev-X has Eat The Rich, and reader wants to write...
 Anthony, Anthony, Ace...

 "Eat the Rich" *is* in Rev_X....

 Near the end of the first level in the club as you're walking the gangplank --
 oops...  you have to get to a secret room to walk on that part.  Anyway --
 it's in there (sorry, Prego! (tm)).

 So, if I wanted to, I could write journals about pinball games, and send them
 in? Also, I have a decent expertise about pinball games....  video and
 regular...  this coming from a kid who had both Pinbot and High Speed for the
 old 8 bit.  I'd probably have to rent them to review them, but that would be
 ok...  How do you get a chance to get games so early...?

 Well -- I must go -- 51 was good; can't wait to hear more about the ol'
 mk3/mk2 action!!! BTW, there's an ok discussion about who should be plotted in
 mk3 in rec.v.g.arcade...James Earl Jones doing a voice-over....  nice....  :)

 Finally, cool mention of ADIs...  I don't think some people will still
 understand it...

 Talk to you later, Anthony.
 Nick "DJ" Schneider
 North Central College
 WONC-FM 89"Pure Rock".1
 Naperville, Illinois

 [ACE: We are considering making a 'Pinball Masters Journal,' but our previous
       attempts to hit that audience ended in flames [see GMJ 38.]  The news-
       group about pinball, rec.games.pinball, is very 'closed,' in that if
       you haven't been there for years, they do not want you.
       And you're right - we got about 5 replies that ETR is in Rev-X.  I need
       to go play some more!!
       By the way, does the 'noctrl' in your email address mean "North Central"
       or "No Control"?                                                       ]

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      :                                           ........................:
      :ANTHONY SHUBERT  shubert@usc.edu           :                       :
      :DAVID RUBIN      cue@escape.com            :   Without email, GMJ  :
      :TANYA KUTASZ     tnkutasz@ugcs.caltech.edu : can't work!  So tell  :
      :all other staff  shubert@usc.edu           :   us what you think!  :
      :                                           :                       :

 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
                    Game Master Journal Informational Update
 [NFO] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
 This is just a little section we have added in so you, the readers, can be
 informed about GMJ and Innovative Creations.

 GMJ's IRC Tuesdays re-start tonight [July 12] in channel #GMJ at 9pm Eastern.

 As of next week [Issue 53], GMJ will be sent through email before noon
 Tuesdays.  Posted on the newsgroups shortly thereafter.

 Discussion on alt.config about the GMJ newgroup, alt.mag.game-master-journal,
 begins this Thursday.  Please feel free to post your opinions!

 If you have been sending [GMJ] FAQ requests, they have been ignored.  Sorry!
 Please re-send them and we'll send one back.

 GMJ is is nesprate need of Genesis reviewers.  If you own a Genesis, and want
 to work for internship credit or the like, please send for our writers
 guidelines (make the subject [GMJ] guidelines).

+-| ADVERTISEMENT | [GW-AD] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+
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\ #   # #   # #   # #     #  #       #  # # # #   # #  #  #     #   #  VERY!  /
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/   The home BBS of Game Master Journal - 24hrs - 640meg - 14.4 baud - FREE!  \

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 +-=-=-=-=-=| Complete 3DO coverage: Way of the Warrior and more!! |-=-=-=-=-+

 The 3DO was, once again, shown in a seperate building than Sega and Nintendo.
 Unlike shows past, the 3DO Company made a strong showing for themselves by
 unveiling their second-generation games and hitting a wider market with them.

 The most talked about, most played and most hyped game at the 3DO booth (and
 maybe the entire show) was Naughty Dog's Way of the Warrior.  It out fights
 Street Fighter, and out combats Mortal Kombat.  Varying fighting terrains (Ice
 Caves have 4 levels of fighting, the Fire Pit's edges burn away as the match
 goes on...) and vastly different characters make this a MUST BUY GAME for the

 Each of the 9 player-characters are rendered and digitized beautifully.  They
 each have a unique style (kickboxing, boxing, street fighting, FLYING, Tai
 Kwan Do, and more) and between 60 and 80 moves EACH!

 The screen pans, zooms and tilts with the action to keep you involved.  There
 are reflections, weather effects, perspictve shadows and many more graphical

 Instead of scoring you points, you get "Skull Points" per hit.  As you go, you
 can collect them by literally knocking them out of your foe, or having them
 land on you from above.  You can then use these for mega-powerful moves (7
 seconds invincibility, limited invisibility, double damage and unusual moves),
 but you need to build the pinage first.  A great strategy plus!

 Coming this August (no MSRP yet) Way of the Warrior will be the WAY COOL game
 this fall!

 Here's a list of the other games at the show, in alphabetical order by
 company name....

 American Lazer Games will be releasing Shoot Out at Old Tuscon to the
 _arcades_.  Almost mimicing the NEO*GEO, this 3DO-in-an-arcade-cabinet system
 will allow arcade owners to change from one game to another quite easily (just
 by switching CDs.)  Next on the list: driving and fighting games.

 Chrystal Dynamics showed three big name games at the show.  Off-World
 Interceptor is a 2-player/same-screen 4x4 racce and chase and shooter game.
 The terrain is very realistic - and beautiful, considering it's moon-like - it
 almost gives you the feel that you ARE there.  I jumped off a cliff with my
 Interceptor, and in one player mode, you do feel it.  (Two players split the
 screen down the middle, so you only see 1/2 the action.  Oh well.)  Needs a
 few more weapons, but right now it's looking pretty good.  It's about 70% done
 now, and should be released by the end of summer.

 Star Control II is a port from the award-winning PC game.  The only part of
 the game complete was the melee, where you and a friend (or the computer) play
 Street Fighter with ships; each ship has a different speed, range, and style
 of weaponry to choose from.  Over 16 ships to choose from.  The digitized
 voices and sounds will be in the finished version (the game was only 20% at
 the show.)  The quest mode will also be in the game, where you must save the
 universe from being taken over by Kohr-Ah by dealing with aliens, mining
 planets (avoiding natural disaters such as lava, lightning and warped gravity)
 and fighting with and against the big guns.  Great game for IBM, lets see it
 on 3DO.  No release date as of press time.

 Samurai Showdown, based on SNK's NEO*GEO game, was at about 10%.  What was
 there was an almost exact translation of the arcade swordfighting game.  They
 are shooting for a Christmas release.

 Electronic Arts continues to be a HUGE 3DO licensee with three big games for
 the 3DO.  Road Rash, Shock Wave: Invasion Earth 2019 and Theme Park are all
 going to be major 3DO hits.  And the surprise of the show: FIFA Soccer.

 FIFA Soccer was about half done - and it was amazine.  3-D rendered players
 (11 on 11) played in a full-screen, full-motion, no-lag game that was amazing.
 While 4 could link-up at the show, 8 players will be able to compete at once
 in the final version, coming later this year.  360-degree rotation, CD-quality
 sound, and much, much more.

 Road Rash, a Genesis port, is a motercycle-gone-nuts driving/combat game.
 Drive through the countryside, cities and more while punching, kicking and
 whipping enemy motercyclists to the ground.  Included in this version will be
 full motion video (FMV) of 6 A&M Records alternative music bands.  This
 footage is combined with the existing motercycle footage to make a real
 'multimedia' game.  No MPEG module is needed.  Coming this month, it's MSRP
 is $70.

 Shock Wave: Invasion Earth 2019 is an interactive sci-fi movie that puts
 players inside an F-177 space airship.  You'll fight 3-D real-time-rendered
 alien nasties inbetween the interactive storytelling.  CD-quality music with
 Dolby Surround Sound(tm) accompanies the action.  Coming in August, this also
 has a $70 price tag.  An MPEG version will also be available.

 EA with Bullfrog Productions will release Theme Park this September.  Picture
 SimCity in an amusement park.  Where do I put the ferris wheel?  Should I
 allow food in the park?  Bring more customers - create longer lines?  Coming
 in at $60.

 Intellimedia Sports/ESPN Enterprises will bring 5 titles this fall, including
 ESPN Golf: Lower Your Score with Tom Kite - Shot Making, ESPN Step Aerobics,
 ESPN Baseball: Hitting and Cowboy Casino.  ESPN's Lets Play Soccer comes this
 month, and teaches the basics to the world's most popular sport.  (Too late
 for the US National team.)

 Panasonic kicks in 5 games of their own: True Golf Classics: Waialae, REAL
 Pinball, Burning Soldier, Tetsujin and Guardian War...

 Panasonic, with T+E Soft, will publish True Golf Classics: Waialae Country
 Club for the 3DO in September.  FMV throughout, including a real fly-by of
 each hole make this title unique.  Closely resembles the Super NES version.
 MSRP of $60.

 REAL Pinball is supposed to be a 5 pinball games on one disk, but the two that
 I saw stunk.  Nice sound and graphics, but played AWEFUL.  Coming in 2 months,
 but who cares?

 Burning Soldier is a much better game, however.  This shooter puts you in
 control of a Strike Fighter, which you must pilot though 18 zones, including
 space and the ruins of Earth.  3-D graphics and great scene-to-scene
 transitions make this a keeper.  1 or 2 players in September, MSRP of $60.

 Tetsujin fills the RPG gap the 3DO has - but we'll have to see the finished
 product here.  It's a hide-and-seek-then-kill game between you and a mad
 scientist with his Motoids (Metroids?).  It's a movie.  It's a maze game.
 It's 2 games in one!  We hope.  October/November for $65.

 Guardian War is another RPG, but with a different spin.  It's geared toward a
 wider audience, with problem solving and teamwork the key here.  Defeat the
 evil Azrul to restore peace to the planet in this 360-degree panoramic world.
 October/November for $60.

 PF.Magic will release PaTaank this OCtober.  This is a first-person pinball
 game which pushes the limits of the 3DO to the max.  Shoot the ball (that's
 you!) into bumpers, ramps, shoots and goals for points.  1-4 players can join
 in the fun.  What is a PaTaank?  It's the sound you make when you hit
 something (puh TANK!)

 Psygnosis had a very early Microcosm at the show.  Microcosm, a PC and cd32
 hit, is a first-person shooter where you go flying through someone's
 bloodstream to rid him of the diseases that lurk there.  No release date or
 MSRP as of press time.

 RUNANDGUN! isn't a command, it's a company name.  They're bringing Duelin'
 Firemen! to the 3DO, an original game that baffles me.  Chicago is on fire in
 1995, and the entire fire, police and rescue people have disappeared.  So, you
 become them all and go into a "safe house" (non-burning building) and dance to
 the music you select.  Uh, yeeah.

 The 3DO Company will release Soccer Kid, a side-scrolling game, this August
 for $60.  You must traverse 28 stages trying to collect the shattered World
 Cup.  Kid has dribbling, shooting and heading skills to help gamers complete
 their mission.

[====| ADVERTISEMENT |=[TNT-AD]===================================================]

     Think back six months or a year to the last time you read a CES report
on the Internet. Remember all the people who said they would show up and
post a series of reports with everything they saw? Most of them never did.
After Summer CES '93, Renegade Technologies Unlimited came back with answers
to questions asked by Internet gamers and followed up by unleashing hundreds
of pages of text including question-and-answer sessions with the Internet
gaming public, a list of every game shown with ratings/comments, digitized
photographs and even sound files from then-unreleased games such as Street
Fighter II Champion Edition for the Genesis. After Winter CES '94, we
coordinated online interviews with show participants and made their
transcripts available within 24 hours.
      Now we're shining our shoes and ironing our clothes in preparation for
 the 1994 Summer Consumer Electronics Show.  19 TNT staffers took to the show
 floors of McCormick Place and brought back incredible insights into the next
 year of video game products.  You read it correctly, "insights." Not just some
 guy summarizing Virtua Fighters in one-syllable words; we're talking about
 pages of solid text and pictures devoted to bringing home the whole story
 behind the SCES.
      TNT (The Next Thing) magazine was conceived as the end-all-be-all of SCES
 coverage, combining audio, video and written reports in an effort to save the
 average gamer $500+ on airfare and hotel accommodations.  We do all the
 footwork, we ask all the questions, and we burn ourselves out.  You sit at
 home playing video games and receive a big envelope in the mail.  It's simple
 and it will work -- just ask any of the people who have already subscribed to
 TNT about our high quality customer service.  One issue only, no continuing
 obligations, arriving in mid-July...  but read on.
      Take a look back at some of your old game magazines.  How much CES
 coverage did you find? 10 pages? Maybe 15 at best? That's not coverage, that's
 shameful -- this is a 3-day event with hundreds of exhibitors, and everyone
 has something interesting to show.  Ever wonder why the major gaming mags can
 only squeeze a few pages of information out of a show that lasts for three or
 four days? Answer: Their "writers" don't pay much attention.  Snap a picture,
 make up a 30-word synopsis, and that's what the game was like at CES.  The
 high-quality TNT magazine will be a hardcopy printed booklet with many pages
 devoted to the show's general highlights and notable events.
      The magazine will feature sections devoted to showing the best games
 (regardless of system) in each major genre, a look at the keynote speech by
 Nintendo's Howard Lincoln, and some beautiful artwork by TNT's own Russell
 Kumro.  For the reader's maximum enjoyment, additional computer disks
 [available in IBM and Macintosh formats] will carry photographs (and perhaps
 digitized sound files) from the show, highlighting each major
 hardware-producer's licensees and displays.
      Does TNT sound like it will kill your pocketbook? It won't, because we
 designed the magazine around four principles to be flexible enough to
 accommodate many types of readers.

[*] Flexibility: [*]   Today's gamer owns two or three systems and generally
                       despises competing companies. Do you own a 3DO and hate
                       Atari and their Jaguar? Or a Genesis and hate Nintendo?
                       Well, don't spend the money on information you'll just
                       skip anyway. The TNT magazine is available in
                       your choice of configurations -- you pick the systems
                       you want and we'll send you the appropriate disks and
                       printed materials.

[*] Cost-Efficiency: [*]   The printed TNT magazine with CES highlights will
                           cost only $6.00, a better value than what you would
                           get (a crappy five-page synopsis) in the average
                           mainstream magazine. Each company-specific set of
                           disks and additional printed materials will cost
                           an additional $5.00, and a disk of miscellaneous 			
                           photos and out-takes will be only $4.00.  That 			
                           miscellaneous disk will include pictures from 			
                           companies like Sony, TTI and Commodore (if any 			
                           of them show up for CES).  We're selling 			 Atari,
                           Nintendo, Sega and 3DO company disks which 			 will
                           include the aforementioned companies' 			 licensees
                           as well.  If you want to buy the whole 			
                           compendium of CES information, the price is $26.

[*] Functionality: [*]   IBM or Macintosh disks will be included with
                          each company-specific or miscellaneous/outtakes- disk
                          order.  The photographs will be in a format maximized
                          for compression and photo quality.  You'd be amazed
                          at how much high resolution detail we were able to
                          squeeze into the last Summer CES photos; more,
                          believe it or not, than could be seen without a
                          magnifying glass.  The printed magazine can be kept
                          on your desk, framed above your fireplace or used as
                          a security blanket.  Regardless of what you do with
                          it, it'll look cool and contain entertaining insights
                          into the real nature of the CES show.

[*] Quick Delivery: [*]   Here's the best part. Waiting sucks and no one knows
                          it better than Team Renegade and you.  We're making a
                          guarantee that TNT will be released at a *maximum* of
                          three weeks after CES.  We're going to try for two
                          weeks or less, but we can't control everything.
                          Remember, we're not talking about just printing
                          regurgitated press releases and press kit photos;
                          you'll see the former on the Internet within a day of
                          release to the media.  TNT will feature the types of
                          nook and cranny questions no one seems to ask.

     Renegade Technologies Unlimited is committed to the production of an
exceptional piece of journalism. The TNT magazine will be both comprehensive
and professionally produced, delivered faster than the major magazines and
far more insightful for certain. RTU will be maintaining a professional
set of records for those who order TNT in advance and we make an absolute
guarantee that if we cannot deliver the product we will instantly refund
your money. Additionally, if Sega and their licensees have no presence at
the CES (which is quite doubtful), we'll refund the cost of the Sega-specific
     Want to see the quality of our past work? Check out the BUSOP.CIT.WAYNE.
EDU site (cd pub/ces and pub/pselect) for high quality photographs, game
reviews and information... or read the work of our staff in such publications
as GamePro, VideoGames magazine, Wired, Intelligent Gamer, VidBits and Game
Bytes. You'll appreciate our devotion to customer satisfaction and the degree
of our attention to properly handling your order.
     Order today and be guaranteed the best *honest* information directly
after the Summer CES... and next time someone promises that they'll ask your
questions and bring you the answers, remember who did it first and who does
it best.

         Jer Horwitz
     Renegade Technologies
        - Unlimited -

[PLEASE NOTE: There is no shipping charge for orders within the United States.
TNT is not necessarily endorsed by Atari, Nintendo, Sega, 3DO or any company
other than Renegade Technologies Unlimited. We thank the editors of Game
Master Journal, Intelligent Gamer and the former Vidbits for their continuing
support and endorsement.]

of Copies:

 [   ]  TNT Printed Magazine: Includes detailed information about the best
 [   ]  and worst at CES; contains no disks but will include some printed
 digitized photographs. A high-quality printed publication without
 the childish handwriting you find in "fanzines." $6.00 per copy.

 [   ]  TNT Extended Atari Coverage: Get the inside track on Atari's booth
 [   ]  at the CES, where nearly 100 developers have signed on to develop
 Jaguar products. $5.00 per Atari extension. Includes:
       Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

 [   ]  TNT Extended Nintendo Coverage: See what Nintendo and its licensees
 [   ]  will be selling during the Christmas shopping season. Project Reality?
 New portable Nintendo game systems? SNES Super Street Fighter 2 and
 Mortal Kombat 2? $5.00 per Nintendo extension. Includes:
       Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

 [   ]  TNT Extended Sega Coverage: Despite plans to hold their own Sega show
 [   ]  in sunny Florida, there should most likely be a ample representation
 of Sega software at Summer CES. A Genesis Mortal Kombat 2 and Super
 SF2? Saturn? $5.00 per Sega extension. Includes:
       Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

 [   ]  TNT Extended 3DO Coverage: With a powerful multimedia machine and
 [   ]  several hundred licensees, there will be plenty of amazing 3DO
 hardware and software on display. The new Samsung 3DO machine? The
 IBM-compatible 3DO-on-a-card? $5.00 per 3DO extension. Includes:
       Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

 [   ]  TNT Miscellaneous and Outtakes Disks: The types of stuff we couldn't
 [   ]  quite categorize elsewhere. Last Summer CES had photos of Neon Man,
 this incredibly dopey guy who did exercises in neon-tubed clothing
 so he could sell neon lights for cars. We'd also anticipate some
 shots of Sony's PS-X (if they choose to display it), any TTI game
 system, Commodore CD-32 and the like. When you're not crying about
 TTI, you can laugh at morons like Neon Man. $4.00, Includes:
       Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

 [   ]  TNT Grand Package: For $26 you get the magazine and all the extensions
 [   ]  including their disks and printed hardcopies. Specify IBM or Mac disks.

TNT will be mailed to the following address:

Name/Business: _____________________________________________

Street Address: ____________________________________________

City, State, Zip: __________________________________________

Phone Number At Which You Can Be Reached (and appropriate hours):

(________)   ________  -  ___________        ____________________________

Internet Address (or other Electronic Service) (Please be accurate):

_______________________   @   ____________________________________________

Special Deal (if any, see below):


_________________________________  (Parcel Post/Printed Matter; include payment)

RTU recommends the use of US Mail Postal Money Orders but will also
      accept valid personal checks and other legitimate types of money
      orders. Checks should be made out to Renegade Technologies Unlimited.

     * = International orders, please see the table below and include
         international shipping charges.

International TNT Orders:

    International TNT orders will be accepted with payment in United States
funds only, and we advise use of either American Express money orders or
cashiers' checks from large international banks. The rates quoted below are
for US Mail standard international service and are based upon estimates of
package weight -- we do not intend to profit from shipping costs and RTU will
absorb losses if the magazine is heavier than anticipated. US Mail currently
claims the following rates will deliver a package within 7-10 days of mailing;
RTU makes no guarantees regarding the US Mail's system of international
deliveries but we do guarantee that RTU will promptly mail all materials to
you upon completion of the publication. Sorry, we cannot accept Eurocard or
other credit cards for orders.

Overseas mailing rates (in Europe [outside of the United States]):

Printed Matter Rate for any TNT order (take some risk of damage given
disk contents, though we'll try to prevent it on this end): add $7.00 for

Parcel Post Rates (treated like packages, with somewhat more care):
  For the TNT magazine without any additional supplements: add $4 for shipping.
  For TNT with one supplement: add $5.50 for shipping.
  For TNT with two supplements: add $7.00 for shipping.
  For TNT with three supplements: add $8.50 for shipping.
  For the TNT Grand Package (or 4 supplements): add $9.25 for shipping.

Canadian and Mexican (hehe) mailing rates:

Printed Matter Rate for any TNT order (take some risk of damage given
disk contents, though we'll try to prevent it on this end): add $4.00 for

Parcel Post Rates (treated like packages, with somewhat more care):

  For the TNT magazine without additional supplements: add $2.50 for shipping.
  For TNT with one supplement: add $3.75 for shipping.
  For TNT with two supplements: add $5.00 for shipping.
  For the TNT Grand Package (or 3-4 supplements): add $5.50 for shipping.

 There is no additional shipping charge for orders delivered to addresses in
 the United States.

Please mail completed order form and appropriate payment to:

     Renegade Technologies Unlimited
     37 LeBrun Circle
     Amherst, New York 14226-4120
     Attention: TNT Magazine (GMJ)

[                                                                             ]
[   COMING IN THE NEXT    [*] Super Street Fighter II and Stunt Race reviewed ]
[    ____ __  __     _                                                        ]
[   / ___|  \/  |   | |   [*] 3rd-party SNES and Genesis games from the CES   ]
[  | |  _| |\/| |_  | |                                                       ]
[  | |_| | |  | | |_| |   [*] Blockbuster Video World Game Championship update]
[   \____|_|  |_|\___/                                                        ]

Producer: Anthony Shubert       Online Layout Editor: Anthony Shubert
Head Writing Staff:                Contributors:
 HOME SYSTEMS   Reny Falzarano       Mr. Sims, the Pepperidge Farmer,
 HEAD REVIEWERS CJ Mushala                 Mr. Mojo Risin', Aquarius,
  FUTURE WAVE   Tanya Kutasz             Eli, Sai-Blade, Matrix, Shez

We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the following companies:
Nintendo of America, Sega Enterprises, Turbo Technologies (NEC),
Atari Corp., Atari Games, SMSG, or any other videogaming company.

Product names are either (c) or trademarks of their respective
companies, and the non-marking of such product is not a challenge to
its status.

Ace's Angles, Chronicle, Express Mail, Warp Zone, and all content are
(c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Innovative Creations

:: Some ASCII/ANSI work created with use of 'TheDraw' SW program ::
:: Some ASCII work created with use of 'Figlet' freeware program ::